helie-brain · 3 months
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helie-brain · 3 months
I know this is late but
I was recently rewatching The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and looking at stuff related to it. What I noticed was that there is a lot more love for the Sarah and Bucky ship than the Leah and Bucky ship and more importantly people are overshadowing and ignoring Leah. I have nothing against Sarah Wilson. She is a great character, an independent woman raising two kids and taking care of her family business. You go girl!! I just hate how people make fun of or forget about Leah. She was a sweet, understanding and hard working character. I’m not saying that Bucky has to be with Leah romantically. They can be completely platonic. I’m saying that I believe she needs the same amount of love as the other underrated characters in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, like Torres.
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helie-brain · 4 months
To save for later......
But I also found this interesting:
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helie-brain · 11 months
The Night Agent series review
I really liked this show a whole lot. 
The Night Agent is an action/mystery show on netflix that Peter Sutherland an FBI agent who stopped a metro bombing. Due to his heroics he is promoted to night agent (he works in the white house as an agent who answers calls from field agents and helps them). One of the calls is from a woman named Rose Larkin (a woman who had a failed cyber company, meaning she is good with computers) whose aunt and uncle (who we later learn were agents involved with uncovering the metro bombing) were just murdered in front of her, but before she was murdered her aunt told her to call this number. The two then find themselves on the run from the FBI and the White house as they try to solve the case of the metro bombing and try to stop another attack from happening. 
Not many; Some of the scenes with the murderers were boring. We spend too much time with them and it goes no where. Some trauma and events are overlooked as if it meant nothing. Yes they are on the run but the events are not really mentioned later on. Some scenes had no chemistry or it was rushed in that scene for some reason. The ending seemed a bit rushed as well with the reveal and everything. 
The fighting looked very realistic, meaning that when someone got injured they fought like they did instead of being invincible.  The main character was also believable, in that he wasn’t the cool, wise-cracking, ladies man. He is a reserved man who looks like your everyday man.  The corruption of the government/politics were not stereotypical as other shows. In that they did not show Arabs as the bad guys and America as the good guys, it was a bit more complex. The characters were also complex and their point of view was understandable. Like yes they are abusing their power but they want the best for the country. The main female character played a part while on the run, it wasn’t just the guy saving the day, she also saved him as well, despite not knowing how to fight. Not only that but they were a good team; he was more of the fighting and protection while she was in charge of the tech/computer stuff. The chemistry was believable; their personalities went together, he is a reserved, protective, rule following  while she is outspoken snarky rule breaker. Not to mention the progress of their relationship is smooth.  There were some funny bits that didn’t seemed forced. 
Overall I would 100% recommend. 
Side note: I have a new favorite character Peter Sutherland 
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(a.k.a Gabriel Basso)
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helie-brain · 1 year
Me: I don’t have a type 
also me: liking/loving every dark haired funny, gallant, loyal character
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helie-brain · 1 year
Overall a very nice ending to a great series. 
The small connections to the first season. 
The emotional scenes; Especially the one between Rosita/Eugen (not many words but the feeling is there) and Maggie/Negan (I like how instead of laughing or taunting him, she talks of Glenn and of why she can never forgive him but doesn’t hate him (beautiful acting)). Even Luke’s death was sad thanks to the acting of Magna, Yumiko, Connie and Kelly. 
The Gabriel’s character arch; from being full of fear and closing doors to his people to willingly being killed to open the gate to citizens and zombies. 
The overall feeling felt like a finale. I mean overall it was sad; deaths, saying goodbye. But it was also happy because we get to see our favorite characters finally live a little. 
The time jump: the new memorial with those lost in the battle, Eugen naming his daughter Rosita, Ezekiel being mayor of Commonwealth, Carol taking Hornesby’s job and the overall feeling is lighter. 
The special effects were great; the size of the explosion and the after effect were just amazing. Even the smaller explosions were well done. 
At times it was too corny. Like the scene in which Daryl gives a speech about how making things the way they were before was bad, it just felt flat and repetitive. 
The pacing was a bit fast. To me the episode felt really short for a finale, it was like fighting, crying, explosions time jump the end. 
The fact that only mid-way through the last season we are introduced to the variant walkers. If they were introduced earlier it could’ve shown how much of a threat they actually were.  
The whole shipping thing; I am a DarylxConnie shipper, but I can respect if Daryl ends up with Carol (I mean they have known each other longer) as long as he is happy. But the ending for all three characters felt weird. I mean through out most of the scenes between Carol/Daryl and Connie/Daryl it gave off a flirty even romantic feel to it. Like remember how protective Daryl was with Carol when he found out she was still alive in the Kingdom or how giggly he gets when he talks to Connie (he even learned ASL for her come on). Either have him end up with one or don’t have these kind of scenes. 
