hallyurps · 7 years
hello!! hope you're having a lovely day!! please can we have a shoutout? we’re a brand new appless roleplay based on marvel/xmen with hints of the divergent series. war is brewing between the humans and mutants and it’s only a matter of time before someone strikes; the mutants have to start preparing now. there are two organisations, the anti-mutant organisation and operation x, which one will survive? will anyone survive what’s to come? come and check us out? thank you so much!
a shoutout for this awesome blog! hope you have a lovely day as well!!
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hallyurps · 7 years
After the Elders created a prison for demons, they bestowed the power upon seven souls that were chosen as hellmouth guardians. Once they trapped the demons inside and sealed the hellmouth shut, one of the most powerful creatures found his way out. Now that Abraxas has returned to Mystic Falls, the locals have to try and stop him from raising his army. Hey there! We are a crossover roleplay based on The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf and The Originals. Could we please get a shoutout? Thank you!
a very late, but a very deserving shoutout for this new group!!
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hallyurps · 7 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could give us a quick shoutout? Thank you in advance ! We are a brand new slightly au appless roleplay based on the tv show avatar. The year is 2018 and the Institute of Elements has been a safe haven for people of all ages for 30 years, and has furthered their control over their bending. Perhaps this institution will be the first step towards change in an otherwise chaotic world.
sorry for the wait! here’s a quick shoutout for an awesome new rp group! i love the last airbender / legend of korra! i’ve always thought of myself as an airbender, what about you?
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hallyurps · 7 years
“요즘엔 혼자 있고 싶을 때가 있어.” i. these days, i want to be alone.
“너나 나나 되게 간사하지. 나쁜 사람 되긴 싫어 하지.” ii. both you and i are cunning, and don’t want to be the villain. 
“지금 우리 사인 살얼음판 위를 걷는 것처럼 아슬아슬해.” iii. our relationship right now is riskily walking on thin ice.
“상처 주기도 받기도 싫어.” iv. i don’t want to give or be dealt wounds.
“정 때문에 위태롭게 버티고 있어.”  v. i’m only riskily holding on to this out of obligation.
“우리 사인 고무줄다리기다. 계속 왔다 갔다.” vi. our relationship is a rubber band tug-of-war. always going back and forth.
“이제는 놓아야지 한 명은 아파야지.” vii. it’s time to let go, one of us has to get hurt.
“우리 둘 중에 한 명은 이걸 놓아야 돼.” viii. one of us has to let this go. 
“우리의 추억들을 내 마음 속에 잘 간직할게.” ix. i’ll hold onto our old memories in my heart.  
“우린 좋은 인연이었다. 더는 미련 없을 것 같아.” x. we had a good relationship, but there’s no more attachment.
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hallyurps · 7 years
“울고 싶지 않아.” i. i don’t want to cry.
“내가 싫어져서 간 거니?” ii. did you leave because you stopped liking me?
“널 찾아 가야 돼. 지금 울면 못 볼지 모르니까.” iii. i need to find you right now because i won’t be able to see you if i start to cry.
“나는 지금 널 찾고있어.” iv. i’m looking for you right now.
“난 괜찮아. 널 보고 싶지 않아.” v. i’m fine. i don’t miss you. 
“안 괜찮아. 너무 보고 싶어.” vi. i’m not fine. i miss you so much.
“돌아와.” vii. come back.
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hallyurps · 7 years
hi. i was wondering if you had any advice for us people who are just now joining krp?
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hey anon! i think some tips to keep in mind before going into krp is:
keeping accurate to korean culture / language: krp tends to be filled with lots of misleading beliefs about korean culture, false use of the language, and not very accurate portrayals of korean people / characters. make sure to study up on the culture and the language as well (if you’re going to use it in your rps)! and remember you can always come to this blog to ask questions about any of this if you have them.
get your name out there: like any rp community, it will be hard at first to get your name out there and find people to rp with! this can be easily fixed by joining an rp group, which can usually be found in the #krp tag (click on “show by most recent” to get good results).
don’t be afraid to reach out: krp is a diverse community with lots of different plots and characters. don’t be afraid to reach out and interact with people! usually sending a quick message that says, “hey i love your character, and i would like to plot!’ gets a good response and can lead to great rp threads and friends! so don’t be afraid to send an instant message to someone!
if you have anymore questions, then i’d be happy to answer them. just send in another ask! hope you enjoy krp!
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hallyurps · 7 years
“우리 엄만 매일 내게 말했어, 언제나 남자 조심하라고.” i. my mom told me to always be careful of men.
