hermitsmirror · 2 days
Get to Know the 🌬️ King of Swords
He's a whirlwind of ideas, a veritable genius, and an excellent communicator.
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But like all the focused elemental courts (Air of Air), he can get swept up in the moment of genius. And sometimes he forgets to consider the interplay of those ideas with reality. At best, this weakness can make him a bit scatterbrained, like the absent-minded professor with his head in the clouds. At worst, it makes him heartless and unable to accept the need for the heart to rule in partnership with the head.
If you're ready to find the richness of the court cards or learn to bring them to life in your readings and in your everyday life, order my book ✨ Awaken the Court Cards 👑 through HermitsMirror (PDF) or Amazon (printed workbook).
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hermitsmirror · 5 days
🌋 P I C K 🪸  A  🧿 C A R D 🌊
Close your eyes. Breathe deep. Open your mind to the peaceful dark and quiet within. Let it become a laboratory calling to your curiosity. Imagine shelf upon shelf lined with bottles Then pick a card from the Lucky Potion Oracle by my friend Richard Howdy, Jr.
Will you pick left, center, or right? Let me know in the comments.
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If you need more time to find your center and that moment of peace, take that time. Find that dark and quiet space within you, a midnight plane gentle undulating with curiosities bobbing past on waves of thought experiments, fantastical concepts, and strange beauty.
What do you see on the back shelves of your inner alchemist's lab?
Now pick a card (if you want) and read its message in the reveal.
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Let me know how it resonates, and share the post with those who might benefit from some strange medicine. The final two expansion packs for the Lucky Potion Oracle deck (Shadows and Ice) are funding on Kickstarter for only a couple more days.
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hermitsmirror · 5 days
Spread: The Wound and the World
A spread for surviving with the 5 of PentaCoins
The 5 of Pentacles / Coins / Disks is a challenging card to see in a reading and worse to feel as we’re moving through its energy. But there’s also a lesson in the card and a source of potential strength even for a generally “bad card.”
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Pamela Colman Smith’s iconic illustration for the Rider Tarot by Arthur E. Waite shows two injured, sick, and impoverished people trudging through the snow while a faint light glows in the stained-glass of a church beside their path. The message is potent: the world is harsh, and there are plenty of resources, but not everyone has equal access to them.
When I pull this card, I often think of what in the world I’m not seeing. What are the resources that are available to me or that I could request. After all, the 5 of Pentacles leads into the 6 of Pentacles, card of the generous benefactor and supplication or of the vital flow of currency or of interdependence. For some of us, there’s an uneasy relationship to the benefactor of the 6 just as there is to the church in the 5 (and as cards of Taurus season, they’re both tied to that controversial figure of the Hierophant). What will I have to give up to get the help I need? Is the sacrifice worth it? Can I do it on my own?
This is the key question of the Survivor, an archetype that I explored this past week as I created my new Journal of Threads, a core component of my new Patreon designed to help readers incorporate simple mixed-modality practices to strengthen the soul–body connection that is the basis for a good life.
Each month of the journal witnesses the journey of archetypes as they transition from one to the next, week after week. This past week’s archetype of the Survivor was inspired by the 5 of Pentacles since it was the first decan of Taurus, and the 5 of PentaCoins is associated with Taurus I in Golden Dawn astrological tarot correspondences. All archetypes have strengths and challenges or “healthy” and “unhealthy” expressions.
This tarot spread is based on my working through those potential strengths and very real challenges of the 5 of Pentacles / Coins / Disks. It’s a card of financial and physical suffering, disruption in one’s material conditions, and worrying about what one has (Mercury caught up in Taurus), as seen in the Smith-Waite, Marseille, and Thoth traditions. But the 5 of Pentacles is also a card of stubborn independence and resilience in the face of conditions that might force someone else to give up. It’s about encountering the clash between spiritual and material worlds and finding one’s own way forward.
