gothamcityhistory · 2 months
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I love how he has a symbol speed dial for his family members.
Nightwing .... I'm unsure for the last two
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I love this little argument they have
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gothamcityhistory · 2 months
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I love this Batman moment. I love him using his fear factor to take down criminals.
0 notes
gothamcityhistory · 2 months
Detective Comics #1062
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This Issue was great and weird. I really liked the art and jokes and the writing is nice so far. I've heard people say great things about this run and I'm excited to jump into it!
Issue Credits:
Cover by: Evan Cagle
Gotham Nocturne: Overture, Part 1
Story by: Ram V
Art by: Rafael Albuquerque
The Coda, Part 1
Story by: Simon Spurrier
Art by: Dani
I really like the set up of the story thus far. - Bruce is getting too old for this. Or is he? - The Orgham from Coronis and how they intend to rebuild their legacy in Gotham. - Barbatos' whole deal - Jim Gordon getting old as well but not wanting to give up and finding that young child. I know this is the first issue of the run so I'm excited to see what comes up ahead!
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Him testing on himself to check what's wrong really shows how paranoid he is and maybe irrational(?) I love how it illustrates what he thinks of himself.
I praise Rafael Albuquerque and Dani for their work on this issue. Time to show off some of the pieces I liked
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Thank you all for reading!!
Come back whenever! I will post at rarely the same Bat-Time but always the same Bat-Blog!
0 notes
gothamcityhistory · 8 months
Detective Comics #29
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I love this cover art! I like how you can't see Batman's face - It makes him look more menacing! I hate that he doesn't have his purple gloves though... or any gloves... Nothing says stealth like leaving your fingerprints at the scene of the crime. The style of the building, the guy dropping the knife. His pose is so funny!!
I also love Doctor Death's secret lair with technology and bits and bobs... random human skull. Anyways, I also like his pose that is like "Drat!! It's the Batman!"
You might've also realised that I don't call Batman "The Bat-Man" anymore. It's because in this issue is where they drop the dash! (Well not in the title but y'know-)
Also in this post I'm going to start covering up text boxes where possible- Not if not actually reacting to something in the text box
Issue Credits:
Cover by: Bob Kane
Story by: Gardner Fox
Art by: Bob Kane
Oh my god I loved that comic. It was really good. You should read it!!
Live Read:
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Ohhhhh this is before he turned to a life of crime
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What's wild to me is that how it worked so quickly to get his attention
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They just give it to him?- ??? No like verification?? No one was curious and collected it just cuz?-
Post man read the paper too and is like "Is that fucking playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne?"
Also the message says that he gets says that the guy will commit a murder and challenges Bruce to go alone and I like how Bruce is like "Sure. Why not". 1939 Bruce really gave no shits
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It takes him an half an hour to change into his batsuit. canonically
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Also he has those just cuz. Expected this day might come
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I like to imagine he was there in his car, engine on just waiting for 8:30 exactly to drive-
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Uhm okay...
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Woah! No grappling hook yet!! A Lasso. Yee haw Cowboy...
It probably comes from his grandpappy Zorro
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Batman! Batman! Does whatever a spider can-
Also do bats climb up the sides of buildings?
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Yippeeeeee!! I love when Batman is being cautious and sneakyy!!
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"I'm not trapped here with you. You're trapped here with me"
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Bro went to far #NotMyBatman
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I'm keeping this as a reaction Image- You can too-
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I audibly gasped- /gen
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They didn't have to do my bro like that and also why is his ethnicity relevant?-
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"It happened on a night out with the boys. Trust"
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"K boss"
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I'm also keeping this-
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He says that out loud- Bruce, my man, he could hear you.
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That shit surprised me ngl
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Doctor Death is legitimately insane wtf
I loved that comic. It was great and I actually enjoyed myself reading it and I got immersed in the last few pages and forgot to write my thoughts on the panels as I read them.
I got used to the narration style of the comic so that might be what helped.
I loved the art in the issue a lot so I wont be restricting myself for the Art section.
I liked the Batman acting more Batman and the lasso stuff. That was so cool!!
