fruitalike · 3 months
WEATHERING || Haley x Reader
RATING: Mature? I think.
PAIRNG: Haley x Butch Lesbian Reader
TAGS: YOU are a butch, Haley is a femme, established relationship, marriage, existential dread?, kinda angst/hurt/comfort, commentary on late game uselessness, no smut/sex, what if you were miserable but in love too! thats the theme here
WORDS: 2203
Your wife is more perceptive than you thought she’d be… You are a person without her; and a better one with her. And yet, you find yourself in this conundrum all the same; things are different now—things were easier when you first moved to the valley.
Things were easier when you first moved to the valley. Well, technically they were much, much harder—having just quit your desk job and fleeing to the middle of nowhere, you began to clear a farm as if you had any idea what you were doing. It was both back-breaking and monotonous work: you mine the stray stones in your way, cut down unneeded trees and their fallen limbs, till the ground, plant seeds, and water them—all simple enough and the rhythm of it was easy to get used to, even as it ate away at you. Sometimes you’d even meander off the farm when your work was done early and commune with the townspeople.
Now, things were harder, because they were easier, which constantly made your head spin. The farm having been cleared from decades of decay, meant it could only flourish with your diligent care. As you became more and more proficient in the numerable skills required for the farm, crops were watered by sprinklers, came to harvest faster or with better quality with fertilizer and speed grow, and were rarely lost to crows or stray lightening bolts. As you became a better farmer, you felt less involved and emboldened by your work. Sure, you had more time. More time to harvest, to process, to make more and more money. But is that why you chose this life?
When you first moved here, you met her, and you’ve been enraptured in Haley’s storm ever since. Though that does come off a bit dramatic for your mild country love affair. And maybe that was underselling it. These things famously hard to understand, and to put to words (and maybe you’re just tired). All you know is that you fell in love with her very quickly.
When you first met her, there was just something about her that was deeply familiar to you. So, entering her orbit was a preferable way to lose yourself, but only a little. You lost those things about everyone that are most unimportant—the parts of you that are anxious in love and hesitant in desire, that agonize in perception and shrink in the grander parts of life, those that are more concerned with the optics of what it must look like for someone like you to fall in love than the quiet dignity you feel as you sink, further and further. She’s like a mirror to you—if their purpose was to show you what you look like inside. You are a person without her; and a better one with her.
And yet, you find yourself in this conundrum all the same; things are different now—things were easier when you first moved to the valley. You’d pick wild daffodils for her in the spring, and as you came to understand her tastes better, you’d grow tulips for her on the farm as well. In the summer, you’d grow every color of sunflower you could find, and the occasional extra melon stayed in your kitchen instead of the shipping bin or wine casks so that you could make her a nice fruit salad or bake her a cake. You’d always bring her back a coconut whenever you visited the desert. She takes her time to warm up to you fully, but you’re so okay with that; you enjoy courting her as much as she enjoys being courted. You never miss a birthday, or a flower dance.
Soon, you’re close enough for her to be increasingly vulnerable with you. She tends to remind you afterward that she does not need you, but her continued focus on you exposes her desire. Even as your farm grows, you make regular time for her, and she notices. Her schedule seems to change the longer you know each other, as you only seem to run into her more and more as your courting continues.
Even as things continue to fall so perfectly in to place, you miss her more and more. It’s as if everything you do leads back to Haley. Your romance, does of course, but even your continued exploration and restoration of the valley and upgrades to your home lead you to the Mermaid’s Pendant. And you buy it for her, after you’ve been dating for a while. You propose to her during summer, her favorite season, and she accepts eagerly. You’re married in three days’ time, and things are easy.
You’ve been married for a long time now. You can’t remember off the top of your head how long you’ve been married—months, years, how many months are in a year? How many seasons? But you chalk it up to being tired. You know you’ve already passed an anniversary, recently, so you at least haven’t forgotten that.
You trudge up the stairs of your beloved marital home, having managed to tire yourself nearing the point of exhaustion for the umpteenth day in a row, despite ever increasing automation on the farm. You make a mental note to take a further look at the stairs as they creak desperately below your work boots. You might as well just do it yourself, rather than burden Robin with minor household repairs.
Your boots are off before you even open the door. You set them to the side of the entranceway and shut the door behind you. Moving as quietly as possible, you make your way to the kitchen, hoping not to wake Haley, as you figure she’s already in bed. It’s so late. You rub your eyes and pour yourself a glass of water. You’ll go to sleep after this.
Finally sitting down, at the table, you sip your water slowly. You’re too tired to rush. Your eyes wander to the bedroom door, you miss your wife. It feels like you haven’t seen each other in a while; but you see her every day. Obviously, you live together, but you also speak to her every morning before you leave the house, you kiss her, too. You bring her a gift at least twice a week. And there’s still this hole in your heart.
Something about the way your heart aches seems to summon Haley from the bathroom. She emerges wrapped up in a plush robe, her hair still damp and slippers audibly sliding across the floor as she refuses to pick her feet up more than she has to. Sometimes she does take late night baths, so you’re hoping she wasn’t staying up late waiting for you.
She’s clearly heading right towards you, regardless of why she’s up so late; only stepping aside to grab an envelope off the coffee table in the living room. You’d never seen it before, and bite the inside of your cheek when you realize it was in the other room because she thought you’d be home earlier. And was probably waiting for you, on the couch, for hours.
When she gets to the table, she slides the manilla envelope to you. It bumps right in to your elbow on the table; no hope of ignoring it. You look down at the envelope and back to her. She looks at you, you look at her, she looks at you. You look at her, and she crosses her arms across her chest. “Open it.”
You nod, and do what she asks, expecting the worst. Why do you always expect the worst? As you open the envelope, you realize it’s filled with pictures, instead of the divorce papers the worst parts of your psyche had convinced you to expect. You take them out and carefully sift through the stack.
As you study every picture, you realize that they’re all of you. When you try to think about it, you think that you remember Haley saying that she wanted to take more pictures of you some time ago. These must be those pictures. Your heart aches as you thumb through picture after picture, each of them of you working. You’re mining, chopping, scything, tilling, sowing, setting up farm equipment or moving it around, kegging fruit, pickling vegetables, or aging wine in every photo. But this is who you are, right? You provide. So, it’s okay to always be out of the house, constantly working, feeling lonely, overwhelmed. Right? How else would these things get done?
Besides, as you flip through even more pictures, not all of them are of you working. Some of them are of you at the dinner table, having fallen asleep with dinner half eaten, or on the couch with your head draped over the back of it, asleep in a position so uncomfortable it makes your stomach turn. Looking at these photos is the first time in a while you’ve faced the state of the house in a while, and it’s clean, still. Haley obviously keeps things together even when you’re falling apart (self evident in the handful of pictures she has of herself dragging you to bed) but there was a point when it felt more like a home, here. When you’d either grow or bring home a bouquet of flowers once a week. Now all the vases in the background of the photos are chronically empty, your love for your wife missing from the home you’ve built together. Of course, your love for her abounds outside, in the fields full of flourishing produce and sheds full of kegs processing it all. A greenhouse full of her favorite flowers. And yet your home is laid bare.
She’s still standing there, looking at you once you’re done looking through all the pictures. “You can’t keep going like this.” She insists.
You nod. She’s right. Haley finally moves closer to you; she puts your hands on her waist and you put your head in her hands. You lean forward in your lethargy, and she lets you rest your head on her stomach and plays with your hair. Her long nails tickle your scalp just so, and her warm embrace soothes your exhaustion. “Why do you keep doing this to yourself?”
You could ask yourself that, but you don’t know the answer. You shake your head but go with the best idea you can come up with. “It’s good money.” She’s not buying it.
“Is that all that life’s about?”
She hesitates. “What about us?”
You don’t. “We’re still us.”
She sniffles and wipes her eyes, a tear streaming down her face. “Doesn’t feel like it.”
You lean back in your seat and try to console her. She crawls in your lap and holds you tight. “We’re a team.” She says. “You have to let me support you. That’s what I’m here for.”
You put your foreheads together and look into her eyes, and she looks into yours. Your entire world is in those big, blue eyes and you’re watching yourself destroy it. Sometimes she’s like a mirror for the worst parts of you.
You nod, again; you don’t have much left in you. “I know. I just feel like…”
She doesn’t hesitate. “You can tell me anything.”
But you do. “I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like I’m not holding up my end of it. So, if I’m not providing, I should be at least protecting you from it.”
“How can you say that? After everything you’ve built? Everything we’ve built together, how is this not providing?”
You shake your head. “I’m not out there like I used to be. I mean you know that—even when you try to offer to do something to help and take stuff off my plate it’s all already done. The watering, the feeding, the everything. I just—” you shrug. “I just feel useless, sometimes.”
“A lot of times.” You correct yourself. “So, I go and pick up any extra work I can so I don’t feel like I’m wasting my day.”
She brushes your hair out of your face; you’re crying now too. “You don’t think that’s a waste of a life?” she’s not harsh, but even if she was you needed to hear it.
You shake your head. “I know it is.”
“I’m here to support you in any way I can.”
You lean forward into her; she rubs your back. “I need to take a shower. And go to bed.”
Haley helps you to the bathroom and manages to convince you to let her bathe you instead, you’re too sore from all the work you’d convinced yourself you’re not doing to protest. Not that you would, the two of you desperately need the time alone together.
She sheds her plush robe for a silk one instead, insisting that it would make it easier for her to help you in the bath. The brief glimpse of her naked reminds you how long it’s been since you spent this kind of time together. Your bath remains chaste despite your intrigue, you’re far, far too tired for anything more than being bathed by your wife.
Once you’re finally clean, and dry the two of you have an easier time getting to the bed, where you thank Yoba for even making sleep possible. Haley curls up on your chest and you feel quite useful.
You’re going to take tomorrow off. And probably the next day too. And maybe the day after.
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fruitalike · 3 months
ok so... what if i was working on a new oneshot... for a character you've never seen me write for before... and what if i wanted to get it out before the 1.16 update on the 19th? and what if i was posting this to hold myself to it even though that's not really worked out for me in the past? what if.....
0 notes
fruitalike · 5 months
HIGH REWARD || Elliott x Alex x Harvey
RATING: Explicit, 18+ obviously
PAIRNG: Elliott x Alex, Elliott x Harvey, Alex x Harvey, & Elliott x Alex x Harvey
TAGS: TRANS ELLIOTT, as always, looks like cheating, but isnt, pwp, oral/vaginal/anal sex, no condom, threesome, voyeurism, kinktober 2022 day 31 risk, better tags on AO3 sorry ***part 3 of of course takes place after high risk***
WORDS: 8122
“Who was it this time? Was it that belligerent jock of yours, again?” Alex felt like he was going to puke. Elliott nods and slides his fingers through his hair as he goes down on him again. The redhead is inexplicably calm, even shutting his eyes as his husband continues. “You let him cum in you?”
(genital words (elliott): cock, cunt, lips, tits)
Alex, for the first time, found himself in Elliott’s martial bed. Throughout their affair (that’s really what it was wasn’t it?), they’d defaced just about every other surface in the modest apartment, save for the bed. He almost thought that it was the one line Elliott wasn’t willing to cross, but ultimately, he’d weaseled his way into the king sized metaphor all the same.
He found himself in the bed after an exaggerated celebration of his most minor accomplishment: he’d actually managed to successfully complete his first year of college. He lay in the bed of two people who managed to complete this monumental task more than a decade prior and they were several years younger than he was now when they did it. But Elliott made him feel proud.
Deep down, Alex really did feel inadequate next to Elliott, compared to Harvey. But he supposed that those feelings were his own doing—maybe a touch of societal expectations, as well, of course—because Elliott never made him feel that way. Next to Elliott, now, he felt vast and plentiful. In the day that they’d spent together (wholly uninterrupted as the doctor was out of town), he’d pushed his body farther than he had in any gridball game; and as he rested, he desired more.
His desire for Elliott continued to shift as their affair (that’s what it really was, wasn’t it?) went on. Such complicated feelings were always bound to fluidity, Alex was sure, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of them shifting more and more wholesome. Some part of him—most parts of him—desired for Elliott more than sexually. Jealousy still swelled in his chest every time he saw him with his husband, of course, but this was becoming more than just an issue of envy.
Alex wasn’t even sure what this was anymore. Yes, of course, at its core it was an affair. He was sleeping with a married man after all. But he found himself dreaming of Elliott when they were apart. These dreams he had of them, together, were not always strictly sexual, either. They often danced, and wined and dined, and fulfilled all of the wholesome aspects of domestic life. He found himself gazing at Elliott whenever they were together; lost in all that he was, longing to be part of him.
Even now, as they rested together, in Elliott’s marital bed, the room humid with raunch, he found himself studying the redhead, pulling him close when he decided that he must be cold. He was receptive, curling up on his chest. Elliott never seemed oblivious to Alex’s emotions, and he didn’t seem to be off put by them either.
He continued to question Elliott’s marriage to his husband; regardless of the guilt he felt for doing so. Something about it made him feel less and less guilt as time went on, anyways. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to be there, but it seemed that other people were allowed in. Honestly, he felt more jealousy towards the people he thought were being included (why else would they bring Shane home with them at night, multiple times?) than Harvey at this point. Maybe something deep inside of him wanted Harvey to know so that he could spend some time alone with him too? Without it being a problem? He and Elliott were good together. He didn’t want to ruin that, he was sure (and he hadn’t been so sure of that before). Alex twirled Elliott’s hair around his finger and absentmindedly wondered if he could have a place in their marriage. He wondered why he didn’t already.
Elliott hummed and rubbed his face on his chest, breaking him out of his trance. “Tired?”
Alex nods and runs his fingers up and down his spine. “Wish I wasn’t.”
“Oh?” He muses, turning to his stomach and resting on his elbows, leaning forward, and kissing Alex’s neck.
He continues the caress his lover, letting him taste his exhaustion, inhale his desperation. Elliott grabs him by his chin and makes Alex look at him. “I was supposed to fuck you tonight.” He pouts. He’s gentler than he has been in the past; he’s tired too.
“I wanted you to.”
“If only we knew who kept us up this late.” They chuckle and soon, nod off.
Alex wasn’t the heaviest sleeper, but after a night like this, he did find himself in quite a deep sleep. Somehow, his fluffy and domesticated dreams found him here, the only place a wet dream would be more than welcome.
He dreamt of gentleness and wholesome desire, of sharing a bed as affection, instead of arousal; of picnic baskets, blankets, and a light lunch spread out over a summer afternoon; of warmth lingering out of the closeness of lovers, not affair partners; of genuine, all encompassing, love. He dreamt of Elliott in his entirety. His kindness, his deliberate desire, his delicate poetry. He dreamt of the words Elliott would dedicate to him the way he had lovers past and present. The ease at which they would flow from him, as if his love could only burst from the seams. His dreams wondered what his call sign would be—how it would compare to Harvey’s ‘for my favorite doctor,’ or what he was sure was Shane’s ‘to an almost domesticated bear.’
Then, he dreamt in abstract. Of the all-surrounding warmth of another body. Maybe two, actually. Less visuals but more feeling. The feeling of being held. Of being welcomed. He was intertwined there, however many people there were. Still without sight, he would smell the light cologne Elliott always wore; it was green, and fresh, and ever so slightly warm. He could smell Elliott’s body too. His gentle musk and floral hair products, the strong leather on his hands from his notebooks, the sharpness from his ink pens. His sweat was subtly sweet-smelling, and his body was warm and relaxing in his hands.
But there was more than just him there. A stronger, fuller bodied cologne; it almost overwhelmed the senses, but barely avoided it. It was distinctly more masculine, warmer than Elliott’s and sharper still; heavy with tobacco leaves and teakwood, spices he couldn’t place. It felt warm like fall and sophisticated like dinner with extended family. There was an oddly familiar note as well, something particularly sterile and plasticky. Something that told his mind hands. There was a hushed noise. It became more and more consistent. He felt mouths moving. Talking. Someone was talking. Multiple people.
Alex opens his eyes and is still shrouded in darkness. He pauses, hearing voices around him. As he gets used to being awake the voices become clearer and clearer. He hears Elliott say, “You’re home early!” and his entire body tenses up. The voices are far enough away that he feels safe carefully uncovering his eyes, finding himself having been covered up with pillows and blankets, surely in an attempt to hide him from Harvey. He knew it was Harvey that he was being hidden from (instead of the several other people apparently allowed into their marriage) because now that he was able to see, he could see Harvey—mere feet away—embracing his husband. He couldn’t help but watch as they kissed.
He tries to regulate his breathing as his pulse skyrockets. He hopes that he is as hidden as he was before, but he can’t waste time assessing the situation. His cock twitched in his sweats and that’s all his sleep addled brain could focus on. He clenches his jaw tight as he watches them kiss more and more passionately. He flinches when Harvey begins to grope Elliott’s ass. He was so fucked.
Alex holds his breath when he watches Elliott wrap his arms around Harvey’s neck, making it easier for him to lift his legs in the air so that Harvey could pick him up. He forces himself to regain his composure as they move towards the bed. Surely, they’d see him? Well, Elliott already knew he was there, but surely Harvey would see him? Or would notice the smell of sex in the air? The fact that Alex had cum inside of Elliott? Oh god. He’d cum inside of him.
Elliott hit the bed first, and he seemed to make a conscious effort not to look towards Alex. Harvey positioned himself on top of him, kissing him just as he had before. He had no sense of time inside this torture chamber; forced to watch his affair partner get fucked by his husband with baited breath.
His cock twitched as he watched Elliott put his hand down Harvey’s pants, rubbing his cock, getting him hard so he could fuck him. Harvey kissed down his neck, just as Alex had, nipping at Elliott’s delicate skin. He didn’t seem to have any reservation about leaving marks on him, however, unlike Alex. Though that seemed to be a perk of not having an affair.
Harvey pulled away from him only long enough to strip Elliott of his clothes. Relieving him of the oversized t-shirt he had been wearing and his underwear. He returned to his husband as quickly as he’d pulled away; groping his small breasts as they kissed again. Elliott whimpered as he kissed down his neck, rolling his nipples between his forefingers and thumbs until they became erect. Then he dotes on them, gently rubbing them with his thumbs as he kisses down his lover’s chest. He trails his kisses to his left breast, carefully sucking and biting the soft flesh before refocusing on his nipple, delicately licking it with the tip of his tongue and teasing it with his teeth. Elliott squirms.
He repeats this on the other side. Elliott melts in his hands as he gropes one breast and suckles the other. He only continues to squirm around as Harvey remains there, teasing him incessantly. Elliott returns the favor, teasing Harvey’s now hard cock with the same inviting thrusts of his hand. It’s not long before neither of them can take any more. A mumbling between the two is all that preceded Harvey’s moving south.
He’s nipping at his skin all the way down. Tiny bruises forming in his wake, indicative of the doting husband Elliott was so blessed with. He continues around his aching cunt, to his thighs, frustrating him even further. Harvey leaves the same marks there, taking time to indulge in his husband, they hadn’t seen each other in a while. His thighs tremble as he moves to the other thigh, giving it the same treatment, in the opposite direction, now moving towards his cunt. Elliott spreads his legs as far as he can without having to restrain himself, practically begging him to hurry up and desperately inviting him in.
Harvey finally finds himself between his legs, forcing his thighs flat to the mattress with one arm and holding his cunt taught with the other, keeping the head of his little cock exposed. He licks it gently at first, bracing for Elliott’s wanton jerking. He gasps as Harvey continues, manipulating his cock with his tongue and letting it slip under his foreskin to tease him better. He’s forced to put more weight on his arm to hold Elliott still as he begins to suck him properly. Elliott, in turn, has to cover his mouth with both hands, trying to keep himself quiet as Harvey’s onslaught continued. His throat gets hoarse quickly, but not from complaining.
Elliott doesn’t last very long, but he’s not meant to. His orgasm ravages him, but he can’t help but want for more. Harvey continues through his orgasm, melting his husband so that he’s easier to drink. His cunt aches with desire as Harvey again moves south, allowing his tongue to slip inside of him. He continues to tease his cock with his thumb as he feels around inside of him, tasting him and all that he’s gotten up to. He hums. “Again?”