As with my past tarot spreads based on the minor arcana, I’ve created the layout inspired by the imagery of Smith’s illustrations, but it’s also inspired by the 5-pointed star of the Pentacle itself, a symbol of spiritual power over material conditions. Note that the shareable spread image for social media includes line art from my Life Line Tarot.
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The Wound: What pain do I wear as a badge?
The Light: Where can I seek more healing when I’m ready?
The World: What should I know about how others feel that pain?
The Struggle: How does this old wound continue to affect me?
The Strength: What lessons of resilience have I learned from this?
Interpretive tip. If you’re struggling to understand the meaning of the Wound when it shows up, consider my spread for the 3 of Swords: Healing the Wound. That may help you uncover more clues or make what you aren’t letting yourself see almost impossible to ignore any longer.
You’ve got options! Join the Sage tier of my Patreon or enroll in the next semester of tarot! You’ll be able to take advantage of office hours, where we can talk through your ideas and how best to ask the questions that matter most and create a custom signature layout for you.
Can’t wait for the next semester to start? Sign up for my intensive fundamentals course for new and experienced readers, Read Tarot like a Nerd, where we get into the heart of asking questions that matter, along with a dozen or two other valuable topics to take your tarot readings beyond the basics. Or check out my Saturday seminars, including past recordings of Reading the Big Picture and Getting Intentional, which will help you create your own spreads.
And if you’re curious about the hard cards of tarot or the astrology of tarot, I have a course for that!
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hermitsmirror · 11 days
🔥 PICK 💧 A 💨 CARD 🪨
Close your eyes. Breathe deep. Open your mind to the peaceful dark and quiet within. Let it become a vast midnight sea, sparking to life and then twinkling like stars. See new worlds and ways emerge, paths of astral travel and psychic voyagers. Follow their trails and see the message before you in that glittering sea of inner brilliance. Watch the symbols emerge in the unfolding terrain of your psychic landscape. Then pick a card from the Tarot Disassembled by Jennifer Cooper Steidley.
Will you pick left, center, or right?
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If you need more time to find your center and those sparks of light within the infinite possibility of the blank and darkened mind, take that time. Find that space within you where creative possibility bursts forth from the depths of your inner world. Let it open and expand and create fresh trails to explore.
How does that feel? I hope it allows you to step into the future with curiosity about what lies ahead but also peace in knowing you've chosen what's right for you.
Now pick a card (if you want) and read its message in the reveal.
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Let me know how it resonates, and share the post with those who might benefit from some inner wisdom.
If you need a more in-depth reading, schedule one with me. And if you want to divine with depth and insight, enroll in my self-paced tarot fundamentals course: Read Tarot like a Nerd.
And if you want a copy of the deck, you can get one or pair it with Jen’s new Symdala Tarot now on Kickstarter.
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hermitsmirror · 13 days
Spreads: Full Moon in Scorpio
Adding spice to the healing tonic
This year we have the Full Moon in Scorpio (4º Scorpio 18') happening April 23, 2024 (7:49PM US Eastern Time), but you can use this spread for any Full Moon in Scorpio. The fundamentals are the same.
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Fuel: How can recent connections help me uncover latent desires?
Magical peak: When I let myself break through my limits, what is made possible?
Purging: What obsessions have proved toxic?
Clear mirror: Where has my enjoyment of intensity numbed me to simple pleasures?
Dancing luminaries: How will consistency help me find the depth of experience that delights me?
For the how and why of creating the spread, along with 50 or so other spreads, see my musings over on HermitsMirror.
You might also love connecting with Scorpio through the Safe Cracker Workbook, which includes 10 divination exercises for getting deep into the mysteries of Scorpio.
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hermitsmirror · 17 days
Get to Know the 💧 Queen of Cups
So good at empathy and soul connection. So bad at boundaries.
