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Hey I just finished this up for a contest and wanted to share with you but I don’t think I’ll win 😞 They changed the contest rules and I can’t do a drawing and have to do a lego model now but I’m not that great making sets myself Either way I love how it turned out, I hope you like it!
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Happy 10th Ninjago anniversary everyone!
I’ve had the privilege of being part of the Ninja Never Quit zine run by @speedythecat and I’m so glad I was able to work on a collab with so many other artists and writers
I think Tick Tock was the episode where I really got into Ninjago (and Zane became my favorite. Sorry guys, robots are cool) the show has helped me meet so many other amazing fans and inspired me to make so amazing things.
Thank you to the creators and voices for making this wonderful show.
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I am a River
always flowing, always going, always somewhere else to be
sometimes i decline into a trickle
hardly moving
gravity seeming to weigh down on my entirety.
others i am a gushing roar,
a waterfall,
churning and turning with emotions i don’t let myself feel
the smoothening out.
some days i am placid
drifting along my own mind, finally content
only for it all to drop again into a whirl of myself, 
unable to see outside of anything else.
some days I am deep. 
so so deep you think you’ll never see who i truly am
others i am shallow, trying to show you my truest self and all i hold, 
but still not letting you see what i could become
most days i am kind
trying to help others however i can
even just for a moment.
more often then not i dont care for myself
the things i want to do can wait for later
when im bigger then i am.
we can do what you want right now
i can be what you want right now
though it always takes effort
i just want you to be happy.
I am a river
always flowing always moving always going
to be a part of something bigger then myself 
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hey im mainly on instagram these days, thought i would give you all a heads up
i have more work there that i havent posted anywhere else, please check it out!
Im @kayyeh1 there too : https://www.instagram.com/kayyeh1/
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It’s Not Ok
People say it’s ok, that everyone learns at their own pace,
To do what you can and the rest will follow.
It’s NOT OK and its SO HARD to even tell yourself that it is, especially when you see HUNDREDS of other people with different styles, ideas, and techniques who are YEARS younger than you, and feel like that you’ll never catch up, never be where you’re happy with your work for longer then a day.
You see artists everyday cranking out piece after piece after piece.
One after another.
Finished and professional pieces that take them a few HOURS when you could never do anything close in a WEEK.
And you struggle every day to even START a SKETCH??????
It so hard telling yourself its ok and its NOT.
It’s NOT OK because the truth is that if someone is better then you, faster then your are, THEY will get the job first, all the while you work just as hard to wrap your head around the concepts they mastered much earlier then you.
It’s not ok.
And I can’t tell myself that it is anymore.
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For my art trade with @goldie-ogilf who wanted some morro redemption arc.
I feel like morro would swear a LOT
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@lesbiannya …. I did a thing. Wanted to draw all this but I lost the motivation so I wrote some drabble instead. hope you like it
Log Date
Log date: today is the fifth of xxxxxx year xxxxxx It’s been about two days since I was flung into this realm by Aspheera. I’ve tried getting the mech up and running again to no avail. I’ve needed to use the staff scroll in order to move it and myself to a more secure location. I will continue to work on it so I can more easily navigate in this difficult terrain. I’ve yet to see any locals but maybe I can get help from somewhere.
Log date: xxxxxxxxx It’s been about a week and I think I almost have everything up and running there could be some... complications though. I will make a separate video explaining everything. I hope all goes well.
Log date:???? It’s hard to tell time here. My internal clock seems to be have knocked out of commission from the constant cold. The job with the mech worked, but there are still several crucial parts that seem to have stayed in the other realm. The others should have been here by now and I’m... getting a little nervous. I’m not sure I can find a way out of this without help of some kind.
Log date: Time feels faster here, or maybe slower??? There has been a blizzard the last few weeks or so. And it’s been hard to tell day from night, but that may just be boredom setting in. It’s been about 3 and a half weeks since I got here but I can no longer keep track of the dates. when this blizzard dies down I will attempt to leave this area and find human help, or at the very least more advanced intelligence. wouldn’t the ninja have figured out what happens by now? Perhaps they thought I had been destroyed like we had originally assumed. It appears I am on my own for now.
In other news there does appear less monstrous life here. Unfortunately the owl that wandered in here somehow got its claws on the staff. It appeared to have awakened some electrical element in the bird when it was touched (perhaps all avians have some low electrical element like the chicken?) It almost took off with it, if I hadn’t turned around for another minute it would have been gone. The staff is very powerful and definitely dangerous an animal hands, much less human. I think I will have to hold on to it from now on, but I will wrap it in cloth so I don’t get overcome by it’s power
Log date: That was a bad idea. It’s been two days since the owl and I can now still feel the staff’s pulse of power, I think it may even have a mind of its own. It hates being wrapped up, trapped and muffled to the world. I certainly know how that feels. I think I will leave it unwrapped for now. Besides it is only dangerous in unreliable and nefarious hands.
