goodluckmochi · 3 days
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goodluckmochi · 3 days
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me before bed every night
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goodluckmochi · 5 days
I don't usually engage in Fandom other than reading fic and reblogging what i like (pardon my age-symptomatic bubble), but I just gotta say
When the Harry Potter books came out, I was old enough and literate and read all of them "live". That is to say: I was a child, and saw things as black and white as dear old doorknob Harry James.
Now, at the ripe age of 34, as I re-read (re-listen, really, on Storytell) the books, I can not help but to say: Jesus fugg.
Apart from Trelawney, and correct me if I'm wrong, but every pathetic character is fat. I'm not even saying mean, or unlikeable. I'm saying pathetic. Dudley, Vernon, Marge, Neville, Umbridge, Wormtail, Slughorn - I lost count, really. Mean and competent? Gaunt. "Just" or "mostly" pathetic? Fat. Neville even grows out of being fat before he does anything "worthy". My fucking GOD I hate JKR. Thank God for fanfiction and all of the writers who try to make sense into the work she never even fucking bothered, the great fascist transphobic bloody (((censored)))
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goodluckmochi · 5 days
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goodluckmochi · 15 days
Expanding a thought from a conversation this morning:
In general, I think "Is X out-of-character?" is not a terribly useful question for a writer. It shuts down possibility, and interesting directions you could take a character.
A better question, I believe, is "What would it take for Character to do X?" What extremity would she find herself in, where X starts to look like a good idea? What loyalties or fears leave him with X as his only option? THAT'S where a potentially interesting story lies.
In practice, I find that you can often justify much more from a character than you initially dreamed you could: some of my best stories come from "What might drive Character to do [thing he would never do]?" As long as you make it clear to the reader what the hell pushed your character to this point, you've got the seed of a compelling story on your hands.
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goodluckmochi · 18 days
A trope that gets to me: 'guard dog' character and their partner who are both fully aware of it and honestly don't care/kind of like it. Someone says "call your guard dog off" and their partner does call them off. That person, their 'guard dog', is someone who is unreservedly, irrefutably loyal to them. Someone undoubtedly dangerous who is willing to kill, to maim, to obey, simply because of their love for one another. There's no manipulation involved— it is loyalty, brutal, dogged loyalty. And it goes both ways.
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goodluckmochi · 22 days
May 2: Resplendent
It wasn’t the Yule ball and Harry wasn’t the fumbling fourteen-year-old who thought he only liked pretty girls.
No, eighteen-year-old Harry was under no such delusions and Draco Malfoy looked resplendent in his shimmering, midnight blue robes.
Harry started toward him, it’s time everyone knows he likes pretty boys too.
Written for @microficmay ‘s 5/2 prompt ‘resplendent’
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goodluckmochi · 22 days
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collection of posts for a very specific dynamic
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goodluckmochi · 29 days
something about the wand choosing the wizard and wands with unicorn hair cores being the most faithful yet when Harry needed it most Draco’s wand worked for him and helped him
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goodluckmochi · 1 month
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goodluckmochi · 1 month
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goodluckmochi · 1 month
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Valentine’s Day - Mirror of ecidyrue, book 2
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goodluckmochi · 1 month
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goodluckmochi · 1 month
those posts criticizing common writing patterns in fanfiction are so fucking harmful and they ruined me
so like yknow what??? People tell you to avoid “smirk” and “chuckle” as descriptors because no one does those things (???) but then when I need to use those words I have a ten minute crisis about how I’m a shitty writer. So heres my unwarranted writing advice: If you want your characters to smirk and chuckle fucking let them and don’t let anyone tell you that no one smirks or chuckles because I do both on a daily basis whenever I tell a shitty pun, bye 
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goodluckmochi · 1 month
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this is his third injury this week alone...
healer x auror
also I know it's unconventional but I like the idea of healers also using certain muggle tools but the ✨magic✨ version of it
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goodluckmochi · 2 months
Harry: Thank you for inviting me to Draco’s wedding today, Mrs Malfoy
Narcissa: Yes, it’s no problem, dear
Harry: This is probably a stupid question, but who is Draco marrying? I haven’t seen them?
Lucius: You. You’re the fiancé. This is your wedding with Draco
Harry: Wait, what?
Lucius: There’s your officiant. This is your wedding ring. I suggest taking him somewhere far, far away for your honeymoon.
Narcissa: For a week
Lucius: Here’s some money, make it two
Draco, walking in: Oh! This is beautiful! Who’s having a wedding today?
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goodluckmochi · 2 months
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Current mood ;-;
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