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As with all of the pure elemental combinations, the Water of Water (Queen of Cups) is incredibly powerful but also vulnerable to excess in her arena. She nourishes and understands emotions intuitively. She can merge with your spirit in a way that makes you feel as though she’s known you for lifetimes, and she can dissolve into other realms with ease, making her the most gifted psychic of the tarot court cards. But those same gifts can become a curse. Without a container, there’s no knowing where one bit of water begins and another ends.
If you're ready to find the richness of the court cards or learn to bring them to life in your readings and in your everyday life, order my book ✨ Awaken the Court Cards 👑 through HermitsMirror.com (PDF) or Amazon (printed workbook).
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hermitsmirror · 19 days
Deck interview: Bee Tarot
With the arrival of spring, it seemed fitting to bring a deck interview for the Bee Tarot into being (bee-ing, har har). The Bee Tarot, illustrated by Nadia Turner with a thick guidebook by Kristoffer Hughes, is one of the new decks being published by Llewellyn Worldwide, my own publisher for the Seaborn Kipper, and I asked if I could have a copy of it when I saw it. In exchange, I would show it off. So to be transparent, this is a ”review copy” of the deck, but it wasn’t foisted upon me, and this is a deck interview, not a full review per se (but if you have questions about it, let me know or read more about it on Llewellyn’s site—one of the surprising features is that it’s a linen texture). I just thought it looked fun and appropriate to my own interest in the intersection of nature magic and divination. I also just really like the idea of apiaries (Robbing the Bees: A Biography of Honey by Holley Bishop is one of the few nonfiction books I would consider reading a second time) and the concept of bees for spiritual work and community.
As it happens, the deck has a tie to Druidic traditions, which may or may not be important to readers. I’m certainly not well-versed enough in that tradition to know how successfully or meaningfully it brings in the Druid element, although I did have the good fortune to interview a prominent Druid author when I was in college (decades ago now), so I probably should know more than I remember.
But to get back to the Bee Tarot, I love how this deck interview builds off of my deck interview with the Apothecary Spirits Oracle and continues the story of reconnecting with a love for life and community, more or less starting with a journey of just being present. It really has me thinking about the Elder Futhark rune wunjo and that concept of joy that could only be found through harmonious community engagement, even as recently as a few centuries ago. You wouldn’t survive if you tried to do it all alone. Why should we not lean into that reminder of communal joy now?
As always now, I used my own deck interview spread, which you can find explained on my blog.
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What major lesson are you here to help me learn? 3 of Jars
Through which divine energy can we best communicate? 6 of Wands (reversed)
In what area can you aid me to help others? Queen of Swords (reversed)
In what area could your guidance be easily misunderstood? 10 of Wands
What can I do to keep our communication clear? Queen of Jars
How can I use your guidance for the highest good? 5 of Swords (reversed)
How will I know when we’re ready for a new lesson? 6 of Pentacles
I’ll get to the first card in a minute, but I want to discuss the second card first because the reversed 6 of Wands in that second position takes on a different meaning than I would normally consider for it. In the context of the rest of the spread, the reversed 6 feels like a stark reminder of the importance of humility in spiritual work, especially with the community-oriented and interdependent concepts behind the deck. If nothing else, bees are part of a collective. Yes, there’s a queen bee, and there are distinct roles within the dance of the actual living, breathing bees, but the archetype of the bee is one of community orientation and soul work in line with serving one’s role in a bigger picture, not serving your own whims. That feels important here with the reversed 6 of Wands. I would normally associate that reversal with arrogance or pride—and yes, that’s still relevant—but in answer to the second question, it feels softer. It feels less like chastisement and more like a reminder to let oneself recede into the background. It’s a softer energy in this position of divine energy. Surrender and celebrate alongside in humility, rather than being the central heroic figure.
This of course relates to the lesson that this deck is helping me work through, the fun and celebration that comes with a close community of likeminded souls. The 3 of Jars (Cups) is that quintessential celebratory card, but as I mentioned in the office hours for my spring semester of courses not too long ago, it’s distinct from the 6 of Wands or 4 of Wands in that the celebration is through water instead of fire, a merging and blending of hearts, an expansion of the emotions and of meaningful connections. It’s a softer form of fun. Perhaps the idea of “softer” is what the bees of the Bee Tarot are offering more broadly. Honey is amelioration (and amelioration is literally the adding of honey, the sweetening of things).
