#so tired when i finished this i dont remember what happens lmao
fruitalike · 6 months
HIGH REWARD || Elliott x Alex x Harvey
RATING: Explicit, 18+ obviously
PAIRNG: Elliott x Alex, Elliott x Harvey, Alex x Harvey, & Elliott x Alex x Harvey
TAGS: TRANS ELLIOTT, as always, looks like cheating, but isnt, pwp, oral/vaginal/anal sex, no condom, threesome, voyeurism, kinktober 2022 day 31 risk, better tags on AO3 sorry ***part 3 of of course takes place after high risk***
WORDS: 8122
“Who was it this time? Was it that belligerent jock of yours, again?” Alex felt like he was going to puke. Elliott nods and slides his fingers through his hair as he goes down on him again. The redhead is inexplicably calm, even shutting his eyes as his husband continues. “You let him cum in you?”
(genital words (elliott): cock, cunt, lips, tits)
Alex, for the first time, found himself in Elliott’s martial bed. Throughout their affair (that’s really what it was wasn’t it?), they’d defaced just about every other surface in the modest apartment, save for the bed. He almost thought that it was the one line Elliott wasn’t willing to cross, but ultimately, he’d weaseled his way into the king sized metaphor all the same.
He found himself in the bed after an exaggerated celebration of his most minor accomplishment: he’d actually managed to successfully complete his first year of college. He lay in the bed of two people who managed to complete this monumental task more than a decade prior and they were several years younger than he was now when they did it. But Elliott made him feel proud.
Deep down, Alex really did feel inadequate next to Elliott, compared to Harvey. But he supposed that those feelings were his own doing—maybe a touch of societal expectations, as well, of course—because Elliott never made him feel that way. Next to Elliott, now, he felt vast and plentiful. In the day that they’d spent together (wholly uninterrupted as the doctor was out of town), he’d pushed his body farther than he had in any gridball game; and as he rested, he desired more.
His desire for Elliott continued to shift as their affair (that’s what it really was, wasn’t it?) went on. Such complicated feelings were always bound to fluidity, Alex was sure, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of them shifting more and more wholesome. Some part of him—most parts of him—desired for Elliott more than sexually. Jealousy still swelled in his chest every time he saw him with his husband, of course, but this was becoming more than just an issue of envy.
Alex wasn’t even sure what this was anymore. Yes, of course, at its core it was an affair. He was sleeping with a married man after all. But he found himself dreaming of Elliott when they were apart. These dreams he had of them, together, were not always strictly sexual, either. They often danced, and wined and dined, and fulfilled all of the wholesome aspects of domestic life. He found himself gazing at Elliott whenever they were together; lost in all that he was, longing to be part of him.
Even now, as they rested together, in Elliott’s marital bed, the room humid with raunch, he found himself studying the redhead, pulling him close when he decided that he must be cold. He was receptive, curling up on his chest. Elliott never seemed oblivious to Alex’s emotions, and he didn’t seem to be off put by them either.
He continued to question Elliott’s marriage to his husband; regardless of the guilt he felt for doing so. Something about it made him feel less and less guilt as time went on, anyways. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to be there, but it seemed that other people were allowed in. Honestly, he felt more jealousy towards the people he thought were being included (why else would they bring Shane home with them at night, multiple times?) than Harvey at this point. Maybe something deep inside of him wanted Harvey to know so that he could spend some time alone with him too? Without it being a problem? He and Elliott were good together. He didn’t want to ruin that, he was sure (and he hadn’t been so sure of that before). Alex twirled Elliott’s hair around his finger and absentmindedly wondered if he could have a place in their marriage. He wondered why he didn’t already.
Elliott hummed and rubbed his face on his chest, breaking him out of his trance. “Tired?”
Alex nods and runs his fingers up and down his spine. “Wish I wasn’t.”
“Oh?” He muses, turning to his stomach and resting on his elbows, leaning forward, and kissing Alex’s neck.
He continues the caress his lover, letting him taste his exhaustion, inhale his desperation. Elliott grabs him by his chin and makes Alex look at him. “I was supposed to fuck you tonight.” He pouts. He’s gentler than he has been in the past; he’s tired too.
“I wanted you to.”
“If only we knew who kept us up this late.” They chuckle and soon, nod off.
Alex wasn’t the heaviest sleeper, but after a night like this, he did find himself in quite a deep sleep. Somehow, his fluffy and domesticated dreams found him here, the only place a wet dream would be more than welcome.
He dreamt of gentleness and wholesome desire, of sharing a bed as affection, instead of arousal; of picnic baskets, blankets, and a light lunch spread out over a summer afternoon; of warmth lingering out of the closeness of lovers, not affair partners; of genuine, all encompassing, love. He dreamt of Elliott in his entirety. His kindness, his deliberate desire, his delicate poetry. He dreamt of the words Elliott would dedicate to him the way he had lovers past and present. The ease at which they would flow from him, as if his love could only burst from the seams. His dreams wondered what his call sign would be—how it would compare to Harvey’s ‘for my favorite doctor,’ or what he was sure was Shane’s ‘to an almost domesticated bear.’
Then, he dreamt in abstract. Of the all-surrounding warmth of another body. Maybe two, actually. Less visuals but more feeling. The feeling of being held. Of being welcomed. He was intertwined there, however many people there were. Still without sight, he would smell the light cologne Elliott always wore; it was green, and fresh, and ever so slightly warm. He could smell Elliott’s body too. His gentle musk and floral hair products, the strong leather on his hands from his notebooks, the sharpness from his ink pens. His sweat was subtly sweet-smelling, and his body was warm and relaxing in his hands.
But there was more than just him there. A stronger, fuller bodied cologne; it almost overwhelmed the senses, but barely avoided it. It was distinctly more masculine, warmer than Elliott’s and sharper still; heavy with tobacco leaves and teakwood, spices he couldn’t place. It felt warm like fall and sophisticated like dinner with extended family. There was an oddly familiar note as well, something particularly sterile and plasticky. Something that told his mind hands. There was a hushed noise. It became more and more consistent. He felt mouths moving. Talking. Someone was talking. Multiple people.
Alex opens his eyes and is still shrouded in darkness. He pauses, hearing voices around him. As he gets used to being awake the voices become clearer and clearer. He hears Elliott say, “You’re home early!” and his entire body tenses up. The voices are far enough away that he feels safe carefully uncovering his eyes, finding himself having been covered up with pillows and blankets, surely in an attempt to hide him from Harvey. He knew it was Harvey that he was being hidden from (instead of the several other people apparently allowed into their marriage) because now that he was able to see, he could see Harvey—mere feet away—embracing his husband. He couldn’t help but watch as they kissed.
He tries to regulate his breathing as his pulse skyrockets. He hopes that he is as hidden as he was before, but he can’t waste time assessing the situation. His cock twitched in his sweats and that’s all his sleep addled brain could focus on. He clenches his jaw tight as he watches them kiss more and more passionately. He flinches when Harvey begins to grope Elliott’s ass. He was so fucked.
Alex holds his breath when he watches Elliott wrap his arms around Harvey’s neck, making it easier for him to lift his legs in the air so that Harvey could pick him up. He forces himself to regain his composure as they move towards the bed. Surely, they’d see him? Well, Elliott already knew he was there, but surely Harvey would see him? Or would notice the smell of sex in the air? The fact that Alex had cum inside of Elliott? Oh god. He’d cum inside of him.
Elliott hit the bed first, and he seemed to make a conscious effort not to look towards Alex. Harvey positioned himself on top of him, kissing him just as he had before. He had no sense of time inside this torture chamber; forced to watch his affair partner get fucked by his husband with baited breath.
His cock twitched as he watched Elliott put his hand down Harvey’s pants, rubbing his cock, getting him hard so he could fuck him. Harvey kissed down his neck, just as Alex had, nipping at Elliott’s delicate skin. He didn’t seem to have any reservation about leaving marks on him, however, unlike Alex. Though that seemed to be a perk of not having an affair.
Harvey pulled away from him only long enough to strip Elliott of his clothes. Relieving him of the oversized t-shirt he had been wearing and his underwear. He returned to his husband as quickly as he’d pulled away; groping his small breasts as they kissed again. Elliott whimpered as he kissed down his neck, rolling his nipples between his forefingers and thumbs until they became erect. Then he dotes on them, gently rubbing them with his thumbs as he kisses down his lover’s chest. He trails his kisses to his left breast, carefully sucking and biting the soft flesh before refocusing on his nipple, delicately licking it with the tip of his tongue and teasing it with his teeth. Elliott squirms.
He repeats this on the other side. Elliott melts in his hands as he gropes one breast and suckles the other. He only continues to squirm around as Harvey remains there, teasing him incessantly. Elliott returns the favor, teasing Harvey’s now hard cock with the same inviting thrusts of his hand. It’s not long before neither of them can take any more. A mumbling between the two is all that preceded Harvey’s moving south.
He’s nipping at his skin all the way down. Tiny bruises forming in his wake, indicative of the doting husband Elliott was so blessed with. He continues around his aching cunt, to his thighs, frustrating him even further. Harvey leaves the same marks there, taking time to indulge in his husband, they hadn’t seen each other in a while. His thighs tremble as he moves to the other thigh, giving it the same treatment, in the opposite direction, now moving towards his cunt. Elliott spreads his legs as far as he can without having to restrain himself, practically begging him to hurry up and desperately inviting him in.
Harvey finally finds himself between his legs, forcing his thighs flat to the mattress with one arm and holding his cunt taught with the other, keeping the head of his little cock exposed. He licks it gently at first, bracing for Elliott’s wanton jerking. He gasps as Harvey continues, manipulating his cock with his tongue and letting it slip under his foreskin to tease him better. He’s forced to put more weight on his arm to hold Elliott still as he begins to suck him properly. Elliott, in turn, has to cover his mouth with both hands, trying to keep himself quiet as Harvey’s onslaught continued. His throat gets hoarse quickly, but not from complaining.
Elliott doesn’t last very long, but he’s not meant to. His orgasm ravages him, but he can’t help but want for more. Harvey continues through his orgasm, melting his husband so that he’s easier to drink. His cunt aches with desire as Harvey again moves south, allowing his tongue to slip inside of him. He continues to tease his cock with his thumb as he feels around inside of him, tasting him and all that he’s gotten up to. He hums. “Again?”
“You’ve been gone for a week.” Elliott pouts.
He slips a finger into Elliott. He thrusts it only enough to tease him, drawing it back out covered in semen as he expected. Harvey allows himself to succumb to the urge to taste it. Whoever it was, either had a particular diet or was preoccupied with the way that he might taste.
“Who was it this time? Was it that belligerent jock of yours, again?” Alex felt like he was going to puke.
Elliott nods and slides his fingers through his hair as he goes down on him again. The redhead is inexplicably calm, even shutting his eyes as his husband continues. “You let him cum in you?”
He’s eating him out again, focusing on tasting them together this time. Intending to overstimulate him even more, torturing him before he fucks him. He nods, not that Harvey is paying much attention. “I wanted him to. He made me cum so many times I felt like he deserved it.” Elliott pulls his hair at the root, egging him on.
He’s trembling when he’s done with him, yet still eager for more. He rises from in between his legs, and they kiss desperately, hungry for each other. Elliott wraps his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist, inviting his husband in. Harvey reaches between them, jerking his cock a few times before teasing his little cunt, rubbing his tip between his lips. He teases his hole properly, making Elliott gasp, “Yes! Yes!” before he finally thrust into him. Alex’s cum being forced out of him to make way for Harvey.
He throws his head back in ecstasy as his husband finally fucks into him. As overstimulated as he is he’s still desperate for the cock that’s thrusting inside of him. He holds onto his husband for dear life as his thrusts grow deeper and deeper, his aching cunt eager to finally be satiated. Harvey kisses his neck and nips at his ear. “Alex doesn’t fuck you like this does he?”
Elliott shakes his head as he fucks deep into him. He grits his teeth as he tries to hold in another orgasm, desperate for Harvey to keep going. Then again, he doesn’t seem interested in stopping; his pace is getting rougher but remains romantic—knowing his husband inside and out makes it all the easier for Harvey to have Elliott hanging on his every move. Every thrust of his hips calculated so that Elliott might be able to hold himself together a little longer, so that Harvey could enjoy him a little more. He’d certainly missed his husband.
Harvey lets go of Elliott, moving so that he’s more on his knees and puts his hands on his waist instead. He thrusts into him again, getting used to the new position before changing his rhythm. Elliott arches against the bed as he’s pulled down with every thrust of Harvey’s hips. He holds onto his ankles and feet, keeping the tops of his thighs pressed to the mattress, his calves and feet in the air. It becomes harder and harder for Elliott to keep himself composed: Harvey’s deep inside of him, rearranging his very humanity; and he’s in particularly revealing position, folded in half and at the mercy of his husband; and he can certainly feel Alex watching, sometimes he even thinks he can hear him breathing heavily, he passively wonders if he’s touching himself. “He isn’t allowed to fuck you like this is he?”
Elliott shakes his head again as Harvey forces yet another orgasm out of him. He is visibly shaking and overstimulated, every further thrust of his hips causing him to jerk forward in one way or another. Harvey is particularly lucky that he hasn’t been kicked in the head yet, his tendency to tease testing Elliott’s ability to hold the position more than he ought to. Still, he continues, letting his still hard cock slip out of Elliott and rubbing up against his own quivering little cock. Elliott whimpers and finally releases the position, allowing his legs to rest on Harvey’s shoulders, wrapping his thighs around his neck and pulling him down.
Harvey concedes, allowing himself to be pulled down to Elliott. His thighs moving from his neck to his chest so that his arms could replace them instead. He gently kisses him, soothing his husband as he comes down from his orgasm. He pushes their foreheads together and twirls some of Elliott’s hair around his finger. They kiss again and he can feel the wanton desire in the way that Elliott kisses him. He hums as they pull away, brushing hair out of his face, he asks, “Again?”
“Please. I want you to cum in me.”
Harvey kisses up his neck and rises out of his grasp again. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Elliott does what’s asked of him, settling on rolling over and getting up on his knees and propping his chest up with a pillow he held on to, his back starting to become sore. Harvey smacks his ass. “Ready?”
“Mhmm,” Elliott groans when Harvey thrusts into his gaping cunt. It doesn’t take him long to adjust, so Harvey quickly sets an eager pace. His balls slapping Elliott’s little cock with every thrust makes him ejaculate within the first minute he’s inside of him. But he keeps going at his request.
Elliott sinks further down in overstimulation, and Harvey follows, straddling him from above and welcoming himself to a fistful of his hair. He pulls his hair at the root, careful to not actually yank any of his hair out. He keeps the pace and Elliott fully comes undone after yet another desperate orgasm in this position, unable to keep himself quiet and tears welling up in his eyes from overstimulation. He’s still eager to keep going so Harvey sticks a couple of his fingers in his mouth and keeps at it.
He's truly a sight now. He’s drooling around his fingers and properly weeping now, truly desperate for the shared orgasm they’re pursuing. Elliott’s spit and tears stream down his face, neck, and chest, dripping down from his tits and pooling on the mattress, staining the sheets. All his cunt can do is tremble and squeeze Harvey, begging him to hurry up and cum as his hands grip at the sheets, trying to hold onto reality lest he get fucked out of it.
His arms grow weaker so he allows his face to press into a pillow, Harvey removing his fingers from his mouth. He can feel Alex’s eyes on him again in this position and he smirks to himself. The pillow quiets him in addition to comforting him so Harvey lets off of him more, allowing himself to relax. Perhaps for the final time he rises above Elliott, pressing his hands into his spine and smoothing them downward, pushing his husband’s stomach to be nearly flush with his thighs, chest on the mattress. His pace slows as he enjoys Elliott like this, pushing down on his back and leaning forward so that he’d be fully engulfed by his cunt. He’s slower but increasingly erratic, his entire cock slipping in and out of him with each thrust, his balls still taunting his husband’s cock every time he fills his cunt.
Harvey shuts his eyes and grips onto his husband waist again, manipulating his flesh in his hands as he lets his desire alone move his hips. He groans feeling all of Elliott grip onto him, pulling him deeper inside and clenching all around him, daring him to cum. He begins to tremble himself and decides it’s finally time to give in. He pushes down on Elliott as he finally reaches orgasm, moaning in unison with him as he pumps his cum deep inside him. He rides out their shared orgasm, small, rapid thrusts only further overstimulating Elliott. He lets his flaccid cock slip out of his husband, rubbing it against him before leaning down and kissing him lovingly. He kisses his cheek as he finally fully flattens to the bed. “Where is he?”
Wordlessly, Elliott raises a still trembling hand and points towards the mess of pillows and blankets in the bed.
As Harvey begins to uncover him, Alex rushes to attempt to conceal his erection, only then noticing that his cock was fully exposed. Still, he attempts to retain some amount of dignity, quickly pushing his cock down with both hands, as if that’d ever be enough to hide it. With one hand still comforting his spent husband, Harvey uses the other to finally throw the blankets off of the voyeur.
Alex’s cock aches for attention even as he braces for impact, twitching under his hands, hard yet feeling distinctly spent. He doesn’t wonder if he touched himself without noticing; the semen on his hands makes it obvious he had. He only wonders how many times he reached climax and if it was obvious to Elliott and Harvey when he had.
Harvey callously smacks Alex’s hands away, leaving him fully exposed. His cock bounces free, and he can feel cum flicking off of it and onto his stomach. He can feel Elliott’s eyes on him, tracing all over the illicit parts of him despite the thorough fucking he’d already enjoyed. Though Alex keeps his eyes on Harvey instead, watching him strip him of his lounge pants, leaving him completely naked. He grabs him by the ankle and pulls him forward as he gets out of the bed. Alex trembles with anxious desire.
