haikyuu-aus · 9 years
Could you do a fantasy au please?
of course! this prompt is EXCELLENT
this one’s gonna be sort of a lord of the rings/elder scrolls/fire emblem-esque au (but of course, there’s also the supernatural spin on it which i’ll do later)
so here we go. this one will also be in “additional headcanon” form
karasuno (human kingdom):-ukai sr. steps down, coach ukai grudgingly recruited to take his place-takeda is the adviser and when ukai first meets him they both pretty much go into cardiac arrest because they were not expecting each other to be as attractive as they were-hinata and kags are the new recruits in the army and hinata really sucks but he does well with kags so they kinda stick them together, much to their dismay-tsukki’s an elf and a scholar and just wants to be left out of everything. he’s a deadly mage, though, and people know not to cross him-yams is a blacksmith’s apprentice (shimada) and is really discouraged bc he can only do really basic pieces but he’s surrounded by these super intricate works but shimada reassures him that it just takes practice and he’ll get there in time, don’t worry. yams is doubtful (but of course, he does get there and he’s the greatest blacksmith ever oh my god)-daichi’s the general of the army and travels to other countries a lot for diplomacy reasons. he’s much better at that than ukai is-suga is a half-elf in daichi’s traveling party as kind of the catch-all survivalist. he can heal, he knows the geography and terrain of basically every place ever, he knows how to differentiate all the flora and fauna of different regions and what effects they have, that sort of thing.-noya and tanaka are in charge of helping out new recruits to the army. ennoshita’s in charge of keeping them all in line even though he’s more of a record-keeper than a fighter-asahi is the local baker who fights for the army when they really really need him. he doesn’t like fighting, though he knows he’s good at it bc of his build and his size-kiyoko, a half-elf, is the village beauty who has a pretty high rank in the army. she’s an excellent fighter, especially on horseback-yachi is the village’s artist and works especially to make official family portraits and to help deliver the news through pictures
seijoh (elf kingdom):-oikawa is the prince, technically, but he’s basically in charge. he’s a massive brat and everybody knows it but they also trust him to make the right decisions in the end and he always does-iwa is the general of the army and something of an adviser to oikawa, even if oikawa acts like he doesn’t pay attention to iwa’s advice. people are shocked at the “impertinence” the general displays to the prince but oikawa likes that somebody doesn’t treat him any differently bc he’s royalty-makki and mattsun are Those Two Guys in the army. an excellent duo but they’re rarely seen apart. love to give oikawa a hard time about anything and everything-yahaba, a human, is an assistant to the royal staff and has intense loyalties to them. always feels like he has something to prove, despite the fact that he’s in line to be the king’s head adviser when the current adviser retires-kyoutani doesn’t even live within the kingdom, he lives in the bordering woods. he’s a guard of the kingdom’s gates, and the castle staff love that he looks intimidating enough to deter most people from drawing near-watari, a dwarf, is in charge of making sure the castle’s secure and sturdy-kindaichi is a farmer who provides the best crops of the kingdom. he’s really sweet but has a grudge against kags, who has this whole superiority thing because of his noble upbringing (kags joined the army bc his family has fallen into ruin and he needs to save them)-kunimi runs the tavern bc i need bartender kunimi. he loves overhearing the dirt on everybody in town and is the most gossipy little shit in the kingdom but if you really need something to be secret, he won’t tell a soul (except kindaichi)
nekoma (mixed-species lordship):-kuroo, a human, is the current lord. a massive piece of shit that other kingdoms don’t wanna deal with bc they know he’ll talk circles around him to get what he wants. a lot more helpful than he’d lead you to believe-kenma, a halfling, is kuroo’s adviser bc he know’s what’s up and kuroo trusts him to tell things like they are. very shy and hides behind kuroo a lot at official interactions-yaku, a dwarf, is general of the army and hates when other kingdoms look down on him bc of his size. he is ready to fight but is the most diplomatic of the high-ranked officials-lev, an elf, is innocently insensitive and immediately manages to piss off yaku on his first day in the army. he’s bad but has a lot of potential so they let him stay in a pretty good division-inuoka, a human, is in charge of the post and making sure letters go to the right people. makes a lot of deliveries himself. very excited all the time. very dedicated to his job-tora, a human, is in the army and is ready to fight all. the. time. sworn rivals with tanaka
