grimlilli · 5 months
Apollo: Close your eyes. Hermes: [Closes his eyes] Apollo: What do you see? Hermes: Nothing. Apollo: That's the amount of problems I'd have if you stopped doing dumb shit.
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grimlilli · 5 months
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grimlilli · 5 months
Hermes: It's only 3 AM. There's still time to get arrested today.
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grimlilli · 5 months
Periods should come with some kind of psychic attack so I can like knock the phones out of hands of people who listen to loud videos in public and pop the tires of people with evil bumper stickers. I feel I'm owed that for the horrors
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grimlilli · 5 months
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Screen commissions ☆゚.*・。゚
Insta: @debbiebalboa
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grimlilli · 5 months
The God and personification of Death, specifically of peaceful death. Violent death was left to the Keres, his bloodthirsty sisters. He is often classified as the personification or spirit of death. He is the son of Nyx. In some lore, Nyx was his only parent and in others, he was fathered by Erebus. Twin of Hypnos whose other siblings include Moros, Keres, Hypnos, Oneiroi, Momus, Oizys, Hesperides, Moirai, Nemesis, Apate, Philotes, Geras, Eris, Styx, Dolos, Ponos, Euphrosyne, Epiphron, Continentia, Petulantia, Misericordia, Keres, Pertinacia. His Roman name is Mors.
General Symbols: Sword, wings, theta, inverted torch, wreath, bones, furs, antlers/horns
Colors: Black, silver, purple
Animals: Butterflies, ravens, snakes
Food: Wine, mint, pomegranate, beets
Scents: Sandalwood, dragons blood, myrrh, poppy or opium, wisteria
Crystals/rocks: Onyx, obsidian, black stones
Plants: Poppy, wormwort, cypress
Thanatos, God of Death, bringer of peace in final rest
Thanatos, the unmoveable one, the farrier to the final stop
Thanatos, he who holds our hand as our final breath leaves our body
I call to you
Bringer of endless sleep, brother of dream, son of Nyx
Black-winged god, fighter of peace, the one we trust with our loved ones
I call to you
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grimlilli · 5 months
Ate, the Greek Goddess mischief, ruin, mad impulsion, rashness, delusion, infatuation, blind folly, and reckless impulse. Depending on what lore you’re reading she’s either the eldest daughter of Zeus and Hera or Eris. Her Roman name was Nefas or Error.
She was considered very fast mentally and physically. She was able to outrun her sisters the Litae or prayers who chased her in an attempt to undo some of her misdeeds or stop mortals from committing them.
General Symbol: Wind, dagger, knots, webs
Food: Apple, wheat, bread, wine
Animals: Corvids but especially ravens, fox
Color: Purple, black, gold, white
Scents: Fall apples, winter wind, citrus, pine
Gemstones: Opal
Things to Pray For: revenge against someone, to make someone infatuated with you, assistance in making a little trickery or mischief against someone, driving someone to recklessness/madness/ruin
As always check out the link for more information!
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grimlilli · 11 months
I am so bad at posting these articles and series on here and I apologize. I feel like every time I come on here I have to add like five or six of these articles and info pages to it and I'm still not caught up with all the articles I have posted on there. As always I appreciate any support and or comments (respectfully) on what's posted. So this is the Fates:
The Fates, otherwise known as the Moirai, are three sisters who personify destiny and fate. They are often depicted as crazy old crones with one eye that they share between them. Each sister has a role to play in how a persons destiny is spun. Klotho is the spinner, or the one who weaves the yarn that represents ones entire life as well as their fate. Lachesis is the allotter, she measures the yarn and some say she is the one who truly controls a persons destiny. She ensures that someone's destiny runs as it should, as long as it should. Atropos is the last sister and she is the cutter. She represents death as she cuts the yarn when it is time for the person to die. Once the thread is cut the person meets their end.
There are many different lores about their parentage. In some lore their parents are Chronos, the titan of Time, and Ananke the personification of inevitability. This makes them the half-sisters to the original 6 Gods. In another myth, they were sired by Uranus, the primordial titan of the sky, with no known mother. Nyx is also cited as the parent to most personifications and the mother of these three.
