grangerspector · 6 years
You know when you have to write a biologypaper that is due tomorrow but you just spent half an hour making this shit
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grangerspector · 6 years
AND having to wait until next year to finally get some answer
Me, after finishing A Reaper at the Gates weeks ago:
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grangerspector · 6 years
The sad thing is, that some people, who has only seen the movies, don’t know that much about Neville’s past and therefore thinks Neville is a coward😔.
Neville Longbottom who grew up with parents who were tortured into insanity
Neville Longbottom who was raised by a grandma who didn’t always appreciate him
Neville Longbottom who argued with the sorting hat because he didn’t think he was brave enough to be in gryffindor
Neville Longbottom who stood up to the only friends he had for the good of gryffindor
Neville Longbottom who feared his professor more than anything else in the world yet still went to his class every day
Neville Longbottom who watched one of his professors use the same torture curse that was used on his parents
Neville Longbottom who found out that same person was one of the people that tortured his parents
Neville Longbottom who joined Dumbledore’s Army
Neville Longbottom who went with Harry to the Ministry knowing what dangers could be there
Neville Longbottom who finally got his own wand and was able to excel in school for the first time in six years
Neville Longbottom who helped fight Death Eaters when he was only a sixth year
Neville Longbottom who was beaten brutally for refusing to hurt others
Neville Longbottom who led rebellions in Hogwarts when the Death Eaters were in charge
Neville Longbottom who everyone looked up to in that last year of Hogwarts
Neville Longbottom who fought in the battle of Hogwarts
Neville Longbottom who killed a horcrux
Neville Longbottom who went on to teach his favorite subject at Hogwarts
Neville Longbottom who was gryffindor through and through
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grangerspector · 6 years
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift
That is why we call it the present
Winnie the Pooh
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grangerspector · 6 years
Don’t mess with Schmidt
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grangerspector · 6 years
If you want a happy ending, it depends on where you stop the story.
Neal Caffrey
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