other:-bokuto is the prince of fukurodani (a human kingdom) and akaashi is his adviser, though you’d be forgiven for thinking akaashi’s the prince and bokuto’s a fighter, considering akaashi does a lot of the diplomatic stuff bokuto has no patience for. bokuto and akaashi actually fight in wars if they’re needed and are EXCELLENT, feared in battle by nearly every country-dateko is a very isolated human kingdom, having its borders shut tight to most outsiders except for trade. they export the best iron. futakuchi is the prince and aone, an elf, is a shy florist who’s a really good fighter if they need him-shiratorizawa is a human kingdom that sets everyone on edge bc nobody knows if they’re trying to take over everybody else or not. it seems like it sometimes, but nothing’s happened yet? so people are nervous but not overly concerned. unique in that the strongest are the ones that rule. ushijima is trying to reach the top spot bc he grew up a simple farmer and wants to be able to provide for his family. the current ruler occasionally wants to take over other countries but is talked out of it every time. ushijima, on the other hand, has no intention of attempting to expand.
extra:-i didn’t mention magic that much? but know it’s not just tsukki that can use it-i accidentally made yaku and lev actual gimli and legolas oops-the only kingdom that has stigmata against certain species is seijoh, and even then, it’s not an official stance - the castle staff is largely uncaring of species differences, but the populace, especially the older ones, tend to look down on non-elves-i’m sorry there are no dwarven kingdoms i wanted to make dateko one but i can’t see futakuchi as a dwarf i’m sorry
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haikyuu-aus · 9 years
Hi there! Could you help me out? I keep seeing fan art for something called fhq(obviously abbreviated) and I'd like to know what it is. If you know. If you don't, that's fine.
ah, of course!
fhq is the common abbreviation for final haikyuu quest, a canon fantasy rpg-esque au used in promotional art and the like. it even has a few picture dramas, compiled and subbed in the video below:
and some promotional art, as seen here:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
there are some little bio things for most everybody. if you just look up “final haikyuu quest” they should show up there.
so there you go! hope this helped!
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haikyuu-aus · 9 years
Hm, how about a baseball au?
oh gosh i’m sorry this took so long. i’ve got opening night for a play this weekend so we’ve been busy with rehearsals for that for the past two months and all and i hate answering asks for this blog on mobile so. here we are, weeks later.
(fun fact of the day: i used to play softball through 6th grade so i know what i’m talking about for once!)
as usual, full au under the cut
abbreviations used:
1B = first baseman2B = second baseman3B = third basemanSS = shortstop (between 2B and 3B)LF = left fieldCF = center fieldRF = right fieldP = pitcherC = catcher
1B: hinata, small giant2B: daichi, tsukishima (doubles as relief pitcher)3B: asahiSS: tanaka, yuiLF: ennoshitaCF: suga, ukaiRF: yamaguchi, akiteruP: kageyama, tsukishimaC: noya
1B: matsukawa2B: yahaba3B: kyoutaniSS: iwaLF: kindaichiCF: hanamakiRF: kunimiP: oikawaC: watari
1B: shibayama2B: kuroo3B: kaiSS: toraLF: levCF: inuokaRF: fukunagaP: kenmaC: yaku
1B: aone2B: futakuchi3B: ushijimaSS: bokutoLF: CF: moniwaRF: P: akaashiC:
-great batters: asahi, tanaka, hinata, kyoutani, iwa, kindaichi, tora, lev, aone, USHIJIMA, bokuto
-karasuno has to spend a while teaching hinata how to catch but once he knows how holy shit. they never have to wait for him to get to first base. he’s just. there. that boy is on it.-kageyama’s pitches are so fast and so frighteningly accurate. he rarely throws anything but strikes. it’s honestly ridiculous.-if anyone tries hitting a ball deep left in hopes of getting some extra time from having to throw the ball to first, they are severely disappointed when they learn that asahi can pretty much make up that time without even trying (even though he has to throw the ball to daichi first bc he is much more likely to catch it than hinata)-tsukishima, as a pitcher, is more focused on the mind games than raw power, like kags is. he loves to freak out whoever’s at bat when he gets the chance.-yamaguchi’s trying to work up to be at least part-time pitcher but with kags and tsukki in line before him, it’s not an easy goal-noya’s pretty much the best catcher ever