“You’ve been gone for a week.” Elliott pouts.
He slips a finger into Elliott. He thrusts it only enough to tease him, drawing it back out covered in semen as he expected. Harvey allows himself to succumb to the urge to taste it. Whoever it was, either had a particular diet or was preoccupied with the way that he might taste.
“Who was it this time? Was it that belligerent jock of yours, again?” Alex felt like he was going to puke.
Elliott nods and slides his fingers through his hair as he goes down on him again. The redhead is inexplicably calm, even shutting his eyes as his husband continues. “You let him cum in you?”
He’s eating him out again, focusing on tasting them together this time. Intending to overstimulate him even more, torturing him before he fucks him. He nods, not that Harvey is paying much attention. “I wanted him to. He made me cum so many times I felt like he deserved it.” Elliott pulls his hair at the root, egging him on.
He’s trembling when he’s done with him, yet still eager for more. He rises from in between his legs, and they kiss desperately, hungry for each other. Elliott wraps his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist, inviting his husband in. Harvey reaches between them, jerking his cock a few times before teasing his little cunt, rubbing his tip between his lips. He teases his hole properly, making Elliott gasp, “Yes! Yes!” before he finally thrust into him. Alex’s cum being forced out of him to make way for Harvey.
He throws his head back in ecstasy as his husband finally fucks into him. As overstimulated as he is he’s still desperate for the cock that’s thrusting inside of him. He holds onto his husband for dear life as his thrusts grow deeper and deeper, his aching cunt eager to finally be satiated. Harvey kisses his neck and nips at his ear. “Alex doesn’t fuck you like this does he?”
Elliott shakes his head as he fucks deep into him. He grits his teeth as he tries to hold in another orgasm, desperate for Harvey to keep going. Then again, he doesn’t seem interested in stopping; his pace is getting rougher but remains romantic—knowing his husband inside and out makes it all the easier for Harvey to have Elliott hanging on his every move. Every thrust of his hips calculated so that Elliott might be able to hold himself together a little longer, so that Harvey could enjoy him a little more. He’d certainly missed his husband.
Harvey lets go of Elliott, moving so that he’s more on his knees and puts his hands on his waist instead. He thrusts into him again, getting used to the new position before changing his rhythm. Elliott arches against the bed as he’s pulled down with every thrust of Harvey’s hips. He holds onto his ankles and feet, keeping the tops of his thighs pressed to the mattress, his calves and feet in the air. It becomes harder and harder for Elliott to keep himself composed: Harvey’s deep inside of him, rearranging his very humanity; and he’s in particularly revealing position, folded in half and at the mercy of his husband; and he can certainly feel Alex watching, sometimes he even thinks he can hear him breathing heavily, he passively wonders if he’s touching himself. “He isn’t allowed to fuck you like this is he?”
Elliott shakes his head again as Harvey forces yet another orgasm out of him. He is visibly shaking and overstimulated, every further thrust of his hips causing him to jerk forward in one way or another. Harvey is particularly lucky that he hasn’t been kicked in the head yet, his tendency to tease testing Elliott’s ability to hold the position more than he ought to. Still, he continues, letting his still hard cock slip out of Elliott and rubbing up against his own quivering little cock. Elliott whimpers and finally releases the position, allowing his legs to rest on Harvey’s shoulders, wrapping his thighs around his neck and pulling him down.
Harvey concedes, allowing himself to be pulled down to Elliott. His thighs moving from his neck to his chest so that his arms could replace them instead. He gently kisses him, soothing his husband as he comes down from his orgasm. He pushes their foreheads together and twirls some of Elliott’s hair around his finger. They kiss again and he can feel the wanton desire in the way that Elliott kisses him. He hums as they pull away, brushing hair out of his face, he asks, “Again?”
“Please. I want you to cum in me.”
Harvey kisses up his neck and rises out of his grasp again. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Elliott does what’s asked of him, settling on rolling over and getting up on his knees and propping his chest up with a pillow he held on to, his back starting to become sore. Harvey smacks his ass. “Ready?”
“Mhmm,” Elliott groans when Harvey thrusts into his gaping cunt. It doesn’t take him long to adjust, so Harvey quickly sets an eager pace. His balls slapping Elliott’s little cock with every thrust makes him ejaculate within the first minute he’s inside of him. But he keeps going at his request.
Elliott sinks further down in overstimulation, and Harvey follows, straddling him from above and welcoming himself to a fistful of his hair. He pulls his hair at the root, careful to not actually yank any of his hair out. He keeps the pace and Elliott fully comes undone after yet another desperate orgasm in this position, unable to keep himself quiet and tears welling up in his eyes from overstimulation. He’s still eager to keep going so Harvey sticks a couple of his fingers in his mouth and keeps at it.
He's truly a sight now. He’s drooling around his fingers and properly weeping now, truly desperate for the shared orgasm they’re pursuing. Elliott’s spit and tears stream down his face, neck, and chest, dripping down from his tits and pooling on the mattress, staining the sheets. All his cunt can do is tremble and squeeze Harvey, begging him to hurry up and cum as his hands grip at the sheets, trying to hold onto reality lest he get fucked out of it.
His arms grow weaker so he allows his face to press into a pillow, Harvey removing his fingers from his mouth. He can feel Alex’s eyes on him again in this position and he smirks to himself. The pillow quiets him in addition to comforting him so Harvey lets off of him more, allowing himself to relax. Perhaps for the final time he rises above Elliott, pressing his hands into his spine and smoothing them downward, pushing his husband’s stomach to be nearly flush with his thighs, chest on the mattress. His pace slows as he enjoys Elliott like this, pushing down on his back and leaning forward so that he’d be fully engulfed by his cunt. He’s slower but increasingly erratic, his entire cock slipping in and out of him with each thrust, his balls still taunting his husband’s cock every time he fills his cunt.
Harvey shuts his eyes and grips onto his husband waist again, manipulating his flesh in his hands as he lets his desire alone move his hips. He groans feeling all of Elliott grip onto him, pulling him deeper inside and clenching all around him, daring him to cum. He begins to tremble himself and decides it’s finally time to give in. He pushes down on Elliott as he finally reaches orgasm, moaning in unison with him as he pumps his cum deep inside him. He rides out their shared orgasm, small, rapid thrusts only further overstimulating Elliott. He lets his flaccid cock slip out of his husband, rubbing it against him before leaning down and kissing him lovingly. He kisses his cheek as he finally fully flattens to the bed. “Where is he?”
Wordlessly, Elliott raises a still trembling hand and points towards the mess of pillows and blankets in the bed.
As Harvey begins to uncover him, Alex rushes to attempt to conceal his erection, only then noticing that his cock was fully exposed. Still, he attempts to retain some amount of dignity, quickly pushing his cock down with both hands, as if that’d ever be enough to hide it. With one hand still comforting his spent husband, Harvey uses the other to finally throw the blankets off of the voyeur.
Alex’s cock aches for attention even as he braces for impact, twitching under his hands, hard yet feeling distinctly spent. He doesn’t wonder if he touched himself without noticing; the semen on his hands makes it obvious he had. He only wonders how many times he reached climax and if it was obvious to Elliott and Harvey when he had.
Harvey callously smacks Alex’s hands away, leaving him fully exposed. His cock bounces free, and he can feel cum flicking off of it and onto his stomach. He can feel Elliott’s eyes on him, tracing all over the illicit parts of him despite the thorough fucking he’d already enjoyed. Though Alex keeps his eyes on Harvey instead, watching him strip him of his lounge pants, leaving him completely naked. He grabs him by the ankle and pulls him forward as he gets out of the bed. Alex trembles with anxious desire.
He smacks Elliott’s ass hard enough to make him jump. “Your turn.”
“My turn?” Alex spits out immediately, looking to Elliott then to Harvey and back and forth multiple times. Towering over him, Harvey only nods; expectant.
He looks to Elliott again. “Are you sure?”
Elliott smirks and winks at him. “Of course.”
Alex moves forward in the bed, awkwardly attempting to straddle Elliott before Harvey smacks him in the stomach and grabs him up by the chin. He leers down at him and Alex tries not to find his flaccid cock in his periphery distracting. “Is that any way to treat a gentleman?”
Alex trembles. “No?”
He tightens his grip. “At least taste him first.”
Alex just nods as if it was obvious. He repositions himself in bed to better please Elliott, who did not move at all, except to lift his hips just enough to make his cunt accessible. He lays on his stomach and eats Elliott out from behind. His lips tremble as he tastes his own semen mixed with Harvey’s inside of Elliott; they’re so good together. He licks his little cock and Elliott jumps, overstimulated and desperate. Harvey seems to comfort him as Alex continues. The feeling of being watched makes him feel the need to close his eyes, but Alex can still trace his cunt from memory. He almost feels guilty as he makes Elliott cum, the orgasm that washed over him making him jolt and whimper.
When he moves to straddle Elliott again, he’s dignified with an enthusiastic encouragement, instead. Alex all but lays flat on top of Elliott; his stomach and chest not quite flush with his back, his legs just far enough away from Elliott’s to support his own weight, and he lets his throat fall in the bend of one arm as he supports himself with the other. The position, does however, make it a little difficult for Alex to reach back around and slip into his cunt. But, luckily Harvey’s there to jerk his cock a few times and help him slide into his husband.
He gasps as he slowly pushes himself all the way into Elliott’s tight cunt, his legs nearly give out at the feeling. His cock is big enough to stretch Elliott even after all that he’s already taken so far. Alex’s mouth hangs open long enough that he begins to drool on top of his head. Ever the gentleman, Elliott opens up for him with grace, his battered cunt trembling with every movement Alex makes and his cock throbbing so hard it pulls him in eagerly.
Alex especially realizes that Harvey’s still watching them once he’s staring to thrust in and out of Elliott—the fact that he’s still flaccid starts to irritate him, as if he’s challenging him, as if Alex has anything to prove! he’s the one that’s been fucking his husband! He tries not to let it influence the way he’s fucking Elliott, focusing instead on getting deep inside of him and really stretching him out. He wants to open him up inside so that he can fuck with as much reckless abandon as possible.
Once he has Elliott moaning with every thrust, it becomes easier for Alex to ignore Harvey. That is until the bastard moves some of the pillows in front of Elliott and positions himself in front of him. He jerks his flaccid cock a few times before putting it into Elliott’s mouth. All of the ecstasy that Alex was forcing out of his lips is silenced by Harvey’s cock, instead replaced by the sounds of him sucking off his husband.
Alex keeps after him anyways, undeterred. If Elliott was going to get Harvey hard, it would be because of how Alex was fucking him. He ignores the way that he tenderly brushes Elliott’s hair out of his face, and the jealousy it makes him feel. He starts up a rough pace; getting Elliott used to him thrusting all the way and pulling nearly all the way out before he refocuses, hitting his g-spot dead on every time. He’s all but screaming around Harvey’s cock, lurching forward with every thrust. Harvey is forced to throw his head back and rest it on the headboard, tightening his grip on Elliott’s hair. He grits his teeth and groans, pulling Elliott up and down his stiffening cock with his hair.
He keeps the pace, Elliott’s cunt desperate and squeezing him hard. Alex does not falter, pounding deep into him and making himself at home. Regardless of how he angles his hips, Alex continues obliterating his g-spot all the same. He knows Harvey’s husband inside and out too.
Elliott’s trembling all over now—though especially about the cunt and lips, ever eager to please—and he’s starting to feel his orgasm rise in him, so overstimulated it’s taken a while to ease it out of him. But now he feels unmistakably warm and swollen, his cock bordering numbness from the hours long bombardment of pleasure. He’s still chasing the feeling all the same, no less eager for the waves of electricity to flow through him; the umpteenth orgasm no less earth shattering than the first.
Alex can feel how close Elliott is by the way that his cunt squeezes him desperately, begging him to thrust ever deeper. He’s getting ever closer himself, despite wanting to stay inside Elliott and fuck him until his body can’t go on any more. He does not let up on account of his end drawing near, fucking Elliott even harder.
Elliott’s cunt proves resilient in taking Alex at his fastest, deepest, and hardest possible pace, even as he holds him still so that he has a better angle. With Elliott’s neck pressed firmly against his arm in this position, he can feel Harvey’s cock thrusting in and out of his throat. The sensation only makes him want to taunt Harvey more, growing tired of his taunting nature.
As vapid as his intentions may be, Alex continues with the brutal pace, toes curling at Elliott’s desperation. Giving him all that he can finally pays off when the moans he lets out force Harvey to pull his cock out of Elliott’s throat. He’d let him up before, obviously, but only long enough to breathe and go back down. Now, he holds his husbands face in his hands, comforting him again as he gets pounded from behind. He whispers sweet nothings to him before he lets him rest his head on the mattress again. He strokes his hair, soothing him as pleasure racks his body.
Elliott’s own toes curl harshly as he fights harder and harder to keep himself together. His jaw, perhaps a little sore, clenches tightly as Alex rams his g-spot over and over again. His eyes roll back in his head, eyelids shut tight over them as he concentrates on the feeling of being torn in half by Alex. He’s so close.
As Alex’s orgasm approaches closer and closer, his thrusts lose their fine tuning, and he’s taking all of Elliott’s cunt for a spin. It’s finally (or maybe yet again) his turn to be sloppy and desperate as Elliott’s cunt clenches down hard on his cock, only letting up for a second or two at a time, his orgasm forcing Alex’s no matter how hard he tries to hold it in. He can hear Harvey console his husband as he trembles through the aftershocks, again he bites back the jealousy that rises in his chest.
Once he’s ridden out his orgasm, he pulls out of Elliott and rolls over, worried that if he let his full weight rest on him, he’d crush him. He reaches a hand out to Elliott, rubbing his back as best he can without looking. To his surprise, Elliott rises with relative ease—that is to say he’s unsteadied, drenched in sweat, and noticeably trembling but only if you’re looking at him closely (which Alex always is)—and comes to soothe him. Sure, his chest is heaving and he can feel a small scowl on his face, but he hardly needs to be soothed. Elliott wordlessly checks in on him all the same, rubbing his chest and kissing him. The kiss is gentler than those they’d shared when they were alone, but still overwhelmed with desire. He holds onto Elliott a little roughly, squeezing his flesh in his hands as if he were concerned that he’d slip away, as if he were dreaming. As if.
They pull away and Elliott caresses his face. Only then does Alex realize that Harvey has excused himself again. He doesn’t particularly mind (ok, maybe a little, but only a little). He caresses Elliott’s face in turn, and they kiss again. He lets his hands roam up and down his body, covered entirely in sweat and in certain places, covered in his own drool (mostly, the top of his head was Alex’s handiwork).
They reach for each other’s cocks at the same time. Elliott crumples in on himself every time Alex rubs his puny cock with two fingers, curled up on his chest and squeezing Alex’s cock every time he completes a circle. Alex, much to his own surprise, stiffens rather quickly; and of course, Elliott quakes with ease, Alex a more devoted to pleasing him than any field of study.
Elliott pulls away from him again, inviting Alex to resume the position he had been in before. Alex obliges, laying on his back and Elliott crawls on top of him. He’s as handsome as he always is, but he is clearly finally growing a little tired from everything. They kiss a few times, Alex wanting each one to last longer than they did. When they pull away completely, he can feel the semen spilling out of Elliott and on to Alex’s stomach. He’s unfazed.
Harvey returns, still naked, from wherever he was, and the two whisper to one another. Alex doesn’t allow it to get under his skin. Elliott caresses his face and smirks down at him. “Do you still want to try getting fucked?”
Alex nods without a second thought; Elliott smirks again. “What if Harvey fucked you?”
Alex blinks a couple of times, trying to comprehend the offer. Elliott makes it easier for him, “Would you like that? Getting fucked by my husband?” he asks, rubbing his thumb across his lower lip. Alex nods.
“Are you sure?” Harvey beckons from above the two of them, stealing Alex’s attention.
Alex nods again, but can sense that’s not enough for the doctor. “Yes.”
Harvey still looks at him expectantly. He rolls his eyes. “Please.”
Again. “Yes, please.”
Harvey doesn’t push any further, only smiling at him in a slightly condescending way and tapping Elliott’s side so that he’d crawl off of Alex. He settles next to him, in much the same position Harvey had been in before. “I’ll be here the whole time, ok?” Alex nods, admittedly soothed.
He braces himself when Harvey gets into the bed, he’s unsure why he’s wearing gloves or what all he has in his hand. He doesn’t bother to show Alex, either, laying everything on the bed next to him. Alex is still laying somewhat awkwardly in the bed, without much space for Harvey. He smacks his thigh. “Spread your legs, sweetheart. I promise I won’t bite, you’re not ready for that yet.”
Alex huffs and does what he’s told; lifting and spreading his legs so that Harvey could get closer. He lowers them with his guidance, the backs of his thighs resting on the tops of Harvey’s. Otherwise, he’s flat on his back, head on a pillow fluffed for him by Elliott, who’s drawing circles in his chest. He feels spread out and revealed—and a little slutty (but that excites him)—in this position. His cock twitches and, of course, Harvey notices. “Excited?” He’s allowed to just nod in response this time.
Harvey leans over him and squeezes his face with one gloved hand. His eyes are a lot more intense without his glasses on. “Want a kiss?” He taunts, squishing his cheeks so that his lips pucker. Alex nods earnestly and Harvey obliges.
His kisses start out reserved, but once he establishes himself dominant, Harvey gets rougher. Alex rubs his hands up and down his chest, feeling him up. Teasing his nipples makes Harvey groan and deepen the kiss. He feels like Harvey is always a couple steps ahead of him, the doctor evidently considerably more experienced than himself; and unlike his husband, seems to enjoy guiding him more indirectly. Alex isn’t complaining, though. He’s quite enjoying himself.
Feeling safe, the next time Alex’s cock twitches while they’re kissing, he grabs it and strokes it gently, focusing on his head. Harvey notices and he can feel him smirking into the kiss. He pulls away and leaves wet kisses across his cheek, heading for his neck. “You’re so fucking cute.” Alex jerks himself a little faster.
Alex moans as Harvey moves down his neck, kissing and sucking at the skin expertly. He’s expecting him to go back on his word from before and bite him (maybe hoping he will), but he doesn’t. Harvey doesn’t even nip at the skin of his neck, but he can tell that he’s definitely leaving marks all over his neck anyway. He doesn’t mind.
When Harvey pulls away this time, he produces one of the items he’d brought to bed with him, a ring of some kind. He brings it closer and Alex can tell what it is. “Would you like to wear it?” he asks, smirking to himself. “Might help you last longer.”
Alex pouts at the implication, but gives him the go ahead. Harvey hands the cock ring to Elliott and begins lubing up one of his gloves. Elliott puts the ring on Alex as Harvey spreads his legs. “I’m going to start to open you up, ok?” Alex nods. “Try to relax.”
He rubs two gloved fingers up and down Alex’s crack, lubing up the surrounding area before he begins with his hole. Harvey circles his hole with one finger, the taught ring of muscle touch-shy, unintentionally clenching away from his every advance. Elliott soothes an ever so slightly embarrassed Alex, teasing the head of his penis and kissing him deeply; the familiar sensations allowing him to finally relax a little.
Once Alex’s hole is used to his presence, Harvey lets his finger slide into him. He gasps, but because of how good it feels already. He moves the digit gently inside of Alex, allowing him to adjust to the feeling. Harvey pushes in another finger as he desires it.
He pumps the two in unison, slipping in deep but careful not to slide back out of him. Harvey picks up the pace as Alex whimpers for more, reaching deeper inside of him every time. He tries to scissor his two fingers inside of him as he pumps them, attempting to prepare Alex as best he can for the girth of his cock.
