#ft: theon greyjoy
gysellas · 2 years
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𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  :  eel  alley,  visenya’s  hill,  king’s  landing,  the  crownlands. 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞  :  third  day,  second  seed,  300  a.c. 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡  :  theon  greyjoy  (  @bloodofsalt​  ).
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the  crew  of  the  leviathan  had  expressed  their  intentions  to  set  sail  from  the  iron  islands  almost  immediately  after  the  royal  missive  had  arrived  on  the  shores  of  pyke,  eager  to  wet  their  blades  and  fill  their  pockets  with  the  pickings  that  could  be  found  along  the  stretch  of  sea  that  led  from  the  islands  to  the  crownlands  but  before  she  could  voice  an  affirmative  to  their  demands,  knowing  that  the  journey  would  take  them  through  the  redwyne  straits  in  the  reach,  which  were  always  bountiful  with  wine  merchants  ferrying  caskets  of  the  sour  grape  from  the  arbor,  she  had  been  called  into  a  meeting  with  asha  greyjoy,  pacing  the  length  of  the  room  as  the  plan  to  form  an  alliance  with  the  north  was  shared.  she  had  never  thought  fondly  of  the  northerners  owing  to  the  disappearance  of  her  elder  sister,  gyda,  some  years  back.  her  ship  had  last  been  seen  at  sea  dragon  point  and  any  letters  inquiring  about  her  whereabouts  with  house  mormont  and  house  glover  had  been  sent  back  without  a  response,  leaving  gysella  to  assume  the  worst  but  in  comparison  to  the  other  greenlanders,  the  northerners  were  worthy  of  a  begrudgingly  respect.
(  she  could  not  help  but  wonder  if  the  plan  to  get  theon  greyjoy  back  in  exchange  for  the  service  of  the  iron  fleet  would  backfire  on  her  lady,  especially  if  the  displaced  prince  had  learned  loyalty  at  the  hands  of  his  captors,  but  if  he  proved  to  be  treacherous  to  house  greyjoy  or  the  ironborn  cause,  gysella  could  just  drown  him  in  the  blackwater  bay  and  cite  foul  play.  the  starks  had  many  enemies  in  the  south  and  it  was  not  unthinkable  or  untrue  to  blame  the  lannisters  for  yet  another  death.  perhaps  asha  would  mourn,  but  better  he  die  a  martyr  at  the  hands  of  a  common  enemy  than  a  traitor  to  the  islands,  at  least  in  the  eyes  of  people.  )
by  the  time  she  had  been  allowed  to  set  sail,  any  thought  towards  pillaging  and  looting  the  bounties  of  the  reach  were  far  from  her  mind  and  she  had  set  a  rough  pace  to  the  crownlands,  ignoring  the  complains  of  her  crew  in  the  hopes  of  getting  to  the  capital  before  the  northerners  did.  still,  they  had  arrived  just  a  few  days  prior,  able  to  push  their  horses  quicker  than  she  could  will  the  winds  to  her  sails  and  gysella  was  faced  with  the  conundrum  of  how  to  approach  theon  greyjoy  without  startling  him  off  completely.  she  had  been  complaining  into  the  ear  of  her  first  mate,  the  man  rather  unhelpfully  suggesting  she  corner  him  to  see  if  his  stones  were  still  iron,  when  a  familiar  figure  walked  pass  the  open  tavern  door.  the  similarities  to  his  sister  were  uncanny  and  it  made  him  look  rather  pretty  from  a  distance  ─  rising  from  the  side  of  her  crew  with  a  coin  purse  left  behind  to  keep  their  grumbles  to  a  manageable  level,  she  quickened  her  steps  to  follow  after  him  through  eel  alley,  avoiding  the  grasping  hands  of  beggars  and  thieves  alike.
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❝  greyjoy  !  ❞  a  few  heads  turned,  including  the  man  that  she  hailed  and  gysella  caught  up  with  him,  panting  lightly  through  the  grin  that  stretched  across  her  features.  ❝  theon  greyjoy  ?  you  look  like  your  sister.  ❞  a  compliment  or  an  insult  and  much  could  be  said  about  what  he  thought  of  his  family  by  how  he  received  it.  ❝  i  wasn’t  aware  that  the  starks  took  their  prisoners  on  trips  with  them.  ❞  another  little  dig  ─  ironborn  saw  him  as  a  captive  but  the  greenlanders  called  him  a  ward,  as  though  putting  a  sweeter  title  on  the  kidnapping  made  it  any  less  cruel.
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cdragons · 6 months
I will list my top 10 favorite pairings I've shipped throughout 2023 for funsies. These aren't in any particular order, I just came up with a list from the top of my head. If anyone wants to join in, please do so!
Snowbaird (this ship has me in a fucking CHOKEHOLD)
Me x Robb Stark (King of the North)
Me x Aemond Targaryen (babygirl war crime)
Me x Druig (one look and he got me)
Me x Ethan Landry (6 ft virgin madman in baby blue)
Me x Ikaris (...my fav hetero to hate but love bc Richard Madden)
Me x Jon Snow ( "i dON't wANt It")
Me x Theon Greyjoy (sea bitch)
Me x Rhaenyra Targaryen (dommy mommy)
Me x Jacaerys Velaryon (prettiest boy with the worst posture)
I won't be judged for self-shipping right?
Tagging: @ethereal-athalia, @valeskafics, @arcielee, @asa-do-your-thing, @dreaming-for-an-escape, @faesspace, @marvelescape, @its-actually-minicika, @lady-ashfade, @aphroditesmoon, @mitsuki91, @3vergr3en
PS: Hopefully I will have posted an Aemond x Reader fic by the end of tomorrow, so wish me luck!
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west1rosi · 9 months
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ft. @dcviline theon.
"You are Theon Greyjoy. And I'm Jeyne. And I need you with me."
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theredquill · 1 year
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WE’RE IN LOVE, boygenius ft. miranda manderly & theon greyjoy
and I told you of your past lives // every man you’ve ever been // it wasn’t flattering // but you listened like it mattered
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gxthicwxrm · 1 year
Jon Snow reborn to the house of the dragon
Black hair,
One silver, amethyst eye and the other a silver and gold eye.
Height: 6 ft 3, 190.5 CM (body looks like Thor MCU)
Jon Snow fights with dual blades, 2 longswords or a bastard sword and a Dagger
Jon Snow drinks not to excess thought.
Dragon rider Jon Snow
Warg and greenseer Jon Snow.
An Amazing Singer/ Amazing Musician,
Master at Hand to Hand Combat,
Master Swordsman,
sharpshooter archer
Trained Jouster
Jon Snow's attributes
In his first life he was honorable and looked down on people who were deceitful. But to survive in this new world he realized he has to be both for his family to survive.
- Attractive, Adaptable, Ambitious, Ambidextrous, Astute, Brave, Carefree, Caring, Charming, Clever, Courageous, Cunning, Deceitful, Determined, Flirty, Focused, Genius, Gregarious, Independent, Intelligent, Kind, Loyal, Observant, Patient, Proud, Ruthless, Serius, Shrewd, Strong, Witty,
Duelist, Hedonist, Hunter,
Likes: Girls, Training, Protecting lives, Animals, seeing people smile, Working Out, Swimming, Exploring, Relaxing, Stars in the Night Sky, honey and Lemon, fresh baked bread, smoked pork, sweat Oatmeal cakesdesert, Flirting with his Harem, horseback riding, sweets, Sparring, Dragons, Direwolves, Gold,
Dislikes: Bullies, Rape, Betrayal, Traitors, Spineless Bastards, Cowards, Idiots, Annoying People, Secrets, boys, People flirting with his Harem, Houses (Lannister Jason and Tyland), Baratheon, Grayjoy, Bolton, Hightower( Otto), Stong(Larys), white walkers, Slavery.
Lycan Abilities
superior strength,
Enhanced senses(sight, smell, hearing, taste, Touch)
Enhanced Speed,
Immense Durability,
Immense Endurance,
Instinct to reproduce with worthy females
Able to adapt to poisons after being exposed a few times
Able to transform without the full moon (after practice), but they are stronger during full moons. And can transform into a wolf and become as big as he wants.
shadow cloth manipulation, can make a set of black cloths out of concentrated shadows.
Shadow jumping, can travel to anywhere he has been through shadows.
natural photographic memory,
Alcohol immunity,
Pain immunity,
Animal Whisper,
Motion sickness immunity,
Elemental manipulation, (Avatar)
Story idea
Jon is crowned king of the south for allies. He meets Daenerys.
Arya after killing the Freys frees the prisoners in the Twins.
The Crouncil to try and get support against the walkers happens. Euron leaves council pretending to still be loyal to Cersei, goes to Essos to get the Golden company, he poisons them all on the way to Westeros. already hatching his plan diverts the iron Fleet close to the wall where he beats drums and blows horns getting the Knight King's attention.
Euron Greyjoy after killing all of the Golden Company on their way to Westeros delivers them to the Night king offering them in payment to be made a Walker. The Night King has Euron reanimate them and his Navy. After Bran finds this out he tells Jon that Euron is a walker. They create a trap for Euron to kill Euron disintegrating Euron's dead army, but they lose many of the Army. Jon Takes Euron's ship as a prize the Valyrian steel armor.
After the battle Sandor Clegane, Theon, Beric Dondarrion, Jorah Mormont, are dead.
Jon moves the remnants of the army south after having the dragons burn the dead. Dany taught him Valyrian and Dothraki while they were together, Tormund taught Jon the old tongue, Bran taught him how to green dreams, Arya taught him free running and martial arts/ free running.
Yara came to stand with them after hearing that Euron was dead. During this small respite Jon starts drawing again as he did when he was younger and not training or in his lessons with Maester Luwin, he had been forced to stop after Lady Catelyn found out he would draw them not wanting him to be seen doing anything good.
Jon Snow failed to kill the Night king. Having the survivors take a final stand on the God's Eye. Having made a fortress there, the main survivors are Jon Snow, Daenerys, Bran, Sansa, Arya, Missandei, Jaime, Tyrion, Yara Greyjoy, Val, Tormund, Meera Reed, Ser Davos Seaworth, and Yohn Royce.
The old gods and the Valyrian god make a pact to send them back in time to help stop the weakening of the Targaryen power. They put the Ironborn treasure in a ship that ran aground on the beaches of the fever river. Under a protection that only Jon will be able to see through until he draws attention to it. Bran chooses not to be reincarnated in the past as a human but is happy to have given his family the best chance to kill the walkers.
The old Gods give Jon the ability to turn into a werewolf doesn't turn during the full moon, can turn females, if he has sex and bites them as well) and the ability to manipulate The four elements.
