giogiohcs · 3 years
SCP-1504 x reader hcs
A/N: had this in the notes for awhile
-He freaked (just a lil) when he found out you could actually see him
-His excitement was immediately dashed away when he realized you could be a figment of his imagination bc he’s finally gone insane
-He tests if you could actually see him and hear him
-You pass with a breeze and you begin your now shared life with the guard dog of a man
-He wants your attention on him 24/7, to make up for lost time
-He’ll be moving into your home ASAP, don’t bother trying to lock him out, he knows how to pick manual locks and his ability will take care of any electrical ones.
-Don’t worry, he’ll sleep on the couch <3
-He’s very protective of you, you will not be dying on his watch, he’ll sacrifice anyone if it meant saving you. He only cares about you.
-If he isn’t busy protecting you from anything and everything, he’s watching you.
-He doesn’t know why but he just watches you… a lot. Even if it’s super mundane stuff, doing laundry? 👁👁 Doing dishes? 👁👁 Sweeping? 👁👁 Expecting him to do chores with you? 👁👁.
-He’s afraid you’ll lose your ability one day to see him and ignore him like everyone else.
-He sometimes forgets that you can actually see/hear him and will say the MEANEST shit about smth and get surprised when you’re offended.
-Don’t worry, he’ll eventually realize that there’s consequences.
-He learns to watch his tongue after you threatened to ignore him for the day.
-Speaking about threatening, you will not be leaving him and he won’t be leaving you.
-He grew up without any genuine love or attention and you expect him to be healthy in relationships? 🤨
-If you want to stay with him by choice, that’s great! If you don’t… he’s not above locking you up. Just hope if you are locked up, you don’t get the dog cage treatment.
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giogiohcs · 3 years
Headcanon: When you leave Devildom at the end of the exchange program, you gift Satan a kitten to keep him company. He names it after you so you’ll always be near him even when you’re gone🥺
Tho it gets awkward when you get back to Devildom bc he’ll say “MC you’re so cute and adorable” and your heart is touched until you realize he was talking to the cat💀
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giogiohcs · 3 years
Hello! Just wanna say that I loved they way you portrayed Joe/SCP 1504 <3!!
Aw! Thank you so much! He’s my fav and he barely gets any attention🥺! I hope my fanfic will motivate others so they’ll read his article❤️
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giogiohcs · 3 years
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pov you are an oc artist with anxiety
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giogiohcs · 3 years
My favorite scene in the entire TWD manga that the anime-only fans will never see on screen:
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giogiohcs · 3 years
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He looked like this
Satan headcanon: Satan was actually born with black hair like Lucifer but after people kept mistaking him for Lucifer and saying how they looked alike, he bleached his hair.
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giogiohcs · 3 years
Satan headcanon: Satan was actually born with black hair like Lucifer but after people kept mistaking him for Lucifer and saying how they looked alike, he bleached his hair.
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giogiohcs · 3 years
Not-so-Serious Thirstiest Dateable to Least
1. Diavolo, I mean are we surprised? You’re the only one within his realm that sees him as more than a title, you see him for who he is... of course he wants to get into your pants, respectfully😌. Like this man is always ready for you like a damn 24hr convenience store. “I’ll wait for them with open arms and open legs and an open mouth” -Diavolo probably after 10 mins of meeting MC.
2. Solomon, he’s very horny but... in a veryyyyy subtle respectful way. Like when he really wants to strike at you, he invites you for tea and reading then occasionally brushes his hand on yours “accidentally” and when you see a spell you don’t know, he’ll put his hand on your lower back to lean in closer and explain. For an old man, he’s smooth but… it just takes way too long. Just grab his dick already.
3. Barbados he’s occasionally horny for you, occasionally. But he’s into some *weird* shit, this man a freak, like no I don’t have evidence but I just know it ok?! I just know. He’s been living with the Attentive Butler facade for too long and it comes out in the weirdest ways…
4. Simeon is VERY RESPECTFUL, HE WILL NOT THINK OF YOU IN A DISRESPECTFUL WAY🗣. You’re his treasure, he’s never want to tarnish you but… he also doesn’t want to take the act of pleasure away from you either… if you want something you’ll have to be the one to initiate everything 👀. He just wants to please you.
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giogiohcs · 3 years
Not-so-Serious Thirstiest Brother to Least
1. Lucifer: this man is REPRESSED, he’s spent his entire immortal life being a parent for his brothers, being the obedient dog for Diavolo and lets not even mention his pride. I’d even argue that he’s a virgin, too prideful to lose at anything smh. Then you come in, offering e-emotional support?? Understanding??? And being a cutie? Bro you know this man is thirsting for you, taking every situation to tease you or threatening to “punish” you. Is looking at you disrespectfully. Get this man a water.