When Harvey looks up at Alex to check on him, he can barely recognize the jock, the look of ecstasy on his face fitting his features very differently compared to his usual slight scowl. He’s blushing all the way down to his chest and his neck’s covered in hickeys. He’s breathing heavy again and covered in sweat, his own dried cum decorating his stomach and chest. Elliott’s also taking very good care of him, delicately rubbing the tip of his cock with only the tips of his fingers and their gentle kisses only occasionally interrupted by him sucking on Alex’s nipples. Harvey’s cock twitches at the sight. He can’t wait to get inside of him.
He adds a third finger, Alex’s hole showing more resistance this time. Harvey wonders if it’s because he usually only touches himself with two fingers but doesn’t ask, not wanting to deprive him of any more of his pride. He starts out slow again but Alex is eager, relaxing enough for him to begin scissoring his fingers once more.
Harvey looks down at his little pink hole and twitches again, electing to lean forward and spit right into him when he has him spread open, trying to hold himself over. Alex gasps and moans, back arching ever so slightly. Harvey’s warm spit sinks down inside of him, teasing him with ideas of what’s to come.
Once Alex begins to squirm with every movement of Harvey’s fingers, he decides it’s time to stop teasing the jock (and himself). He keeps his fingers inside of Alex, using his other hand to spread the lube all over his cock. He twitches in his own hand with every flick of his wrist, but he still makes sure get himself properly coated. He doesn’t want to hurt Alex at all, he’s not ready for that yet.
He finally pulls his fingers out just as he’s pushing his cock in, unable to keep himself from groaning. He holds onto Alex’s hip tightly as he slides in, his cock desperate to be buried inside of his little virgin hole. Alex whimpers as Harvey sinks into him, Elliott rushing to soothe him again so he doesn’t make too much noise.
Harvey waits for Alex to adjust to his size once he’s fully engulfed in him. His wall’s spasming only invites him further inside. His eyes roll back in his head every time he clamps down on his head, cock aching to fuck the brat. Eventually he relaxes again, his spoiled hole finally ready for Harvey. “Please.” He whimpers around Elliott’s kisses.
Harvey doesn’t make him wait any longer, starting up a slow pace that pushes Alex’s limits but tests his own patience. With each thrust of his hips, it’s quite obvious Alex’s hole is getting fucked for the very first time. His walls give a natural resistance, hardly used to getting fucked into, but Harvey is patient; his thrusts deliberate but kind on the virginal hole of the jock that’s been ‘secretly’ fucking his husband.
Alex looks up at him with wanton desperation, daring him to pick up the pace, practically begging him to fuck him a little harder; but Harvey is smarter than him. Knowing better than to appease every want and desire of the cocky virgin that lay below him. He wishes he could, truthfully, the way he’s squeezing him makes Harvey want to pound him awful hard and make him scream, but again, Alex is hardly there yet.
But Alex certainly thinks he is, whimpering for more stimulation as Harvey continues to fuck him slowly. “Please.”
“You’re not ready yet. You’re way too tight still, I’ll rip you a new one.” He insists, but Alex throws a little fit anyway.
“I need something else, then, please!” he whines, begging for mercy. Harvey looks down at Elliott and they exchange a knowing look. “Blow him, please, dear.” Elliott nods and changes the position he’s in, straddling Alex’s head and leaning over his torso. Alex licks him first and only then dies Elliott start to go down on him, giving his husband a quick kiss first. He does not remove his cock ring.
Elliott sucking him and getting sucked by him shuts Alex up for the time being, allowing Harvey to slowly open him up without further whining. He rolls his hips upwards into Alex—he’s not particularly deep inside him, simply because he barely fits in that far anyways. Harvey’s cock aches for more but his hole’s so fucking tight he barely notices. The couple of inches that does fit in Alex with ease is on cloud nine, his little ring squeezing his tip so hard it could make him cum right now if he let it. But he won’t, he wants to let Alex really have it.
His husband’s ever expanding talents keep Alex hushed but lively, so focused on sixty-nineing Elliott that his asshole actually begins to yield to Harvey’s patient fucking. Soon, he’s opening up like daffodil in spring which is good because he’s quickly approaching the part of the blowjob where he figures out that he still has the cock ring on. Which he needs to be wearing, especially with all his whining, but Harvey is concerned that he’ll tighten back up on him when he does.
Thankfully, his hole finally accepts Harvey’s fat cock deep into him before he’s screaming too hard around Elliott’s cock. The redhead lets off of him once Harvey’s deep inside of him in earnest. He remains on his face however, feeling as though he’s earned yet another orgasm.
Elliott and Harvey kiss as he finally starts a proper pace, his tight hole squeezing him hard as thanks. He trembles beneath them as he gets fucked for the first time, his throat trying to whine for more around Elliott, but his cock muffles him. Once Alex makes him cum, Elliott returns to his side, soothing the whining brat as he begs for more.
Alex’s asshole is finally relaxed enough for Harvey to oblige, thrusting his hips at a pace the two could agree on. Once he gets started, it’s easier on Alex from then on, allowing Harvey to get deeper with every thrust. “Oh, fuck! Please!”
Harvey picks up the pace when Alex wraps his arms around his legs and holds them flat to his chest, taking advantage of the better angle to fuck him harder. The harder Harvey goes, the more Alex begs for, his virgin hole taking cock like he’s used to it.
Harvey is finally able to give in to his own desires, the pace he sets is still gentle (gentler than it could be at least) on Alex, but allows him to really pound into him. He finds himself moaning as he thrusts deep into Alex, going faster every time he begs him to.
Now that he’s bloomed for him, Harvey finds it easier to fulfill Alex’s desires as well. When Alex begs him to thrust deeper into him, he does. When Alex begs him to fuck him harder, he does. When Alex begs him to go even faster, he does. The once cocky jock is now a mess under Harvey, his tight little hole spread wide open for yet another married man.
While he is enjoying himself (quite the understatement), Harvey is far from his climax—maintaining his health as he does in no small part to preserve his sexual endurance. But Alex is not. He can feel the harsh drumming of his heartbeat from inside of him and the desperation in every squeeze of his walls. He will not cum, because of the cock ring, obviously, but Harvey would like to see him orgasm anyway. He’d also quite like to be inside of Alex when he has his very first dry orgasm.
As rough as he’s being on Alex, he’s taking it very well, his back arching against the bed and nothing but encouragement spilling from his mouth. Harvey angles his hips just right and plows into his prostate. He doesn’t make much noise, only gasping as he arched his back even harder, furiously jerking himself off even though it won’t make any difference. He continues to gasp for air as he tries to comprehend an orgasm with no feeling of release.
Harvey is gentle as Alex gathers himself, Elliott moving to soothe him again, straddling his chest running and his fingers through his hair. Alex holds onto Elliott, running his fingers through his hair trying to collect himself. Eventually his brain can comprehend the fact that he’s still hard despite having such an intense orgasm. Elliott caresses his face. “Are you ok, baby?” Alex nods.
He tries to clear his throat a little. “It’s just—so… intense.”
Harvey looks down at Alex, his hole squeezing him quite desperately. “Are you sure you want to keep going?”
“Y-yeah. Please.”
Elliott rubs his chest. “Do you want to put your cock in me?” Alex nods. He rises up on his knees and lets Alex position himself so that he can sink down on his cock, semen spilling out of his cunt and all over his stomach. Harvey unclasps the cock ring before Elliott takes all of Alex in.
Elliott and Harvey start to move at the same time. Elliott rises up and sinks down on Alex’s big cock, while Harvey thrusts in and out of his tiny hole. The jock is in absolute ecstasy, whimpering with every movement.
The feeling of sharing a man with his husband always brings Harvey closer to the edge of his orgasm, and he knows very well that Alex doesn’t have much left in him; neither does Elliott, having cum more times in a few hours than most people do over the course of the month. They both still put their all in pleasing Alex, who feels especially lucky as he looks up at the two of them working together to make him cum.
Harvey leans on Elliott’s back as he thrusts into Alex, wrapping his arms around the front of him and groping his tits. Elliott’s cunt throbs at the feeling, making Alex whimper and squeeze Harvey’s cock. He smirks to himself and invites Alex to play with his tits as well, getting him to roll his nipple between two of his fingers. Elliott’s whimpering as he rides Alex makes it clear how close he is to orgasm, his battered cunt trembling around him.
Elliott picks up the pace and so Harvey follows suit, once again chasing a mutual orgasm, only this time Alex gets to cum too instead of just watching. Harvey guides Alex’s hand down from one of Elliott’s tits down to his cock and winks at him. Alex gently jerks him off as Harvey toys with both of his tits.
Elliott isn’t intending to make any noise as he bounces up and down on Alex’s cock, but he can’t keep himself from gasping at every manipulation of a bundle of nerves on his body (his cock, g-spot, and nipples so overstimulated he’s constantly trembling). The head of Alex’s cock threatens to rub up against his g-pot with every rise and fall of his hips.
Harvey angles his hips one last time and pounds into Alex’s prostate, which makes his hips jerk up into Elliott, hitting his g-spot dead on. Elliott’s orgasm is wanton and desperate, Harvey covers his mouth to keep him from screaming as he squirts for the last time. Alex is forced through another earth shattering orgasm as Elliott’s cunt clamps down on him while he struggles through his own. Harvey finally reaches his second orgasm, pumping cum deep in Alex’s now formerly virgin asshole, his body aches and his cock is tired.
They all end up in a bit of pile together, trying to spread out in the bed a bit to give each other space, but being trembling messes of human beings, they mostly fail. Harvey ends up on one side of Alex, Elliott on the other. They put most of what’s left of their energy to making sure that he’s ok, and admittedly he feels kind of awkward. “Uh… did you know about… y’know?”
“Sweetheart, we’re married. I know everything about my husband.” Harvey insists. They both chuckle and kiss Alex on the cheek. He blushes again.
41 notes · View notes
fruitalike · 5 months
lol. lmao even. this is done. it is 8k, not 2-3k. working on cross posting it here. i DID post it on AO3 on 12/31/23 though. perhaps my only accomplishment. never again.
ok so.... i have officially started day 31. with hopes to post it tomorrow. obviously. may or may not come to fruition but i am trying lol. remind me to never do this shit to myself again lmao
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fruitalike · 9 months
ok so........ now i'm 1k+ deep so HOPEFULLY day 31 SHOULD BE out on the 30th of this month. it may be in the 11th hour like it usually is lmao. shooting for like.... 2-3k or so. hopefully have a considerable portion written. NEVER AGAIN
ok so.... i have officially started day 31. with hopes to post it tomorrow. obviously. may or may not come to fruition but i am trying lol. remind me to never do this shit to myself again lmao
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fruitalike · 10 months
ok lol.... definitely not happening today lmao. maybe 9/30? since there's no 9/31? idk
ok so.... i have officially started day 31. with hopes to post it tomorrow. obviously. may or may not come to fruition but i am trying lol. remind me to never do this shit to myself again lmao
5 notes · View notes
fruitalike · 10 months
ok so.... i have officially started day 31. with hopes to post it tomorrow. obviously. may or may not come to fruition but i am trying lol. remind me to never do this shit to myself again lmao
5 notes · View notes
fruitalike · 11 months
HIGH RISK || Elliott x Alex & Elliott x Harvey
RATING: Explicit 18+ obviously
PAIRNG: TRANS ELLIOTT x Alex (1st) & TRANS ELLIOTT x Harvey (2nd)
TAGS: PART TWO OF OF COURSE, hand jobs, oral sex, p.i.v. sex, vaginal sex, creampie, cum eating/as lube (a little), looks like cheating (but canonically not cheating), voyeurism, kinktober 2022, day 23 rarepair, pwp, better tags on ao3 probably
WORDS: 4520
He can’t force himself to look at his lover now; feeling very nearly smitten with his boytoy and the way he’s suddenly made himself worthy. He’s not sure why it took this long for his vapid brat to figure this out, but that’s neither here nor there. He’s getting fucked like he’s never been fucked before. (day 23: rarepair + part two of day 10: voyeurism)
genital words: cunt, pussy, breasts, dick, cock, sex, metaphors :)
Alex wasn’t sure if, after his last session, he was supposed to return to his tutoring lessons. But Elliott didn’t tell him not to, so he hesitantly showed up at the clinic, as usual. Their relationship seemed to be in the same place it had been before; Alex wasn’t so sure that that was a good thing, but the fact remained regardless.
The jock couldn’t help but feel an attraction towards Elliott, despite all that transpired. He continued to feel guilty for his involvement with a married man, but those feelings only had him sinking deeper and deeper in Elliott’s waters. Elliott was all he’d ever wanted, and to some extent he had him now, Alex certainly couldn’t just give in. Just walk away. Just leave a married man alone. Whatever guilt he felt, or was supposed to feel, melted as he lost himself in Elliott; his head dizzy, Alex succumbed easily to Elliott’s undercurrent, perfectly content with his head under the surface more often than not and only gasping for air when he’d drown without it. He gorged himself on his sea spray, and trembled as he was engulfed, grasping for flesh as he was swept out to sea.
Alex kept his eyes shut tightly, the room spinning at such a speed that he would surely vomit otherwise. Elliott’s hand gently rubbing him up and down, up and down. His bright red aching cock at his mercy as he spoke casually to his husband mere yards away. Sometimes Alex was dragged into the conversation and he participated as best he could, desperately trying not to cry out in agonizing pleasure. His eyes watered as he heard Harvey mindlessly typing at his computer, the brunet blissfully unaware of what his husband was up to. Alex grit his teeth as he became more and more eager to release, unsure of what Elliott’s plan was. He’d been edging him for close to an hour, at least, he’d surely make a mess. He bit back a moan as Elliott slid his thumb over his tip.
The conversation reached its end and Alex got more and more anxious. Surely Harvey could hear the wet sounds of his husband’s spit coating him, right? The sound of Elliott’s horrifically gentle movements edging him? The desperation and resistance in the air? What about Elliott moving forward on the couch? Surely, he had to hear that. Harvey would certainly hear the way he sunk further and further until he was licking Alex’s slit. Dear god what was he doing? He took Alex’s tip into his mouth and lapped at his slit, egging him on—practically begging him to cum. Alex couldn’t help but oblige, clasping both hands over his mouth and trying to keep as quiet as possible while Elliott drank his cum.
His orgasm was the most intense he’d ever felt, his toes curling to the point of cracking and tears streaming down his face. He tried to breathe deeply as Elliott’s soft lips and sweet tongue milked him for all he was worth. His gentle hands pumping every last drop out of him. Alex threw his hands down in defeat, leaning his head back over the couch as Elliott finally had the mercy to finish him off. The redhead swallowed all that he managed to drain from him and composed himself. He licked his lips and helped Alex back into his sweats, drying his tears with a tissue.
Harvey finished whatever he was working on just as Alex had collected himself. Elliott excused himself and retreated to the kitchen, Harvey following. Alex could just barely hear them kissing and panicked. His cum was in Elliott’s mouth. Harvey would taste his cum in Elliott’s mouth. He waited for an argument between the two to start but it never did. Instead, Elliott offered him some kind of dessert. He accepted the offer both to remain inconspicuous and because he was hoping eating would help settle his stomach.
Alex entered the kitchen right as Elliott once again excused himself, the bastard. Harvey offered him a small slice of what Alex thought was cake but the doctor insisted was pie, and he was pleasantly surprised to find it quite enjoyable and tasting nothing like rat poison. Harvey talked his ear off about the contents of the pie but all Alex could focus on was the fact that without the white coat he was much more muscular than he thought he’d be. Harvey certainly wasn’t unattractive but Alex was more worried that he might be more of an issue than he thought he was, if he were to find out about the whole fucking his husband thing. He put his plate in the sink and tried to act normal. He asked for a glass of water and Harvey handed him a glass from the cupboard.
As he turned on the tap and poured himself a glass, Harvey seemed to get closer. Just as Alex was going to ask him what his problem was, he put his hand on his shoulder. “I’m not sure what you think is going on between you and my husband, but I can assure you that there isn’t anything going on. So, I’d appreciate it if you’d back off a bit.”
Alex put the glass down. “I don’t know what you’re talking ab—”
Harvey moved his hand up to his throat, and applied the smallest bit of pressure. “Back. Off.”
Alex just nodded. When Elliott returned from the bathroom, he seemed completely oblivious to the tension in the air. They really were two of a kind.
Despite Harvey’s warning, Alex didn’t back off. Elliott was simply too alluring to deny. Alex had earnestly tried to leave Elliott be, but the second the redhead initiated anything, he was swept out to sea. It wasn’t as if he was being pressured by the older male either, any and everything they did together Alex was more than enthusiastic about! He just felt a little guilty after. Only a little.
Alex harbored more guilt than usual today, perhaps because fucking Harvey’s beloved husband had certifiably improved his grades, and he had the midterms to prove it. Even though the doctor had a full schedule, Alex was still on edge. He sighed as Elliott wrapped his arms around his shoulders from behind him, kissing his cheek and tousling his hair. “I’m proud of you for doing so well on your exams.”
“Thanks.” Elliott kissed down his neck.
“What?” Elliott stood in front of him now.
“What ‘what’?”
“What’s wrong? You’re so rigid. You usually melt in my hands.”
“I need to tell you something.”
Elliot sat next to him on the couch. “Of course.”
“A while back Harvey pulled me aside and told me to back off of you. I guess I’m just a little freaked out by it that’s all.”
“I hope you’re not frightened of my husband.”
“I’m not but when you put it like that…”
Elliott caressed his cheek. “I suppose I cannot dissuade your well-placed guilt, but Harvey wouldn’t so much as hurt a fly if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I just feel kinda bad about the whole thing sometimes, that’s all.”
“Your decision is your own, but I haven’t led you astray thus far and I don’t plan on it, either.” Alex nodded.
“And I’ll keep you and your sports out of the crossfire should anything go awry, alright?” Elliott winked at him.
Alex nodded, kissing Elliott. He was right, whatever guilt he felt easily melted in Elliott’s soft hands. Once again, he was swept into Elliott’s storm, loosing himself as he mirrored his actions, trying to stay afloat. Alex went where he was guided, kissing Elliott’s neck and down his chest, barely keeping himself from sucking hickeys into his delicate skin. All he did to try to match Elliott’s rhythm and intensity was soon found in vain, the redhead on top of him all the same. Only after he coaxed him out of his shirt, of course.
Elliott hummed as he rubbed Alex’s chest while he straddled his waist. The more he rubbed his chest the more his chest heaved. “Do you want to fuck me, sweetheart?”
Elliott stood and stripped. “I have a surprise for you if you’d like.”
Alex blushed. “Depends.”
He returned to his place on Alex’s waist. “I’m ovulating.”
Alex blinked rapidly. “Doesn’t that mean you can get pregnant?”
“I am quite sterile, dear.” He brushed his fingertips across Alex’s cheek, making him shiver.
“What does that mean, then?”
Elliott pouted. “You really can’t feel how wet I am? Even when I sit on you like this?”
“Well sometimes, y’know, it’s not—”
Elliott narrowed his eyes at Alex, the brunet too anxious to continue. He crossed his arms and huffed. “That was part of your surprise.”
Alex opened his mouth to speak but Elliott cut him off. He leaned forward into the jock’s face. “I was thinking that since you’d done so well with Harvey’s seconds for so long that I’d reward you with going first. But if you’re going to be so ungrateful, maybe I’ve spoiled you too much. Maybe you don’t get any pussy at all.”
“No, no, no, I—” Elliott grabbed Alex’s chin. Thoroughly intimidated, he gulped. “I’m sorry.”
The redhead backed off some. “Good boy.”
“Do you think that you can behave yourself long enough to fuck me?”
“Mhmm.” Elliott leered at him.
“Do you even deserve to fuck me?”
“I’ll try.”
“You’ll try what?”
“To deserve it.”
Elliott hummed and stood. He crossed his arms across his chest while he waited for Alex to finish undressing himself. Alex fumbled under such a judgmental stare; Elliott was the only person he had ever felt embarrassed to expose himself to.
Once he pulled himself together (and his clothes off), Elliott returned to straddling him. Alex struggled to maintain his composure as he was engulfed by Elliott, all at once grateful for and deeply terrified of having nearly missed out on his special surprise. He fought to maintain the intense eye contact that his lover demanded, but ultimately failed as his eyes rolled back into his head.