He smacks Elliott’s ass hard enough to make him jump. “Your turn.”
“My turn?” Alex spits out immediately, looking to Elliott then to Harvey and back and forth multiple times. Towering over him, Harvey only nods; expectant.
He looks to Elliott again. “Are you sure?”
Elliott smirks and winks at him. “Of course.”
Alex moves forward in the bed, awkwardly attempting to straddle Elliott before Harvey smacks him in the stomach and grabs him up by the chin. He leers down at him and Alex tries not to find his flaccid cock in his periphery distracting. “Is that any way to treat a gentleman?”
Alex trembles. “No?”
He tightens his grip. “At least taste him first.”
Alex just nods as if it was obvious. He repositions himself in bed to better please Elliott, who did not move at all, except to lift his hips just enough to make his cunt accessible. He lays on his stomach and eats Elliott out from behind. His lips tremble as he tastes his own semen mixed with Harvey’s inside of Elliott; they’re so good together. He licks his little cock and Elliott jumps, overstimulated and desperate. Harvey seems to comfort him as Alex continues. The feeling of being watched makes him feel the need to close his eyes, but Alex can still trace his cunt from memory. He almost feels guilty as he makes Elliott cum, the orgasm that washed over him making him jolt and whimper.
When he moves to straddle Elliott again, he’s dignified with an enthusiastic encouragement, instead. Alex all but lays flat on top of Elliott; his stomach and chest not quite flush with his back, his legs just far enough away from Elliott’s to support his own weight, and he lets his throat fall in the bend of one arm as he supports himself with the other. The position, does however, make it a little difficult for Alex to reach back around and slip into his cunt. But, luckily Harvey’s there to jerk his cock a few times and help him slide into his husband.
He gasps as he slowly pushes himself all the way into Elliott’s tight cunt, his legs nearly give out at the feeling. His cock is big enough to stretch Elliott even after all that he’s already taken so far. Alex’s mouth hangs open long enough that he begins to drool on top of his head. Ever the gentleman, Elliott opens up for him with grace, his battered cunt trembling with every movement Alex makes and his cock throbbing so hard it pulls him in eagerly.
Alex especially realizes that Harvey’s still watching them once he’s staring to thrust in and out of Elliott—the fact that he’s still flaccid starts to irritate him, as if he’s challenging him, as if Alex has anything to prove! he’s the one that’s been fucking his husband! He tries not to let it influence the way he’s fucking Elliott, focusing instead on getting deep inside of him and really stretching him out. He wants to open him up inside so that he can fuck with as much reckless abandon as possible.
Once he has Elliott moaning with every thrust, it becomes easier for Alex to ignore Harvey. That is until the bastard moves some of the pillows in front of Elliott and positions himself in front of him. He jerks his flaccid cock a few times before putting it into Elliott’s mouth. All of the ecstasy that Alex was forcing out of his lips is silenced by Harvey’s cock, instead replaced by the sounds of him sucking off his husband.
Alex keeps after him anyways, undeterred. If Elliott was going to get Harvey hard, it would be because of how Alex was fucking him. He ignores the way that he tenderly brushes Elliott’s hair out of his face, and the jealousy it makes him feel. He starts up a rough pace; getting Elliott used to him thrusting all the way and pulling nearly all the way out before he refocuses, hitting his g-spot dead on every time. He’s all but screaming around Harvey’s cock, lurching forward with every thrust. Harvey is forced to throw his head back and rest it on the headboard, tightening his grip on Elliott’s hair. He grits his teeth and groans, pulling Elliott up and down his stiffening cock with his hair.
He keeps the pace, Elliott’s cunt desperate and squeezing him hard. Alex does not falter, pounding deep into him and making himself at home. Regardless of how he angles his hips, Alex continues obliterating his g-spot all the same. He knows Harvey’s husband inside and out too.
Elliott’s trembling all over now—though especially about the cunt and lips, ever eager to please—and he’s starting to feel his orgasm rise in him, so overstimulated it’s taken a while to ease it out of him. But now he feels unmistakably warm and swollen, his cock bordering numbness from the hours long bombardment of pleasure. He’s still chasing the feeling all the same, no less eager for the waves of electricity to flow through him; the umpteenth orgasm no less earth shattering than the first.
Alex can feel how close Elliott is by the way that his cunt squeezes him desperately, begging him to thrust ever deeper. He’s getting ever closer himself, despite wanting to stay inside Elliott and fuck him until his body can’t go on any more. He does not let up on account of his end drawing near, fucking Elliott even harder.
Elliott’s cunt proves resilient in taking Alex at his fastest, deepest, and hardest possible pace, even as he holds him still so that he has a better angle. With Elliott’s neck pressed firmly against his arm in this position, he can feel Harvey’s cock thrusting in and out of his throat. The sensation only makes him want to taunt Harvey more, growing tired of his taunting nature.
As vapid as his intentions may be, Alex continues with the brutal pace, toes curling at Elliott’s desperation. Giving him all that he can finally pays off when the moans he lets out force Harvey to pull his cock out of Elliott’s throat. He’d let him up before, obviously, but only long enough to breathe and go back down. Now, he holds his husbands face in his hands, comforting him again as he gets pounded from behind. He whispers sweet nothings to him before he lets him rest his head on the mattress again. He strokes his hair, soothing him as pleasure racks his body.
Elliott’s own toes curl harshly as he fights harder and harder to keep himself together. His jaw, perhaps a little sore, clenches tightly as Alex rams his g-spot over and over again. His eyes roll back in his head, eyelids shut tight over them as he concentrates on the feeling of being torn in half by Alex. He’s so close.
As Alex’s orgasm approaches closer and closer, his thrusts lose their fine tuning, and he’s taking all of Elliott’s cunt for a spin. It’s finally (or maybe yet again) his turn to be sloppy and desperate as Elliott’s cunt clenches down hard on his cock, only letting up for a second or two at a time, his orgasm forcing Alex’s no matter how hard he tries to hold it in. He can hear Harvey console his husband as he trembles through the aftershocks, again he bites back the jealousy that rises in his chest.
Once he’s ridden out his orgasm, he pulls out of Elliott and rolls over, worried that if he let his full weight rest on him, he’d crush him. He reaches a hand out to Elliott, rubbing his back as best he can without looking. To his surprise, Elliott rises with relative ease—that is to say he’s unsteadied, drenched in sweat, and noticeably trembling but only if you’re looking at him closely (which Alex always is)—and comes to soothe him. Sure, his chest is heaving and he can feel a small scowl on his face, but he hardly needs to be soothed. Elliott wordlessly checks in on him all the same, rubbing his chest and kissing him. The kiss is gentler than those they’d shared when they were alone, but still overwhelmed with desire. He holds onto Elliott a little roughly, squeezing his flesh in his hands as if he were concerned that he’d slip away, as if he were dreaming. As if.
They pull away and Elliott caresses his face. Only then does Alex realize that Harvey has excused himself again. He doesn’t particularly mind (ok, maybe a little, but only a little). He caresses Elliott’s face in turn, and they kiss again. He lets his hands roam up and down his body, covered entirely in sweat and in certain places, covered in his own drool (mostly, the top of his head was Alex’s handiwork).
They reach for each other’s cocks at the same time. Elliott crumples in on himself every time Alex rubs his puny cock with two fingers, curled up on his chest and squeezing Alex’s cock every time he completes a circle. Alex, much to his own surprise, stiffens rather quickly; and of course, Elliott quakes with ease, Alex a more devoted to pleasing him than any field of study.
Elliott pulls away from him again, inviting Alex to resume the position he had been in before. Alex obliges, laying on his back and Elliott crawls on top of him. He’s as handsome as he always is, but he is clearly finally growing a little tired from everything. They kiss a few times, Alex wanting each one to last longer than they did. When they pull away completely, he can feel the semen spilling out of Elliott and on to Alex’s stomach. He’s unfazed.
Harvey returns, still naked, from wherever he was, and the two whisper to one another. Alex doesn’t allow it to get under his skin. Elliott caresses his face and smirks down at him. “Do you still want to try getting fucked?”
Alex nods without a second thought; Elliott smirks again. “What if Harvey fucked you?”
Alex blinks a couple of times, trying to comprehend the offer. Elliott makes it easier for him, “Would you like that? Getting fucked by my husband?” he asks, rubbing his thumb across his lower lip. Alex nods.
“Are you sure?” Harvey beckons from above the two of them, stealing Alex’s attention.
Alex nods again, but can sense that’s not enough for the doctor. “Yes.”
Harvey still looks at him expectantly. He rolls his eyes. “Please.”
Again. “Yes, please.”
Harvey doesn’t push any further, only smiling at him in a slightly condescending way and tapping Elliott’s side so that he’d crawl off of Alex. He settles next to him, in much the same position Harvey had been in before. “I’ll be here the whole time, ok?” Alex nods, admittedly soothed.
He braces himself when Harvey gets into the bed, he’s unsure why he’s wearing gloves or what all he has in his hand. He doesn’t bother to show Alex, either, laying everything on the bed next to him. Alex is still laying somewhat awkwardly in the bed, without much space for Harvey. He smacks his thigh. “Spread your legs, sweetheart. I promise I won’t bite, you’re not ready for that yet.”
Alex huffs and does what he’s told; lifting and spreading his legs so that Harvey could get closer. He lowers them with his guidance, the backs of his thighs resting on the tops of Harvey’s. Otherwise, he’s flat on his back, head on a pillow fluffed for him by Elliott, who’s drawing circles in his chest. He feels spread out and revealed—and a little slutty (but that excites him)—in this position. His cock twitches and, of course, Harvey notices. “Excited?” He’s allowed to just nod in response this time.
Harvey leans over him and squeezes his face with one gloved hand. His eyes are a lot more intense without his glasses on. “Want a kiss?” He taunts, squishing his cheeks so that his lips pucker. Alex nods earnestly and Harvey obliges.
His kisses start out reserved, but once he establishes himself dominant, Harvey gets rougher. Alex rubs his hands up and down his chest, feeling him up. Teasing his nipples makes Harvey groan and deepen the kiss. He feels like Harvey is always a couple steps ahead of him, the doctor evidently considerably more experienced than himself; and unlike his husband, seems to enjoy guiding him more indirectly. Alex isn’t complaining, though. He’s quite enjoying himself.
Feeling safe, the next time Alex’s cock twitches while they’re kissing, he grabs it and strokes it gently, focusing on his head. Harvey notices and he can feel him smirking into the kiss. He pulls away and leaves wet kisses across his cheek, heading for his neck. “You’re so fucking cute.” Alex jerks himself a little faster.
Alex moans as Harvey moves down his neck, kissing and sucking at the skin expertly. He’s expecting him to go back on his word from before and bite him (maybe hoping he will), but he doesn’t. Harvey doesn’t even nip at the skin of his neck, but he can tell that he’s definitely leaving marks all over his neck anyway. He doesn’t mind.
When Harvey pulls away this time, he produces one of the items he’d brought to bed with him, a ring of some kind. He brings it closer and Alex can tell what it is. “Would you like to wear it?” he asks, smirking to himself. “Might help you last longer.”
Alex pouts at the implication, but gives him the go ahead. Harvey hands the cock ring to Elliott and begins lubing up one of his gloves. Elliott puts the ring on Alex as Harvey spreads his legs. “I’m going to start to open you up, ok?” Alex nods. “Try to relax.”
He rubs two gloved fingers up and down Alex’s crack, lubing up the surrounding area before he begins with his hole. Harvey circles his hole with one finger, the taught ring of muscle touch-shy, unintentionally clenching away from his every advance. Elliott soothes an ever so slightly embarrassed Alex, teasing the head of his penis and kissing him deeply; the familiar sensations allowing him to finally relax a little.
Once Alex’s hole is used to his presence, Harvey lets his finger slide into him. He gasps, but because of how good it feels already. He moves the digit gently inside of Alex, allowing him to adjust to the feeling. Harvey pushes in another finger as he desires it.
He pumps the two in unison, slipping in deep but careful not to slide back out of him. Harvey picks up the pace as Alex whimpers for more, reaching deeper inside of him every time. He tries to scissor his two fingers inside of him as he pumps them, attempting to prepare Alex as best he can for the girth of his cock.
When Harvey looks up at Alex to check on him, he can barely recognize the jock, the look of ecstasy on his face fitting his features very differently compared to his usual slight scowl. He’s blushing all the way down to his chest and his neck’s covered in hickeys. He’s breathing heavy again and covered in sweat, his own dried cum decorating his stomach and chest. Elliott’s also taking very good care of him, delicately rubbing the tip of his cock with only the tips of his fingers and their gentle kisses only occasionally interrupted by him sucking on Alex’s nipples. Harvey’s cock twitches at the sight. He can’t wait to get inside of him.
He adds a third finger, Alex’s hole showing more resistance this time. Harvey wonders if it’s because he usually only touches himself with two fingers but doesn’t ask, not wanting to deprive him of any more of his pride. He starts out slow again but Alex is eager, relaxing enough for him to begin scissoring his fingers once more.
Harvey looks down at his little pink hole and twitches again, electing to lean forward and spit right into him when he has him spread open, trying to hold himself over. Alex gasps and moans, back arching ever so slightly. Harvey’s warm spit sinks down inside of him, teasing him with ideas of what’s to come.
Once Alex begins to squirm with every movement of Harvey’s fingers, he decides it’s time to stop teasing the jock (and himself). He keeps his fingers inside of Alex, using his other hand to spread the lube all over his cock. He twitches in his own hand with every flick of his wrist, but he still makes sure get himself properly coated. He doesn’t want to hurt Alex at all, he’s not ready for that yet.
He finally pulls his fingers out just as he’s pushing his cock in, unable to keep himself from groaning. He holds onto Alex’s hip tightly as he slides in, his cock desperate to be buried inside of his little virgin hole. Alex whimpers as Harvey sinks into him, Elliott rushing to soothe him again so he doesn’t make too much noise.
Harvey waits for Alex to adjust to his size once he’s fully engulfed in him. His wall’s spasming only invites him further inside. His eyes roll back in his head every time he clamps down on his head, cock aching to fuck the brat. Eventually he relaxes again, his spoiled hole finally ready for Harvey. “Please.” He whimpers around Elliott’s kisses.
Harvey doesn’t make him wait any longer, starting up a slow pace that pushes Alex’s limits but tests his own patience. With each thrust of his hips, it’s quite obvious Alex’s hole is getting fucked for the very first time. His walls give a natural resistance, hardly used to getting fucked into, but Harvey is patient; his thrusts deliberate but kind on the virginal hole of the jock that’s been ‘secretly’ fucking his husband.
Alex looks up at him with wanton desperation, daring him to pick up the pace, practically begging him to fuck him a little harder; but Harvey is smarter than him. Knowing better than to appease every want and desire of the cocky virgin that lay below him. He wishes he could, truthfully, the way he’s squeezing him makes Harvey want to pound him awful hard and make him scream, but again, Alex is hardly there yet.
But Alex certainly thinks he is, whimpering for more stimulation as Harvey continues to fuck him slowly. “Please.”
“You’re not ready yet. You’re way too tight still, I’ll rip you a new one.” He insists, but Alex throws a little fit anyway.
“I need something else, then, please!” he whines, begging for mercy. Harvey looks down at Elliott and they exchange a knowing look. “Blow him, please, dear.” Elliott nods and changes the position he’s in, straddling Alex’s head and leaning over his torso. Alex licks him first and only then dies Elliott start to go down on him, giving his husband a quick kiss first. He does not remove his cock ring.
Elliott sucking him and getting sucked by him shuts Alex up for the time being, allowing Harvey to slowly open him up without further whining. He rolls his hips upwards into Alex—he’s not particularly deep inside him, simply because he barely fits in that far anyways. Harvey’s cock aches for more but his hole’s so fucking tight he barely notices. The couple of inches that does fit in Alex with ease is on cloud nine, his little ring squeezing his tip so hard it could make him cum right now if he let it. But he won’t, he wants to let Alex really have it.
His husband’s ever expanding talents keep Alex hushed but lively, so focused on sixty-nineing Elliott that his asshole actually begins to yield to Harvey’s patient fucking. Soon, he’s opening up like daffodil in spring which is good because he’s quickly approaching the part of the blowjob where he figures out that he still has the cock ring on. Which he needs to be wearing, especially with all his whining, but Harvey is concerned that he’ll tighten back up on him when he does.
Thankfully, his hole finally accepts Harvey’s fat cock deep into him before he’s screaming too hard around Elliott’s cock. The redhead lets off of him once Harvey’s deep inside of him in earnest. He remains on his face however, feeling as though he’s earned yet another orgasm.
Elliott and Harvey kiss as he finally starts a proper pace, his tight hole squeezing him hard as thanks. He trembles beneath them as he gets fucked for the first time, his throat trying to whine for more around Elliott, but his cock muffles him. Once Alex makes him cum, Elliott returns to his side, soothing the whining brat as he begs for more.
Alex’s asshole is finally relaxed enough for Harvey to oblige, thrusting his hips at a pace the two could agree on. Once he gets started, it’s easier on Alex from then on, allowing Harvey to get deeper with every thrust. “Oh, fuck! Please!”
Harvey picks up the pace when Alex wraps his arms around his legs and holds them flat to his chest, taking advantage of the better angle to fuck him harder. The harder Harvey goes, the more Alex begs for, his virgin hole taking cock like he’s used to it.
