highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
hello all my lovely beans! This is really hard for me to write because I adore this group and every one of you so so much but unfortunately I am going to have to step away from Revolts. Thank you to all of you for all the amazing threads and characters that you have brought to life - it has been such privilege to witness them all and your writing has made me so happy and sad (in the best possible way) I will truly miss all of you and you have made this such a memorable rp experience for me. I’m just sorry I couldn’t have been around more at the end to share in it all with you more! I am sending you all so much love and good vibes and if any one at all wants to keep in touch then my discord (  andromache#9873 ) is always open to you!!
So here’s hoping this is more a ‘see you later’ than a goodbye but I love you all <3
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
E D M U R E :
the  auburn  haired  lord  had  urged  his  mount  into  an  unforgiving  gallop  ahead  of  the  snail’s  pace  observed  by  the  marching  entourage,  desperate  to  lay  his  eyes  upon  the  lands  of  his  birth  and  filled  with  a  morbid  sense  of  curiosity  to  see  if  the  harvest  had  been  salvaged  from  the  mountain’s  fiery  pillage  of  the  riverlands  in  time  for  the  foreboding  winter  snows.  he  had  gotten  as  far  as  the  stoney  sept  before  an  onslaught  of  ash  had  assaulted  his  gaze,  the  smell  of  burning  fields  and  corpses  stinging  his  nose.  (  at  first,  he  had  thought  it  to  be  a  light  fall  of  snow,  lifting  his  head  up  to  smile  upwards  at  the  sky,  as  though  to  the  thank  the  cold  for  dousing  out  the  fires.  but  when  his  fingers  rubbed  at  the  white  flakes,  coming  back  covered  in  soot,  he  had  turned  away  from  his  home,  jaw  clenched  in  a  silent  scream.  )
it  had  been  nearly  mid - afternoon  when  he  caught  up  with  the  large  retinue,  falling  back  to  place  beside  the  riverland  troops  and  steadily  ignoring  their  worried  looks  by  focusing  ahead,  his  gaze  narrowing  on  a  familiar  crest  of  the  tyrell  family  wheelhouse  that  brought  a  smile  to  his  lips,  unbidden,  waking  nightmares  temporarily  forgotten.  coaxing  his  steed  ahead  to  march  by  the  side  of  the  carriage,  he  brushed  off  a  few  stray  flakes  of  ash  from  his  hair  as  the  heavy  wheeled  contraption  came  to  a  halt  at  his  signal,  throat  clearing  as  he  caught  the  eye  of  the  woman  he  sought  through  the  opened  window.  ❝  my  lady.  i  wanted  to  show  you  the  wild  rose  bushes.  i  believe  these  buds  are  only  found  in  the  riverlands.  ❞  if  he  could  not  show  her  the  wealth  of  his  lands,  he  would  show  her  the  beauty  of  it,  however  muted  and  ravaged  it  may  be  from  gregor  clegane’s  assault.  though  it  was  not  their  own  motto,  edmure  would  adapt  the  words  growing  strong  in  his  attempts  to  resurrect  his  lands  after  the  war.  ❝  would  you  care  to  join  me  ?  ❞
As doe eyes peered out and surveyed the lands they were travelling over, they were tinged with an undeniable sorrow. Tender heart ached for the people who had lived to seen their home desecrated in such a way when she could not imagine the pain she would feel were The Reach to ever suffer the same fate. Images of the Riverlands had been woven in her mind, a tapestry of rich blue and greens as rivers and streams carved their way through the land. Edmure had conjured such beautiful visions for her during their time spent in the mines - all those days and hours passing far too quickly when there was so much about his home that she wanted to hear - speaking with such passion and ardour about his home that it had earned itself a small place in her heart too. It was admirable, the little rose had decided, for a man to shower such praise upon his home - to be truly proud to be able to say that that was where they came from - and in truth she had supposed him perhaps the only person capable of rivalling her own love for The Reach.