-oikawa loves the mind games while he’s pitching almost as much as tsukki does but adds the raw power of kags’s pitches-oikawa has persuaded seijoh to learn the entire choreography to “i don’t dance” from high school musical 2. yes, including iwa. somehow. oikawa is ryan and iwa is chad-kyoutani is like asahi in that he can throw insanely fast. he’s less accurate, though-kunimi is a great fit for RF bc in my experience, it’s the least involved position of the field and we all know kunimi’s a lazy bastard
-i don’t have a lot of hcs for nekoma? sorry
-ushijima is the most feared batter in the prefecture bc not only is he left-handed but he has an insane amount of power behind every swing. when karasuno goes up against him, they throw hinata in center field bc he’s the only one fast enough to try and go after the ball-akaashi’s a really stable pitcher and has great on-field synergy with bokuto
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haikyuu-aus · 9 years
Your aus are AMAZING! Could you do an idol au, please?
oh my goodness thank you! i’d be happy to do an idol au!
since this one can’t really be categorized this is mostly gonna be in “additional headcanon” form
-okay so obviously we all know oikawa’s gonna make it big. the boy is his school’s teenage heartthrob already. he absolutely ADORES the limelight. iwa is his manager who always keeps him out of the almost-scandals oikawa keeps managing to almost get himself into.-oikawa’s usual genre: pop-rock/pop-punk (the holy pop-punk trinity - fall out boy, panic at the disco, and my chemical romance - were some of his music idols growing up)-oikawa gets famous and somehow meets nicki minaj and he almost passes out bc he has so much respect for her and just. adores her as a person and loves her music (iwa’s not so big on her music but agrees with oikawa about her being a wonderful person)-there’s a lot of oikawa/iwa in-universe rpf and oikawa finds it one day and is oddly fascinated by it? he shows iwa and he’s also in a strange fascination and almost appreciation for the effort their fans put into all this-matsukawa and hanamaki are the bassist and lead guitarist, repsectively. kindaichi’s the drumset player and yahaba’s a backup singer and guitarist. watari’s their publicist. kyoutani’s their security guard. kunimi’s in charge of all the special effects at their concerts - lights, pyrotechnics, sound, etc.-and yes you did read that right. pyrotechnics. oikawa loves it and it always manages to startle kindaichi every. single. time. kunimi won’t stop teasing him about it
-akaashi is quieter and is classically trained in voice and piano but he’s still really successful too. bokuto’s a huge fan and meets him at one of his concerts and FREAKS OUT and really wants his autograph and stuff and akaashi’s like. boy what are you doing. how do you have this much energy. but also he thinks bokuto’s really cute and endearing and then he follows bokuto’s twitter back and then whoops they’re texting all the time and akaashi may or may not have a huge crush on this boy-bokuto tells all his friends that he met akaashi face-to-face and they don’t believe him until he shows them the autograph he got and it’s in the middle of that that bokuto gets the notification that akaashi followed him back and he SCREAMS and kuroo just FALLS OVER laughing
-oh god lev the big baby cutie idol i need that in my life-yaku goes to one of his concerts and has to sit on somebody’s (kuroo’s) shoulders so that he can see ANYTHING-lev notices and just starts laughing in between songs and the audience is just like. what? but lev just explains what’s so funny and yaku goes red with something in between rage and embarrassment. kuroo reminds him that punching a famous pop singer is probably not a good idea for his reputation or his wallet. yaku demands to be put down and lev tells him to stay up there bc wow you’re really cute it’s nice to have a view like that in the crowd. yaku’s protests intensify. if kuroo had any thoughts of letting yaku down before, they’re all gone now.-kenma’s there with them and tries to pretend he doesn’t know them. it doesn’t work.-inuoka is lev’s “rival act” but they’re best friends and even do concerts together a lot
