hookisthenewsexy · 4 years
The snap still buzzed through his head like white noise as he searched for a quiet place to sit down (or collapse)...
Rhody followed him in seconds and Tony couldn't figure out if he was relieved or more tensed about having company at the moment. One thing was sure, no matter how he felt he had no strength left to express it.
or, Tony's thoughts during the death scene in Endgame.
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
Hey there!
New #Westworld video Check it out! <3
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
New video. Check it out! 
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
Cs Fanfic
Hey there,
I'm looking for a fic where Killian Emma MM and David where college(?) friends and after a long travel Emma comes back and they all live together. Snowing, Captain Swan and roommates
Otherwise, do you know any good Emma & Killian roommates or college AU?
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
4x02 // 7x22 Captain Swan Edition #ouat #onceuponatime #captainswan #emmaswan #killianjones #captainhook #csau
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
-You need me alive!  -Why?" 
This video should have been uploaded long ago. But I finally found the time to finish it and I hope that you'll find it worth waiting. 
Basically, it's a Killian centric video from 6x20 where Emma dies during the final battle. All the parallels are memories of him and Emma as they come to his mind while watching and hearing her. 
Please tell me what you think!
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
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“A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be.” - Frank A. Clark
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
Hey there,
I'm looking for a cs fanfic. It was about 3x11 where Emma and Killian spent a night in Jolly Roger right before pan's curse.
There are many fics about that time so I can tell you that it was a long one shot (I think 3 chapters long), mature content and there was also a sequel about Emma's life after the curse.
Any ideas about the title?
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
Best song for Multifemale video?
*OTHER (Give me your idea. Similar style.)
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
Jones: Legend of the 7 seas (3/?)
Hey there! Thank all of you who gave a chance to this story! I'm so happy that I started writing again. It gets a little easier with every chapter but please be lenient with me and the mistakes you might find in English.
Feel free to correct me or share any opinion with me. Your comments keep me motivated and focused on improving myself.
I hope you like this new chapter! Can't wait to know what you think!
Also on Wattpad, A03 and FFnet
“Gentlemen, it seems we have a new course. We’re going to Tartarus.”
A few sighs were heard and some coins changed hands. “You should listen to the teacher.” Leroy bragged and the man next to him looked at his former money disappointed. He ignored all of them until a garland of red and yellow flowers landed on his neck. “Rat!” Killian yelled furiously and a head appeared from behind the mast. “Sorry, Captain.” He apologized, ignorant of the fact that the little accident was one more reminder of the woman that was aboard his ship.
He should be heading to Fiji, not a bloody place full of lost souls and dead bodies. He noticed the inappreciably louder way his boots thudded against the wood and David seemed to have noticed too. He walked around him, pushed him away from the helm which was suddenly turned all the way to the right. “I’m only doing this for the money.” He grumbled, answering the unquestioned query of his friend.
David snorted and started to walk away with a silent “Right.” behind his lips. Killian had the sudden need to punch him but he threw the garland towards him instead. David lifted his hand in the air and caught it without even looking around to see him and Killian rolled his eyes in defeat. He knew this look on his friend’s face and it meant one thing: I understand more than you think. He could only imagine the look on his since David hadn’t tried to push him harder into talking about it.
There was nothing to talk about. He would go to Tartarus, retrieve the book and quickly return it to Syracuse. And then he would steer far away from the damn place. Or he could just find the most awful and God-forsaken place and throw the princess off his ship. Yep, that sounded quite appealing. How in hell had she even got to the ship? The last time he saw her was during his trial and she was all dresses and jewels. Dresses we nice but the pair of trousers she had chosen for their journey were hot; he undoubtedly preferred hot.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.” He hissed behind his teeth when he realized the course of his thoughts. It was a shock when he first saw her amongst the kings and citizens of the Twelve Cities. Of course, he should have expected it. But after making a great deal with Regina, he was totally concentrated on his goal. Until that moment.
“It’s too easy. There’s only a handful of guards.” Rat had reassured him but he told them to forget the plan and go back to the ship. No one seemed to apprehend why everything had changed so quickly and some of his men growled that they hadn’t had enough time to eat as much as they’d like but he could only hear one voice replaying inside his head.