Harvey is finally able to give in to his own desires, the pace he sets is still gentle (gentler than it could be at least) on Alex, but allows him to really pound into him. He finds himself moaning as he thrusts deep into Alex, going faster every time he begs him to.
Now that he’s bloomed for him, Harvey finds it easier to fulfill Alex’s desires as well. When Alex begs him to thrust deeper into him, he does. When Alex begs him to fuck him harder, he does. When Alex begs him to go even faster, he does. The once cocky jock is now a mess under Harvey, his tight little hole spread wide open for yet another married man.
While he is enjoying himself (quite the understatement), Harvey is far from his climax—maintaining his health as he does in no small part to preserve his sexual endurance. But Alex is not. He can feel the harsh drumming of his heartbeat from inside of him and the desperation in every squeeze of his walls. He will not cum, because of the cock ring, obviously, but Harvey would like to see him orgasm anyway. He’d also quite like to be inside of Alex when he has his very first dry orgasm.
As rough as he’s being on Alex, he’s taking it very well, his back arching against the bed and nothing but encouragement spilling from his mouth. Harvey angles his hips just right and plows into his prostate. He doesn’t make much noise, only gasping as he arched his back even harder, furiously jerking himself off even though it won’t make any difference. He continues to gasp for air as he tries to comprehend an orgasm with no feeling of release.
Harvey is gentle as Alex gathers himself, Elliott moving to soothe him again, straddling his chest running and his fingers through his hair. Alex holds onto Elliott, running his fingers through his hair trying to collect himself. Eventually his brain can comprehend the fact that he’s still hard despite having such an intense orgasm. Elliott caresses his face. “Are you ok, baby?” Alex nods.
He tries to clear his throat a little. “It’s just—so… intense.”
Harvey looks down at Alex, his hole squeezing him quite desperately. “Are you sure you want to keep going?”
“Y-yeah. Please.”
Elliott rubs his chest. “Do you want to put your cock in me?” Alex nods. He rises up on his knees and lets Alex position himself so that he can sink down on his cock, semen spilling out of his cunt and all over his stomach. Harvey unclasps the cock ring before Elliott takes all of Alex in.
Elliott and Harvey start to move at the same time. Elliott rises up and sinks down on Alex’s big cock, while Harvey thrusts in and out of his tiny hole. The jock is in absolute ecstasy, whimpering with every movement.
The feeling of sharing a man with his husband always brings Harvey closer to the edge of his orgasm, and he knows very well that Alex doesn’t have much left in him; neither does Elliott, having cum more times in a few hours than most people do over the course of the month. They both still put their all in pleasing Alex, who feels especially lucky as he looks up at the two of them working together to make him cum.
Harvey leans on Elliott’s back as he thrusts into Alex, wrapping his arms around the front of him and groping his tits. Elliott’s cunt throbs at the feeling, making Alex whimper and squeeze Harvey’s cock. He smirks to himself and invites Alex to play with his tits as well, getting him to roll his nipple between two of his fingers. Elliott’s whimpering as he rides Alex makes it clear how close he is to orgasm, his battered cunt trembling around him.
Elliott picks up the pace and so Harvey follows suit, once again chasing a mutual orgasm, only this time Alex gets to cum too instead of just watching. Harvey guides Alex’s hand down from one of Elliott’s tits down to his cock and winks at him. Alex gently jerks him off as Harvey toys with both of his tits.
Elliott isn’t intending to make any noise as he bounces up and down on Alex’s cock, but he can’t keep himself from gasping at every manipulation of a bundle of nerves on his body (his cock, g-spot, and nipples so overstimulated he’s constantly trembling). The head of Alex’s cock threatens to rub up against his g-pot with every rise and fall of his hips.
Harvey angles his hips one last time and pounds into Alex’s prostate, which makes his hips jerk up into Elliott, hitting his g-spot dead on. Elliott’s orgasm is wanton and desperate, Harvey covers his mouth to keep him from screaming as he squirts for the last time. Alex is forced through another earth shattering orgasm as Elliott’s cunt clamps down on him while he struggles through his own. Harvey finally reaches his second orgasm, pumping cum deep in Alex’s now formerly virgin asshole, his body aches and his cock is tired.
They all end up in a bit of pile together, trying to spread out in the bed a bit to give each other space, but being trembling messes of human beings, they mostly fail. Harvey ends up on one side of Alex, Elliott on the other. They put most of what’s left of their energy to making sure that he’s ok, and admittedly he feels kind of awkward. “Uh… did you know about… y’know?”
“Sweetheart, we’re married. I know everything about my husband.” Harvey insists. They both chuckle and kiss Alex on the cheek. He blushes again.
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crypticcowboys · 1 month
omg hi !!! i just read ur new mike hc and OMG ITS SO CUTHEUERU will cry everyday thinking abt it. but i also saw that ur requests are open for mike and i’ve been DYING FOR SOME MIKE SCHMIDT FICS the rage abt him was too short😔 i was thinking something similar with the hc that you already have but with a little angst? maybe him waking up from a bad dream and just needing his gf? i just wanna see some domesticity with him and abby and just the gf taking care of them just to help him a little THE MAN NEEDS A BREAK PLS idk i think it would be super sweet. i hope ur having a good day!! if u don’t wanna take up this request that is totally a-o-kay🩷
a/n: i am so sorry. i completely forgot about this sizzling in my inbox and it has now been SEVEN MONTHS since this movie's release. but this was such a cute idea, i needed to finish it!! im so sorry and i apologize if youve moved on from this man omg LMAO pairing : mike schmidt x gn!reader warnings : kind of heavy angst w/delving into mike's thought process, mentions of nightmares, otherwise fluff. partly proofread. SPOILERS! (but you guys... probably dont need the warning by now, right?)
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mike's nightmares (dreams?) about garrett didn't really... go away after everything that happened at freddy's. sure, it gave him some ounce of comfort knowing that he'd found the man who took his brother-- one of his lifelines, away from him, and also knowing that the same man who took his brother was now dead. but regardless, it didn't take the memories nor the guilt away. mike is, and has always been convinced that everything bad leading up to now must've been his fault. starting with garrett, all the way up to vanessa's coma, no matter how many times you've told him otherwise.
and that lingering guilt seeps into his dreams, too. he's had less dreams about garrett, and he's slowly started to have actual stupid, brief, 'normal' dreams that he can't even remember once he wakes up ever since he stopped taking the ambien; he could now safely fall asleep to the sounds of your breathing, the soothing motions of your hands in his hair, and the crickets outside rather than the repetitive nature sounds on the walkman. but when the dreams about garrett happen, they're... different. they aren't the same sequence that would usually happen in his dreams like before. he can't even remember what happens in them anymore, his memory fading as soon as he wakes up as if he hadn't dreamt anything at all-- but he's always waking up with sweat condensed on his brow, his heart racing out of his chest, and a lingering feeling of dread tugging at his heart, always feeling like somebody was watching him. he'd often wake up with a gasp, or a brief shout. it brought an aching feeling like no ofher— and while he doesn't remember the dreams anymore, the aching feeling is still the same he used to get when he was searching for why, and who kidnapped his brother. and there's another overwhelming feeling of guilt too— how could he ever even think of trading his sister for garrett?
sometimes you wake up from his violent shudders or sobbing, sometimes you don't. and when you do, you're there in a heartbeat-- your body moving faster than your sluggish, tired brain to pull him close and hug him tightly into your chest as he sobs incoherent words, not caring about his cries moving through the thin walls. he'll always apologize no matter how many times you tell him that there's no need to. he woke you up. shouldn't he feel bad about that? he just doesn't want to inconvenience you anymore. but you're pulling him out of his thoughts quickly, comforting him before he even gets a chance to regret waking you up.
it doesn't take him long to calm down whenever you're around to hold him, just like how he needed. the both of you breathing softly, the only sounds audible being your heartbeat and the wind rustling the leaves of the trees outside. quiet, just what mike needed. just like what he craved, with you.
"'m so tired." he'd whisper, blinking slowly as he traced absentminded patterns on the skin of your collarbone, the repetition soothing him. he always liked doing that. and he liked when you did the same thing with him.
"i know." you'd whisper back— and he didn't need to head anything else to feel your overwhelming care for him. it was still so confusing for him to adjust to— the fact that you wanted him even after all of the fucked up shit he went through. no— you didn't just want him, you loved him. held him without a care in the world, and you'd do it in a heartbeat. you learned his body language— knowing exactly what he needed and when. you were his home— you and abby were his home.
one morning, he's waking up alone. not really something that concerned him— you had stuff to do. like work, taking abby to school when you insisted he stay home and rest. he rubs his eyes as he stares up at the ceiling for a bit longer before pushing himself out of bed— there's no use in dwelling on last night, anyways.
mike shuffles out of bed with a yawn, scratching at the skin riding up on his shirt before feeling something wrap around him at torso level. he looks down, and it's abby. he gives her a small smile, bending down slightly to wrap his arms around her, and she giggles. "i'm not supposed to say anything." she whispers, rocking back on her feet slightly. okaaay... secrets right when he woke up, just what he needed. but he smells something good— pancakes? that has him shuffling right into the kitchen, staring at you tending to the stove, the perfect image of domesticity.
as abby's shuffling into the living room to go watch labrynth once more, mike paddles behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, giving a small kiss to your collarbone as he's staring down at your perfect hands, watching you make breakfast. usually he was the one to make breakfast— what was the special occasion? "i'm guessing this is what abby was being secretive about?" he grinned softly, breathing in the warm scent of your hair. soft. you were soft.
"i told her she wasn't supposed to say anything." you replied back, giving a soft 'hmph' as you eyed abby from the kitchen with a soft smile on your face, turning the heat off to the stove before turning around to face your boyfriend. the eggs were done cooking, anyways. "just... thought i'd do something nice for you. let you sleep in a little." your voice was soft, held implications of last night's nightmares shaking mike violently awake. he... didn't get much sleep whenever they happened. his eyes fluttered softly at the feeling of your hands carding through his hair again, and he's already about to fall asleep right at the stove.
you're prepared for him to pout, claim that breakfast was his job and that you shouldn't have gotten out of bed so early with the fact that you had so much stuff to do. but instead— he gives you a soft, bashful smile as he grabs your hand gently, kissing your palm. "thank you. y'know I love you, right?" he whispered, giving you a gentle peck on your lips. fuck morning breath.
"i love you." you whispered back, moving to lean in another time before you're hearing a dramatic gag from the living room, coming from abby. you and mike are scoffing with soft grins as the both of you depart from eachother— but still never looking away.
he never really worried about his nightmares after that, anyway.
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purplefixations · 1 year
The Best Thing We Never Planned
In honor of the most recent David audio, here is my mind started thinking after I finished listening to it. This is what I think would happen the next morning.
(in the mates gc)
Angel: *picture of David cuddled up to them, sleeping peacefully*
Angel: my fiance is the cutest😍😍😍
Baabe: aww, im saving this for future black mail
Baabe: WAIT!!!
Sweetheart: We're not gonna breeze past that like you didn't say what you just said!
Baabe: i swear to god if you're messing with us!
Baabe: angel answer your phone
Sweetheart: If this is a joke I'm gonna kill you, very slowly
Angel: what do yall want?
Angel: oh...
Baabe: "ya'll" lmao
Baabe: you're around sam too much
Sweetheart: What you mean oh?
Angel: u guys didnt know?
Baabe: NOO?!
Baabe: ash didn't either
Sweetheart: Same with milo
Angel: hold up, how do I know they that didnt know and just kept it a secret?
Baabe: look at my bf and tell me he can keep a secret :/
Baabe: also, I screeched when I saw the word "FIANCE" and he wanted to know why...
Angel: u screeched?
Sweetheart: And I thought milo was jumpy 😂
Baabe: don't pick on me sweetheart, you still havent answered the question.
Sweetheart: Oh, I asked Milo if he knew as soon as I saw the text
Angel: why...
Sweetheart: I assumed he knew and just forgot to tell me
Angel: and he didnt?!
Sweetheart: nope
Sweetheart: It seems David decided not to tell anyone, not surprising tho
Sam: Why is my phone blowing up all at once?
Baabe: scroll up
Sam: Congratulations Angel
Angel: DID U KNOW?!?
Sam: No, no one told me exactly. But Tank mentioned something a few days ago about David and serious commitments, so I'm not exactly supried
Baabe: TANKER KNEW?!????
Sam: Maybe, I can ask.
Sweetheart: I mean, David has been trying to actually include Tank in pack/friend stuff, so maybe this was one of the things.
Baabe: makes sense, tho ash and milo might feel a bit betrayed lol
Sam: They said that David asked them for help with what to say to not sound too cheesey. They also said that it was still extremely sappy in the end.
Angel: it was but it was a nice kind of sappy
Baabe: awwwww
Baabe: what'd he say?
Angel: i dont really remember the words
Angel: it was very long and i think i started crying near the beginning of it all...
Sweetheart: Haha, crybaby
Baabe: HEY! the only one aloud to call them baby is David, back off
Angel: YEAH
Sweetheart: Is this you saying that David calls you a crybaby, and you like it?
Angel: WAiT
Baabe: hahaha
Baabe: masochist
Angel: do you want me to put you on blast? cuz i have receipts
Sam: Okay, I'm going to stop this before it gets out of hand. Again, congrats Angel.
Angel: thanks sam
Sweetheart: Congratulations from me and milo
Baabe: and milo?
Sweetheart: He's been asking for live updates on this situation
Sweetheart: He has also demanded that he gets to help David pick out a suit
Angel: he has to take that up with davey, but honestly that might be a good idea
Baabe: why?
Angel: i love him very much, but he lives in clothes just nice enough to look presentable.
Angel: and dirty work clothes
Baabe: haha
Baabe: ash says congrats too
Baabe: he's been reading this over my shoulder for the last few minutes
Angel: that tracks
Angel: thx tho
Sweetheart: On a serious note, if either of you need any help with filing marriage paper work for an empowered and non-empowered through dump, let me know
Baabe: is it hard?
Sweetheart: I wouldn't say hard, but it's a bit complicated and a lot
Angel: ill keep it in mind Sweets thx
Baabe: getting off that serious note
Baabe: ash made a meme and wants me to send it to you all
Angel: GIMME!!!
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Angel: HahAhHAha
Sweetheart: Is that Aggro?
Baabe: he says yes
Angel: is he actually upset?
Baabe: nah, he's just dramatic
Sweetheart: pls tell me he sent that to David
Baabe: he did
Angel: hes still asleep so don't expect a response yet
Baabe: he's still asleep? I thought he was an early riser and shit?
Angel: normally, but i think the solstice tired him out
Sweetheart: It's probably an emotional vulnerability hangover
Angel: lmao
Baabe: haha
Sam: So it's not just Tanker who gets those.
Angel: LMFAO!!!
Angel: theyre too fucking similar
Baabe: hehehe
Baabe: oh shit, if i die pls have a picture of me at your wedding
Angel: ofc, but why r u dying?
Baabe: I didn't notice that ash left, and I smell smoke
Sweetheart: I'll make sure it's a cute picture
Baabe: bless you
Angel: oof, go make sure your mans didnt commit arson
Baabe: 👍
"Angel, why did Asher and Milo send me vaguely threatening memes?"
"Ooohh. Yeah, that's on you."
"You're the one that didn't tell your best friends that you were proposing."
"I didn't tell them because they cant keep a secret. If I told them, they'd tell their mates, which would be fine but then everyone would start dropping hints and you'd get suspicious."
"Tanker tells Sam everything and you told them."
"How do you know I told Tanker?"
"As I said, they tell Sam everything."
"What- Did you add him to your weird group chat?"
"It's not weird Davey, and besides, he enjoys it."
"I don't know why I bother at this point."
"Because you love me!"
"Yeah. I do, you snot."