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I love this panel. It's so cool!!
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Hell yeah.
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Thank you all for reading!!
Come back whenever! I will post at rarely the same Bat-Time but always the same Bat-Blog!
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gothamcityhistory · 8 months
I'm also going to use this format going on
I showcase the cover, Talk about it and any other facts about the current comic
Issue Credits:
I give credit to the people who created the Issue
A spoiler free review of the comic so that you can see if I recommend it or if you find it interesting enough to read it on your own.
Live Read:
While technically not live, I do write them as I'm reading the comic. So this is about as authentic as you can get to me reading the comic with you.
This will include my reactions as well as the panels I'm reacting to.
Are my thoughts after I read the comic. Things I pick out and find interesting and maybe by the time I get to the current times, my theories.
I showcase my 3 favourite artworks in the comic
Thank you all for reading!!
Hi! I'm Emily and I am on a journey to read and document every issue of Batman and Detective Comics in roughly release order. (and a few outside continuity comics cuz screw you this is my blog)
Why?: After learning so much of how wild the Golden, Silver, and Bronze Age were I wanted to read them all. And my hyperfixation got the better of me.
Other Info:
For Detective Comics, I think I'm only going to stick to the Batman related stories but who knows!
I'm also new to Tumblr so please be nice.
I will have a tagging system so it is easier to get around.
#batman will be for issues under the Batman line of comics. For example, "Batman #1".
#detective comics will be for issues under the Detective Comics line of comics. For example, "Detective Comics #27".
Then there will be tags for relevant series' that come up. For example, "#Batman and Robin", "#Batman Incorporated"
#batman misc will be for stories and mini-series' that aren't in the previous tags. For example, "Batman: The Long Halloween" and "Batman: The Knight"
Then there will also be decade and yearly tags for easy navigation (#30s, #40s, #50s.... and #1939, #1940, #1941). They will follow the cover date as I couldn't find the exact dates for a couple issues and it'll be a whole lot easier since they all have that.
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gothamcityhistory · 8 months
Detective Comics #28
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Great cover art!! I love it a lot. I love how the layout is almost meme-like. Also there's no Bat-man this time but that okay since it was still starting out.
Issue Credits:
Cover by: Fred Guardineer
Story by: Bill Finger
Art by: Bob Kane
Yeah I recommend this Bat-Man story!! it's fun and silly and only six pages!! It's about The Bat-Man stopping thieves by employing a weird technique.
Story Summary:
There are jewel thieves running amok so The Bat-Man, being the world's greatest detective, interrogates a police informer about who's behind them and whats their next move. The Bat-Man then uses this information to sneak up on them, beat them up and frame himself as part of the thieves. The newspapers pick this story up and frame The Bat-Man as part of the thieves. This causes the leader of the thieves to feel more bold as now the police will be looking for The Bat-Man and not them. The following night the thieves are at work and The Bat-Man captures them and leaves, taunting the police while doing so. The Bat-Man then makes his way into the thieves' leaders office and forces him into giving a written confession. The Bat-Man delivers him to the police and leaves a cheeky letter behind.
Live Read:
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I love this new "The Bat-Man" Title card although I still hate that Bill Finger doesn't get any credit still for his work. (I will try to stop mentioning this every time to stop sounding like a broken record)
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Love how they're like "The Bat-Man's identity is unknown (BTW he's Bruce Wayne)
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This is super cute! I love it! It's very interesting to me though that it's spelled "Wuxtry" and not "Extry". It's probably times changing. I dont know
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(BTW Just in case you forgot from 2 panels ago, THIS GUY RIGHT HERE *points at Bruce Wayne* IS THE BAT-MAN. K thx)
Also when I first read this I didn't know what "stay-well" meant but then I realised he's saying it sarcastically as a threat. I may be stupid but at least I learned something
(It had a dash- How was I supposed to know it wasn't a new word with a new meaning)
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Idk why having a criminal record gives you access the the haunts of the underworld. Imagine you got in for jaywalking and then you get a contact like "Hey, you're like one of us and are invited to come to the criminal underworld meetings"
BTW, Stool Pigeon means a police informer
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Straight up just killed him. 1930s Bat-Man didn't hold back XD
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I like to imagine that the [GOTHAM] city police just suck and he was there hunched and waiting for a solid like 15 minutes.