“사랑은 마치 불장난 같아서 다칠 것이다.” ii. because love is like playing with fire, it’s only normal to get hurt.
“널 보면 내 마음이 뜨겁게 달아올라, 두려움보단 널 향한 끌림이 더 커.” iii. when i see you, my heart sets on fire, your allure is stronger than my fear.
“우리 사랑은 불장난이야.” iv. our love is like playing with fire.
“이게 약인지 독인지 나도 잘 몰라.” v. i don’t know if this is medicine or poison.
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hallyurps · 7 years
Hello! How are you today? Could you help us with a shoutout? We just opened about a week ago! With This Ring™ wedding company (our bio-oc rp) is here to support every bride or groom’s fantasy and to make their special day one everyone will be raving about for years. together, they all work in unison but behind the scenes, things might not be as uniform and things definitely aren’t always as pretty.
shoutout for this new rpg! you know, if you like it then you should put a ring on it ;)
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hallyurps · 7 years
Welcome to Redmour, Washington! Our goal; to keep you safe. It's been a few years since everyone was outed, and tensions are running high. That demon over there looks shady, and the vampire is giving you looks. Can you spot the Hunter spy? Because the founders can't. [Good morning! Can we please get a shout out? Brand new supernatural safehaven, we have 4 open founders and the rest of the muns are oc. We can't wait to meet your chara!]
shoutout for this new group! follow and join @redmourhq if you’re interested!
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hallyurps · 7 years
psa: peeps writing fem charas, watch out!
The other day I posted this post warning people about certain players (particularly men) that use roleplaying as a way to fulfill their s3xu4l fantasies and rope vulnerable and naive people into helping them with this. The response was more than I ever expected, so I’ve decided to repost everything I’ve written and gathered in order to keep sort of a list we can keep updated of roleplayers people should report, block, and avoid at all costs.
NOTE: if there is someone that has hurt you or tried to rope you into writing nasty stuff with them, let me know and I’ll try to help you as best as I can. My inbox/submit box is open to anyone that might need help or just someone they can talk to. If you know of someone that you believe should be added to the post, contact me and I’ll add whatever you want me to while you remain anonymous so you don’t jeopardize your safety and peace of mind.
Keep reading
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hallyurps · 7 years
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icons page update: +60 faceless / misc icons, as requested by anon, enjoy ♡
do not edit / use as base
find here
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hallyurps · 7 years
in the mood to offer advice / opinions / reviews !! hit us up if you’re interested, and we’ll check your rp out! 
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hallyurps · 7 years
Hey y'all, do you thank that a roleplay group that has youtuber's in it, has any kind of chance to become a successful group? Thanks for your time and hope you both had a great week!
honestly, this is pretty vague — do you mean a group that allows youtubers to be fc’s, or a group that centers around youtubers? either way, it has a chance of being successful, the only concern i’d have is making sure people don’t use as fc’s people who have publicly requested to not be fc’s (including some yt’ers, iirc). and, ofc, there’s an over-emphasis on needing resources for fc’s in tumblr rp, but imo even that’s not always necessary, so i’d say yes. 
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hallyurps · 7 years
Hey there! Can we please request a shoutout? From afar, everything about sweet old Ravenswood seemed to be ordinary, but the closer you got to the picture, the more distorted and ugly everything seems to get. Lies and secrets seem to be embedded into the foundation of this town, festering from within. Whoever you might be, there is no denying that there is something strange going on in Ravenswood. Thank you so much for your time!
check @ravenswoodhq out if this sounds like your thing !!
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hallyurps · 7 years
hi there ! could we get a shoutout please? LAUGHSHQ is a new skeleton rp about a group of college kids and their comedy improv group. all skeletons are based off of classic CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY cards. follow the twist, turns, terrible jokes, and absolute mayhem that will come with a group of young adults who think they’re funnier than they actually are. thank you so much!
give @laughshq a look !!
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hallyurps · 7 years
Hi Rui and Hyunwoo! Hope you're having a good day! Would you mind giving us a shoutout? We are a brand new plotless roleplay, set in the fictional town of Ormont, North Carolina! We're looking for your 21+ original characters to join us and embrace our little town, with just the right combination of relaxation and frivolity! Can't wait to see you all at the 'Welcome to Ormont sign'. Thanks in advance!
check out @ormontrp if you’ve got an oc up your sleeve !!
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hallyurps · 7 years
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+20 misc icons — please like or reblog if you use any
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