hdlhub · 9 years
Secondhand Smoke
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My grandfather died of lung cancer before I was born, so I never had a chance to meet him. He smoked. His wife—my grandmother—also died of cancer, so I never got a chance to meet her, either. I can’t help but wonder what might have happened if he'd never smoked, or if he had quit before he developed lung cancer. Though cigarette-smoking rates are dropping, more than 58 million nonsmokers in the US are still exposed to secondhand smoke every year, according to the CDC.1
The Environmental Protection Agency classifies secondhand smoke as a Group A carcinogen. This means it’s known to cause cancer in humans. The Surgeon General has stated that secondhand smoke is not safe in any amount. 2
Health experts measure secondhand smoke by blood levels of cotinine, which is a byproduct of nicotine. But nicotine isn't all that’s in secondhand smoke. According to the National Cancer Institute, there are at least 69 chemicals in secondhand smoke that are known to cause cancer. 3 Apart from causing lung cancer in nonsmokers, secondhand smoke is also linked to heart disease in adults, as well as sudden infant death syndrome, ear infections, and asthma attacks in children.
Having grown up in California, I wasn’t used to people being able to smoke inside restaurants until I moved east to Tennessee. Thankfully, many more states have passed laws that ban smoking in public places.  
Protect yourself from secondhand smoke:
If you smoke, quit smoking.
Don’t let anyone smoke in your car.
Teach your children to stay away from secondhand smoke.
Make sure your children’s childcare/schools are tobacco free.
If your state still allows smoking in public places, find restaurants that do not allow smoking.
 Most importantly, be a good role model by not smoking or using any other type of tobacco.
- HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Jill Blewett, MS, RD, LDN, CDE, CTTS
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant today!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Secondhand Smoke (SHS) Facts. 2015. Available at: link.
US Environmental Protection Agency. Health effects of exposure to secondhand smoke. 2011. Available at: link.
National Institute of Health. Secondhand Smoke and Cancer. 2011. Available at: link.
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
Stability Ball Wall Squat
In the past two weeks, we’ve talked about how to choose a stability ball and learned a basic stability ball exercise: stability ball crunches. This week, let’s take it to the next level with stability ball wall squats.
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Exercise: Stability Ball Wall Squat
Recently, I’ve added a different kind of squat to my workouts—wall squats using a stability ball. The ball supports my back so that I can squat deeper and keep my torso upright. This helps fully engage my glutes, hamstrings, and quads.
How to do a stability ball wall squat:
Stand with your back facing a wall, feet shoulder-width apart or a little wider.
Place the stability ball between your mid-back and the wall. Your feet should be directly under your shoulders or slightly farther from the wall.
While engaging your core, lower your body into a squat position. Try to lower yourself until your thighs are level with the ground.
Return to standing position.
Make it harder! Hold the squat position for one to five seconds before returning to standing.
Try it!
Try to do two to three sets of 10–15 repetitions. This is a great exercise to include in a stability ball circuit or any workout!
- HDL, Inc. Intern Abby Bellows, Exercise Science & Dietetics Student, & reviewed by HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Anna Bell, RD, CTTS
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant today!
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
Book Review: “It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways” by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig
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Premise of the Book
It Starts With Food (ISWF) explains the Whole30 concept, in which one eliminates grains, dairy, legumes, and alcohol for 30 days with no slips or cheats. Only foods that satisfy the four “Food Standards” are permitted:
 Does the food you eat….
Promote a healthy psychological response?
Promote a healthy hormonal response?
Support a healthy gut?
Support immune function and minimize inflammation?
 Permitted foods include foods with natural/healthy fats, protein, all non-starchy vegetables, and reasonable amounts of fruit. The Whole30 approach discourages you from attempting to recreate standard American diet (“SAD”) foods like cakes, cookies, and breads, even if made from approved ingredients. Even natural sugars like honey are off limits because the authors believe they reinforce our dependence on sugar and baked goods for pleasure.
 Bottom Line & My Two Cents
You need to read ISWF if you have ever thought, “I can’t stop craving sweets,” or “Once I start eating it…I can’t stop.” With plenty of humor and dash of tough love, this book presents the Whole30 concept in a way that’s rational, organized, consistent, and easy to understand. I liked that you don’t have to be a clinician to understand the science behind it.