-yachi and kiyoko are the pair that get assigned together in a talent show-esque tv show or something and people LOVE them bc whether you like cute idols or pretty idols they can deliver-they love that they got paired together bc they’re best friends and later girlfriends and they’re so precious okay-they’re more in the soft pop genre, sometimes stepping into regular pop-tanaka, noya, and tora all feel very strongly about their duo and try to attend as many of their shows as they can. tora’s most prized possession is a handwritten birthday card to him from both kiyoko and yachi. (i don’t know how it would’ve happened? but it would’ve and it’s precious) they kinda stand out at most of their concerts bc they’re much more punk-inspired in their appearances than most of their fans are
-saeko is lead guitarist for some rock band and tanaka is so so proud of her. he mentions her whenever he gets the chance like “hey did you know my big sis is a kick-ass guitarist bc she is”-the karasuno boys and aki are saeko’s biggest fans and she tries to get them as many perks as she can bc she knows how much they care about her and she cares a lot about them. the whole crew has been backstage at their concerts multiple times and the band loves them
-none of the karasuno boys are idols though? i feel like suga and hinata could be but-tsukki’s actually a professional classical musician (bass clarinet) and saeko’s trying to get the band to write a song where they need a bass clarinet bc she’s heard him and DAMN he’s good
-futakuchi and aone both got youtube-famous separately and later met and do some collab acts now-futakuchi does acapella mashups, medleys, and covers of all kinds of songs-aone does bassoon and piano covers of all kinds of songs and never shows his face on camera bc he’s scared that his audience would be scared of him-when he and futakuchi meet in person, futakuchi is startled for a while bc wow i did not expect that are you sure you’re aone? and then aone takes out his bassoon and starts playing and futakuchi’s like yep. that is definitely aone.-futakuchi’s most famous video is his mashup of getcha head in the game and uptown funk. it’s his pride and joy. he had so much fun making that-aone’s most famous video is his bassoon and piano cover of lips are movin’ but his favorite video he ever made is his bassoon and piano cover of for good
-MICHIMIYA IS ALSO A REALLY CUTE IDOL AND THE KARASUNO BOYS SUPPORT HER EVERY STEP OF THE WAY-so do all the girls from her volleyball team-seriously she’s such a darling michimiya needs more love-despite having a kind of cutesy image, she’s in the alt rock genre
also it’s more of a musician/band au than an idol au but? i hope you like it anyways
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haikyuu-aus · 9 years
Have you thought of a basketball au?
i hadn’t before this ask but YES LET’S GO
(btw all my basketball knowledge is based off of knb and what i’ve learned through that so if there are inaccuracies i apologize in advance)
abbreviations used:PG = point guardSG = shooting guardSF = small forwardPF = power forwardC = center
first name in each category is the team’s main for that position
rest below the cut
PG - kageyama, sugaSG - daichi, noya, yamaguchiSF - hinata, ennoshita, ukai, akiteruPF - asahi, tanakaC - tsukki (who goes all kiyoshi teppei on that shit and combines PG characteristics with C ones)
PG - oikawa, yahabaSG - mattsun, kunimiSF - makki, watariPF - iwa, kyoutaniC - kindaichi
PG - kenmaSG - yakuSF - inuokaPF - taketora, levC - kuroo (who likewise has PG elements)
PG - akaashiSG - moniwaSF - futakuchiPF - bokutoC - ushijima, aone
i don’t know enough about the other three nekoma members to place them and i’m missing a lot of other, more minor characters, including most of shiratorizawa (minus ushiwaka obviously) but yanno
Additional Headcanons:
-i’m sorry karasuno doesn’t have another center but nobody else is really a dedicated blocker-type character. you know how they are. that team is all-out offense so i can’t see any of them aside from tsukki being a more defensive role. not even noya bc he’s way too short. sorry noya i love you kid but that’s how it goes
-you know that eagle eye ability that takao and izuki have? kags has it but oikawa doesn’t and it totally pisses oikawa off but whatever bc oikawa wants to beat kags despite that
-daichi is the most stable and reliable SG ever and he’s the unknown weapon of karasuno. nobody really realizes what he does bc it’s not all that flashy but if anybody takes the time to look at stats and whatnot they realize that he’s a fucking menace
-yamaguchi being a pinch server -> yamaguchi being a SG
-asahi and hinata are the obvious weapons of karasuno. once they get over their scaredy-cat tendencies good luck stopping those kids
-when people see iwa they assume he’s seijoh’s SG or something but then oikawa’s like “haha no this guy’s our PF” and they don’t believe him and then iwa crushes them in the match. despite not being very tall, iwa is one of the best PFs in the prefecture, mostly because of how well he can coordinate with the rest of his team