Rosy lips pursed slightly as their wheelhouse came to a halt and broke her out of her reverie. Limbs were growing tired from how its slow pace made her feel contained and almost shackled but lips quickly turn upwards in a smile as the voice that came from outside was one she was all too happy to hear. Soft brown eyes lit up both meeting familiar blue ones and at the prospect of having a reason to break free from the trudging pace. “How wonderful of you to think of me, my lord, and how perfect your timing.” Pretty words fell from pretty lips but this time they were genuine when the idea of not only discovering more of the Riverlands but having their Lord as her guide did truly excited her. “I find myself in need of something different for a time and you seem to have given me the perfect solution. If you would just allow me a few moments to get my horse ready I would be delighted to join you.” A knock on the window was given to signal she was ready to leave the wheelhouse behind her and graceful steps carried her to the ground as she waited for her horse to be brought to her.
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
T H E O N :
It was a long trek from King’s Landing to Winterfell, especially given the decomposing weather building snow along the road, and the ice weighing down the energy of the horses and men. Fires littered the space alongside the road as everyone settled in to make camp, and Theon walked the perimeter to serve as one of many lookouts armed and ready to defend against Gregor Clegane’s rampant destruction. It would be foolish to attack a force this large, but with darkness settling in, well placed arrows could eliminate the leaders that had brought them all together. 
Theon rode his mare slowly along the edge of the camps spotting a banner that bore a single golden rose, and naturally, he drifted towards it. It was a house he hadn’t held a high opinion of in the past, but unlikely friendships often had a way of changing perspectives, and he found he quite enjoyed the company of the Tyrells he knew. He recognized Margaery leaning close to a low burning fire, and like most from the south, she did not appear to be adjusting well to the tormenting winter of the northern lands. 
He dismounted and approached her, unclasping a fur cloak that he’d kept around him to keep him warm as he rode, and tugged it away from his shoulders. “An open area offers a wide range of view but it certainly does nothing to shield us from the wind.” He stated as he drew up behind her and draped the cloak over her back. “Take this, my lady. It’ll help.” 
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Resilience had long been something she had possessed despite most deeming her nothing but a pretty rose - delicate and prone to wilting at the first brush of hardships. Most saw only her softness, her beauty and missed the steel that lay underneath but that was their mistake. However for all her adaptability and ability to weather whatever came her way, fighting off the chill in the air was not something she could do by sheer will power alone and so she found herself reaching to share in some of the heat from the fire. Highgarden was far balmier than the winter that was falling all around them and her furs, not matter how fine they were, seemed to struggle to keep the cold out.
Wry smile tugged at rosy lips upon realising she had not been too discrete in her affection for the flickering flames but there’s still a softness in her eyes when she was grateful to the new warmth that had been provided to her. “How kind, thank you Lord Greyjoy.” Head tilted to the side, soft curls slipping over her shoulder as tone shifted to something lighter and more jovial as she saw an opportunity for some fun. “You seem to be developing something of a habit of coming to my rescue and while I am most grateful for it, I must ask - do I really seem that much of a damsel?”
Humour faded slightly and expression sombred to one of sympathy when she had heard his story and knew how long the memory of Northmen was fabled to be - and how they could rival winter in their mannerisms if they choose to. Voice is softer this time but with a warmth to it that echoed the fire in front of her. “I imagine this journey will bring mixed feelings along with it for you?”
