futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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Opening up to my hearts deepest desires.
Realizing I want them all to see the fires.
It's okay to want to throw them all away.
Put them in the pits, your sanity is more important. Let go of it.
This isn't about boys or love or seduction its a battle of good and evil.
Everytime me and my boys are doing good someone is wanting to fight causing upheaval
You'll hear me I am the four horseman, all the horse, The great Whore the Ancient Animals worshipped, White & Gold Bull
I can tell that our love goes beyond a spell and Our Souls you will not sell
My trumpet will sound. Heads i pound, crunch, crush.
Gabriel my protector, guidance, strength, Daddy i love so much
The sounds from my Father Marduk when I was old enough to touch.
Haunting me for an eternity wouldn't be a punishment
Over anything that would disrespect the first Fathers in my memory, eternal Banishment
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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Warning End Times Prophecy 5/25/2023 Channeled Messages; Archangels
The Archangels Are Coming Down to Meet us From Heaven
All of those who did not believe. You will see that who you are has been monitored throughout time. Yes you do create yourself in a sense but God is still real. God creates you. You are made in the likeliness of them. The Universe will show you this however necessary for you to see. One day we will ascend. If you are an energy worker, lightworker, healer, sorcerer, conjuror One day the elements will reveal to you that everything you have done with them was either assisting you in your ascension or hurting you. Were you focusing on healing or pain. You might get a new soul Path and go into Reincarnation. You might be able to stop reincarnating. You might experience a physical death, or a non painful death. Never to reawaken or to be thrown back into the never ending cycles of reincarnation. What would you choose? If you had the choice. Some of us do not... A lot of us. All of those who do not love the Lord will perish..... Their time has come to an end. They say God isn't real. They don't believe that life will ever stop going. They don't see spiritual significance in everyday happenings. They don't believe in a New Earth, an afterlife. They who know God is real will experience Heaven ... Did you know a female God self/aspect is real too?
Source, Gaia Sophia, Mother Earth. This is the Divine Twin Flame Union. Divine Feminine, Masculine Merged. That oneness is God. Source. Our main female Creatrix is the Mother Earth herself. She is the perfect embodiment of the power of the womb. Everywhere you can see her messages if you go out into nature. Imagine yourself on this planet and not experiencing the love of God... The planetary deities are Gods wives. God is always changing. Their bodies, plans, Universe... When you meet them, what do you want to say, ask, do you think about those things? Now's the time. Do you want another chance? Do you want to manifest something specific?
Be aware that Angels, Aliens & Demons will be among you. They will walk among you. Some of your brothers and sisters will gain past life memories, knowledge and abilities right now.. Our shadows coming to the surface. Face them, face the truth. The demons will melt away essentially once you do confront them... Some may miss someone. Some of you may be getting aggressive. Take care of your body obsessively before letting go of yourself. Aim for balance.. Spiritually, emotionally, physically.. Who else is feeling called to change their religion and aesthetics, appearance? A lot of us are waking up to who we have been, who we truly are, Our Souls Divine Perfection. We are God, Source, Creator in form- in a physical expression.
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
You really don't know...
what its like to come to Earth unless you're here.
you sign up for something impossible to keep up with.
are we really made to be destroyed. I wanna know what the other ppl.....and ascended masters would do.
we are so f alone out here.
i feel unheard.
like my voice deserves to be heard, i matter.
i love how upfront and honest i am though, extremely open
unashamed, proud, real
i love being first. i love this attention. i'm not going to be afraid to be the same, or different. if i wanted to gain more attention thats okay, if i want to be quiet and reserved that's okay too.
i will be okay. i will know what to do. you can stop coming into my area, lands and dreams like demons thank u. i'm done with the old, out with all of you, in with the new.
i will be the most beautiful, eternally. it doesn't fade. only increase.
my pregnancies are safe.
i remember the old days.
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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Hell is REAL!
