gottaguardfast · 11 years
{Heh, hey guys! I just thought I should let you all know I'm not going to be around for a while ;; not here, anyway. Long story short: being on my Sonic blogs has made me super nervous, and I haven't quite figured out why yet? But I figure the best course of action is to take a break, heh.}
{I'm aware that I have at least one plot thread to keep up with! So I will get to that soon, and reply to that; but otherwise, I'll be taking an indefinite hiatus while I try to recharge and try to figure out what the whole deal is here.}
{I will still be around on tumblr! I have a few rping blogs that are non-Sonic that I hope to work with; however, I would prefer not to show them here. I have a link to my personal; if you wish to speak with me, feel free to contact me there!}
{So, sorry about all of this ;; this blog, as well as a few others, have made me nervous and I just think I'll take a break from them. But I hope to see you guys around!}
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
humblecameraman has reached Angel Island!
"...um-- I'm sorry-- who are you?"
The newcomer seemed familiar, and it was enough to get him interested enough to attempt talking. Though... the not-quite stranger's presence made him wary. Gods, please don't be a thief, please just be someone who got lost...
"...and-- why are you here?"
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
"...I'll help."
"Just tell me where and when to be there."
"...hopefully I'll be of some help."
There was no small talk to be heard from the blue echidna this time. Best to just get it done and out of the way.
I believe it is about time I put this multiverse business to good use.
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There has got to be something out there that can help stop all these machines from reaching my island. The last few days have been unbearable. I’ve been in hiding at night, hunting down the metal death beasts by day, but there are a great number of them still prowling around my isle.
Treasure is offered to anybody who is willing to offer their services, be it weapons, protection, food and supplies, or- dare I say it- an extra pair of hands around here temporarily. These machines do not fall easy. They are far from toys. Any help will be greatly appreciated, and I will be far in your debt.
I don’t like asking for assistance. But sometimes, you must fall back to your last resort.
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
[smooth jazz solo]
I’ve been around these vicious lies tooYour troop has landed, and you’re on the runLeft in the darkness, here on your ownWhat did I ever do to you, for you to treat me this way?I was just a tourist the first time I went to Mexico
"…I… don’t know what happened. Um?"
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
Send me a •3• and I will put my playlist on shuffle, write down the first line of five songs and give it to your muse as a poem from mine
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
Well... seeing how eager the other was made him feel slightly better. He'd rather fight Knuckles than let anyone else; he at least knew when to stop.
He gave a small smile, though; he still felt a little bad, but... this was better than the alternatives. "I'm don't get scuffed up that easily," he said softly. "Trust me; you won't hurt me very much, and I won't hurt you very much. Okay?"
"...hope you don't mind weapons, though. Though-- I mean, I'll be just fine without!"
Boy, that reminded Knuckles of the old days.
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"…God, that’s tempting.
Wouldn’t want to hurt you though, ha ha. I don’t think it’s socially acceptable to beat up your boyfriend.”
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
"...you must understand that I don't trust you."
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
"...if you need to fight, I'll fight with you."
"...no doubt I'm out of practice, anyway."
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
How is the weather right now?
"…it’s just been unusually hot the past few days. It’s hard to think."
"It’s probably good Knuckles left when he did, though. I don’t know how he would have taken the heat… hopefully it’s better on the mainland…"
"I just hope it gets cooler soon. It’s not been this hot before…"
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
50 Shades of Me. DO IT
1. What is your best friends name?
2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now?
3. What are you listening to right now?
4. Whats your favorite number?
5. What was the last thing you ate?
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
7. How is the weather right now?
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
10. Do you have a significant other?
11. Favorite TV show?
12. Siblings?
13. Height?
14. Hair color?
15. Eye Color?
16. Do you wear contacts?
17. Favorite Holiday?
18. Month?
19. Have you ever cried for no reason?
20. What was the last movie you watched?
21. Favorite Day of the Year?
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)?
24. Hugs or Kisses?
25. Chocolate or Vanilla?
26. Do you want your friends to respond to this?
27. Who is most likely to respond to a text from you?
28. Who is least likely to respond to a text from you?
29. What books are you reading?
30. Piercings?
31. Favorite movies?
32. Favorite football Team?
33. What are you doing right now?
34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
37. Dogs or cats?
38. Favorite flower?
39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?
40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?
41. Have you ever loved someone?
42. Who would you like to see right now?
43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?
44. Have you ever fired a gun?
45. Do you like to travel by plane?
46. Right-handed or Left-handed?
47. How many pillows do you sleep with?
48. Are you missing someone?
49. Do you have a tattoo?
50. Anybody on Tumblr that you'd go on a date with?
(muse please!)
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
"...does anyone also have any ideas I could use for some traps to set?"
"...I'm not going to say which ones I've already used, I don't need more thieves... but I need some non-lethal traps for people."
"...that doesn't involve luring them up here at all with treasure."
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
"...I guess I'm here, too."
