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✨ Have a little fun before they put us in the ground✨
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Bad habits
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i want to write fanfiction
but alas, the brainrot is not strong enough to make go 4h writing with no need to plan what's gonna happen cause i simply know what will happen
yes this is about tma and jonmartin
i want to brainrot
give me the brainrot
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okay i could be wrong
however, i don't think it is ever actually said that martin is chubby.
I'm pretty sure its just in ep22 where he says "and you know me i'm not exactly a small guy"
personally, i like to think this anxiety filled man is simply ripped af.
do i actually see him like that? no, but i like to entertain the idea cause i just think it's funny.
this anxious tea addicted hopeless romantic poetry writer man is simply ripped af behind the soft fluffy sweaters
will i ever draw him has ripped? no
but it's funn-
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i need help i am confused on something
what, what makes someone an avatar?
im on ep...138, going to 139 (for location purposes ig) so idk if it'll get "more" explained in further episodes but like
do you need to be scared of the fear ur an avatar for? that sounds a little conterproductive?
like, simon fairchild doesnt seem afraid of heights and he's an avatar of the vast! so what makes you an avatar of that entity?
Cause like, martin is on his way, and he just, he's just lonely? is he afraid of being lonely? if he is what makes the distinction between being an avatar and just being targetted by the entity? where's the line?
Yes this is just cause i'd like to see in theory which entity i'd be an avatar for and on top of having very poor self perception skills on who i am as a person i also just purely don't understand how it works :')
(if you are interested in explaining it by all means message me i am consuming tma episodes at fast speeds)
(on the other hand if you want to hear me inconherently yelling about wtf is happening in the episodes do message me cause my like, astonishing number of 2 friends r losing it with me yelling about it cause they aren't listening :') )
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I had a thought
Jon wears glasses.
He needs them up until like, idk s3, when he notices he no longer needs them.
like one day he wakes up and forgets to put them on and only remembers like 3h later.
he still wears his glasses even tho he doesn't need to, it makes him feel human, like he's not changing.
Like he's still himself.
anyways im in the beggining of s4 so I haven't finished yet :)
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I'm a walking propaganda to ep22.
I'm only on like, ep31 or 32? The Jane statement.
I just like ep22 a normal amount
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I'm gonna write lotr fanfiction out of spite now.
Tolkien estate can suck my fucking dick
Canon shall be whatever the fuck i want it to be
I haven't even watched the third movie. I will bend canon however I want (I will tho dont worry)
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Caw caw
He is not a villain what made you think that?? Just a birb
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yesterday i tried starting a modern au witcher fic
managed to take notes on the characters
and that was it
(idk how to start or what the story is)
but behold:
Didn’t go to college
Studies animals and helps in a vet
Insanely smart so will probably enter veterinary school soon
Currently works at a cafe
What can i say i'm a sucker for a coffee shop au
Major in music
Is not in a band
Has been in multiple bands
Everyone keeps leaving
He says its cause “he’s too talented for them”
But deep down he thinks its cause he’s an annoying and pretentious asshole
The real reason is mostly that jaskier takes the band really seriously and most members don’t
This doesn't help his inferiority issues
Social butterfly that isn’t really close to anyone
The closest person he is is to geralt but the man isn’t very talkative so sometimes jaskier wonders if he truly is completely alone
He isn’t but mans stupid so he doens’t know
If i make this with magic he will be part fae but he didn’t know
Geralt’s younger sister
They both got adopted by vesemir at a young age (geralt 10, ciri 2)
So yeah there’s that
She is 12
She loves all her brothers and geralt's friends equally
(her favourite is yen)
Geralt’s ex girlfriend
They had an on and off relationship
Now they just friends with an awkward vibe
Istredd is the librarian ex boyfriend with a passion for rocks
If magic then she has a flower shop that serves as a magic spot
Likes talking shit about geralt to ciri
Father ™
Has too many kids (geralt, ciri, eskell, lambert, remus(?))
Owns a bar
Vander vibe
Idk much about the boy yet
So for now he’s away for college
He sends geralt a plant tho
Little shit /pos
Ciri says she hates him but she will chill in his room more often than not
Got jealous of geralt always helping her with homework
So he decided to start taking ciri to the gym
Yes he goes to the gym i just decided
He mocks ciri for being weak
But helps her get better
Omg hes a tsundere
He’s like “tch ur so bad at this r u sure u wanna be here?”
But then he helps her do the shit
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh trauma?
Yen’s friend
… uhhhhhh i’ll finish this maybe later
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I'm procastinating college work so I'll brainrot some witcher modern au and write it
Will I ever post it?
meh probrably not
It's more of a distraction tbh
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While watching the second season i bought the last wish for the sole reason of more jaskier/dandelion content...
still have to read it but i have it
We honestly did not get enough of Jaskier this season and I am mad about it. I am completely serious. Joey Batey is doing such a good job with playing this character.
And because I needed more content I am now the proud owner of "The Witcher: The Last Wish".