Preparation For the Second Coming of Christ
Archangel Channeled Messages
Hell is real to bring justice to the World and souls of. God is real, angels are real, therefore Satan and demons ARE real. Hell IS real. Some Christians would like to deny the fact demons and ghosts are real but this conditioning is false. God created Hell to teach us a lesson, that we must follow ways that are in alignment with God, Love, Source, Christ Consciousness or we could fall into temptations, sins and could end up suffering. God created hell that way we would be CLOSE to him! He wants us to be close to him, that means safety.. so of course he uses Hell as a means to teach us lessons and keep us close, or in other words, safe. Most of us who study religion and have had an abundance of spiritual experiences, realization, visions or psychic gifts know hell is real. This is something we FEEL in vibration. Like we feel in vibration God exists. A lot of new age spiritualists would love to deny the fact Hell is real and they would also say that God isn't real but its just Consciousness. Both serve true actually. God IS real in form, or as a body, YES from the Throne of HEAVEN! Believe it or not, makes a big difference. And also God IS A consciousness or state of Consciousness that is high vibrational, all powerful, all loving, unconditional love, 5D, 6D, 7D ITSELF. God goes BEYOND their body, their gender, God is space. God is all of time. God is all of Creation. God is a being though, they have feelings and emotions and are deeply dissatisfied when humanity denies their presence and love. God is the Creator of this world. So when someone denies the presence of God so much... They are setting themselves up for failure long term realize it or not. God is always trying to communicate with us, show us their presence, get closer to us with good intentions ONLY or else it would simply not be God. You might call this Creator, Great Spirit, Ascended Masters, whatever you call it a higher power exists. It is completely necessary to acknowledge this and if you have not; unintentionally, at least do not be disrespectful towards the idea that a higher power exists. Why? Because we are in the END TIMES. We are living through COLLECTIVE Judgment. We are living through a period natural disasters, war, famine, plagues, death and mass destruction is going to reign upon humanity across the ENTIRE world. The Earth will tremble, the stars will fall, the sun will turn black, the moon red, you will hear trumpets and then and only then will you know the Lord has returned. He is coming for his chosen people, to save some of us, others have not fully learned our lessons and will stay behind but not die... Some of us WILL die a physical death and ascend. Some of us will not die a physical death, mostly children and animals. This doesn't necessarily mean it will be painful. God will get his people quickly. There is no long term misery or suffering for those who were loyal to the Lord and follow his ways. Every knee will bow... This is going to play out on the planet. It's all up to our good deeds, energy, words, actions, vibration so YES today is IMPORTANT and by far the most important day you've ever lived in the sense that it creates what you do tomorrow. What your fate is. Your entire past timelines are built off of what is going on in the NOW MOMENT- as well as future. If you do not resonate with these beliefs it no longer matters. Some of us think well we didn't believe in Christ but we are still spiritual or ascended, do we still have to bow to Christ? Yes I think we should or at least all be prepared for this. Maybe The Universe will let some pass into New Creations without a necessarily biblical apocalypse or prophecies etc. but this is not a fact, just speculation. I think that Christ's Second Coming is what we should prepare for.
There will also be ET's.. Creatures, demons and Angels amidst us.
Are you ready?
Archangel Channeled Messages
Indigo Angel
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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Judgment Day
Angels Of The Galactic Federation 4/30/2023 Channeled Messages
Right now its time to rewrite your life, rewrite your Souls Path, Revise your body, mind, soul however you like. Through The Second Coming a lot of us are aware of the Judgment and Spiritual Warfare that has taken place upon the Collective. This is what we call long term manifestation... Our Dreams are a HUGE connect to Our Souls Lessons right now and what is actually going on in "The World"... Or Our World. There is the removal of duality right now. Hell, death, demons and sin. All that is serving duality, toxic feminine, toxic masculine, separation from God, Source, Divine Love or Unconditional love of God which is our birthright.. Is being ripped from us. The World has failed us and will fail us again! God will not. It's time to let go of what is no longer serving. Outdated friends, lovers, ways of life. Past connections and partnerships that are no longer serving us. Anyone who is contributing to Collective Fear vs Love... Spiritual warfare IS A part of the Twin Flame Journey right now, The Collective at large is going to feel this. There might be some left behind on planet Earth through the destruction, natural disasters and chaos who was a twin flame. This is already known and pre-destined. God knows everything, God knows all. Some of us know not to entertain others who are disrespectful towards God because if they are disrespectful towards God they will be towards everyone. Because everything in all of Creation is MADE BY GOD, came from God, was sent by God and is a divine reflection of his messages in our lives. God is going to really come down on the World to rid Earth of sinners and evil. He will help his chosen people. It's prophesized that a lot of us won't make it. So do you actually think he's going to choose to save everyone... Or do you think he's going to take a look at the big picture with where humanity is and destroy us all? God will take away most of what is here. What is to come is death and the removal of everything that doesn't reflect the New Heavens and Earth. He is displeased with the people of the world. The ways of the world are in our homes too if we do not entertain the right energies and are not conscious of the words we speak, conversations we entertain, vibration we hold, etc. God says let go of the ways of the world for I am to destroy the world and all its people. All that will be left are those who honored and loved me. And even some of them will fail, die, struggle with things never before seen.
