happytarot · 2 years
Tarot Spread: Shadow
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Shadow Work is some of my favorite psychology + magic topics to go over.  I made this divination spread a few years ago to help with the process.  Feel free to use it and tag me in your findings!
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happytarot · 2 years
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happytarot · 2 years
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Have you ever projected your feelings on to someone else?
Of course you have, we all have!  It’s something we’ve all done at some point in our lives (probably more often than we care to admit….).
↠ What exactly is projection?
Coined by Freud,  projection “is a defense mechanism in which the ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves and attributing them to others.”  
Projection often looks like blame shifting.  Some common examples include the cheating spouse who assumes that their partner is also lying or cheating (a manifestation of their own guilt),  or the bully who ridicules someone because deep down they’re insecure (hiding their own shame).  These tactics enable the person projecting to shift those uncomfortable negative emotions onto someone else to avoid confronting the emotions themselves.
↠ Examples of projection in our world
Judging lifestyle choices of others saying “I would never do that”  as it relates to decisions someone else has made can often indicate jealousy or a repressed desire to do that thing (ironic, isn’t it!).  
Thinking someone hates us can also be a form of projection. It’s possible that deep down we don’t really like that person, so we convince ourselves that they don’t like us.
There is also a common attitude of “if I can do it, so can they” without fully taking into account our own privilege or capabilities.   Popular examples of this include thinking or saying things like: - “If I can work a full-time job while raising my kids, so can they” -  “If I can cook meals every night, so can they” -  “If I can go on vacation once per year, so can they” - “If I can stay fit, so can they” -  “If I can finish that task in 1 hour, they can too” -  “If I can earn xxx salary per year, so can they”
↠ How to avoid projection
Understanding the ego is complex and a lifelong challenge.  Identifying the ways in which we act from a lower vibrational awareness is important to help us change.
Understanding projection is also helpful when dealing with others. Identifying when someone is genuinely trying to help us versus when they’re acting out of an unconscious impulse is important.
When we can accept ourselves - positives and negatives - and feel comfortable reflecting on who we are, we tend not to project toward others.  Recognizing our own imperfections and weaknesses can help amplify our empathy toward those around us.  When we stop competing with others and focus on being the best version of ourselves, there is no room for projection.
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happytarot · 2 years
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thewitchoftheforest ~ Instagram
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happytarot · 2 years
Karta dnia XVIII Księżyc - Card of the day XVIII The Moon
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Myślisz, że patrzysz na rzeczywistość, ale to tylko projekcja, która wypływa z Ciebie. Aby odkryć prawdziwe oblicze rzeczywistości, trzeba porzucić iluzje. Konfrontacja ze swoim cieniem oraz tłumionymi i ignorowanymi przez jakiś czas emocjami. Nie pozwól, aby negatywne emocje wzięły nad Tobą górę. To tylko iluzja. Odkrywanie swojego cienia.
You think you are looking at reality, but it's just a projection that flows out of you. To discover the true face of reality you must give up your illusions. Confrontation with your shadow and emotions that have been suppressed and ignored for some time. Don't let negative emotions take over you. It's just ilusion. Discovering your shadow side.
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happytarot · 3 years
Cards of the day
III The Empress + Six of Cups (Witches Tarot)
Returning is a project started in the past that will give us a lot of satisfaction and will be successful.
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17 The Fates (Wisdom of the Oracle)
Fate, karma, acceptance that there are things you cannot change and knowing what those things are.
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happytarot · 3 years
Cards for the next week 😊
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Scarab Beetle Spirit - Magic works through you - Now is time for great optimism, for you can accomplish anything you desire and your creative endeavors will come to fruition. Miracles, opportunities, abudance, and love will appear seemingly out of nowhere as you allow Spirit to work through you and magically manifest what you need.
White Raven Spirit - Trust in the magic - Now is the time to trust in the magic of the world that is evewhere and in all things. Pay attention to how things come together as if by magic, and you will see the hand of Great Spirit arranging things for your favor. Trust your magic, because it works. Believe that you have the magic. Everything will be good!
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Very soon - What you're asking for will happen soon in a happy way - This card wants you to know that your prayers are coming true very soon. There's no need to hurry or rush, and there's definitely no need to worry. Your desires are coming true at exactly the perfect time. 
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happytarot · 3 years
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happytarot · 3 years
Tarot spread 😊
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