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
so I am very open to keeping some threads going through this plot drop, just a quick post to see who is still interested!! so please feel free to like/comment what you want or message me and ofc there’s the option to start a new one instead!!
so on Mar I have @myrcellabarathcon @krakenskiss @andarofrunestone @princeofxwhitelies @garlanofroses @highgardenspride
and Garrick  @krakenskiss @xagirlisnoonex @leonctte @xwyllamanderly
but I am happy either way so please just let me know!! <3
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
hello all my wonderful beans!! I will definitely be around tomorrow to do some plot drop stuff but my writing brain is evading me tonight so I am not going to subject you to the drivel that would come out XD however I will be around for plotting so just hit me up if you want some new threads/to continue old threads/or plot something entirely different <3
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
Request : “If you’re still looking for prompts: Margaery and Loras Tyrell being warm and happy and cuddly and not at all full of doom and sorrow?”
hahaha I saved over the original resolution with the tiny version OTL
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
L O R A S :
The Tyrell retinue had taken longer to reach their destination than Loras had been able to bear, especially knowing that Margaery was waiting for him at the other end. He knew he had agitated the others, riding out from the front of the convoy and riding back in a loop over and over again as if to trick himself into thinking that they would get there faster. 
Loras was eager to see his sister, the one who had been beside his side for as long as he could remember, the one who had sacrificed so much for him and never borne a grudge for the strife he had cause, the one who dried his tears and advocated for him when nobody else would. He felt as though he had abandoned her when he had left her in the midst of those lions - but both of the younger Tyrells knew that when the Queen of Thorns suggested he come home, he did not have much say in the matter. 
When the keep for which they were destined rose up on the horizon, Loras had broken away from the group for good - unable to stay and amble at the pace of his grandmother’s wheelhouse when Margaery was so close now. The bay mare he rode was glad of the change in pace too, and carried him swiftly to the gates of the keep where the Tyrell colours he wore let him pass the guards without a word. The Knight of the Flowers was a recognizable face in much of Westeros, and he revelled in how easily he was able to conceal the whirlwind of emotions to those who looked on by taking on the persona he had become so known as as he dismounted his horse. 
The young knight tried to ignore the stares of onlookers, and to give a few arrogant smiles at the ladies who made eye-contact with him as he searched for any sign of Margaery, who must have been alerted by now that the Tyrells were close. 
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The return of Garlan was something that she was very much looking forward to when she took great comfort and strength from his presence. When news reached her to his return and the Tyrell colours being spotted she had swiftly made her way down to greet him, her previous engagements so easily set aside when family would always triumph over all else in her mind and actions.
Doe eyes flitted over the courtyard but when they landed on her brother it was not the one who she had been expecting. Eyes widened and she could not help but exclaim his name ( happily accepting whatever whispers there would be about her lack of propriety ) with warmth and excitement nestled in her tones. “Loras.” Feet could not carry her to him quickly enough and skirts were picked up to allow more haste when their multitude of material encumbered her movements.
As soon as the distance between the two of them was closed, dainty arms were thrown around her brother’s neck as she compensated for the differing height between them by rising onto the very tips of her toes. For a moment she contented herself with simply holding him tightly when nothing warmed her more than an embrace. A deep breath in was taken, reminding her of home and so many happy memories that she held so dear. None were so dear nor a replacement for having him there in the flesh, however.  Words are given softly, more exhaled than truly spoken when they were a secret between the two of them. ��I am so happy that you are here.”
Smooth movements have her pulling back slightly from his embrace and instead her gaze searches his features for clues as to how he had been. Such concerns would soon be voiced but first she could not help but let a light chiding into her cadence. “You know, you are rather lucky I am here considering I had no word of your arrival.”
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
R I C K O N :
where:  within the the stark encampment when:  midday who:  lady margaery tyrell  /  @highgardcnrose
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rickon was nervous.  and just a little bit annoyed at his eldest brother.  robb had surely noticed how uncomfortable he was surrounded by the vast northern armies ;  how he preferred to be out in the woods with shaggy than amongst ‘ his people ‘.  rickon had fought , or closed down whenever the topic had been breached.  feelings had constantly been something he’d attempted to push down for the entirety of his life.  and he wasn’t about to face them now. 