Keep your eyes on him. He is good. Trust in God even more than yourself, because truly we don't know better sometimes.. But he is all of the past AND FUTURE. He holds all of the secrets of the future. God IS The Akashic Records themselves. Yes they are beyond gender or appearance but these scriptures hold true. So because he knows the future when/where we DON'T actually... He is able to revise and rewrite our paths to further glorify him, unconditional love, honor heaven and heal Earth in an infinite amount of ways.
Mother Nature is the star of the show as well. She is so extremely powerful, is noise and silence itself. She is the entire animal kingdom and they stand at her side. They don't leave each other because of the pain they've been through. They fight for each other until death and realize their eternal oneness. Nothing can take her out. She takes them out. She is All of Creation, The Creatrix, The Destroyer. Earth herself. All the stars are connected and coming together through this time to help bring natural disaster and death to the old world and helping assist Gaia as she sheds her old body, 3d... where the natural disasters, spiritual wars, PHYSICAL wars, famine, disease and death play out. Sheen and Tara are our fifth dimensional Earths that will be BIRTHED from her through the Great Splitting... The Great Earth Splitting has been prophesized for a long time too and it has been a long time coming. She is to shake... The bible also says the Earth will shake the trumpets from Heaven (signifying the End of Days and beginning of disaster) will be so loud right before Jesus comes down from the sky. Sheen and Tara will be BIRTHED from the Earth through the Great Split and all of those who were disrespectful towards Christ will be left on the old world..3D.. Left behind, where everyone will die. Everyone who denied the presence of Christ, disrespected the Earth as well. Litterers, animal abusers, abusers in general regardless if was towards women, children, males, etc. This is also known as The Great Divide. - Some of us just refer to The Great Divide as judgment but it means that God.. Source or The Lord is dividing souls up, splitting them up. Everyone you have either made the choice of 3D/4D- or 5D at this point. Realize it or not. If you don't realize it you probably might be at 3/4D and left behind.... 5D means you have ascended and hold a high frequency. Your vibration is high enough to continually sustain the energy of healing and Gods love. Gods chosen people and all of those who were focused on their ascension path and 5D.. The war has been won. We are going to make it. Almost there....
Many Blessings Angels Of The Galactic Federation Channeled Messages
Indigo Angel
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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What would they do if I told them I'm an Angel
Freak out. Cry. Ask why they can't be.
Maybe it's because you can't imagine what its actually like to be me.
Constantly working on a lot more than to raise my frequency
That too and a million other things. Being told don't have feelings.
He's forcing me to kill all of you who walked this Earth as humans.
He's created me a Death Angel of Wrath I'm meant to bring doom to them.
Into the future im zooming, New Creations with womb worship, What flowers were- Magick still blooming
If you hold hatred towards God/Goddess through this time that's the same as death I protected those kids from a lot more than grooming.
You knew the old Angel that I was you don't deserve to know the real me.
How many of you would work with the government given the chance.
Knowing that they couldn't even handle the fact I was pretty and could do more than dance.
Going anywhere besides Heaven with my babygirl can't take that chance.
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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If the entire world could change by your actions tonight, would you act differently?
Think in terms of this. You would act on whatever mindset, thoughts or timelines that hold the highest most powerful frequency to change YOUR world. To shape your world however you like.