Idk how it got this long, I was not planning for that. I wrote this over the span of two ten minute breaks and my lunch at work, so that's why it's kinda chaotic. Anyways, love y'all <3
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misqnon · 2 months
its... its... its marchm.... its march OFF anon... u can keep calling me march if u want. or rowan.. im not picky.. i have many names.. i keep writing these when im very tired and i get super rambly,, forgive me..
idk i think enemies to lovers is just .. i get too angry... when they're actually enemies.. im the type to REALLY hold a grudge and like. file away every single wrong done to me.. and i cant help but also do that with fictional characters. yeah i swear im healthy... i swear... YOUD DO THAT FOR ME?? and how ... how could i ever repay u.. but actually do whatever u want!! i do Not Like telling ppl what to do LMAO because i hate it when its done to me (i might have a bit of pda autism). if u did hanyagellan fanfic for me i would be eternally grateful and probably Die. but if u didnt i would be perfectly fine :)
i forgot kidd doesnt really appear much til wano .. i read wano ages ago so he is just like . a permanent member in my brain now. i think of him and luffy and law as a trio and then i remember that wait.. it was only luffy and law for the longest time... anyways hes awesome. he definitely has tits to rival zoro. and killer is also awesome.. i love killer. in my head killer is a very nice sweet guy. and then i remember his name is apparently massacre soldier killer. and that kidd and his crew murder innocent people. and its like oh right ... theyre not just.. funny little guys ... they're evil funny little guys... also kidd is SCOTTISH?? imagine him with that accent. wonderful. perfect. it suits him so well.
ive seen t4t frobin and i do Love it. i do.. i also love tjem as just wonderful allies. idk either way theyre lovely
i also read on tcbscans!!! i dont really read the comments all that much (shockingly, because i love to read comments on other platforms) but IM SO GLAD!! UVE HEARD IT!!!
oda has..... a Problem.... looks at mitsutoshi shimabukuro and nobuhiro watsuki. (pedophiles he has supported) anyways yeah it's like . its .. its so disgusting. i loved kyros so much and like . it was ruined!!! it was ruined for me!!! WHY in my favorite arc. i think its valid to count shirahoshi. there is literally no reason to make it so the underage characters are supposed be attractive. they did it with rebecca too,, like she couldve easily just worn leather or something under her armor. but she didnt. shes supposed to be sexy. as a 16 year old. and actually it gets worse later in the story!! so look forward to that!! /s
MORE TONIGHT HELL YEAH!!!! (by the time i finish writing this u will probably have already read the chapters LOL). i actually adore chiffon and lola (i saw u talk abt this so..) and i also think its bc theyre not meant to be attractive. oda can only write women well when theyre not supposed to be sexy (im exaggerating bc nami and robin are well written, its just. theyre not as dynamic and interesting after the time skip). also i Love bege and chiffons weird little baby . he has stubble . wonderful. i love that bege baby talks to him unashamedly. an actually good father in one piece?? its rare but it DOES happen!!
i actually watched the first episode of the live action today!!! and yeah i decided i do NOT like mackenyu's acting as zoro. i dont really blame mackenyu for it bc i assume its an issue with the producers or writers or whatever wanting to make him more badass,, but i kind of cant stand it. he has the cool guy vocal fry.... i hate it... i hate that. i looked up videos of mackenyu in like. regular settings! and he seems like a genuinely cool person!! i think if he could channel his regular energy into zoro more.. it would be perfect . i would say that is the perfect zoro. to be fair though he could relax a bit with the cool guy thing later on in the show and i just don't know it yet bc i only watched episode one (holding out hope that thats what happens). overall . besides my issues with zoro being too cool n serious and monotone.. it was actually really enjoyable!! the kobylu moment where theyre stargazing together?? hello??? hello???? for the record i dont really ship kobylu but i do enjoy the ship.. does that distinction make sense.. i hope it does. and also zoro has freckles. i cant get over that... freckles ... he has freckles.. there r a few choices i didnt like (that i cant remember rn) but it was a fun watch!!!!
I WOULD SHOW U BUT . BUT ITS JUST .. ITS JUST HER HEAD .. I DIDNT DRAW SHOULDERS OR ANYTHING... i just wanted to get down my most basic of ideas .. i swear the moment i draw a fem sanji im happy with.... u will see her.
haha.. so dada.. and . abrina.. am..abro.. abromava.. marina abromavia.. abromavic of him . yeah. so dada and marina abromavic of him . ok but i looked up marina abromavic and!! "rest energy" i know that one!! (thats all i know.. though dada looks familiar)
i love the secret freaks
"[eyebags the size of dinner plates]" is so funny,, i always wanted to move house as a child . just once. i thought it was very cool and trendy when people in my class said they were moving. and also i didnt like my neighborhood (i still dont). i know now that moving is not what i had thought it to be. as a child.
very soon!! (now)
i definitely played games online as a kid but i also like. was on websites i should not have been on (deviantart) as young as 10. my old youtube comments arent that bad to look back on, sometimes theyre kind of funny, but i imagine finding any of my old accounts on any other website would be very upsetting 😭. i dont know if i ever deleted my accounts or if theyre all still out there . for me to come across at any time. (though i doubt i ever will, considering i havent in the 10+ years since)
i also try not to put anything else out there, but sometimes i (stupidly . very stupidly) decide to just. not care that much. i have just accepted that people have probably found photos of me as a child online (not that i remember posting anything from before i was like 15 but. still) and i. just live with the constant assumption that i am being watched. im a very paranoid person sometimes so i know if i stress out about whatever is online about me it will literally turn into an existential crisis
uhh thats all kind of (really) heavy sorry about that!!
tbh with anime... betrayal is always possible. i started an anime called usagi drop a few years ago and then stopped because i. got bored? maybe? and whoops, turns out they have a romantic relationship. thank god i dropped it
i was actually looking up vocaloid stuff yesterday.. learning The History (i was watching kaito x gakupo mmd's) and i found out nyan cat?? was vocaloid?? originally?? and the version that got popular was utauloid?? i used to play 10 hour nyan cat videos on the tv. this was a monumental discovery. i love finding out that niche internet communities are like . the beginning . of a huge internet meme.. its seriously so interesting. plus i recognized a lot of older popular vocaloid songs!! i had no idea it had seeped so much into my life . without me knowing it.
i was kind of tempted to go see kikuo and bo en live!! im kind of?? a bo en fan?? i listened to that song that was in omori before omori was out (i still dont really know what omori is) and i like a few other songs by them but im not really someone who likes musical artists. i just like a few songs,, or one song,, from an artist,, and then nothing else. i do like quite a few of kikuo's songs though!! most of all i was just tempted bc the timing was right and i noticed they were coming to a city nearby. didnt end up going bc i couldnt justify it!! did u have a good time!? also i saw the miku expo experience,, in portland.. where they just got what was visibly just,, a tv. even as someone who is a Beginner vocaloid fan.. that is so disappointing
my aphantasia isnt really that bad and its not something i notice most of the time, so it doesn't really get in the way. i kind of think it might help me in art because i dont get stuck on the blank canvas part, trying to picture what to draw? idk ive heard a lot of ppl talk abt that being a struggle. i just jump right into it since i cant come up with anything most of the time anyways. other times tho i can picture things very clearly.. i think part of the aphantasia is just that i have autism. and adhd. and i cant concentrate well enough to picture things a lot of the time, especially when i actually want to. most of the time the things i successfully picture are involuntary
i dont know why they dont anymore but no!! they dont!! i havent actually tried to look up the reason or if this is a permanent thing. i should.. it might also just be that its not being scanned or its not included in digital files.. idk . any number of things. ok i checked and i found a translation on reddit of the volume 107 sbs, but its not in the tcb scans . so i have to assume its just that they dont have the scans for the sbs, and oda is still doing it consistently?? either way its not easy to find
oda canon skin tones should be IGNORED.. too boring... as for the women. he has literally devolved. nami and robin pre timeskip... come back... please.
i get posts u reblogged from like. the beginning of march.. sometimes.. that feels like ages ago... i actually want to interact with a lot of the things u reblog bc theyre good.. and half of it is stuff i mean to reblog anyways but havent. but i dont wanna spam u. and i definitely would spam u. on accident. but still..
idk if u use tiktok at all (i didnt used to but i have been zoomerpilled or whatever the kids would say ..) but there was an audio that got pretty popular that's like. "you can call me anything! you can even call me dookie! ...... NEVER CALL ME DOOKIE!!" and THAT WAS IVA IN IMPEL DOWN!! anyways watching that scene in impel down as a kid.. was very influential. it probably is why i identified as genderfluid for a bit?? i had never really seen any trans characters before or met any trans people in real life. so when i saw . trans characters. i was like wow... u can do that? thats allowed? it was mindblowing. picture me with big sparkly eyes full of wonder.
"transgenderism is a thrilling character trait" is extremely funny wording. i think he HAS done some research (it shows in his most recent trans characters, my issues with yamato aside) but when he made the newkamas.... yeah.... i dont know if he really thought about what kind of life experiences they would have. as trans people. or whether he was even portraying them well. it really was just "hey this would be a funny character.." and then there they were.
i love all 3 of the fishman princes and actually i am very thankful the other 2 (i can never remember their names... ryuboshi and.. something.. sorry guys..) arent just like . The same character copy and pasted. but i agree!! that moment broke my heart. u poor kids :(. ive never seen d gray man so this was probably (?) my first introduction to noahs ark in . anime,, manga. im rly excited for whenever the scene will be. where everyone boards.. and .. idk .. is led to the dawn of the new world.. or whatever they say is supposed to happen
YEAH I WANT TEENAGE CHOPPER!!! he can still be a wholesome guy but please .. please.. treat him a LITTLE BIT like .. a teenager.. the teenager he is. i love horn point chopper . i wish we could see all his forms a bit more. i also wish for more chopper angst like .. i loved when they fought aokiji right before water 7 because it had a really great chopper moment. he was directing the other crewmates on what to do and it was so high tension and emotional,,, i miss that.
ok i agree zoro getting lost is timeless. i see jokes abt it everywhere and i dont even mind. i didnt like nami's slapstick joke in the beginning but ive kinda become neutral about it. i dont find it funny but i dont dislike it either. brook panties joke is gross ... gross old man. but i thought it was very funny when he asked camie for money because she didnt have any panties. making him from a creep into just a pathetic old guy would be funny imo. actually i do like brook's skull jokes mostly bc theyre so lame. im a fan of jokes so bad theyre good. and now 80% of the time he gets ignored... and i find that funnier. ill laugh at ur jokes brook.. i swear... ill laugh.
literally the whole setting of water 7 was so interesting and cool and . i adored it. the aqua laguna,, part of the city being underwater bc the water level keeps rising. the canals!! the water horses!! its all so fun. i actually do love the frobin moments in enies lobby, and i love kaku, and i love the "i want to live" moment, but other than that i dont have much i found super exciting.. oh and the moment with the merry at the end of it. that broke me . why give me hope and then rip it away from me!! oda always does this. /pos though.
what about,,, sanji except he wears colored contacts sometimes just to confuse the crew. "your eyes were brown yesterday what the fuck happened??"
"[clanging my sanji gavel] order in the court" SANJI GAVEL,,,, THATS FUNNY
"if there’s multiple types of conqueror’s haki it it like..all based on one guy? one original conqueror ?? and who was it…" ough ur so smart for this.. i never considered that..
zoro is Definitely favored with op stuff. i do think he is usually considered second mate so its like... kind of fair imo? but at the same time... yeah... oda could spread the wealth a little. make everyone else have more development rather than just focusing on zoro.
i see ur shanks argument and i counter with all humans are ugly sometimes.. that picture is fantastic though hes really ratting it up
cora and doflamingo are so giant .. and they came from 2 very normal sized parents. maybe its their diet...?? no but.. they were extremely poor for several years... idk one piece is so wild. like what do u mean geko moria is just a regular human. hes not even a different race... he just grew like that.. i think its funny to imagine the evil characters feeling awkward because they dont have a seat and just .. crossing their arms and pretending to be cool. i didnt see that doflamingo post but i looked it up and he really is like a cat. birdcat.. catbird.. sitting right in the middle.
i dont know if i ever have moments where i think "luffy wouldnt do this" because honestly i dont think im very good at character analysis. i really struggle to feel connected to and like i understand people or characters,, maybe its just because i tend to assume theres depth where there might not be. or maybe i just severely underestimate myself LOL. but i do 100000% agree oda should take notes from his own character... like luffy is so non judgemental and. idk. hes so easy to aspire to be like. everyone could benefit from being like luffy or having someone like luffy in their life. i completely agree that he doesnt acknowledge? accept? understand? gender roles. and this is why luffy is genderfluid /hj. but yes i get u!!!
im so glad we have come to a mutual understanding about cannibalism. i am joining u.
THE LUFFY IMAGE.. ok im coming
ok ur headcanons..
i headcanon lesbian sanji . until i see sanuso... and then... i lose all strength in my beliefs .... sanji is a transfem bisexual and she is dating usopp. <- i find it funny that im like that bc i was hardcore like "sanji is a lesbian." "i wont ship usopp with anyone bc of kaya" (i dont like shipping characters when i think theyll end up with another character bc i am very sensitive to disappointment) and i have thrown my beliefs out the window bc i love sanuso so much. also do u have a screenshot or anything of the sbs question bc i dont remember seeing that /gen. i want to see.. i want to see the bisexuality with my own eyes...
i agree zoro is gay. i also have recently been converted to the zoro is transmasc .. train? what . u know what i mean hopefully. i also dont ship zolu bc luffy is hardcore aroace (and if i shipped him with anyone it would be koby as a mostly one sided thing) but they do have a fun relationship and i enjoy seeing zolu content.. tbh im not picky abt shipping most of the time as long as it isnt proship. most ships im just like "i understand the appeal" and dont have many feelings beyond that
lesbian nami is so true. i understand it after rereading.. i see the gay in her.
i think i mentioned t4t frobin earlier in the post but yeah,, even as cishet allies theyre wonderful.. good people. cute couple.
i see straight usopp and i also see bi usopp. no matter what ,,, he likes women for sure. i also saw transmasc usopp and i actually love it.. transmasc usopp.
brook could be anything tbh. i dont really have strong opinions abt his sexuality but i enjoy bisexual brook. its even alliterative!!
chopper is a reindeer... a BI, TRANS reindeer
ok ur too educated and cultured for me... i know zorro and rudolph and pinocchio but i honestly dont know the rest. i live under a rock and dont usually bother to learn about new things (unless its like. current events. or any of my niche interests)
i actually adore rudolph though and yeah when i realized chopper is rudolph . i was very excited. the rudolph the red-nosed reindeer from 1964 is my favorite christmas movie ever. i genuinely adore it. also im pretty sure the person who made that movie is lgbtq and purposefully put lgbtq themes into the movie. i always felt a connection to rudolph bc my child mind thought of him as trans and gay without really realizing that was what i assumed him to be lmao. i dont remember if the lgbtq themes actually involve rudolph himself but thats who i identified with as a kid and i will stick by it. anyways that is why chopper is transmasc and bi in my headcanons haha
uhhh uhhhh.. to end the message..
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OH SHIT OFF ANON!!! do u know how funny it would have been if u came off anon and i was thinking u were a completely different blog somehow. i would have cried
ur reasoning for not liking enemies to lovers is very valid but i laughed thinking about zosan making out or something and ur just standing there like NO…..YOU SHOULD BE ANGRY,.,...KILL!!!
i really doubt i will have the time to write hanyagellan but it sounds so novelty and fun that IDK MAYBE SOMEDAY N FSVNF DC
i have only really seen fanon killer which yea does not give the murder of innocents vibe but you know what. thats ok sometimes silly happy little guys are just murderers and thats ok- no i literally did not. realize kids crew did that. LMFAO well i like doffy so clearly this isnt gonna change much for me. but scottish kid…thats fuckign PERFECCT …KIDD….KID MY BELOVED
oh yeah oda’s weird pedo tendencies are uhh 100% my least favorite thing about him. the sexualization of the 16 year olds usually makes me have to pause for that day and come back later cause it just ruins it for me. WHAT DO U MEAN IT GETS WORSE 😭😭😭 NOOOOOO
ur absolutely correct btw. abt how his well-written women have to be ugly. dnf,mvcd like yea nami and robin exist but they have been a bit sidelined in terms of development meanwhile the characters that are both sexualized and well written…i can barely pay attention to their writing bc it feels undermined by the intense sexualization. 
bege’s baby is terrible. irs terrible i hate it. but it makes me laugh so hard. although bege doing the baby voice and cooing over his baby was very cute and i DID love that LMAO
RIP MACKENYU ZORO…YOU TRIED I GUESS..yea i think the showrunner was maybe thinking too much about post timeskip zoro while also trying to amplify his coolness and it just came off as. trying way too hard. i think he has a few better moments but also the Too Edgy moments continue so its a mixed bag. though zoro’s characterization seems to be one of the major criticisms ive seen across the board so maybe they’ll lighten him up for season 2. also koby is so perfect in the live action. him and luffy are adorable. i dont ship it either but i can see the vision. they were damn cute ps. they had exactly one f-word pass for season one and they gave it to zoro but like. in the most hilarious throw away line ever. however this means in at least one piece of one piece canon zoro has said fuck.
trades you hanyagellan fanfiction for the transji drawing (im kidding, dont worry abt it!!)