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in the 22 years they travelled together, geralt has not once called jaskier his friend. told him he’d missed him. said he was sorry. but his actions spoke so much louder than anything he could have said. defending him against the elves so instinctively, joining him for the banquet in cintra and protecting him from royal cuckolds, offering yennefer whatever coin she needs to cure him, ready to come to his aid the second he calls out his name. 
when they reunite geralt says all the right things. tells jaskier he missed him. says he’s sorry. but he never truly shows it? he needs him, but doesn’t want him. geralt’s love language is actions, not words. so of course jaskier feels like he’s just telling him what he wants to hear. of course he deflects. of course he makes everything a joke. he just can’t let his guard down again so soon. he’s waiting on geralt’s actions to know he truly cares. to casually touch him. to bandage his burned hand. to notice his excessive drinking. anything. and until he has that, all the apologies in the world don’t mean anything, he can’t let himself have that hope again. 
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i saw a post about braiding geralt's hair and jaskier's and what not.
I now have brainrot
Like, jaskier saying they should braid geralt's hair cause it's really long and a braid would be more pratical and geralt is immediatly going to say no but ciri lights up and goes "YES!" and goes off to find flowers to tuck in his hair and geralt just sends a death glare to jaskier who has a smug little smile on his face cause he knows geralt won't be able to say no?
Cut in jaskier braiding geralt's hair and ciri picking flowers for jaskier to put in the hair (yennefer is laughing). After geralt is done ciri demands they also braid yen's hair (this time geralt is the one laughing)
And and after that ciri wants her hair braided and at the end jaskier is exausted and all the hairs are braided with flowers
and because i'm weak i'm gonna say ciri turns to jaskier and says "your turn now >:)" and goes to pick dandelions for his hair and does little braids where she is able to??
the brainrot is strong
i want to draw this but my drawing hability won't do it justice but i'll try once i have time
(is this ooc? most likely. however i don't give a single shit fuck off lemme have my fluff)
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My main point of discussion while talking about the witcher is the relation between jaskier and geralt's characters (how i think the series did an awful job at showing their friendship) but it's not my only take really.
// swearing
// spoilers for the witcher s2
A friend had told me that s2 was better than s1 (even tho after coming here i notice not a lot of people share that same opinion) and i can see why he thought that.
Personally... if i wasn't watching s2 with a friend (another one, ik i have multiple friends even I am suprised) i would have dropped it most likely. The 2 things that kept me going were jaskier and geralt and ciri's father daughter relationship (i'm soft for geralt trying to be a dad he's so gentle i am weak shut up).
While s1 was yes, a lot more confusing, that confusion kept me engaged? especially while watching it witha friend, i had to kept going to the timeline on my phone and we kept discussing where stuff was taken place and yes it was really confusing and hard to understand at some points (because of an error in the timeline they sent me i thought ciri's mother was ciri herself and i was confused) but it was fun it my mind didn't get bored cause i had to pay attention to a lot of things and like, paying attention was worth it cause then u'd notice other details (i don't remember any examples rn but trust me)
And s2 was... more boring? The timeline made more sense but that made it more boring.. i didn't need to pay that much attention to everything anymore so maybe i just payed less attention overal? idk if that was the problem but i didn't like s2 that much
Don't get me wrong, it had some amazing moments that i loved:
- just, the witchers? look it's basically found family and that's my favourite trope
- ciri being a badass
- geralt denying being a dad but being a dad
- burn butcher burn
between others
but it's more like... moments? i liked those moments where that stuff happened but overall it was... meh?
And i did like yen more this season, i'm not her biggest fan (i don't hate her either) but this season made me like her character a lot more? really liked her still being a badass even without magic and trying to learn how to live and have self worth even without magic (which didn't really matter, it just made her "i'll sacrifice myself for ciri!" and then "oh I have my magic back who would've thought" which i think is a bit cheap (i'm sure there's a good explanation as to how she got her powers back. i just didn't understand what it was from watching the series alone)).
But i liked the found family of witchers and their care in weird fucked up but they still care ways, every time jaskier was on screen -
now. the sandpiper. hmmmmmmmmmm
Look, the moment where jaskier went
"should i say it? fuck it i'll say it" and went on an angry rant about his music? most jaskier scene. he would absolutly do that.
but like... it wasn't jaskier there, it was sandpiper. he knew people's life's were at risk and he has done that shit before, he probrably heard insults to his music before without people's lifes being endangered and he's supposed to be trust worthy, to have done the boat thing a lot of times before.
So i can see where the idea for the scene came and it was kinda funny, it's still really weird cause it wasn't jaskier there, it was sandpiper
(and it also furthers the implication that jaskier is only there as comedic relief and because fans would've gone insane if jaskier didn't appear in s2 - me included - and that he didn't really had a purpose, which made me angry mad and sad).
I thought i didn't have more topics to rant about in the witcher but guess what? i do have more topics i just rambled for like half an hour while writing this (yes i took half an hour look i'm having online classes shut up)
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Book Geralt and Jaskier give me qpps vibes ngl.
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