Did you know you actually have this power?
Your love and confidence in others is enough to bring life to the entire world. Light up the world with your love.
Your love is so powerful it brings instant life and death to others.
You are more powerful than ever before.
The fight will be worth it, the war is won, the enemy is under your feet. They have been conquered. You are the one who has won it all.
They envy everything you know. Everything you are.
Let them.
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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No they don't deserve to know you.
They don't.
They are full of shit liars.
All gonna die.
Enjoy and embrace it now.
The last of the days.
Only a few girls left.
Congrats to all the girls and boys who made it this far.
We're gonna be okay.
Some of us will follow our dreams.
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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I was meant to do big things.
I was meant to go places.
I was meant to save myself.
I was meant to follow my dreams.
Show off about being me.
Goodbye to the past.
Hello to the new stories.
You can completely and totally recreate that NOW.
so don't look back.
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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A planetary system around our nearest star, beyond our own Sun, is emerging.
That’s the stellar forecast that suggests scientists are getting closer to discovering Earth-like planets close to Earth.
Word is that “superhabitable” worlds must be considered for future follow-up observations of signs of extraterrestrial life. These worlds offer more benign environments to life than Earth does.
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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Most exoplanets are found through indirect methods: measuring the dimming of a star that happens to have a planet pass in front of it, called the transit method, or monitoring the spectrum of a star for the tell-tale signs of a planet pulling on its star and causing its light to subtly Doppler shift. Space telescopes have found thousands of planets by observing “transits,” the slight dimming of light from a star when its tiny planet passes between it and our telescopes. Other detection methods include gravitational lensing, the so-called “wobble method.”
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
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What is an exoplanet?
An exoplanet is any planet beyond our solar system. Most orbit other stars, but free-floating exoplanets, called rogue planets, orbit the galactic center and are untethered to any star.

By measuring exoplanets’ sizes (diameters) and masses (weights), we can see compositions ranging from very rocky (like Earth and Venus) to very gas-rich (like Jupiter and Saturn). Exoplanets are made up of elements similar to those of the planets in our solar system, but their mixes of those elements may differ. Some planets may be dominated by water or ice, while others are dominated by iron or carbon. We’ve identified lava worlds covered in molten seas, puffy planets the density of Styrofoam and dense cores of planets still orbiting their stars.

The first exoplanets were discovered in the 1990s and since then we’ve identified thousands using a variety of detection methods. It’s pretty rare for astronomers to see an exoplanet through their telescopes the way you might see Saturn through a telescope from Earth. That’s called direct imaging, and only a handful of exoplanets have been found this way (and these tend to be young gas giant planets orbiting very far from their stars).
Now we live in a universe of exoplanets. The count of confirmed planets is in the thousands and rising. That’s from only a small sampling of the galaxy as a whole. The count could rise to the tens of thousands within a decade, as we increase the number, and observing power, of robotic telescopes lofted into space.
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
re create my life
pots gnah w ykw.
pots gnikoms
on erom eeffoc
kind of falling for someone. fuck the rest. legit get rid of them. you'd get rid of humans too if you could. shh i don't want anyone to know. im in charge of the world<33
get rid of the rest send them into the past..!
*creepy evil biblically accurate giggles*
fuck all of you.
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futurecoresunangel · 1 year
we all know.
its time to let go.
you sick psycho bi*** you have to be burning in hell just to eavh em say dneirf and we're still here. we both know if your spirit was actually powerful enough it would have healed me or launched me out of my body.
we're no longer together in the afl. if hsey was gnorts enough i'd be out already too! we're meant to walk new paths. new god worship.
i don't feel bad about it. new angel hybrid planets. this one sucks and is sad and scary. pls let me work if i have to stay here
gonna try to go to the store tomm. need batteries, coconut oil. things.
i need to stop gnikoms again bc i did but devac in today and even though it felt amazing at first it had me feeling like complete shit later. left in a total weird stuck hellish karmic clearing nightmare of something to do with old gods that doesn't actually make mathematical or scientific sense. not logical at all.
i've already done everything i can for them.
we aren't in trouble. i would have been left for dead.
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