The blizzard still rages on
Log date: it’s been about two months since I got here. Why haven’t the others figured it out by now? Surely Aspheera was captured? Surely she would have gloated about what she had done to me, to hurt Wu as much as she could? I admit that anyone other then I wouldn’t last long in a place like this without some sort of village or homestead. They have to know what’s happened by now right? Why wouldn’t they have come for me?
What if they’re too afraid to come get me? But the ninja have dealt with other much more dangerous situations before! What if...
What if they just don’t care?
Log date: it’s been two weeks since my last update. The storm is still going but at least it keeps other animals from trying to get in here and taking my staff. My friends have still not come.
... What if they were just using me this whole time
No that can’t be right. I love them. They’re my family...
That’s only because I’m the master of ice and a Nindroid. They probably keep me around just to help them. I’ve always been different. Even when I first met them they didn’t like me much
No that can’t be right. We spent time together other then missions.
Only because they don’t know what to do with me otherwise. What if it’s been like this the whole time? When I first ran off and found the bounty they called me weird and a freak.
but didn’t they apologize?
That was probably only because Wu told them to, and he probably only told them to because he felt bad, or maybe because he thought I might be the green ninja.
... sigh, I need some rest. I will continue an update tomorrow
Log date: My friends are not coming. I have studied the data. They always just needed something from me or used me in some way. Even with Chen, they didn’t come for me, they came to make sure no one else could use me. Even Pixal hated me so much she secretly made a body just to get away from me. I think... even my own father... he only made me to aid his loneliness. Everyone just wants me for what I can give them....
I’m on my own
Log date: I’ve started experimenting with my staff. It can create do amazing things! I accidentally shot at a squirrel trying to steal it and froze it solid, but it was still alive with a heartbeat. However, I believe time is also slowed inside the ice encasing it, I’ve essentially cryogenically frozen it. I unfroze it after and shooed it out but this is amazing.
Log date: The storm has let up and I am going to attempt to get help from the locals. Even if my family never loved me I still would rather be in Ninjago then here. But... what if the people here are the same? What if they hate things just because they are different? My camouflage appears to be on the fritz now as well so I can’t even attempt to look human. But I still need help.... sigh. I think I will just risk it. No one here could possibly hurt me anyways.
Log date: I’ve been wandering around for a while now, I’ve yet to see any other intelligent life. Either this land is more expansive then I thought or there is no one else here. I wonder what the other s are doing now? I know I shouldn’t, I know it will only make me miss and resent them more, but it’s hard. I bet they are having the time of their lives now that they don’t have to worry about me. I wonder if I ever did something to them to make them hate me, or if they just don’t like that I’m not human. Ha, look I’ve gone and made myself cry. I should try to think about other things but there’s not much to distract me here in this desolate world. I will record again when there are updates
Log date: Today I found a man. It seems there are humans here, and they hate things that are different here as well. I ran into a man named Vex and he told me his horrible tale. Just because he couldn’t do what everyone else could he was disgraced, shamed and eventually kicked out of his home and hated by his former family. I was made to protect those who cannot protect themselves, even if it was just out of loneliness. So I am going to protect other outcasts like Vex an I. He says there is a government of some sort nearby that refused to help, so I will attempt to convince them
Log date: things did not... go well. I’m normally level headed but the general and his men were being very unreasonable! They refused to help Vex and attempted to kick us out. I’m sick of being treated like an outsider. I’m sick of not having any real friends, loyal friends, who like me for who I am and not what I can do. My staff seemed to have sensed this. It made it so the generals men would understand me, LISTEN to me. They are now loyal friends. Friends I KNOW would never abandon me like my old ones did. Because they were already an army they did not put up much of a mental fight, but I sense I will not be able to make everyone here understand and appreciate outsiders. Still, this doesn’t feel good.... it doesn’t feel wrong right now but it doesn’t feel quite right either. I am worried the staff may be clouding my vision. I have made Vex my adviser, to tell me what to do when I worry I have been looking through a rose tinted glass. He knows this world; he will make good decisions when I can’t.
Log date: it’s been about a year since I first came here I have spoken to the former leader, now one of my highest ranking friends. He insists his position is general, but it feels strange to have an army of any kind. They are all now just friends who understand me and those they used to view as different and inferior.
All of my new friends also seem to have cryogenic age slowing, so even though I do not age, my new family will not either! I have heard hundreds of stories in Ninjago of those looking for a way to gain immortality, and now anyone who is my friend will be granted it! I’m so glad to see how happy everyone is because of this!
