frucienlover · 2 years
La Rose Noire (The Black Rose)
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This fanfiction is a birthday gift, dedicated to Claire, one of my best friends that I met right here on Tumblr. Happy birthday, girl, I love you!!!! 😘😘😘 @7-wonders​
 Summary: Moving from her family home in Boston and having to settle into a new territory in Los Angeles wasn't what Rose Harmon had in mind when she wanted a fresh start, but with the death of her unborn baby sibling and the revelation of her father's affair, she understood why it was necessary. When things begin to go awry in their new home, Rose will find that the lines between good and evil become blurred and must answer the age old question: can true love really conquer all?
Prologue: The Move
The shouting was muffled, but it could still be heard through the thin walls. Raised, angry voices floated from their parents' room to the room Rose Harmon shared with her younger twin sister, Violet.
"They're fighting again," Violet said sullenly, sitting on her bed with her knees drawn up to her chest, her chin resting on them and her arms wrapped around herself for support.
Rose glanced over at her sister, sympathy washing over her at the latter's position. Violet always had trouble adjusting to life as a moody teenager, but the constant arguments between their parents and the tension in the house only made it worse.
"Yeah. I know," she sighed and moved away from the door before sitting on Violet's bed, the mattress dipping with the redhead's weight.
"Do you think they'll get divorced?" Violet asked softly, staring into her sister's eyes.
Rose contemplated that. On one hand, she hoped that their parents didn't end up divorced; it just complicated things, like holidays, custody battles, the news spreading around town, etc. Not to mention the emotional strain it would put on them all…
But on the other…if their mother left their father, it wouldn't be undeserved on his end.
"I hope not," she eventually answered. "But I'd understand if they did."
Violet nodded. After a few minutes of silence, another inquiry left her lips: "If you had to choose…if they wanted us to choose…who would you live with? Mainly?"
That question made Rose pause. "Who would you live with?" She countered calmly, though she already knew the answer.
'I knew it,' Rose thought. Her sister had always been closer to their father. She never understood why, but they'd always had such a strong bond while Violet's relationship with their mother was strained, especially when the younger Harmon started puberty. 
"I'd choose Mom," she watched Violet's nose crinkle slightly. It wasn't disgust she saw on her face, but her twin obviously wasn't pleased with her response.
"Why?" Violet asked. She realized that her tone could be considered rude or judgmental, but she didn't backtrack and change it.
Rose gave her a look that was both reprimanding and incredulous. "He cheated on her," she said.
"He was grieving. They lost our brother," the defense sounded weak to even Violet's ears, but it was the truth. Ben Harmon didn't just decide to go out and cheat on his wife, Vivien, because he didn't love her; it was brought on by tragedy and the emotional distance between them afterwards.
"That doesn't make it okay," Rose replied, protectiveness over her mother rearing its head again at the younger girl's words. She always had a stronger bond with Vivien than with Ben. Maybe it was because she was her first daughter or she just had more in common with her than Violet, but the older twin never had the same connection with her father that she had with her mother. "He slept with another woman—one of his students, no less—and Mom caught them in her bed. Yes, Mom pushed him away, and Dad lost him, too, but Mom was the one who carried our brother for seven months only to discover that he died inside of her and then had to deliver his body two months after because her own didn't naturally flush him out. I don't blame her for coping with losing her baby the way she knew how at the time. Being depressed and not wanting to be with her husband for awhile is not the same as fucking someone else in your marital bed and you know that, Vi."
Rose's heated lecture silenced Violet, the fight draining out of her. She sniffled a bit and said, in a small voice, "I just don't want our family to be ripped apart. I don't want to be ripped from you."
Rose's eyes softened. She completely understood what Violet was saying. It wasn't so much that she condoned their father's affair or blamed their mother for it, she just didn't want to experience such a drastic change. They liked their life in Boston: their house, their friends, their school…if their parents divorced, they'd be taken from all of that, especially if both of them wanted to relocate to different areas further away from one another.
The fact that they each wanted to live with the other parent made the situation absolutely hellish. Despite their differing opinions and arguments they'd had throughout the years, Rose and Violet had always been close. They shared a womb together, they were born together, they did everything together…losing each other would be like tearing out a part of themselves that they could never get back. They would never feel whole again.
Rose leaned forward, bringing Violet into a comforting embrace. Despite not being the most social person, her sister was the exception, and Violet leaned into her warmth, closing her eyes and taking in the scent of her—the vanilla skin care products and lavender shampoo she ritualistically used—and the sound of her heartbeat as the dirty blonde placed her ear against the redhead's chest. Violet allowed Rose to hold her, to support her as she slumped into her, as if she could physically join them so it made separation impossible, basking in the serenity that only her sister could provide.
Ever the caretaker, Rose kissed the top of Violet's head before gently running her fingers through her hair, stroking between the strands and repeating the motion to further relax the distressed teen in her arms.
"I don't want to lose you, either," Rose murmured. Even the thought was agonizing to her. "But I promise you that no matter what happens, you and I will always be together."