"...I need to start getting ready for fall and winter. It's really hot now, but..." But that probably was a bad sign of a terrible winter to come. He wasn't looking forward to that.
"...oh well. I'll... work on that later."
"...I hope everyone's been doing alright."
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
braziliancutiepie said: "I good, but what about you? has that jerk bot come back and bothered you and Hedgie?" Yarah, stop cuddling the echidna, you’re gonna embarrass him.
Naw, it's alright. He was just jumpy. He settled down into a more comfortable sitting position so the feline could cuddle against him, giving a small smile.
"No, he hasn't. Knuckles was just having some personal problems." He gently scruffed the top of the girl's head. "I'm... doing alright. There... was a very rude thief who came by the other day. So I'm... not feeling quite right, I guess. But I'll be alright. I'm glad you're alright; I've been hearing about all kinds of trouble and was getting worried... have you been alright the past few days?"
He looked a little nervous, now.
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
I think you can guess by now how Yarah greeted Sonic. A chirp, hug and cuddle. "Hai~."
He gave a surprised noise, before gently returning the hug; eugh, today was just going to be one of those days where his nerves went completely haywire, wasn’t it?
"H— Hey, Yarah…! How are you doing? Are you doing alright…?"
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
"Hey, blue boy! How are you and Knuckles holding up?"
"O-Oh— Rouge…!" He gave a little smile; keep calm, echidna, keep calm. "We’re doing alright! Knuckles’s hands have finally started to heal up, and I think he’ll be ready to go back to… getting into fights and all kinds of other trouble…"
…alright. That had backfired. It was hard to keep a smile on his face with all of these things on his mind.
"What about you? Are you and, um… his name is… Larry, right? Are you two doing alright…?"
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
Gods, it had been a long while since the guardian had seen it rain this much on his island. On any other day, it would have been seen as a godsend; today, however, it was seeming to become more of a nuisance.
Perhaps if he hadn't felt the need to do an intruder check on the island, he would have enjoyed the rain. But something about all of this was worrying; he didn't know what yet, but something was wrong. The heavy downpour could have persuaded intruders to leave, though it also introduced the perfect cover; it was better to check, than to be very, very sorry later.
There was much slipping and sliding to be had as Sonic fought to maintain his balance in the mud; he'd ran through Ice Cap before, but he preferred to stay out of the mountains if he could help it. It was difficult to see; this would have to be a very brief patrol, unless he could find some shelter from which to ambush any intruders.
It was a few brief moments as he finally came to a pause, trying to focus his gaze; trying to see while also running at god-knows-how dangerous speeds was a bit of a trying task, and the guardian had soon realized that perhaps that hadn't been the best idea.
His eyes locked on a nearby (though distant looking) figure caught out in the rain, and his fur bristled a little anxiously.
"What are you doing out here?" No names, no formalities; listen for the voice first, it could have been someone who meant perfectly well and had been caught out in this awful weather.
Raining Down
The rain came down harder than Blaze liked and she ran through it while she was drenched and covered in mud. Her fur and clothes drooped and dripped as she raced across the grassland here, hoping she wouldn’t fall over again. 
She held onto her arm as she did so, trying to get to anywhere dry. Preferably a place without trees nearby. Getting struck by lighting wasn’t really on her to-do list tonight.
She could barely see in this downpour and as she skidded across the ground and she decided to stop. She needed to figure out where she was going and where she was…
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gottaguardfast · 11 years
Never mind the psychic knife that sliced through his side; the remark hurt even worse, poisonous barbs digging into his flesh and poisoning his mind. Too familiar, too familiar... failure of a guardian... even his own self-doubt wasn't enough to keep him a suitable guardian for the emerald Chaos and Tikal resided in...
...no matter. He would think about that after the intruder was gone.
"I might not be fit for it, but you're just an outsider!" He picked up his spear; he had no idea if this would work, but he had to try. He'd been sleeping long enough that he'd been starting to get some of his strength back; if he wasted it chasing off the intruder, then so be it. With a violent swing, he cast forth a wave of crackling chaos energy, aiming for the hedgehog. "Who are you to take my job for me?!"
Silver growled softly. Drat, that hadn’t worked as planned. At least he’d hit the other a bit instead, however. The energy seemed almost to retract back to the hedgehog’s hand and he moved a little closer, eyes narrowed on the echidna. He couldn’t see the other’s color in the dark, nor any of his features, but he could definitely tell the other was an echidna and not only that, but obviously he had to be a Guardian. He was sleeping beside the Master Emerald itself, after all.
He had expected to hear a more courageous tone from his opponent, honestly. The other just sounded scared, weak. If this was the guy he was searching for, no wonder he failed his duties; he wasn’t even trying to stand up to Silver! The white hedgehog’s hand shot out, sending a psychic knife attack up towards the Guardian atop the shrine.
"So, you’re a coward, are you? And here I was expecting a challenge! You aren’t fit to guard, so I’ll take it off your hands!”
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