heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
To Everyone Who Says Ketch is a Heartless Son of a Bitch
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You can go to Hell. He loved Mick in a way you will never understand.
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
New Story on Wattpad
So, I've had this idea for a while now and I just finally started writing it. Please check it out.
"Battle Scars" SPN Fanfic by PyroTrickster713
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
When you're so lonely, you have conversations like this with yourself.
I'll leave it to your imagination what happens next.
(Not going to lie, I'm kinda turned on after putting that together.)
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
Gabe's Been a Bit Naughty
Warning: You may need to bleach your eyes after this. 😂😈😐💀
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Oh, come on. How could you get mad at him? He's adorable.
Some part of me wants to send this to Jeffrey Vincent Parise just to see how he reacts. I already know how Jared's gonna react.
P. S. Actually, the real funny part would probably be Rich's reaction.
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
I got a little carried away with Picrew
Anyway, here are the Princes of Hell. Hope you like it.
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This is Azazel, his mischievous, chaotic self. The cross references that one episode where he possessed a priest and the hair pins are matches, mind you. Gotta love a pyromaniac.
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As for Ramiel, I decided to show what he tries to mask beneath. The gold hair pins and the white ribbon is to represent his undeniable love for his little brother, Asmodeus.
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The lovable, friendly with a side of mischief Dagon. Not that anyone would pick up on this but I used a red ribbon instead of a white because I believe she was closest with Azazel out of her brothers.
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Asmodeus, a Demon who made himself a Trickster. (Psst, that's whiskey, not coffee.) Yes, I know the tie is in the wrong color but they didn't have white and he is a Slytherin so bite me. I have a fantheory that as a result of the grace, Asmodeus ended up with a sweet tooth and a few other Gabe qualities. We're just going to ignore the belt wrapped around his neck... Talk about torture.
*clears throat* So, there you have it! What do you think?
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
Ketch gets tortured:
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Charlie gets tortured:
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Their friendship is superior, bite me.
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
I found these images so I'm going to have some fun 😂😈 I'm gonna regret this...
So, Asmodeus lost a bet to Azazel. In return, he had to shave off his beard and cut his hair shorter than he would like. (Azazel's idea since he knew he'd hate it. Asmodeus will make him pay for it.)
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But first, he has slightly more important matters to attend to.
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He intentionally walks in front of one of Ramiel's security cameras with a lower ranked Demon he didn't really care for the name of.
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His name wasn't the important part, neither was he. All that mattered was that Ramiel was watching. Of course, the black-eye was unaware of the security camera above them. Nobody ever looks up.
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Asmodeus, however, knew Ramiel's property even better than Ramiel. So,he chooses that moment to strike, rialing the younger Demon's hormones. He teleports him down to the basement.
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All that matters to him, is that Ramiel is watching them.
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Which means, any where there is cameras is free game.
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As long as Ramiel's jealous, Asmodeus is satisfied... For the moment. He was going to make him regret in not taking him up on his offer as often as he could manage. His offer to pick up where they left off as humans. That's what you get when your brother is your ex-lover.
{So, well, that got dirty.... Why am I turned on, right now?}
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
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Why does young Fredric Lehne look like freaking Kevin Keller?
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There is only one explanation: this man did this.
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The Trickster is back again, folks, and he ain't ever leaving.
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
Don't Ask Why, Just Help (Please)
So, I've only found this image once and I need it but Google won't cough it up. So, please, if you find it, please reblog this post with the image attached, thank you. It's a black and white image of Jeffrey Vincent Parise dating back to his late teens (I think). His hair's cut short and combed to the side with a clean shave. Why do I need it? Because I have an idea I need it for that I'll post later. I got every other image I need, except that one. So, please, if you don't mind, help me out here.
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
Oh, yeah, about that. That didn't work out too well when Sabrina tried it, now, did it? 😏😂
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Griffin: You will reject Satan!
Franco: How about you reject your guy?
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
Azazel showing off his twins to his siblings and parents (how I imaged it, anyway)
Azazel: *puts Tom back in the crib and kneels beside it, admiring his creation*
Ramiel: Do you even care how much danger you have put there mother in?
Lilith: It's the children you really should be worried about.
Azazel: *ignores them, watching his son move about in the crib*
Dagon: *kneels on the other side* Awe, can I have one?
Azazel: *chuckles* No, they're not for sale.
Ramiel: *scoffs, rolling his eyes* *leaves room*
Asmodeus: *stands by the window, holding Meg who's teething on his finger* *admires his neice like she's the most precious thing in the world*
Alastair: Planning on having a kid of your own?
Asmodeus: *glares* That's no business of yours, father.
Alastair: My bad. Can I hold her?
Asmodeus: No, she's mine. I will not let you hurt her like you did me. *flashes yellow irises with an intense protective glare*
Alastair: *laughs* I wasn't that bad. I still took care of you, didn't I?
Asmodeus: *raises hand and flicks out his fingers, sending Alastair flying into the far wall*
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
My Chaotic Mischievous Self Scared of Nice People
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You literally couldn't find a better guy. He's so sweet, it's honestly scary (to me). He looks so intimidating there, though (and hot).
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
Come On, We've All Been There
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Maybe not with Jerry (& Rich) but we've all done this.
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
The Masters Duo/Twins
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Meg and Tom Master, their father (Azazel) and unknown mother, and the aunt and Uncle I think they take most after.
P. S. Do you think they're fraternal twins or have a few years apart?
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
Proof that Meg did (IN FACT) have a Brother (& He is no Servant, SPN Wiki)
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So, what was that again? Tom doesn't really exist? Pft, yeah right.
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
I have 4 Types (as Criminal Minds Characters)
Spencer Reid (sweet, smart, innocent)
Derek Morgan (righteous, strong-willed, badass)
Aaron Hotchner (cold, sassy, stubborn- in a good way)
N/A (our villains ain't that sexy)
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heartbroken-fangirl · 2 years
My Heart & Soul Burned
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IDK why I decided to torture myself like this... 😢😔😣💀
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