gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
3 Months {Mikenessa} Part Three
3 Months. 
It had been three months since that night. Three months, four days and two hours. Michael was back home in L.A, spending time with his family and friends. Normally, he wasn’t a fan of numbers. But those ones stuck in his mind, constantly replaying on a worn loop. Three months, four days and two hours. It was Saturday. Michael was at a local bar near his home, he’d been spotted a few times, taken some photos and signed some things. But for the most part, he was left alone, people in L.A more sensitive to the celebrities that seemed to spill out of every crevasse. He hadn’t herd from Vanessa, though that didn’t mean he didn’t know what was going on - in a moment of haste he’d followed what he assumed to be her instagram account, unfortunately it was a fake, and when he’d found the real one, she had never gotten back to him with an answer to his request. Though he knew it would be the same as the last time he’d asked her something. Drowning his sorrows seemed to be the best bet of the day, and by his third scotch, he was already well on his way. 
Almost as if it were cursed. She walked in. Alone, timid. Having clearly been chased by the paparazzi all the way there. Most of the teenage patrons’ had gone home, so she was easily able to side up to the bar and order a vodka and lime, her dark eyes scanning the room. They jumped when they landed on a lone figure in the corner, sipping on another round of drinks. She took her glass and walked around to him, sitting on the barstool directly next to his, a polite smile decorating her practically perfect features. “Hey” she spoke, her long canines showing as she took a sip of her drink, the liquid burning her throat.
Michael turned, his heart hammering louder in his chest at the girl next to him. Her hair curly, dishevelled and hanging over her face. Absently he reached over, tucking a lock of it behind her ear before smiling, watching as a blush lit up her cheeks. “Hey” he slurred, his vision going slightly blurry as he moved, already having had too much to drink. The blush that appeared on Vanessa’s cheeks soon dropped as she easily assessed how drunk he was. Sighing she set her own drink down, climbing off the stool and standing flat footed on the ground. “C’mon, it’s time to go home.” she stated, taking his hand gently in hers and letting out a soft smile as he complied. She shoved a fifty onto the bar, leading Michael out and immediately into the flashing lights of the paparazzi. She sighed, carefully reaching up and making sure that Michael’s cap was covering his eyes. Luckily he seemed docile enough to just follow her, though Vanessa kept a strong amount of pressure on his hand, her own head down as she wound through the people expertly, knowing the perfect shortcut to Michaels house.
Within ten minutes they were there, and while Michael had been easy to manage on the streets, the moment the lights were flicked on in his modest home, drunk Michael appeared. “Honey! I’m home!” he called, laughing straight afterwards as he tore his cap off, stumbling blindly to the couch that lay in the living room. Vanessa sighed gently and slid off her shoes, following him and taking his hand gently to pull him to a stop. “It’s sleep time, alright” she spoke, “Are you going to be sleeping with me?” Michael slurred, his lips curving into a wicked smile as he played with a strand of Vanessa’s hair, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she did so. “No” she said adamantly, knowing that she’d kip on the couch if it came to that. Michael pouted, his hands dropping down to her waist, fingers gently rubbing soft circles on her bare skin. “Did you know, it’s been Three months, four days and.. Six hours since you broke my heart” he slurred, his face pained as he did so. “Crack crash” he added, letting her go an falling onto the couch, his eyelids drooping as he fell asleep. 
Vanessa sighed, rubbing a tear from her eye as she walked around the couch, gently pulling a blanket over his sleeping frame. She brushed hair from his forehead, pressing a lip against the clammy skin. “You deserve so much better than me” she murmured quietly, taking a step back before looking around, deciding that she could do some cleaning to try and keep her mind from all the thoughts that had been haunting her since that night. 
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
if i end up famous i probably won’t delete my blog so you better do your best fucking job of keeping this a secret
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
Omg. The part 2 of your Mikenessa story was amazing. It has me in suspense. I can't wait to know what happens next!!! :)
asdhgdh you're so sweet, honestly! Thanks! I just have to finish part 4 then part 3 will be up :)
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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another photoshoot? yess
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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Vanessa Hudgens and Austin Butler leaving the doctor’s office on 9/24/12 in LA.
I’m loving that smile!