2. Belphegor: has Mad Horny Cow Disease (MHCD). First he kills you, demands emotional support bc killing you- Lilith’s descendant, made him upset🥺👉👈. Now he’s got the audacity to thirst after you and would did poison his brother to get some more time near you. I’m disgusted. Cancel this future hamburger.
3. Asmo: He’s very much looking 24/7 but... respectfully. He thirsts for you but he knows not to objectify or make you feel uncomfortable, he gets a pass.
4. Satan: like his daddy Luci, thirsty but again respectfully. He’s very much a gentleman and treats you with respect. He’d be the type to write you an erotic poem with calligraphy and everything to try and get you in the mood. Very respectfully thirsty for you. 10/10
5. Beelzebub: either he’s horny when you’re horny or when he’s very hungry *in a horny way* bc I say no to vore rights and that’s all I gotta say.
6. Mammon: horny but too shy to express it. Every single time he had a inappropriate thought about you, he shoved it so far down in himself bc thirsting for a human?? The great Mammon himself?? No! Maybe if he runs fast enough, the thirst will go away. 🏃🏽‍♂️ 💨💨
7. Leviathan: if anyone is horny, it’s you, pls don’t interrupt his gaming tournament, he will throw you into his aquarium since you’re so thirsty. </3
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giogiohcs · 3 years
Broke: Asmo is the is the thirstiest brother for MC bc he’s the avatar of lust
Woke: Lucifer is thirstier for MC than any other brother
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giogiohcs · 3 years
🖤- angst
💕- fluff
-SCP-1504 x reader headcanons 💕
-SCP-1504 x reader “The Only One” 🖤-ish
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giogiohcs · 3 years
The Only One
SCP-1504, Joe Schemo x GN!Reader headcanons
A/N: My first writing for the SCP universe!
SCP-1504 was “captured” by the SCP Foundation two weeks ago and you were a junior researcher shadowing a senior researcher, Dr. Reed, in collecting data from the subject. Reed told you to limit your reactions when in an interview, don’t want the interviewee to gain the upper hand on you. You thought it was a little cold but you needed to be cold here especially if you wanted to climb the ladder to success.
You entered the interview room with Reed and began the interview. He placed his tape recorder down as all three of you sat at the table. You got a good look at SCP-1504 but there wasn’t much to see, an average guy with an average build and even the ability of being invulnerable seemed average... at least for the Foundation’s standards.
“I’m senior researcher- Dr. Reed, I’ll be interviewing you today and this is junior researcher Dr. [Y/N], they’ll be shadowing me during this interview.” Reed explained, SCP-1504 seemed to not care at all and didn’t even respond. He honestly seemed more interested in a corner of the ceiling.
“Beginning interview of SCP-1504, now.” Reed started and pressed ‘record’ on the tape recorder.
“What is your name?”
“...Joe, but that doesn’t matter anyway.” Even his voice was average...
“Thank you, but can I get your last name as well?”
“It doesn’t fucking matter, you’re just gonna ignore me.”
“That’s ok.”
Looks like Joe isn’t gonna be the most cooperative interviewee.
“What is your birthdate?” He continued to ask, Joe leaned on his arm and seemed busy with the dirt under his nails.
“Fuck you.” You almost let out a sigh, you could understand why Joe would be upset with the Foundation putting him under custody. But that was the Foundation. He shouldn’t take it out on the staff, most of the staff already had seen things that’d make the most harden criminal shiver in fear.
“Thank you for the year but do you have the month and day?” Reed wrote down ‘1983’ on the data form. You were confused, was he being sarcastic and just guessing Joe’s birthday? Were they even allowed to do that? Maybe Dr. Reed wasn’t as professional as you originally thought.
“I didn’t give you a fucking year, hey you-“ Joe had finally acknowledged you. You barely had any time to think when he continued.
“Watch this.” Joe swung his arm back and landed a hard punch to Reed’s nose. Reed caught his nose and some of the blood draining from it. You stared with a slightly gaped mouth. Jesus, just in 3 minutes the interview was over. Was that a record?