Alex kept his eyes shut, clinging to what was left of his dignity. He held on to Elliott where he was allowed to. His trembling, clammy hands barely capable of doing so. He twitched desperately inside of the redhead. Elliott clenched around him and Alex dug his nails into his thighs, trying to keep from ejaculating prematurely. Arching his back only thrust him further into Elliott’s excruciatingly wet cunt, and he immediately understood the concept of sex addiction.
He wasn’t allowed much time to adjust. Elliott, ever inpatient, began to roll his hips far too soon for Alex’s tastes. But then again, Elliott’s tastes always seemed to become Alex’s in time. He tried to force himself to acclimate faster this time, though that proved even more difficult with his lover teasing himself and Alex in turn. The deepest parts of his body squeezing him with fervor.
Elliott again became unsatisfied with the pace Alex struggled to keep up with. Every part of Alex’s body trembled as Elliott rose ever so slightly on his knees, pausing to squeeze his cock, and then lowering himself again. He involuntarily arched his back, his feet kicking into the couch enough to raise his hips and forcing him deep into Elliott. His fingers gouged bruises into his spread thighs, so soft, warm, and inviting. He could tell by the way he shivered he had only just missed his g-spot; his cunt offering shallow, gentle pulses to the head of his penis—butterfly kisses begging him to try again, pleading with him to make him cum. And still Alex faltered. Settling back into his original place on the couch once his muscles relaxed. “You’re going to kill me,” he whispered, as if Elliott would care; as if that wasn’t his clearest intention by this point.
“Do you want to stop?”
Alex immediately shook his head. “No.”
“Hmm,” Elliott caressed him again, “I’ll try to be a little gentler.”
Alex nodded and welcomed the slow pace Elliott began with. True to his word, he gently rose and gently sunk back down on his cock; squeezing him less often. It was still unlike anything Alex had ever experienced. He refused to meet Elliott’s gaze even as he accommodated him, worrying that the sight of him still might over excite him. He didn’t need to watch Elliott ride his cock to know what he was being gifted with. He could remember very well the way the soft, inviting parts of his body gently bounced as Elliott took all of Alex back into his cunt. His hair tousled and flowing down his body, clinging to his blushing face, only being pushed away as he moaned and tried to keep in it out of his mouth. Elliott’s lips always ended up a bright red, from all the kissing and sucking and biting. His cunt was probably pounded pink by now too.
He groaned as Elliott rode him, well aware that how hard he was groping him would cause bruises. His joints seemed to lock in place, along with most of his muscles. Even if he could convince himself to care about how hard he was digging his fingers into Elliott’s delicate flesh, even if he could consider the fact that bruises made them more likely to get caught, he wasn’t sure that he could force his body to stop, that he could force his joints to become fluid again. Alex wished he could find his range of motion again. He wanted more than anything else to thrust up into Elliott’s spoiled rotten cunt.
He forced his eyes open. Elliott smirked, rubbing his chest again. “Better?”
Alex nodded, worried that he might make a fool of himself if he tried to speak. Elliott touched his face again, dragging his fingernails across his cheek and making him shiver. Keeping uncomfortable eye contact, he wrapped his fingers around his jaw instead—pressing his fingertips into the hollows of his cheeks and pulling, forcing Alex to open his mouth. “You’re such a brat,” his words dripping with venom he spit in Alex’s mouth. The brunet desperately swallowed, trying to ignore how sweet he tasted.
Alex pouted. He couldn’t help himself. Elliott mocked him and continued the same pace. Soon though the gentleness he’d begged for became agonizing all the same. He needed more. More of Elliott, he needed to move more than once every few seconds. Alex shouldn’t even be able to count the seconds between the rising and falling of Elliott on his cock. He should only know himself engulfed in the married cunt he’d earned.
How hard he worked for this gift. Correcting a lifetime of behavior in Elliott’s gentle care– his grades higher now than they were even when he was cheating; he was close to the top of his classes now, he was… close. He was nearing his orgasm and he hadn’t even taken the initiative to show Elliott how much he adored him. How much he appreciated how much Elliott cared for him, how much he believed in him. His cock throbbed. He couldn’t waste his gift like this. He couldn’t keep going without showing Elliott how desperate he was for his gift. His warm, sweet cunt offered so nonchalantly to such a fuckup; such a fuckup that he might even bear the thought of ejaculating before making his devotion to Elliott’s horrifically tight but all the same inviting and decadently wet cunt crystal clear. He could not let Elliott think he had made a mistake in allowing him this gift.
He forced himself to study the way his pitiful cock slid in and out of Elliott. Still on his knees, his legs were only spread so far. Alex could only see so much of him like this. Red, fluffy pubes dampened and slicked back with all that his dripping sex had to offer. Tiny dick red hot and pulsating, angry with Alex’s inability to please. His puffy lips concealed enough of Alex’s cock to embarrass him. Though Alex could see just enough of himself to become mortified at the amount of precum he smeared inside and outside of Elliott. He wracked his brain for the feeling of ecstasy he was sure he ought to be feeling, nearly convinced he had indeed ejaculated already. The feeling of Elliott’s decadence coating him, his storm surge flooding his pubes, dripping down his balls, and pooling on the couch of his marital home was starting to tick at what was left of Alex’s sanity. He had to act.
Wordlessly he pushed Elliott back against his raised knees and spread his legs open; but it still wasn’t enough–he needed to see more of him. Elliott instinctively steadied himself with his hands, eager to finally allow Alex to take charge. Alex spread him open more, thighs raised and legs bent at the knee, his feet suspended in air. His decadence splayed open for Alex’s prying eyes, encroaching on all that was not his. He groped Elliott’s thighs where he held them behind his knees, keeping him in the perfect position. He curled his toes and gave a gentle thrust, testing his ability to even raise his hips in this position. A deep shiver ran up his spine as he slid deep into Elliott, it was as if Yoba himself had reinvigorated him, allowing him to enjoy his most precious gift. “May I?” His voice barely trembled as he finally pried his eyed from Elliott’s cunt to his blushing face. His chest heaved and sweat traced down his chest between his tiny breasts.
“Of course.” His voice was smug but encouraging. His devilish smirk daring Alex to decimate him.
He again digs his fingers into Elliott’s delicate flesh and pulls him down as he thrusts up into him. Alex cries out as he pounds into all that is holy. He fucks as hard as he can. Gravity fighting against him, he still thrusts deep into Elliott. His body— despite all its failings before—is steadfast its support of his most carnal desires. Elliott moans desperately, throwing his head back and giving into Alex’s new found confidence.
Alex is drenched in sweat. Every moment he ever spent exercising paying off now as he sets an almost gruesome pace. Elliott squeezes him hard and enjoys it. His toes curl and his fingers are digging into the couch cushions. His eyes shut tight as he wordlessly ejaculates all over Alex. He continues regardless.
But that’s just how he likes it. And he’s glad Alex remembers that he can take it this hard. His pace stays brackish and crude, almost his entire cock wrenching in and out of Elliott with every thrust. He can’t force himself to look at his lover now; feeling very nearly smitten with his boytoy and the way he’s suddenly made himself worthy. He’s not sure why it took this long for his vapid brat to figure this out, but that’s neither here nor there. He’s getting fucked like he’s never been fucked before. He can’t face Alex, and the rotten little face he makes as he fucks him, taking all of him in. He certainly can’t face Alex’s cock slipping out and lambasting his own tiny, hypersensitive cock before fucking into him again. He can’t even open his eyes to make sure that his beloved husband hasn’t walked in on them like this. Though he’s sure if Harvey was there, he’d be the one overcome with voyeuristic desire. The shy doctor standing there with his pants down and jerking himself off to the view of his husband getting fucked by a younger man. The thought makes him cum again.
He can feel Alex’s eyes all over him, as if he’s checking on him, as if he isn’t continuing on without a second thought. Elliott’s moaning loudly now; maybe a bit too loud but he doesn’t have it in him to care. He’s spread out for Alex’s enjoyment and he delights in every second of it. The familiar warmth rises in his stomach again, as quickly as it had just left him. He can feel it in the way his neck stiffens and his throat feels hoarse from crying out for Alex: he’s going to cum again. As much as he tries to hold himself together, he knows he can’t hold out much longer. His orgasm comes closer, and closer, and he clenches his jaw; his insides are nearing a painful level of over stimulation, and his puny cock feels numb; his body seems to settle for being physically held together with further curling of toes, grit teeth, and the burn of moans trapped in his lungs unable to cover up the fact that he psychologically cannot take it. Even his cunt’s death grip on Alex’s penis cannot keep him together. He is going to cum; Alex’s fat cock will simply bully it out of him.
Alex is at the end of his rope by now; his entire body is shaking to such an extent it ought to worry Elliott— or it would if he was paying any attention to him— the brunet so desperate to preserve his dignity (and delay his orgasm) that he may be nearing shock. So naturally the deep squeeze of his tormenting cunt was welcomed by Alex. The cries that finally escaped Elliott were so lewd that they’d certainly embarrass a refined man such as himself, but he didn’t quite seem to be aware of his actions as he was now. Indeed, his vulgar sobbing was barely distant muttering to Alex, who was busy taking Elliott’s third climax as inspiration to hold onto him even harder to fuck him even deeper, chasing his own orgasm.
As Elliott’s levees break down once more, he floods Alex again. Covered in his lover, the jock acts quickly, fulfilling his plan just as he laid out. He fucks Elliott hard: a great disregard for ease and common sense fuels his rhythm, forcing him down his cock every time he thrusts up into him. Fucking his sweet cunt is such constant ecstasy that Alex doesn’t even realize he’s ejaculating until he can feel his cum painting Elliott’s insides. And he’s still fucking. He’s deep inside Elliott, making a married man his. And he’s still fucking. His cock throbs in agony, having spilled everything into Elliott already. But he’s still fucking. It's not until his cock softens that he gives into common sense. Elliott flattens on top of him, breathing hard, Alex’s cock still inside him. “Come back tonight,” he barely manages to maintain his composure. “Come back tonight and watch Harvey get your seconds. Please.”
Alex, no longer one to refuse orders, does return after dark. The side door to the clinic is unlocked, just like Elliott said it would be. So, he sneaks into the doctor’s office and up the stairs to the apartment where just hours before he’d fucked Elliott. Now, he stood in wait, hoping to see Harvey do the same. His spent cock is already throbbing in his sweatpants.
He makes sure to duck out of view, just like he had the first time he did this. Music lightly played inside, and the small room only seemed to be lit by candles. Alex held his breath as Elliott and Harvey slow danced past him, as if they were on cue. He smirked to himself knowing that his semen would be ruining their hot date.
The two danced their way to the side of their bed and kissed. Alex couldn’t quite see how hard they were kissing before they separated. He bit his lip as Harvey pushed Elliott down on to the bed. It only seemed to take seconds for Elliott to have his cock in his mouth. Harvey held his hair back as he bobbed his head up and down his cock. His lips were stretched thin around his husband’s penis, and Alex felt a pang of jealousy in his heart. But the ache of his cock was more noticeable.
He carefully reaches to touch himself as Harvey fucks into Elliott’s throat. Just as Alex get comfortable, the doctor seems to bore of his husband’s deep throating. The redhead rises and strips naked, his beloved husband following suit. Alex can barely see it in the candlelight but Elliott makes some plea to Harvey, and seems to convince him to lay on his back. Elliott crawls on top and straddles him. They kiss briefly and Alex finally gets a chance to spit in his hand and start to jerk himself off. He can also very clearly see his semen dripping out of Elliott. Wait. It’s dripping. Just as his seed nearly inseminates Harvey’s cock of its on volition, Elliott plunges down on him.
His husband gasps as he rides him roughly. Elliott leers down at his husband as his clammy hands hold onto his bruised thighs. In the candlelight he doesn’t seem to notice. He slips his tongue in his mouth anyways, just to make sure he’s keeping his eyes closed. His freshly obliterated cunt squeezes his husband valiantly as they fuck, but he can barely fight the agonizing need to cum.
But he hardly needs to. If Elliott’s husband, ever compassionate and understanding, if slightly shy, awkward, and inexperienced, was anything, he was eager to please. So, the gentle butterfly kisses of a shallow, overstimulated orgasm left him ecstatic. So much so that he too over fills Elliott sweet cunt. All according to plan.
Alex is almost angered at the sight of post sex kisses between the two, he hadn’t even cum yet! Why would Elliott invite him if he was just going to tease him again? He thought that they were passed that now. But then there’s movement in the room.
However clumsily they come together, the husbands find themselves in a different position. Alex calms himself as he already is much more interested in Elliott being on all fours with Harvey behind him. Ignoring the burning feeling on inadequacy that forces him to consider the fact that Harvey can so easily and quickly go for a second round, Alex sets his pace the same as theirs.
Just as he had the first time he’d gotten himself into this predicament, he imagined himself being the one to fuck Elliott from behind. Pounding into his soft flesh, delivering an unknowingly malignant amount of pleasure. Raking his fingers down the soft skin of his back, forcing an unnatural arch into it. Holding him there, ass in the air, precious little cunt fucked mercilessly. He was actually surprised at how hard Harvey was fucking Elliott. Pulling his hair and forcing his face into the mattress. Well, part of his face. Just like last time, Elliott manages to keep just enough of his head above water to make eye contact with him as he gets fucked.
He gives him those desperate bedroom eyes as he cries out for his husband. He can't tell if the mending of their names is fueled by jealousy or fear.
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fruitalike · 11 months
so apparently this fucking blog is a year old as of two days ago???? and i havent posted in months..... but i swear to god im working on stuff. i have this epic problem where i blink and its been a month sometimes so like yeah.
it is of my upmost desire to finish the fucking kinktober fics from last year lmao. i am trying. hoping to get the 23rd out soon. *genuinely* trying for today! actually. posting this to hold myself to that. ok bye i have to write like.. a thousand words in 3 1/2 hours.
3 notes · View notes
fruitalike · 2 years
(FAMILIAR) LOVE BITES || Elliott x Shane
TAGS: Werewolf Shane, biting, rough oral/piv sex, t-dick in vagina sex, multiple orgasms, blood, dom/sub i guess, a/b/o adjacent, breeding/mating, panty kink, tongue/face fucking, size kink/difference (better tags on AO3 sorry)
WORDS: 3719
The beast took notice of his display of fear. It returned to his side and leered over him. Elliott forced himself to open his eyes and face his fate. What he deserved for admonishing his obviously missing lover. The beast remained familiar. It smelled like Shane, yes, but somehow it looked like Shane too. In all its angry fur and jagged teeth and… drool, it was familiar. Surely, he was becoming delirious. He could do nothing but ache at the terrible fate his love had faced at the hands of such a thing. His raised a hand in defeat and cried out Shane’s name, as if he could recall any of his essence destroyed by the monster. It lurched forward and rubbed its head against Elliott’s hand, like a dog. What a foul beast! Elliott fainted.
(puppysuki/sukipuppy's kinktober day 16 biting)
Elliott found himself sulking in the Cindersap Forest once again. He enjoyed the privacy the forest usually offered, but tonight he could swear he was being watched. He tried to ignore the feeling as he sat on the riverbank and gazed up at the stars. Quickly he became lost in his thoughts, heart aching ever so slightly for a lover once more.
Elliott never thought that he would find himself enthralled with any of the townspeople, and maybe he wasn’t quite at that stage yet, but he was certainly interested in Shane. He was strong willed but ultimately good hearted and kind. Elliott only knew that because they had gotten quite close over the last few months. But suddenly Shane felt distant. He’d been avoiding Elliott for almost a week now. And he had to be avoiding him—Elliott was certain— because he had tried everything he could think of to try to get in touch with him. Maybe it had gotten a bit out of hand but he was heartbroken! Surely Shane had known he was a hopeless romantic when he’d first gotten involved with him. A man of his age ought to know better than to leave a relationship on troubled footing for so long, surely!
Of course, Elliott was feeling a bit dramatic, as always, but he did feel lonesome without Shane. Their relationship had been the first time in a long time that he’d been able to connect with another person in general, let alone another trans person. They’d shared such intimate moments together, and they laughed and they understood. And this treatment hurt a whole lot more than it usually would. Elliott could handle being ignored—indeed to an extent he expected to be— he knew just as well as anyone that he could be a bit pretentious at times. But Shane had never ignored him. Even before they had dated, even before they were friends, he’d never ignored Elliott. While he was usually one to seek out new experiences, he wasn’t enjoying this new feeling.
He wanted to cry, though the ability had long since left him. He would be too frustrated to cry even if that wasn’t the case. He missed Shane emotionally and romantically mainly, but he ached for him physically, too. He was only human after all. What Shane did to him physically blew every other relationship he’d ever had out of the water. Elliott was desperate to feel Shane bite him ever so gently again. And maybe not so gently, too. He’d never would have known that about himself if they’d never met. And now they weren’t on speaking terms? May never see each other again? He was despondent. Maybe it was selfish and vapid to worry about losing that part of their relationship but that’s how he earnestly felt.
He sighed to himself. He rubbed his hands together to try to keep warm, the autumn night having become cold. If Shane was there, he’d offer him his jacket, or find some other way to help him get warm. He’d keep him warm. He sighed.
Elliott was thrust back into reality when he heard noises behind him. The rustling of leaves could be explained but then there was the crunching of them. The snapping of twigs. Then there were the footsteps. First of two feet and then four. The idea of footsteps imply walking, imply personhood. It was charging. At Elliott. He could only curl in on himself and brace for impact.
Whatever it was grabbed him, and held him to its chest as it retreated to the woods. Elliott couldn’t see, and he didn’t dare open his eyes but he could feel that it was the largest animal, ever. He could not conceive of an animal that could abduct an entire human being, let alone one that would. But still something seemed so familiar about it.
Something about the beast smelled familiar. So much so it managed to distract Elliott from the fact that he has being dragged farther and farther into the woods by some eldritch horror certainly to be eaten. It was right on the tip of his tongue, but he just couldn’t place the smell. He was shaken into reality once more by the feeling of the monster slowing. Slower and slower, at a leisurely pace, it strolled into what was surely a confined area. It was too late. This was the end for Elliott. His life would end here and he would never find out what he’d done so wrong to turn Shane away. Maybe he preferred it that way.
The beast let him out of its grasp and he tried to stay as small as possible. The area was warmer than it was in the clearing before, but the ground was bitterly cold. Stone cold. It had carried him into a cave. Why?
He ached for Shane. The hard headed brute would know what to do in a situation like this. What would Shane do? Shane, Shane, Shane. Shane. The beast smelled like Shane. Elliott couldn’t help but cry out for him. Had he been disappeared by the monster this entire time, while Elliott sat around and pouted like a selfish brat?
The beast took notice of his display of fear. It returned to his side and leered over him. Elliott forced himself to open his eyes and face his fate. What he deserved for admonishing his obviously missing lover. The beast remained familiar. It smelled like Shane, yes, but somehow it looked like Shane too. In all its angry fur and jagged teeth and… drool, it was familiar. Surely, he was becoming delirious. He could do nothing but ache at the terrible fate his love had faced at the hands of such a thing. His raised a hand in defeat and cried out Shane’s name, as if he could recall any of his essence destroyed by the monster. It lurched forward and rubbed its head against Elliott’s hand, like a dog. What a foul beast! Elliott fainted.
Elliott awoke to find himself… alive, much to his surprise. He had been dragged from where he’d been left originally and laid on some kind of pelt. He realized he could only tell he was laying on a pelt because his clothes had become tattered while he was unconscious. Had the beast tried to eat him? He wasn’t in any pain other than from the whole falling unconscious on stone thing.
He opened his eyes finally, trying to surmise an escape route if he could find one. That’s when Elliott realized the beast was all around him. It was spooning him. He was angry only until it stirred. He gasped as its claws slid up him arm. It moved closer to him and sniffed him. It licked from his collarbone all the way up to his ear. He couldn’t help but shiver. “Elliott…”
So familiar. “Shane?”
He hummed. “Sorry you had to find out this way.”