I also just realised that he's not wearing any gloves. He's going to get caught. Is he stupid
(Yes I had to make that r/BatmanArkham reference and I know fingerprint scanners weren't widespread in America yet)
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He didn't have to stunt on them like that.
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Now he's just showing off.
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SEE!! EVEN THEY ARE LIKE "woah wtf?"
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Not leaving the twist for the end now are we?
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Do you think the newspaper also describes in detail the spectacular leap?
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(Just in case you didn't get it btw)
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Show don't tell people- but also I like this panel :3
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He's such a gentleman ❤️❤️❤️
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Is that? The Bat-Man? In Bruce Wayne's red Sedan?
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I like to think he put on the thickest New York goon voice and then when went "OOGAH BOOGAH" as he opened the door
laughed at this mental imagery in my head for a bit-
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He didn't stand a chance. I like to imagine it was instant like he only got 1 second into the jump before he was punched down
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You mean Bruce Wayne's Car-
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I like how they have to specify it had been a few minutes before The Commissioner read the letter-
Also, I love my silly 🥺🥺🥺 He stamped his logo on the letter and everything
After Thoughts:
I loved this Story!! it's dumb and I recommend it. I love the everything of it. The writing is fun and the art is great! I am quite interested by the narration in it though. I don't see it as often or as this high of frequency. I wonder when they drop it 🤔
The Art is great and I'll pick out a few of my favourites
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Thank you all for reading!!
Come back whenever! I will post at rarely the same Bat-Time but always the same Bat-Blog!
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gothamcityhistory · 8 months
Thank you all again for reading!! If you do have some critiques on my format. please let me know. I'm still trying to figure it out and I appreciate any messages!!
Detective Comics #27
Where it all began
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This is a great cover to start things out! It's iconic!! I always love seeing the redraws of this!
I got this screenshot of the cover from the Batman: The Golden Age Vol. 1 which you can tell from the fact that the words "THE BATMAN!" on the cover are black and not red like the original cover from 1939. For the rest of this post I will be using screenshots from an old digitization of the comic except for a few which I got from The Golden Age Vol 1. which I use at the end. Even though it says "64 pages of action" on the cover, The "Bat-Man" story is only 9 pages long and I will only be focusing on that. (Sorry Slam Bradley fans!) Now to get into the issue.
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It starts off with this title page where they introduce the "Bat-Man" to the reader. It's very nice!
It's very strange to see him labeled at the "Bat-Man". I'm just not used to it but anyways they drop it fully Detective Comics #30. (Also note that I read it like "Bat Dash Man")
It's also very sad to see The Batman only credited to Bob Kane. Bill Finger did mostly everything and didn't get recognition for it until 2015.
Anyway, Back to the comic- Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Gordon are chillin' at Gordon's home when suddenly Gordon gets a call detailing a murder that had just happened and that they need him there and then he just casually invites Bruce over to the crime scene.
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Then Bruce deadass is like "Eh sure."
Everything was so casual in the 30s god damn.
Anyway, They rush over to the scene of the crime
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and after "a thorough examination of the scene of the crime" they decide to talk to the victims son, who is the current murder suspect.
He wails that he didn't kill him and explains that he got his fingerprints on the knife because he pulled it out of his fathers chest when he saw him and then Gordon just takes this as fact and doesn't investigate further.
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He then responds to Gordon's question like "Dunno, Except these 3 guys"
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Also the comedic timing of that- I made a joke to my friend when I first read this comic that the reason why Steve Crane was excited was because he bet Lambert a hundred bucks in 1939 dollars that the threat on his life was real- I know excited back then meant having excessive emotions but I just thought it was funny.
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You sus mf. I SEE you Bruce. If that even is your real name.
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I also love this panel.
After Crane gets shot the murderer/robber escapes with a piece of paper.
When Suddenly...