“Oh... it seems I got a nosebleed, strange though, I’m- I’m usually not prone to random nosebleeds...” Reed commented and you were taken aback a bit,
“Excuse me, I’ll be back.” Reed calmly left the room leaving the you and Joe alone. You wondered if the doctor was doing some type of interrogation technique maybe? Did he want to continue the interview after that? You just wanted to know what was going through his mind. You glanced back to Joe, again, he was leaning back on his hand and seemed preoccupied with admiring the doctor’s blood that was left on his knuckles. What an asshole…
“That type of behavior won’t be tolerated by the SCP Foundation.” You regretted opening your mouth almost instantly, this is Reed’s interview not yours. Joe’s eyes moved to his knuckles to you. He stopped leaning on his arm and turned his attention to you fully.
“And what type of behavior is that, enlighten me, Dr....” He trailed on, you felt some annoyance go through you, he hadn’t even remembered your name.
“Dr. [Y/N], and assaulting personal won’t be tolerated by the Foundation. You’re now here and I suggest you abide by our rules. It’ll be easier for all of us but especially for you.” You continued, you knew that this was a bad idea, you were just shadowing but Reed had been your saving grace ever since you started here and you didn’t like this asshole thinking that he could get away with hurting others just because he was invulnerable. Joe’s eyes widened.
“You-You saw that? Hitting- uhh- what’s his face?” He almost sounded frantic, you were puzzled when Reed came back into the room.
“Again, I’m not prone to random nosebleeds, so weird.” He casually remarked and sat next to you again. Joe ignored him and frantically reached over the table and grabbed you by the lab coat, his face just inches from yours.
“Do. You. See. Me?” He repeated. After a moment of silent contact you answered.
“U-uh yes?” You sputtered out before discreetly reaching for the panic button under the table. You pressed it. Then you pressed it again, and again. Nothing. No guards were storming in to contain the subject. Joe continued to stare into your eyes, did he think you were lying? Though why on earth would anyone lie about that?
“You can see me...” Joe slowly murmured before gently letting go of your coat and sitting back down onto his seat. His eyes continued to not break with yours. You kept hitting the panic button. Joe had seemed to finally leave his trance.
“... I- uh shut off that button the minute you walked into the door.” He answered, you felt coldness run over you... He wasn’t just invulnerable?
“Alright, I’m sorry for leaving, had to get a tissue.” Reed sniffled a laugh.
“Continuing with the interview- now.”
“Joe, are you aware on why you can’t be hurt?” Reed continued. Joe elected ignored him.
“Oh my god- you can see me... Finally.” Joe’s eyes were wet with tears. You were so confused, you looked to Dr. Reed, he scribbled down on the data form. All this was definitely not what you expected when you came into the room.
“Why do think that people can’t see you?” You asked, you felt the tiniest bit of guilt highjacking Reed’s interview like this but this was much more important.
“You said I can see you, what do you mean by that?” You asked, Joe wiped the remaining tears away.
“You can see the real me... no one else can, all they see is a fake version of me and no matter what I did, everyone thinks it’s normal.” His voice was still a little hoarse from the crying.
“Maybe.” Reed nodded his head.
“See? I could do and say anything but that guy won’t notice... I even fucking punched him in his fucking nose and he didn’t notice!” Joe yelled but seemed to immediately regret it.
“I-I’m sorry, I just- I’m sorry for hitting that guy...” Joe kept his eyes on the ground.
“He didn’t deserve that, he didn’t do anything wrong.” he continued. You noticed how rapidly his demeanor changed.
“My entire life I’ve never had a conversation normally with someone who could see the real me.” His eyes made it up to you and his hands on table seemed to subtly inch towards yours, you felt uncomfortable and put your hands back to your side.
“And when do you think this started?” Reed asked, now both of you were going to ignore him.
“And the panic button?” You asked, you glanced at the recorder, it was still recording. The room’s lights suddenly buzzed brightly.
“I can also control electrical systems.”
“Invulnerability, technological manipulation and.... well I’m not actually sure if your other ability has a name.” You said dryly.
“I originally planned on seeing if there was anything to kill me here and escaping if there wasn’t but now... I think I want to stay here, if you’re here, of course...” He trailed off.
“And how do you think this ability has effected you personally?” Reed cut in again.
“You want to kill yourself?” You asked worryingly.
“I was living in a virtual hell, just imagine everyday, everyone around you not even seeing you as you cry or laugh. I never even had a real conversation with my family, they were always talking to some version of me, not the real me and I couldn’t even put myself out of my own misery with this fucking invulnerability.” He explained, you nodded your head but you also felt a weight grow on you. You’re the only person who he can talk to?
“I can’t be the only one, if I can talk to you, surely there must be others.” A million different theories started racing through your head. But the biggest question on your mind was ‘Why you? Of all people?’
“Thank you for your cooperation Joe, this is the end of the interview.” Reed reached over to grab the tape recorder when you snatched it away from him in the last second. Reed seemed confused before shaking his head.