-inversely, kyoutani is just as skilled as iwa is, if not more, but he doesn’t work well with the team so he doesn’t perform as well. when yahaba’s the captain and the one kyoutani’s working with he basically becomes one of the best PFs ever
-nekoma is a team where every player has some PG tendencies but their dedicated PG (kenma) has really refined those skills
-yaku gets pissed off at tall people assuming he can’t play b-ball (like lev honestly) and shoots three-pointers like a dream
-lev sucks honestly but he tries bless that kid. he gets better over the years and by his senior year he’s actually not bad and is a pretty formidable PF
-hey guess what inuoka and hinata still have the same position i actually didn’t plan that
-however bokuto and ushijima don’t share a position anymore
-regardless, bokuto is actually the best (second-best?) PF in the prefecture, largely due to akaashi’s help. everybody knows this and respects bokuto’s power and akaashi’s game sense and skill
-aone is a pretty obvious center, as is ushijima (i know ushijima doesn’t do defense in volleyball very well but in b-ball he just has to stand there basically? he’s one of the tallest characters in the series iirc. also he could totally kill being a very offensively-oriented center. he’s the best in the prefecture)
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haikyuu-aus · 9 years
hello! i loved your hogwarts au! i was wondering if you would do one for each school? i'm very interested in hearing what you have for seijou, nekoma and fukuroudani!
yes! i’ve already sorted all of seijoh, most of nekoma, and the mains from dateko, fukurodani, and ushijima. i may get around to other members off of those teams and other side characters? but there will definitely be a full seijoh one bc i LOVE seijoh and know all 9 main members pretty well (some more than others but that’s the way it is). glad you enjoyed the karasuno post!
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haikyuu-aus · 9 years
heyo it’s the mod talking! no au, i’m just here to tell you that school for me starts on thursday so blog activity will probably dip some while i’m getting used to the craziness of the beginning of the year! on the plus side, homecoming is really early for us this year so i’ll be more active after that but a lot more active after all-state auditions in late october and the fall play in early november. so hopefully i can maintain activity in this blog (but it definitely helps if i get asks for aus and all that~), but if not, then i’ll see you when i can!
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haikyuu-aus · 9 years
alternative fashion au
this was one of my earlier ideas for an au but i didn’t know if i could make it a full thing but lo and behold! i saw that somewhere somebody else had made the same au under the name “aesthetic au” and i decided to resurrect this thing recently
links will be to explanation pages/multiple-image examples of most styles! full au under the cut
daichi - visual kei suga - nu goth asahi - mori kei noya - oshare kei tanaka - rockabilly ennoshita - steampunk kageyama - cyberpunk hinata - street punk tsukishima - dolly kei yamaguchi - fairy kei kiyoko - ega (victorian goth) yachi - rockabilly (pin-up girl) takeda - classic ouji (other common terms: kodona/boystyle) ukai - bosozoku saeko - bosozoku natsu - street punk (hina gives her his old clothes) akiteru - decora
oikawa - sweet/gothic lolita/ouji (he and iwa both pretty much alternate between all their styles) iwa - classic/gothic lolita/ouji (oikawa wanted to try it and roped iwa into it but iwa's almost more into it than oikawa is?) mattsun - grunge makki - traditional goth kindaichi - cult party kei kunimi - pastel goth kyoutani - cyberpunk yahaba - dolly kei watari - fairy kei
kuroo - carnival goth kenma - scene yaku - romantic goth lev - decora inuoka - pastel goth yamamoto - rockabilly
futakuchi - oshare kei aone - neo-victorian moniwa - visual kei bokuto - steampunk akaashi - rock and roll punk ushijima - mori kei (ventures into dark mori kei sometimes)
