goblinprincess · 5 years
I aspire to be elegant and witty like Elizabeth Bennett but I'm kinda dumb and also I burp out loud so
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goblinprincess · 5 years
When I say I'm not good enough, I mean it.
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goblinprincess · 5 years
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They're sayin' you're a lucky man but I dunno about that
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goblinprincess · 5 years
One time my bf and I were chillin in the guest room of my house, which is right next to the kitchen, btw. We're kinda making out and it's gettin a lil steamy, which is kinda rare for us because we've been taking things slow since it's my first relationship. Anyhow, it's like midnight, we're doing our thing, and then this obnoxious sound comes from the kitchen. Both my bf and I lose our shit and all I managed to say was "She's bLENDING"
Yeah my mom was blending cheese at midnight and it ruined my first makeout session.
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goblinprincess · 5 years
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Hello friends, I'm sorry for not being super active lately, things have been a wee bit tough for me recently. I usually use tumblr as kind of an emotional outlet, but I wouldn't even know where to start this time around. I don't want to fill up your feeds with my sob story either. Regardless, I hope you're doing well friends, keep it ugly.
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goblinprincess · 5 years
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I love you just a little too much
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goblinprincess · 5 years
Hey guys, I've finally started up a proper art page! I'd really appreciate it if you'd follow and maybe commission me if you like! I'm in art school at the moment so this is super duper important! Thanks guys 💕
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Someone call the doctor; and someone call the nurse; and someone buy me roses; and someone burned the church
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goblinprincess · 5 years
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goblinprincess · 5 years
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Hello friends, I wanted to make this post about my art, as I was turned down from my job on the first day as the business owner felt I wasn't outspoken enough this morning. I'm going to be making all my money up to the next summer off commissions and sales. You can find several of my pieces on my website www.goblinscribbles.com as well as many more on my art instagram @goblin.scribbles. This piece hasn't been posted anywhere yet, so surprise! Here's my Billy and Mandy book box! It's a box! Shaped like a book! I'm looking for someone willing to pay at least $30 for it, normally I would charge 40, but this is the first one to go up and likely the last of the drawer type! This is a wooden box painted using acrylics and sealed with a gloss. Of you're interested in this or any other art from me, please drop a message! I'd really appreciate it if you could share this!
Psst, I've already begun working on a rad Panty and Stocking box as well as a Sailor Moon one!!
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goblinprincess · 5 years
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I'm sorry for the way I am.
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goblinprincess · 5 years
I thought I understood love. I thought I knew what it did to me, how it made me feel. I'm not so sure anymore, because whenever I'm with you, I feel happiness I didn't think I was capable of anymore.
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goblinprincess · 5 years
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You are my raindrops on roses.
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goblinprincess · 5 years
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I love you too much to talk you down
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goblinprincess · 5 years
I'm in love
That's unfortunate.
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goblinprincess · 5 years
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"No one's gonna take my soul away"
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goblinprincess · 6 years
So I just wanted to say, for the past few months I've been in a very happy relationship with the person this, as well as many other posts, were written about. I realized I couldn't let him pass me by, and so I told him I had caught feelings for him and here we are. A few people messaged me and said they really felt this letter, so I just wanted to finish the story I guess. Thank you friends.
Hi. I don’t really know a tactful way to put this, so I’ll just jump into it, God knows this letter will never see the light of day anyways. I like you, more than I ought to, as I know my place in the social group, especially when guys are involved. I’ve decided I don’t care much about that though, in terms of my own thoughts at least. I wanted to ask you to prom, you know, but I couldnt. I wanted to do something cool and brave, march myself up to you and say “we’re going to prom, find a red shirt” but I couldn’t. Even if I didn’t have this thing in my brain that stops me from being brave I don’t think I could. I wouldn’t know what the hell I was doing, after all. I’m still not sure what drew me to you, so many months ago now, but I think I’ve figured out at least part of what held my attention. In you I see humanity. I see the most perfectly placed imperfection, the most perfect imbalance of ego and uncertainty, the most perfect combination of beauty and the things people like to call ugly while they preach that no one is. It was a daydream, I guess, you were, I mean. I wanted to draw you something. Something pretty, something cool, I don’t really know, but I get attached to my art, and I get attached to the sentiment. I don’t think I could bear you handing it back to me. And I know I’ve got an issue with names, because names make things too real. So, consider this a slightly skewed love letter that I wrote at 2 am. To you, my dear, from an unrequited lover.
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goblinprincess · 6 years
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"Love this dead girl walking"
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