“Oh... it’s seems that I wasn’t even recording this interview, no worries though, I’m sure the guys above can just watch the camera tapes instead.” He awkwardly laughed, as if maybe, he knew that something was amiss.
“If it’s alright with you, I want to make an independent study about your powers. Like testing the limits of your powers and well maybe, curing you of them.” You suggested, you had your hand firmly on the recorder. Surely if you gathered evidence and put a study together and showed it all to the proper channels, the Foundation could help Joe, you thought. Joe seemed to pause and stared at the table before his eyes made it up to yours again.
“As long as I can talk with you, I don’t mind staying here.” You smiled, you offered your hand out, he returned the smile and shook your hand.
Those words flashed bright red against the projector screen illuminating the twelve figures in the conference room.
“And what site was this at?” A voice broke the silence,
“Site 43.” Another figure chimed in, murmuring could be heard through out the dark room.
“Jesus, how did we not catch this before?”
“SCP-1504’s abilities effect audio and video recordings and of course the perceptions of humans. In the late Dr. [Y/N]’s research, it seems to be the case regardless of how high a subject scores on Perceptual Awareness tests.”
“And how did the late Dr. [Y/N] not succumb to these effects?”
“We still don’t know, my people are doing an autopsy but let’s just say- there isn’t much to study... nuclear warheads do that.” A sultry voice whispered, the person behind the voice tapped lightly on their clipboard. The clipboard had a file clipped to it titled ‘Site 43 Staff and Entity Recovery’.
“Vote on raising the priority level of recovery for SCP-1504 to Alpha, say aye.”
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giogiohcs · 3 years
The Telepathy song is just
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giogiohcs · 3 years
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Brown Eyes AU Miraculous Ladybug!
Adrien and Marinette with brown eyes!
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giogiohcs · 3 years
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Remember if you like a writer’s works, reblog so that works of writers get spread!
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giogiohcs · 3 years
Can I request a Victoria Secret or underwear model MC? Like how will the characters react if they accidentally read a magazine with MC as the cover? I don't know if this request should add NSFW but do as you like ❤️. Thank you!
A/N: Sorry for this taking so long! Also you didn’t put what fandom or characters you wanted so I just did the brothers from Obey Me!
-When Mammon was bombarding him and trying to convince him to look at his newest modeling shoot, he was annoyed.
-But since Mammon wouldn’t stop until he looked he finally took the magazine from his younger brother’s hand and flipped through it.
-Then he froze, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. Maybe he denied his true feelings for you for so long that he was now seeing you everywhere? But when Mammon’s jaw dropped comically at the photos, he knew that they were real. The vein on his forehead came out prominently and he yelled for Mammon to leave immediately.
-In the pictures you were barely clothed in nothing but your underwear while staring at the camera like you were tempting him. He darkly chuckled thinking about what to do about this... situation..
-In your normal routine, you went to Lucifer’s office to see him holding the magazine and the same lingerie that you modeled in the shoot.
-You were sore all over when he was done with you.
-How he feels about it is a mix of pride and betrayal and a tad bit jealousy.
-Pride because of course you’re one of the most beautiful creatures in all the realms and jealousy because you’re *his* and betrayal because you didn’t tell him before doing the shoot.
-Once sexy time is over, you two talk it out and reach an understanding with each other. He doesn’t mind what your job is as long as you’re happy <3.
-During a modeling gig that he was doing, he was trying to find the bathroom and went into the wrong room, he was immediately gonna leave until he heard your voice.
-His head snapped to you and immediately flushed red seeing you in sexy lingerie. Then his eyes snapped to the cameras and flushed even redder in anger.
-Like an action hero sacrificing himself , he immediately dove in front of the camera to protect your modesty✨ which made for some hilarious pictures.
-He dragged you home and when the door closed, he started to fuss about how he should be the only one seeing you like that.
-You explained that it’s your job and it’s hypocritical that he was complaining about it as he was a model too.
-In frustration, he asked how much you were being paid to take your clothes off, real cute.
-When you answered, you saw him light up and you could see the dollar signs in his eyes.
-Suddenly you both are underwear models...
-HE should be the only one seeing you like that!
-When he accidentally learns about you already being an underwear model and you didn’t tell him, he feels very betrayed.
-How could his best friend, his Henry, have a secret like that and NOT tell him.
-The worst part, millions of people saw you like that MONTHS before Levi did.
-His envy mixed with his jealousy is a dangerous combination.
-You had to calm him down from releasing his sea monsters on everyone.