Elliott turned to face Shane and sure enough, it was him! He was two or three times the size he normally was and he was covered in fur and he bared violent teeth and drooled all over Elliott, but he was Shane. And he was alive. Elliott could deal with Shane’s desperate form as long as he was alive. “What are you?”
“A werewolf. Obviously.” His voice was strained, but entirely his own.
He caressed his face as he panted. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s not something… that you go around, just telling people.” He nodded and comforted Shane when he nuzzled his neck.
His attention was drawn away from Shane as his ever-increasing drool dripped on to skin that ought to be covered. “What happened to my clothes?”
Shane raised a hand… paw? And stretched his fingers apart in such a way that it nearly triggered a fight or flight reaction in Elliott. “Tend to lose a bit of dexterity to the paw and claws. I wanted to move you further inside to keep you comfortable and some of your clothes got ruffed up. Then I noticed you had a fever and tried to take your jacket off. I was as gentle as I could… fabric just likes to shred I guess.”
“Poor thing.” Elliott laughed and patted Shane’s head. Something about him trying so hard for him mended his broken heart.
“Sorry I scared you so badly earlier. I really wasn’t trying to it’s just that when I caught your scent you smelled upset. I tried to stay away from you but I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Why would you try to stay away from me? Aside from the obvious, of course.”
Shane chuckled. “You can’t smell the musk in here? It’s mating season, dear.”
“Oh, I see.” Elliott blushed as Shane crawled on top of him.
Shane leaned down and nipped at his neck. “Do you mind?”
Elliott gently shoved him back. “Well, I mean, you aren’t yourself right now, isn’t it wrong if we go there?”
Shane brushed his paw against Elliott’s face, careful not to scratch him with his claws. “Such a sweetheart…” He leaned forward so that their noses were touching. “If I wasn’t myself, why would I stay away? I can’t resist you unless you want me too. If I wasn’t myself, it wouldn’t be about what you wanted at all would it?”
Elliott nodded. “I’ve lived this life long enough that I can control myself as easily as I would otherwise. But you know I can’t keep my hands off of you.”
Elliott’s face was a deep red. “I-I want to it’s just that… this can’t turn me, right? And I’ll survive sex with you, right?”
Shane chuckled again. “Only if you want me to. And you’ve survived sex with me so far, haven’t ya? Hardly have the tools to get as rough with as I usually do in the woods.”
“OK. Just be careful.” Shane nodded, and started to kiss and gently bite his neck. While Elliott was certainly concerned about the large teeth Shane had in this form, his arousal outweighed his fears.
Elliott couldn’t help but tremble as his clothes were ripped off by Shane. His claws couldn’t manage much else, but it still made him feel vulnerable to his desires. His jacket had long been shredded but he was soon free of his shirt as well, his small breasts toyed with by Shane as he worked his way down his torso. Shane kissed and nipped at his skin, but Elliott noticed how often that was interrupted by small bites. Not gentle, just small. It made him jump every time, but he'd be lying if he said it turned him off. Shane noticed this and rose to his knees.
Elliott’s legs were spread and his pants were shredded off by Shane. He quivered under Shane’s wrath; his belt buckle even being broken in his haste. He continued to shake as his lover leered over him, gasping when he kissed him. Kissing was a bit awkward with the changes in anatomy but it was soothing to do something a little more familiar.
He whimpered as Shane’s paw slid up and down his thigh, his delicate panties the only thing keeping him at bay. His thumb started to rub Elliott’s cock, up and down, up and down, up and down. The motion was gentle, but his claws tore the lace of his panties regardless. His moaning broke their kiss, his body jerking towards Shane despite the danger, aching from his neglect. Shane bit his neck a few times before he growled. “I can’t take it anymore.”
Shane rose to his knees once more, and grabbed Elliott by his thighs. His fingers long enough to nearly wrap around them completely, and Elliott was not a small man. He dragged him forward and up his body, careful not to knock his head on the stone below. He all but threw him in the air and spun him around, grabbing him up again. Elliott was upside down, his legs spread and thighs on Shane’s shoulders, his knees bent behind his head, and Shane rubbed his back as he shoved his face in his cunt. He growled as he breathed in Elliott’s scent. “You smell so good when you’re a little bit scared.”
Elliott whimpered as he felt Shane’s teeth through the fabric. With one jerk of his head, Elliott was completely nude, completely defenseless. He was getting wetter by the second. Shane spit the ripped panties on the ground, but grabbed them and rubbed them between his legs. Elliott was forced to realize just how much bigger Shane was when he couldn’t even see between his legs. “Shane!” He gasped as he began to mercilessly lick and suck his cunt. Shane only laughed at his display and continued, rubbing his back to soothe him.
Elliott held on to Shane as well as he could, trying to keep himself stable as his cunt was used as his lover pleased. With the blood pooling to his head, it didn’t take long for Elliott to cum. He’d be embarrassed if not for the situation as hand. Still Shane wasn’t satisfied, sucking on his overstimulated little cock even as Elliott shook harder. He smacked his ass hard when he dug his nails into Shane’s fur in desperation. A large paw moved forward and opened Elliott up, giving Shane the ability to from his cock to his entrance; front to back, front to back, front to back. His oversized tongue hesitating before plunging into Elliott’s tight little cunt. He pushed in further and further, until Elliott screamed, letting him know he’d found his g-spot. Shane flicked his tongue back and forth, panting and drooling all over himself and Elliott as he tongue fucked his little cunt. He only got to rub Elliott’s little cock a couple of times before he came. Elliott trembled as he came again, the ecstasy of his orgasm ruined as he couldn’t help but ejaculate, immediately beginning to worry that squirting on a werewolf would trigger some kind of animalistic reflex. Shane only reveled in it, pulling his tongue out of Elliott so that he could lick it up.
Shane set him down as gently as he could, and gave him time to collect himself. Elliott’s head spun, both from the fucking and from the blood finally rushing away from his head. Shane sat in front of him and rubbed his leg, soothing him, yes, but also keeping his legs spread. His eyes trailed up to look at Elliott’s face from time to time, so he could check on him, but he was largely transfixed on his bullied cunt. The view fueling the movement between his legs, where he jerked his own cock wrapped in Elliott’s decimated panties. His lover’s juices mixing with his own made him cum quickly. He forced himself to discard the panties, fearing that he might ingest them otherwise. Elliott whimpered when he heard Shane cum, knowing that he’d be after him again soon. Though overwhelmed, Elliott was enthusiastic as ever, it had been a week since they’d been together after all. And he loved being used by Shane.
He raised a hand and Shane helped him up, pulling him to his chest. Both sitting flat on the ground, Elliott’s head barely made it up to Shane’s sternum. He felt tiny next to Shane, of course, but it only made him want to climb him like a tree. His fingers slid through his hair and Elliott looked up at him. Shane caressed his face and smirked. “Your turn.”
He looked down between Shane’s legs, everything hidden in tufts of fur. “My turn?”
Shane spread his legs. “Your turn.”
Elliott obliged, carefully sliding his puny hands between Shane’s tree trunk thighs (he meant that in the best way possible), and gently brushing fur back so that he could venture into the unknown. He gasped once he finally unearthed Shane’s cunt. Nothing about Shane had ever been small—indeed his transition subsumed into fat manhood very easily— his cunt and red-hot chode within were no exception. But Elliott quivered at the sight of just how large, and indeed fat his cunt was all the same. His mouth watered at his lover’s cock as well, he was easily four times larger than usual, keeping the proportions all the same. He reached out and gently touched him. “Your clitoris…”
“And you liked sucking me before.” Shane smirked down at Elliott again, and stood.
His angry chode and leaking cunt were eye level with Elliott as he sat on the ground. One paw held his auburn hair back, the other supporting the back of his neck. Elliott braced himself and held onto Shane’s thighs for balance. He flicked his tongue across his head, but quickly let his entire cock be engulfed by his mouth. He just couldn’t help himself. Shane leaned his head back and howled as Elliott deepthroated him. The sudden noise scared Elliott but he continued nonetheless. Gazing up at Shane panting and drooling he felt a deep sense of pride. He gave his best doe eyes when Shane met his gaze.
Elliott began to jerk Shane at the same rhythm he bobbed his head to, driving him up a wall. But he could tell that Shane could still take more. He gently rubbed his thumb against Shane’s entrance and he laughed at him again. “You know I’ll need a lot more than your tiny little thumb to feel anything.”
Elliott blushed from embarrassment and whimpered. Shane rubbed the back of his neck, and made a familiar motion with his hand, tucking his thumb close to the underside of his fingers. Elliott looked up at him questioningly. “You know I can take it. I’m soaked.” He was.
Elliott made his hand the same shape and gently prodded at Shane’s entrance. His drenched cunt took all of Elliott’s hand slowly, but easily. Though his insides ought to be as much bigger as the rest of him, right? He shuddered and groaned as his cunt tried to get used to the intrusion. He growled when Elliott set a slow pace inside of him. Elliott slowly picked up the pace, but that still wasn’t enough for Shane.
Growling again, Shane balled his fist up against the back of Elliott’s neck before relaxing it again. The redhead got the message and carefully formed a fist inside of Shane. He immediately felt the difference, Shane’s walls quaking more and drawing him further inside. Shane adjusted quickly to what he actually wanted. Soon he was in complete control, face fucking Elliott and in turn rolling his hips enough to control the pace of his fist too. He growled and groaned; he wouldn’t last much longer.
When Shane tilted his head back, Elliott shut his eyes, preparing for what was to come. He growled and bared his teeth as his eyes rolled back into his head, finally he found his edge and came. His orgasm was intense, his ejaculation no different, effectively marking Elliott as his own as he exploded all over him. Elliott got to swallow a little but most of what Shane had to offer ended up on his chest and was dripping down his body.
Almost as soon as Elliott was disentangled from Shane, the werewolf was on him again. There was a different spark in his eye and he bit Elliott’s shoulder, sinking his teeth in just enough to be able to lead him with the grip. He dragged him underneath him until he was back on the pelts, on his hands and knees, with his face down and ass in the air. He released his grip and licked the blood off his lips. He leaned in close to Elliott’s ear and licked his face. “I’m going to fill your pussy with puppies.”
A small “o-ok,” was all Elliott could muster as Shane slinked away and got into position. Any humor or irony he could find in Shane putting him in doggy style was immediately lost to the feeling of being pounded into all at once.
Shane held on to Elliott’s hip with one paw, and propped himself up with the other. He pulled Elliott’s hip back to meet his forward thrusts, setting a merciless pace. Shane was panting and drooling right next to Elliott’s face, but as he fucked him, he started to whine and whimper. His little chode overstimulated but desperate to mate. Elliott moaned with him, feeling extraordinarily lucky to be the person to accept Shane’s monstrous desires.
Shane snarled at the show of submission, snapping his jaws a few times before sinking his teeth into Elliott’s other shoulder. He cried out and came the second Shane’s teeth broke skin. His cunt clenching around Shane’s cock was heavenly but it wasn’t enough to make him cum yet. He fucked him even harder, the rough motions moving the pelt around beneath them. His claws sunk into Elliott’s hip and drew blood. He continued. Shane was seeing red. He needed to cum. He needed to mate. He needed to breed.
When Elliott clenched him tight and started crying out little chants of “oh Shane, Shane, Shane!” he knew he was milking his g-spot for all it was worth. He whimpered and whined into the wound he was making on Elliott as he got closer and closer to another orgasm. Elliott’s tight wet little cunt was going to give Shane all that he needed, and his heart felt swollen and thumped desperately. He released his bite once more, savoring Elliott’s sweet blood as he thrusts got sloppy. Harder, rougher, sloppier. Harder, rougher, sloppier. Harder, rougher, sloppier.
He licked Elliott’s face a few times and whined. “I love you sweetheart.”
Elliott gasped and whimpered. “I love you too.”
Shane snarled one final time and sunk his teeth into the side of Elliott’s neck; his mating bite. The redhead came immediately, as was the point. Shane following with a much harsher orgasm, ejaculating enough to create a puddle beneath them.
He rode out his orgasm and released Elliott, who collapsed instantly. He rolled his spent body onto his back, looking up at Shane. His blood and Shane’s drool dripping down on to him. Shane caressed his face. “Just once more?”
Elliott spread his legs. “Anything for you.”
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fruitalike · 2 years
i just want to say that i am working on the kinktober stuff even though i’m late!!! day 16 will come out soon, then day 23, etc. probably all will be 3k+ words at this point so hopefully worth the wait <3 i will leak the day 16 ship under read more link <3
Day 16: Biting
Ship: trans Elliott x  trans Werewolf!Shane
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fruitalike · 2 years
OF COURSE || Elliott x Harvey & Elliott x Alex
RATING: Explicit 18+ obviously
PAIRING: TRANS ELLIOT x Harvey (1st) & TRANS ELLIOT x Alex (2nd)
TAGS: KINKTOBER 2022 DAY 10 VOYEURISM, TRANS ELLIOTT, piv sex, creampie, they’re married, alex is in college, elliott and harvey are ~30 alex is 25, looks like cheating, jerkin it to other people havin sex :), nipple play, degradation, (genitalia = pussy & tits), hand job
WORDS: 3155
It was quiet but he could hear him plain as day say, “Oh, fuck.” Well, he wasn’t really talking, he was very clearly moaning. But he didn’t sound like he was in pain. He shuffled back against the wall and looked into the window in the door. He hoped he wouldn’t be seen as he was, he knew damn well he really should leave, but he just couldn’t help himself. Alex bit his lip as he got a clear view. Elliott was...
(for sukipuppy/puppysuki's kinktober day 10: voyeurism) 
a/n: will be continued for day 23 and day 31 even if it doesn’t come out that day
Alex was hardly an academic—that much was obvious to anyone who knew him. But he usually got by well enough, until college came around, at least. Suddenly he found himself struggling to maintain the required 2.0 grade point average he needed in order to participate in his beloved gridball. With his grades drifting below that point, he was under pressure from the university, his coach, and his team to pull his act together. Which was an ego boost fit to balance out the hit his would take in needing a tutor at all. But anything for the star quarterback, right?
Eventually he found himself the help he needed in Pelican Town’s own hermit, Elliott. But it would seem that while he was away at college (and generally not paying any attention to him), the redhead was no longer a hermit at all! Indeed, he was not only a published author but a husband to the town’s doctor! How his grandmother had managed to leave out that piece of town gossip on their monthly phone calls he’d never know.
Gossip aside, Elliott was the only one of the two people in town that could fill the role Alex set out that had the free time to do it. His husband, Harvey being the only other option; but he of course was busier and even weirder than Elliott so Alex preferred the latter anyway. The author also thought that adding ‘local tutor’ to his book jackets might make him seem humbler and his writing more appealing.
So, every week Alex took the bus back into the valley and made his way to the doctor’s office and into the apartment above. There Elliott would always be waiting for him, ready to start whatever lesson he needed help with. Alex’s worst subject had always been English, as he’d found it boring. But he’d be lying if he said that applied to Elliott’s lessons. He was so engrossed and well-versed in whatever they were covering that he managed to make in interesting enough for Alex to pay attention. His improving grades were evidence of that fact. It certainly helped that Elliott was attractive, of course.
Alex would never admit it aloud, but Elliott was one of the most attractive men he’d ever known. That much was true even before he’d left for college, and played a role in how much of an effort he’d made to ignore him. He knew that he didn’t have much of chance with the older man so he left him be. Though now of course he had come to regret that, the bastard having married the biggest loser in town. Maybe that was unfair to the doctor, he was kind and well intentioned, obviously not making very much money as such a small-town doctor but continuing to remain and treat his patients regardless, instead of following the money elsewhere. But that hardly mattered to Alex, there were, like, fifteen other redheads in town he could’ve chosen to spend his life with, but oh no, he had to choose the only one that Alex liked!
Seedier parts of him told him to try to seduce Elliott so that he could have the older man for himself. Even seedier parts of him told him it wouldn’t be very hard considering the way his beloved always dressed when he came to his tutoring sessions. His questioning of his scantly glad teacher was brushed off with the insistence that the silk robes he always wore—that barely covered his ass, mind you—were his ‘house clothes’ that he wore around the house to be more comfortable. While Alex truly did understand that Elliott had the right to wear whatever he wanted to in his own home, he couldn’t help but question if that was truly his daily attire. He couldn’t comprehend the dweeb he called a husband being able to keep himself together around such a gorgeous man. He’d probably get sweaty and red in the face and walk around with a hard on all the time. Alex, on the other hand, was calm, cool, and collected around Elliott. He let his attraction to him to be known when he flirted with the redhead, but only after he started it. The sexpot flirted with him regularly, too!
Alex was cautious about getting caught up with a married man, of course, but he wasn’t caught up with him, even! They were just friends! And it was nice to have an older friend that could add some perspective to his life. They’d grown close as the semester went on, and he’d even come out to Alex as trans! Alex didn’t know what that meant and promptly looked it up after he left, but he came to understand how much Elliott trusted him when he figured it out. He found himself caring only as much as he thought he ought to—Elliott was the same man he’d known before, after all. He figured it was probably better for Elliott that way, there was a distinct lack of awkwardness and only a deeper understanding of his friend. He asked bluntly if Harvey treated him well in that aspect. As much as it irked him to hear how much the two loved each other, he was relieved to hear Elliott gush about Harvey’s kindness and understanding.
Despite cluing Alex in on how much he loved his husband, Elliott continued to flirt with him. Every time that Alex came to the sessions, he wondered if they were finally going to cross the line from flirting and lingering touches and devious looks to kissing or even more than that. He started to wonder if Elliott was allowed to step out of their marriage, but he shook away the thought, knowing that he just wanted that to be true.
Alex pulled himself together and stepped off of the bus. He’d gotten a bit turned around with all the thoughts of Elliott in his head competing for space and he’d gotten on the bus route before the one he was supposed to be on. He wasn’t sure how he’d lost track of time in reverse, but he was there now. He tried to make himself busy as he was far too early to show up at his appointment. He visited his grandparents, went to Pierre’s to grab a drink, and even the library to waste time.
Eventually he decided that twenty minutes early was the best he could do as he was bored out of his mind. Walked into the clinic, the door was unlocked and the lights were on, but he didn’t notice the doctor anywhere. He carefully walked up the stairs, trying to be quiet in case one of them was sleeping or something. As he was about to raise his fist to knock at the doors, he heard Elliott’s voice inside. It was quiet but he could hear him plain as day say, “Oh, fuck.” Well, he wasn’t really talking, he was very clearly moaning. But he didn’t sound like he was in pain.
He shuffled back against the wall and looked into the window in the door. He hoped he wouldn’t be seen as he was, he knew damn well he really should leave, but he just couldn’t help himself. Alex bit his lip as he got a clear view. Elliott was bent over the kitchen counter, his little robe pushed up over his ass, and his underwear around his ankles. His chest was flat to the countertop and his nails tried to scratch into the surface, his face turned the opposite way from where Alex was, obviously looking up at Harvey, who was fucking him senseless. Alex didn’t think he had it in him! He was very surprised to see the doctor half-way composed, his dress shirt pulled up slightly and his pants and boxers pulled down just enough to be able to get his cock into Elliott. The dweeb still had his glasses on but he figured that would be the only way he could see what he was doing.
Alex scanned them both and neither of them seemed to notice him, so he relaxed a little. He shuffled as close to the wall as he could and just stood there, watching. His cock ached in his pants and his heart ached with jealousy, as Elliott never stopped making those sweet little noises, and seemed to be quite enjoying the way his husband was fucking him. Alex was sure that he could fuck him much better than Harvey was! His cock was probably bigger too.
He focused on Elliott exclusively, he twitched in his pants as he watched his ass bounce with every one of Harvey’s thrusts, his body lurching forward with how hard he was getting fucked. Alex desperately wanted to pull out his cock and jerk himself to Elliott’s moans and cries for ‘more’, but he didn’t want to get caught with pants down, literally.