"How?" Violet asked.
"In our hearts. You're in mine all the time and I know I'm in yours. As long as we have that, it won't matter how far the distance is between us."
Suddenly the arguing ceased and Rose heard quiet footsteps approach their door before a light knock resounded through the now still house. "Rose? Violet?" Their mother's voice rang out. "Can we come in? Your father and I have something to tell you two."
Rose looked down at Violet, the latter having opened her eyes and was gazing up at her. She could see the apprehension in the blonde's eyes, the fear that this something will be that they're getting a divorce. It was a fear that Rose knew reflected on her own face.
"Come in," Rose called, and the doorknob turned, the squeaking of the hinges as the door swung open deafening in the silence. Ben and Vivien stood in the doorway, their expressions completely unreadable as they regarded their children.
The sisters reluctantly separated from their embrace, but still sat together on the bed, their hands tightly clasped in preparation for the bombshell that was about to come down.
"What's going on?" Rose asked.
Before either of their parents could open their mouths, Violet quickly followed up her twin's question with one of her own: "Are you getting a divorce?"
Ben and Vivien exchanged tired looks as they walked deeper into their daughters' room. "No," Vivien began, sitting beside Rose. "We're not getting divorced."
"But we do want to start fresh," Ben finished, taking a seat on Violet's side.
"What does that mean?"
Ben and Vivien sighed, a long, drawn out noise that was obvious to anyone who heard it that they were completely finished with the topic.
"After much consideration," Ben began this time while his wife remained mute, content to watch for the time being. "Your mother and I decided that the four of us are going to pack our things and leave Boston to go to California. We didn't want to give up on our marriage or separate you two, so moving was the best option."
Well, it wasn't the bombshell they expected, but it dropped anyway.
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frucienlover · 2 years
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Part of my Like An Animal series:
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frucienlover · 2 years
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AU: All Nina wanted was to complete her broken necklace and get her babies back. All Nelle wanted was to be accepted by the sister she was robbed of. All Willow wanted was to protect her son. Three women with personal motivations in everything that they do, three women faced with tragedy and rejection. As truths are revealed and connections are made, they may finally find in each other what they all have desired for so long: a family.
"Both of my babies have been here with me all along and I never knew."
"Willow is related to Wiley. She's not his mother, she's his aunt."
"She's my sister."
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frucienlover · 3 years
Hey. So I'd private message you but it isn't allowing me to, and you're not the only one I can't message. I've tried on my iphone and laptop. Anyways I'd love to discuss gh in regards to twin flames. I have a lot to say on the subject, especially with Carly and Nelle. Lol. So if you can, can you private message me? I'd love to discuss this.
Sure, no problem. Are you Kmbryan2015 on Fanfiction? I think we could pm each other pretty easily there. I also sent you one earlier on here, but I'm guessing Tumblr is where you mean you can't message.
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frucienlover · 3 years
Hey. Will you be finishing your fanfic twin flames? I so wish the writers had made it to where Carly and Nelle had made peace.
Hey! Yeah, I'll definitely be updating Twin Flames and doing a lot of canon divergence with current storylines. My focus is mainly going to be on the relationship between Nina, Nelle, and Willow, but I will have Carly and Nelle eventually find peace with each other. Nelle finding a mother in Nina and a sister in Willow will give her more development and redemption that I think the writers should have given her, so that will definitely happen at a later point.
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frucienlover · 3 years
Lucien Castle is my favorite character on The Originals. Period. He was a genius and deserved better.
I completely agree. I was so upset when he just got killed off. So many villains have received redemption arcs and have even become allies to the main characters, but Lucien didn't??? I mean, yeah, he did cause a lot of awful stuff to happen, but it came from a place of trauma and betrayal from someone he cared about and really, compared to people like Tristan and Aurora and even his own parents, Lucien wasn't Klaus' most despicable adversary. He should have lived and gotten a redemption arc (and lived happily ever after with Freya).
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frucienlover · 4 years
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AU: Sasha thought that she was never adopted. Britt thought that she never had a child of her own. Cyrus thought that Laura was the only surprise relative that he had. However, as memories begin to resurface and dark secrets are brought to light, some relationships will be challenged, some will be broken, and some will be formed.
"Oh, God, I remember. I remember everything."
"She was just a child. How could you do that to her?"
"I will do my best to make up for what I've done to you and your mother."
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frucienlover · 4 years
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AU: All Nina wanted was to complete her broken necklace and get her babies back. All Nelle wanted was to be accepted by the sister she was robbed of. All Willow wanted was to protect her son. Three women with personal motivations in everything that they do, three women faced with tragedy and rejection. As truths are revealed and connections are made, they may finally find in each other what they all have desired for so long: a family.
"Both of my babies have been here with me all along and I never knew."
"Willow is related to Wiley. She's not his mother, she's his aunt."
"She's my sister."