85 AC
Jon Snow was reborn into a new world as the eldest trueborn son of Rickon Stark, he is the older brother of Cregan Stark. on that day a great comet flew through the sky painting a silver and red crescent throughout the sky.
Meera Reed born in Greywater Watch. Bran is reborn as an alligator that will protect Meera like the direwolves protect house Stark.
Sansa and Arya are reborn as the daughters of Grover Tully.
Daenerys is reborn in Pentos as the daughter of a very wealthy trader. Her name is Dany Rogare. No connections to Targaryen's other than having Valyrian blood.
Ser Davis is reborn in King's Landing joining up with a pirate navy and uses his knowledge as a smuggler until Jon can come and find him. Looks like Logan Lerman. After gaining a ship he goes to White harbor to join the Manderlys.
Missandei is reborn in Naarth and when she is 17 the Astapor take her as a slave. When she gets to Astapor the night she has a vision of the old gods that Jon will be coming to free the Unsullied and all the Slaves when he comes.
Tyrion and Jaime are reborn in the Westerlands as twins. They are the older brothers of Jason Lannister. Jaime looks like Lucas Till, Tyrion like short Alex Pettyfer.
Yohn Royce was reborn as the brother of Rhea Royce. Looks like Michael Rosenbaum.
Val and Tormund reborn beyond the wall. Taking the dragon glass knives Ghost found at the fist of the first men. Ygritte, Gilly, Osha and Karsi are in the same clan as them.
Margaery Tyrell is reborn in Highgarden to Matthew Tyrell. She will be a ward of House Tully after Sansa invites her. She will have dreams throughout her younger years when she hears the name Sansa she thinks that her friend is with her.
95 AC
The Sand Snakes are reborn in Dorne as true daughters of house Martell.
Jon is becoming one of the best swordsmen in the North. Having his memories from his past life allows him to appear like a savant.
When Jon Snow is 10 he finds and then hatches the Dragon eggs with the Ritual that Dany used, the ones that Silverwing laid when Alysanne Targaryen was in the North visiting the Wall. When his father sees him holding a dragon baby he swears to secrecy about them. Jon's father forces Jon to release him beyond the wall. This unknowingly has the dragons grow bigger and faster then they would have if in the South having been given a blessing from the Valyrian gods and being nearer to a greater connection of magic. the dragons aren't just fire breathing ones but Ice dragons as well.
When going beyond the wall Jon Snow is attacked by 5 spear wives that try to kill him Val, Osha, Ygritte, Gilly, and Karsi after he defeats them. In front of the heart tree they show him who they are and swear their allegiance to him as his bodyguards and bed warmers whenever he wants after finding out he is the one that was the one to save them all. Tormund after finding out that it is Jon welcomes him into his clan as an honorary member calling him the king beyond the wall.
In addition he saves 5 direwolf pups, 2 snow bears, 2 Bald Eagles and their eggs, and 2 adult shadow cats, he will eventually warg into.
97 AC
Rhaenyra Targaryen is born.
Ros is reborn in King's Landing, the gods swing her as an ally having memorized the secret tunnels under King's landing and the best ways to get secrets out of people to use.
Using some of the knowledge from the future, Jon Snow gets several of the Freefolk Clans to kneel to him, calling him; The king beyond the wall. Mainly the Giants, Children of the forest, after the free folk find out he has greensight and a dragon they believe him to be blessed by the old gods. By singing the sacred songs of the north (Peyton Parrish's songs) they follow him. He uses the white door at the Nightfort to smuggle the Freefolk through after they swear to not raid the north.
During the next 8 years the freefolk start moving south of the Wall with the mammoths, Aurochs. Setting up farms and settlements. Forestry camps ending the conflicts between them and ending the Raiding south of the wall.
Freefolk settlements —Stone Hillfort, medium Market city, Shipbuilders, Training ground, War Camp, Practice Range, Barracks, Stables, Weaponsmith, Stone Watchtowers, Garrison, Salt producers, Horse breeder, Riding contests, Vodka producer, Cattle/ Aurach Pens, Ox Wagons, Meat Preserver, Sheep, Wool/ leather Crafter, Wrestling arena, Logging camps Godswood, Hunting Parties, Sweet potato farms, Harbor, Fishing villages on both sides of the north.
Hospital— Sick house, Extended Hospital Complex, Soup kitchen, Godswood, Library, Pharmacology Laboratory(woods-witches make their remedies), Medical Academy(woods-witches teach others),
100 AC
Jon fights with two swords. After having had Jaime teach him how to use his left and continuing to work with it.
Jon Snow, when he turns 15 asks if he can take on a tour of Essos telling his father he wants the Company of the Rose to come home. When he arrives in Essos he wants to meet them and try to get them to return to the north; they refuse so he challenges the leader for the right to lead the company.
Khal Drogo(no connection to Daenerys husband), the grandson of Khal Dhako found and attacked him with his entire khalasar in view thinking it would be an easy victory and challenged him to single combat. Jon kills Khal Drogo and makes the Khalisar kneel to him. Drogo's bloodriders attack him and Jon Snow kills them.
Jon takes the khalasar to Slaver's bay wanting to free the Unsullied like Daenerys did but using 4 dragon eggs that haven't hatched. He finds Missandei as a slave again requesting her as a translator to help command his army. Jon attacks the masters and he takes all the gold from them stopping slavery for a while killing all of the Masters and adult sons. after freeing all the slaves. All the freed slaves join him kneeling to him after he frees them. After sacking the city he has collected over 24,000,000 pounds of gold and diamonds and other treasures from their vaults.
On the way back to the west coast of Essos to hire ships to return to Westeros. He hears about a woman from Pentos who is said to have beautiful Valyrian features and claims to speak in an unknown language the Old Tongue.
103 AC
When he is 18 the Greyjoys attack and try to rave the north. The Greyjoys attack and hearing this house Bolton will rebel as well against Stark Killing Jon Snow's father, Ellard Stark. Jon ends house Bolton after "finding" out that they continued Practice of Flaying, not giving them the chance to escape; he executes all of them since there were no Bolton children. Jon has the Company of the Rose have a headquarters in the Dreadfort.
After he leads an invasion through the Iron island, and raises up new houses from third and forth sons from not just the North but the Reach and the fourth son of house Reyne after they swear their oath of allegiance to the Starks of Winterfell and they convert to the Old gods Faith after seeing a chance to make something of themselves as lords.
Jon Snow gains the treasuries of the Iron islands (Red Rain, Mazemaker, Brightroar and Dread he got from House Bolton).
104/105 AC
Jon Snow goes to the Heir's Tourney in King's landing. Shocking everyone with his armor set and horse sized Direwolf that he uses to joust on. Jon Snow impresses the court and declares Rhaenyra the one true Queen of Love and Beauty. King Viserys suggests to his daughter that Jon might be the greatest bachelor for her after seeing him fight.
After the tourney the hunt happens and Jon Snow kills the white stag. Jon Snow gifting the stag's pelt to Rhaenyra as a symbol of her right to be the heir. Rhaenyra never seduces Criston Cole or Harwin Strong.
106 AC
Jon Snow is welcomed home after his time in Essos and in the south. Using the gold he found to invest, building mines in the Mountain ranges finding Silver, gold, Coal, Diamonds, Sapphires and Rubies. And making sure the castles have enough greenhouses to sustain themselves in winter. The freefolk have all moved to the gift and have knelt to Jon Stark. After he has them start clearing the forest beyond the wall but he has them coming back after a long day's work.
Lord Corlys Velaryon asks Jon if he could borrow The freeman unsullied for his and Daemon's campaign of the Stepstones.
108 AC
Cregan Stark is born to Rickon Stark.
109 AC
Rhaenyra arrives in Winterfell wanting a break from the Royal court wanting to get as far away from her father.
Ser Otto Hightower is dismissed as hand of the king.
111 AC
Jon Snow returns to King's landing for the tournament of the 5 year anniversary of Alicent and Viserys Marriage. Jon comes to the city with his massive Dragons showing off his power and surprising everyone. Jon Snow dances all night with Princess Rhaenyra after giving her a Princess's crown in the style of the Kings of the north; Iron and Bronze, but having 3 silver Dragons coming out of it. Rhaenyra chooses Jon as her husband.
Jon Snow puts dreams in Daemon making him wary of losing the prestige of gaining the Stepstones. Daemon is named lord paramount of the Stepstones. When the Triarchy attacks, the Reach sends men to help stabilize the island chain.
128/129 AC the Dance of Dragons begins.
Jon and Rhaenyra were in King's landing when King Visaerys died. The small council didn't tell anyone about his passing for a week. During the week Jon and Rhaenyra spend most of their time in the Godswood while he wargs into the Ravens sending them all to Dragonstone if they have messages on them. When Jon hears the Grandmaster and the Hand, Otto Hightower about the final preparations for the coronation of Aegon and the funeral for Visaerys. Jon has the high Septon immediately crown Rhaenyra the Queen after the coronation after Visaerys funeral instead having to remind the high Septon about his Sacred oath to the Gods that Rhaenyra was the first heir of Viserys.
After Otto hears about Rhaenyra's Coronation he immediately takes action and leaves the capital ordering his daughter to leave as well.
When Jon hears about the Handmaidens that Aegon continuously forces himself on. He can no longer stay silent in front of the whole court and sends him to the Wall as punishment. Stating that he would never allow punishment to be unanswered. Jon has his unsullied March down to White harbor and eventually come to The Capital as the new city Watch. Jon gives Aemon the seat of Summerhall as the only thing he is worthy of getting.
Aemon tries to usurp the thrones when Jon's son, Lucerys Stark-Targaryen visits Storm's end. Jon sends Melissandra to kill Otto after Lucerys dies on the way back after Otto ambushes him with Ballista.
Alicent is terrified for her family. After Ptto declared that Visaerys declared on his deathbed that Aegon was the heir then Aemond. Alicent tried to stop the war but Otto crowned him as king.
Westerland has a civil war. Jason Lannister wants to declare for Aemond but Jaime and Tyrion declare for Rhaenyra.
Green Allies
Ambrose, Baratheon, Bourney, butterwell, Clegane, Crakehall, Fossoway, Graceford, Hightower, Tyland Lannister, Lefford, Leygood, Peake, Redwyne, Risley, Rodden, Roxton, Strong, Swann, Swyft, Tarbeck, Thorne, Vance, Wyle, the Triarchy.
Jon Snow's Enemies,
White walkers- wights
Daemon Targaryen,
Khals, those that don't submit to him.
Male Greyjoys,
Larys Strong,
Qoren Martell,
Wise/ Good/ Great Masters of Slaver Bay. New Ghis Slavers.