His fears were legitimized as he watched Elliott get pounded in the same spot over and over again. His back arched and he held onto the counter for dear life. He looked back at Harvey and cried for him. Alex couldn’t believe it, he was going to cum. That bastard was going to make his Elliott cum all over him. The only thing that even remotely made up for it was that he got to watch. He watched as Elliott’s legs shook, and the thrusts slowed, and Harvey dug his fingertips into his hips as he finally came. Elliott’s entire body shook as his orgasm washed over him, and he was pretty sure he saw his eyes roll back into his head.
He watched as Harvey obviously pulled out, rubbing up against Elliott with his cock. He’d bet all he had that Elliott was just as handsome down south as he was every where else. Just as Alex was getting ready to leave, and sit back downstairs so that they wouldn’t know he’d watched them, he saw Harvey run his fingers through Elliott’s beautiful hair and then he nodded. To his horror Harvey put his cock back into Elliott. And he wasn’t just doing so that he could cum inside of Elliott. He started off slow. He was going to make Elliott cum again.
Alex couldn’t take it anymore. He needed Elliott. He pulled out his cock and spit in his hand as quietly as he could. He wasn’t going to get to have Elliott, so watching him get fucked would have to do for now. He jerked his cock quickly. He kept his jaw shut tight and didn’t make a sound, but he jerked himself as hard as he could manage. He needed to cum. Everything would fall into place after that. Then he would have a clear head and he could react normally to things concerning Elliott again.
He held his breath as Elliott turned towards him. For a second he was sure that they’d locked eyes. But Elliott laid down on the countertop just as he had before and Alex ignored the thought. He didn’t have it in him to care quite honestly. He watched as he got fucked harder and faster and deeper whenever he begged for it. He jerked himself in time with Harvey’s thrusts, imagining he was the one fucking him. He was the only one here that deserved to be fucking Elliott, of course. He kept jerking even when he was sure that Elliott probably saw him. He kept jerking as Elliott neared another orgasm. He kept jerking even though he was burning with jealousy. He kept jerking as Elliott came. He kept jerking as Harvey came inside of Elliott. Finally, Alex came into an old tissue he had in his pocket as he ached for Elliott and watched his husband pull out of him. He took satisfaction in the fact that he came after Harvey.
He waited until they retreated into the bathroom to flee back downstairs, cleaning himself up with some tissues from Harvey’s desk. He threw them into his personal trashcan, almost hoping he’d see them.
Alex took his usual position in the waiting room. That’s were he’d usually sit if he showed up and Harvey wasn’t in the clinic. He didn’t know what made him deviate from that today, but he was glad that he did.
He sat in his chair and waited. Eventually Harvey came down the stairs and greeted him, giving him the go ahead to venture upstairs. He was clearly freshly showered.
When he got upstairs, everything went the way it always did. Elliott tutored him in English, Alex learned something efficiently and effectively. All was well. Elliott’s hand drifted up and down his thigh, all was not well. He was too sensitive this time. He grew hard, quickly. He hoped he wouldn’t notice but he was pretty sure that there was no way Elliott hadn’t seen. They finished up the session early, and Alex was desperate to leave. But Elliott wanted to talk. He’d do anything for Elliott.
They made small talk for a while. Eventually one of Elliott’s arms was across the back of the couch, and the other sliding a hand up and down his thigh. Up and down. Up and down. He was such a tease. “Did you enjoy the show?”
Alex’s heart pounded. “What show?”
Up and down. Up and down. Further up and down. “Earlier?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
His hand stopped at the top of his inner thigh. He twitched. “You don’t?”
Alex shook his head. “You don’t remember watching my husband fuck me?”
His heart pounded. Elliott cupped his hand over his clothed cock. Deny, deny, deny! He shook his head again.
Elliott leaned in closer and rubbed up and down his shaft over top of his pants. Up and down. Up and down. “You don’t remember standing at my door and jerking your perverted little cock while my husband fucked me?”
Alex shook his head. Elliott pressed down a little harder. “Then you won’t care when I tell Harvey then, right? Because you weren’t doing anything?”
His breath caught in his throat. If Harvey found out he’d kick Alex out. Alex would fail. Alex would get kicked off the gridball team. He calls his bluff. He turns to face Elliott. “If you were gonna tell him, why haven’t you yet?”
Elliott is focusing on just his head now, rubbing it with his thumb. Alex thinks he might die like this. He gives Alex a look that would convince any man to let Elliott do whatever he wanted to them. “Why would I do that to him? Have him worry about your spoiled rotten perverted punk ass while he’s at work all day?” He rubs him harder and gets closer. “Do you think that’s fair to him?”
Alex shakes his head. Elliott pulls his cock out of his pants. He jerks him slow, his precum providing plenty of lubrication. “No, it’s not fair, is it? For you to make something so normal into something so perverted. All Harvey wanted to do was shove his fat cock into his husband’s tight little pussy like he does everyday before work. And you had to come and jerk off in the window.”
His cock ached so desperately that his eyes began to water. Elliott snickered. “Oh, you want to cry now? Come here come cry on my chest since you want to be a baby.” He kept jerking him, but used his other hand to guide Alex’s head to his chest.
Elliott leaned back and Alex huddled up to him, trying not to look down his robe. He jerked Alex just fast enough to keep him hard, but just slow enough to keep him from getting off. Inevitably, Alex looked down his robe. His cock throbbed at the sight of Elliott’s little pink nipples through his tank top. He laughed at him again. He pushed him off his chest pulled up his shirt, revealing himself to Alex. Elliott let his robe slide down his shoulders so that Alex could have a better view. He couldn’t help but look.
He groped himself with his free hand. “Come suck on ‘em. After all that you’ve done today, the least you could do is make me cum.”
Alex gleefully obliged. Licking and sucking one nipple, playing with the other, then switching vice versa. Groping him gently as his tits were small in his big hands. He tried to ignore the hickeys on his tits as best he could. Elliott slid his fingers through Alex’s hair and jerked him a little faster. Alex sucked and groped him harder. Elliott moaned. Alex’s cock poured precum, tears streaming down his face. He needed to make Elliott cum.
It didn’t take long before Elliott was jerking him fast and pulling on his hair. “I’m already so sensitive because Harvey’s fucked me so much today. You’re going to make me cum with just my tits because dirty little perverts like you don’t get to have pussy.”
Alex just hummed around his mouthful. “You’re a filthy fucking pervert, aren’t you?”
Alex nodded. He could feel Elliott tensing up. He was going to make Elliott cum. His orgasm was rising quickly as well.
Elliott clasped his hand over his mouth as he came, trying to keep himself quiet. Alex wanted to touch him more and help him ease through his orgasm but he didn’t dare. He just moved with the flows of Elliott’s quaking body, both to keep from knocking his teeth out and to keep from biting the redhead.
As Elliott eased down, Alex got closer and closer to the edge. His head was on Elliott’s chest and he gasped and moaned as he kept jerking him. “I’m gonna cum!” He whimpered.
Right as his orgasm was about to rush over him, Elliott curled his two middle fingers behind his thumb, and he flicked the head of Alex’s cock as hard as he could. He did it a second time for good measure. The action immediately killed his boner. His cock was completely flaccid.
Elliott pushed him off and licked his precum off of one of his fingers. He got up and left, going to the bathroom to wash his hands. He returned and changed his underwear in front of the still gasping Alex. He got a small glimpse of Harvey’s cum leaking out of Elliott before he pulled his underwear all the way up, but it wasn’t enough to reinvigorate his cock.
Elliott grabbed a couple of tissues out of a box on the dresser in front of him and used them to put Alex’s cock back in his pants. He snickered at the confused look on his face. “No one said that you were going to cum.”
He rubbed Alex’s chest. “But maybe if you can manage to conduct yourself with a little decorum, we can discuss that.”
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fruitalike · 2 years
I’ve decided to do a couple of these, too. probably :) looking at the 10th, 23rd, & 31st definitely, for one extended idea I have! the 16th and 28th also have tangentially related ideas (to each other not the other fic)! some of them will definitely be late though... 
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↳ hello everyone! this is my very first time producing and participating in kinktober! the list below was made with help from those in our discord server and so thank you so much to everyone who got involved! check some of them out @flannelandsilk and @ainsleysays !! this post will also serve as a masterlist for my own kinktober pieces but feel free to use these prompts for yourself too. ❤️
↳ 🇦‌🇸‌ 🇭‌🇴‌🇸‌🇹‌🇪‌🇩‌ 🇧‌🇾‌ 🇸‌🇺‌🇰‌🇮‌🇵‌🇺‌🇵‌🇵‌🇾‌ ❤️
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↳ also, while the above states that this is a Stardew Valley prompt list please do not let that stop you from writing! If you'd like to use this list for another fandom or otherwise then please do so.
↳ specific characters have not been chosen for specific days so as to allow others to write what they want without restrictions. or if you'd rather create art or something else then that's fine too! you don't have to exclusively write if you'd like to take part. there are also bonus prompts listed at the bottom if the current day prompt doesn't suit your fancy! ❤️
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↳ each fic will be appropriately tagged and may contain dark content. please do thoroughly read each description and warnings before proceeding to reading so as to avoid things that may trigger you, thank you!
↳ OCT 1🇸‌🇹‌.
° ROPE FT. — Sebastian IN: Rope Puppy! ° WARNING — rope, bondage, submissive Sebastian, dominant reader, overstimulation, praise kink, humiliation kink, handjob, “puppy” petname
↳ OCT 2🇳‌🇩‌.
° BUSY FT. — Sam (+Sebastian) IN: He’s A Bit Busy Right Now! ° WARNING — voyeurism, phone sex, threesome, creampie, cocky Sebastian
↳ OCT 3🇷‌🇩‌.
° ADMIT FT. — Alex IN: Admit It! ° WARNING — peeping tom, voyeurism, f masturbation, size kink, creampie
↳ OCT 4🇹‌🇭‌.
° STUCK FT. — Sebastian IN: Stuck On You! ° WARNING — noncon, cnc, implied assault, dacryphilia, thigh fucking, pussy job, roleplay, exhibitionism, pervert Sebastian, name calling (slut, dummy), degradation kink
↳ OCT 5🇹‌🇭‌.
° HYBRID FT. — Sam IN: Happy Hybrid! ° WARNING — hybrid!dog!sam, A/B/O adjacent themes (heat, pups), breeding, biting, scent kink, dirty talk, name calling (bitch), drool/saliva, overstimulation, cervix ment, cervix fucking, creampie
↳ OCT 6🇹‌🇭‌.
° ROLE REVERSAL FT. — Shane IN: New Role! ° WARNING — role reversal, bottom Shane, top reader, established relationship, humping
↳ OCT 7🇹‌🇭‌.
° EDGING FT. — Sam IN: On Edge! ° WARNING — edging, overstimulation, blowjob, somnophilia, drool/saliva, exhibitionism, feet, dry humping
↳ OCT 8🇹‌🇭‌.
° DENIAL POTION (BONUS) FT. — Elliott IN: Love Potion! ° WARNING — creampie, magic, truth serum
↳ OCT 9🇹‌🇭‌.
° LACE SLEEPY (BONUS) FT. — Alex IN: Sleep Tight! ° WARNING — dirty talk, humping, creampie, princess petname, lots of praise!!
↳ OCT 10🇹‌🇭‌.
° VOYEURISM FT. — Sebastian + Alex IN: Private Screening! ° WARNING — threesome, voyeurism, blowjob, cum eating, drool/saliva, masochism, face fucking
↳ OCT 11🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 12🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 13🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 14🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 15🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 16🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 17🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 18🇹‌🇭‌.
° PREY FT. —
↳ OCT 19🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 20🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 21🇸‌🇹‌.
↳ OCT 22🇳‌🇩‌.
↳ OCT 23🇷‌🇩‌.
↳ OCT 24🇹‌🇭‌.
° PET FT. —
↳ OCT 25🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 26🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 27🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 28🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 29🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 30🇹‌🇭‌.
↳ OCT 31🇸‌🇹‌.
° RISK FT. —
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↳ bonus prompts! use these prompts if you dislike one of the above days prompts or if you'd just like to switch things up!
❤️potion, food, sleepy, aftercare, repent, costume/cosplay, bimbofication, aphrodisiac, magic, shocking.
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157 notes · View notes
fruitalike · 2 years
RATING: Explicit 18+ obviously
PAIRING: Alex/Trans Male Reader
TAGS: needles(T shots), 2nd person pov, trans male character, YOU are trans, anal/strap on sex, oral sex, piv sex, vaginal sex, somewhat rough-ish, somewhat sub alex/somewhat dom reader, pwp, porn w/o plot, HHHHAFU (House Husbands Have Heart Aprons Fanfic Universe)
WORDS: 6,087
your husband Alex wants to know more about you...
The way he sucks you demonstrates perfectly well his ability to learn new things, a deep insecurity quelled as he almost struggles to keep your thighs from clamping shut with such a wanton disregard for the concussion he’d surely suffer if he failed. He knows that you can’t help it, your body simply reacting harshly to such a carnal display of affection. If his mouth wasn’t full, he’d be wearing a prideful grin. His amatory gesture only one of the many things he’d learned from you during your precious union.
You’d been doing this for quite some time now, but you still didn’t enjoy the anticipation. You breathe deeply as you flick the needle and push out any air bubbles. Just as you finally work up the nerve… a knock at the bathroom door. “Hello?”
The door cracked slightly, Alex carefully peeking through, “Just wanted to make sure that you’re okay, been in here awhile.”
You wave the needle at him, “I would’ve been done by now if you hadn’t come in!” Your tone was teasing and unserious.
He opened the door fully, and you rolled your eyes. “Performance anxiety?” He teased.
You rolled your eyes again and stuck the needle into your freshly sanitized stomach. You were used to the awkward angle but you still flinched. Furrowing your brow, you aspirate the needle… there wasn’t any blood. There never was any blood. Would there ever be any? You stopped wondering, you didn’t want to find out. You began to push the plunger of the syringe slowly.
Alex still remained at the door, unhappy with your ignoring him. “So, now that we’ve been married awhile, we can, like, share testosterone, right?”
You couldn’t tell if he was joking. “Certainly not.”
“I was joking, mostly.”
“I sure hope so,” you wipe your stomach after pulling the now empty needle out, “you could go to jail and your dick’ll fall off.”
“It would not.” It was obvious by his tone that he wasn’t completely confident in what he was saying.
You laughed. “Maybe not, but your balls could shrink and your hairline would recede.”
He scoffed, “Well did that happen to you?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know!” He blushed, maybe he did. “My hairline did come back a bit, yeah.”
“Hardly the important question.” He pouted and mumbled to himself.
You stood and let your shirt back down. “What was that?” You put the needle in the container with all the others, it wasn’t full yet.
“Nothing.” He pouted at you again, though he gladly accepted your hands on his hips as well as your kiss.
“So why did you really come and pester me while I was doing my shot?”
“I just love you, I guess.”
You kiss him again. “I love you, too.”
His face flushed a deeper red. “I’m lonely.”
You caressed his face. “Is that so?”
He nodded. “Why don’t you go lay down for me then?”
Alex did as told, quickly fleeing to your shared bedroom. You were in no hurry, and made your way to the room eventually. Making Alex wait was always a worthy endeavor. 
When you opened the door, he was in your shared bed, facing the door as you entered. The clothes he had been wearing were in the laundry basket in the back of the room. He squirmed under the covers as you approached. The blush on his face had spread down to his neck and chest, which was heaving in excitement. 
Caressing his face again, he whimpered for you. He allows your thumb into his mouth when you press it there. Removing your thumb, he accepts three fingers instead, sucking softly. You smirk at how he fully submits to you. Once again emptying his mouth, you reach under the covers. He’s already slightly hard, but he springs to life in your hand. You start out slow, teasing him until he starts to whine. Once he gets started, you pump your hand faster, and faster, forcing more and more sounds out of him. It’s not long before he reaches his orgasm and spills into your hand. It never was, though.
You rise again and clean your hand with a tissue from the box on the nightstand. Walking to the back of the room, you strip off your shirt and take off your binder, putting a baggy shirt back on. You take off the rest of your clothes and put on your harness. “How big do you want it this time?” You ask, rummaging through the box at your feet. 
His breath hitched and you turned to look at him, not that either of you could really see each other. “Well, um, you know that I like it to be kind of… large.”
You nod to no one. “You think if I gave you a bigger one than usual you wouldn’t be as lonely?”
He huffed. “Rude!” 
“Yes, or no?”
“Yes.” You could practically hear him roll his eyes.
You secure the toy in place, smirking to yourself. It was the largest one you had, but it wasn’t big enough to hurt Alex as long as he was patient. He wasn’t good at that. though. “You’ll have to be patient, you know.”
“I know.”
He was still pouting when you got back to bed. You snickered and retrieved the bottle of lube from the nightstand. Alex rolled onto his back and you could see that he was already hard again. You pushed the blankets off of him and crawled between his legs. He turned his head away from you as you rubbed his thighs. Being under you faded his arrogance quickly. “Ready?”
He watched you rub the lube between your fingers, warming it up a little. He whined at the display, but nodded. “Hmm?”
“Oh... why didn’t you just say so?”
He opened his mouth to say something, but was quickly cut off as you started to finger him. He shut his eyes tight as he adjusted to the sudden intrusion, letting out a slow, shaky breath. You make sure he’s fully adjusted to the first finger before you add the second. Carefully fucking him with just the one until he started to whine about being teased. You do the same with the second and then the third, rolling your eyes every time he continued the dramatics. 
You finger him at a steady pace, not too fast or too slow. It’s still not enough for him, but he’ll have to wait. You thrust your fingers in deeper, gently massaging his prostate. His entire body stiffens and pre pours out of his cock. He arches his back as you press a little harder, gasping and shooting you a desperate look. You continue regardless. Gently thrusting your fingers, and gently massaging him when you reached all of the way inside. “Please! Just fuck me already!”
“You’re not being very patient, Alex.”
His body contorted more as you rubbed him again. He could barely open his eyes to glare at you. “I can’t take any more teasing.”
“You’ll be sore afterwards.”
“I like being sore!” 
You roll your eyes. “If you say so.”
You position the toy at his entrance, teasing him yet again. You covered the toy with lube, doing your part to ensure that your spoiled, cock hungry husband wouldn’t be any sorer than he had to be. Alex started to whine again when you pressed the dildo against him, but pushing the tip into him quickly shut him up.
Alex groaned more and more as he took more and more of the toy. You gave him time to adjust every time you thrust more into him, but you were starting to wonder if he could take it all. His chest heaved at every extra centimeter. He grasped at the sheets below him. He was desperate for you, as always. 
It took much longer than usual, but he was finally able to take the entire toy, despite your insisting it was fine for him not to. As hard headed as he was, and as eager to please you as he was, you could tell by the way that his cock dripped that he was taking it all for himself. His precum pooled on his stomach, and he gave you a look that pleaded for release. You turned on the toy that rode below the dildo you were fucking him with, the vibrations motivating you to do something other than watch him squirm. 
You slowly pull out and carefully push back in, Alex pulling you down and holding onto you as you developed a slow pace. He hid his face in your neck and moaned for you. He held tightly onto your hair and t-shirt. He most certainly couldn’t look you in the eye. His mind was spinning with what you were doing to him.
He quickly adjusted to your pace, begging for more. He begged for more of the toy, he begged for you to be quicker with it, he begged for it to plunge deeper inside of him. You couldn’t help but oblige, the vibrations on your aching little cock causing your hips to jut forward, and Alex got what he wanted.
Soon Alex was getting all of the toy he could take, as fast, as deep, and as hard as he could take it. You were glad that the farm was so far from town as he screamed in pleasure. He called out your name like a prayer and it went straight to your cock, you wouldn’t last much longer like this. You could tell by the way that Alex furiously jerked himself off that he wasn’t going to last either. 
Kissing his neck, you praised him for how easily he took such a large toy. He moaned at your praises, but kept a death grip on your hair. You begged for him to cum for you, your own orgasm bubbling to the surface and making your head spin.
The feeling of desperation you shared when you locked eyes was enough to put Alex over the edge, covering his chest and stomach with his own cum. Your eyes rolled back into your head and you came, ramming into his prostate as you came down from your high.