There are still quite a few open questions; what happened to Heath, What is happening in Oceanside and was it ever resolved, why are they so calm when there are walkers that can climb and hold weapons walking around, what happened in Connie’s past to make her save that baby in the cornfield, how come Connie and Magna not more effected by what they went through in the cave and after, Are there still Whisperers, is Hilltop rebuilt, what happened to Virgil, did the rest of the crew have to go through the processing to enter Commonwealth,
But overall I love The Walking Dead. It’s not just a show about zombies, its about how different people survive, family, community, lose, finding the joy in life no matter the hardship, everyone makes mistakes but what matters is how you resolve them. True not all the seasons were great but they were memorable, along with the characters.  I am going to miss it very much, I don’t think there will be a show like the walking dead. Don’t get me wrong there will be other great shows (like The house of Dragons). But nothing like the feeling of the Walking Dead. 
 Thankfully I have great fanfiction to read to maintain this feeling!
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helie-brain · 2 years
@kay-polar @onthe-virg-ofgreatness @baellamyshug
word association game! write the first word that comes to your head and tag 3 people to keep it going
starting word: rubber duck
@selisdead @lets-dance-to-joy-division @freedle-8a
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helie-brain · 2 years
Tauriel Gifs
Here are some gifs of one of my favorite Hobbit character Tauriel being badass.
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helie-brain · 2 years
Ans since we are comparing; Aragorn/Arwen and Kili/Tauriel both fall in love at the start of a large battle. Both make professions of love (the talk Arwen and Aragorn had before he left and Kili giving the stone) believing they might not see the other again. Both Aragorn and Kili fight to protect their kin. 
But there is a difference; Arwen just sits idly, waiting for Aragorn, even at one point joining her kin to go to Valinor. Taurial meanwhile joined the fight against the wishes of her king (a person she viewed as a father), because she believed that elves should help people of Middle Earth and if he won’t do anything than she will, not turning back for a second. 
We also have a sense of a reason why Tauriel and Kili would fall for each other. That being that: they love or would love to travel, both reckless, both want to prove their worth to someone (Kili to Thorin and Tauriel to Thranduil, I mean come on she is the captain of the guard), Kili’s warm out going funny persona fits well with her quieter, distant, more serious character. 
With Arwen and Aragorn, you can tell they love each other; he wants her to live a safe life with her kin and she would give up her immortality for him. But through out the film you aren’t given a glimpse into at least one thing that made them love each other. All we are given is a brief mention of their past which is Aragorn falling in love at first sight with Arwen. And I understand that they are not the focus of the film, but a small scene or mention to something they share would show more about why we should be invested in this relationship. 
People: Kíli and Tauriel only knew each other for a day! How could they already be in love?
Meanwhile in Tolkien's own writings...
Beren & Luthien: Love at first sight.
Arwen & Aragorn: Love at first sight.
Thingol & Melian: Love at first sight.
Galadriel & Celeborn: Love at first sight.
Tuor & Idril: Love at first sight.
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helie-brain · 2 years
I think she is a great character. She is a female character that was put to be the female character but doesn’t feel like it. 
I haven’t read the books but I do research a lot about the Hobbit and LOTR. I also like the relationship between her and Kili. And I ship Bilbo and Thorin.  
Reblog if you’re a Tolkien fan who supports Tauriel
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helie-brain · 2 years
If I could change: the Hobbit Trilogy movies part 1
So although last post I described how much and what I like about the Hobbit trilogy, it’s not perfect. So here are things that I would change to make it a bit better or enjoyable. 
First off; more time with the other dwarves. In the first movie provide some more time to get to know the other dwarves. Like have a few scenes with just the dwarf or a specific dwarf interacting with Bilbo to show a distinguishable characteristic and create a more noticeable bond with Bilbo and thus us the viewer. 
Here are some examples: 
- Dwalin is the groups best fighter who fought along side Thorin in the battle against the orcs. The movie already shows his loyalty towards his king. So have a few scenes with Dwalin showing Bilbo or other dwarves how to fight. 
- Oin apparently (the guy who has trouble hearing and Gloin’s older brother) is the medic. So have a scene where he is showing others a few remedies or healing one of the members of the group. May be a scene where he is healing his brother and nagging him about being careful. 
- Gloin (Gimli’s father) also fought the orcs with Thorin before the quest. So in the scene where Balin is talking about the battle with the orcs, have Gloin talk about what he remembers and did. And since he is the only one with confirmed kids, add a few scenes where he misses his family and or doubts he will ever see them again. And then Bilbo (or one of the younger dwarves) could cheer him up and give him some hope. There by destroying Gloin’s past views of hobbits, in that before he believed Hobbits to be simpletons and scared. 