Jon / The Blacks allies,
Arryn, Bar Emmon, Beesbury, Bigglestone, Blackwood, Borrell, Bracken, Brune, Buckler, Byrch, Caswell, Celtigar, Cerwyn, Costayne, Chambers, Charlton, Corbray, Crabb, Darklyn, Darry, Deddings, Dustin, Fell, Forrester, Flint, Footly, Frey, Grey, Grimm, Harte, Hayford, Hornwood, Jaime and Tyrion Lannister, Mallister, Manderly, Massey, Merryweather, Mormont, Mullendore, Perryn, Piper, Roote, Rowan, Royce, Smallwood, Stark, Staunton, Sunderland, Tarly, Tully, Vance, Vypren, Wode,
Yara Greyjoy,
Dorne, Martells, after Daemon dies Jon gives them the Stepstones as long as the crown's ships may pass untouched.
Tyrion and Jaime, Jaime is the older twin in the past. They have to unfortunately deal with their younger siblings rebelling when the dance starts. Jaime marries Melara Heatherspoon the daughter of a house of landed knights that have remained loyal to the Lannisters since the age of heroes.
Jon Snow's Harem
Rhaenyra Targaryen, Milly Alcock,
Alicent Hightower, Emily Carey,
Laena Valaryon, Savannah Steyn,
Mysaria, Sonoya Mizuno,
Helaena Targaryen, after Jon sends Aegon to the Wall freeing her from a loveless marriage.
Rhea Royce, Rachel Redford,
Jeyne Arryn, Kristen Stewart,
Jessamine Redford, Alycia Debnam-Carey
Val, Eliza Taylor, younger sister to Dalla Katheryn Winnick, the Wife of Mance Rayder.
Osha, Natalie Tena,
Ygritte, Rose Leslie
Gilly, Hannah Murray
Karsi, Birgitte Hjort Sorensen
Missandei, Natalie Emmanuel, Jon acts like he is going to Buy the Unsullied from Astapor's Good Master, he sacks the city missandei offers herself to help him find Daenerys after he saved her again.
Melisandre, Carice Van Houten, a newly made priestess of the Lord of Light.
Kinvara, Ania Bukstein
Sansa Tully, Sophie Turner
Arya Tully, Maisie Williams
The Sand snakes, Janina Gavankar, Tyene Sand, Nymeria Sand,
Meera Reed, Ellie Kendrick,
Margaery Tyrell, Natalie Dormer,
Yara Greyjoy, Gemma Whelan,
Irri, Amrita Acharia,
Doreah, Roxanne McKee,
Jhiqui, Sarita Piotowski,
Daenerys, Emilia Clarke
Ros, Esme Bianca,
Mirelle, Elisa Lasowski
Kayla, Pixie Le Knot,
Marei, Josephine Gillan,
Wynafryd Manderly, Caity Lotz, lady of White harbor
Dacey Mormont, Katie Cassidy, lady of Bear Island.
Ilithyia Maegyr, Viva Bianca, the great grandmother of Talisa Maegyr, who created and maintained the bank of Rogare an underground bank that usually is used by slavers, pirates, assassins and other Criminals. Illyria wants to make the bank legitimate, so she joins Jon Stark when she finds out that he wants to destroy the Slave trade, so she can legally absorb any destroyed accounts of the bank.
Slaves Jon frees that offer themselves as payment for setting them all free. They will not try and place their children as Lord of Winterfell but instead act as bodyguards to the heir.
Mira, Katrina Law, a Pitfighter that never lost her fights, Jon Snow frees her when he kills the Wise Masters
Lesley- Ann Brandt, Marisa Ramirez, Hannah Manganese-Lawrence, Ellen Hollman, Brooke Williams, Gwendoline Taylor, Jessica Grace Smith, Anna Hutchison, Katie MacGrath, Clémence Poésy, Angelica Mandy, Emily Bett Rickards, Sarah Hyland, Elizabeth Henstridge, Johanna Braddy, Margot Robbie, Danielle Panabaker, Leven Rambin, Willow Shields, Aimee Garcia, Auli'l Cravalho, Emma Watson, Gal Gadot, Jessica De Gouw, Katherine Langford, Olivia Holt, Hailee Steinford, Katia Winter, Italia Ricci, Emily Kinney, Bella Thorne, Georgina Leonidas, Tiana Benjamin, Zendaya, Hannah John-Karen, Laura Harrier, Madison Pettis, Yara Shadidi, Candice Patton, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Letitia Wright, Afshan Aza, Shefali Chowdhury, Sophia Boutella, Naomi Scott, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Inbar Lavi, Anna Shaffer, Elena Satine, Karen Gillan, Dove Cameron, Madelaine Petsch, Anya Taylor-Joy, Elizabeth Gillies, Nozomi Sasaki, Chloe Bennet, Dichen Lachlan, Evanna Lynch, Diane Kruger, Haley Atwell, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tristin Mays, Willa Holland, Lola Flanerly, Isabel Lucas, Tracy Spiridakos, Chloe Grace Moretz, Amber Skye Noyes, Marie Avgeropoulous, Jessica Harmon, Lindsey Gort, Lindsey Morgan, Ariel Winters, Celia Reid, Chelsey Reist, Genevieve Buechner, Nadia Hilker, Alison Thornton, Eve Harlow, Rhiannon Fish, Tasya Teles, Adrianne Henstridge, Sophie Cookson, Hanna Alstrom, Poppy Delevingne, Lily Travers, Lyndsey Marshal, Cobie Smulders, Mallory Janson, Scarlett Byrne, Maude Hirst, Jessalyn Gilsig, Georgia Hirst, Jennie Jacques, Alicia Agneson, Gaia Weiss, Morgan's Polanski, Sophie Vavasseur, RubyO'Leary, Ida Marie Nielsen, Leah McNamara, Tamaryn Payne, Leah McNamera, Lucy Martin
-Heavy smut
-Dominant Jon Snow
-Jon Snow believes in the old gods.
-Powerful but not Godlike, Jon Snow.
-Any kind of kinks are welcome save for Smut, and the truly darker side of the internet
-Harem/Multi preferred
- No Jon Snow/male slash pairing.
- Jaime Lannister is Evil. and he dies on the Wall,
-Grey/ not evil Jon Snow.
Hello!! This sounds like a beautiful story but I don't think I'd be able to flesh it out in a way to do it justice. But from the sounds of it, you would be able to do this story beautifully! The details and story sounds so promising! I truly am sorry but I think you'd be able to do this story perfectly!
Please feel free to make more requests! I mainly do reader inserts but want to try OC fem or gn!reader. Again, I am so sorry.
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ofmargaery · 4 years
There were plenty that she had expected to be there but Theon hadn’t been the first one that had sprung to mind. Perhaps it was simple because she had come to associate him with the word ‘detective’ than the name Greyjoy. As soon as she’d caught sight of him, she’d been intrigued by the notion of the two of them interacting outside of work and so her order of her second glass of champagne was added to with a drink she hoped would suit. “Now, I have you pinned as a beer man and I can only hope I’m right.” 
Rosy lips turned upwards in something of a self deprecating smile, a playful one of course. There was a hint of light laughter in her tone as teasing words slipped from her lips. “Or perhaps I should leave the detective work to the experts.”
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swcrnsword · 5 years
There seemed little point in even trying to deny that Dragonstone was filled to capacity, far more bodies in there than could have been expected and all of them seemed to be jostling for not only space but to make sure that their mark on the place was made. For the most part his sheer size seemed to ensure that he was given a wide enough berth that the place did not feel too suffocating when he was a man used to open spaces. Except even he couldn’t help but fall victim to crowded corridors and his shoulders collided rather hard with someone coming the other way. 
An apology almost left his his mouth (albeit perhaps a coarser one than most would give) in an attempt to maintain the peace rather than disrupt it when Robb had enough on his plate without having to deal with one of his men causing trouble. But the words lodge in his throat before he can utter them, something of a rumbling growl echoing from him instead as icy gaze lands on the man before him. Jaw clenches shut as he works to keep his temper from flaring up and raging out of control. There were few things in this life that could truly incite a blind rage in him but a traitor was one of them. Especially if it was one who had betrayed the man he would lay his life down for.
Heartbeats pass as he lets his gaze bore into the other man as old feelings of betrayal resurface. He had considered him a friend and ally - as any friend of Robb’s was to him - and yet he had so easily turned his back on them all. Eventually he speaks, hand grasping sword but his hand stays if only because they are not alone. “You’re lucky that there’s a crowd, Greyjoy.”
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virtuousouls · 4 years
closed for @drunkcnsunlight​ | theon greyjoy!
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yara bumped her shoulder into her little brother’s arm. the contact was their usual way of greeting him. “so little brother,” yara began, grinning at him. “you want to try out this skiing thing?” they had both come up to the mountains together. yara knew that theon liked snow. it reminded him of being in the north. of his second home. yara themselves was never a fan of it. but they liked to do things to make theon happy. to reassure him that his two sides could coincide together. “or are you afraid to lose to me?”
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alicentsstark · 5 years
Brienne: okay so I’ve taken the source of that song away. They can’t play it anymore around here.
*Bran, Arya and Theon sigh in relief*
*Muffled music sounding from the distance*
Brienne: Wait... we forgot to check Gendry!!
*Jaime walks in carrying Sansa up on his shoulders as she blasts the Pokémon song while Gendry carries a Pokémon flag, waving it in the air*
Jaime, Sansa, And Gendry: GOTTA CATCH EM ALL! POKÉMON!
Brienne, sighing: So close...
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geekprincess26 · 7 years
Mistletoe Merriment
A bit of Christmas fun for @subjunctivemood, my lovely recipient for the Holidays round of @jonsaexchange‘s Jonsa Exchange.  I hope you like it!
It all started the year Theon Greyjoy kissed Margaery Tyrell at the Starks’ Christmas party.
Catelyn Stark had a fondness for mistletoe, and she scattered sprigs and of it all over her house when she did her Christmas decorating every year.  Rumor had it she had acquired a taste for the plant when she and her husband Ned had had their first kiss underneath a spot of it in her grandmother’s kitchen when he had been helping her with the dishes after her family’s Christmas party.  And he never failed to find a bunch under which to sweep his wife every year, even decades into their marriage.