I have made personal, permanent changes to my diet as a result of their book. Was it hard? Yes. Plus, it takes lots of planning. The authors' response? 
“It is not hard. Don’t you dare tell us this is hard.   ... Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard.”  
- HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Stacie Wheatley, MA, RD, LD
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant today!
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
Going to the Game
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Football season is here and it’s almost game time! The food options in stadiums are not always healthy, so what can you bring with you when you head to the big game?
National Football League (NFL) stadiums allow a clear 12” x 6” x12” bag, which you can purchase or make yourself. They also allow a one-gallon clear plastic Ziploc® bag or a small clutch bag (4.5” x 6.5”). Check with your local university for their rules on food and bag sizes.
Sometimes it’s difficult to bring an entire meal with you, so snacks are best. Some of my favorites are fruits, dried veggie chips, and nuts. 
Here are a few more ideas for healthy snacks that are easy to pack and that stay fresh without a fridge:
Nuts – try almonds, cashews, or macadamia nuts
Jerky – try homemade jerky, or look for premade jerky without too many additives or salt
Fresh fruit – apples, pears, and oranges are easy to pack
Chopped raw veggies
Roasted pumpkin seeds
Banana chips – dried or baked
Roasted seaweed
Veggie chips – including kale chips and zucchini chips
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- HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Jill Blewett, MS, RD, LDN, CDE, CTTS For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant today!
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
FREE Webinar: Coaching Your Cranium
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The brain is a complex organ that serves as your body’s control system. It can thrive on healthy habits or fight to survive on unhealthy ones. Certain strategies—especially those related to good nutrition, physical activity, and quality sleep—can help keep your brain spry and youthful.
Want a realistic how-to guide for exercising your brain, plus simple tips for your daily routine? Join our Clinical Health Consultants for a FREE webinar on food and lifestyle habits that can help keep your brain sharp and healthy.
Free National Webinar: Coaching Your Cranium  September 24th at noon EDT & 8pm EDT CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP
- HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Jenn Jordan, MS, RD, LD
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant today!
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
Stability Ball Crunches
Last week, we talked about choosing and using a stability ball. Today, let’s walk through a basic stability ball exercise that’s a great workout for your core!
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Exercise: Stability Ball Crunches
After a while, regular crunches can be boring and aren’t much of a challenge for me. That’s why I like to mix it up sometimes by using a stability ball. Doing crunches on a stability ball engages your core muscles more fully than regular floor crunches. This leads to a better burn.
How to do stability ball crunches:
Sit upright on a stability ball.
Slowly walk your feet out away from the ball. At the same time, lean your torso back onto the ball so that it’s level with the ground.
You can cross your arms over your chest, or place them behind your head. Be careful NOT to use your arms to pull up your head and neck.
Use your abs to lift your upper body (crunch). Then return to the starting position.
 Try it!
Try to do two to three sets of 15–20 repetitions. Add this exercise to your workout routine to enhance your core strength!
- HDL, Inc. Intern Abby Bellows, Exercise Science & Dietetics Student, & reviewed by HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Anna Bell, RD, CTTS
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 1.877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant today!
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
How Much is Too Much Exercise?
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Is it possible to exercise too much?  The answer is YES!  
As an exercise physiologist working  in the health and fitness field, I often see images that promote extreme forms of fitness and body image. I have counseled patients of all ages who have felt that they needed to keep up with radical forms of exercise. Many believed they wouldn’t earn respect unless they finished a certain race, took a certain fitness class, and so on.  But this mindset can sometimes be harmful.
Recently, I provided consulting to a very active person aged around 60. He was noticing more aches and pains throughout his body, and was feeling more tired than usual. He was also having trouble losing weight. Reviewing a description of his workout routine made it clear that he was not giving his body enough time to rest, repair, and recover during the week between workouts. This placed his body in a constant state of stress. Over the next four to six weeks, he slowly decreased the intensity of his workouts and added an extra day of rest per week. As a result, he saw vast improvements in all of his symptoms.  