- Dori (Nori’s older brother) is stated to be a sophisticated dwarf who loves fine things but has a negative view of the world yet is always willing to help his fellow kin and friends. He is also the strongest member of the group and extremely over protective of his younger brothers who apparently he didn’t grow up with. . So to combine all these traits; have him examine and compliment Bilbo’s china and later on look down cast when the other dwarves talk about  fighting the dragon and reaching their homeland. You could have him nagging Nori and being motherly towards Ori. 
- Nori (the middle brother of Dori and Ori) is a rulebreaker and thus doesn’t really care about dwarf culture or history that much. He just goes around stealing things and always looking for a way out, making him the most attentive member of the pack. The movie already does a great job showing him stealing and always on the look out. But to show that he doesn’t care about culture or tradition, have him fidget with something, playing his flute or whispering to someone while Balin talks about their history. 
-  Ori (one of the younger dwarves) is a writer not a trained fighter who is very naïve and sees the quest as an adventure instead of a mission to retrieve something. This is a perfect oppertunity to have a training scene with Dwalin. Even better Dwalin could be training Ori and Dori comes in telling Dwalin to be careful of his brother. Also have Ori develop a bit; at the start very optimistic,  adventurous  and always writing in his book to being more attentive and an more active member of the group. 
- Bifur (the guy with the axe in his head) a dwarf that is not from royalty and got the axe from a fight with and orc thus he only knows how to speak in Dwarvish language. You could have Bilbo trying to learn or understand the language. Have him have no manners or less manners than the dwarves in terms of eating, talking to others. He is also said to be a toy maker; have him fiddle with some wood and carve a toy or when in Lake Town with Bard’s kids have him make a small toy for the young girl. 
- Bombur (the fat dwarf and brother of Bofur) the most noticeable for his size and thus the butt of most jokes. The film could show other aspects of him besides his fatness. May be his creativeness, in that due to his size he has to find creative ways to fight. Or that because he likes food, he has the best nose in the group. Or focus on the brother relation with Bofur; Bombur makes fun of Bofur’s style and Bofur takes Bombur’s food. 
- Bofur (the one with the funny hat) is done pretty well in the film. He is blunt, funny, caring, optimistic and understanding. So I have nothing to add for this character. 
- Fili and Kili (the blonde and brunet dwarves), Thorin’s nephews and the youngest of the group, with Fili being the heir to the crown. Both are young, trained fighters who want to prove themselves, especially Fili. Have scattered scenes in which Fili is listening closely to how Thorin talks and leads the group. Followed later by Fili coming up with plans or trying to lead the group somewhere and always looks to Thorin for acknowledgement. Let Kili be also interested in the history instead of laughing at it, by asking questions. And have him impress Thorin by waiting till all dwarves are hidden safely and he shots his arrows to protect or looking for food and a place to rest for them. Also a scene where the two tease each other; Kili teases Fili on being a goody two shoes for Thorin and Fili teasing him on his lack of beard. To add some cool points let them have a fight combo with Filli using his daggers and Kili using his bow. 
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helie-brain · 2 years
Hiya, I make gifs of LOTR and the Hobbit (will make more in the future) .  I also like Kili and Tauriel ship (have my own headcannon about it). Plus I have my own original character and a few fanfiction story ideas. 
Guess who's late to the Hobbit fandom? ME.
I just reread the book and rewatched all three movies (I'm currently rewatching the first one right now AGAIN). I'm hyperfixating so hard right now, lol. The ending of the third movie b r o k e my heart and I need more active lotr and hobbit blogs to follow and interact with. <3
I'm also currently working on an angsty hurt/comfort bagginshield romance fanfiction to mend my tattered heart, so if you like them I definitely want to chat. <3
If possible, could you please reblog or like (preferably reblog) this so I can follow you and we can interact more! :)
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helie-brain · 2 years
Eomer Gifs
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helie-brain · 2 years
The Hobbit Trilogy
I recently watched the Hobbit Trilogy and I REALLY LIKED it. Not as much as I like the LOTR trilogy though. I know that A LOT of people don’t like the trilogy, hate it even. Whether it is due to length, the side plots, the CGI, the dwarves, or other reasons. And yes I know that it’s not perfect or amazing (especially when compared to the LOTR). But there are some aspects that make the movies a fun/great/enjoyable movie to watch. 
The trilogy gives the dwarves more depth. As stated before, I love the LOTR and think they are outstanding movies, but it centers a lot on hobbits, humans and elves. The dwarf is only used for comedic relief that has to constantly be saved. And I understand that the Hobbit is about the journey to a dwarven kingdom and that the LOTR is about the journey to destroy the ring. But we spend a lot of time in Elven kingdoms, Elvish is spoken quite a bit while Dwarvish is only mentioned once (even Black speech is spoken more than Dwarvish). Elves are also seen as the elite spices while dwarves are only spoken negatively by other species. In the Hobbit; yes the dwarves are funny and need saving but they are also very family oriented, musical (singing at meals), smart (Ballin convincing Bard), loyal (never turning from their kin), majestic (Thorin), protective (always looking out for each member), kind (cleaning Bilbo’s plates), determined (never changing their goal no matter the danger despite their size), great fighter (the way the use weapons and fight for their size). And although not all the dwarves were given time to show their personality, the band of dwarves gave off a brotherhood feel to them.