-they're all BIG NAMES in their respective fashion niches -kags and kyoutani are united in their distaste for the neon dread trend that gets associated with cyberpunk -ennoshita is a costuming pro and bokuto loves to make gadgets -LEV'S PERSONALITY IS SO PERFECT FOR DECORA -nO BUT IMAGINE kindaichi in cult party kei he's so cute it's so perfect -yachi likes to have old rockabilly shoots with tanaka and tora who "fight over her" (but know her heart belongs to the lady in black who gOD  she's so pretty how is yachi supposed to talk to someone that pretty how are TANAKA AND TORA supposed to talk to someone that pretty gOOD LORD) -everyone thinks kuroo looks totally scary and intimidating but when you get to know him you literally can't see him as either of those things anymore. ever -both of my pairs for tsukki (yams, kuroo) wear totally over-the-top styles and he's like "why". they make quite the picture walking side-by-side -honestly a lot of pairs wear totally opposite styles -ukai and saeko were members of "rival gangs" and continue to play it up for show
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haikyuu-aus · 9 years
Someone send me your AU ideas and your headcanons about random characters and ships I’m so bored and wanna talk okay I’ll even talk about Stucky and Kagehina on my personal
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haikyuu-aus · 9 years
pacific rim au
first of all keep in mind that not all of these have to or are even supposed to be shippy. i’ve never seen drift compatibility as being inherently romantic or familial - it can be totally, 100% platonic, so if you don’t like any of the pairs as ships, you can see it platonically, or if you like the ship, then ship away!
(for those unfamiliar with pacific rim: there are these giant robots that require two people to operate and these two people are connected with a “neural handshake” that basically connects their minds - also referred to as “drifting” - these two people can then experience their partner’s past, thoughts, etc. but not just any two people can connect like this: they have to be what’s known as “drift compatible”, and no concrete definition for drift compatibility is ever given. i interpret it as being able to understand each other on some baser level, but there’s no real science to it for me. it’s something you just kind of know. some people are easier/harder to match than others, which is why you’ll see some people in more drift-compatible pairs than others)
this one’s a full au (unlike the hogwarts au which is so big it has to be split into parts), so everything’s under the cut!
daichi/suga asahi/noya tanaka/saeko ennoshita/akiteru narita/kinoshita kageyama/hinata tsukishima/kiyoko yamaguchi/yachi ukai/takeda oikawa/iwaizumi matsukawa/hanamaki kunimi/kindaichi yahaba/kyoutani kuroo/kenma yaku/lev akaashi/bokuto
people i don’t have a solid match for yet:
yui natsu watari inuoka yamamoto futakuchi aone ushijima
drift-compatible pairs that aren’t partners:
daichi/yui suga/hinata suga/yamaguchi suga/yaku asahi/hinata asahi/kiyoko asahi/yachi asahi/aone noya/tanaka noya/hinata noya/saeko tanaka/hinata tanaka/yamamoto ennoshita/kiyoko hinata/yachi hinata/natsu hinata/kenma hinata/inuoka hinata/aone hinata/bokuto tsukishima/yamaguchi tsukishima/yachi tsukishima/akiteru tsukishima/kuroo kiyoko/yachi yachi/natsu yui/natsu akiteru/saeko saeko/small giant oikawa/ushijima iwaizumi/kindaichi yahaba/watari kuroo/bokuto kenma/lev futakuchi/aone
some accompanying headcanons:
-ushijima and oikawa are drift-compatible and ushijima thinks oikawa should've picked him over iwaizumi but oikawa basically gave him the middle finger bc like hell he was going to leave iwa -yahaba and kyoutani didn't want anything to do with each other until they drifted for the first time and then they're like "shit this guy isn't anything like i thought he was" -tsukki and yams are drift-compatible but not as much as tsukki and kiyoko or yams and yachi (tsukki has no intention of ever getting together with kiyoko but a lot the single straight/bi/pan guys in the bunker are jealous of him for getting the prettiest girl there for his drift partner) -hinata is drift-compatible with a ridiculous amount of people -conversely, asahi, kageyama, ukai, kunimi, kyoutani, kenma, aone, akaashi, ushijima, and most surprisingly, ennoshita are all hard matches -ennoshita can make drifts with a few people besides akiteru but they are very weak (the best they'd found before aki is kiyoko, who drifts better with asahi/tsukki/yachi) (he can kinda drift with narita and kinoshita, but they drift much better with each other) -in training and simulations, daichi and yui paired off; for the real thing, daichi and suga drift like a dream (the same thing happened with noya and tanaka, who split for asahi and saeko, respectively) -tanaka kind of always knew that he and saeko would be drift partners (so did saeko) -hinata thought that he would be drifting with natsu until he and kags met and became unlikely partners (kags is a ridiculously powerful, ridiculously tough-to-match jaeger pilot that everyone thought not even hinata could match) (he can and did)