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frucienlover · 4 years
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AU: When Nelle Hayes comes to Port Charles, the Corinthos family is surprised to discover that she is Josslyn's kidney donor. However, as the story goes on and the plot begins to thicken, the connection that Nelle has to Carly runs deeper than they all originally thought.
"Why don't you start by asking me my real last name. It's not Hayes. It's Benson. Ring any bells? It should. It was your last name, too. Caroline. But we have a lot more in common than our last name."
"Oh my god, you're Frank Benson's daughter."
"Good guess, but you're wrong. I am a Benson, but I'm not Frank's daughter. I'm yours. I'm the daughter YOU abandoned."
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frucienlover · 4 years
Okay, General Hospital fans! Because I am dissatisfied with the Nina's daughter reveal and because I believe that there's another twist coming, I have decided to create a story in which Nina gave birth to twins: one twin being Nelle Benson and the other being our resident sweetheart, Willow Tait. Here's a prologue of sorts that I have written. Let me know what you think 🙂
My name is Lorraine Miller, but after I'm initiated into Dawn of Day, I will go by Harmony.
This is my pledge to join Shiloh's Trusted circle.
Kali is not my child. Not biologically.
I gave birth to a baby girl on June 15, 1993, but it wasn't Kali. Douglas and I named our little girl Destiny because we felt that her birth was fate. Before my pregnancy with Destiny, I had had two miscarriages and after my last one, I was told that it would be difficult to carry to term if I became pregnant again, so when I discovered that I was carrying Destiny, we were convinced that this was God giving us one last chance to be parents. We considered her to be a miracle.
But our miracle died overnight from some kind of medical condition, I don't know what it was or how long she had it, and I didn't care. All I cared about was that my baby girl, my Destiny, was gone before I could even truly know her.
Douglas and I were devastated, but we later learned that we were going to have a miracle after all. A blonde woman came to us in the hospital. She had come all the way from Florida. She told us that her daughter had just given birth to her own child and was unable to care for her because she fell into a coma shortly after. She gave us what appeared to be a gold half-heart necklace, $100,000 in cash, and the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen.
She was so small, only a newborn, and she had a healthy glow with pink cheeks. Her eyes were open and were the prettiest shade of blue I ever had the pleasure of seeing on a human being, like the ocean's water glittering beneath the sunlight. From what I could see, she had a tiny amount of brown hair peeking from her hospital cap. She was so perfect.
The woman told us to take the baby, the necklace, and the lump sum of money and to raise the new baby together, to give her a good home. I asked her if she had a name, but the woman said no. Her daughter hadn't even been able to hold her child before she fell into her coma.
Douglas and I were overjoyed. We took our new baby and as soon as we were cleared, we left the hospital, intending to raise her the way that we were advised to: with all of the love in the world.
I would never forget my Destiny, but I would always be grateful to the blonde woman who gave me my Kali.
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frucienlover · 4 years
The 3rd
I hate the 3rd of every month. I hate November 3rd (today in my area). I hate December 3rd. I hate January 3rd. I hate February 3rd. I hate March 3rd. I hate April 3rd. I hate May 3rd. I hate June 3rd. I hate July 3rd. I hate August 3rd. I hate September 3rd. And I especially hate October 3rd (I'm sorry, sissy, I know that it's your birthday). I know you're probably thinking: "Kylee, why do you hate the 3rd of every month?" Or maybe you're not. That's fine, I don't care either way. But I'll tell you. My dad died last month on October 3rd. He had a heart attack and he didn't make it to the hospital in time. My world shattered into pieces last month. My mother lost her husband and the love of her life, my siblings and I lost our father, my aunts lost their brother, my cousins lost their uncle, my grandmother lost her son-in-law, my nephews lost their grandfather, my brother-in-law lost his father-in-law, and all of his friends lost one of the best people they ever knew. I never thought that the last time I would ever see my dad again was nearly 6:00 pm when he went out to get toilet paper and light bulbs from a Dollar General before picking up my brother from work, but it happened that way, so I have one piece of advice: Cherish your fathers if you still have them and let them know how much they mean to you because the worst thing in the world is seeing his favorite chair empty and not hearing his voice the minute you get up to the minute you go to bed.
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frucienlover · 4 years
I am still bitter about Lucien and freya. The writers ruined them. It is 2020 I'll never not be bitter cause of them. Ughh!
I completely agree with this. They had so much potential, and the writers just did us all dirty with them. Frucien is still my Originals otp and they deserved better!
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frucienlover · 5 years
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I created a Hopan edit over a meme that I saw a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy :)
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frucienlover · 5 years
Hope x Ryan
So, Legacies fans: who ships Ryan Clarke and Hope Mikaelson? I do 😍
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frucienlover · 5 years
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Dog owners please be aware.
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frucienlover · 5 years
Only reblogged and liked for Lucaya. Love Lucaya ❤️
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That’s what makes a soul mate
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frucienlover · 5 years
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The birthday cake that my mom made me for my 22nd birthday today!🎂🎂🎉🎉🎁🎁😁😁😍😍
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