“haha.. so dada.. and . abrina.. am..abro.. abromava.. marina abromavia” luffy trying to pronounce the name of someone he doesnt care about be like
oh yea i definitely have a million accounts on random website that like. i dont even remember. once i tried to see if there was some kind of website or plug in or tool to put in your email address and find any accounts linked to it so i could delete them but i didnt really find what i was looking for which is crazy. like i have a fuckin nico nico douga account from when i used to watch vocaloid videos on there. the website is entirely in japanese. insane
and about the "heavy" internet stuff NO UR GOOD im in a similar boat and i just. choose not to think about it too hard. blissful ignorance
“i was actually looking up vocaloid stuff yesterday.. learning The History (i was watching kaito x gakupo mmd's)” KSDNNLKSM
yea!! nyan cat was an utau called momo i think? the nyan cat creator is actually here on tumblr lmao. i found them a couple years ago and was like holy shit… @ prguitarman. also the vocaloid oliver voices puppycat in bee and puppycat! and a vocaloid song actually mde it into a MARVEL MOVIE?? that one fucking sent me. its this one and it isnt even just miku whos the most mainstream its like. so many of them. we’re doing it u guys
yea most of my favs are the classics!! i could link my vocaloid megaplaylist but its. long. i only went bc i was like ‘THIS IS MY ONLY CHANCE TO SEE ANYTHING LIKE A VOCALOID CONCERT IN PERSON KIKUO MIGHT NEVER COME TO THE US AGAIN” and i had to have a friend drive me all the way to chicago for it (I Dont Live In Chicago) but it was worth it. i had one of the most fun times of my life lmao. i was JAMMIN. ive heard about the miku expo thign lmao. i think its bc miku is at coachella this weekend (?) or whatever so they might have taken her hologram tech there instead. LAME! 
my other friends with aphantasia are artists as well so clearly it doesnt stop yall 💪 i do struggle with the blank canvas part lmao. but mostly i think i just find starting to be the hardest part of anything.
i think 90% of what oda says should be ignored LMAO. MY STORY NOW!! half joking. maybe a little more than half. when the live action cast talks about how much they respect him and how cool meeting and talking to him was i almost feel bad bc he seems like a kind and goofy guy a lot of the time, but oof, man really needs to evaluate his biases…
tumblr putting posts from early march on ur dash..
why does it do that. i hate that it does that. sometimes i post things and then purposely bury them with other posts so no one sees. TUMBLR PLEASE JUST SHOW MY SHIT IN ORDER
feel free to spam me i do it to other ppl all the time and i dont care at all lmao
I DONT USE TIKTOK (i did for a couple years in college but not anymore) BUT I . DFJNDKL. I ONLY KIND OF KNEW ABOUT THIS BC MY FRIEND SENT ME A REEL OF IT ON INSTAGRAM BUT I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS PRETTY POPULAR??? THATS SO FUN LMAO I LOVE IVA. THEY DESERVE THE FAME. ivankov being ur trans egg break is so weird to me bc it feels so recent but yea impel down came out in 2008 or 9….and also like. do you think oda knows. what he did. KDNFSJ if they bring sbs back (?) u should just sent in a letter like “oda thank u for showing me ivankov u made me realize i was nonbinary 👍” i wanna see what he says fkjvndkj
just now realizing how funny "transgenderism is a thrilling character trait" is thank you for that HAHA. i think he has done at least a little now (and iva is apparently based not only on dr frankenfurter but also a drag queen he knew irl?) but yea back then he needed. uh. a bit more. funny character was pretty much the extent of it. i mean he treated bon clay fairly well from all the way back in alabasta but sometimes i think about how bon clay’s jacket just says “OKAMA” on the back and it can. sometimes be considered a slur? i mean. would i wear a giant jacket that said fag on the back……yes duh. but like tHATS NOT THE POINT, and not everyone is okay w that!!
i remembered manboshi but not ryuboshi. 2gether we can remember the fishman royal family LMAO. god what was noahs ark supposed to be. i think it was supposed to take all of fishman island to the surface?? maybe. but i feel like it was more plot relevant than that. like poneglyph’s and gold roger were involved somehow. idk man im trusting oda to fit everything in before he ends the dang manga
i forget about the camie scene EVERY SINGLE TIME and EVERY SINGLE TIME i expect him to say panties and when he says money i always LOSE IT especially bc in the dub he sounds like mr krabs in that moment 😭
speaking of the water horses can we talk about how franky’s were named SODOM AND GOMORRAH. KDSFND. i made a comic about it that was probably too niche for most people to understand bc u have to have knowledge of dorian electra and also drag race and also the fact that those two random animal characters were named sodom and gomorrah.
SANJI WEARING COLORED CONTACTS TO FUCK WITH THE CREW XFKDJ. i can see him doing this but only to zoro. to piss him off. usopp’s in on it probably
i need a damn sanji gavel. someone on twitter goes by “ceo of sanji” and everyday i am jealous that i did not think of it first
people (dudebro powerscalers) always talk about whether zoro or sanji is stronger and i know oda has said/implied several times that theyre supposed to be different but equal but i mean. there’s quite a few small hints that zoro is supposed to be stronger. imo. as a sanji fan i must admit this. i mean making him taller by only 1 entire cm post timeskip. oda u were evil for that
“maybe its their diet?” its the crack cocaine - KJDNFSDO no that wouldnt make sense for cora but yea why. why are they so tall. i really think its just the weird way the world works. again i will blame gravity. bc im in the middle of big mom’s backstory rn and shes HUGE but ?? apparently not a giant?? SHE WAS JUST BIG??
tbh im not the best at character analysis either. i just read/watch/consume a lot of it and then parrot what i heard other ppl say to some degree (if it was supported by the text and had evidence and didnt seem . wrong. like i still evaluate it) but im bad about doing it myself. truthfully this probably stemmed from all those vocaloid videos i watched as a kid with insane strorylines that i always had to just go to the comments to have them explained to me. the songs being in japanese did not help 💀
i am not a multishipper bc i commit hard to one thing so i dont like most other sanji ships but sanuso gets a pass bc its very cute. lesbian sanji is beautiful. and yea im a little picky but as long as it isnt proship! go for it!!
i will do you one better and give u a link to the SBS + a translator who looked at the question. 
AND IM THE SAME WAY i dont think its bc im sensitive to disappointment (well. i am actually but. in this case thats not the main reason) but because i like to think of the closest way i can get what i want with it being…realistic. thats the only reason i dont HC every single strawhat as gay in some way cause i was like i know oda would not. but i can meet him halfway. oda hear me out. 50% WE CAN DO 50%
TRANSMASC ZORO HITS SO DIFFERENT I AM WITH YOU THERE. part of it may be one of my closest friends is transmasc and has loved zoro forever so in my heart im like. yes. zoro is trans. for my friend. but also ive read quite a few trans zoro fics (i’d link them but theyre all zosan. Im Sorry) and the twist it puts on his relationship with kuina…is so cool. actually i take it back, just read this summary from neonglaceon on AO3:
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JBSHJDKS IM REALLY NOT THAT CULTURED TRUST ME. if u havent seen the matilda movie…u should its a nostalgic childhood movie for me. its got danny devito…yea. and i only know cyrano de bergerac bc i saw it performed at a local university and goddd it was my first time seeing live theatre and i was. ENTRANCED
YOU KNOW WHAT? YEA. TRANS GAY RUDOLPH. HE’S AN OUTCAST LIKE US OK!! i will take any allegory for someone being an outcast/social pariah and be like “oh so gay allegory? so gay coding?” 
ok but t4t frobin and chopper their little trans son…stop thats so cute
so glad to see u can send images now. i will close off by asking 1. any fav op content creators/artists/blogs?
and give u this image
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
trigun bookclub time :D volume 2 thoughts
chap 00.1
-vash's method of meditation is the only one that's valid in my eyes/j
-3 seconds of meditating vs 3 hours of training...huh...i wonder...why is that...and what...that says about him...
-hes bad at chess hes like me fr fr
-yey we love a day without casualties :D
chap 00.2
-the bit about us taking shelter on technology but still not knowing what the future holds...yeah that feels timeless now huh
-vash don't go there! oh no he has earbuds he cant hear me (that would literally happen to me tho)
-i love that panel where no one says anything after the girl is like "yeah i can give you pocket money." nice representation of the irritation people feel towards that kind of people. they arent mad just really tired of that bs
-oh man thats actually pretty horrible (page 23)
-"and i think of nothing but love and peace" besides that we know your head is empty but we love you so its ok
-yeah vash show her the real world
-interesting that he makes her see the chance of her dad dying (he didnt know what was gonna happen) which makes sense cuz she cant run from the truth anymore but its also interesting cuz if we was able to not see it he would. he hates seeing people dying and yet he watches and makes others watch. i dont think its about "if i have to, you have to as well" but more about her seeing the consequences of violence (what her father did) and the cycle of hate so she doesnt repeat it. idk.
chap 1
-rem coming out of his coat....hm....
-weird man coming
-if rem is holding him back you say...hmmm...i will go back to that later
-well thats creepy
chap 2
-my boi is in jail nooooooooooooo
-you can feel the size of the ship with one panel nightow is ridiculously talented when creating big spaces, like the sandsteamer shot in the last volume
-..... :c
-my babygirl :c
-i like he started the flashback angry as hell and then it turned into sadness cuz even if he makes knives pay nothing will bring rem back
-also the literal ship crashing into his memories what if I [redacted]
-aaaand hes angry as hell again cuz the memory finished with knives. interesting
-dont look at me with those kind eyes, we saw you
chap 3
-aw cmon :c
-and there goes the arm
-hey >:[ dont call my girl milly an idiot
-ugh you can feel how fucking stressed out he is ahhhhhhhhh
-ah yes, we love seeing how right knives is...
-huh, i wonder if knives is smiling cuz before he was like "nah she was stupid like the rest" but since she got to correct the ships's trajectory he got a bit of respect for her in the end
-is monev vs vash supposed to be like david and goliath? hm
-my god thats fucking beautiful
-also i dont think thats a ghost but maybe like her presence? like vash is remembering her and her kindness
chap 4
-oh meryl...oh honey...sweetie...
-the scars appear :D yey :D
-meryl is kinda asking him "arent you tired of being nice dont you want to go apeshit" but not really and i like that
-yknow what meryl is right pls go away and live a quiet life pls, ik whats coming but just thinking about it....
-yee ik the reason why but still >:v
-oh....oh i actually forgot about that...oh
-"rem didnt sacrifice her life for a world like that" im tearing up actually and idk why...its been a hard week
-lmao hes so mad at vash
-yeah hunt him down babygirl >:D
chap 5
-....metal >:D
-they deserved it btw
-huh thats actually kinda nice of him i forgot
-ofc he would blame vash for that, then again vash makes all of us at least a little bit soft i think
chap 6
-i love you vash that takes his sweet time to process traumatic situations, yes that was scary
-vash saying "im the deathwish" means a lot to me as an mcr fan lmao. i will think more about that later tho
-"go home or go to hell" oh im getting that on a tattoo one day actually, so metal
-...cmon, me me big boi
-THAT SMILE, THAT DAMN SMILE im gonna jump off my local cliff
-vash in the beginning saying he can read people and then wolfwood comes and READS HIM LIKE ITS NOTHING
chap 7
-"is that a friend of yours" he looks so offended lmao
-ahhhh that must be so scary, he already has knives to worry about but the fact not everyone can see legato makes his job harder ahhhhh
-bye baby ily (hes my son that i only share with a couple of other ww enjoyers)
-OH THAT PANEL IS SO GOOD (also even more princess coded, like looking at really from a castle idk)
-i keep forgetting hes missing his little arm :c
-lmao wolfwood is right, i wouldnt go to a church all the way there :b
-yeah and shes hot while teleporting all over the place
-ok but shes really fucking cool, despite wanting to kill my comfort character, yknow how these things go
chap 8
-aaaand...there goes my wife
-ahhhhhh he looks so little :c
-idk ww :c idk when will it end
-yeah right i dont like this part :b (its not bad just personal stuff)
-ok he do be looking pretty tho, i wonder if its a family thing
-im a ball of rugged paper and my feelings are nothing...thanks nightow ily
-oh wait...he actually thought that was the end...thats so fucking smart nightow...wow i never considered that....
-aw babygirl :c but i cant even imagine how that must feel, how much hate he feels towards knives rn
-i think besides the "he called me by my name" meryl and milly let him go cuz they just felt he was going to matter what, like you can feel vash and his unstoppable energy on those pages
-oh hes so fucking pretty
-knives just fucking reads vash like an open book its incredible and it makes me so sad cuz vash cant escape, he cant hide nothing, not in front of knives
-he cant be knives without the good old gaslighting >:D
-the yelling throughout the page is amazing
-vash is crying noooooooooooooooo :c
-also :c
-im not too sure of what happened with his legs but ok sure
-im afraid my babygirl cant give you an answer ww, i dont think he knows
-.....why is the world so mean to him :c
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secretivemessenger · 2 years
Sorry for updating so late, been busy today
I finished Hashihime of the old book town 2 days ago, it was absolutely amazing, i think i'm gonna replay the first route again, it's just so good😭
I bought another bl game from the same publisher(?) And i thought they would have the same mc for each route but turns out the mc changes every route, i didnt know this and got attached to the first mc, needless to say, i am unable to continue with the 2nd and third route as i am too attached to mc, yes i have attachment issues, i'll probably play the game once my attachment to the mc is gone or sum, probably will take months if not a year or two.
I've bought Hashihime of the old book town, Royal Alchemist & Uuultrac so far, i'm gonna get Divine speaker next but after that, i feel lost on what to get, there really aren't many bl game that interest me, hashihime set my standards wayyy too high to the point i want to make a visual novel but remembered i'm shit at using softwares, plus i dont know if my art will turn out good. (And i have no idea how to draw backgrounds)
Alright so for the update of the date, we went to get some dinner, we originally wanted to go to a fancy restaurant as he suggested but then we decided to go to his place last minute, when we did get to his place, he got changed from his suit to a more casual wear and started cookin', he made some Spaghetti Carbonara for the two of us, he also brought a vase of flowers to the table, lit up some candles and turned off the lights, it was pretty romantic, i remember every single detail, his cooking was delicious as always, after we had our fill, i offered to wash the dishes as he already cooked after that he gave me some of his clothes to change into since i only wore formal clothes as i thought we would only go to a restaurant, and then go back to our respective places, he lent me a shirt and pants, we were almost the same height so it fit, i took a bath and so did he (seperately) , we then got on the couch and since he didnt have hashihime of the old book town on his computer or laptop, we decided to watch a gameplay of it on the tv, why did we do that you might ask, because i wanted him to see Professor's route, plus he was a bit curious, i was crying mid way through the route as the route was so sad😭, he saw me tearing up so he grabbed a tissue and wiped my tears, it wss kinda awkward since i never rlly got this treatment before...I thanked him and apologized for letting my emotions get the better of me lmao, he told me there was no reason for me to apologize and we continued watching, by the end of it, he was really heart warmed by the gameplay, by that time it was getting a bit late but since he didnt need to work the next morning, we stayed up some more, playing games, baking, ate snacks and made smoothies, IT WAS SO FUN😫
When we went to sleep, instead of me taking the couch, this time he told me to stay on the bed with him, I agreed as we have stayed in each other's beds together before, we cuddled each other to sleep, when i woke up, it was about 9/10am, he had already woken up before me, again preparing breakfast, we ate and he took me home not long after, i fell asleep in his car, i woke up on my bed, him on my couch, i fell asleep for about an hour, he said he had to carry me as he didn't want to disturb me, i was shocked he could carry me but then remembered i'm very light...
After that nothing really happened i was just busy throughout the day and almost falling asleep every second, sorry if this is too long, i was just so happy this all happened, i never had such fun in my whole entire life😭😭 applogies for typos anywhere, still pretty tired but unable to sleep for some reason,maybe it's too soon but i'm planning on initiating the first kiss next time we go on a date, should i invite him to a date a week from now? Or is it too soon? Any advices??
Man your really obsessed with games
Also that was too sweeet like form a movie and some , and no it’s never too early and not too late so go for it
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irritablepoe · 10 months
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
PS: I'm still working on answering my asks asgdhsjsjs, already have the outline done at least? and a couple of them done (...like the quotes part which is um yeah, you'll know when u see it asgshsjdj). Oh!!!! Forgot to tell you but finished reading the first book of Jackaby last week!!! So I actually recognized the quote you mentioned in ur last ask (ᗒᗜᗕ) (also recognized the one from six of crows that i somehow still remember when i read it in like january but omg yes 😭) (i dont remember if i ever mentioned that i finished c&p a while ago but yeah also got that one 🌟) (the only one i actually need to go and read is the kafka letter 😆)
hiii mila!!! :D thank you so much for the ask!
dw, take all the time you need for answering :3 and omg!!! wait you actually read it, that's so cool😭😭😭 did you like it? who's your fav character? :D jeyyyy c&p too? you gotta tell me about how you liked both books omg!!! :333 and good luck with kafka's letter (as in i hope you don't cry lmao :'))
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
my room is probably very cozy. like i have a big bed and there are many pillows and blankets on it. i also have a lot of art (of others and me) + book pages on my wall. there are three shelves full of books and a record player + vinyls + some old magazines. so it's probably a very typical room for someone in fandoms lmao. also people are always confused about this but i don't have a mirror in my room. it freaks me out a little bit xD
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
i would really like to move to heidelberg bc i love the city deeply. i also would really like to travel outside europe (but also in europe hehe). as for more mundane things i would like someone irl to actually hear me out on stuff they may not understand bc they're not in fandoms or don't care about the things i care about. but it would be nice to talk about this stuff and not be interrupted or sth yk. that's also probably the least likly to happen lol. ut i still hope :3
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
so when i'm happy i get really giggly and childish and i laugh a lot (especially about my own jokes (i'm so funny, trust me)) and tend to get very loud with my emotions (though only when i'm around people i like, otherwise i just smile a lot). on the other hand when i'm annoyed i'm usually really overstimulated and i will not respond to external stimuli of any kind. you tell me sth? i probably didn't hear. i tend to just go very still and quiet. it's probably the same when i'm sleepy, though there are also times when i get giggly too. when i'm upset there are two options: either i will cry or i will defeat you with pure and cold logic. there's no inbetween. in a normal state i'll crack a lot of jokes that are often overlooked bc i always tell them quite dryly. i also will complain a lot when i'm in a normal state (not about anything important, it's just fun). when i'm really in pain though i will go quiet and probably snap at whoever talks to me.