-honestly don’t ask why i paired ennoshita and aki i know they’ve never actually interacted but i saw this shippy headcanon about them and even though i headcanon aro/ace aki i can totally see them being best bros -i know people were probably expecting drift partners tsukki and yams but like? not every ship has to be drift partners and also tsukki and kiyoko besties for life. same for yams and yachi... the platonic potential is so real i love it -futakuchi and aone are drift compatible but they’re not like... the pair for each other. i don’t know who would be (in either case), but it’s not them. they’re good friends but for whatever reason i can’t see them as each other’s first choice for a drift partner. some minor character i don’t know much about, maybe -not every ship has to be drift partners but hoo boy basically every ship i love in haikyuu!! were best friends to begin with, with a few exceptions
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haikyuu-aus · 9 years
the Obligatory Hogwarts AU (Haikyuu!! version - Karasuno edition)
because i love hogwarts aus and so do you
(houses under the read more)
Sawamura Daichi - Hufflepuff
honestly say what you will about gryffindor daichi but i will always remain loyal to hufflepuff daichi because he is dedicated pretty much above all else to volleyball and his team (who’s basically become his family tbh - he puts on an air of “how did i become the dad of these losers” but boy if he doesn’t put everything on the line for them to make them all happy and safe). he’s very much into stability (it’s kind of his whole personal volleyball strategy?), which is super hufflepuff. he’s all about the group - never a self-centered captain.
Sugawara Koushi - Slytherin
just your friendly reminder that slytherins aren’t necessarily bad! suga is absolutely a slytherin because observing people and using that information to the benefit of one’s self or one’s group is definitely something suga does day-to-day in his observations of how the team is doing, what tosses suit them best, etc. and even though he never really voices his observations aloud (except to kageyama, to again, benefit his team), he definitely uses them in pretty much all of his interactions with people to better not only his own position but often to subtly push them to better themselves, as well! (suga is very much a “fair play” slytherin, though. cheating is very much not his thing)
Azumane Asahi - Hufflepuff
asahi’s whole “i quit because i let the team down” thing has very hufflepuff underlying reasons - trying to keep the group happy and getting stuck in what is at the moment instead of what’s possible in the future (believing earnestly he’d never be able to get past dateko’s blockers instead of thinking about other ways to best them after that match). also consider that asahi’s very much a fan of the known and safe bc he’s honestly kind of a coward? but when the time comes and his team is depending on him, he has GOT THIS
Nishinoya Yuu - Gryffindor
really who didn’t see this one coming? noya is not afraid to make a scene to defend what he knows is right (his confrontation with asahi after karasuno v. dateko, defending kiyoko from “unsavory characters” from other teams, helping out anyone who needs it [especially his underclassmen and asahi]). he also has an undying determination to succeed for the sake of his cause (his team, obviously) (consider his post-karasuno v. dateko follow-up work craze and his post-karasuno v. seijoh libero set he had absolutely no experience with at first but there’s no way in hell he’d give up on it)
Tanaka Ryuunosuke - Gryffindor
he’s here basically for the same reasons as noya with added examples of helping out hinata and kageyama practice before their practice match against tsukki and yamaguchi knowing that if he was caught, he could get into some serious trouble with daichi, as well as just generally being the undying, determined spirit of karasuno even in matches where it might seem hopeless
Ennoshita Chikara - Ravenclaw
(he’s kind of on the edge of every house but i needed a ravenclaw in karasuno so that’s what definitively pushes him here for me) of all the karasuno players, ennoshita is one of the most content to just observe and analyze - a useful trait for someone who sits on the sidelines as much as he does, honestly. it’s also useful for dealing with our two favorite idiot second-years. and even though not all ravenclaws are smart and not all smart people are ravenclaws, ennoshita is one of the smarter people on the team (hq wiki says he’s never received a failing mark before). ravenclaws also usually have some kind of creative pursuit, like music, writing, or reading - ennoshita’s is filmmaking!