You kiss tenderly, giggling to each other when you realize how big of a mess you have to clean up.
You stretch your arms across the back of the couch and crack your back. Footsteps approach you as you lean your head back. Alex slides his fingers through your damp hair. He smiles when you look up at him. He smells good, having just gotten out of the shower himself. 
Alex walks around the couch and crawls into your lap, positioning himself between your spread legs. He puts his feet to your right and leans into you. You wrap your arms around his waist and when you rub his back he flinches. “I told you you’d be sore.”
“I’m fine!” He protested. 
You rub further up on his back, trying not to hurt him. “Hm.”
He’s content to sit there for some time, the television droning in the background. To say that you’re paying attention to it would be dishonest, but you aren’t really paying attention to anything else either. You aren’t fully distracted– if Alex said something you’d definitely hear it– but your mind races as it always does. Though no one said that running a farm was mindless work. 
You try to relax as afternoon eases into evening. It doesn’t happen, but Alex offering to cook dinner takes one thing off your plate at least. Or does it put something else on it, but in a good way? Your brain hurts. You chuckle at the jock putting on his apron, in all its pink heart patterned glory. He huffs at you. “These are all Pierre stocks, you know!”
“You’re just so cute.”
He has his back to you as he cooks salmon dinner for two– one of the two things he knows how to cook, bless his heart– but you can tell his brow is furrowed. “I’m pretty sure that Emily makes these, too! What happened to supporting local business?”
“Well, I’ll make sure to send a special thank you card to her along with her birthday gift this year.” He huffs.
You put your head down on the kitchen table, your crossed arms softening the slightly uncomfortable position. You breathe in deeply, you let it back out. Some stress eases away as Alex begins to sear the salmon in the pan. At least then you wouldn’t be hungry. 
“Can I ask you a question?” His tone is more somber than before.
“I suppose.”
“Will you have to be on that testosterone stuff forever?”
“Yeah, or something like it, y’know considering the whole hysterectomy and all.”
“Oh, ok.”
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, I just saw some stuff online about y’know, people who don’t have a lot of testosterone naturally or make the other one that’s like testosterone but with an ‘e’ have higher risks of breaking their bones and stuff. And I was worried about it cause you’re always ruffin’ it out there.” He points out the kitchen window with the spatula he’s cooking with.
“Oh, are you on the internet worrying about me?” You tease, his care for you makes you smile to yourself though.
“Well, truth be told, I was watching a video about an old woman that gave herself an aneurysm after trying to shit too hard after she ate a bunch of chocolate but when that stuff came up, I was worried.” He rushed to speak again after taking in his own words, “I only watched it cause it was like a medical thing that actually happened, y’know it seemed interesting. She was fine I think.” 
“So, what you’re saying is, I need to turn off the WIFI before I head out each morning?” You both laugh a little; you realize how badly you needed to laugh a little. 
Dinners on the table shortly thereafter, Alex’s worries calmed by your assurance that your doctors understand your medical needs, and that you’ve ‘got it’. He fusses at you for being overly independent, and always getting ‘it’ yourself. You whine that it’s your nature, and remind him that he got to cook dinner. You laugh together, you enjoy your meal, things are calm. 
Alex joins you on the back porch after dinner, taking the seat next to you on the swinging bench overlooking the ocean. He wriggles around until he's comfortable and has his head on your chest. You run your fingers through his hair. The crashing waves relax you as much as you can be relaxed. “Can I ask you another personal question?”
Your eyes are closed and you can’t bear to open them. “Sure.” 
“Do you think we’ll ever… y’know have sex with me on top? Would you ever be comfortable with that?”
You blush a little. “I can handle it. I just have to be really relaxed or it’s no fun for anybody… especially with all that you’re packing.” He chokes. 
“Ok. I don’t suppose you have a timeline put together of when it’s best to try to initiate, do you?”
“Not particularly. I guess after winter starts, I’ll be better off. It’ll be too late to worry about winter after it gets here… hopefully.”
He nods and rubs your chest. “Don’t have to do it all by yourself you know.”
“I’m trying to know that. Old habits and all.” You squeeze him close and he squeezes you back. Alex makes it worth it.
Winter does come, eventually. It’s not as bad as you’d thought it would be, either. The two of you will be able to make it just fine, maybe all your stress and overplanning was worth it in the end. You can practically hear Alex fussing at you for even thinking that.
Night has already fallen by the time you’re finally making your way back to the house. The warm air inside soothes you greatly. You take off your boots and make your way into the kitchen where Alex is cooking something that smells very good.
The smell is so alluring that you don’t even notice that Alex is naked until you’re right next to him. Naked except for his apron, of course. You squeeze his ass and wrap your arms around his waist. “What are you doing? Hm?”
You put your head on his shoulder and let your cold nose shock him. “I’m cooking.”
“I can see that but what are you cooking? And why are you naked?”
“It’s pumpkin soup! I thought that it’d be nice this time of year.” He offers you a spoonful of the soup, smiling to himself as you taste it. “Do you like it?”
“It’s great, dear.”
“But why are you naked?” You put your hands on his cock over top of the apron. 
His body immediately reacts to your touch, but he still doesn’t respond. You kiss his neck up to his ear. “Do you want me to touch you, is that it?”
Alex hesitates before ultimately brushing you off, “I’m trying to cook!”
His tone is playful but you raise your hands in defeat. You take your seat at the kitchen table, and rest your head on your arms while you wait for him to finish cooking. Alex stands on his tiptoes to look at something on the stove and you bite your lip at the sight of his pink head hanging between his legs. He stops but you still enjoy your show, staring at his ass while he stirs the soup attentively.
Before you know it, you’re being served pumpkin soup, and while it is hard to ignore that he is buck naked in front of you, you enjoy your meal regardless. Alex cleans up the dishes after you get up to do them, insisting that you take your time to relax. Usually, you would fight him on that but tonight you just went and sat on the couch like you were told. You barely listen to the news, not caring much when the weatherman says that it’ll snow tomorrow.
Suddenly, Alex reappears in front of you. You hold him when he crawls into your lap, and you can’t help but notice that he has his date night cologne on. You kiss him gently and he reciprocates, his hands on your face, your hands on his waist. When you pull away, he gently rubs your face. “You’re so cold, can I run you a bath?”
You were cold. “You know what? That'd be really nice.”
You do your nightly routine as Alex fills the tub, combing your hair and brushing and flossing your teeth. He calls you over to the bath once it’s half full, and make sure you set out your skincare in hopes that you won’t forget it. You strip and gently sink into the water. Your tension sinks away as you stretch out in the tub, the hot water melting your aching muscles. Alex added Epsom salts before you got in, only aiding in your relaxation.
The steam warms your frozen nose quickly. Alex smiles when you lean your head back. He dotes on you as you bathe, helping you wash your hair and then your body. He offers to rub your feet and you accept, soon finding out just how much tension you held in them. His big hands easily irradicate the knots in your feet, allowing you to relax more than you had in a very long time.
You’re so relaxed, so, so relaxed. You’re starting to feel tired, too. It wouldn’t hurt to close your eyes for just a second, would it? You jump as you open your eyes again, realizing that Alex isn’t there anymore. Turning your head, you see that he’s as the sink brushing his teeth. You notice that he still has his apron on and nothing else. He’s so handsome. He seems to sense you eyes on him and he turns to look at you. “You alright?”
“Uh, yeah… but I think you need to get me out of here pretty soon. I think I fell asleep.” You chuckle nervously.
After he finished brushing his teeth, he comes back over to the tub. He shakes a tube at you to gather the attention of your drowsy eyes. “Do you want me to try to wash your face and stuff for you?” You nod.
Alex awkwardly sits on the edge of the bathtub and carefully washes your face. He applies the rest of your routine just as carefully, smiling as you explain to him what each thing does. Once he’s finished, he pulls the stopper from the bottom of the tub and fetches you a towel as the water drains. He tries to preserve as much of your modesty as he can, covering his eyes as you dry off. He helps you out of the bath, where you dry off as much as you can.
You wrap your towel around your waist and exit the bathroom, Alex staying behind to finish his own nighttime routine. When you get back to your room you notice that he left pajamas out for you, which was nice, but you were too tired to put them on. So, you sat on the bed, in your towel, hoping that the bed wouldn’t get too wet, while still too tired ensure that outcome.
You lean back and rest on the bed, closing your eyes. You’re more awake than you were in the bath, but you’ve reached a state of relaxation that makes it a bit hard to move around. Your muscles are as relaxed and fluid as they’d ever been, which leaves aching in a completely different way. You furrow your brow, aren’t you too tired for that? As heavy as your eyelids are, you open them as soon as you hear the floors of the house creak under Alex’s weight. You ache again. Certainly, he could help you with that. Couldn’t he?
He walks into the room slowly, shielding his eyes again in case you were still naked. You feel his eyes on you. “Did you see the clothes I set out for you?”
“Were they the wrong ones or something?”
You chuckled again. “No, just too tired to put ‘em on.”
“Do you need help putting them on?”
You shake your head. “Don’t want to.”
Alex hesitates. “But the towel…”
You crawl under the covers and then shed the towel, offering it to a slightly amused Alex. He hangs it on the hook on the bedroom door and returns to your side. You pat on the bed next to you and he gladly sets down next to you. He gives you a kiss and rests his head on your chest. You run your fingers through his hair and you sigh contently. He smells so good. And he’s still in his cute little apron. He closes his eyes and you can tell he’s feeling the same way you are, his half chub making a tent in his apron. You spoil him. But he deserves it, doesn’t he? Especially tonight, after all his tenderness.
“Alex, will you do me a favor?”
He opens his eyes and rubs your hand in his, “Of course.”
“Will you give me head?” He chokes on his spit but nods enthusiastically.
You move to the edge on the bed and Alex gets on his knees in front of you. You keep yourself covered with the blankets a bit, still a little cold. You have to spread your legs wide for Alex to fit between them, but you don’t mind. It’s easier for you to do now than it usually is, anyway. You’ve explained how you liked to get head to Alex before—when you were a little tipsy on your wedding night—because you knew that you wouldn’t want to explain it in the moment. And indeed, you did not want to, but thankfully Alex seemed to remember what you’d told him. You’d always joked that he listened to you more then than he had ever listened to anything before.
He gently kissed your inner thighs, making his way to your cunt. Alex gently spreads you open and kisses your cock. Your breath hitches. He licks your aching cock and your back arches as you moan out for him. He takes your moans as encouragement and flicks his tongue again, focusing on your tip. You have to fight to keep your hips from jerking upwards at every little thing he does, but you’re heavy enough to be held in place.
He finally starts bobbing his head up and down on your little cock, sucking you just hard enough to make your hands shake. You grab him by his hair and pull him toward you. “That’s what I’m talking about.”
Alex gave you his best doe eyes as he looked up at you. You smirk down at your beloved husband, his sweet face buried in your bush, your desperate little dick pulsating in his warm mouth. You’re making an awfully big mess by now; a distinct slickness getting smeared across Alex’s face, your body beckoning him, squeezing for him even though he’s not quite that far south.
The way he sucks you demonstrates perfectly well his ability to learn new things, a deep insecurity quelled as he almost struggles to keep your thighs from clamping shut with such a wanton disregard for the concussion he’d surely suffer if he failed. He knows that you can’t help it, your body simply reacting harshly to such a carnal display of affection. If his mouth wasn’t full, he’d be wearing a prideful grin. His amatory gesture only one of the many things he’d learned from you during your precious union.
Oh, how he swelled for you. His cock, of course, erect and aching for your beauty and his desperate desire to please you. But his heart too, swollen and overfilled with a deep love for you, sexual, romantic, and platonic. His face reddened in arousal and slight embarrassment over his eagerness to please you. He couldn’t help but be devoted to you.
Your fingers mindlessly twirl his hair as he licks you, and he swoons. Engulfed in all that you are, he can only think of making you cum. Pushing upward on your pubic mound, pulling you taught, encouraging an exorbitant sensitivity. He uses his other hand to jerk your shaft as he sucks your tip exclusively, abandoning holding you in place all together. If your thighs crush him, he figures he’ll die worshipping the only god he’s ever known.
You kept your feet firmly planted on the ground, though your toes did curl. Both hands pushed Alex’s head down and pulled on his hair. Groaning and gasping as your adoring husband made more of your cock than any man ever had before. You never felt more alive as you careened towards the edge. Your back arches and you let out a deep, guttural growl as you explode on his face.
Try as he might he can only swallow so much of what you give to him, the rest plastered across his face and neck as a badge of honor for his service to you. He gets gentler and gentler with you, trying to ease you down from your high. You release the death grip on his hair, breathing deeply as you return to your relaxed state. He kisses away from your still aching cunt, resting his head on your thigh. His eyes drift back further south and his cock aches at the sight, you’re wet, red, and swollen, of course, but it almost looks likes he’s cum in you, too. He twitches and throbs, closing his eyes to force himself to stop thinking about such a thing.
You crawl back under the covers together; Alex having shed his apron. He lays on your chest again, twirling your chest hair. “You just love laying on my chest, don’t you?”
He nods. “Mhmm. You’re so strong.” He rubs your chest muscles, you chuckle.
You lay like that for a while, Alex’s cock leaking precum on your thigh. You still want more from him, too. You pull him up for kiss. He eagerly returns it. He moans into your mouth as you reach for his cock, jerking him softly. He pulls away from the kiss and gives you pleading eyes, you smirk. You push his cock between your lips, letting him rub against your little cock. You feel puny against him, but in the best way possible. “Rub up against me.”
He nods and buries his head in your neck, gently rocking his hips. You moan together at the friction. You move together, thrusting your cocks up against one another, and admittedly, your second release comes rather quickly. Alex is still left without, however. He’s inadvertently smeared his precum all over you as well. You can feel him throbbing against your little cock. You can handle more.
You put your hands on his blushing face, his eyes heavy with desire. “Do you want to fuck me, sweetheart?”
His eyes widened. “Is it bad if I want to?”
“Well, why do you want to? It’s because you love me, isn’t it?”
He nods sheepishly. “I love you, so much.”
You rub his face with your thumbs. “And you want to make me cum because you love me?”
He nods. “And I want you to feel good. And I want to feel good with you.”
You put your thumb on his lips and he takes it into his mouth, sucking softly. “And you want to be deep inside of my cunt because that’s what it’s made for, right? So you can make love to me? Just like how I make love to you?”
He’s visibly drooling now, and nods again. He doesn’t have much left in him, he needs you so desperately, and you need him, too. You take your thumb out of his mouth and caress his face. “I want you to lube up your cock and fuck me like you promised you would when we got married, ok? Can you do that for me?” He hums in the affirmative, his brain so occupied by the aching between his legs he can only follow your orders. Getting the lube out of the bedside table and coating his cock generously in it.
Alex lets you guide him, and you can’t help but tease him a little, rubbing his tip against yours. He moans for you, and he twitches in your hand. You guide him to your soaking wet cunt and urge him inside. You moan together, him at the tight warmth engulfing him, you at the feeling of being stretched by his cock.
Slowly he pushes in, inch by inch until he’s all of the way inside of you. He buries his head in your neck and you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You run your hand up his neck, into his hair, and back down again, trying to soothe him as he trembles, your walls spasming and squeezing him tightly. “S-so tight…please.” He ruts his hips softly and you get the message.
“Give it to me, baby.” He kisses your neck as he ruts his hips slowly at first.
You continue to soothe your aching, spoiled rotten lover as he fucks you, running your fingertips up and down his spine. His cock twitches inside of you and you hum, his head just barely brushing up against your deepest core. Your sweet cunt clamps down on him hard, and he seems to understand. He aims for that spot again and hits it head on this time, and you can’t help but throw your head back and cry out. “You like it there?”
You nod and slide your hand down his back to grope his ass. “Yes, baby.”
He repositions himself slightly in the bed so he can fuck you better, and you let your legs drape over his shoulders. You keep one hand planted on his ass as he fucks you, smacking it every time he hits your g-spot. He fucks deeper into you with the new angle, your tiny cunt squeezing him hard and pleading with him not to stop.
Alex kisses you, his tongue in your mouth, your thighs up against his chest, your knees on his shoulders. You smack his ass when he picks up the pace, desperately kissing him as he makes love to you. He’s going faster and deeper but it’s still not enough for you. You pull away from each other to try to breathe and you can feel his thrusts start to get a little erratic. He kisses you all over your face whines as he fucks you. “I love you so much.”
You tuck some of his hair behind his ear as he presses your foreheads together. “I love you, too.”
He rests his head on your shoulder as he pounds into your g-spot, crying out when you squeeze him hard. “I’m gonna cum in you. I-I won’t be able to pull out.”
“I wouldn’t settle for any less.”
“It’s ok?” He leans up to look you in your eyes again, still fucking you.
“Of course, sweetheart. But you’ll have to earn it, y’know.”
He nods. “I want you to fuck me a lot harder, okay?” You slide your fingers through his hair again.
“Are you sure?”
“I can take it, baby. I won’t let you hurt me too bad.” You smirk and he melts for you.
Alex carefully sets further up on his knees, pushing your thighs flat to the mattress, shuffling forward so that he could get the best angle. He starts to roll his hips at the same pace as before, wanting you to get used to it first. You pull him down and wrap your arms around his neck, grabbing a fistful of his hair.
You slide your tongue up his neck and into his ear. “I told you to fuck my brains out.”
He shivers but nods, rolling his hips at the same angle, but faster this time. You egg him on until he’s at the pace you want, the bed creaking and crashing against the wall, his eyes shut tight as he struggles to keep from coming undone, your eyes rolled back into your head. You’re fighting to keep it together, too; wanting to push him as far as he’ll go.
You get him to spit into your hand and you jerk your insatiable little cock, making your cunt squeeze even tighter for Alex. His mouth can only hang ajar, noises spilling out as he pounds you desperately. You can’t keep quiet either, getting off on how he’s fucking you and how you’re fucking with him.
When you finally force your eyes forward long enough to see his face, you can see he’s at his limit. His face is the reddest its been all night and his eyes are shut so tight that they’re producing tears. He’s still trying so hard for you, fucking you as hard as he possibly can. You’ll let him have his little orgasm, he deserves it. But not before you tease him a teeny bit more first.
You keep jerking yourself with one hand but use the other to pull him down to snuggle up to you, as much as he can in this position anyway. You rub his back as he pummels you, and you can hear how hard he’s trying to keep it together. You lean into his ear and nibble on his earlobe. “Do you like fucking my tight cunt, Alex?”
He gasps for enough breath to speak. “I love it.”
“Say it.”
“I love fucking you in your cunt!”
You press your foreheads together once more. “I want you to prove it.”
He can barely keep his eyes open, and he’s squeezing your thighs so hard they’ll surely be bruised in the morning. “Anything. I’ll do… anything!”
“I want you to cum deep inside of me Alex. I want my cunt to be filled your cum.”
“Oh, please god let me cum!” He begged.
“Cum for me, baby.”
He retreats into you again. He rams into you as hard as he can, aiming for and hitting your g-spot every time. You can’t deprive yourself of this any longer. You relax one final time and let your orgasm rush over you, throwing your head back as you scream for Alex, ejaculating all over him. He screams out for you as he fills you with his cum, jerking his hips erratically as he struggles through the most intense orgasm he’s ever had.
You ride out your orgasms together. The second he pulls out he’s on your chest. You run your fingers through his hair and kiss his forehead. “I wasn’t too hard on ya, was I?”
“No, that was one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”
He yawns. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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fruitalike · 2 years
pairing: elliot x willy
rating: explicit (18+ obviously)
tags: trans elliott, implied/referenced/internalized homo/transphobia, not that much though it’s fine, it’s really just sappy smut i swear, vaginal fingering/oral/sex etc., gentle sex, elliott’s 40 + willy’s 55, brief alcohol + drug mention (extremely brief)
“What parts of ya are off limits?” He nipped at his ear as his hand slid under his shirt.
“None… as long as you’re gentle.”