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
i would say it depends on the quality and themes of the medium (i tend to like sad/angry themes) but normally i show the most reaction when i listen to good music or read a good novel. though when i was in paris and looked at the statues in musee d'orsay i was also very intrigued. as for music, there's often lyrcis that are really relatable but they're combined with instruments that give them more... power? ig??? and for the novel, i really like connecting to characters, like who do i see myself in/who do i like the most/find the most interesting etc? and then i experience the story out of the characters eyes, therefore also experiencing loss and tragedy and stuff? yeah, but idk about the statues though. i especially liked the ones that displayed pain, probably bc i feel empathy towards them?
thank you again, mila, that was really fun to answer! :D
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miawinters · 1 year
i finished god of war ragnarok
i wouldnt call it a bad game, but i personally did get tired of it lol. quickest possible bullet points below...
what i liked:
the intertwining themes of fate, familial relationships, discussions of abuse, people changing, and the cycle of violence
stuff about judgement, kratos learning of what mimir did to that whale and his lore text entry being smth like "to think that he did something as cruel and awful as this..." and then kratos saying how it reminded him of his own past sins
kratos' personal character development, esp w the end foreshadowing he'd be a loved god instead of a hated/feared one like odin mocked him over
the initial thor boss fight i saw leaks of before the game even released, it was great without me playing and v cool doing it
all the wolves :)
the character designs were mostly nice
angrboda <3 but actually all the female characters are done well
theres a lot of good little details (but also kind of a negative bc its technically not necessary and half the time its not subtle about it)
the little nods between games; kratos knowing the runes, kratos expanding on his "close your heart to it" lesson he taught atreus, etc.,
its probably good for photomode, idk i didnt take too many pics lol (but also a negative...)
loved hearing sunwon cho as the squirrel (and was obsessed with his intro)
they definitely improved the enemies. theyre not all just orgres/trolls/elemental humanoids
nice music
things i didnt like:
kratos looses his cape/coat immediately in the game 🙄
there were a lot of weird moments in the story where it felt like things just conveniently happened. freya happens to show up w odin's noose she pocketed earlier. thrud wants to kill atreus but sif literally just steps into the frame and wholeheartedly vouches for atreus, despite their last interaction being her calling on thor to kill him, atreus decided not to kill odin, but imprison him, hands it to kratos, he hands it to freya, she gives it back to atreus, and sindri comes out of nowhere and smashes it and vanishes. probably more moments like this that suddenly happen
and if im gonna seriously describe it, its more like weird character development too? besides the story not developing things in a convincing way, but like specifically w that one sif/thrud/skjodr/atreus scene it absolutely felt convenient that she just shows up and handles thrud's whole sheltered/indoctrinated pov, and thrud becomes an ally right away. stuff like that
i personally had a v hard time understanding or empathizing with any character that wasnt kratos. MAYBE atreus (but its much less than the first game). i was outright annoyed at characters like freya, brok, tyr, and the brother, and did not like them
a lot of character deaths felt like they had no impact to me? the almost traveller almost had a sacrificial heroes' death, and all i thought was how i didnt even know his name. brok died so easily and quickly (despite the dwarves not really getting any story for themselves) and i never really even liked him anyways, thor fucking turned to dust and 20 minutes later i forgot what his fate was, freya's brother died and i could not care less about him
also the tyr is secretly odin thing was... idk why they did that tbh lmao. i found it funny and started laughing when it happened. idk what that accomplished and there and odin wasnt even successfully hindering them. up until the reveal tyr just was included in my mental criticism of the characters as having done nothing
but ig if u forget the game w how quickly and irrelevant the odin plot twist was i'd bet some people would just flat out remember tyr as being useless
the game also reminds me of horizon zero dawn to horizon forbidden west where u meet characters but dont have time to get to know them, but the sequel acts like youre all buddy buddy now. maybe except mimir, i wouldnt say i loved sindri, brok, and especially new characters like the brother and tyr until the twist
before the game came out i think i saw a reviewer compare the quests to tw3's side quests and i think tw3 is overrated, but the side quests here didnt come close, and they definitely didnt work as substitutes for kratos/atreus bonding w the new characters
the humor was also weird, its how i imagine mcu movies are. characters like brok, sindri, and the vanir brother especially suffered from it. and even kratos who i liked the most ended up getting repetitive "jokes" that were just atreus saying smth innocuous, and kratos saying no for the 50th time (it gets old)
the game also lacked subtlety many times. im not opposed to media flat out having a character declare a point of the work, but this game had so many details, i could praise atreus' comment abt sif being a good mom, mimir being shocked, and see it as an indication that theyve changed (but they also do say "we need to change!" 100x later), but also thor later when u go out w him the 2nd time and he had some comment abt literally not thinking and i was like :/ come on... another time was when atreus looks at the ground and points out how messy sindri's home is in his absence, while later at brok's funeral i noticed his still dirty armor w/o a character having to declare it
the world looks good in a photomode shot for promo material way, but playing it initially felt overbearing? i like to shit on naughty dog for beating a dead horse with the last of us, but they at least have their level design together where at any moment u know where to go along/head to, disneyworld style. even if gowr was kind of open worldish, i constantly felt like i couldnt distinguish what area would lead to the main quest, or if it'd be a side collectible (and more often than not i decided to just pick up the thing bc i was already there), so that ironically felt not accessible?
also the fact that some puzzles just relied on being able to find them, instead of actually finding something out. some enemies and shit also blended into the background
the gameplay ai was incredibly annoying, this kind of goes with my complaint abt subtlety, kratos not even coming into an area and atreus giving the first hint how to progress w/o me even laying eyes on the puzzle. then by the time i'd consider one hint, he's already given me the final one. also somehow there being hints for simple things but never when i was actually stumped. and the "you're on fire!" was very not needed, if i dont notice that, that's probably on me. Accessibility is one thing, but not letting me think ironically goes against one of the themes lol
i did have some bugs, heimdall's lion turned invisible at one point, i had floating boats, and half of atreus' dialogue in vanaheim was cut off and never repeated, which felt frustrating lore-wise, there'd also be moments where i pressed the journal to read and it just froze blank, making me not wanna read any lore
i think there was also less of a focus on lore in ragnarok, kratos saying "hm." when reading a loremarker compared to atreus summing it up in 2018, and expanding in his journal. i guess the excuse is the focus on ragnarok, but still
i cant decide how i feel abt this, but kind of faye making an appearance? i feel somehow her haunting the narrative in the first felt more impactful than her physically showing up in gowr. i'd say maybe characters speaking abt her (besides that thor fight stuff) wouldve been more interesting? esp since in 2018 kratos/atreus only know brok, sindri, freya, and mimir as allies then and mimir only finds out at the end. idk i feel like her being a mystery was kind of unique?
back to the characters tbh but i wish u saw more? in 2018 i remembered thinking theyre literally in the middle of nowhere around no humans besides like 6 raiders in the beginning, but then even at the end of ragnarok, no dwarves meet kratos or anything, alfheim was still at war, and probably still should be w the bro dead, vanaheim only had the small group, and asgard felt like just thor's family. the game didnt expand on the few they had and didnt even show that many
so yeah, maybe other things, too, i cant think of anything else. i guess technically its a good game, definitely a polished AAA game? but i wouldnt say i liked it much..? i wouldnt give it a near perfect score either lol, i dont hate it, but it does remind me of how i feel abt hfw. i definitely liked 2018's and even gow3 more.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
My boss: Heya - are we going to meet this week or am I going to lose u to the abyss of science completely?
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toutallyahoe · 3 years
Dear, you need to stop exposing yourself. How am I supposed to friendly bully you if you keep doing it to yourself? =P
jk, love you. Anyway, cause I have actually seen a RE2 playthrough and remember like maybe 5% of it, please do give me your nsfw thoughts on Leon.
pairing(s): leon kennedy x male reader
warnings: cursing, nsfw content ahead
a/n: cn, daeling, i literally am trying but unfortunately i have half a braincell and asdagjsjdkfjdjdfafa *sobs* 😭😭😭
but anyways, i think someone asked for my hcs on leon's kinks awhile ago but imma just compile it here like i did with ethan's as well 😌😌😌
also, i still havent finished re2 yet so adsgjskdkdksldkjfksjdjf
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leon is affection starve (whether he admits it or not)
and that he has a bit of an abandonment issues
but anyways—
leon is affection starve. period.
he didnt knew it at first until you came along and made him feel love and adored for the first time in his life
this leads to him wanting more physical contact while having sex
as well as him having a praise kink
call him handsome, pretty boy or your baby boy and this man will go soft
just praise him please
or have your hands roam and touch his entire body while whispering praises on his skin
but back to the physical thing
leon needs to have your hands either hold his hips in place when you pound into him
press yourself close to him and remind him that you are right beside him please
leon adores getting praises as he gets fucked
mate pressing is definitely his favorite position btw
he just wants you close
leon is also very much into biting, not from zombies or anything, but he wants to be marked by yours
mark him as yours that when he wakes up in the morning and see the hickeys and bites you left on his skin
it makes leon smile and reminded what happened with the both of you the night before
leon loves you so much and will sacrifice everything for you
which is very sweet of him really
but anyways, more nsfw!!!
welcome home sex is a must due to leon not liking on leaving you alone
especially if leon comes home from a very long job and just wants to forget everything in the world besides you and fucking him hard
you both also mostly have sex either into the living room wall or floor because neither of you couldnt even wait to go to the bedroom
welcome home sex is much more desperate and passionate sex than the usual soft ones you guys do and it mostly a bit more kinkier as well
when you do managed to get into the bedroom though, its really just the same as you fuck him to the floor but at least its soft to slam him there lmao
anyways, teasing leon is fine
he is a bit into foreplay but just dont make it too long or else he'll go power bottom on you even if he is tired af and his body is begging for him to rest
but teasing, yes
teasing and commenting on leon for probably touching himself while he was away with the thought of you fucking him isnt really anything new to you both
leon wouldnt actually masturbate on a mission but he sometimes thinks about it and really tempted since he gets hot and bothered by thinking about you being there and help him blow off some steam
unfortunately for leon, you arent so reasons why the welcome sex is a must
you gotta make up for being too damn sexy to almost make him touch himself in a life or death mission you know!
also just edge leon's pretty ass that has him begging for you to let him cum and fill him up to the brim and make him reminded that he got fucked good please
leon wants to be filled by you and fuck him good that he'll remember it until he goes back for another mission
youre his fuel basically lmao
also, choking
just choking yall
leon gets off to you choking when you both get kinky
which isnt that rare tbh since most soft vanilla you guys do almost always ends with some nice spice added in the mix
anyways, leon loves the way your hands wrapped around his neck and occasionally squeeze to let him know youre in control
he just loves being breathless by you fucking him basically makes him turn on more
he is really into that
god, please choke him while praising how much of a good boy he is
in the end really, leon is just very happy to come back every mission with you welcoming him lovingly with a smile on your lips
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cryo-locket · 3 years
hello! I just stumbled across your blog and found writing good writing
anyhoo, for the Halloween treats event, can I request Hershey’s kisses in purple, with albedo and Xiao and a little child reader? platonic of course
if the reader has nightmares of, I dont know, whatever’s in the kisses can albedo and xiao comfort them pls? lmao ive never been to a haunted house before so I have no idea whats in one
thank you!
ps I love your writing its so much better than mine
Haunted Halloween
Note: Hiya! I’m glad you think my writing is good but I’m still learning wwwwwww- So don’t put yourself down like that
( ̄Д ̄)ノ≈♥️
I haven’t been to a haunted house in awhile but I remember most of them had specific age restrictions, as the blood and gorey decorations in haunted houses are not suited for children to see. So I made this a little milder like those haunted mazes for children! Reader is about Klee’s age here!
🎃 Halloween Treats Event 🎃
Albedo, Xiao x Child!Reader(platonic)
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Order: Hershey’s Kisses - Purple
✨ Successfully Received! ✨
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It was finally Halloween night and Albedo had promised to bring you to the Halloween festival this year.
After you finished getting dressed-up in your costume, you went outside and saw Albedo was already waiting there. He held out his hand to you and you two set off to the festival.
Upon arriving, your eyes lit up at the many decorations and game booths present at the festival. One particular attraction caught your eye as it led into a little cave.
You skipped along with Albedo following behind to see what it was and it happened to be a haunted maze. Curiously, you entered the maze with Albedo by following the guidance of one of the employees.
Going in, it was dark as you walked through the tunnel. When you reached the other side, it was an open maze under the night sky. The place was decorated with Jack-o-lanterns, cardboard cutouts and some hanging ghosts as you started walking through to find the way out.
You started walking through the maze trying to find the way out. Unbeknownst to you, Albedo had gotten distracted halfway through and got separated from you.
When you turned around to find that you were alone, you started to panic and run around trying to find Albedo.
You got lost and wandered into a part of the maze that was covered in fake cobwebs and it looked really eerie. Suddenly, a cardboard cutout of a ghost had popped out from the side of the maze surprising you, causing you to tumble onto the ground in shock.
The fear of being alone in an unknown place suddenly washed over you, and you started sobbing quietly then you remembered Xiao telling you to call out his name if you ever needed him.
You softly called out Xiao’s name through your little sniffles, hoping he’d actually hear you.
“You called?”
Turning your head towards the voice, there he was standing right next to you.
Feeling a sense of relief after seeing him, you jumped onto him, trapping him in a hug. He was surprised and concerned by your sudden reaction, but still tried to keep his composure.
You explained everything to him about how you got separated. After understanding the situation, he immediately escorted you out of the maze.
You found Albedo at the ending of the maze talking to one of the employees, he seemed to be in quite the panic.
You ran over and called out to him.
“[Name]! There you are!”
He sounded quite worried. You turned around to thank Xiao, but he was gone.
After that incident, Albedo decided to bring you home early as you must have been tired, and one incident was enough for the day.
When you got home and bid farewell to Albedo, you headed to your room and got ready for bed. Plopping down on your bed, fatigue took over causing you to fall into slumber almost immediately.
When you opened your eyes, you were surrounded by darkness.
Where were you? Weren’t you sleeping on your bed just a moment ago? Endless questions flooded your mind.
Looking around, you were alone. You tried calling out for someone, anyone, but no one answered your calls. You even tried calling out to Xiao, but he didn’t appear as he usually would.
You started panicking. You were afraid. You were alone again. You didn’t know where you were, but you started running, hoping to find something, or someone...
All of a sudden, you tripped, but before you could hit the ground, you heard someone call your name.
You opened your eyes in shock. You were in you room, and on your bed. Was it just a dream? Your face felt damp. Were you crying?
You looked around. Standing next to your bed was Xiao..? He looked worried...
“Xiao? Why are you here?”
“You called my name and you were crying.”
Did you call his name in your sleep? How long has he been here for?
The dream you had suddenly came back to you. You didn’t know why, but you suddenly hugged him. Perhaps it was out of fear...
Xiao was startled and flinched at the sudden contact.
“Please stay with me...”
He loosened up upon hearing your request. Placing a hand on your head.
“Rest. I’ll be here.”
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Sorry for the long wait! My brain died so many times writing this. I didn’t really know what to add for the nightmares and comfort part but I hope it still made sense!
This was so long-
Hope you guys enjoyed reading this!
Reblogs are much appreciated!!
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
Can I request a fluffy HC? SKZ comforting you while you’re rlly drunk when you get home and taking care of you. (Like you stumble and have to throw up and stuff)
i just realised that i kept on calling my headcanons for reactions?? I MEAN i dont even know at this point lmao imma call it... headcanons/reactions
ALSO new territory for me,,, im usually not much for fluff unless its really captivating or like drabbles (ahhh bf!skz is my weakness) AND SO YEAH UNDERSTAND IF ITS A BIT... lackluster. 
jesus christ ive been listening to touch you for like an hour now ASHAHS save me,,, its too good
Warnings; skz x gn!reader; fluff (wow amazing?? cherry writes fluff?) established relationship, drinking, use of alcohol, vomiting, minor injuries, mentions of bruises. 
worry mode; on
lets say you were out drinking
dont even think that you could make it one step outside the pub/club
babyboy would already be waiting in his car outside
the entire car ride home he would tell you to stop drinking so much
“y/n,,, why do you always do this,,, you know how bad it is for your health and im scared that you’ll hurt yourself on the way home”
meanwhile you dont understand anything, rolling in the backseat of the car.
when the two of you arrive home he immediately places you in a warm bath, rubbing your back as you almost fall asleep with your back against his chest. 
worries a lot even though you’re fine
makes you breakfast in bed the day after :(((
complaining about everything ASHASH
he’s like mumbling underneath his breath, wondering why you’re so stupid and do this every time you go out drinking
much much MUCH rather prefers drinking with you alone 
not only because he can control how much you’re drinking
but also because he likes seeing you tipsy?!?”!?
my brain is working rn u guys
its because he likes seeing this kinda,,, hidden flirty side of you that comes out when someone is tipsy 
yk... the whole.. coming too close or laughing lazily at his jokes YK YK?
god im having such a difficult time to keep this fluffy AHSAHSH I THINK EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT I WANT TO SAY
he gets really soft with you because he knows that you probably wont remember anything SO HE CAN SHOW HIS SOFT SIDE
without you teasing him for it lol
he’d stroke your cheek with the back of his hand while your leaning against him on the couch, falling asleep in his arms. 
he wraps a blanket around you and mumbles softly
“i love you y/n”
he’d be just as drunk as you HASHHASHAH
the two of you would have to call chan because none of you can walk properly 
ok but if it was only you being the drunk one then he’d know what to do
him speaking from experience that is 👀 👀 👀 
removes your clothes (NOT LIKE THAT YOU FILTHY FUCK) and tucks you snuggly in bed, giving you a kiss on the forehead
might even remove your makeup if you’re wearing any
he notices a bunch of bruises on your legs, shaking his head at your clumsiness
makes a promise with himself to go with you next time
even though you would want to be with only your friends ahsahsh he doesnt give a shit about that
everything to keep you safe
doesnt want to see his precious baby hurt :((
sweetheart that holds your hair/clothes back when puking :((
he pats your back gently as his face has a disgusted facial expression, loving you too much to leave you alone in the bathroom but feeling squeamish
“siri, how do you care for a drunk person?”
reads somewhere that you need to replenish water levels after puking and so he just starts bringing a whole pack of waterbottles in the bedroom
“if you need water during the night, it’s over here” 
he’d try to leave the room, thinking that you’d maybe want some space when having the nausea from hell but you quietly whine which caught him off guard
“d-do you want me to stay?”
you nod and he smiles shyly, laying next to you and just looking at you sleeping??
he thinks you’re adorable :((
even if you’re a lot to handle when drunk
ngl this mf laughing his ass off when you’re just blabbering random incoherent sentences
“who was your boyfriend now again?” “m-my squirrlll...” you reply, rubbing your face on his shoulder. “your squirrel? am i a squirrel?” you nod which makes his heart beat faster. 
if you were to drink together bet your ass that he would be wrecked 
probably even more drunk than you so... good luck
everytime you wanted to go out drinking with your friends he would try to persuade you to stay with him instead
“look y/n, staying and cuddling with me brings you both a cute boyfriend, take out and movies”
you shrug “doesnt bring my friends” you say putting on your shoes
“HEY! im your friend,,, your boyfriend!” he says back hugging you, dragging you to the couch, just laying down on top of you
“Jisung!! I’m gonna be late, move!”
