gamerchildaki · 5 years
Sun Jing the protective girlfriend being relevant as hell
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
Update: I found out which one it was, for some reason YouTube had it under a completely different name when I first watched it
I have a dilemma regarding a very elusive anime
I watched it in like 2014 and I can't for the life of me remember what it's called. I'll describe what it's about but I know the main character was Tohsaka Rin from the Fate series, but she was like 12. In the first episode she runs away from home but gets taken back before leaving again. It has something to do with ghost or spirit hunting? She kinda travels with two guys if I remember rightly, both of them a lot older than her? I think in the last episode they're supposed to part ways but she decides she doesn't want to? I know this is literally the WORST description but someone please help me 😂 it's been bugging me for 5 years, I just wanna watch it again
If it's any help I think the anime began with an S or Sh but I'm not 100% certain on that maybe like 80% lol
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
I have a dilemma regarding a very elusive anime
I watched it in like 2014 and I can't for the life of me remember what it's called. I'll describe what it's about but I know the main character was Tohsaka Rin from the Fate series, but she was like 12. In the first episode she runs away from home but gets taken back before leaving again. It has something to do with ghost or spirit hunting? She kinda travels with two guys if I remember rightly, both of them a lot older than her? I think in the last episode they're supposed to part ways but she decides she doesn't want to? I know this is literally the WORST description but someone please help me 😂 it's been bugging me for 5 years, I just wanna watch it again
If it's any help I think the anime began with an S or Sh but I'm not 100% certain on that maybe like 80% lol
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
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Oooh, spooky… The most terrifying cheekbones in Vesuvia.
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
Random question but it's been bugging me for a while, anyone know what the music playing at around 22:00 in jack's new Minecraft video is? I've been trying to find it for the past couple days but I can't find it anywhere, help 😂
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
More Solas, because fuck it.
I’m sure other people have already touched on this, but whatever. My Tumblr, my thoughts, my rants, blurblah etc.. My Lavellan romanced Solas because I loved his character arc. I was aware of it, I knew the direction it took, and I understood that my Lavellan was going to have her heart ripped out. I knew all of that, and I did it anyway. Normally, tragic romances don’t upset me too much. Normally, I don’t mind reading fanfiction or browsing for fanart (and I certainly don’t mind writing or drawing my own.) Solavellan is a completely different story. I have not read Solavellan fanfiction, and while I’ve seen Solavellan fanart, it’s not because I’ve gone looking for it. Seeing the fanart makes me sad - perhaps irrationally, because it isn’t as though Solas or any Lavellan are real people who have experienced real tragedy. So what’s my deal, then? None of the fanart really seems out of character. In most Solavellan fanart I’ve seen, they’re embracing lovingly, tenderly touching each other, or peacefully enjoying each other’s company. All of this is peppered with a few outrageously adorable (and still in character) scenes of them where Solas is being teased about something - usually by the other companions. It isn’t like you look at this artwork and think “this is so sweet/adorable/lovey, but I can’t see any of this happening.” You can see all of it happening and it all makes sense. You can see them reading by candlelight, can see them reaching out to gently touch each other during casual conversation, can hear the softness of their voices and the eager but delicate way they teach each other. That’s what gets me. You don’t need to stretch your imagination to picture what Lavellan’s relationship with Solas would be like. It is very telling to me that even without a sex scene, the basic context of their relationship is right there, encompassed within every spoken word and movement. Listen to the way he speaks to her, of her. How he addresses her. This is a woman he admires, a woman who he has no issues with admitting has changed his entire view of the inhabitants of the world, who he openly and willingly shares knowledge with (even if there is something they do not agree on.) He respects her and he repeatedly reminds her of the positive impact she’s had on his life. In the event that she breaks up with him, or responds to him in anger/distress when he breaks up with her, he does not meet her anger or distress with the same. He instead raises her up, reminding her of the values of her character that have brought all of them so far. He does not dismiss her emotions, but instead accepts them and validates them. If she is not equal to him in the moment, he is raising her above himself. Solas, the essence of pride, raising the woman he loves, adores, cherishes, and respects, above even himself. It is within her that he finds humility (I believe this is absolutely crucial to Solas’ character.) That’s what gets me. Their relationship is built on respect, admiration, and love. Love, you can come by. Respect should be a given in a healthy relationship. Many would even say that admiration should be, as well. The fact of the matter is that many, many of us rarely find all of these qualities in a relationship and when we do, it is not always to the degree that we see between Solas and Lavellan. I’m sure you could say much of the same thing about many of the Dragon Age relationships. Sure. Yes. Indeed, probably. But I’m not talking about those relationships, because they’re remarkably different from Solas and Lavellan in that the relationships don’t end by force because one of them is a conflicted god with a huge fuck-all plan to destroy the current world in order to restore it to a previous state. Solavellan was working. Solavellan should have endured. Two years later, he is still in love with her. Two years later, she is either trying to move on or still in love with him. It wasn’t the case that when the relationship ended, or at any point during Trespasser, he told her that their relationship was a casual fling, that she and what they had meant nothing, that everything he did and said to her was built on lies. In fact, he tells her the opposite. He has no reason in Trespasser to lie to her, if he was (and let’s be honest here - it isn’t as though, knowing who he is, you can’t go back through dialogue and realize how fucking shady he could be, and how effortlessly he pulled it off.) I think that’s why it breaks my heart so damn much. I was rooting for them, I’ve been rooting for them. I’m still rooting for them. They deserve better than this. God damn it.