so how else to ease the wild wolf back into civilization than to employ him as an envoy ?  the boy walked across the encampment , dressed in fine clothes after having a good scrub and without shaggy.  it unnerved him to be without his companion , but he was with grey wind.  they’d be okay.  two guards flanked him and wore their silence well.  they hadn’t spoken , only nodded when introduced to the little lord. 
it wasn’t hard to find the tyrell tent.  it was embroidered with their house sigil and standing guard were two whose armor bore floral marks.  he stopped at the entrance to regain his composure.  he scowled before placing a tight smile on his features and clasped his hands behind his back.   “  my lady ? “
Days were so often filled with long hours in the mines that she had come to the sudden realisation that she had perhaps been neglecting time spent with her family which just would not do. The decision had been made to forgo the trip to Dragonstone - profuse apologies already given to the smallfolk there that she had grown so close to - and to spend a few days among the people of The Reach that she had missed so much. She might have been able to forge relationships with many but what good was diplomacy if her own forgot her?
Her family tent was where she had made her home for the day instead of staying in the castle whose rooms had so kindly been lent to her. It seemed better that way when she was so keen to get in touch with her roots once more. Doe eyes had been casting over documents and making note of anything of interest as as a figure appeared in the entrance. “Prince Rickon, what a lovely surprise.” Voice was soft and sweet and with a smooth movement plans were set aside.
The rose stood gracefully, hand outstretched to motion to the chair in front of her. “Won’t you come in? My brothers were kind enough to bring some of the Arbor’s finest back with them and it does share ever so nicely.” Sweet smile settled onto her lips in a way she knew most found hard to resist but it remained yet to be seen whether the wolf would follow suit or whether his time away from his family had made him all the more immune to such things.
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
A N D A R :
Andar had been involved in several meetings of late, serving as his father’s representative on all matters pertaining to the Vale. While many of the Valemen were concerned about the coming of the Others, there was also the matter of governance of the Vale itself. Andar had spent several mornings arguing with lords under Littlefinger’s thumb, though he knew not if it was because they had been paid to do so or if because they believed he promises that came from the tongue of a snake. He had chosen to take his meal in a small solar and had just sat down with a goblet of strongwine when he heard a woman’s voice. Raising a hand, Andar waved her apologies away. “There is nothing to forgive,” he said quietly before he turned to look at who had interrupted his respite.
He recognized the young Tyrell woman, though he did not know her incredibly well. How could he, when his brother had been slain by her own in a fit of pique? “I have chosen to take my meal away from the curious gaze of others,” he said by way of explanation, focusing on keeping his tone polite and his gaze sharp. “Has your day been so difficult, Lady Tyrell?” he asked, etiquette keeping him speaking when he wished for silence.
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Wry smile tugged at petal lips at his words, knowing all too well that living among so many others was wearing on the mind and tiring on the body. “A hard won commodity these days.” When asked of her day she knew that she would not voice her struggle with grief to a man who was practically a stranger ( she knew him from somewhere but where she could not place )  when she had yet to utter such a confession to even her brothers. “I think it would be remiss of me to say that things are blissful giving all our circumstances, would it not?” She had never been a girl who wanted to use naivety as an excuse for ignorance and as such ensured that she was always as aware of the harsh realities of the world as possible. Her optimism simply sprung forth from refusing to believe that sorrow was all that the world had to offer. “Finding ways to keep myself occupied and useful seems to be something of a solution to cope trying times.”
Recognition that had been itching at the back of her mind suddenly dawned on her and though she scarcely reacted to it otherwise, her mood fell slightly. It was not that the man had done anything wrong - quite the opposite really when it was her family who had harmed his. For once she felt uncertain, the sadness she felt for his loss being what had caused her mood to deteriorate further. How many more would this war take from them all? Yet it felt far too hollow to offer any apologies or condolences just yet so instead the rose steered towards cordiality, vowing to herself to find some way to sound genuine in her sympathy for him later. “And you my lord, how are you finding the Crownlands?”