Catelyn, however, was also more than wise to the unpredictability of teenage hormones, so once Robb and Sansa hit their adolescent years, she stopped hanging standalone bunches in the middle of the ceilings and instead wove sprigs into the Christmas wreaths decorating the walls and the evergreen garlands wound around the banisters.  Nobody ever noticed it much, although on occasion Theon caught Ned and Catelyn kissing fiercely under one or the other of the wreaths on the family room wall when he snuck out of Robb’s room to filch a drink from the downstairs refrigerator.  One year the Starks rearranged the family room furniture, and the wreath happened to be hung over one of the couches.  Ned and Cat both had quite a bit of Arbor Gold at that year’s party, and Theon, unfortunately, snuck out of Robb’s room exceptionally late, well after everybody should have been in bed.  He wasn’t sure his eyes or ears would ever quite stop burning from the display he’d witnessed the Stark parents putting on that night.
Still, Theon had eyes, and he couldn’t help but notice how drop-dead gorgeous Sansa, the elder Stark daughter, was.  By the time she went off to college she’d grown as tall as a model and every bit as hot.  She had a head of fiery red hair that could light up a room, and she had legs for miles and one holy hell of a body.  But Sansa was Robb’s sister, and that meant she was way off limits.  The one time he’d tried to flirt with her, Robb had shouted, “Oi, Greyjoy!  You wanna try that again?”, and Jon Snow, Robb’s broody best friend who barely ever said a word, stalked over and shoved him away from Sansa.  
“Leave off her, Greyjoy,” he’d growled, making a noise in his throat Theon could have sworn sounded more wolf than human, and Theon did.
Then he went to the first session of Psychology 101 his sophomore year in college and laid eyes on Margaery Tyrell.  So did every other guy in the room.  Hell, the girl was a knockout.  She might not be as tall as Sansa, but she had the finest backside a man could ask to look at, hourglass curves for days, and a saucy smile that made Theon drool.  She had the professor eating out of her hand by the end of the first class period, and it didn’t take much longer for Theon to realize her flirtation game was a fearsome thing to behold – almost as fearsome as his.  Try as he might, though, he could not get her to give him the time of day.  He tried every grin and wink in his repertoire.  He attended her volleyball games.  Hell, he trotted out pickup lines he reserved for only the hottest, smartest, classiest girls in his life.  All he got for it, though, was a smattering of smiles, and they weren’t those big, bold grins he saw her use on other people.  She knew how to play it coy, Theon would give her that.
So he waited to make his move until that year’s Stark Christmas party.  After Bran and Rickon, the two youngest Starks, had gone to bed, Theon spiked the punch bowl and helped him to several glasses.  Then he nicked a sprig of mistletoe from one of Catelyn’s wreaths, duct-taped it to the doorway between the basement’s family room and game room, filled another cup with punch, and offered it to Margaery along with his most winning smile just as she stepped under the mistletoe.  A snigger spilled out of Theon before he could stop it – in fact, he managed to stifle a string of moment-ruining giggles only just in time – and when she raised an eyebrow at him, he saw his opening.  Clearly, he’d intrigued her.  The long game had paid off – now it was time to close the deal.  He closed the distance between them in a flash, pulled her flush against him, and gave her his most swoon-worthy kiss.  He might have hiccupped a bit in the middle of it, but Margaery did not seem to notice.  In fact, when he finally let her go, she winked at him.  Theon’s eyes lit up, but Margaery shook her head and clicked her tongue at him.
“I’m flattered, Greyjoy,” she cooed, “but I’m very particular about the caliber of kisser I need.”  She turned her back to him, stalked off to the punch bowl, ladled herself a glass, and drained it all in one go.  Across the room, Robb and his friends Pyp Black and Grenn Wall burst out laughing.  So did Shae Smith and Myrcella Baratheon, who had been tittering over on the other side of the room.  
Well, son of a bitch.  Theon Greyjoy had never been played quite so hard.
Theon slunk toward the pool table, but before he got there he saw Sansa Stark out of the corner of his eye.  She swept over to Margaery and the others, flashing one of her megawatt smiles at something.  Theon goggled at her for a moment before turning out of instinct to check for Robb and Jon.  Robb was nowhere in sight, but Jon was sitting in the corner holding a beer and looking even gogglier than Theon.
He was staring at Sansa Stark, too.
Weird, Theon thought before he passed out in the nearest chair.  Snow must have been drunker than he thought.
By the time next year rolled around, Margaery had begun dating Robb Stark.  Theon’s one consolation was that she brought her friend Ros North, a curvaceous redhead with a wicked grin and a reputation to match.  Two beers and two glasses of punch into the evening, Theon snagged another sprig of mistletoe and taped it over the same doorway.  He approached Ros with a glass of punch, just as he had done with Margaery, and graced her with his much-improved kiss, which he’d practiced thoroughly with a couple of week-long girlfriends the prior year.  Barely five seconds into the kiss, Ros burst into giggles, pulled away, and patted Theon on the head.
“Poor baby,” she snickered.  Theon still couldn’t quite tear his gaze from the way her bright, full red lips caressed the words.  She tilted her head so those lips were nearly brushing Theon’s ear.  Theon’s face went as red as Ros’s hair.
“I like to roll with men, dear,” she whispered.  “I’ve had enough of the boys.”  She whirled around, giving Theon a view of her perfect ass, and sauntered over to talk to Myrcella Baratheon and Shae Smith, who were giggling like crazy.
Bloody hell.  Maybe he was losing his game.  Thank gods Robb hadn’t noticed – he was too busy snogging Margaery Tyrell in the next room.  Nor did Jon Snow, who was in his usual corner but talking to Sansa Stark instead of nursing his usual beer.
Theon raised an imaginary glass to Sansa.  The girl had more tricks than he did if she could get Mr. Antisocial himself to smile at a party.
The following year, with both Robb and Jon occupied at the pool table, Theon used his mistletoe – and, of course, the punch – on Sansa Stark, who got more stunning every year.  Sansa gave a startled yelp and shoved him backward.  Theon stumbled wildly and nearly fell on his backside, only saving himself by crashing into the wall.
“Geez, Greyjoy,” said Sansa, rolling her eyes.  “Sod off.  You’re drunk.”
“Oi!”  Suddenly Jon Snow’s glowering face obscured Theon’s field of vision.  “Leave her be, Greyjoy.”
“He’s just drunk, Jon.”  Sansa’s soft voice sounded from somewhere behind the curly-headed menace currently occupying Theon’s shifting eyesight.  “We should get him to Robb’s room.”
Jon shook his head.  “Robb and I’ll get him,” he said.  “You should stay and – and have fun.”
His hand reached over to rub the back of his head.  Somewhere between slumping to the floor and staring at Ros, who had come to the party with her new, rich boyfriend, Theon risked another glance at Jon.  His face looked awfully red.
The following year, Sansa brought Myrcella’s nasty older brother Joffrey to the Starks’ Christmas party.  Joffrey had loved nothing more than bullying Theon and anyone else he felt owed him some human misery back in high school, and from the moment he swept into the Starks’ house looking as though he owned it, Theon could tell the blond prick hadn’t changed one bit.
Good God, thought Theon as he unscrewed a bottle of rum over the punch bowl and watched Joffrey snap at Sansa for the third time in an hour.  The guy was one hell of a douche.  And even if Theon didn’t stand a chance with Sansa, he knew she deserved better than that twat.
But hot damn if Joffrey Baratheon didn’t have a gorgeous sister.  She entered the room just then, and Theon’s eyes bulged almost out of their sockets.  Myrcella got prettier every year, especially when she wore short, sparkly dresses like that…
Not until Myrcella had headed over to talk to Shae Smith did Theon realize he’d accidentally dumped the entire bottle of rum, instead of only half, into the punch bowl.  Oops.
So it only took Theon until his third glass of punch to get drunk enough to kiss Myrcella under the mistletoe.  She squealed and flung his arm away from her.
“Go away, Theon,” she said in that tone of prim disapproval not even Sansa Stark could match.  “You’re drunk.”
Theon giggled.  “I kn-know!” he agreed.  “It’s called letting loose, Myrcella.  You should try it some time.”  He gave her his most charmingly subtle wink, although somehow he sensed that it was not coming off as subtly as he wanted it to.  Myrcella merely rolled her eyes and strode off in Margaery Tyrell’s direction.  Halfway there, she frowned and changed course, this time to where her brother was snapping at Sansa yet again.  Jon Snow, however, got over there before she could, and before Baratheon knew what had hit him, Snow spun him around by the arm and started growling at him.  He really did look almost like a snapping Rottweiler, Theon thought, and managed a few more giggles before he collapsed on the nearest couch.
The following year, Sansa had dumped Joffrey Baratheon, who was smart enough not to show his face at the Starks’ party.  His sister showed up, though, on the arm of Trystane Martell, who spent much of the evening getting his ass handed to him at pool by Arya Stark.  The spirited younger Stark daughter was in an even feistier mood that night; she had apparently lost some bet or other with Sansa and had to wear a dress to the party, instead of her usual baggy sweatshirt and jeans, as a result.  Now she was taking out her anger on the pool balls and not missing a beat despite the constraints of her form-fitting dress.  Luckily, Trystane was a good sport about it, and so was Jon Snow, who got her frown to transform into a hearty laugh by the end of his second match with her.  
Damn.  Who knew Arya Stark could look that good when she smiled?
Theon hadn’t until now, but after a few glasses of punch, he decided to show his appreciation.  Unfortunately, those glasses had made him forget just how proficient Arya was at martial arts.  His lips were on hers for all of one and a half seconds before she twisted his arm around and kicked him to the floor.  She emptied the glass of punch he’d offered her onto his face for good measure.
“Bugger off, Greyjoy,” she spat, and stomped off.  Gendry Waters and Grenn Wall whooped from their perch in the corner.  Arya glared at them, and they promptly subsided.  Jon Snow and Sansa Stark, whom Arya had startled out of one of those philosophical sci-fi discussions they’d gotten so fond of all the way back in college, both had shit-eating grins on their faces.  Luckily, Arya was too busy stomping over to the refrigerator for a beer to notice them.
Theon snorted, and then winced when he felt the remnants of Arya’s drink getting sucked into his nostrils.  That hurt worse than the kick she’d given him, although he had a feeling that if Arya had really wanted to hurt him, she’d simply have knocked him out cold.  The girl was bloody fierce, he thought, grinning, although he waited to make sure she was safely across the room before pushing himself off the floor.
He was mildly surprised when Gendry showed up as Arya’s boyfriend to the following year’s Christmas party.  Aw, shit.  Another one bites the dust.
Wait.  Another one?  
Theon stopped cold in the game room doorway on his way to retrieve the rum, which he’d stashed in the spare room he was occupying for the night.