“nope... we are cuddling tonight, remember what happened last time you went out drinking?”
you were reminded of you lying passed out infront of the apartment which scared the everliving shit out of jisung, thinking you were dead.
“noo....” you lie, smiling mischievously.
poor boy would let you sleep ahahshs
he’d tip toe around your apartment, trying to be as quieeeet as possible....
only knock down a whole fucking shelf of pans and pots
but a complete sweetheart that makes you food, knowing you’d be too tired to do it with a hangover. 
do you know those jellies that can prevent hangovers??
yeah, you would find those in your bag
he wouldnt let you wear high heels because he’s scared of you falling over in them :(((
also if you go out he has to know at least one of your friends and have their phone number because NUH UH HE ISNT JUST LETTING YOU GO WITHOUT HIM KNOWING EVERYTHING
he cares,,, a lot and doesnt want to see you come home with scraped knees
because that happened,,,once?? or like maybe 10 times??
teasing youuuu
“weak, you barely finished a bottle”
take a bunch of pictures of you leaning against a telephone pole and then tease you for it the day after
he carries you on his back, lowkey scared you’d puke on him BUT CARING NONETHELESS
you pass out on the bed, still dressed in your fancy clothes and he simply looks at you, admiring your features
if there’s anything you want, he will get it
“w-water” you groan and soon enough he returns with a glass of water
slowly sitting you up and stroking your hair, getting it out of your face. 
“be more careful next time ok?” 
you nod, not really understanding what he’s saying before pulling him down in bed with you, falling asleep with him in your arms.
he dont know what the fuck he’s doing
panic,,, sheer panic
he himself doesnt drink too much
maybe enough to feel tipsy but not DRUNK DRUNK
so when you stumble in through the door, your shoes in your hand and hair looking like a mess he gets scared HASASHAS
you fall down, scraping your knee in the hallway and he runs towards you and lifts you up, placing you down on the bed
then he’s like “....now what”
in panic calls chan that tells him to make you drink water and place a bucket nearby
he does just as he’s told but kinda scared to leave you alone in a room for too long, pulling down everything in the house to find a bucket
he removes your jacket and wraps you up in a blanket, snuggling real close to you as he slowly strokes your forehead, feeling you sweat a bit
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mojwisungie · 4 years
imgn | college crush
req (from: anon) ➥ : can you write a college crush jisung fluff where the reader has a Slight crush on him but they’re too scared to talk to him so they just admire him from afar and their friends get tired of it so their friends end up telling jisung about their crush and when jisung asks the reader about it, they immediately book it bc they’re too nervous to speak to him, but eventually they get pushed together at a late night study event made by their college
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☄︎ summary: renjun has had enough of you crushing on his other friend jisung. you try to escape his doing but actually, youre set yourself on another encounter ☄︎ pairing: park jisung x reader ☄︎ lou.note: this has been overdue >.< im sorry anonie!! this really got pushed back bc of the editing, but enjoy reading!!
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its another typical lunch at the cafeteria with the demons renjun and jeno
and youre once again admiring a cute guy from a distant table
“stop ogling at your crush, its disgusting,” renjun says 
and you dont hear him bc you definitely were staring at your crush: park jisung
jeno waves his hands in front of you
youre just like (*´﹃`*) huh
renjun: y/n just tell him you like him
y/n: no ❤
being the mediator in this friendship, jeno just laughs and advises you to just go for it 
jisung was in your sociology class, and he’s friends with him and renjun anyway
you only retort with snort and decide to finish eating
while explaining why youre scared content from just loving him from afar
but no, mr huang is not dealing with your rambling
bc he knows it will just end up with you talking about jisung
and i repeat: he’s. had. enough.
so he just cuts you off with “istg if you dont do it, i will make you”
but you thought he was bluffing so
renjun:  (`ー´)
you: (⁎⁍̴ڡ⁍̴⁎)
he sighs heavily 
and texts jaemin to tell jisung to come to the table 
he receives a “wow.. with y/n there? okay ^_^” in reply
jeno nudges you and chokes
you offer him your water and youre like “u good?”
before he could answer, renjun pulls him away from the table 
“i’ll let him choke somewhere else :)”
and youre like ???? NO ??? im coming with you wdym
“no no y/n it’s fine :) just have a good lunch with jisung :)”
you whip your head to where he originally sat
jisung is there... shyly waving at you....
when you look back at your side, theyre ✨gone✨
so you smile cautiously at jisung 
to describe the time you spent together, i have a thing or two to describe it: no words
you both ate quietly
until jisung clears his throat 
“Y/n... uhm can i ask you a question?”
“Sure,” you answer right away as you fix your things
“Well... Renjun-hyung told me you like me....... is it true?”
“I-I .. t-to be h-honest...” you stutter 
before you could even answer.. you bolt out of the cafeteria 
you decide to forget about it and just go to your classes
the day passes by and you’re on your way to your last class
and u realize its sociology... the class you have with jisung
u played yourself 😃
you enter the class from the back door and you let out a sigh of relief when u see he’s already in his seat at the middle row
so u sit it at the back now, obviously
the class goes on until your professor talks about the special event in his class
it’s the annual Who Are We event !
you’re genuinely excited bc you met Jay here last year and youre still friends 
Jay is on the dance team with Jisung too and actually asked if you want him to get his number for you
this event is actually done for the class to be closer, since,,, yall do be in sociology 
and you guys arent given your partners name until the night of the event 
it comes along with the list of topics/questions youre safe to ask
so after days of waiting and not rambling about jisung to renjun and jeno
its finally ! D-DAY !
youre given your box 
and you see the initials on top: PJS
tbh you shrug it off bc maybe you got paired with Jay again ! Park Jong-Seong is PJS too right???
lmao u wish
life is playing with u im sorry
bc you open the box to see a green paper with only Park Jisung written on it
and when you look infront of you, he’s already there 
HONESTLY you go straight to what the event is about
and that’s to get to know each other
both of you are comfortable now :’) congrats
the time is almost over and you guys already finished the whole box
when jisung decides to tell you one last thing
“Oh uh, I’m sorry for what happened before by the way”
tbh you cant remember at first
then it hits you
and maybe he noticed with the way your face changed expression
so he goes, “I’m sorry for asking you! I mean you had every right to leave bc I know I shouldn’t have done it even if Renjun-hyung told me to... so I’m really sorry 🥺”
youre speechless
bc tbh you expected him to despise you after leaving him like that
but you know someday you have to confess, one way or another
and you know you’ll fall for him harder when you guys do become friends lol
you decide to come clean by answering 
“I’m sure Renjun will beat me up if I dont get honest with you right now so... yeah I do like you”
you lower your head in embarrassment bc its The Park Jisung
what you didnt know is that he’s actually smiling bc he likes you too :)
the bell rings and indicates that the event is over :T
so you both fix your things and bid each other goodbye
but ... he isnt going to let this opportunity to go to waste
he gotta do what he gotta do 🤠
he catches your wrist as you both go out the door
“Y/n... are you free on Saturday? Because I’d like to know if we could go to the local cafe.. for a date :)”
you dont tell renjun and jeno about the date
and jisung actually just forgot to tell chenle and jaemin 😬
AND the four men of the apocalypse just decided to go to the cafe without the two of you
.... which led to them finding out you DID go on a date
lets just say it became a group hangout and jisung asked you for another date (without his and your friends)
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someone1348 · 3 years
This is for my lovely best friend who was kind enough to write me a fic! Here's yours! @sleepy--anon i hope you enjoy!
People in this: Ler!Sapnap, Lee!Quackity
(Karlnapity romance so if you dont like that dont read it!)
Tw: like the smallest bit of angst (jealousy) pretty much! Thats it though it's soft! For the most part! And mild cursing!
Plot: While Karl is out on a "business trip" (time travel stuff) he leaves his other two husband's alone and well lets just say it was an eventful evening to say the least
With all that being said enjoyyyy :]
Tickle fights and Tickling in general was almost an everyday occurrence in the Karlnapity household. It pretty much was second nature to the three.
With that comes ler moods and lee moods poping up left and right. Typically between the three Sapnap was ler the most, followed by Quackity with Karl most of the time being lee, nothing bad of course, they loved the dynamic of everything from this specific thing to how their relationship worked. They were happy and that's all that mattered.
The days went on as they normally do.
"EE! SAHahap! StahAhap!" Karl would twist around from Sap's evil fingers pushing at the boy's hands, giggling freely as quackity watched smiling a bit as his two husband's went on to do what they do.
It was always like this for the most part. While he was getting a snack,
"No pLEase!! Hehe" Karl's beautiful laugh could be heard from the other room.
While cuddling, sap would run his fingers over the time traveler's stomach sending sweet giggles to flow out of their husband's mouth.
Even in the store one time Sapnap poked at Karl's sides. Of course Quackity would join in sometimes to tickle his favorite lee (leaning) fiancé, but he was jealous, beyond jealous.
Seeing this everyday not only built up on his lee moods but he just wanted to be involved, not just in tickles but in the relationship. He wants cuddles and attention and affection from the two people he loves most.
And yeah with the lee moods he has bad but it's not the same. He wants his husband's and so help me thats what he was gonna get. He was a man on a mission.
'Let's goooo!!' He thought in his head as he started the day.
Karl had left last night, the bed was alot colder now. He turned to see Sap curled up onto his side his mouth slightly a-jar with his hair flowing perfectly on top of his face.
He sighed happily lightly pushing some of the hair out of his face. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this happy and in love.
'I'm gonna make him breakfast' He thought getting up carefully as to not wake him and got started on cooking up his favorites.
Not even 20 minutes later the firey boy poked his head into the kitchen
"Mmmm yay! Thank you babe!"
Quackity smiled "Anytime"
After the two finished the scilence became loud.
"What do you wanna do?" Quackity asked rocking a bit back and fouth on his heels trying not to make the scilence anymore awkward.
"I got work to do so you entertain yourself, I'll be quick"
Quackity nodded "okay! Good luck!"
"Thanks" Sap said shooting him a smile leaving back to their shared room to do the said work.
The beanie boy sighed flopping down onto the couch. He flipped on a random channel and texted Karl.
'Hey Baby!! I hope your trip is going good,we miss you and can't wait to see you tomorrow!<3'
He held the phone close to his chest letting out another sigh. He knew in his heart that Sapnap was gonna be busy all day so instead of sulking he told him he was going for a walk.
He went walking around, coming back, making more food, playing video games. All while sap typed away at the keyboard.
It wasn't helping at all it only increased the feeling of wanting to be with his Sapnap, his fiancé, he wanted attention and love dammit!
The smaller boy marched up to their room.
the bandana wearing man shook and snaped up to look at his clearly ticked off tiny lover.
"WOAH! what!?! Yes?!" He said furrowing his eyebrows.
"Are you done yet?"
The other slowly blinked "uhhhh,," he looked back at his work "nope not yet"
"Too bad! You are now finished because i say so!" He crossed his arm's
"Ha! Yeah thats cute hun but im busy, i gotta get this done, im sorry, I'll be there soon"
Quackity scoffed "whatever" he left as sapnap sighed
'He's never like this, maybe i should stop and check on him' Sapnap thought closing his laptop quietly sneaking up on his amazing fiancé on the couch.
"HIYA!" he tackled him to the couch holding him close.
"WA!- SHIT!" he fell over with him now in a cuddly trap, smiling widely giggling a bit.
"What's wrong Quacky babe" Sap said concerningly putting his head to his adorable smol husband's shoulder.
"I wanted to hang out together,,, i want to be involved, i want attention and affection and love sapnap and i haven't gotten anyyy in a long time" Quackity spilled out as sap processed everything.
'Looking back i see where he's coming from, it's been alot of Karl-'
"Don't get me wrong i love karl and i love giving him attention and affection and everything and i love watching you two be that way with each other i just i guess i felt a bit left out"
Sapnap nodded,
"Im Sorwy baps, forgive me?" He used his small voice making quackity cringe a bit jokingly.
"Give me attention and we will see what happens" He smirked
"Hmmmm" He anticipated his moves and ideas watching quackity's eyes that were pointed right to his hands
'So that's what he wants' he smirked wider lightly running his fingers slowly up and down his sides.
The other on top of him tensed "s-sap"
"Yea babe?" He said as if he wasn't tracing the man's sides with tickly anticipation.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Giving you attention, isn't that what you wanted?" He smiled at him as Quackity sank into Sapnap's embrace leaning his head on the pillow behind them, Sapnap's head still on his shoulder.
Sap lowly giggled quickly stittering his hands his stomach then back to his sides watching him lift up and squeak.
"You're such a dick" Qauckalee said in a joking matter making Sapnap's smirk deepen.
"Oh im a dick?!" He digged into his stomach watching as quackity squealed digged his heels to the end of the couch.
"Thats my name love~" sap moved closer towards his bellybutton.
"Yes there! The giggle button has been unpressed for wayy to long, i need it to make up for the lost times Quackity"
Sapnap giggled with him taking in every werid noise and laugh that the touch starved lee had made.
Seeing it was clear he wasn't used to it he slowed down moving back to his sides lightly to get his breathing steady again.
"Easy tiger, i got you" he reassured him getting his breathing together
"Im gonna getcha'!" Sapnap said moving up towards his ribs scribbling along up and down and In-between.
The smaller's back arched as his giggles mixed into light laughter.
"AyEehehe naha-Ha! Tickles!! It tickles!!" The man rang out trying to squirm out of his fiancé's tickle trap.
"Thats the point Quacker's im hungryyyy i need your giggles to surviveee" he lightly blew a raspberry onto his neck, the other scrunching up
"Nomnomnom" he made fake eating sounds, playing pretend before blowing another raspberry into his neck.
Sapnap giggled and stopped holding him close rubbing circles into the top of his hand
"Come here bubba" He lifted Quackity up letting him wrap around him while he got a blanket.
Sitting back down he put the blanket overtop of them throwing on the Disney movie Coco for some well deserved aftercare and fiancé time, Playing with his hair Sapnap smiled down at his man kissing the top of his head.
"We gotta get you a haircut buddy its so long" he teased as quackity laughed
"I'll get a haircut the day you shave" the tired one teased back both laughing together enjoying the moment, the beanie boy slowly falling asleep on his chest.
"Goodnight handsome" he placed another kiss to the top of his head.
Quackity's phone went off, Sapnap looked, it was Karl.
'Hi bubby!! It's going lmao, i miss you both so much too! I'll be home soon i promise! And when i do get home It's cuddle time! Hehe I'll talk to you soon quack baby! Tell sap i said hi and that i love him too! *mwah!*'
Sapnap smiled and put the phone back down to the side of him, smiling at the boy in his arms.
'Homework can wait'
I absolutely LOVED writing this! I love Karlnapity! I hope you all enjoyedd! :]
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retrievablememories · 3 years
make a wish | lucas
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title: make a wish pairing: lucas x reader genre: fluff, a little angst request: hiii! can i please request something for wayv lucas where you dont answer his calls or texts for a day because you and the other wayv members were setting up a surprise bday party for him. thank you! word count: 1.7k warnings: hmm none that i can think of... a/n: not sure if i like how this came out, let’s pretend i didn’t post it if it flops 🤡 i felt like this was maybe a little more ~angsty~ than it needed to be altho i wasn’t sure how else to maneuver the surprise bday thing without them blowing the cover lmao...also yea it’s not his bday anymore but life is busy lol
To: Y/N Helloo~~? Y/N, are you ever gonna answer me back?
Seriously, did I do something wrong…
If you’re mad at least tell me why.
Lucas knows you’re not in any kind of danger or distress because he’s seen you be active on your social media accounts, but he can’t understand why you haven’t answered a single one of his calls or texts. Especially since tomorrow is his birthday.
Lucas feels frustrated at not being able to get through to you, and none of the other members seem to know what’s going on even when he asks. They’re close enough to you to have your number and talk to you regularly, but they all claim they haven’t heard anything from you either.
Ten looks up from his phone, seeing Lucas standing in the middle of the room looking bewildered as he stares down at his own phone like it’ll give him an answer. “Maybe Y/N wants a break from you right now,” he suggests, which makes Lucas sweat a bit despite himself. Ten wouldn’t know that. Right? Unless you’d told him something to suggest that.
“Stop trying to destroy happy homes, hyung,” Xiaojun says. “I’m sure it’s not that. Maybe she just needs alone time. Everyone does sometimes.”
“I guess,” Lucas mumbles. But he also knows that you’d usually tell him in advance if that were that case—not just ignore him completely. He thinks about going over to your place to find out what’s going on, but if what Xiaojun said is true, it’d probably be better not to disturb you or make you upset. “Are you sure she hasn’t contacted any of you? You look like you’ve been texting someone all day.”