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
D A E N E R Y S :
❛  better that someone with compassion have that influence than one simply out for power or riches.  ❜   for far too long she’d seen men with eyes for gold and power in statuses of power.  most horribly in slavers bay , where they made such riches on the backs of slaves.  a practice she’d set her mind to extinguishing the moment she saw astapor.  if only she’d been strong enough to liberate those under dothraki control when she’d been wed to drogo.  
❛  i also must congratulate you on your upcomming marriage to king tommen.  ❜  daenerys wondered if she too were marrying for the title of queen ,  or if she sought to help the smallfolk from a position of power.  she knew little of margaery and tommen , but reports favoured them greatly over the late joffrey.  even so , they were all quite young to be ruling kingdoms , herself included.  
was it with age that one saw the truth of the crown and turned sour ?   the dragon queen shook the thoughts from her mind as she waved a hand over towards seating on the opposite side of the room.  ❛  please , have a seat , my lady.  ❜  then she made her way over towards the refreshment table and poured herself the slightest bit of wine.   ❛  would you like a glass ?  ❜
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Words from the Dragon Queen echo her own sentiments and while she’s used to playing her cards right and saying the right thing, this time there is only genuine joy lighting up delicate features that the two of them are in agreement. “I could not agree more.” Perhaps she was a worthy ruler after all if she truly believed in what she had said, the rose did not sugarcoat her next words when she would say the same to anyone else who asked. “If they have no care for their people then I would go as far as to say they have no right to rule.”
Pretty smile touched petal lips as her dipped graciously. “Thank you for your sentiments, your grace, I am sure it will be a fine event should it take place.”  Doe eyes remained gentle and guileless but they were carefully trained on the silver haired woman, watching for the slightest reaction to her next words. “Nothing is quite set in stone yet, however.” The words were light but she knew that their heavier meaning would be recognised.
Graceful steps brought her further into the room, smoothly taking the offered seat. “That would be lovely if it is not too much of an imposition upon your time.” Slim fingers reached up for a glass of wine as light words were spoken once more. “Have you had chance to sample any of the wine of The Reach, your grace? Some consider the Arbor’s quite unrivalled.”
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
C E R S E I :
bitterness was perhaps the best word to describe cersei right now, bitter and perhaps slightly paranoid, although she would never show any sign of such things in public. had jaime been around a lot more, he would have perhaps seen her in a different light, but no. she decided to completely withdraw herself from nearly everyone, and locked all that she had felt under lock and key. she hated nearly everyone, and by everyone she mean’t everyone that was not her son and daughter. even margaery tyrell, who was certainly brave enough to walk in to ask for time with her. what did the damn girl want? admirable as the younger girl was, she didn’t trust her, not one single bit. in a way, she reminded her of herself when she was her age. perhaps that was why she didn’t trust her? emerald hues flickered to look up at the pretty rose, and she forced a simple smile to grace her lips as golden hair fell over her face and past the table that she was sat at. long slender fingertips were pressed together whilst elbows were rested upon the surface, and her head tilted to the side, letting golden strands of hair to fall across her frame like a waterfall. she was about to speak, and then her eyes fell to the bottle that was in her hands, and after a little hesitation, she rested her back against the chair. “you know persuasion well, my lady.” she said simply, before wavering her hand to an empty seat at the table. “come, what is it you would like to talk about?”
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While there was certainly no love lost between the two of them in the eyes of the rose ( no love when the older woman seemed determined to see her fall, she knew better than to care for someone who only wanted ill for her ) there had always been a healthy amount of respect. The lioness was a formidable woman that she knew better than to ever underestimate or second guess. Smile curved onto her lips and sugary sweet words followed. “I do my best. I find the secret is to find something that the other person might need and I had worried that perhaps stores had ran dry of wine fine enough for you.” Doe eyes were wide with innocence though she supposed her vague slight would not go unnoticed. 