Last year, when Theon had kissed her, she hadn’t had a boyfriend, and now she had Gendry.  The year before that, it had been Myrcella Baratheon, and she’d begun dating Trystane Martell the month following the party.  That had been the year Sansa Stark had shown up with Myrcella’s jackass of a brother, but they hadn’t gotten together until after Theon had kissed Sansa the prior year.
Back when Ros had shown up with that rich asshole, whom she’d only snatched up from gods knew where after Theon had tried his mistletoe game on her a year prior.  And that had been the year Margaery had started dating Robb Stark, but not until after Theon had kissed her a year before that.
Theon scratched his head.  Well, shit.  Apparently the mistletoe worked after all, if not exactly the way he wanted it to.  He frowned.  It hadn’t worked so well for Sansa, though.  Every other girl he’d kissed had done all right – hell, Robb and Margaery were engaged now, and so were Myrcella and Trystane – but all Sansa had gotten was six months of preening viciousness from Myrcella’s jackass brother.  
Theon scratched his head again.  Maybe that problem could be remedied.
“And you told Mum about the wreaths down here, right?”  Sansa swept up to the punch bowl alongside Robb.  “Gods know Theon won’t leave the bloody stuff alone if he gets an eyeful of it.”
Robb nodded as he poured her a glass of punch.  When he reached out to hand it to her, she regarded him with a sharply raised eyebrow.  Her brother held out both hands in a gesture of utter placation.  
“Yes, I spoke to Mum, as requested,” he answered.  “You should know by now that when a woman in my life asks me to do a favor, I am only too happy to oblige.”
A flurry of giggles bubbled out of Sansa’s mouth.  “Oh, I know,” she remarked, wiggling both eyebrows at him.  “How could I ever forget all three hours’ worth of assistance you gave Margaery and me when we were looking bridesmaids’ dresses?”
Robb rolled his eyes and mumbled something Theon couldn’t hear.  Sansa grinned and kissed him on the cheek.
“I love you, too, big bro,” she said in her sweetest voice.  
Theon shook his head.  Margaery Tyrell really did have Stark trained in the art of pleasing women.  But he was still sorely lacking in the art of keeping up with Theon Greyjoy.  
Theon headed back toward the spare room.  He’d found out a couple of years ago that Catelyn Stark stashed her mistletoe in one of the laundry room cupboards.  She’d asked him to stay at the house for a few hours with Bran and Rickon, whom she had deemed not yet old enough to watch themselves, while she and Ned headed off to Torrhen’s Square to rescue Arya and her broken-down car, and they’d amused themselves with a few rounds of hide-and-seek when the boys’ PlayStation had short-circuited.  Theon had opened the cupboard looking for Rickon, who’d been just small enough to fit in it, but had found the mistletoe instead.  Every year since then, he’d helped himself to a sprig when the mood had taken him to kiss a beautiful girl.  Robb and Sansa probably didn’t even know it was there.
Theon opened the cupboard door, smirking.  Amateurs.
He snuck back into the game room just in time to watch Sansa and Arya kick Margaery and Shae to all get-out on the foosball table.  Sansa giggled and did that funny little skip on one foot that she’d always done when beating one of her siblings at a game, and her red hair danced in the shimmer of the overhead lights.
Across the room, Jon Snow froze with his beer bottle halfway to his mouth.  His eyes were glazed over, and a very stupid grin was painted on his normally dour face.  Theon could sympathize with him, although this was hardly the time for it.  He had mistletoe to wrangle and some bloke other than Joffrey Baratheon to find as a boyfriend for Sansa.
Now that his mission was clearer, Theon discovered, he needed fewer glasses of punch than usual.  After all, he was no longer trying to snag Sansa for himself.  He, Theon Greyjoy, was sacrificing some of his happiness to help her find her own.
He grinned as he made his way over to Sansa, but the grin faded when she pulled away a mere second after their lips had touched.
“You’re drunk again, Theon,” she sighed, and then Theon’s grin vanished altogether, because Jon Snow had grabbed him by the arm, dragged him halfway across the room, and deposited him briskly into a chair.  It was an old recliner, and Jon bumped the faulty side lever as he pushed Theon down into the cushions.  Both the footrest and Theon’s feet flew into the air, and Theon yelped.  Ouch.  Jon, however, did not miss a beat.
“Leave off her, Greyjoy,” he growled.  “Stop bloody pawing like that.  It’s not funny.”  He slapped the sprig of mistletoe, which judging by the torn duct tape hanging off it he had just ripped from its position in the doorway.
“’M not drunk,” Theon protested.  Buzzed, after all, was not the same thing as drunk.  He hadn’t even been drunk since last Christmas.  “And I wasn’t pawing.”
Jon Snow, however, did not hear that, for Sansa had walked up to him to lay her hand on his shoulder.  The anger melted off his face as he did so, and his eyes and voice gentled at the speed of light.
“You all right?” he murmured, and Sansa nodded.  She threw a blanket over Theon, who was still gaping at Jon.
“Get some rest, Theon,” she said.  Theon shook his head.
“It’s the mistletoe,” he insisted.  He picked up the spring and held it out to Sansa, who only shook her head.
“Rest, Theon,” she repeated, and turned to speak to Jon.
Theon bumped his head back against the chair’s headrest.  “Mistletoe,” he groaned again, but nobody paid any attention to him.
At least his pain had not been for nothing, he reflected the following year when Sansa showed up at the party with a Ken-doll lookalike called Harry Hardyng.  He didn’t snap at her, or anyone else for that matter, and Theon sighed with relief as he poured a third of the contents of his rum bottle – he couldn’t quite hold his liquor as well now as he’d done in the past – into the punch bowl.  Sansa was brimming with smiles, and, as was her wont, her mirth infected everyone she spoke to.  The only exception was Jon Snow, who looked even more dour than usual.  He spent most of the night playing pool and foosball with Pyp, Grenn, Sam Tarly, and their girlfriends, and spoke to Sansa hardly at all.  That was the only time, however, that the dour look left his face.
Huh.  Theon was so absorbed in Snow’s altered demeanor that he completely forgot to refill the punch bowl with rum.
He also forgot to kiss a girl.
When he returned to the Starks’ house the following Christmas, Sansa was once again single.  Hardyng, it turned out, was as lousy a wanker as Joffrey Baratheon, for he’d spent nearly the entire relationship cheating on Sansa.  She’d cried her eyes out, quit her job in King’s Landing, and moved back to Wintertown.  Theon had taken to hanging out with her now and again, which also usually meant hanging out with Arya, Gendry, and Jon.  Sometimes Theon would bring a girl and make it a double (or triple) date.  Not that Sansa was dating Jon or anything, but they acted an awful lot like it sometimes.  Theon Greyjoy, after all, had eyes and ears.  He saw the way Sansa squealed and huddled against Jon’s shoulder when whatever movie they’d gone out to got freaky or intense, as well as how quickly Jon wrapped his arm around her in response.  He heard them finish each other’s sentences while thrashing Theon’s ass at Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit.  He heard the low growl rumbling in Jon’s throat when they were out at a restaurant and Sansa went to the bar to get a round of drinks, only to get hit on by a couple of random guys.  He saw Jon’s eyes light up when they picked Sansa up for Margaery Tyrell’s grandmother’s midsummer ball and she dashed down the stairs apologizing for being late in a shiny golden gown that made her look like a goddess.  He saw Jon’s jaw drop, and he saw the weird, hazy look on the other man’s face.  It was a look Jon displayed more and more often as the months wore on, and he started to wonder whether it wasn’t even more annoying than the broody scowl Jon used to favor.  
Then he heard Jon crack a joke one day.  Well, it was more an actual pun than a joke, but in any case, Jon Snow had displayed humor – humor – and there was Sansa, laughing like she hadn’t a care in the world.  She put a hand on Jon’s shoulder, and Theon saw the flush coloring the back of the other man’s neck, and he heard Jon mumbling something about not being a comedian or a bleeding poet.  Sansa just smiled and said, “You underestimate a lot of things about yourself, Jon Snow,” and then Margaery Tyrell came over to talk to her, and when Sansa looked back over her shoulder at Jon, she bit her lip and got one of those weird, hazy looks on her face that Jon only got around her.
Aw, man.
Theon wanted to kiss Sansa for a third time at the Starks’ Christmas party that year.  He really did.  Maybe then Snow would actually grow the balls to ask her out.
Or maybe she’d end up with somebody as bad as Baratheon or Hardyng.
He couldn’t risk it.
But then Jon plodded down the stairs into the Starks’ family room, and Sansa’s face lit up with another of her gorgeous, hazy smiles, and Jon gave her one of his dopey grins, and Theon suddenly knew what he had to do.
Oh, shit.
He really was getting to be a lightweight, because he started to go fuzzy on just his fourth beer – he’d skipped spiking the punch, because it was way too important that both Jon and Sansa be sober for this.  If either of them got even the slightest buzz, they might read way too much into things, and tomorrow they’d be back to pussyfooting around everything, and Theon would be damned if he let all his hard work and sacrifice go to waste.
So he screwed up his courage, hung up another sprig of mistletoe, dropped his plate and let the chips and popcorn on it spill to the floor, and loudly hailed Jon to come over and help him.  As soon as Jon bent down, Theon wrinkled his face, planted his lips smack on the latter’s mouth for as short a moment as his reflexes would allow, and spat onto his empty plate.  Jon whirled around as though Theon had just set him on fire.  Theon, startled, lost his balance and sat smack on the floor.
“There you are,” he hiccupped, still gagging.  “Gods, you taste bloody awful.  Now go – ” he gestured wildly in Sansa’s direction – “go ask her to be your girlfriend.  I’ve given you the lucky charm, mate.”  
He waved his hand in the direction of the mistletoe, which was hanging forlornly in the doorway.  Jon stared at him as though unable to decide whether to punch Theon or ask him what the bloody hell he meant.  Then his gaze turned to Sansa, who was blushing furiously and biting her lip and looking at Jon with the same googly, silly looks as he was giving her.  Theon opened his mouth to yell at them to just kiss already, but all that came out was a loud belch.  
“’Bout bloody time,” said several voices behind him.  Theon turned to see Gendry, Arya, and Margaery directing identical Cheshire-cat grins at a red-faced Jon, who was scratching his ear and listening with rapt attention to something an equally red-faced Sansa was saying.  She took his arm and led him into the hallway, out of Theon’s sight.
“Huh.”  Theon turned again to see Arya Stark regarding him curiously.  “Not sure which one’ll give Mum the bigger heart attack – those idiots seeing the bloody light or you being useful for once, Greyjoy.”  Theon opened his mouth to protest, but she cut him off with a sharp wave of her hand.
“Take that shit down,” she said, nodding up at the sprig of mistletoe.  “I don’t need my eyes burned any more tonight.”