-But after you did, he shut you out of his room and his life.
-He didn’t come out for weeks until you and his brothers convinced him for the newest gaming console.
-After, you began talking again, you weren’t together anymore but you also weren’t strangers like you were before.
-It only takes awhile of talking before he starts inviting you to his room again for anime marathons and cuddles.
-Oh? Now this is interesting...
-When he flipped through a magazine and saw you, he smiled, you looked divine, more beautiful than any angel. But an angel would never wear that, especially in front of a camera~
-He smirked, looks like his little kitten has some secrets they kept from him.
-He begins to scheme for revenge for not telling him sooner.
-You come to his room and he corners you and asks why you didn’t tell him.
-You say that it simply slipped your mind and you didn’t mean to not tell him, you swear it!
-He smiles at you with the fakest smile you’ve ever seen.
-He tells you that there’s a way to make up for your betrayal, he hands you a cat themed lingerie set with a pair of fuzzy hand cuffs.
-You were very sore afterwards...
-Flipping through all of his magazines for the latest fashion and makeup trends, he accidentally came upon you, laying on a velvet bed with barely anything covering you as you seductively looked at the camera.
-Asmo felt his heart beat rise to his ears and a tune whistle through his lips, he never expected his sweet bunny to be a fox in disguise~
-He shook those thoughts away when he remembered the fact that you didn’t tell him!!
-What is the “it” referring to? He wasn’t even sure himself.
-But the dramatic betrayal left him feeling blue... Did you not trust him enough? Did you not feel as serious as he was in your guys relationship that you didn’t feel the need to tell him?
-He comes to you and asks why you didn’t tell him earlier.
-When you explained that it merely slipped your mind and you always had such fun with him that you didn’t even think about work. He sadly smiles. He pretends to immediately forget about everything and goes back to the normal routine but he feels anything but normal.
-Was he just fun to you? If you felt that way, he wouldn’t blame you. Many demons and humans used him to have a good time. Used and to be discarded... that’s his life.
-He amount of trust he had in you and your relationship dwindles.
-It isn’t until you sit down with him and have an open and honest discussion about your guy’s relationship that things begin bounce back.
-Yes, sometimes he can be a *little* dramatic...
-Why was there a lingerie ad in a food magazine? Was his first question.
-Why were you in the lingerie ad? Was his second question.
-He suddenly didn’t feel hungry for food, it was weird, was he upset? Turned on? He didn’t know.
-He looked at the ad long and hard before calling you.
-When you picked up the phone there was a long silence before he asked if he could come to your room.
-It was strange? You almost laughed at how weird he was being.
-But when he came to your room, you knew something was up, he simply handed you the magazine and let you explain.
-You explained that it just never came up and it slipped your mind, he was happy, of course you’d tell him earlier if you could. You trust him as much as he trusts you.
-He then invites you to an all you can eat buffet for dinner, he finally starts feeling normal and hungry again.
-He trusts and loves you❤️
-Belphie like any other day was sleeping in a place he shouldn’t, one of the many couches of the House of Lamentation, until he kept feeling something uncomfortable underneath him.
-He tried to ignore the thing but even he, the avatar of sloth, couldn’t ignore it.
-He reached under the cushions and found a magazine stuffed in between them.
-He was gonna throw it across the room until a page flipped to a picture of you, in sexy lingerie.
-His chest felt tight and his head felt like it was steaming hot.
-He needed to leave.
-Belphie hadn’t come down for dinner, lunch or breakfast and wasn’t answering your texts and calls, it worried you.
-You went to the twin’s room and only saw Beel, you went up to the attic and saw a snoozing lump of blankets on the bed. You smiled.
-You went up to cuddle your demon but ended up being kicked off the bed immediately and Belphie growling at you from under the covers.
-You were confused and questioned him, his tail came from under the covers and swiped the magazine at your face.
-You explained that it’s just a job and you would’ve told him earlier but it just never came up. You apologized to him and gave him the cutest sorry face you could muster.
-Belphie hid under the covers again but after a few seconds invited you under too.
-You cuddled and he apologized for kicking you off the bed <3
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giogiohcs · 3 years
Please Title your x readers with fem! if they are.
I am so sick and tired of finding fanfictions that look interesting, and going in hoping for GN readers, only to be figuratively slapped in the face with a female reader. It sucks as someone who isn't comfortable with she/her pronouns or titles when you see that in a fic without expecting it.
Please just make it clear. I am so tired of getting excited by a fanfiction, only to be hit the face with a fem reader- there's nothing wrong with fem readers. But please, just make it clear. I'm tired of this.
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