gjbramer · 2 months
It looks like the cookie won’t be crumbling after all.
Google is scrapping its tumultuous, years-long effort to eliminate third-party cookies on Chrome.
In an announcement made Monday, the search giant indicates that it plans to keep third-party cookies up and running for those who don’t disable them. However, to enhance user privacy while preserving advertising effectiveness, Google plans to roll out a new solution: a one-time prompt that enables users to set preferences that will apply across Google browsing experiences.
“We are proposing an updated approach that elevates user choice,” wrote Anthony Chavez, vice-president of Privacy Sandbox, in a blog post published today. “Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time.”
more>> https://www.thedrum.com/news/2024/07/22/shock-decision-google-abandons-third-party-cookie-deprecation-plans
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gjbramer · 4 months
Clicks and Engagement Impact SEO
For years Google denied using clicks on organic listings as a ranking signal. We now know otherwise. Recently revealed documents show Google indeed uses click-related signals in its algorithm
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Here’s an overview of those documents with my takeaways on the search engine optimization impact.
more >> https://www.practicalecommerce.com/yes-clicks-and-engagement-impact-seo
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gjbramer · 6 months
Internal Link Audits
Why are Internal Links Important for SEO?
I can't stress enough how crucial internal links are for your website's SEO.
A good internal link structure improves users' experience on your website. Thanks to well-placed internal links, visitors delve deeper and deeper into your content, and they will (in general) stick around longer and bounce less. These user signals will help boost your site's standing with search engines.
This is especially true now that we know Google uses click data (as we have speculated for years) as part of their ranking algorithm.
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Along with user experience benefits, an excellent internal link structure helps search engines find and index your pages, significantly boosting your site's visibility in the SERPs. Using internal links, you can quickly spread link equity across your website.
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gjbramer · 6 months
Lead Generation Landing Page Examples
Landing Pages vs. Web Pages: What’s the Difference?
The public-facing pages on your website are largely informational. They’re designed to keep people on the site as long as possible, and they do that with smart internal links and valuable content that answers questions and educates visitors. 
Web pages are great for attracting traffic and positioning your products or services. They aren’t that effective at converting visitors. For that you need lead generating landing pages.
Landing pages have only two jobs.
To keep the promise made in the ad, email, social post, or link that preceded the page.
To ask your visitor to do something.
Landing pages work because they don’t encourage browsing or exploring. They’re designed to promote one specific offer and drive visitors to complete one designated course of action. 
One of the most common uses for landing pages is to generate leads. 
read more>>
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gjbramer · 8 months
As a business, you no doubt want to find a way to increase business. One of the impulses is to spend money on advertising or other aspects of digital marketing that work faster. The problem with this mindset is, spending money on advertising and other “flashier” parts of digital marketing doesn’t yield results.
SEO, on the other hand, does. The issue is that it takes a lot of patients, and it takes a while to work. Here’s a look at why all businesses need SEO.
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Whether we think this is valid or not, people perform internet searches when looking for content. It’s ingrained in our culture. This is the number one reasons why all business need SEO. If you don’t pay attention to SEO, you will not be there when someone in your audience searches for information related to your business.
If your website is not optimized for search engines, it will be harder for them to find and index your content. This means that you may miss out on potential customers and opportunities. By implementing a strong SEO strategy, you can ensure that your website is easily discoverable, and that it ranks high in search results for relevant queries.\
more>> https://www.brickmarketing.com/blog/businesses-seo
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gjbramer · 8 months
ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Personas
Generative AI platforms such as ChatGPT have access to much data to respond to our needs. Marketers can use that info for many purposes, including understanding their audiences and creating buyer personas.
Here are three examples. >>> https://www.practicalecommerce.com/chatgpt-prompts-for-customer-personas
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gjbramer · 8 months
Discover humanizer models and delve into their impact on AI content detection.
With the launch of ChatGPT’s GPT Store, users can now access GPT models that are fine-tuned for specific types of assistance. Ranging from creative writing to legal advice, technical coding and even medical information, these specialized GPTs go well beyond the ordinary ChatGPT model. 
In the two months since the announcement that would allow ChatGPT users to create custom versions of the program, numerous builders from a variety of backgrounds and specialties have shared their creations with others.
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Not surprisingly, some of the most popular GPTs are “humanizers”. Humanizers are designed to subvert the robotic “AI-sounding” GPT writing and replace it with content that sounds more human. 
But are these “human-style” models really able to create undetectable AI content? 
We put them to the test.
read more >>https://originality.ai/blog/do-humanize-ai-gpts-work
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gjbramer · 9 months
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gjbramer · 10 months
This is a 1 hour general-audience introduction to Large Language Models: the core technical component behind systems like ChatGPT, Claude, and Bard. What they are, where they are headed, comparisons and analogies to present-day operating systems, and some of the security-related challenges of this new computing paradigm. As of November 2023 (this field moves fast!).
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gjbramer · 11 months
Important Points And Frequently Answered Questions For Site Owners And SEOs
Welcome To Google Land.
The past two months in Google Land has been one of the most volatile times I can remember in the search industry. Google released the August broad core update, then a powerful helpful content update in September, then the October broad core update, and also sandwiched in a spam update which overlapped the October core update. Needless to say, it’s been a crazy and wild time for SEOs and site owners. Like I’ve said many times before, Welcome To Google Land.
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As the updates have been rolling out, I have spoken with countless site owners that have been impacted. And during those conversations, I find myself explaining the same points and answering the same questions over and over. 