It provided great character development, for the main characters. Again the LOTR was amazing; the sets, the music, the fight scenes the characters. But there was no real character development except for three hobbits; merry (doesn’t care attitude to wanting to fight), Pippen (jokester to serious) and Sam (scared to one of the bravest).  The rest mainly stayed the same; Gandalf is wise, Aragorn is moral, Legolas is cool, Gimli is funny.  In the Hobbit Bilbo starts off as a man who wants to stay home and not do much, nothing to do with the dwarves. Through out the movie he warms up to them and risks his life to save them, and at the end welcomes them warmly to his home. Thorin starts off with this need to return home and get this gold for his people, not caring much for anyone else besides his kin. Throughout the movie is listens more to others and cares a bit more (looks out for Bilbo, helps fight the orc with Legolas). Once he gets what he wants he is more obsessed with the gold than his kin. But after seeing what he has become he realizes that his people are what matters not a destroyed city. Gandalf becomes more wary of things, people around him. Dwalin, who was the most loyal and listened to Thorin the most took a stand against him when he changed. Legolas opens up more and more defiant (and a bit more of a personality than in LOTR, come on I like Legolas but like he hardly talked and was only used as Mr. Fix it), than at the start of the trilogy.  Even Thranduil opens up to the problem to the world and to other species (men and hobbits). Tauriel is also given some character development; she starts off as this naïve elf who wants to save everyone to this broken lost person.  
The songs, though few are great. It shows a contrast to the elf songs in LOTR that were very choir like while the dwarfs are more boisterous. It showed aspects of the dwarf culture; that song was their way of telling stories, getting things done, or how they have meals. Like in the first movie the dwarves sing three songs, two were right on the spot songs around meal time. You can just imagine a group of dwarves singing through the great halls of their kingdoms or while they are mining (haha like the dwarves in Snow white haha). Not to mention they, the songs, are memorable, especially the misty mountain song. Man that was a good song, very ominous and emotional. You can feel the importance of it weighing down on you. And it is sang beautifully by Richard Armitage. 
The female character that was not forced. Yes I know the love triangle was stupid and horribly done and I hate it as well moving on. I just like the character of Tauriel and that the fact that she is a woman is never in the foreground or used as a “strong independent female character” kind of thing. She is strong experienced fighter. But she is not independent; Thranduil raised her and Legolas is always at her side. I like that unlike the other elves she is curious about the world beyond their boarder. I also like that she wants to help others, probably due to the fact that her parents were killed and she was helped by the woodland elves and therefor does not want others to suffer lose like she has. I love the fact that she is not a better fighter than Legolas or show off or that she is over powered (like other female elves cough Gauladriel in Rings of Power). She still has qualities that we associate with female; a healer, emotional, quiet (a listener). I think that the relationship between her and Thranduil is really well done, very much like a daughter and father; fighting about their beliefs but in the end coming to a sort of understanding. 
Smaug was just amazing. I don’t know much about CGI, but I think they did a pretty good job with it in terms of Smaug. Speaking of CGI, they did a really good job when it came to the dwarves and showing how small they were compared to humans and or elves. Yes the CGI does flop in other parts of the movie (especially the barrel scene). Benedict Cumberbatch was a perfect choice to voice him. He sounded to grand and threatening at times. I also liked how the used Smaug even after he died when Thorin was falling victim to the dragon sickness. It shows that the dragon wasn’t the true antagonist but the greed and the gold was. 
The fight scenes were really good. Not all of them and may be not to the extent of LOTR, but still very fun to watch. It showed how people as small as dwarves fought as a unit. All the flashback fighting scenes were beautifully done to show the magnitude of it in terms of the dwarf history. Even the barrel scene was a good fighting scene. It really showed the abilities of the woodland elves, more specifically Legolas. The battle of the five armies was, in my opinion, very well put together. It should the different fighting styles of the species; the dwarves were better in close proximity fights and just went in for the blow. The elves were better in long distant fighting and were calculated, the humans were versatile and used their surroundings to fight. The weapons were interesting in terms of their design. It was very evident which weapons were made by dwarves and which were made by elves. 
Again I understand why people hate it, and that there is no convincing people. I just wanted to share what I like about one of my comfort movies. But in all honesty, it is not as bad as the Rings of Power. At least the Hobbit closer  connected in terms of the books and the lore. 
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helie-brain · 2 years
the timing is beautiful
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helie-brain · 2 years
LOTR GIFs part 2:
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helie-brain · 2 years
Alright time for LOTR gifs: 
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