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The Bat-Man shows up and beats the hell out of them and takes the paper. Then Gordon and the police arrive to Steven Crane's house as the Bat-Man runs away. Gordon then finds out Crane has been killed and decides to go to Paul Rogers house
Also look at my little man
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He's so proud of himself.
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I also love the fact that he drives off in Bruce Wayne's car from earlier in the issue. He's so silly
Meanwhile, Rogers goes to his friend's, Alfred Stryker's, neighboring Laboratory where he encounters Strykers assistant, Jennings, and gets smacked and trapped by him.
I thought this panel was hilarious.
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Like Boi! What kind of guinea pigs are you experimenting with that you need to a jar that can fit a human inside and also why are you gassing guinea pigs???
He then seals the chamber but not before the "Bat-Man" enters, plugs the gas-jet and breaks Rogers out.
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Speaks for itself really. Styker then finds out his assistant failed at killing Rogers and tries to kill him himself but the Bat-Man, who had hidden, jumps out and prevents the Stryker from killing Roger. The Bat-Man explains why Stryker like Velma at the end of an episode and then Stryker breaks out of The Bat-Mans hold and then
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The Bat-Man straight up kills him and is like "Good."
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Bro is so sus. No one acts this way. And then what's more is that Gordon is like "Man. bro is so bored all the time."
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Look at my silly dressing up in his bat fursuit!!
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Can't wait for next month!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry I basically recapped the whole story. It was very short but every panel had something interesting happening!! I definitely recommend it!!
Things I liked and found interesting!!
I found it interesting how they have text explaining the situation instead of just letting the photos do the talking.
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Thought It's probably like that because they only had 9 pages to tell the story.
I liked Commissioner Gordon's fit in this issue.
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It's a very nice Zebra-like suit that would allow him to fit in with the the weirdo 248 issues from now. It's just so snazzy!
I also like how Gordon takes things at face value and doesn't do some deeper thinking like how I'd assume a police commissioner would. "Well obviously he didn't kill his father. He literally just said he didn't". "I just told Bruce something amazing and he looks like he had heard it before. He must lead a boring life"
I also love The Bat-Man costume in this issue
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Purple glove Batman... My beloved <3
The art in this issue is great too!! I'll pick out a few of my favourite panels to show.
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Thank you all for reading my first blog post!!
Come back whenever! Rarely the same Bat-Time but always the same Bat-Blog
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gothamcityhistory · 8 months
Detective Comics #27
Where it all began
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This is a great cover to start things out! It's iconic!! I always love seeing the redraws of this!
I got this screenshot of the cover from the Batman: The Golden Age Vol. 1 which you can tell from the fact that the words "THE BATMAN!" on the cover are black and not red like the original cover from 1939. For the rest of this post I will be using screenshots from an old digitization of the comic except for a few which I got from The Golden Age Vol 1. which I use at the end. Even though it says "64 pages of action" on the cover, The "Bat-Man" story is only 9 pages long and I will only be focusing on that. (Sorry Slam Bradley fans!) Now to get into the issue.
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It starts off with this title page where they introduce the "Bat-Man" to the reader. It's very nice!
It's very strange to see him labeled at the "Bat-Man". I'm just not used to it but anyways they drop it fully Detective Comics #30. (Also note that I read it like "Bat Dash Man")
It's also very sad to see The Batman only credited to Bob Kane. Bill Finger did mostly everything and didn't get recognition for it until 2015.
Anyway, Back to the comic-
Bruce Wayne and Commissioner Gordon are chilling out at Gordon's place when suddenly Gordon gets a call about a recent murder. They need him there right away and in the most laid-back way, he's like, "Hey, Bruce, buddy, pal, chum, they need me at a murder scene... Wanna come with?"
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and Bruce is deadass like "Eh sure. Why not"
Everything was so casual in the 30s god damn.
Anyway, They rush over to the scene of the crime
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and after "a thorough examination of the scene of the crime" they decide to talk to the victims son, who is the current murder suspect.
He's like, "I didn't do it, I only grabbed the knife when I pulled it out of my dad's chest!" And, weirdly, Gordon doesn't press any further on it. He's just like "Yep okay."