At the wave of the blonde’s hand, she allowed smooth steps to carry her towards the table before gracefully slipping into her seat. With a little smile she dismissed the remaining server and instead chose to pour two glasses herself. “Nothing too important I am afraid - or at least not nearly as important as the meetings I am sure you will be attending with the wolves, stags and dragon.” A little pause hovered between them as she selected her words carefully when for all intents and purposes their Houses were still aligned, no matter how much she might long to be rid of them. “I simply did not want too much distance to come between us now we are no longer in King’s Landing. After all, we are still to be family and family is so dear to me.” It always felt easier to bend the truth rather than try to lie brazenly so she always chose to stick as close to the truth as she could.
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
G A R L A N :
He did not like the mines, did not like much of the island of Dragonstone in and of itself. And yet Garlan knew he would need to remain there for many days in the future, loathe though he was to admit it. His annoyance was sated, however, by the presence of his wife and sister and would be bolstered with that of Loras, the children, and their grandmother. “We shall,” he promised with a half-smile. “Grow strong. Do trees not become stronger after they’ve lost a limb?” he inquired. “So shall our house. I swear it.”
His own lips quirked at his sister’s playful words and he shook his head. “Only five?” he inquired, his brow teasingly drawing in as he appraised her. “I’d expected more than that by now.” He might not say it often, but Garlan was proud of his sister. She had certainly put herself to work when many other highborn ladies did little but gossip over wine and embroidery.
Thinking of his journey gave Garlan pause. It had been slower going than he’d anticipated on the way back, but he would not have traded it. “And I missed you,” he responded with a smile. “The journey to Highgarden was swift and it was good to see Mother.” Garlan shrugged one shoulder, realizing it was possible she did not know of the extra additions. “The return back, however,” he drawled, his lips twitching with amusement as if he was telling a great secret. “I will let you imagine how it went. Between the children, Loras, and Grandmother’s wheelhouse, it’s a miracle we’re here at all.” His words were little more than jest and he shook his head, running his hand along his jawline as he looked over at his sister. “What have you been doing in my absence?”
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Their family had always been stronger together and she would always be grateful to have been born a Tyrell when the affection they held for one another seemed almost entirely unrivalled by other Great Houses. As such she took great comfort in both their presence and their words, a smile tugging at her lips with her brother’s promise, her own light words following after. “Then I shall believe your words as much as I believe all of us will do our utmost to ensure it.” Some called the ambition that their house held unseemly but the rose had always seen little wrong in wanting to secure a better, more secure future for their family.
Playful tut left her lips, almost reminiscent of the septa they’d had as children. “Come now, Garlan, you know I have to have some modesty.” Shoulders straightened slightly as her impersonation continued further with chiding tones. “It is quite unbecoming of a lady to boast. Even if it is of how many men have become enamoured enough with their vision of her to pledge themselves.” The mock gravity of her tone did not last long after she had finished before a grin spread across her lips at the moment of levity. Slim shoulders dropped once more and she rolled them smoothly into a shrug as airy words left her lips, doe eyes dancing slightly as she spoke. “I could not help but persuade a few that their vows would be better placed elsewhere as much as I appreciate their kind offers.”
At the mention of their mother, expression grew sombre, reminded of the loss that they had all suffered as well as the distance that remained between them. “How is she?” Words were soft and filled with a regret that she was unable to comfort her mother upon the loss of her husband and yet she knew Alerie would rather she stayed in the thick of it all. “I wrote to her once but it never seems quite enough. I fear she keeps things from me in her replies.” Doe eyes are cast down to the ground, taking in the stone of the mine as she collects her thoughts. Upon hearing his next words however, they immediately flick up to meet his, smile already glowing on her features. “The children and Grandmother? Oh that is wonderful news.” A laugh is allowed to bubble up from her lips before brow raises and mischief is clear. “I can imagine the journey though and I am afraid I do not envy you at all.”