General Symbols: The Book of Fate, iron shears/scissors, thread, spindle
Gems/Crystals: Destiny stones
Animals: Dove
Plants: Blackthorn
Scents: Old books, antique or oiled wood
Colours: Red, white, black, gold
Food: Red wine, grains, any fruits but specifically berries and apples, honey
Things to Pray for: extra time, change of fortune, guidance, bargain for someone's fate
Prayer I praise the Fates, careful crafters of destiny, daughters of Night, daughters of Necessity, sparing ones, kind-hearted ones, relentless ones, goddesses who grant to each one his portion, mighty ones who hold in hand each mortal life, a thread spun smooth and fine as a spider’s web. What is right, what is meet, is yours, O Moirae; the power of Fate is the power of need, the power of concord, the power of order. The power of Fate is the power of death, the power of life, each allotted as is fit. Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos, goddesses wise and ancient, who sing of what is, what was, and of what will be, long-revered ones who in times of old received libations of sweet honey, I honor your calling, I thank you for your gifts.
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grimlilli · 11 months
Hello, little loves!! I'm so close to finishing the Hellenic Worship series before I move on to Egyptian or Norse. If anyone wants to see a specific deity I haven't done yet or has an opinion of the next series I do I'm open to anyone messaging me or hitting up my inbox to let me know, otherwise, I'm just assuming these are going out to the ether and continue posting them randomly for myself. So without further delay:
Erebus or Erebos is the Greek Primordial Personification of Darkness. He's not seen in many myths outside of the creation of the universe and is mostly seen as Nyx's husband. He is said, however, to be the darkness that lives between the living and the dead and helps cross the souls of the departed over to the Underworld.
General Symbols: black feathers, ghosts/spirits
Gems/Crystals: Black tourmaline, rose quartz
Animals: Dogs (especially black)
Plants: Rose, black lily, black hollyhock
Scents: Summer night air, smoke, rich Earthy tones
Colors: Black, white, dark blue
Food: Honey, chocolates, smoked meat
Things to pray for: safe night, assistance in a loved one passing over, help to contact Nyx, help to cross a spirit over, protection from ghosts
As always there's more information in the link. I appreciate any support and wish everyone the best of luck on their journey!
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grimlilli · 11 months
A very minor Goddess is up today. Epona is the Goddess of fertility and horses. She is actually a Celtic-based Goddess who was worshipped by the Romans as well. One of, if not The only Celtic Goddess to be worshipped by the Romans actually.
Her symbols are horses, horseshoes, grains, brown, and grey.
Invocation Hail, Mother of horses! Hail, Lady whose children Are the embodiment of the wind And come like fire and thunder Across field and plain. Carry us, Lady, As you carried our ancestors Across rivers and continents, As you carry our dreams And nightmares, Carry our wishes and hopes, Bear us to adventure And safely back home again, And may we never stop running Toward the far horizon Of possibility.
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grimlilli · 11 months
Okay so I did a bit of writing since I was last on here. I'm super bad with updating the posts on this site to make them more accessible since I know trying to look anything up on the site is a nightmare.
This article is on Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of Night, and personification of Darkness. She is said to be the mother of most of the personified gods and goddesses such as the Moirai, Eris, Moros, Hypnos, Nemesis, and Thanatos.
Her symbols are the moon, black feathers, onyx, black horses, ravens, Queen of the Night (flower), sage, dragon fruit, and dark blue.
Invocation of Nyx Nyx, great Goddess of the Night, lover of Erebus, mother of Moros, Thanatos, Hypnos, Charon, Nemesis, and the Fates, I ask you to accept my loyalty and my love as your follower and servant. I ask for your protection and guidance, bringer of the night, I ask for your wisdom and blessings.
As always thank you for any reads or support! There's much more information about her in the article and even a sigil.
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grimlilli · 11 months
Hello everyone! After a long hiatus, I am back with another addition to the Ways of Worship series! The newest deity in the spotlight is the Goddess Iris who is the Goddess of the rainbow, sea, sky, and messenger to the gods.
Symbols for Iris are rainbows, opal, rainfall, cheesecake, and birds.
She is considered the more popular messenger to the Gods throughout history but was replaced by Hermes from The Odyssey on in myths and Iris was left to her role as a very minor and hardly mentioned Goddess.
I had some formatting issues in this article so please be forgiving. The general information section is at the bottom of this article after prayers and invocations. Please enjoy!!
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grimlilli · 1 year
F*g is a slur and no amount of quirky posts is gonna make you cool for using it
You have rights because faggots and dykes fought for them. Respect that you cunt
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grimlilli · 1 year
New addition to the Ways of Worship series and part of my online BOS!
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grimlilli · 2 years
A little guide to help people on their divination journeys with a few different paths from my BOS. Included within: tarot, oracle, cartomancy, ouija, spirit boards, runes, and palmosty. Please give it a read and, if you like it, check out some of my other articles! 
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grimlilli · 2 years
the secret to life is to always use more spinach and less rice than you think you’ll need
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grimlilli · 2 years
Hi, grimlilli, how are you? 😘😘😘
I'm doing well, ghost blog, how are you?
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