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gjbramer · 1 year
SEO fo French wine
Bonjour, mes amis ! Today, I'm excited to share some practical tips and strategies for writing SEO-friendly blog posts, specifically about French wine. As a French wine expert, I know that high-quality content is essential for attracting and engaging readers. But with so many factors to consider, SEO can be daunting. That's where this post comes in.
I'll walk you through the entire process, from keyword research to proper headings and meta descriptions. I'll also share some insider tips for writing informative and engaging content that will establish your expertise in French wine.
Keyword research
The first step to writing an SEO-friendly blog post is to choose the right keywords. These are the words and phrases that people are most likely to search for when they're looking for information about your topic.
There are a number of different keyword research tools available, both free and paid. Some popular options include Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs.
Once you've chosen a few relevant keywords, start brainstorming blog post ideas. Think about what kind of information your target audience would be interested in learning. What are their pain points? What questions do they have?
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Proper headings
Headings are important for both SEO and readability. They help search engines understand the structure of your content and make it easier for readers to scan your post.
When writing headings, use your target keywords whenever possible. However, don't keyword stuff. Make sure your headings are still natural and easy to read.
Meta descriptions
Meta descriptions are the short snippets of text that appear under your blog post title in search results. They're a great opportunity to entice potential readers to click on your post.
When writing your meta description, include your target keyword(s) and a brief overview of what your post is about. Make sure your description is accurate and compelling, and keep it under 160 characters.
By following the tips and strategies in this post, you can write SEO-friendly blog posts that will help you attract and engage readers, establish your expertise in French wine, and grow your online presence.
Conversational yet authoritative tone
Throughout your blog post, use a conversational yet authoritative tone. This will help you engage readers and establish yourself as an expert on your topic.
Here are a few tips for writing in a conversational tone:
Use contractions (e.g., I'm, you're, don't).
Avoid using too much jargon or technical language.
Ask questions and address your readers directly.
Share personal stories and anecdotes.
Here are a few tips for writing in an authoritative tone:
Use evidence to support your claims (e.g., statistics, research findings, expert opinions).
Write confidently and use strong verbs.
Avoid using qualifiers (e.g., I think, I believe, maybe).
Here is an example of a blog post title, meta description, and heading that follow the tips and strategies outlined above:
Title: The Best French Wines for Beginners (2023 Guide)
Meta description: Looking for the best French wines for beginners? Look no further! In this guide, I'll introduce you to 10 delicious and affordable wines that are perfect for getting started.
Heading: What are the best French wines for beginners?
This title, meta description, and heading are all relevant to the target keyword "best French wines for beginners." They are also informative and engaging, and they use a conversational yet authoritative tone.
Informative sections
Your blog post should be divided into informative sections, each with its own heading. This will make your post easier to read and scan.
When writing your sections, make sure to cover all aspects of your topic. Be comprehensive and informative, but avoid using too much jargon or technical language.
Here is an example of a blog post outline for an article about the best French wines for beginners:
Introduction: What is French wine and why is it so popular?
What are the different types of French wine?
How to choose the best French wine for you
The 10 best French wines for beginners
Conclusion: Tips for enjoying French wine
By following the tips and strategies in this post, you can write SEO-friendly blog posts that will help you attract and engage readers, establish your expertise in French wine, and grow your online presence.
Bonne chance!
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gjbramer · 1 year
Google uses Click Data for Rankings
So far, Google has. at least publicly, vehemently denied using click data to sort search results. In the hearings currently underway in the USA regarding potential antitrust violations by Google, a different perspective is now emerging.
more>> https://www.sistrix.com/blog/google-uses-click-data-for-rankings/
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gjbramer · 1 year
Domain Authority scores should never be a KPI in your SEO reports
Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that supposedly predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs).
DA scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater likelihood of achieving higher rankings.
It’s also a problematic metric misused by unsuspecting marketers and abused by bad actors in the industry. Here’s why it’s time to rethink Domain Authority’s role in your SEO efforts.
read more>> https://searchengineland.com/moz-domain-authority-case-against-431732
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gjbramer · 1 year
Map Your Keywords to the Buyer's Journey and User Intent 
So talking to you about how to map your keywords to your user intent and the buyer's journey, so showing you a good framework to use when you're building out your strategy, doing your keyword research, and sort of want to give that extra added value to your clients so they fully understand the whole point of keyword research.
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gjbramer · 1 year
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gjbramer · 1 year
SEO and Internal Anchor Text
Internal links help search engine bots crawl a site and assign value to a page — more links imply higher value.
But the anchor text for internal links is important, too. Here’s why.
Internal Anchor Text
Why Anchor Text?
The importance of anchor text has been confirmed many times by Google’s representatives — from a 2013 video with Matt Cutts (the then head of Google’s webspam team) to two 2020 videos, June and September, with John Mueller (Google’s search relations team lead).
The 2020 videos address two key points:
Internal and external anchor text helped Google understand the linked page
The context surrounding or near the link is secondary; the anchor text is much stronger.
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gjbramer · 1 year
Create Informational Content with POVs
Informational SEO content, by itself, only drives traffic.
It’s the ideas you put inside that determine whether it’ll drive anything else besides that (say, conversions, revenue, etc.).
But unless you’re a media outlet where the goal is to get views and clicks for ads, you don’t just want traffic.
You want your content to persuade your readers to do something — whether it's to sign up for a product trial, buy your product, or contact you for a consultation.
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That's where points of view (POVs) come in. We’ll go into more detail about how POVs help your informational content drive sales, but first, let’s define what they mean and see an example.
read more >>>https://moz.com/blog/informational-content-with-povs
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