“Ahh, the infamous Captain Hook.” She had acknowledged with a kind of admiration in her voice. “I’ve heard so much, most of them just today. It seems like you tried to steal from my future husband and then went back to save his life.” He found little interest in what she was saying as his eyes drifted from the weird braid around her head to her eyes and lips. And then, her next phrase caught him completely off guard with the sole ability to stare back at her. “So, which are you then? A thief or a hero?” Thankfully, Bealfire had already a reply to her question which he couldn’t even remember. He found an idiotic excuse and rushed away from both of them and to his crew.
A figure that walked up to the storeroom brought his attention back to the present and his voice raised before his brain gave the command. “Henry! Don’t you dare open that door!” The boy was startled at the sound of his name but he obeyed to his captain’s order and approached the upper deck. “So, is it true then? A princess’s coming with us?” The excitement in his voice didn’t go unnoticed and Killian felt his eyes becoming colder. “Is this happy news for you, lad? Because in my experience a woman aboard a ship means trouble.” The boy’s eyes met instantly the floor and his voice grew quieter as he spoke again. “It’s just… I’ve never met a princess before, sir.”
The confession made Killian’s expression softer and his hook found easily the edge of the boy’s leather jacket. He pulled him close enough and ruffled his hair. It was a move that reminded him the kid Henry still was, despite his bravery at what life had thrown at his face in the past. “Is it a princess you’re dreaming of then, little rascal?” They both laughed at that and Killian leaned on the helm before he turned to look at the youngest member of his crew again. “Alright then. Here’s what we’re going to do. You, my loyal pirate, will have the full responsibility of the princess’s welfare during this journey. You’ll help her, ask any questions… well, not any… and bring her food. BUT you will only let her on deck with my permission. Is that clear?”
“Yes, captain!” Henry exhaled happily and brought his hand next to his head as a greeting, before going back below deck.
* * *
She struggled for some time until she found that right spot. “It’s all about the tumblers” she exhaled now relaxed and pushed the door open. The salty breeze filled her lungs in an instant and she almost felt dizzy. She walked calmly towards the rail; her situation and all the pirates around her long forgotten.
At that moment, she was nothing more than her younger self. The air kept moving her hair away from her face and her eyes travelled from her hands touching the wood to the peaceful waves and higher, to the sky and seagulls. The sun had almost set and she could feel her father’s palm on her shoulder, his voice quiet, next to her. He spoke and spoke about old stories and legends of the sea for hours before he was asked to go back to business.
She was 12 when she travelled for the last time. Her lessons occupied most of her time and the duties of a lady became her everyday priority. She hated it. She could still remember the cries and pleads to go back to the sea. To find a place aboard the King’s ships and travel along with him for all eternity. Just her and her father. Just the sea and the sky.
“How do we know which way, Captain?”
The loud voice startled her and she landed abruptly back to reality. She wasn’t part of any ship, the seagulls above her had never seen her before. She belonged to the land. Daughter of King Swan and ambassador of the Twelve cities. Future wife of prince Bealfire and princess of the Syracuse. And more currently, the one responsible to bring back the peace by forcing a dirty pirate to stay focused on the quest and keep his friend alive.
“You see that star? That’s our point. We just need to find the shorter way to there.”
She turned her back against the rail, gently leaning on it. She watched as the crew worked in harmony, some of them singing while they did. Her eyes moved slowly from them to the mast and finally to the upper deck.
Hook was clearly unaware of her presence which was a surprise. He had just answered to another man’s question but he hadn’t noticed her. On the contrary, he looked like he was far away from the ship, from this place or even the whole realm. She subconsciously wanted to reach the destinations of his mind. Formerly that day, she had told him that he wasn’t a complicated man and she managed to spring him on. Now, as she observed him, she found it harder to read him. Yes, his instincts and future moves seemed clear to her but she didn’t know the real him, the man behind the pirate. Not that she needed to know but… she was curious.
“Princess?” The voice had a higher pitch than she was used to hearing from the men. When she looked at her other side, she realized the reason why. Less than a meter away from her was a boy, not much shorter than her but by his face, she could say that he was really young. She took in his image. His hair was ruffled from the air and his general appearance reminded her more of the man she was previously observing than anyone else among the crew.
“You shouldn’t be here, princess.” He insisted and her eyes narrowed. “Hey, kid, it’s Emma. Why shouldn’t I be here?”
“Captain’s orders. I am to take care of your needs but also I have to make sure that you stay below deck when you don’t have the permission to do otherwise.” His eyes looked behind her shoulder for seconds and she knew exactly what, or who he was looking for. She took a deep breath and crossed her arms in front of her chest in defence. “Let’s see about that.”
