gilgamesh845 · 3 years
Feel like leaving tumblr cause I don't go there anymore since i got twitter 🤷🏾‍♀️ goodbye if I do
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
Questions to Ask When the Major Arcana Appears
the fool - am I jumping into this too quickly? can I trust my gut? what do i hope to gain from this? is this in my best judgement to proceed? 
the magician - am I balancing parts of my life? am I focusing too much on the material world before me? am I properly utilizing the tools I have at my disposal?
the high priestess - am I trusting my intuition? am I allowing my imagination to roam free? have I grown out of touch with my spirituality? how may I further enhance my spirituality? 
the empress - how do I nurture others? do I, in turn, properly nurture myself? how do I express my feminine power? am I expressing myself creatively? 
the emperor - how am I handling authority in my life? how can I become a leader? am I taking strides to ensure material success? how do I express my masculine power?
the heirophant - am I honouring traditions? what can I teach others? what can I learn? how may I go about finding groups of likeminded people? where am I deriving my sense of security?
the lovers - are parts of me at war within myself? how can I unite very different parts of my life? what can I do to help build cooperation within my relationships? 
the chariot - how can I take control of my situation? how can I resolve my conflict? how can I tackles the challenges coming my way? which direction should I choose?
strength - how can I overcome my weakness? what makes me courageous in my situation? from where do I draw my inner power? how can I best work with my instinct? 
the hermit - what is driving me forward in life right now? where can I be truly alone? what do I need to reflect on? what wisdom can I draw from past experiences? 
wheel of fortune - what changes am I willing to except? how much of my life is left to fate? how do my every day actions influence the bigger picture of my life? 
justice - how can I make the best decision? how do I find balance in my life? what can I do to rectify my past mistakes? am I weighing all the pros and cons or am I overlooking something?
the hanged man - what should I hold onto and what should I let go of? how can I look at this with a new perspective? what am I willing to sacrifice? how do I let go of old habits and step out of my comfort zone? 
death - how can I use recent events to transform myself? what do I need to accept the end of? what will be born from the ashes? how can I mourn the ending of one thing and celebrate the beginning of another?
temperance - what led to the feeling of harmony? what can I do to hold onto it, grow from it, and become harmoniously whole? how do I remain patient through these experiences?
the devil - am I allowing myself to fixate unhealthy on something? what do I fear? am I too tied to the material world? how do I free myself from the bondage I have allowed myself to fall into? 
the tower - what have I been ignoring? why did I refuse to take action, what can I do to avoid this again? how do I free myself from my own ruin? how do I grow from this disaster?
the star - how am I using my gifts? what is inspiring me? what makes me happy and how can I embrace that? how can I continue on the right track to making my wishes come true? 
the moon - am I listening to my dreams, my feelings, my instincts? am I trusting them? how am I connecting to the invisible workings of the world? how am I using my creativity? 
the sun - am I approaching my problem with a positive attitude? how are my efforts being appreciated by others? how do I step into the spotlight to showcase my talents? 
judgment - how self-aware am I, truly? what actions have I taken that are wise? unwise? am I being honest with myself? what can I learn from my past and how can I grow? 
the world - how have my efforts payed off? how am I progressing in life, does it feel right? what in my life is coming to an end? what is beginning? what are my next steps? in what ways do I feel fulfilled? 
Major Arcana | Wands | Cups | Swords | Pentacles
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
Woah the hashtags got pride colors i just found out
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
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hello????? what’s going on???????
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
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like or reblog
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
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Janelle Monáe
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
alright tonights lets talk about [spins wheel] THEOPHAGY. can we eat god.
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
gay asf to be a detective. what are you inspecting, other men?
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
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Seema Hari for Banglez Jewerly, photographed by Pavithra Ramasubramanian.
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
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© BECAUSE OF V | Do not edit.
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
I want all the gringos to hear about this Brazilian singer called Iza because she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
huge shoutout to trees and also rain
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
huge shoutout to trees and also rain
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
I turned 18 a few days ago so I finally got a septum piercing. I'm sore but happy :) I've been wanting this for years
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
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The Comet Book (1587), details, “16th-century treatise on comets, created anonymously (or maybe it was a woman who endured erasure) in Flanders (now northern France)”. Originally named in german Kometenbuch.
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gilgamesh845 · 3 years
Yeah :( BUT here's a movie that looks good and IS also good !! Maurice by Ivory Merchant
Go watch it
it is so sick and twisted that not every movie that looks good in tumblr gifs is actually good
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