Is your workout routine too intense? According to The American College of Sports Medicine, you may be overtraining or progressing too quickly if you notice any of these:
Signs of depression
Often feeling tired or having low energy
Feeling mentally worn out
Poor athletic performance
Not being able to finish a workout session
Less interest in training and exercise
Faster-than-normal heart rate during exercise; or feeling a workout is harder to do than usual
More minor aches and pains
 If you are starting a new workout routine and want to avoid overtraining, it’s good to add 5–10 minutes per workout session each week, and slowly build intensity. Try to avoid drastically increasing both the intensity and length of time that you exercise in a single session.
- HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Leigh Byers, MA
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.Clinical Health Consultant today!
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
Raising Awareness for Childhood Obesity
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September is Childhood Obesity Awareness month!
Researchers have found that overweight and obese children often have at least one of these related factors:
Lack of physical activity
Diets high in sugar
Family and community stressors
Low family income and education levels
Check out these programs that were started to help with this problem nationwide:
Let’s Move! is a federally-funded initiative that helps parents and children find or start local programs that will help them eat healthfully and stay active. These widespread programs provide well-rounded resources, experts, and support.
Nutrition.gov is run by the USDA and helps people learn about healthy diet and exercise habits. It also gives tips on how to foster these habits in children of all ages.
The American Heart Association has many programs encouraging parents and children to get active, learn healthy eating habits, and avoid chronic disease later in life.
If you are a parent worried about your child being or becoming overweight, the best way to help is to set a good example. Making simple changes that become lasting habits is a powerful way to teach them how to make healthy choices. Remember—nobody is perfect when it comes to eating habits or physical activity, so it’s okay to learn along with your kids. For more ideas to help your kids learn healthy habits, check out two of our past blog posts here and here.
- HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Sarah Lewis, RD, LD, MDA, CLT
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant today!
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
Choosing and Using a Stability Ball
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I like using a stability ball for a number of reasons. It’s a great way to mix up my workout routine and it helps to engage more muscles during each exercise. When choosing a ball, there are a few important things to keep in mind:
Safety: The idea behind a stability ball is that it is unstable. Using a stability ball requires a great deal of support from the core muscles and other muscles involved in each exercise. Do your best to stay balanced in order to avoid injury.
Size: The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends choosing the size of your stability ball based on your height. A smaller ball can be used as a handheld object during range-of-motion or balance exercises.
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Maintenance: Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to maintain proper inflation and care for your stability ball.
- HDL, Inc. Intern Abby Bellows, Exercise Science & Dietetics Student, & reviewed by HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Anna Bell, RD, CTTS
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.Clinical Health Consultant today!
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
The Dangers of “Alternative” Tobacco Vehicles: the Hookah
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It seems like everywhere you look these days, you can find alternative tobacco products. Hookah smoking has become very trendy, with hookah bars popping up more and more often. Let’s break down some facts and findings about this ever-growing trend!  
First off, what makes a hookah different from cigarettes? A hookah is a water pipe with a smoke chamber, pipe, bowl, and mouth piece. When tobacco in the bowl is heated, smoke passes through water and is drawn into the mouth piece. Most people believe this is a less toxic choice than smoking a cigarette.
But new evidence1 shows:
Hookah smoke contains high levels of toxic compounds. Contrary to popular belief, the water in the hookah does not filter out these toxic ingredients.
Hookah smoking is linked to the same serious illnesses as cigarette smoking.
Hookah smokers may actually breathe in more tobacco than cigarette smokers. This is due to longer smoking sessions and larger volumes of smoke inhaled, which also increases exposure to carbon monoxide.
Hookah pipes, if not cleaned the right way, can raise your risk of infectious disease.
 The bottom line: Using “alternative” tobacco vehicles is not a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes. Work with your Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (CTTS)  to talk about healthier options, and to help you make a quit plan that works well with your lifestyle.
Source: 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking & Tobacco Use- Hookahs. 2013. Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/tobacco_industry/hookahs/.
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
Wash Your Hands, Save a Life
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What is E. Coli?
Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) are bacteria that normally live in the intestines of humans and animals. Not all strains cause sickness.
Why should I be concerned?
The summer months (June through September) are when most E. Coli infections occur in the US. Infections can be mild and unpleasant or even deadly. Symptoms most often show up four to five days after contamination and include: mild/watery or severe/bloody diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, and abdominal cramping, pain, or tenderness. Severe cases can lead to a life-threatening form of kidney failure. Young children, the elderly, and those with impaired or weakened immune systems are most susceptible.