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
your first love will always be your first love. whether you end up hating them, or loosing contact or anything.. they’ll always be your first love. i honestly have no idea if you ever get over them.. but i believe that if you truly love someone, you will never get over them.. i know that there are some people in my life that i love so much that they can continuously hurt me and i sadly end up always coming back to them.. its my weakness. yes you can move on, but their always gonna be a huge part of you. but thats true love i feel. so no, no i don’t think you’ll TRULY get over it because if you do its not true..
Stella Hudgens
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
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gypsynessa-blog · 12 years
Aching { Mikenessa } Part Two
AN: Feedback is much appreciated! I want to thank mariatyler for letting me know how it was! Remember, I don't bite! Honey, this chapter is for you! 
Days had passed without a word, Michael had caught himself staring at her a few times, much to the displeasure of Candice, who after only a day of it had broken up with him. They’d barely spoken since other than their scenes together, though during those, Michael only thought of Vanessa. It was as though her lips had shot drugs into his body, he needed another hit, something to keep him going. He was a junkie for her taste, her feel and her touch and he needed her, bad. 
Vanessa had been feeling the same way. Every bone in her body was aching for Michael, ever since her break up with Austin she’d needed to feel close to someone again, even if it was only physically. They’d been friends for a long time, he’d understand the whole friends with benefits thing. Vanessa decided that she’d propose it too him later that night, at the small party that the cast and crew threw each of their guest stars. Her’s was taking place at a very private club, she was certain that there’d be no paparazzi’s, and even if there were, she and Nina were planning on dressing up anyways, and had even gone shopping for wigs and clothes the day previously. 
Hours later and Vanessa had finally wrapped. She was at Nina’s shared place with Ian now, going through their belongings. Ian was in the other room watching the television, having been ready mere moments after they returned. V slipped on the bubblegum pink wig, styling it so it looked realistic before she turned to Nina, a laugh on her face. “What do you think?” she asked with a grin, posing with it on and laughing at Nina who had slipped on a blonde wig. “Hot, Michael will love it” she teased, slipping on the cut-off denim shorts with frayed edges that she’d owned for years. Vanessa simply rolled her eyes, knowing that there was no convincing Nina to think otherwise, she just wasn’t that kind of person. She played with the ends of her high waisted shorts, the top she’d decided to wear was bright and floral, it also just went to under her breasts. She threw on a cardigan over it and slipped her feet into knee high boots, wrapping her arms around Nina and grinning as she snapped a photo of them.
V couldn’t help the excitement that built inside her as Ian drove them to the club, she was sitting in the backseat by herself, trying her hardest not to giggle like a little girl. The drive felt like hours, though it was barely ten minutes at the most. Vanessa and Nina got out of the car and headed inside, Ian serving as an almost bodyguard. The news had gotten out somehow and there were flashes of cameras everywhere outside, documenting who went in. Luckily, as she looked up once she’d entered the club, there was no flash photography inside, other than the cast and crews cameras. She let out a squeal of delight as she wrapped her arms around Claire Holt, grinning as she was passed a glass of wine almost immediately. “Thank you” she mock curtsied taking a sip of the blood red liquid. 
Michael had already been there for over a half an hour with Joseph. The two had become closer over the duration of Tyler’s body being taken over by Klaus. He set down his beer and made his way over to the girls, a smile on his face as he reached for Vanessa’s hand. “Can I talk to you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow gently. She looked up from her glass and grinned, nodding her head. V set down the stem of her glass, following Michael over to a corner of the room secluded and dark. “What’s u-“ 
Vanessa couldn’t even get her greeting out before her lips were occupied with his. The brunette’s hands reached up to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair. A deep fire burnt inside them, flames licked her body as she ran her hands from his hair and underneath his shirt, her fingers tugging on the hem of them. Michael pulled away, his usually dark eyes even darker with flames of lust, his hands having slipped under her shirt a long time ago. “Go out with me” he asked, his voice husky as his eyes locked with hers, their lips only centimetres apart. Vanessa’s eyes opened at his words, she looked up at him, shaking her head gently before pulling away. “I just broke up with Austin.. I don’t want that” she fumbled, unsure when she’d given him the impression that she wanted another boyfriend so soon. 
The soaring feeling that Michael had been experiencing, deflated. His eyes darkened from sadness and he had to look away for a moment, his heart hammering in his chest. “I didn’t.. Vanessa.” he sighed, the brunette girl played with a strand of pink hair before shaking her head. “I’m sorry.” she murmured, letting out a soft sigh and tearing her eyes from his, walking back over to Claire and Nina before she broke down into tears. 
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