This connection ties in with the 5 of Swords in reverse, a laying down of weapons (or arguments) and the blunting of the too-sharp swords. And of course it all fits beautifully with that generous spirit of interdependence and care for the collective seen in the 6 of Pentacles, the final card of the spread.
The Queen of Jars (Cups) also lends a soothing element in the fifth position to the overworking sting of the 10 of Wands. The 10 is such a burnt out card for the busy bee, hot and tired, in need of a little water and rest. That combination of the fourth and fifth cards is a nice reminder that one’s collective soul work, at least as explored with this deck, may be work, but it’s not burdensome. Returning to that first card, the 3 of Jars, it’s important that it’s not the 3 of Pentacles or Wands, cards of communal work and effortful building. If I find myself coming to this deck for tasks (for me or others), the Queen sits ready to redirect you toward the bigger picture. In her role as clarifier to the 10 of Wands, she offers the soothing and supportive effects of seeing easier flow and finding one’s place. Don’t try so hard. There is no spiritual grind, just ego pushing a path forward, wreaking havoc with the tapestry. Sure, you can do that sometimes, but why? Surrender and find that sweet nectar of life in whatever it is you do.
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Sometimes readings can feel too coherent, as if the reader has forced redundancy into the cards, but that blending and layering of sticky meanings again seems right for the Bee Tarot. And it’s not quite a seamless match of hexagonal compartments.
The Queen of Swords in reverse poses an odd problem here. How is she helping me understand how I might be helping others? I’ve learned from  a couple years teaching Awaken the Court Cards that the Queen of Swords can be much more accommodating than people assume. Students who embody the Queen of Swords (Water of Air) recognize the flow more often attributed to the Queen of Cups, but it’s funneled or honed like a sword’s point or edge. It’s there, but it’s focused. In this third position, the Queen of Swords in reverse seems to hint at the Queen of Jars in the fifth: she’s inviting me to work with those who have felt the pull or the currents of their soul—a calling, as it were—but who haven’t figured out how to refine that and focus that into something specific.
Combined with the warning to not overwork things in the 10 of Wands, it seems like an invitation to those who find themselves in the problem of the embodied soul who knows what they’re supposed to do “for the collective” in some way, but perhaps they’ve overworked it and limited soul work to spiritual industry work. That’s an important and thankfully growing population—I say “thankfully” because more people are recognizing the importance of doing meaningful soul work. There is pain in trying to force soul work into the limitations of spiritual industry work given our current economic environment. We can all be doing soul-centered things without being full-time energy healers or overworked tarot readers. Teach, volunteer, celebrate, and love as you do whatever you do. Bring spirit and nature and harmony into your world in whatever way you can, small or large. That’s the dream of a mindful and soul-centered collective.
And that helps me better understand the role of the reversed 5 of Swords in the sixth spot: we don’t all need to be competing with each other all the time. Yes, there are market forces that incentivize that. But why can’t we work in collaboration and mutual support? That journey awaits me still, I think, as promised by the 6 of Pentacles. But I suspect that it will find me sooner than later. Here’s hoping!
The Bee Tarot by Kristoffer Hughes and Nadia Turner is published by Llewellyn Worldwide, who publishes one of my one decks. The deck provided here was a gift from my publicist, but these insights about and experiences with the deck are my own.
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hermitsmirror · 19 days
🪄 PICK 🥤 A 🗡️ CARD 🪙
Close your eyes. Breathe deep. Open your mind to the peaceful dark and quiet within. Let it become a vast midnight sea, sparking to life and then twinkling like stars. See new worlds and ways emerge, paths of interwoven wands, shining cups, unswerving swords, or glittering coins. Follow their trails and see the message before you in that colorful sea of inner brilliance. Watch a rainbow path unfold in the recesses of your mindscape. Then pick a card from the Gay Marseille by Charlie Claire Burgess.
