healthbodies · 3 years
Organic Produce, a health investment?
Organic Produce, a health investment?
Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels.com “Farm to Fork” sounds like one of those well-crafted marketing catch phrases, a buzz word that I have seen and heard quite a bit in the last few years. F2F is basically the concept of understanding where your food comes from and the journey it has taken to reach your table. Some proponents laud this trend as a sustainable farming practice, others as a…
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healthbodies · 3 years
Dental Hygiene: Have you tried a Water flosser
Dental Hygiene: Have you tried a Water flosser
Today let’s talk dental health, have you heard of the Water Flosser? I accidentally came across the water flosser from someone I randomly follow on Twitter. His simple tweet “This water flosser is game changer #goals” got me very intrigued. I guess you can say I was influenced by social media…. Intrigued by all things health, I quickly googled the gadget. What I saw was enough for me to take the…
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healthbodies · 4 years
Can you lose weight on the Daniel Fast?
Can you lose weight on the Daniel Fast?
After a very indulgent October (courtesy of my birthday), I decided to go on a Daniel Fast. The Daniel Fast is said to be a 21 day period where one refrains from any animal, caffeine or processed products whilst also taking the time for spiritual reflection. Is it a diet?
I saw the Daniel Fast as a good introduction into the Plant Based diet philosophy which is championed by the likes of Dr…
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healthbodies · 5 years
Gut cleaning enema experiences?
Gut cleaning enema experiences?
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Sometime last year after experiencing long lasting bouts of constipation, I decided to try out an home enema. This is definitely one of the stranger health bandwagons I have jumped on……
The Kit: After googling various options, I settled for a non toxic silicon based enema kit from Aussie Health. This was a quick, affordable, discreet 🙂 bought from amazon. They do have a stainless steel bucket…
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healthbodies · 5 years
The challenges in this dairy free lifestyle
The challenges in this dairy free lifestyle
At the supermarket till waiting to be served, the lady behind me comments to her friend, “Is everyone in Nairobi now supposedly lactose intolerant?”. Her comments no doubt ignited by the array of nut based milks in my trolley.
For the record, my dairy free lifestyle was not sparked by a lactose intolerance diagnosis. It was a personal choice dictated by the increasing uncertainty surrounding…
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healthbodies · 5 years
Is your blood pressure in check?
Is your blood pressure in check?
It is aptly titled the silent killer, creeping up and snuffing the health and sometimes life out of the unsuspecting man/woman. High blood pressure “BP” (Hypertension), as I have come to learn is a deadly but sometimes incognito ailment.
My hypertension was discovered very randomly. Ironically, when I would visit a general hospital for simple ailments, my blood pressure would be elevated,…
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healthbodies · 5 years
The Hopeful, White Collar Crime & The Ultra-charming, my best reads of Jan 2019
The Hopeful, White Collar Crime & The Ultra-charming, my best reads of Jan 2019
January is gone, finally!! In it’s honor, here is a brief review of the amazing reads/audio books that brightened this dreary month.
Book 1: A Man of Good Hope – This was a Xmas gift from a dear friend and I must confess, I initially had doubts. “Do not judge a book by it’s cover has never been so literal!! Ps: The new edition has a very different cover (food for thought)
The book is a…
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healthbodies · 5 years
What is your choice, Oats or Weetabix?
What is your choice, Oats or Weetabix?
Am starting 2019 with a bang health wise, from the start of the year hearty breakfasts have been my mission. As we bid January goodbye, it is time to reflect on my breakfast choices. In a busy world, my breakfast mission has been healthy but fast to make. My quick and easy choices have been Weetabix and Oats
A month down the line, I can knowledgeably comment on the two choices, of course this…
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healthbodies · 6 years
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The lure of a road trip combined with a run featuring no other than Mt Kenya as your graceful audience.....
Catch my chronicle of this adventure on my blog 
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