It took a few heaves and wobbles, but Theon finally managed to stand up and remove the mistletoe, tape and all, from the game room doorway.  He regarded it for a long moment and then shrugged.  Maybe he really shouldn’t push his luck any further, especially after the lengths to which he’d had to go tonight.  He turned around and headed for the laundry room.  When he reached the doorway, he lurched and nearly fell over again.
Jon and Sansa were standing just underneath the cabinet where Catelyn Stark kept her mistletoe, wrapped around each other like paper around Christmas presents and kissing like there was no tomorrow.  Jon had one hand cupped at the nape of Sansa’s neck, his fingers threaded through her hair, and she was caressing his curls with one of hers.  At one point Jon drew back long enough to nuzzle her cheek gently and whisper something in her ear.  Sansa blushed and grinned at him, and Theon expected cartoon hearts to come flying out of her eyes at any moment.
Huh.  Jon Snow was a hell of a lot better with girls than he’d ever thought.
Theon grinned and pocketed the mistletoe.  He could always save it for later – like at their wedding, where he could threaten to hold it over their heads through the whole bloody dinner if they didn’t name their firstborn son Theon in his honor.  Or, come to think of it, name him best man.  He grinned again as he turned away from the couple, whose lips were getting more fused together by the second.
Gods knew they’d given him more than enough material to make one hell of a toast.
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hilarychuff · 2 years
still on my picrew life obvs so here is the crew from howl 1, my asoiaf scream au
ft. arya, sansa, joffrey, theon, margaery, jon
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and here is the crew from howl 2, aka scream 2
ft. bran, sansa, harry, jeyne, margaery, jon 
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updated with possible howl 2 spoilers under the cut
additional howl 2 b team and your honor why all these ladies so sexy 
ft. tyrion lannister, ramsay bolton, sandor clegane, asha greyjoy, myranda royce, mya stone
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Updated New Mobile Masterlist
X reader imagines
Game Of Thrones
Jon Snow
I’m sorry
Jon Snow x Reader
When Jon leaves for the wall he leaves everything behind including his lover what will happen when they reunite during the battle bastards but she is married.
What had to be done ft. Robb Stark (*Smut*)
Jon Snow x Reader x Robb Stark
Robb and his wife are unable to have children but need an heir. Jon is more than happy to help the young couple out.
Robb Stark
What had to be done ft. Jon Snow (*smut*)
Robb Stark x Reader X Jon Snow
Robb and his wife are unable to have children but need an heir. Jon is more than happy to help the young couple out. 
I am truly the luckiest man
Robb Stark x Reader
Robb and his wife spend a few moments together with there children and Robb realizes just how lucky he truly is.
Happy Ever After
Robb Stark x Reader
Robb and his wife have been trying to have a child for a while with no luck. They decide to give it one more try. That try turns into three babies.
The Start Of Something Beautiful
Robb Stark x Reader
Robb discovers some new feelings for his best friend.
Both Of You Or None Of You Ft. Theon Greyjoy (Smut)
Robb Stark x Reader x Theon Greyjoy
Robb and Theon are in love with there best friend. She is in love with both of them and can’t decide who she loves more.
Robb Stark x Baratheon Reader
The princess is betrothed to Robb Stark. She expects him to be like her father but one day she confronts him and is pleasantly surprised by his response.
I made it home
Robb Stark X Reader
Robb Stark’s best friend goes South with Ned and the girls. She is imprisoned  by Joffrey. Robb is told she was executed alongside his father. The hound helps her escape and she finds her way back to his camp. What happens when they’re reunited?
Romeo and Juliet
Robb Stark x Lannister Reader
In this World War II AU. The readers older brother introduces her to an American Soldier Robb Stark and his friends. She hates him and all his men because they’re the enemy but she is proved wrong when she spends time with her brother, Robb, and a Canadian soldier Theon, and an English soldier Jon. U.S’s Robb Stark and Italy’s Y/N Lannister fall for each other. What will happen to the two ill fated lovers? Will they be happily ever after? Or will they mirror Romeo and Juliet a little too much?
Sansa Stark
Saved me
Sansa Stark x Bolton Reader
The reader helps Sansa escape from her older half-brother Ramsay. When Jon and his men capture her to execute her after the battle of the bastards. Sansa free her and the two reunite.
Eddard Stark
Second Chances
Eddard Stark X Lannister Reader
After Catelyn’s death Ned vows to never wed again. What happens when the king forces him to marry Robert wife’s sister.
Daenerys Targaryen
I want to ride a dragon (*smut*)
Daenerys Targaryen x Reader
Daenerys and her best friend get drunk one night and upgrade their relationship.
The curious Little Dragon Ft. Sandor Clegane
Daenerys Targaryen X daughter reader x The Hound Sandor Clegane
Daenerys daughter arrives at the dragon pit with her. She runs off and meets the Hound.
Serving yer (serving you) (*Smut*)
Daenerys Targaryen x Reader x Khal Drogo
Khal Drogo calls for the pretty slave Y/N to pleasure him. Daenerys catches wind of there rendezvous. She joins in on the fun and they have a smutty night together.
Sandor Clegane
The little wolf and the hound
The Hound/Sandor Clegane x Stark Reader
Eddard Stark’s eldest daughter escapes Kingslanding with the hound.
The Curious Little Dragon Ft. Daenerys Targaryen
The Hound/Sandor Clegane x Daenerys Targaryen’s daughter reader x Daenerys Targaryen
Deanerys daughter arrives at the dragon pit with her. She runs off and meets the Hound.
I Choose You My Puppy sequal to the curious little dragon
The Hound/Sandor Clegane x Targaryen Reader 
After Daenerys dies her daughter becomes queen. Every queen needs a king. Her closest companion and her personal guard The hound is there with her every step of the way. Sandor Clegane has fallen for her and she has fallen for him. What will she do?
Tormund Giantsbane
I have fallen in love with my enemy
Tormund Giantsbane x reader
All there lives children are told scary stories about the Wildlings. What happens when a Northen lady sides with Jon Snow and meets the wildings, more importantly, Tormund Giantsbane. What happens when she befriends the free folk king and falls for him
Set You Straight (*smut*)
Tormund Giantsbane x reader
When Tormund and his lover go to her sister’s wedding and she spends the night flirting with Jon Snow. Her night ends in an argument and a sex-filled night.
Oberyn Martell
Lost and found
Oberyn Martell x Niece/Adopted daughter of Tyrion Lannister reader
One of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen’s children survived. There youngest daughter Y/N. She has been raised by Tyrion Lannister as his bastard daughter. What happens when your actual mother’s brother comes for you. What happens when he falls in love with you.
Cersei Lannister
You Deserve Better
Cersei Lannister x Baratheon Reader
Robert’s sister has fallen in love with the wife he mistreats. One night the lady has enough and goes to comfort the queen. The king’s sister comforts Cersei and they become friends until one night after Robert mistreats his wife again and the reader goes to her rescue once again and they admit there shared feelings.
Joffrey Baratheon
I see you
Joffrey Baratheon x reader
Joffrey has been friends with the reader since they were children. One day there attacked and Joffrey leaves his betrothed Sansa Stark for dead. His best friend sees Joffrey as a monster and decides to avoid him. What happens when he comforts her. Will their true feelings come out? Will their friendship end forever?
Ramsay Bolton
I love you
Ramsay Bolton x reader
Ramsay’s new bride just found out about her pregnancy when she is attacked. Her husband rescues her and confesses his love for there family.
You are mine (*Smut*)
Ramsay Bolton x Younger half-sister
Ramsay’s younger half-sister meets a suitor. Ramsay doesn’t like his secret forbidden lover spending the day with her possible husband so he shows her who he belongs to.
How did I get so lucky (*smut*)
Ramsay Bolton x Younger Half Sister
Ramsay and his younger half-sister have been together for years. Their father leaves and they finally get married and share a love-filled wedding night.
Too Little Too Late Ft. Theon Greyjoy
Ramsay Bolton x reader x Theon Greyjoy
Theon Greyjoy left his lover that was carrying there baby when he went to the  Iron Islands. The night before he left they got in a huge argument. She left and met Ramsay Bolton. They fell in love and got married. Ramsay has raised her son as his own after all these years. What happens when the reader’s husband returns home with the father of her child as a toy. What happens when she can’t stop thinking of the memories.
Theon Greyjoy
That Should Be Me
Theon Greyjoy x Stark Reader
Theon Greyjoy cheated on his betrothed Y/N Stark. She gets engaged to another lord. What happens when he relives there memories. Will he go after her? Will he let her go? (Based on the song That should be me by Justin Bieber)
Safe Haven
Theon Greyjoy x reader
Theon Greyjoy is sent by Eddard Stark to fetch the men the King sent to serve Ned Stark’s army from Kingslanding. Needing a good lay he headed to a brothel recommended by one of the soldiers. The reader was working her first night there and Theon was her first client. Theon saw how nervous she was and talked with her. The ward realized she was not happy, safe or here by choice. What will he do? Will he take her? Will he leave her?
Too Little Too Late Ft. Ramsay Bolton
Theon Greyjoy x reader x Ramsay Bolton
Theon Greyjoy left his lover that was carrying there baby when he went to the Iron Islands. The night before he left they got in a huge argument. She left and met Ramsay Bolton. They fell in love and got married. Ramsay has raised her son as his own after all these years. What happens when the reader’s husband returns home with the father of her child as a toy. What happens when she can’t stop thinking of the memories.
Both Of You Or None Of You Ft. Robb Stark (Smut)
Theon Greyjoy x reader x Robb Stark
Robb and Theon are in love with there best friend. She is in love with both of them and can’t decide who she loves more.
Khal Drogo
serving yer (Serving you) Ft. Daenerys Targaryen (*Smut*)
Khal Drogo x Reader x Daenerys Targaryen
Khal Drogo calls for the pretty slave Y/N to pleasure him. Daenerys catches wind of there rendezvous. She joins in on the fun and they have a smutty night together.
Dean Ambrose
I see the way you look at her
Dean Ambrose x Reader .
Dean and the reader are dating but the reader decides to break up with him after she sees that he is in love with Renee Young.
I only have eyes for you (Sequal to I see the way you look at her)
Dean Ambrose x reader
The reader has won the Raw Women’s championship from Alexa Bliss and is celebrating in the ring when her Ex- Dean Ambrose comes out. The lunatic Fringe congratulates her and then proposes. What will she say?
Jealousy looks good of you (*Smut*)
Dean Ambrose x reader
Dean and the reader meet up with reader’s best guy friend. Reader and her friend are quite flirty and Dean takes off. She goes after him. When she walks in the house Dean shows her that jealousy looks good on him.