Case in point: a friend of mine recently shared with me that her cousin’s toddler was hospitalized for an E. Coli infection that ended up taking her life. As a mother of young children myself, I became concerned because I know that infections can occur almost anywhere— at the kids’ camp, in a restaurant, at our local zoo, at the community pool, or even in my own kitchen. It only takes a very small amount of certain strains to cause an infection.
Okay now I’m concerned! How can I prevent it?
The #1 way to stop E. Coli from spreading is by washing your hands.
- HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Stacie Wheatley, MA, RD, LD
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.Clinical Health Consultant today!
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. E.Coli (Escherichia coli): General Information. 2015. Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/ecoli/general/.
Mayo Clinic. Diseases and Conditions: E. Coli. 2015. Available at: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/e-coli/basics/definition/con-20032105. 
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
The Too-Often-Forgotten Mineral
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People sometimes worry whether they’re getting too much or too little when it comes to minerals like calcium and sodium. But another often-forgotten mineral to keep in check is magnesium.
Magnesium offers many health benefits and helps with more than 300 metabolic functions. It gives your body energy, and helps control your blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It also regulates muscle and nerve function. Still, many people in the US do not get enough magnesium from their diet.
Do I get enough?
There is an increased risk for magnesium deficiency for those who:
have a digestive disorder or disease
have insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes
are dealing with chronic alcoholism
are 55 years or older
How much do I need?
Nutrition experts advise that adults need between 310 and 420 mg of magnesium per day. Check with your doctor to find out how much is right for you.
 What foods provide the most magnesium?
Go for leafy green vegetables such as spinach and swiss chard in large portions each day. Enjoy nuts as snacks throughout the day and choose to eat legumes or other beans that you like.  
Source: National Institutes for Health. Magnesium — Health Professional Fact Sheet.  2013. Available at: https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/
All True Health materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
Back to School: the Importance of Time Management
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Do you struggle every Fall to stick with healthy summertime habits? Does the start of a new school year drag you off track? When life gets busy, you may find you have a shortage of time on your hands. Time is a valuable asset that can be used for positive habits like exercise and preparing healthy meals. When you have very little of it, however, those positive habits may suffer.
As an HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant, here are some things I do regularly to stay on track with positive habits while still making time to do the things I enjoy the most:
1). Keep a master schedule or calendar, preferably digital. I use an app that I sync with all my devices that allows me to schedule appointments and create tasks, checklists, shopping lists, and reminders. I include my weekly menu and grocery list in it, as well as any preparation reminders, such as “Prepare two chicken breasts for lunches later this week.”
2). Set aside time on the weekend to purchase and prep some meals for the week. This buys me some time on busy weeknights and makes mealtimes less stressful. If my kids have activities in the evening, I know I need to have most ingredients prepared ahead of time on those nights.
3). Treat workouts like a standing appointment with yourself. Short of a family member getting sick or other emergency, I keep that appointment with myself before making any others. You should be one of your top priorities.
4). Avoid social media until after food prep and workouts are done. You would be surprised how productive you can be when you do not spend three or more hours a day refreshing your feed to see what’s new.
- HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Sarah Lewis, RD, LD, MDA, CLT
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.Clinical Health Consultant today!
All HDL, Inc. materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
Build a Better Breakfast: Recipe
If the most important meal of the day is a bore or a chore, try adding some excitement with this egg dish.  Eggs are a versatile food that can be easily paired with a variety of ingredients.
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Simple, straightforward, and savory, this spinach omelet recipe shows you how to spice up your basic scrambled eggs. Building a better breakfast takes just a few minutes and a few ingredients.  
Servings: 1 serving 
2 eggs
½ cup baby spinach
Salt and pepper to taste
Cooking spray 
Prepare ahead of time:  In an airtight container, place all fresh ingredients, including any fresh herbs or seasonings. This will eliminate food prep time in the morning.   
Crack 2 eggs into a bowl. Whisk together vigorously until yolk and whites are mixed.
Spray a small pan with cooking spray to prevent sticking.
Heat the pan on medium heat and add eggs.