Will you pick left, center, or right?
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If you need more time to find your center and those sparks of light within the infinite possibility of the blank and darkened mind, take that time. Find that space within you where creative possibility bursts forth from the depths of your inner world. Let it open and expand and create fresh trails to explore.
How does that feel? I hope it allows you to step into the future with curiosity about what lies ahead but also peace in knowing you've chosen what's right for you.
Now pick a card (if you want) and read its message in the reveal.
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Let me know how it resonates, and share the post with those who might benefit from some inner wisdom.
If you need a more in-depth reading, schedule one with me. And if you want to divine with depth and insight, enroll in my self-paced tarot fundamentals course: Read Tarot like a Nerd.
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hermitsmirror · 22 days
Spread: Putting Honey to Work
A teaspoon of honey also helps the medicine go down
As we enter the final week of the Kickstarter campaign for the Apothecary Spirits Oracle, a collaboration between artist Eric Maille, herbalist Michael Anthony, and me as coordinator/head diviner and designer, I thought it might help “sweeten the deal” to share with you all one of the spreads that we include in the robust and helpful guidebook along with each deck. Actually, you’ll be getting three for the price of one.
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One of my favorite tools in the Apothecary Spirits Oracle is Honey. Yes, it’s an ingredient in the sense that it’s edible and has its own valuable properties, but it can serve a particular function or set of functions when brought into a recipe or remedy. That is how something like Honey can speak to actions.
The keywords that we chose for Honey include making palatable, amelioration, and enticement, so you can put Honey to work when you want to make things more palatable to you (or others), improve something overall, or attract others to your way of thinking. Which will you want to try first?
For this spread, place Honey as the central card in a five-card cross. Then draw four cards in the order listed below.
X. Honey
1 & 2. Primary Ingredients
3. What will this process help heal?
4. What will help support the process in small doses?
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Making Palatable
1. What medicine has been difficult for me to swallow?
2. What will help me appreciate it?
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1. What part of life could use some sweetening?
2. What will help enhance it?
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1. What am I ready to bring into my life?
2. What can I offer to attract it more easily?
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hermitsmirror · 25 days
🔥 PICK 💧 A 💨 CARD 🪨
Close your eyes. Breathe deep. Open your mind to the peaceful dark and quiet within. Let it become a vast midnight sea, sparking to life and then twinkling like stars. See new worlds and ways emerge, paths of astral travel and psychic voyagers. Follow their trails and see the message before you in that glittering sea of inner brilliance. Watch the starscape meld into the recesses of your mindscape. Then pick a card from the Stardust Wanderer Tarot by Jen Sankey.
Will you pick left, center, or right?
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If you need more time to find your center and those sparks of light within the infinite possibility of the blank and darkened mind, take that time. Find that space within you where creative possibility bursts forth from the depths of your inner world. Let it open and expand and create fresh trails to explore.
How does that feel? I hope it allows you to step into the future with curiosity about what lies ahead but also peace in knowing you've chosen what's right for you.
Now pick a card (if you want) and read its message in the reveal.
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Let me know how it resonates, and share the post with those who might benefit from some inner wisdom.
If you need a more in-depth reading, schedule one with me. And if you want to divine with depth and insight, enroll in my self-paced tarot fundamentals course: Read Tarot like a Nerd.
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hermitsmirror · 27 days
Spreads: New Moon in Aries & New Moon Solar Eclipse
This season we have the New Moon in Aries at 19º Aries 24' on April 8, 2024, 2:21PM (US Eastern Time). But you can use this spread for any New Moon in Aries. The fundamentals are the same.
We also have the total solar eclipse happening then, so you may want to use my Solar Eclipse Tarot Spread for that instead.
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Finding what fuels the self (New Moon in Aries)
Clearing: What dreamy depths have I plumbed for long enough?