Seth Rollins
Do you think that low of me
Seth Rollins x reader
Seth Rollins and his on-screen girlfriend/friend with benefit gets pregnant and then avoids him. One day he confronts and she admits the news. Will they get together? What will happen to the two now that they know they’re expecting?
Brie Bella
Age Doesn’t Define Us
Brie Bella x Reader
Brie has a girlfriend that is five years younger than her. It was a bad week for the two but Brie proves how much she loves her and cares for her through it all. First there was the hate in the internet, then a sleazy guy at the nightclub and last but not least Charlotte flair at Brie’s work.
13 Reasons Why
Justin Foley
You can’t blame yourself
Justin Foley x reader
Justin’s girlfriend gives him a little comfort after he breaks down from his guilt about Hannah’s suicide.
Sons Of Anarchy
Jax Teller
I am so sorry but you can’t leave us you can’t leave me I need you
Jax Teller x Winston Reader
Jax and Opie’s little sister got together after Tara’s death. They were together for a year when the reader finds out Jax slept with Wendy. The reader goes to leave Jax when he proposes. WIll she leave? Will she say yes?
I have made a lot of mistakes but your not one we are not one
Francis x Stuart Reader
When Mary takes off Francis and her sister fall in love. Mary returns and a bunch of madness occurs including her and Francis’s marriage. Feeling betrayed the reader doesn’t talk to Mary, Francis, or Lola until one day Francis and Kenna forces her to talk with him. He admits to loving her more than his wife. What will happen?
My Queen
Maximus Boltagon x Amaquelin reader
Queen Medusa’s little sister and Maximus were together when he took over Attilian. He brought the princess to the throne room and told her their family abandoned them. He asked the reader to marry him an be his queen. What did she say?
Fp Jones
Serpents Stick Together
Fp Jones x Younger (Legal) single mom Fogarty Reader
Your a young single mom returning back to Riverdale to your sick mom, younger brother, the southside, the serpents, all of your old friends including the former serpent king Sheriff Jones. You both discover some feelings for one another. Will you act on them? Will you ignore them? Read to find out?
Logan AKA Wolverine
Love At First Sight
Logan AKA Wolverine x Summers Reader
Havok and Cyclops little sister and Logan fall in love at first sight
The Originals
Niklaus Mikealson
A pleasant surprise (smut)
Niklaus Mikealson x reader
Klaus and his lover were turned into vampires together. They have loved one another for centuries. Klaus makes a mistake with a certain werewolf and gets her pregnant. The reader is upset but she forgives the original hybrid and they make love. But she gets a pleasantly shocking surprise.
Multi Chapter fics
The Dark Truth
Chapter 1: Fireworks
Scarlett Blossom x Winter-Rose Jones (Platonic)
Scarlett and Winter-Rose hear an unidentified bang that ends life as they know and kick starts there journey to discover the dark truth of Riverdale
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agameoftragedy · 5 years
A list of dark stuff that may happen in WoW
I’m thinking and kind of trying to prepare myself for all the awful stuff that may happen via characters I/we like in Winds, so I won’t feel as down at the time (and there’ll still be a whole other book to lighten things up again!) because I think that may be part of the point of Winds.
- Margaery’s death? Ft Loras?
- Stannis burning Shireen
- Jaime killing Cersei
- Sweetrobin killed by the effects of sweetsleep via Littlefinger and Sansa
- Lady Stoneheart’s whole existence
- Dany doing her Fire and Blood thing through Essos (and Westeros?)
- Tyrion’s many different vengeance targets (the Vale, King’s Landing...)
- Arya maybe going a bit far with all her vengeance assassinations (plz no kill Jeyne)
- Euron Greyjoy’s plans
- JonCon going too far with his bell-related PTSD (maybe they’re fighting Dany and the city starts ringing the bells to surrender and he’s like NOPE, everyone’s dying now)
- whatever’s going to happen to Myrcella and Tommen presumably before Cersei dies
- Oh god what if angry resurrected Jon kills Theon for Bran and Rickon and then Davos shows up with Rickon alive oh god
- I don’t know please don’t hurt me too badly GRRM
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megsironthrone · 5 years
My Current WIPS and Unstarted Requests!
Here you are anon! I will update the page as I finish fics and move onto other ones! You can also find a link to the list here
Current WIPS: (These are subject to change based on my inspiration!)
My Ward’s Teacher: Based on this request:  Hey it is great you have opened your requests. Could you please write Jane Eyre AU with Jaime Lannister x reader. If you are not comfortable to write it it is not problem. Btw I think you are really talented and I really appreciate what you do. ❤
Already Married: Based on this request:  Con you do something where Reader is Tyron’s baby step sister who has feeling for Bronn and dislikes Joffrey and after mouthing off to him Joffrey decides that he’s going to marry her off to one of his knights who happens to be very horrible. Not wanting her to marry some jerk Bronn and Tyron decide that Bronn is going to act like he and reader have been married for some time. Resulting in some feelings being shared?
Never Wavered: A Jon Snow x fem!reader request from Wattpad; when the king rides for winterfell in the first season she is going too , at first her siblings ( jamie & tyrion because cersei hates her) have to convince her to come , at the feast she spends a lot of time drinking with tyrion and jon , and being heartbroken when she has to leave for kings landing and jon has to leave for the wall .And all these years later they meet again because she traveled with tyrion to dany … when jon sees her standing ib dany‘s throne room at dragon stone they‘re both speechless & spend the night talking and catching on about everything (jon‘s death for example) and being really cute beacause their love never vanished , even after all they‘ve gone trough .
Current (Unstarted) Requests on the list:
Disguised: Based on this request:  Yara Greyjoy imagine where she finds out one of her trusted soldiers was a woman disguised as a man who had fallen in love with her?
Love and Affection: Based on this request:  Can you do a Sandor clegane x reader established relationship where Sandor gets the love and affection he needs and we all want to give him? Maybe reader is on the affectionate side and Sandor kinda pretends he’s annoyed by it but they both know he likes it ? AND:  Sandor Clegane x reader with mostly just cuddling? Idk if he’d ever let someone get that close to him but I can dream🙆🏼‍♀️ Also emotional comfort
A Thorough Cleaning: Based on this request:  Hi Meg could I please ask for a roommates AU with Sansa in which they are trying to make the house presentable last minute because her family is coming to visit? Thank you from @kjs-s
Different Than You Used to Be: Based on this request:  Yes! Requests are open! Could you write a jaime x reader. The reader is a robbs twin and was married to jaime before the show/books started. She used to hang out with robb, jon and theon a lot, and she wasn’t that much of a lady. Now she returns to winterfell with the king and she is pregnant, so she is less wild then she used to be. The boys think she has changed and thus treat her differently than they used to, so she shows she can still be her old self and jaime is just worried.
Take You As My Wife: Based on this request:  may I please get a Ramsay request where the reader is a stark and they fell in love while he was married to sansa so after sansa leaves he agrees to leave winterfell and go back to the dreadfort if he could have the reader as his wife happy ending please thank you so much for your time i love your blog by the way
A Coronation: Based on this request:  Hi! May i request a royal au for jaime lannister x reader. Tywin has died and now jaime is to be king and the reader queen. Could you write about the coronation and what happens around it. Thanks!
Caught In the Act: Based on this request:  Gendry x stark reader. When they were traveling the kings road in the second season. And arya catches them kissing.
A Ward of Winterfell: Based on this request:  Hello! How are you? would it be alright if i could i get a request for a Baratheon (fem) reader (maybe a legitimized bastard of king Robert’s?) who was sent to be a ward at winterfell to get her away from Cercei and is betrothed to to Robb stark? maybe when the royal family rides for Winterfell she goes back to the capitol with Eddard stark and his daughters and everything starts falling apart? it’s okay if not haha.
From a Lie to the Truth: Based on this request:  do you think you could write a modern/fake dating au where reader agrees to pretend to be samwells SO in front of his friends who he lied to about having a girlfriend but they do end up confessing to each other? thank you so much !!
For You: Based on this request:  I was wondering if you could do a Jaime Lannister x Female Reader imagine based around the song “For You” by Rita Ora ft Liam Payne, if you wouldn’t mind, please and thank you! *If you need to make changes, feel free to do so!* by @thebeckyjolene
Good Cop/Bad Cop: Based on this request:  Can you do a Sandor/reader good cop bad cop kind of story line where they are partners but secretly together? Please and thank you!
Take Her Away: Based on this request:  Hi! Can I have an imagine where Y/N is Joffrey’s twin (and Jaime’s favorite kid) and during the King’s Landing riot she gets separated and gets hurt, and Jaime’s the one that saves her and when he goes back to the castle he lectures Cersei about the safety of their daughter, threatening to take her away to protect her
To Secure Winterfell: Based on this request:  Love your writing, I’m so happy you’re back! ❤️ i was wondering if you could write about Ramsay. How he had to marry y/n to “secure his place” in Winterfell and he actually loves her so he doesn’t hurt her at all, and when Myranda fights with her he gets super protective
Not His Type: Based on this request:  Hi how are ya? Can you please write about Tormund arriving in Winterfell with Jon, and he falls in love with smol Y/N Stark, always making sure she’s protected and loved, even though Jon and Sandor remind him constantly that she’s not his type
Out of Harm’s Way: Based on this request:  Could you please write about Tommen and Y/N (his same agae) getting married, and when she gets pregnant he very gentle and tries to keep her out of harms way, enlisting “uncle” Jaime to guard her when he’s not around
Don’t Blame Yourself: Based on this request:  hey meg 👋🏽 can i have an imagine where y/n tries to safe bran from falling but she gets hurt as well, and a guard rushes to tell robb -he’s her fiancé- and Theon and Jon have to calm him down after he sees her because he’s blaming himself for being there for her to safe her
A Secret Relationship:Based on this request: I have another request about sandor if it’s not much trouble to you. Him and the reader work together and they secretly in a relationship and they act like there’s nothing between them infront of everybody, till Beric accidentally finds out AND: I want to request a really really fluffy fic, about sandor when he comes back from a work trip that lasted for weeks, and be surprised about how much the reader missed him, cuz he is a bit insecure about himself and it’s hard for him to imagine that somebody could love and miss him that much I’ll really appreciate it if you could bring his childhood somehow cuz who doesn’t love a big man with childhood issues??
A Drink & a Kiss: Based on this request:  Hey Meg, happy to read that you’re well! Can I request a Tyrion x reader? Reader is a Stark, Sansa‘s older sister/Robb‘s twin, supposed to marry a Tyrell while he’s supposed to marry Sansa. Over their shared misery of the arranged marriage they end up spending time together. On the night before, they drink together and kiss. Tyrion is surprised she’d rather be with him than a pretty Tyrell and they manage to convince Tywin that they can marry, because it doesn’t matter which Stark he marries.