When eggs are slightly formed, stir delicately.  
Add all fresh vegetables or ingredients prepared ahead of time.
Stir all ingredients in the pan until eggs are cooked thoroughly.
Top with any other fresh ingredients of your choosing. Salt and pepper to taste. 
 *Alternative ingredients to mix and match:
Bell peppers, diced
2 mushrooms, thinly sliced
¼ sliced avocado
Feta cheese
Kalamata olives
Tomatoes, chopped
Onion, diced
Asparagus, chopped
FUN TIP:  Use last night’s leftovers in a scramble!  Mexican leftovers such as salsa, guacamole, tomatoes, grilled peppers, and onions pair well with eggs. It’s a perk for your waist and your wallet!
All True Health materials are provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on contents of this information. Readers should always consult the appropriate health professional on any matters related to their health.
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hdlhub · 9 years
Making Fruit Friends
There are many ways to spruce up regular food items to make them more convenient, fun, and enticing to your kids. Have you ever tried making food into an animal? Join me in making a fruit chicken!
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Make Your Own Orange Chick!
One orange or tangerine (I used Cuties)
Mini chocolate chips
Remove the orange peel in large pieces.
Use a knife to cut out two feet, a beak, and a ‘comb.’
 Break the toothpick in half. Poke one end into the beak and the other into the middle of the orange.
Place two mini chocolate chips where you would like the “eyes” to sit on the face.
Set the feet onto your serving dish or napkin and place the tangerine on top. Then, add the comb to the top of the orange, and you’re done!  (You can even add wings, to make it your own!)
-HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Jill Blewett, MS, RD, LDN, CDE, CTTS
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.Clinical Health Consultant today!
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hdlhub · 9 years
FREE Clean Eating Cooking Demo- Aug 27, 2015
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We hear over and over from dietitians and nutritionists that we should ‘eat the rainbow’ and ‘have as much color on our plates as possible.’ But how can we realistically do this? How can we comb through all the options and combine these colorful foods to make a healthy meal? 
If you’d like to see how I put together a very colorful dinner in less than 30 minutes (not kidding!), join us for a FREE live cooking demo online, where I’ll be making a very healthy and delicious sautéed steak and mushrooms, chopped chard and red onion salad and baked sweet potatoes. 
FREE Clean Eating National Cooking Demo Thursday, August 27, 2015 12pm – 1pm EDT
-HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Sarah Lewis, RD, LD, MDA, CLT
For more information on nutrition for exercise and other lifestyle tips, contact Client Services at 877.443.5227 to set up an appointment with a Health Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.Clinical Health Consultant today!
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hdlhub · 9 years
Ten Basic Exercises for Head to Toe Fitness: Final Workout!
Welcome back to our exercise from head to toe series! Today we bring you our final exercise, combining burpees, dips, overhead press, push-ups, and jump rope! 
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What you will need:
Open, even flooring for burpees
A chair/bench/box for dips
Your resistance band/dumbbell/kettlebell for overhead press
A resistance band for push-ups, if needed
A jump rope
Pen/paper or sidewalk chalk (if outside) to keep track of your rounds
A timer
Instructions: In this exercise you will complete three different sets of exercises for as many rounds as possible (“AMRAP”) in four minutes.
In the first AMRAP, you complete 3 burpees and 6 dips for 1 round. Repeat the round as many times as you can in four minutes and record your score. Rest 1 minute.
In the second AMRAP, complete 9 air squats and 12 overhead presses (6 on the left, 6 on the right) for 1 round. Repeat the round as many times as you can in four minutes and record your score. Rest 1 minute.
In the third and final AMRAP, complete 15 push-ups and 18 revolutions on the jump rope for 1 round. Repeat the round as many times as you can in four minutes and record your score. Add the rounds in each AMRAP for your final score!
Not sure how you measure up? Do it with a buddy for some friendly competition or repeat the exercise weekly and try to beat last week’s score.
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That concludes our 10 weeks of basic exercises! Be sure to check out all the exercises from this series. I hope that it has given you some ideas to help you improve your fitness level. Thank you for reading!
Note: We recommend consulting your physician before starting an exercise program.
- HDL, Inc. Clinical Health Consultant Stacie Wheatley, MS, RD, LD
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