Lucas tries to lean over Ten and look at his phone screen, but Ten is faster and leaps off the couch and away from him. “Don’t invade my privacy! Stop before you see something you don’t wanna see.”
Xiaojun laughs from where he sits on the ground playing with Bella. “Yeah, remember last time? No one needs a recap of that.” Ten rolls his eyes at that.
Lucas throws himself over the couch where Ten just was, sighing deeply. “Sure, sure. I’ll just suffer here then, lost in the dark without a clue what’s going on...”
Xiaojun brings Bella up to the couch so she can peer up at Lucas with her huge dark eyes, resting her forepaws on his arm. The corner of Lucas’s mouth turns up in a smile and he reaches out to pet her soft furry head. Xiaojun grins when the other man does, and he presses his face into her fur.
“I promise tomorrow will be better. It’s your birthday, after all...just watch.”
Despite Xiaojun’s reassurance, Lucas feels even more uncertain when he wakes up the day of his birthday, especially when he has no idea what the day has in store.
The other WayV members had all left the dorm early in the morning with the reasoning that they had individual schedules or needed to run urgent errands. Though they gave him their birthday wishes and said they’d come back as soon as possible so they could all celebrate, Lucas was more than a little disappointed about being left alone on his birthday. At least he had the pets to keep him company...and the manager and dorm auntie. Although they were nice to have around, they weren’t exactly who he was expecting to spend the day with.
He spends a while throwing toys around for the cats and Bella to play fetch with as he lies on his stomach on the floor, his phone a few feet away from him in case someone decides to call. Maybe someone like you.
Lucas tries a few more times to get in touch with you and still can’t get through, which makes him even more stressed than he was yesterday. Maybe the situation is something more serious than he initially thought? But still, you retweeted a couple things on Twitter just that morning, so it can’t be anything dire or life-threatening.
Lucas tries not to let his feelings bleed into bitterness, though he thinks you’ve picked a fine time to suddenly want to be isolated from everyone else.
A couple hours pass, but the time seems to go even slower than humanly possible. When even the pets become tired of the games and decide to wander off or take a nap, Lucas finally decides to just get dressed and go find something to do on his own for today; he doesn’t know what just yet, but there must be something to do. Just as he’s leaving the dorm, something happens that he previously thought was impossible; he gets a text from you.
From: Y/N Yukhei!! Can you come over?
To: Y/N ?? After ignoring me for a day and a half?
From: Y/N Please. It’s important.
I promise I will make it up to you, but you have to come over right noww 🥺
To: Y/N 😪 Fine, I’ll come over
Lucas makes it over to your place not too long after he finishes texting you. He’s not sure what to expect or what you’ll have to say to him once you see each other—or what he’ll say to you. His interest is piqued even more when he gets a text from you as he’s making his way up the stairs to your apartment.
From: Y/N Just come on in, the door’s unlocked. I’m a lil busy so I can’t get it myself!!
“Busy with what?” Lucas says to himself out loud. Now more curious than he was before, he continues up the stairs until he’s at your door. When he pushes it open, he’s taken aback by the sight of you and the other WayV members standing in front of the entryway.
You’re standing in the middle of them all, holding a cake with lit candles on it and smiling widely at your shocked boyfriend. “Surprise!” you and the other men exclaim all at once. “Happy birthday, Yukhei!!”
Lucas freezes in the doorway with a growing smile on his face, looking at all of you—and your surroundings—incredulously. Your apartment has been done up rather extensively with birthday banners, balloons, streamers, and every other kind of decoration you’d expect to see at a birthday celebration. 
You all sing happy birthday to him then, and he watches you and his friends with his eyes sparkling with delight and a bashful smile on his face.
“Wait...is this why you wouldn’t answer me back?” A laugh slips out of him as he covers his mouth, and he feels a bit silly, like maybe he should’ve seen something like this coming. Obviously, you’d never freeze him out on a day like this without a really good reason for it. “Y/N, you did all this for me?”
“Of course! I mean, the guys helped with decorating and setting everything else up ‘cause it was hard to do all that and bake a cake—but you know what I mean.”
Lucas leaves the entryway and steps forward now, still grinning widely. “Wah, you guys told me you didn’t know anything!”
“It wouldn’t be a surprise anymore if we told you.” Hendery laughs.
“Sorry we kept you in the dark for so long, hyung,” Yangyang chimes in, “but as you can see, we did a really good job putting everything together. So it paid off!”
“Now, blow out your candles,” you tell Lucas, bringing the cake forward.
Lucas shakes his head in happy disbelief as he looks down at your creation and chuckles to himself. “You must’ve really worked hard on this...I know baking isn’t your favorite thing to do.”
You laugh sheepishly. “Yeah, well, it took a few failed attempts to get this result, that’s for sure.”
Lucas thinks to himself for a moment, then closes his eyes and blows out the candles. Everyone claps and cheers after he does, and his answering grin is possibly the sweetest thing you’ve seen all day.
Sicheng grins mischievously and suddenly breaks up the moment by saying, “Now, can we eat?”
The rest of the day is spent with you all talking about any and everything, playing games, and watching movies, which eventually ends up with everyone falling asleep in various spots of your living room. You and Lucas got the honor of taking the couch, with Kun squeezed in beside Lucas and currently knocked out, head leaning against the back of the couch.
You and Lucas are the only ones still awake, although it probably won’t be long before you’re off to dreamland too. You can feel yourself getting sleepier, though you try your best to stay conscious. Lucas glances down at you where your body rests in his arms, and he grins to himself, placing his lips on the top of your head for a gentle kiss.
“I want us to stay like this forever, you know. Just the two of us,” he whispers close to your ear.
“Me too…” you murmur, already half-asleep against his chest despite your best efforts.
“It’s what I wished for.”
You perk up a little at that and swat at his arm where it’s wrapped around you. “Noo, don’t tell me or it won’t come true!”
Lucas giggles, and his laughter makes your body shake.
“You don’t have to worry about that when it’s already fated.”
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mk-tozier · 4 years
@softbumble asked: I was wanting a smut with Richie x quiet reader where the reader is acting like a brat and Richie decides to teach them some manners.
17-18 years old or whatever age you want idc lmao
I’m sorry if this is bad or not what you wanted, I’m also gonna be kinda slow on requests, I’m trying the best as i can. Also sorry if its short or kinda rushed I’ve been kinda busy!
It’s kinda bad and very repetitive. Thats on me tho cuz its rushed. Again sorry if this is not what you had in mind. I was also writing this with the IQ of 2 because my brain was not working after taking a 1 hour and a half science test and then a math test right after so please excuse the absolute chaos this writing is.
warnings: smut, language, slight choking, degrading, teasing, fingering, overstimulation, idk man’, unedited as hell
I sat in Bill’s living room, next to Richie, sitting on the couch. An hour before me and Richie were at home, fingers tangled in each others hair, He trailed kisses down my neck, leaving hickeys and love bites on my neck as he played with the waistband of my underwear, teasing me and rubbing my clit through it. Then we got a call from Bill asking to hangout and Richie being Richie said we’ll go and left me unsatisfied. So now i was stuck on the couch, bored and horny. “why do you look so upset y/n, did something happen?” Ben asks. “No I’m just tired, thats all.” i said sweetly, but shooting Richie a glare. He smirked, before looking back at the tv which was playing some movie that i had no interest in. Bill and Stan were setting things up, getting snacks from the kitchen, board games from the closet, getting things together. I wasn’t exactly sure what we were doing but we were waiting for them to finish up.
Stan came into the living room, placing a bowl of chips onto the table. “Heyy stanny boyyyyyyyyyyy” I giggled, i have no idea why but i made myself laugh. “hey Y/n” He smiled. “you’re my twin” i say. “how so?” he asks, seeming genuinely interested in what i had to say. “We’re both quiet, sassy, funny” i stop to send Stan a wink at the word ‘funny’ “and cool people” I smile brightly. “i agree” he shakes his head, smiling. I look over to see a annoyed Richie. Hes very easy to make jealous, thats whats fun about him. Stan walked out of the room to continue helping Bill. “flirting with another guy” Richie muttered to himself, in a growl. I put my hand on Richies thigh. He looked over at me. “what’re you doing?” he growls again. “nothing” i shrug. I lay my head on his shoulder.
time skip
i layed with Richie comfortablely, My hand still on his thigh. The boys finished setting everything up, putting on ‘The Goonies’. I moved my hand higher up Richies thigh, closer to his manhood. I looked up at him, Richies jaw clenched. “Richieeee” i whined into his ear. “what?” he replies. “i need youuuu.” i whine again, kissing his neck. “wait until we get home” he mutters. “but i need you now” i brush my hand against his clothed dick, feeling it harden a bit. “baby pleaseee” “I said wait until we get home” Richie growls into my ear. I huff but listen to him, keeping my hand on his thigh. He moves my hand off his thigh and onto the couch. I huff again, annoyed, hes being no fun. I wait a few minutes before putting my hand back on his thigh. “princess, stop it” he whispers into my ear. I ignore him, moving my hand closer to his manhood. “if you dont stop I’ll have to punish you” he growls. I stop moving my hand, leaving it directly on his hard-on. Richie keeps his eyes on the tv, jaw clenched and anger in his eyes. Just what i wanted. I began to palm Richie through his joggers, causing his breath to hitch. He grabbed my wrist, moving it away from my pants. “I just remembered i told my parents that I’d have Y/n over for dinner, they love her so they insist in inviting her to dinners. they’ll kill me if I’m late so we gotta go” Richie says to the losers, they nod understanding. He pulls me through the living room and out the door, shutting it behind him. “what the fuck was that?!?” Richie growls. He gets on his bike, i get on the back, wrapping my arms around him. “answer me” “its your fault, you said we could go to Bill’s, maybe if you werent such a tease then i wouldnt of done what i did” I snap back. “Acting like a brat now, are we?” he says, pedalling faster
When we arrived to the house Richie threw his bike to the ground on his front lawn, he dragged me inside, the door unlocked. Richie pushed me against the wall, attacking my neck. “Made me lie to the losers because you were so needy” He mumbled against my neck. “Needy slut can’t even wait until we get home” Richie says before beginning to suck and lick at my soft spot. I moan from the unexpected contact. “you like that? hmm?”  i nod my head. Richie trails down my neck, kissing my cleavage, his hands roam under my shirt. “Rich, not here” i gasp. “Its my house, we can fuck wheverever the hell i want” He grumbled. Richie picks me up, walking up the stairs, continuing to attack my neck with hickies. He pushes open his bedroom door, kicking it closed when we enter the room, throwing me on the bed. Richie quickly takes off his shirt, throwing it somewhere, revealing his pale skin and skinny frame. He walks over to the bed, getting on top of me, arms on both sides of my body. Richie takes off my shirt, throwing it behind him. He kisses around my bra and down my stomach, kissing the skin right before my shorts/skirt, leaving hickies along the way, getting closer to where i needed him the most. “Rich, please” I whine. “please what? Use your words” “i need you, please” i whine again. “bad girls dont get what they want, beg for it.” He growls into my ear, the raspiness of his voice and the lust in his eyes made me want him more, a wetness pooling in my underwear. Richie unclasped my bra, attacking my breasts, licking and sucking at one nipple as he fondled with the other breast. “please Richie, i need you inside me so bad, your fingers, your tongue, anything, i just need you. so, so, so bad Rich” I beg. “such a needy slut, you’ll use anything to get off, won’t you? so desperate for my cock, huh” Richie kisses down my stomach, removing my shorts/skirt. “you’re so wet for me. you’re my little whore, just begging for my cock.I barely touched you and you’re all riled up?”  Richie smirks.  
He puts his thumb on my clit, rubbing me through my underwear, i moan, satisfaction running through me. Richie rubbed my clit slowly, applying pressure. “please Rich, please i need you inside of me.” I whine. “Such a impatient needy slut, can’t wait to feel my fingers inside of you, falling apart just from a little touch” He pulls down my underwear slightly, blowing air onto my clit. “such a little whore, all soaked” Richie pushes one finger into me, thrusting slowly, i moan loudly, before biting my lip. “faster Rich please” i let out quickly. He speeds up his pace, lifting himself to my lips. Richie connects his lips with mine, kissing me softly, sometimes he can’t help himself and he’ll kiss me softly or passionately, he’ll never admit it but he has a soft spot. Richie curls his finger, hitting a different angle, causing me to moan into the kiss. “you like that? hmm?“ I nod my head moaning, my hips buck, the familiar pit in my stomach growing, i clenched around his finger. Richie enters another finger, thrusting quickly. My hips buck again, i moan loudly, letting my hands go to his hair, tugging. “fuck, rich im gonna cum” i whine, clenching around his fingers. I feel my release pulsing through me. Richie pulls his fingers out, i whine, annoyed. “riiich” “Bad girls dont get to cum” He says before licking his fingers. “you always taste so good princess” Richie connects my lips with his once again, shoving his tongue in my mouth, sucking on my bottom lip. He pulls away, lowering himself. Richie licks a stripe up my pussy unexpectedly. “Rich!” i squeal. He swirls his tongue around my clit and down to my slit. Richie licks my clit slowly, holding my thighs. I bite my lip, holding back the sounds. He begins speeding up the pace, drawing little circles on my thighs with his fingers.
Richie starts licking slower before sucking on my clit, i cover my mouth, whining. Richie sits up, grabbing my hand. “let me hear you, dont cover your mouth. i want everyone to hear what a slut you are, let them know that you’re mine” He says before lowering himself, beginning to suck on my clit again. “Rich! Fuck!” i gasp, causing him to suck on my clit faster, i could feel the pit in my stomach growing already. My hips bucked into his mouth, i tugged on his hair. “Richieee baby im close” i groaned. He sucked faster, licking at my clit, swirling and moving his tongue. My hips bucked again as i let out an aspirated moan. “I’m gonna cum, fuck” i moaned, Richie pulled away quickly. “Riiiich.” I whine. “I told you, bad girls dont get to cum” he leans over me, arms on both sides of me again. “Maybe next time you’ll learn your lesson, flirting with Stan and acting like a brat? You had it coming” Richie whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “Needy slut” He mumbles. He connects our lips once again, my hands travel to his hair, playing with it. Richie grinds against my heat, groaning into the kiss,his hard on rubbing me through his joggers. “Rich i need you, please. I know I’m a bad girl, please i learned my lesson, I’ll behave i promise”
“Yeah? You want this cock? Huh?” “Yes. Please richie.” “Good girl, begging for me so well. You’re gonna behave?” “Yes i will.  i promise rich. I’ll be patient and i wont flirt with anyone, I’m yours and only yours” Richie groans. He gets off the bed, taking offf his joggers, his dick clearly showing through his boxers, is it up, helping him remove them. “Eager brat” Richie chuckles, he crawls onto the bed, pushing me onto my back. He looks up at me, his tip nearing my entrance. I nod, letting him know to go ahead. Richie slowly enters me, groaning, his precum leaking into my entrance. “So wet and warm for me” he groans. “Rich” i plead. Richie starts to thrust into me slowly, i moan, finally getting the pleasure i wanted. “Can Stanley fuck you this good? Huh?” Richie picks up the pace. I shake my head, whining. “Does his dick fill you up like this?” “N-no only you do.” I gasp. “Who’s are you?” He thrusts faster, groaning. “I’m yours Rich, only yours.” Richie groans again, he leans over, sucking on my neck, leaving dark purple bruises. My back arches and i moan loudly. He hovers over me again. “You’re mine” his words made the pit in my stomach grow, Richie puts his hand around my neck, making me moan. “You like that? You like when i choke you like the little toy you are.” He growls. I whimper, nodding my head. “You like using my hand as a necklace, hm? You like when i use you as my little sex toy?” Richie groans, i moan, his words sending me over the edge, my hips start bucking as i clench around him. “Are you gonna cum, princess?” I nod my head “yes richie. I’m gonna cum, please let me cum” I whimper again. “Go ahead doll, cum for me, cum all over my cock. I wanna see you” He whispers into my ear, completely sending me over the edge, making me cum harshly, my vision blurred from all the pleasure hitting me. “AH! RICH!” Richie chuckles,  kissing my cheek. His fast pace continues, the grip on my neck loosening a bit. “Rich.” I whimper. “You wanted my dick, you’re getting it. You’re gonna take it until i cum, is that alright?” I nod, moaning from overstimulation. “You like that baby? You like how I’m using you as my little cocksleeve?” He groans into my ear. I nod, whining. Richies thrusts start to falter, getting sloppier. I can feel my high coming back, the pit in my stomach starting again. My hips buck again, clenching around Rich. He groans, making me clench around his dick more. “B-Baby you close again?” He says, shutting his eyes. “Mhm” “cum again for me. I’m here, its okay.” He thrusts rougher into me, his head falling back in pleasure. I whine, his pleasure sending me over the edge, cumming. Richie groans, his dick twitching inside of me. “I’m close. Shit. You fuck so good princess, taking my dick so well.” “You’re so good rich, filling my up with your big dick.” I whine, he groans, cumming in me, stopping his thrusts.
Richie pants, i run my fingers through his hair. “You did so well doll” He flashes me his signature goofy grin. Richie looked down. “That was hot.” He chuckles, i smile admiring his features. “I love you Rich.” I whisper, barely audible. Richies head snaps up, his cheeks red. “Y-you what? Did i hear that r-right. Y-you love me?” His face softens, he smiles slightly. “I love you too Doll.” Richie plants a small sweet kiss on my lips, he pulls out. “You need a bath princess?” He asks. “That’d be nice.” I say softly. “C’mon I’ll go set up the bath”
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