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
I'm a metal dragon apparently... Honestly sounds like something you'd see in a Dragon quest game 😂
i dont hear much abt asian zodiacs??? anyways im year of the dragon how bout yall
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
So a game I actually really love is Shining Resonance Refrain but all I seem to see is a lot of hate for it. I'm quite early in the game (just got Agnum on my team) but so far it's an amazing game. Some of the things I've seen it get hate for is stuff like the B.A.N.D aspect, ok it's not hugely explained during the tutorial but it's not impossible to understand, and Google can probably give a good explanation if you need a clearer one on it (so far its been at least useful to prevent Yuma from going berserk in dragon form). But also I believe I saw some hate for it having a lot of twists and turns in the story, but that could be said for a lot of games and honestly the less straightforward a story is the better imo, it makes it just a bit more enjoyable. And so far the story and characters are really good too, so I feel like more people should just give the game a chance at least because while, yes, there are some faults, it's not enough to say it's a terrible game, another thing I've noticed is people only talk about bad things with the game. So what about all the good things? If you're going to talk about a game don't just talk about the bad things, imo that gives an unnecessarily negative impression on the game. Even it out, talk about what's good in the game too.
My point being, this game deserves more attention than it's getting because it is honestly a good game and definitely worth a play. If you're unsure then maybe watch gameplay if there is any, that way you'll have an idea of what it's like, or if the demo is still available (on switch at least) then give that a go.
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
Reblog if no matter if you have 50,000 or 50 followers, you appreciate every single one. Reblog if you appreciate the messages you get, whether it's 100 or 1. Reblog if a little smile comes across your face everytime you see a new follower or message. Reblog if even though most of us aren't tumblr famous, we appreciate the little things.
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
Listening to the Kid Icarus Uprising soundtrack really makes me just want to replay the whole game again so I might do that in the day... Also it's 3am I should be sleeping but instead I'm reading criminal minds fanfiction for Reid because I legit love him 😂
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
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I'm playing the demo for dragon quest xi and honestly some parts of this make me think of dragon age and others, like the whole climbing onto and across the roofs, make me think of assassin's creed and now I'm torn whether to wait and buy dqxi first or get aciii for the switch and get dqxi later on after I get Pokémon sword and shield
Also I really like Erik so far but I think my type is pretty obvious from my attraction to Malroth from dqb2
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
Warning that this is gonna be a bit of a rant:
I don't know why, but I'm having to explain to a GROWN ASS ADULT that not paying money for the game is theft and that that's illegal, like don't fucking steal games anyway, that money can go back into the company and 1: keep it going 2: fund new games to make them better quality, like damn, it's not that hard to figure out
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
A little note to some of you MMORPG gamers. If you see someone who is a very low level and you're like level, idk 90, don't be that asshole who challenges them just to get an easy win and then spam them with "you're so weak omg" "git gud" and shit like that. I had to deal with that when I was a younger mmo gamer and it's horrible. If you see a low level person and think that's a brilliant idea, I have news for you, it literally makes you an asshole. Play with people, challenge people, don't be a sore winner especially when you knew you would win the fight anyways.
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
Random 3am thought/headcanon
Someone's probably already said this BUT.
Inari from trio of towns is nonbinary
My reasoning? They can be romanced by a male or female character. They're the opposite gender to the character you play as. So what if they're nonbinary? Idk it just makes sense to me that Inari would be nonbinary, and since they're not human it would make sense that they maybe don't follow the same spectrum of male/female as other characters would
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
rb and tag your very first ever comfort character and how old u were mines was goku at age 4
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