Transitional pause: What vague abstractions of the past are kindling for this new season?
New seeds: How can I direct this energy with headstrong certainty?
Light in darkness: When is frustration a cue for sacred rage rising?
Planetary boon: What physical activity will help me keep my fires burning all season long?
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When the Dark Moon demands to be seen (New Moon Solar Eclipse)
Space: What parts of my life should I be prepared to re-assess and shift during this eclipse cycle?
Lunar Gift: What is emerging from within me that will challenge my sense of who I am?
Growth: How will this help me grow over the next six months?
Understanding: Why is now the right time for this particular emergence?
Care:How can I best support myself when things get uncomfortable?
For the how and why of creating the spread, along with 50 or so other spreads, see my musings over on HermitsMirror.
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hermitsmirror · 1 month
Get to Know the 🔥 Knight of Wands
He's a hot one.
Need I really say more? He's the Fire of Fire, a hunk-a-hunk-a burning love. And if he doesn't fuel his needs, he'll burn out. And if you don't burn bright on his adventures and disappear. That's the danger of a one-note pony like him.
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If you're ready to find the richness of the court cards or learn to bring them to life in your readings and in your everyday life, order my book ✨ Awaken the Court Cards 👑 through HermitsMirror (PDF) or Amazon (printed workbook).
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hermitsmirror · 1 month
🌱 Pick a card 🌱
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and imagine light entering up from the ground and running up through your body. With each breath let it flow more fully up and in you. Breathe out all the gunk that it finds that you don’t want with you. Then pick-a-card from the prototype copy of the Apothecary Spirits Oracle, a collaboration I've been working on with Eric Maille and Michael Anthony of the Diviner Life, which is now funding on a crowdsourcing platform near you.
Which card will you pick?
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If you need more time to decide, remember to ground yourself and tap into the earth that provides such wisdom. Find a breathing pace that nourishes you. The Apothecary Spirits Oracle is an herbalist's oracle, a tool for healing. Sometimes it's enough to just reconnect with nature. Breathe in the beauty of the natural world and all the healing energies that emanate from it.
When you're ready, pick a card. Will you choose left, right, or center?
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Swipe to reveal the cards and then the messages. (There's a definite theme to this trio.) Share with folx you think might enjoy a little herbal healing!
And if you're as excited about this beautiful queer-inclusive healing herbalist deck as we are, support it on Kickstarter to be one of the first to get a copy of the deck and the rich guidebook that's full of divination and herbalism wisdom.
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hermitsmirror · 1 month
Spread: What’s Good?
Feeling the golden glow of the 3 of Wands
The 3 of Wands offers growth and expansion along with progress and success. The combination of expansive 3 and vibrant Wands makes for a powerful impact.
It’s a particularly wonderful card to see for business-owners or those pursuing passion projects. But expansion for the sake of expansion is a virus. And the 3 of Wands is not viral. It’s Virtue. That’s the esoteric title attributed to the card in the Thoth Tarot and Golden Dawn system, and it’s important to understanding the card and how it works.
I discuss how I made this tarot spread / oracle card layout and why I focused where I did, including its name, on HermitsMirror. You can see it in action using the Ephemere by Arthur Wang.
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Ships: What’s good?
Perch: How have I helped make it so?
Sunrise: What’s waiting for my next move?
Golden waves: How is that move likely to turn out?
Inner fire: What will help me know when to take it?
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And regarding that spread with the Ephemere, I think it's pointing out how I'm sitting in Kickstarter success (and maybe broader success) thanks to the great community of friends and fellow workers in this space who have helped lift me up just as I help them. Lifting together is a beautiful thing, so thank you to everyone who helped share the word about my latest collaboration, the Apothecary Spirits Oracle.
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hermitsmirror · 1 month
Deck interview: Apothecary Spirits Oracle
The Apothecary Spirits Oracle is an as-yet unpublished collaboration that I’ve created with Eric Maille and Michael Anthony of The Diviner Life to celebrate the wisdom and healing magic of herbalism.