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
L E O N E T T E :
having been torn from her own sisters ( once for marriage and once for good ) leonette had perhaps latched on to margaery in a weak attempt to replicate that bond. and yet the young rose had been as good as she was clever, welcoming the new addition to her tight knit family without pause. ever since the fossoway had devoted herself to ensuring she always had a shoulder to lean on, and a kind face to give her counsel. and so it broke her heart now to see her struggle in silence. though margaery had perfected her facade, leonette had known her long enough to know when such had been erected. though she possessed the tools to shatter it, the blonde didn’t like to push if the other wasn’t up to sharing. if she wanted to, then she would tell her in her own time. “you might be right.” leonette presses her lips in a gentle smile, “let us hope by you might have nicer tales to share by the time we are all together again. gods know you deserve it.”
there had been little hope on the horizon since their arrival here. from the lord commander’s announcement to the recent mass murders it seemed only misery had followed them all. even she struggled to see the light when they were surrounded by grief. but it was the moments of peace she grasped at, with those she loved and trusted, that kept her afloat. “we have all been so busy.” bright eyes soften as she sits beside her, “but we ought to make more time for each other. now most of all. let us not get so dragged under by all this sadness and remember what is most important.” a pale hand reaches up to tuck a stray hair behind margaery’s ear, ever the maternal influence. “i do hope you know that i am here for you, whatever you need?”
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While she loved each and everyone of her brother’s dearly, she was thankful to be lucky enough to have Leonette in her life in a role that she considered far more sister than in law. The dainty blonde was so dear to her and there were few that could take on the role of a soothing balm for her heart and soul as well as her. While grief had flooded her making it hard to keep herself afloat, she was buoyed by the other woman even when their talk was somewhat bittersweet. It cheered her somewhat to know that someone as pure and pious as Leonette still considered her worthy of a good and happy life. “There are a great many who deserve better than what life has afforded them. I fear the gods cannot cater to us all.” Such words seemed to melancholy and if only for her own benefit she could not stray towards such territory for long, forcing a smile onto her lips. “Though I have not lost hope yet when our family can still continue to grow strong.”
Sad smile touched her lips, doe eyes downcast once more as reflection took over. “So we have. It is so easy to get caught up in the tales of others and forget that it is those who are most dear to us that are most worthy of our attention.” Perhaps she was most guilty of such things, too preoccupied on seizing the moment to forge new alliances that she had forgotten to value the time that there was to be had with her family. Of course, she was being harsh on herself when few loved their kin as fiercely as she did but that love would not bring her father back, not make up for the time that she had not spent with him. Such thoughts are overwhelmed by gratitude as gentle fingers brush chestnut locks back, pulling a smile from the little rose. With her father’s death still so fresh, it seemed only right that she should voice her appreciation and love for those around her when no one knew when their last breath would be taken. “I do and I do not think I can ever put my gratitude for you into words. You have done so much for me, dear Leonette. I am quite sure I would be entirely lost without you.”
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
One last message I promise! I have a lot of replies finally typed up so I am just going to post them all to make up for you all waiting for so long!! So apologies if the come in the wrong order a little but they’ll all be coming to a dash near you very soon! But just an aside that if by Sunday you haven’t gotten your reply from me on Mar, Garrick, Harry, Aelena or Larra please give me a nudge bc I have probably just missed it! <3
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
Hello again all my wonderful people! I really hate to do this again so soon but life has been hectic and I just wanted to let you all know that I’ll be mobile now until Wednesday evening. I have managed to queue a few replies but huge apologies that I haven’t managed to do it for Mar or Harry BUT there should be nothing keeping me from you all from Wednesday and I will be showering you all with love and replies when that comes around 💕
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highgardcnrose-blog · 5 years
Hello everyone! Just a quick little post to apologise for not being around the last couple of days! I’ve been having laptop issues but hopefully I’ll be back after I get it looked at tonight 💕
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