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Trying my hand at makeup again, out here daydreamin.
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You ever go to bed, super tired, fall right asleep expecting to wake up refreshed only to have lived 12 lives, waking up exhausted and confused?
Question for the void: what do you think about dreams? Why do they happen, do you find meaning in them?
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I had a dream last night that involved a lot of people from high school, but we weren't in a school setting. We were at this outdoor casino park. There were some snack bars, some convenient stores, and a few open-wall bars with card tables and t.v.s (like a classic sports bar)
Anyway, I was at one of the bars, gambling (which was weird because I'm very not into gambling) I don't even know what was at stake, but I was determined to win. Not for their prize, but because I was convinced I couldn't get an oatmeal creme cookie if I didn't. Well, I didn't win, and I didn't lose. Money at least. I got up from the bar remembering I had actual cash with me so I made my way up to a convenient store. However I kept getting inconvenienced on my way, people were coming up to me, asking what I was doing, where I was going. Everytime I got stopped I watched the convenient store get further and further away. Finally I was desperately over it and I grabbed a kid by the shoulders and said "I NEED that oatmeal cream cookie." And broke away, determined to get that cookie. I finally get to the store and I see them: lil Debbie oatmeal cream cookies. It's all I want. I could feel it in my mouth already. I grab the pack and walk up to the counter. But when I go to pay, I realized my wallet was in my jacket that I had left on the bar stool back when I was gambling.
In a panic I rush down to the bar again to grab my jacket, only to find that someone else was sitting on it. It was theirs now. I would never get the cookie. I felt it slipping away from my future.
I lost my cookie and my jacket when I lost the game of gambling.
And when I woke up, I felt this emptiness in my stomach that could only be fueled by mass amounts of fried chicken wings.
But I'm vegetarian so here I am, empty inside. And without a cookie.
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Hey my fellow bipolar peeps, here's an amazing workbook for you to help understand, identify, and cope with your mood swings.
I was diagnosed a year ago and honestly wish I had this booklet from the start- but it's not just for the newly diagnosed and I highly recommend it to anyone with bipolar or who has a family member with bipolar.
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Hey my fellow bipolar peeps, here's an amazing workbook for you to help understand, identify, and cope with your mood swings.
I was diagnosed a year ago and honestly wish I had this booklet from the start- but it's not just for the newly diagnosed and I highly recommend it to anyone with bipolar or who has a family member with bipolar.
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trump really rolled back healthcare protections for lgbt people during pride month AND on the day of the 4 year anniversary of the pulse nightclub shooting. i don’t know why i’m even shocked at this point but i still feel physically ill
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“I don’t do anything with my life except romanticize and decay with indecision.”
— Allen Ginsberg - from The Book of Martyrdom and Artifice: First Journals and Poems: 1937-1952  (via weltenwellen)
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I’ve seen a lot of lists of black owned makeup/skincare/haircare/clothes but none of those are things I buy on a regular basis, so… I went to search for some black owned shops that fit my specific interests and I thought I’d share what I found. 
Dope Coffee - black owned coffee sellers
Brooklyn Tea - black owned tea sellers
Natty Garden - black owned nursery with an online shop
Maya’s Cookies - black owned vegan bakery
Trade Street Jam Co. - black owned jams and baking mixes
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here is a google doc of resources to support george floyd, ahmaud arbery, roy stoddart, and the many, many, many other wrongfully murdered black people in the united states — as well as the black lives matter movement in general
please share this link or post to anyone and everyone
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Here is a compilation of places to donate (IF you can, simply reblogging and sharing this can help) and petition to sign. I found these websites and organizations on twitter.
THE MINNESOTA  FREEDOM FUND: Donate to this to collect funds to pay jail bonds for the protesters who get arrested.
BLACK LIVES MATTER: An organization fighting for the BLM movement. Donate if you can. 
BLACK VISIONS MN: an organization that is led by Black, Queer and Trans people. Donate if you can.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund: Fights for the overall equality fight. Donate if you can.
Willie Simmons has spent 38 years in prison for a $9 robbery. He had two prior convictions similar to robbery that he served time for. He was prosecuted under the Alabama Habitual Offender law and was given a life sentence for his third strike - stealing 9 (NINE) dollars. Sign his petition. 
Breonna Taylor was killed by police who were conducting an UNANNOUNCED drug raid, where they gave no request to enter. They bashed her door and entered, shooting her EIGHT times. They were in the WRONG HOUSE. 
George Floyd was killed by a police officer who knelt on his neck and suffocated him to death, after George pleaded with the officer and told him he couldn’t breathe. The officer had pulled him from where he sat in his car on an alleged FORGERY. You can also text “FLOYD” to 55156
ARREST THE OFFICERS WHO KILLED GEORGE FLOYD: The main police officer who murdered George is being kept in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. You probably have heard he was arrested, but this is NOT TRUE. He was placed under PROTECTIVE custody because of the riots and “threats” on his life. 
If you know of ANY other organizations or petitions, PLEASE ADD TO THIS LIST. The fight for justice doesn’t end here, it will never end. Especially when the president of the United States calls white supremacists good people and protesters of a mans death THUGS. USE YOUR VOICE. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE. FUCK COPS. FUCK “BLUE LIVES”. ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER!
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You ever get so angry that you just completely shut down?
No smiles, no frowns
No slamming of doors or hot tears
Just this immobilizing energy and a longing for self-destruction.
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He's gone.
This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
Last night's dreams were bittersweet. I dreamt of my dog, just hanging out with him. Then I woke up and remembered today's the day we have to put him down. I've known for a week now, but the time flew by and as much as I wish he could stay, I know it's his time to go and that putting him to sleep is the right thing to do. I'm gonna miss him so much.
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Last night's dreams were bittersweet. I dreamt of my dog, just hanging out with him. Then I woke up and remembered today's the day we have to put him down. I've known for a week now, but the time flew by and as much as I wish he could stay, I know it's his time to go and that putting him to sleep is the right thing to do. I'm gonna miss him so much.
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Yo, to the people who follow this account: I rarely use this blog despite the fact it's my main, so if you wanna see some art, follow my side blog @itswhativegot
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I just want to make everyone feel loved and cared for, is that too much to ask?
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