With that, she headed away from the boy, ignoring his calls. She reached the ladder quickly and it was then that a frowned Hook met her angry gaze. “Why in hell did you give that command?” She demanded as she stood beside him. His expression had already changed to challenging but he wasn’t looking at her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He lied and she sighed furiously.
“Me, below deck.” She responded shortly but a new idea came to her mind as she eased herself and grasped the helm blandly. He didn’t miss the move but said nothing, giving her the best opportunity to continue. “What are you afraid of, Hook? Do you think I’m going to distract you?” She asked in a seductive tone and pulled her hand back when he tried to push it.
He abandoned the helm and stood opposite of her. “No, love. But if I don’t need one think on my deck, that’s trouble. And you...” He took a step closer and made her stay still as his hook pushed a lock of hair behind her back. “…are trouble.” She stepped back, putting more distance between them. The smell of salt and rum was able to distract her for the briefest of seconds. “And you’re an asshole.” She said back and received a small laugh from the man across her.
“Dirty mouth, isn’t it? I’d like to watch what you can do with it.” To her surprise, her feet didn’t move as they would usually do. He was obscene but she wasn’t afraid of him. “You are disgusting.” She admitted as an image appeared before her eyes.
“What is it, Swan? Do you feel… distracted?” He continued in the same tone but she wouldn’t play along. She walked past him and brushed his shoulder while doing so. She hesitated for a while but then caught the helm and let her shoulders relax at the feeling. “I want to know the course we’ll follow.” He didn’t reply immediately and she waited.
She saw him moving with the corner of her eyes and felt him as he stopped right behind her but without touching her. “Oh, I wouldn’t like to have you crying and screaming to take you back home.” The whisper next to her ear informed her that he was closer than she thought and she tried to avoid the shiver that was about to shake her body. “Or maybe that’s an excellent excuse to both get rid of you and go anywhere I bloody want without your ethical worries filling my head.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” She questioned confidently now that he had moved to the rail. “I’m sorry to disappoint you but I’m not a little girl.”
“Oh, like hell you’re not.” He praised as he looked up and down her silhouette sailing his ship. She rolled her eyes at that, focused on the previous subject. “So? How long will it be? Before we reach Tartarus?”
“The time increases while you keep hold of the Jolly Roger pretending you know what you’re doing.” His unwillingness to cooperate brought back her anger and made her answer harsher. “I told you I know how to sail.”
“Oh yeah? When was the last time you sailed a ship? 23? 19? 16?” She stayed silent and kept her eyes on the horizon but he didn’t miss the way her lips were pressed together. He chuckled and walked up to her again, pushing her away and taking her place in front of the helm. “I thought so.” He added and she growled angrily.
“What is your problem? Why can’t we just team up and get the damn book? The sooner we do that, the sooner you’ll be paid and I’ll be off your ship.” His body tensed almost as much as hers but his voice was calm when he spoke. “Two problems here. I have no desire to team up or rush my way to my death. I need time to complete my plans and a clear head to do so. And that’s where a third problem comes. You just won’t let me alone!”
“Fine. Then let me sail the ship towards the fucking star and go make your plan.” She yelled stubbornly and fought against him when he suddenly pulled her to him. A huge mass of rope fell at the place she was previously standing and she looked up to see Leroy’s widened eyes. “Sorry, sis!” He apologized and she freed herself from Hook’s holding without answering to the man.
“Now…” He said the moment she was about to add something. “…as much as I enjoy a dashing rescue, you will go back down and stay there until we’re back to Syracuse.” She opened her mouth to reply but he stopped her again with a lifted finger. “…Or I’ll lock you in the brick and forget any good form I was taught.”
If a glance could kill, he would be having his very last breath right now. Unfortunately, he didn’t, so she rushed to the lower deck and gave him a good look at her middle finger when he repeated her words for all the crew to hear. “Sorry to disappoint you, lass, but a ship is no place for a woman!”
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
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get to know me → [2/?] actresses: emilia clarke
One of the many things I love about Daenerys is she’s given me an opportunity to fly the flag for young girls and women, to be more than just somebody’s wife and somebody’s girlfriend.
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
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Captain Killian Jones meets a charming barmaid.
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hookisthenewsexy · 6 years
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Captain Swan + Script Kisses
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