Smuggled Away: Based on this request:  Hi! The request about a Bratheon!reader got me thinking, what if there’s a similar situation where the reader’s king robert’s daughter or a stark or something like that and the reader ends up getting smuggled away when jamie leaves cersei in kings landing and ends up reuniting with jon snow at some point and she kinda ends up kindling a spark with jon snow and interrupts the whole jon Daenerys thing? i’m not sure if this request makes much sense or if it would be good or not > . <
An Awkward Time: Based on this request:  Hi! This is the oberyn x reader request. Reader is dating oberyn (who is a bit older). One of his daughters is best friends with sansa (reader’s sister) which makes it a bit awkward for everyone (except for oberyn who doesnt find anything awkward).
Secret Wife: Based on this request:  Can you do something with Sandor secretly having a wife. Maybe they met when he was serving king Robert and they met when she was hunting and eloped after a few years. She left before the battle of Blackwater because Sandor didn’t want her getting wrapped up in that so They meet again in Winterfell and no one can actually believe it.
Protected From Joffrey: Based on this request:  Hi Meg! Can you please write about Y/N Lannister (who acts and looks like a princess, just like Myrcella) getting in trouble with Meryn Trant because she scolded Joffrey and after he hits her Bronn finds her and takes care of her, and even Tyrion is happy about it
Their Softer Sides: Based on this request:  Hey @megsironthrone how are you doing? Hope you’re doing fine. Can I request a Tywinxfem!TargaryenxRoose one where the both of them are in a constant banter concerning on who should end up getting the reader’s hand in marriage only to end up making the reader a blushing mess because of the many unusual and surprising compliments Tywin and Roose made over dinner and eventually the green-gold eyed gentleman finally won her over and end up spooning her in his bed showing his soft side. Thank x from @girlonfireice
Disbelief: Based on this request:  May I ask for a reader x Sandor where he and Bronn save her from some not so good people and she and Sandor fall for each other much to Sandor and Bronn’s shock? Happy writing!
An Apology?: A Wattpad request; Hey! I was wondering if you still take requests. If yes could you write a ramsay bolton image for me, where the reader is the younger sister of ramsay and he actually apologizes for killing their dad and after ramsay is killed by sansa his younger sister is the new leader of the boltons.
Jealous of My Own Children!: Another Wattpad request; I would like to know if you would write a Jaime lannister x female reader insert where the reader and jaime are childhood friends who are in love. And the reader supports him even when everyone calls him kingslayer and oath breaker. He and reader have a set of twins a boy and a girl and jaime feels ecstatic that he can play father to the kids however he is also this cute jelous of his kids as they get to spend more time with his wife than him. Basically I just wanted cute fluff. I know the idea isn’t that original but it’s just something that came to my mind so
Direwolf Pup: Based on this request:  Hi! I was wondering if you could write about how Y/N is married to Robb (before the series started) and when the guys returned to Winterfell with the direwolf pups he surprises her in one, the second runt of the litter, because he wanted her protected at all times and as an apology for leaving her clingy ass all day 😂❤️
Loyalty: Based on this request: Hi Meg, I‘d like to request a Brienne x northern!reader. They meet when Brienne comes to King‘s Landing, reader is a Lady and an outcast at KL, but her and Brienne start to become close, bonding over their loyalty to the Starks. It gets more intimate, maybe they kiss but Brienne doesn’t want to endanger reader so she distances herself. When Brienne leaves, reader tells her she loves her, but she can’t say it back out of fear. Then later they meet again and she finally tells her?
Godmother: Based on this request:  Sandor asking Arya to be his babies godmother? You can decide how she reacts but I just need some wholesome hound and wolf girl content.  Hi I’m the anon that asked for the Sandor asking wolf girl to be a godmother. I forgot to add trade sorry but I was just imagining it to be after she has her baby so she’s in the room but maybe just asleep or quietly watching cuz she’s tired. Sorry about that
In The North: Based on this request:  Hey! If request are still open, is it possible if you can write Sandor x Reader where they had a relationship before they had to part ways and so they get reunited when reader is sent with Jorah by Daenarys to get a white walker, Beric and Thoros is in disbelief that Sandor can be able of loving someone - thanks!
Winterfell: Based on this request: Can I request a Jon Snow x twinsister!reader?? (If not then just a Jon Snow x reader 😊) Where it’s just been them, then Jon left for the NW and his sister stayed in Winterfell. She has stayed at Winterfell through the Greyjoys and Boltons. And they meet again after Jon and Sansa won back Winterfell. Ramsay kept her separate from Sansa so the couldn’t conspire together. Thank you in advance!
Killing Khaleesi: A Wattpad request; Y/n is Cersei’s oldest daughter who always obeys her orders, but when she’s ordered to kill Khaleesi, she can’t, and starts spending time down there, telling her mom she’s making her wait till she least expects it. And then when Y/n walks down there one night, her mom is there, waiting for her and gives her a choice. Either she kills her, or Cersei does. Of course when y/n goes to kill her, she swings around and slices her mom’s leg making her fall down, and she releases Khaleesi and they ride back to where the dragon mother lives.
Not My Daughter!: A Wattpad request; Hi can I make a request on a Joffrey x Baby Daughter! Reader I know it’s not part of the story but if you can? Joffrey doesn’t care about anything or anyone except his daughter and if anyone hurts her or makes her cry he gets into like mama lion mode
The Announcement: Another Wattpad request; it’s a Modern AU with a targaryen reader and Jaime Lannister Where the reader is Dany’s baby sister and she is married to Jaime Lannister, who Dany, Rhaegar and Viserys (they’re all alive here) hate and their families were once business allies until Tywin (Jaime’s dad) betrayed the Targaryens and merged with the Baratheons instead Fast forward to the present day, Jaime and the reader host a dinner because they have an announcement to make, the targaryens and and Lannisters argue about their relationship in general, Viserys said something snarky to Jaime which made the reader snap at him and tell everyone that they are expecting triplets, Dany, Rhaegar and the Lannisters were all happy except viserys who walked out like a drama queen lol
Beauty: Another Wattpad request; can I have a Tywin Lannister x fem!Targaryen where the reader went in hiding in the woods only to be found by Tywin but he has no idea the reader was a female let alone a Targaryen until he accidentally saw her washing her hair in a near by river and he was immediately stunned by her beauty and then he started to be sweet with her in his own charming debonair way and the asks to marry her. Thank you
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killthebxy · 5 years
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send ‘pain is weakness leaving the body’ for a randomly generated outcome  (alternatively, send it + reversed) // accepting 10. Myrcella finds Jon with sore muscles, ft. @liondaughter
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          ROYAL VISITS were not made only of feasting and celebrating, at least not for Ser Rodrik --- who’d demanded Jon and Robb be out of bed at first light for sword practice, even if the night prior had dragged well into late hours. wars were won with skill and effort, the old knight was saying, not with a platter of honeyed chicken and a flagons of summerwine --- and, well, there was no denying his logic, was there? what was also undeniable was how merciless their master-at-arms seemed to be feeling this fine morning, almost like he wished to punish his lord’s sons for growing so relaxed, and the usual couple hours of training turned double far too easily for Stark’s and Snow’s liking both --- and yet, the two of them too stubborn to refuse the challenge, let alone allow the other to come out victorious.
          by noon, and with Gage bellowing from the kitchens that soon the meal would be served and they might as well scrub themselves clean for he had no wish to feed piglets rather than proud lords, he and Robb were bathed in sweat and with arms aching so much they felt about to fall off. big smiles on their faces no less, as befitting rivals and best friends and constant companions. though soon Theon Greyjoy was joining them with that sly enthusiasm that Jon had never been fond of, and so he opted for taking a few good steps away and towards the company of Ghost only. that or so he thought, now slightly troubled to pull away his armor with how his sore shoulder was refusing to move properly --- till help came, most unexpectedly, by hand of the princess.
‘ ...thank you, Your Grace. ‘
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ao3feed-tywin · 5 years
you cant carry it if you want to survive
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2F9bmwX
by galaxial_aesthetic
kairos καιρός (n.) - the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for action, words or movement.
An unshakable Mountain falls at the feet of a triumphant Red Viper, No One reunites with an Unchained Wolf and rebuilds her pack with a Storm King, and the past catches up with a Crow.
All the while, the winds of winter approach and men and women alike realise this enemy casts a far larger shadow than whoever is on top in their game of thrones.
 The Dorne and Northern Revolution (ft. The War For Spring, a second Dance with the Dragons, gratuitous amounts of self-indulgence, and a big old AU.)
Words: 3569, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Oberyn Martell, Elia Martell, Doran Martell, Ellaria Sand, Arianne Martell, Quentyn Martell, Trystane Martell, Obara Sand, Nymeria Sand, Tyene Sand, Sarella Sand, Elia Sand, Obella Sand, Dorea Sand, Loreza Sand, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Rickon Stark, Bran Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Jamie Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, Mace Tyrell, Olenna Tyrell, Willas Tyrell, Stannis Baratheon, Selyse Baratheon, Shireen Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, Rhaenys Targaryen, Aegon VI Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Walder Frey, Roslin Frey, Robert "Sweetrobin" Arryn, Mya Stone, Gendry Waters, Petyr Baelish, Alayne Stone, Sandor Clegane, Gregor Clegane, Qyburn, Melisandre of Asshai, Davos Seaworth, Jon Connington, Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne, Asha Greyjoy, Euron Greyjoy, Theon Greyjoy, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Meera Reed, Jojen Reed
Relationships: Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark, Robert "Sweetrobin" Arryn/Alayne Stone, Harrold Hardyng/Alayne Stone, Beric Dondarrion/Thoros of Myr, Melisandre of Asshai/Stannis Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon/Davos Seaworth
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, What-If, northern independence, Dorne Independence, Spongebob Voice: The Gang's All Here, Slow Build, Slow Burn, The Legacy of Elia Martell, POV Multiple, Women Being Awesome, Canon-Typical Violence, Period Typical Attitudes, Flashbacks, The Faceless Men, The House of Black and White, Politics, Wildling Culture & Customs, Dornish Culture & Customs, Northern Culture & Customs, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, Polyamory, Self-Indulgent, Surprise Pairings, Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon, Oberyn Martell is here to annoy the Lannisters and drink Dornish wine, and he's all out of wine, D&D made me Boo Boo The Fool so I'm redeeming my ass, Mix of book and show elements
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2F9bmwX
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