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Also, he could've stayed alive if you didn't pull the knife out dummy. But I digress
He then responds to Gordon's question like "Dunno, Except these 3 guys"
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Also the comedic timing of that- I made a joke to my friend when I first read this comic that the reason why Steve Crane was excited was because he bet Lambert a hundred bucks in 1939 dollars that the threat on his life was real- I know excited back then meant having excessive emotions but I just thought it was funny.
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You sus mf. I SEE you Bruce. If that even is your real name.
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I also love this panel.
After Crane gets shot the murderer/robber escapes with a piece of paper.
When Suddenly...
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The Bat-Man shows up and beats the hell out of them and takes the paper. Then Gordon and the police arrive to Steven Crane's house as the Bat-Man runs away. Gordon then finds out Crane has been killed and decides to go to Paul Rogers house
Also look at my little man
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He's so proud of himself.
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I also love the fact that he drives off in Bruce Wayne's car from earlier in the issue. He's so silly
Meanwhile, Rogers goes to his friend's, Alfred Stryker's, neighboring Laboratory where he encounters Strykers assistant, Jennings, and gets smacked and trapped by him.
I thought this panel was hilarious.
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Like Boi! What kind of guinea pigs are you experimenting with that you need to a jar that can fit a human inside and also why are you gassing guinea pigs???
He then seals the chamber but not before the "Bat-Man" enters, plugs the gas-jet and breaks Rogers out.
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Speaks for itself really. Styker then finds out his assistant failed at killing Rogers and tries to kill him himself but the Bat-Man, who had hidden, jumps out and prevents the Stryker from killing Roger. The Bat-Man explains why Stryker like Velma at the end of an episode and then Stryker breaks out of The Bat-Mans hold and then
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The Bat-Man straight up kills him and is like "Good."
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Bro is so sus. No one acts this way. And then what's more is that Gordon is like "Man. bro is so bored all the time."
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Look at my silly dressing up in his bat fursuit!!
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Can't wait for next month!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry I basically recapped the whole story. It was very short but every panel had something interesting happening!! I definitely recommend it!!
Things I liked and found interesting!!
I found it interesting how they have text explaining the situation instead of just letting the photos do the talking.
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Thought It's probably like that because they only had 9 pages to tell the story.
I liked Commissioner Gordon's fit in this issue.
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It's a very nice Zebra-like suit that would allow him to fit in with the the weirdo 248 issues from now. It's just so snazzy!
I also like how Gordon takes things at face value and doesn't do some deeper thinking like how I'd assume a police commissioner would. "Well obviously he didn't kill his father. He literally just said he didn't". "I just told Bruce something amazing and he looks like he had heard it before. He must lead a boring life"
I also love The Bat-Man costume in this issue
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Purple glove Batman... My beloved <3
The art in this issue is great too!! I'll pick out a few of my favourite panels to show.
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Thank you all for reading my first blog post!!
Come back whenever! Rarely the same Bat-Time but always the same Bat-Blog
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gothamcityhistory · 8 months
Hi! I'm Emily and I am on a journey to read and document every issue of Batman and Detective Comics in roughly release order. (and a few outside continuity comics cuz screw you this is my blog)
Why?: After learning so much of how wild the Golden, Silver, and Bronze Age were I wanted to read them all. And my hyperfixation got the better of me.
Other Info:
For Detective Comics, I think I'm only going to stick to the Batman related stories but who knows!
I'm also new to Tumblr so please be nice.
I will have a tagging system so it is easier to get around.
#batman will be for issues under the Batman line of comics. For example, "Batman #1".
#detective comics will be for issues under the Detective Comics line of comics. For example, "Detective Comics #27".
Then there will be tags for relevant series' that come up. For example, "#Batman and Robin", "#Batman Incorporated"
#batman misc will be for stories and mini-series' that aren't in the previous tags. For example, "Batman: The Long Halloween" and "Batman: The Knight"
Then there will also be decade and yearly tags for easy navigation (#30s, #40s, #50s.... and #1939, #1940, #1941). They will follow the cover date as I couldn't find the exact dates for a couple issues and it'll be a whole lot easier since they all have that.
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