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The original concept of the deck started as gay flower fairies, and I was going to create a playful, sexy deck to honor my Venusian natal chart, but then I realized I wanted to make something useful more than I wanted to make something silly. (That’s a separate healing journey.) Plant magic was how I entered into the world of witchery and spiritual questing, but I largely abandoned it until recently, so it’s been nice to see it come back into my life in a new way. Sure, it was there in the background, but I wasn’t doing much with it proactively. And Michael, a trained herbalist, has brought practical knowledge to this oracle deck that’s been so lovingly illustrated by Eric.
If you’re wondering what my part is beyond initial ideation, it includes project coordination, layout design, editing, communicating with the printers, and shipping. But the most interesting part for you as the user is a thorough early section of the guidebook on using the deck for divination, from single-card prompts to forecasting and more in-depth spreads. My chonky section is really a guide to using oracle decks in general because I wanted to include the type of information I wish I had had when first conducting oracle card readings. So now the world gets that knowledge without having to spend years figuring it out on their own, not that there’s anything wrong with experimenting, as the deck will show us.
If you want to read that and see the deck come to life as more than a prototype, you can back our project on Kickstarter. It's funded but we're still stretching from now until April 19!
I used my own deck interview spread, which you can find explained on my blog.
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What major lesson are you here to help me learn? Coffee
Through which divine energy can we best communicate? Gardening Tools
In what area can you aid me to help others? Vinegar
In what area could your guidance be easily misunderstood? Ghost Pipe
What can I do to keep our communication clear? Measuring Spoons
How can I use your guidance for the highest good? Lily of the Valley
How will I know when we’re ready for a new lesson? Garlic
What a delightful return to deck interviewing the Apothecary Spirits Oracle has provided me. As a deck I’ve been working on and discussing with two other creators for nearly two years, I’m very familiar with what our intentions behind the project have been, so it’s nice to see where my own personal connection reflects that while also diverging in some surprising ways, notably in the appearance of Coffee in the first position.
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Coffee is the card of passion and excitement and a lust for life. There are other cards that might mean passion in different contexts, but coffee is very much an elixir of life for me, a necessary start to my mornings and a real pleasure midday. I have no doubt that I’m addicted to its caffeine, but I actually don’t drink that much coffee; I just drink it regularly, and I love it. Good coffee—not just a quick pot of whatever’s convenient—is one of the few luxuries I indulge in regularly, and I like how the deck is reminding me of how important that indulgence is but how it's only a part of the puzzle.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what excites me and what I want to be doing in my free time rather than simply going through the lists of tasks I assign myself. It’s a methodical way of going through life, but it’s hardly fun. This deck is a reminder of how fun it is to create and play and work in partnership with others. This last part is intriguing since I’ve restarted deck interviews for that exact reason, the desire to connect with others—you the readers, who are interested in how they could be using other decks, and the creators themselves.
This excitement and my use of the deck overall—much like my coffee intake—needs to be measured and proportionate. It’s about helping others to heal and maintain their own inner work, the lesson of Vinegar, not about wallowing, a downfall of Ghost Pipe. This is surprising to me for more than just the apparent paradox of encouraging a lust for life and the need for moderation. It’s surprising to me because Ghost Pipe was one of the first three cards we worked on. To get a sense that we were all on the same page, I suggested we do a card of wisdom, a card of desire, and a card of mourning. The specific choice of mourning was a nod to the queer experience of loss since this is an inherently and sometimes explicitly (not that kind of explicit) queer deck. And although there’s a lot of beauty and life to celebrate, there’s been a history of death and loss as well, and I wanted to make sure that we weren’t skipping over that for light and love.