“Of course.” Elliott’s clothes were off rather quickly, leaving him completely naked in front of Willy. Most of Willy’s clothes were stripped too, in turn, but Elliott never felt exposed in his presence. He did feel naked, of course, but comfortable. Willy’s eyes traced down his body and bit his lip, “I guess ya really are a natural redhead.” Elliott huffed.
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
As Elliott had gotten older, he began to both finally enjoy and bitterly regret his reclusive nature. He’d turned forty recently, and while he was more than grateful for another day to celebrate the gift that he felt life was, he became painfully aware of how few friends he had when he received no congratulations on the date. 
Truthfully, he knew he had friends– well, a friend, singular–in Willy, the fisherman just down the beach from him. He did know other people in town, though he wasn’t as close with them as he was with Willy. There was something about him that felt familiar to Elliott, something that he had noticed in Harvey and Shane from town as well, but they never even approached the topic. But it remained different with Willy. 
He was far enough along in life, from a far enough away period that Elliott knew when he was in the company of those who shared his natural affections for his fellow man. He’d known that about Willy probably from the day he met him. Surely it was obvious, an older man living in solitude without ever having been married, without ever having children? One may assume that he had taken liberties with his such assumptions, but when he found himself attracted to the older man, and he returned with a reserved, easily denied public affection, he knew very well the man that Willy was. 
And what a man Willy was. Certainly, a little too hardworking but also the kindest man Elliott had ever known. Anxious in a new town, he’d found himself gladly accepted by Willy, his warm embrace and a hearty pat on the back made him feel like he had a chance at belonging in Pelican Town–even if he still wasn’t too sure about the rest of the villagers yet. 
Out on another month's long fishing trip, Elliott was left missing him deeply. Day in and day out, he'd sit in front of the window in his cabin, waiting for the lonely vessel to finally pull back into port.
He brushed his hair as he looked out of the window, thinking of the times Willy had invited him onto the boat. Willy recently fixed up the vintage cabin inside, and he had been so eager to share it with Elliott. The memories that they made on the boat were some of Elliott’s most fond. 
They’d leave early in the morning and have breakfast out on the open sea. Willy would catch a fish for lunch, preparing it differently every time. Then, they’d retire to the cabin of the boat and drink beers as the afternoon heat became too much to bear. It wasn’t possible to run any kind of cable TV or internet service onto such an old boat, so the large television within ran on DVDs and VHS tapes. The pair often preferred the movies they feared in their youth, enjoying the absurdity of the practical effects used long before CGI. 
As much comedy as they derived from the ancient horror classics on the screen, Elliott still found the exchange often romantic. They usually cuddled while the movies played, Willy’s arm stretched across the back of the coach, and Elliott’s head on his chest curled into him. At times, Willy would even play with his hair, so it wasn’t as if he was ignoring him or that Elliott’s actions made him uncomfortable, he’d frequently initiated the affection!
Maybe he was just touch starved or lonely, but things steered sensual at times, too, Elliott thought. They were always rather close to one another on the small couch, sharing a blanket brought them closer still, but sometimes Willy’s hand would move from the back of the couch and around Elliott’s waist. Sometimes even to his thigh! Sometimes, Elliott would put his hand on Willy’s chest while they watched movies, and he never resisted. Wordlessly, Willy would move his hand to rest on top of Elliott’s, intertwining their fingers even for just a few minutes, though that was rare. Surely that meant something, right?
More often than not, he would look up at Willy from his chest and feel like he should kiss him. It seemed like Willy felt that way, too. But he never made a move, and quite frankly, Elliott was scared to make the first move. Willy was his dearest, closest friend, not just in Pelican Town, but certainly in the world; not once in his entire life had Elliott had a friend like him. He was scared to ruin that. He felt that he was obvious enough about his affections that if Willy wanted to make the first move, he would, or at least he would know that he could.
Part of him was also afraid that maybe Willy had shared his affections before all the time that they spent on the boat. Sometimes they’d get a little tipsy, maybe a little high, and they’d just talk, and talk, and talk. Talk about anything and everything. Perhaps it was unfair to say that Elliott and Willy had a similar reclusiveness, and that was never clearer than when they had these long-winded discussions. Willy would talk about anything except himself. Elliott didn’t feel the same; the relationship they had, however romantic or platonic it was, made him want to share so much of himself with Willy, so he did. 
As a result of this mindset, Willy became the first person in town that he told he was trans. In fact, to date, he was still the only person in town that knew, as he found it difficult to trust anybody else with such sensitive information. He didn’t take the revelation poorly, either. Willy gleefully shared stories of men he’d known in the ’80s that were trans as well. The few times that he would share stories about himself, they were about his time as a sailor. The way that he spoke about the men he knew then told Elliott once more that he was correct in his assumption of Willy’s gayness. But the sudden flashes of sorrow and even fear that crossed his eyes prevented him from pressing further– he’d known the feeling all too well to contribute to it. He’d tell him if, and when he was ready, he was sure. 
As much as Elliott could worry, he was also sure he was safe with Willy. He was a good man, and he did not steep in whatever hatred he could have picked up on in the past. He congratulated and encouraged him in his transition. He understood his need to keep his cards close to his chest, and all of Elliott’s secrets were safe with him. He understood his uniqueness, his easily perceived pretentiousness, and his flamboyance were not indicative of his falseness; indeed, it was proof that his truth ran so deep he could not help but fall deeply in love with his queerness. So much so that it overflowed in all that he did. Willy understood how important that was, even if he was scared to express it. Perhaps even a little envious at times, maybe the 15 years between them had a more profound effect culturally than he thought it did. 
Elliott had stopped brushing his hair by now, watching the waves crash against the beach as the sunset. His heart ached for the fisherman, his eyes shutting and letting him ponder more fanciful things. He often wondered just how Willy had ended up in the valley when it was so obvious by his accent and dialect that he was from somewhere in Louisiana. He wondered how long it took for him to become accustomed to all four seasons– he was pretty sure it didn’t usually snow that far down south. For a moment, he wondered the same about himself, how exactly had he ended up in the valley, instead of where he was before, instead of in his hometown. Did he even have a hometown anymore?
He sighed as his thoughts began to feel too serious again. Elliott watched as the sun set quickly, and he worried about Willy in the oppressive heat that stuck around even as summer moved into fall. He hoped that he would hurry up and return soon. 
 As the evening sunk into the darkness of night, Elliott gave up and retreated to bed. Even without the sun in the sky, it was too hot for a blanket. He soothed himself with nothing more than a flat sheet and hoped that he'd see the trawler return with the sunrise. 
Elliott rose before the sun did, following his usual morning routine. He brushed his hair, he brushed his teeth, he showered, he brushed his hair, he put all the creams and tonics on his face that made him feel like he could control the hands of time. He brushed his hair; perhaps it was becoming compulsive at this point, but he couldn't manage to care.
Soon enough, he found himself at the window sill once more, almost pouting as he waited for Willy to return. He sighed; maybe it was time to admit that their relationship was closer than he'd let himself believe. As much as he cared for every friend he had, he'd never missed one this much before. But he'd certainly missed lovers this deeply. Were they that close? His eyes struggled to stay open as his lids got heavy; it was too early for this. 
He awoke to the sound of the crashing waves and the sun rising. He shook himself back into reality, again looking out the window. The small fishing trawler could be seen just over the horizon. Elliott slightly trembled with excitement. 
He managed to pull himself together just in time for the boat to pull up to the dock. With nerves somehow eased by caffeine and an outfit he was sure was put together but not too formal, Elliott headed out to meet Willy as he arrived. This was their typical routine, there was nothing to be worried about, he assured himself as he wrung his hands. The walk down to the pier was brisk and uncomfortable, the morning's air much cooler than the season called for. 
Willy greeted him with a smile and a hug, welcoming him into the small fish shack. Elliott helped bring in the coolers of frozen fish, while the majority had been sold off at a fish market before he returned to the valley, it was still a two-man job. They talked about Willy’s voyage as they worked, both men thankful that it didn't take much to supply the valley with fish. 
Once they were finished, the two continued with their usual routine and headed to the spa to ease the stress– and frankly, stench– of their early morning's work. They walked and talked quietly as they made their way through town, not wanting to awaken any of the other townspeople. 
At the spa, the two showered before entering the pool. They relaxed quickly as they floated in place, the intense feeling of healing keeping Elliott’s usually wandering eyes to himself. It didn’t take long for the two men to be fully restored, and ready for their trek back to the beach, but they floated in the water anyway. As lovely as it was to live on the beach, the pool's water was much kinder on the skin than the ocean's salt. 
Eventually, the two did make their way back to the beach. Elliott made a fresh salad for lunch, opting for something cool to survive the heat. Willy joined him, which he didn't always do, but Elliott was glad to have the company. They enjoyed their lunch and sat on the couch to relax even more.
Willy sat with his arm across the back of the couch, and Elliott rested his head on his shoulder. Even after showering and soaking in the spa’s pool, Willy still smelled heavily of the sea. Elliott wasn’t complaining, no, in fact he rather enjoyed the smell, having to fight the urge to bury his nose in Willy’s shoulder and breathe in deeply.
Elliott’s arm began to fall asleep, so he moved his hand to rest on Willy’s thigh. With his arm outstretched he regained feeling in it and Willy didn’t seem to mind his closeness. Elliott stayed there, snuggled up to Willy as the small television droned on in front of him. He couldn’t help but smile to himself as Willy absentmindedly played with his hair. “Were you worried about being alone at my age, if you don’t mind me asking?” Elliott spoke suddenly, feeling vulnerable.
“Never wasn’t worried about it.” Elliott pouted, that wasn’t quite the answer he’d expected or wanted to hear.
“How do you learn to cope with it?” Elliott sat up straight.
“Day at a time. Spend more time with who ya got.” He smiled slightly.
“Oh.” Elliott nodded. It was still more of a melancholy answer than he had hoped for, but he was glad to be part of the group of people that Willy ‘had’ nonetheless.
Willy suddenly snapped his fingers and stood from his place on the couch, startling Elliott more than he’d like to admit. “Speaking of…” He said, moving to retrieve something from his jacket that hung on the back of the cabin door.
He returned to Elliott’s side with clasped hands. “I remembered ya birthday.” He smiled, opening his hands to reveal a small gift box.
He flushed a deep red, standing and accepting the gift. “Thank you.”
Elliott gasped as he opened the small box, the most delicate and beautiful little duck feather inside, encased in resin to preserve it. It even had a little plaque at the bottom with the kind of duck it had come from, and its name: Wuffy. What a name! he thought. “Willy, this is a beautiful gift! Thank you!”
“Glad you like it!” Willy grinned as Elliott carefully set the gift down on the coffee table before hugging him tightly. Willy reciprocated, of course, patting him on the back.
They lingered in the hug as long as they usually would, though that was much longer than they would with anyone else. Elliott couldn’t help but think of how warm Willy was, and how good he smelled, and how genuine he was, and… he kissed him. He didn’t have it in him to care anymore; if this was the end of their relationship, so be it! At least he could say he tried. At least he appreciated who he already had.
To his surprise, Willy kissed back, his hands gentle but firm on his waist. Elliott blushed profusely as he desperately kissed him. When Willy moved to deepen the kiss, he welcomed it. They moved together in perfect harmony, both aware of how badly they needed each other. Elliott becoming acutely aware of how delicate his skin was as Willy’s beard rubbed against his face.
They pulled away from each other and tried to catch their breath. Elliott smiled as Willy caressed his face, “I wasn’t so sure you’d feel the same way about another man.”
Willy just chuckled, “As gay as the day is long.” Elliott giggled and kissed him again. As the kiss became more heated Willy sat back down on the couch and Elliott sat on his lap.
Willy kissed him deeply, his wandering hands slipping under the hem of his casual attire. Elliott began to wonder how far they’d go as he realized how much easier it would be for Willy to undress him in his house clothes. Willy’s hands slid up and down his back, stopping to gently caress his waist from time to time. His movements pulled Elliott closer, and Willy’s arousal became apparent.
Elliott huffed when Willy carefully moved his hair but moaned as he kissed his neck. He wrapped his arms around Willy’s neck, needing to be even closer to him to feel satisfied. Large hands groped at delicate skin, trying to elicit more of a reaction out of Elliott. His small moans and whines made Willy twitch. 
More and more of Elliott’s skin turned purple as time went on, hickies spreading from behind his ears to below the collar of his shirt. He was sure what skin was left unmarked would be red by the next day, Willy’s beard burning his skin every time he moved to suckle a different part of him. But he didn’t care about that right now, his eyes rolling back as every part of him tingled. 
Willy snickered against his neck as he continued to squirm. “Would you feel better if I touched ya?”
Elliott immediately nodded and whined, guiding Willy’s hand into his sweatpants. He slipped his hand into his boxers and began to jerk his small cock. Elliott went from kissing Willy desperately to hiding his face in his neck as the room spun and he gently bucked his hips. It had been so long since he’d been treated to such a lustful encounter… oh what joy he felt. 
Willy’s fingers moved expertly between his legs– he’d obviously done this before. That fact only made Elliott tingle more. It didn't take long for Elliott to be clinging to him and trembling, his orgasm quickly approaching. He huddled close to his ear and begged Willy to let him cum. The fisherman gladly obliged, reveling in how his feelings of ecstasy made him moan and grab at the back of his shirt. 
He continued to rut his hips into Willy’s hand even as his orgasm passed. He huddled close to Willy as he tried to collect himself. Willy rubbed his hand up and down his back again, which helped ease Elliott back into reality. His gentle kisses help distract him from the fact that his hand was most definitely still in his pants. “How do ya feel?”
“Mm. That was delightful.” 
“Shall we move to the bed, then?”
“That would be nice.” Willy picked him up and carried him to his bed, setting him down and crawling on top of him. He began to kiss his neck again, taking careful effort to mark him up even more. “What parts of ya are off limits?” He nipped at his ear as his hand slid under his shirt.
“None… as long as you’re gentle.”
“Of course.” Elliott’s clothes were off rather quickly, leaving him completely naked in front of Willy. Most of Willy’s clothes were stripped too, in turn, but Elliott never felt exposed in his presence. He did feel naked, of course, but comfortable. Willy’s eyes traced down his body and bit his lip, “I guess ya really are a natural redhead.” Elliott huffed.
Willy’s kisses trailed from his neck to the rest of his body. He moved down his chest and to his nipples, softly sucking on the left as he toyed with the right. Kissing across his chest, he made his way to his right nipple teasing him in the same way again. He moved further down his body as Elliott whined for more. Back arching against the bed as Willy settled between his legs. 
Elliott gasped as Willy started to suck him off, sliding his fingers through his hair and encouraging him. He tugged on his hair as he bobbed his head slightly, his moans egging Willy on. His head was already spinning again, that familiar feeling pooling in the bottom of his stomach; but when Willy cautiously pressed a finger to his entrance, he pleaded for him to continue. 
He groaned as Willy obliged, his cunt so wet that he couldn’t even feel the calluses on his fingers. Elliott opened up for Willy easily, taking one finger, then two, then three. Willy continued to suck his dick as he pumped three fingers in and out of his tight cunt, making Elliott squirm. One hand grasping at the sheets, the other pulling on Willy’s hair, pleading with him not to stop. 
Willy built a world ending rhythm as he pumped his fingers and flicked his tongue. He used his free arm to hold Elliott’s hips down as they continued to jerk upwards. He couldn’t help but smirk at how desperate he was for him. He groaned as his hair was pulled, pushing his face even closer to Elliott’s eager cunt. 
The sounds he was making told Willy that he was close again. He had to put even more of his weight on his hips as he got closer and closer to the edge, trying to counter the near dangerous jerking of his hips. Still, he continued, careful to follow the waves his hips made trying to avoid a bloody nose.
“Oh, Willy!” Elliott moaned, his back arched again, his orgasm overwhelming him. Willy kept on as he fell over the edge. He whimpered as he ejaculated. He wasn’t embarrassed, no, but he suddenly felt timid. He hadn’t exactly warned Willy that that was a possibility. He hadn’t expected it to be. But Willy just hummed.
Willy kissed his thighs and rubbed them softly as he came down from his high, again. Elliott didn’t know that he could still go at it like that. Even worse, he still wanted more. He gave Willy a look and he seemed to understand right away. He rose to rest on his knees, still rubbing his thighs. “Wanna go again?” He asked, smirking.
Elliott just nodded, his head rested on a pillow, his eyes half-lidded. He was beginning to tire, but he still had one round left in him. “Whaddya wanna do this time?”
He turned his head to face him better and pouted, “I’d appreciate it if you’d fuck me already.”
Willy blushed but quickly took off his boxers, caressing Elliott as he retrieved lube from the nightstand. “Either I wear a condom or I cum in ya, y’know that right?”
“I am adequately barren for such an endeavor.” Willy nodded, accepting the bottle when it was passed to him. 
He moved closer to Elliott, putting his thighs on top of his own so that his legs were spread even further. He slicked himself up and began to tease Elliott, rubbing his tip against his overstimulated cock. Elliott couldn’t help but moan, but he tried to glare at Willy anyway. He got the message and slowly began to push into Elliott. 
He pushed in further, and further, and further, until he was completely engulfed by Elliott. He groaned as he once more found himself kissing Elliott’s neck, “Ya the tiniest little thing…”
Elliott whimpered, “You’re huge.” 
Willy pressed their foreheads together as he began to gently rock in and out of Elliott’s tight cunt. They groaned together as he set his rhythm. Propped up with one arm, Willy held onto Elliott’s hip with the other. He gently groped at the soft tissue. He gently thrusted in and out of Elliott. He gently kissed him when he pouted. He was so gentle. He was all that Elliott could comprehend right now. He gently caressed his face, “Harder.”
“Mhmm.” Elliott’s eyes rolled back as he fulfilled his request.
“Faster.” Willy responded immediately this time, picking up the pace. 
His eyes rolled back again, his back arching as he still held onto Willy’s face. His cunt squeezed him every time he plowed all of the way in. As hard and as fast as he was getting fucked, it was still profoundly gentle. Willy was hardly fucking him, really, he was making love to him. And Elliott was smitten. 
Elliott wrapped his legs around Willy’s waist, causing him to need to use both arms to stable himself above him. He enjoyed how much closer he was. He rubbed his thumbs in circles on Willy’s face. He was able to gaze into his eyes just long enough for him to pound into his g-spot. 
He threw his head back and screamed for Willy, his cunt squeezing him desperately, begging him to continue his onslaught of deep, slow thrusts. He thrust his fingers into his hair and slid his other arm around his neck. He whined everytime Willy moved inside of him. 
“You’re so good to me.” Elliott whispered, his body trembling as the pleasure became so great it was almost painful.
“S’perfect.” Willy whispered back, hardly able to form an intelligent response. A low groan escaped him as Elliott pulled him down further, pulling on his hair harder, and scratching at his back. He took the opportunity to grab one of his thighs so that he could get a better angle to pound his g-spot with.
Elliott squeezed him hard, and began mumbling incoherently. The only thing Willy was able to make out was him pleading with him once more. He knew his lover was close again and his own orgasm was rising quickly. He kept his pace as steady as possible, moaning with Elliott in unison. 
He tried to hold himself together as Elliott grew incomprehensibly tight, knowing that he was over the edge, but failed as he felt him ejaculate again. He thrust rapidly and haphazardly into Elliott’s tight cunt, filling him with his cum. He let go of his bruising grip on Elliott’s thigh as his thrusts became slower and less jagged. He deflated as his orgasm eased, letting part of his body weight rest on Elliott. 
They caught their breath and tenderly kissed. “We should do that more often.” 
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fruitalike · 2 years
(reblog to new writing blog)
New (somewhat) religiously motivated laravis smut get it while it's hot! LINK
He pulled his hips back and slid back in as far as he could. Again. He slid out further, and back in further. Again. He tortured the brunet with a slow pace until even he couldn’t take it anymore, conceding to his cries of “Faster, faster!”
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fruitalike · 2 years
(reblog to new writing blog)
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
"Do you have any plans for Valentine's?
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