Kageyama Tobio - Gryffindor
but kageyama’s a slytherin! you exclaim. sorting takes place before character development! some might argue. well, for the second, remember that kageyama wasn’t like how he was in the beginning of high school until maybe second year of middle school, definitely by the third. and i tell you, this boy is a gryffindor bc he has no fear i s2g. going up against the scary-looking aone? no sweat dude. setting toe-to-toe against your inspiration and former upperclassman oikawa? he gets too eager to show the bastard up. oh wait you’re going up against top ace ushijima? who gives a shit we’re here to kick ass and take names. and while he’s looking to individually improve his own skills, he’s also very concerned with his team and if he and them don’t work together, then none of that personal improvement matters anyways. maybe his most gryffindor trait is his firmness in his sense of self and his own beliefs (sometimes to the point where it compromises performance: see how his opinion of tsukki effectively shut him off as a passing option until he finally got his shit together and learned how to play nice during matches [though it helps that karasuno is honestly a found family, jerkass brother and all]). kageyama is not one to let what others think affect what he thinks (unless, of course, it’s from someone he respects, like suga or daichi)
Hinata Shouyou - Gryffindor
hinata’s a gryffindor for a lot of the same reasons kageyama’s a gryffindor, honestly. you can’t say he’s 100% fearless bc of his early first matches but he’s learned how to conquer his nerves and doesn’t bat an eyelash when he’s trying to prove himself to people like tsukki or oikawa or even ushijima (his ridiculous quick, high jumps that always scare the shit out of everyone who sees them up close). hinata’s also really firm in his ideals (especially his dream, which he’s determined to accomplish, come hell or high water, no matter what anyone else thinks), and will use the skills of others as motivation to improve himself (tokyo training arc with bokuto).
Tsukishima Kei - Slytherin
probably the most obvious choice of the list, there is pretty much no way tsukki isn’t a slytherin, always observing others so he knows their patterns and weaknesses so he can exploit them if need be, whether it’s for the good of the team or just for the hell of it (riling almost literally the entire team and the entire opposing team up for his own amusement). knowing all these things about people is vital to his role as a blocker, and after his training with kuroo, his people know-how finally becomes a very real and very dangerous weapon. tsukki definitely knows how to deal with anyone he comes across - whether he uses this knowledge or not is another matter entirely. and finally, he has no time for people he doesn’t care for - see: pretty much everyone except akiteru maybe? even then that’s kinda questionable? and he’s friends with yamaguchi but definitely doesn’t like to admit it (hell, he probably views karasuno as family and wouldn’t admit it on his life)
Yamaguchi Tadashi - Hufflepuff
yamaguchi is all about supporting the group and dedicating himself to his team, even though it’s not all for unselfish reasons (his drive to become a great pinch server was due to not wanting to be the only first-year that didn’t get to play, though he really did do his best to support even when he didn’t get to play). one of his greatest contributions to the team was probably during the tokyo training arc when he pushed tsukki to finally start seriously improving his block with kuroo and bokuto (and hinata, akaashi, and lev iirc), as well as generally helping to placate tensions between the group.
so there you have it! i didn’t include narita or kinoshita because i know next to nothing about them? it’s a shame, honestly. (i also didn’t include the managers or coaches because their part is next [with bonus siblings]!)
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