I have attempted to befriend other villages but they all run in fear from me and the others. Though I still didn’t expect anything else, it still hurts that they run away just because of what I’m not. Vex suggests that I stay in the palace so I don’t need to see them fear me while the others try to make them see reason. I think this is for the best. I have also found it harder to move much lately, my ice seems to generate around me much quicker, but I can still dispel it easily if action is needed.
Some villages are more easily befriended, but others with stronger willpower just want to see what they want to see. Vex suggest I freeze these people and let them think about it. They can still sense time pass but do not age, in this sense I am giving those misbehaving a Time Out. If the people here insist on behaving like children that is how they should be treated. And... I don’t know why but I like the idea of them paying for what they have done. They SHOULD suffer for the consequences of what they have done. In a few years I shall release them and they will decide join my family, my new army of friends
Log date: about a year and 3 months since I arrived Vex has informed me that there is no way for me to get back home, no way to spread my new family back to Ninjago. To make my old family be loyal to me. There used to be a flower that could make a form of travelers’ tea, but it has all since died out, not to mention it wouldn’t be strong enough anyways. I think I am stuck here, but maybe that’s ok.
Log date: three years since I appeared here It’s... been hard to think lately. My.... my mind feels clouded often, as if in between dreams. My staff tells me what is the next thing to do and Vex has taken over most of my other more boring jobs...... I feel like I’m just going though the motions.... but... it’s doesn’t feel like a bad thing.
In other news Vex has told me that more and more people are misbehaving. I have created a dragon that can create my cryogenic ice so I don’t need to leave to do it, I’ve been so exhausted lately. It’s nice to just sit and think about my new family....
I... I don’t think I will be updating for a few... years? I think I’m just... going to let go for a while...
Log date: a few..... decades???? Since I got here The ninja are here
I CANNOT BELIVE THEM. Vex says they are here to take my new realm away from me. To free me from this world and my new family.
How DARE they come back after all this time, they are not my friends any longer, and I am not hurting anyone in their precious Ninjago. No one in this realm is using me and I am finally happy, why did they have to come NOW? According to Vex almost all villages have been changed, my world is almost perfect. I can stop soon and enjoy the fruits of my labor But then they show their faces. They have holed up in one of the harder villages to overtake, due to their mountainous barrier advantage. I hate them I hate them I HATE THEM.
They abandoned me, and I will not hesitate if we meet face to face
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Here is a project I made for my 3d animation final using edited pieces of "Here Comes a Thought" from Steven Universe. I animated everything and the drawings are all my own. This is my first real animation, I hope you like it! 
I wanted to portray how fear, doubt and irrational thoughts sometimes make you feel, and what its like to overcome them. 
 Here is the link to the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHg50... 
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Huy uh, so I’ve been feeling kinda blah lately, maybe even a little depressed? The times that I’m happiest is when I work on my art but I havent been able to push myself lately to draw anything, it feels like so much effort.
I get into a flow for a month or 3 when working on a zine or something with a deadline, and I try to stay in that flow for a while but I always fall out sooner or later
I’ve been feeling really crummy lately and I can’t seem to draw for me right now and I want to get the pace going a bit for me, so I’m here to request... some requests!
Please send me drawing requests, of characters from shows, or even ox’s with references. Think of it as a holiday gift to us both, you get a neat art piece, and I get more motivation to do my own stuff.
I might not be able to get to everyone’s depending on how many requests I get but I’ll notify you if I decide to work on your request and everything I work on will be posted by New Years, if not earlier, no matter what state they are in (sketch,lineart, coloring, cleanup, etc)
Happy holidays!
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Is the WU pin actually avaliable? if so where? it looks greeat! :)
no not yet, i want to set up a kickstarter to see if its worth the money, i’ll let you guys know when its up!
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This episode had me BAWLING
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Happy birthday @glowing-gravity! i heard it was your birthday today (via deviantart) and i wanted to do this doodle for you. I had a lot of fun doing it!
Happy Birthday!
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hsgghshsg i forgot bout this
this is my addition to @thattipsybee‘s post from i whil back that i forgot to post here
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is the pin avaliable? if so where get?
hah no. i am thinking of starting a kickstarter for my Wu pin to see how many people actually want one cause if its less then 50 its not really worth my while. 
i should get on that though....
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Hey @glowing-gravity, I heard today was your birthday (via deviantart) and i wanted to do a drawing for you. 
i had way to much fun with this hope you like it! i also turned it into a little icon for you too ;9
Happy birthday!
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Now that the @better-ninjagozine​ has posted the finished zine i can show you guys my finished pieces! I call this one True Potential (for obvious reason) 
This is the second of my two that I did (I think its my favorite), you can see the rest of the zine here!
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now that the @better-ninjagozine has posted the finished zine i can show you guys my finished pieces! I call this one Static
this is the first of my two that i did, you can see the rest of the zine here!
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