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But of course Nature is nothing if not balanced, and you can’t wallow in loss when there’s so much life to live. This is a healing deck, but it may not be a shadow work deck, at least not for me. It’s so much more about supporting the maintenance of life. Herbalism as a general practice is very much rooted in prevention and administering early correctives to help rediscover healthy balance and natural flow. While there may be loss, there’s no point in focusing on it except for how it’s affecting the present. Acknowledge it, help process it, and move on.
The “higher cards” of Gardening Tools and Lily of the Valley are also a bit of a pleasant surprise for me. I associate both of them with Eric since he wanted to include green carnations somewhere in the deck (they’re in the basket) and his favorite flower is Lily of the Valley. For me, I would have expected to see Lily of the Valley in the second position as it’s a card of wonder and curiosity and of fairy magic (as well as the dangers posed by that), while the Gardening Tools card doesn’t feel especially magical or divine. As the card of planning and preparation, it feels the least connected to the magic of the earth itself and the fey goddess work that I had originally thought I was working toward with my original deck concept. But I’m reminded of my strongest spirit guide, Vulcan, a craftsman (and fiery destroyer), and there’s something divinely inspired by the Fibonacci spiral, the perfection of heavenly ideals found in mundane form. Remembering the distinction between the plant spirits of this Apothecary Spirits Oracle and the plants themselves seems key here. They are related but not the same thing. The plant (or fungus or tool) is an entry point, but it’s As above, so below, not As below, it is what it is.
And as for what happens next with the deck? Garlic as the card of everyday magic feels like a clear sign for kitchen witchery. This deck will no doubt encourage me to reinvigorate life and reconnect with my passions, such as art and plants, while also inspiring me to rekindle the magic of the kitchen. And that’s a lesson I am excited to take on. See? The excitement begins already.
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hermitsmirror · 1 month
🔥 PICK 🌺 A 🌸 CARD 💎
Close your eyes. Breathe deep. Open your mind to the peaceful dark and quiet within. Let it become a library of possible worlds, inner passion burning in the dark, sparking and then twinkling like stars. See new worlds and ways emerge. Follow their trails and see the message before you in that glittering sea of inner brilliance. Watch it meld into the recesses of your mindscape. Then pick a card from the Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne.
Will you pick left, center, or right?
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If you need more time to find your center and that spark of light within the infinite possibility of the blank and darkened mind, take that time. Find that space within you where creative possibility bursts forth from the depths of your inner world. Let it open and expand and create fresh trails to explore.
How does that feel? I hope it allows you to step into the future with curiosity but also peace.
Now pick a card (if you want) and read its message in the reveal.
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Let me know how it resonates, and share the post with those who might benefit from some inner wisdom.
If you need a more in-depth reading, schedule one with me. And if you want to divine with depth and insight, enroll in my self-paced tarot fundamentals course: Read Tarot like a Nerd.
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hermitsmirror · 1 month
Spreads: Full Moon in Libra & Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
This season we have the Full Moon in Libra (5º Libra 07') happening March 25, 2024 (3:00AM US Eastern Time). But you can use this spread for any Full Moon in Libra. The fundamentals are the same. 
We also have the penumbral lunar eclipse happening then, so you may want to use my Lunar Eclipse Tarot Spread (below) for that instead or in addition!
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Resetting the scales of Self and Other (Full Moon in Libra)
Fuel: What everyday burdens help me identify what I need from others?
Magical peak: Where in my life is harmony ready to blossom?
Purging: What ties do I need to cut to rebalance my own life?
Clear mirror: Where am I called to establish my choices more decisively? 
Dancing luminaries: How do my relationships reflect how I want to present myself?
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When the Earth takes center stage (Full Moon Lunar Eclipse)
Grounding: How does my purpose in this lifetime help me find meaning in everyday experiences?
Capturing Light: What am I empowered to complete during this cycle?
Revitalization: What needs to be replenished before I start something new?
Embodiment: How can I embody my spirit more fully during this cycle?
Earthly Gift:What will be made possible by aligning my external actions with my internal feelings?
For the how and why of creating the spread, along with 50 or so other spreads, see my musings over on HermitsMirror.
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