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To say that I’m excited to see the development of Montresor’s and Prospero’s dynamic now that they’re roommates would be an understatement. Asides from all the parallels that come with them being right hand men of Annabel, there’s just something so funny to me about the idea of the two men Ada has had romantic feelings for having a dynamic of ‘there’s a lot of shit going on here and it can most definitely be seen as queer’ <(41/??)>
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i-dont-have-good-ideas · 10 months
Thinkin’ back on that whump au i did where the whumper finally gets caught...... n in court he doesn’t even like, hide it.... and makes a whole show out of relating everything he’s done............. opening all those old wounds and bringing up things that they’d rather have stayed secret........ recordings, stories, dragging whumpees up to the stands to suffer through questions................ in front of a live audience and reporters, cause he’s famous..... god it was good shit, watchin’ those lil whumpees all clinging to each other as the trauma gets dug open........ good fuckin soup....
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i-dont-have-good-ideas · 11 months
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I thought my brain was done with it. But no.
Revenge party (Mean Girls)
@liathebookwyrm you're maybe gonna like it
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i-dont-have-good-ideas · 11 months
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i-dont-have-good-ideas · 11 months
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Scrimbombimblios 💖💜
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anya is just as close to yor and loid when she gets older as she was as a child. she still holds loid or yor’s hand when they’re out in public when she’s 12 just because she wants to. when loid is watching tv in the living room, 14 year old anya is laid across the couch with her head in his lap as he plays with her hair. 15 year old anya still crawls into their bed to snuggle with yor and gossip about the city hall girls or the kids in anya’s classes. just the little moments.
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I have now decided I am a chick magnet, based only on the stats of my followers, two of whom are actual people, one of whom may or may not be a robot, and the rest who are porn bots
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"Adrienette never met AU" Ladynoir identity reveal is like
[they drop their transformations]
Adrien: Wow... I can't believe it's finally happening.... this feels like a dream... my Lady you're so beautif--
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*manga spoilers ahead*
Every member of the Forger family fears the family breaking up or getting kicked out or abandoned.
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Ahh, the joys of youth. Reminds me of the time I cut my brother’s hair to save our parents money and they had to shave him bald. Ten years later and he has still not forgiven me for it
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𝖠𝗇𝗒𝖺 𝖼𝗎𝗍 𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝖺𝗂𝗋! ✨🤩✂️🥰
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old and retired loidyor for the anon who is afraid of old people 🤗
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Love that he was dying of the Spanish Flu like everyone else and yet the doctor chose to save HIM and HIM alone. Probably because he looked like he had vampire material. 
Doctor: Look at all these dying people, what a perfect opportunity to make a vampire, but who to pick
-the boy who looks perfectly healthy and just kind of lying there like a victorian lady who’s just fainted-
Doctor: ..... i want THAT one to put into a homoerotic scene where i violently go at his neck
Because SERIOUSLY what was that scene- kinda gay but like, the not good gay, and also you could have picked ANYWHERE else but nooooo it had to be the neck because why WOULDN’T you just bite someone there when there is a convenient and not at all sexual placed artery on a person's ARM 
Watching Twilight for shits and giggles and frankly I would not let Edward slide if I caught myself dreaming about him standing in the corner of my room watching me sleep, I’m pretty sure Bella deserved to deck him for that. Like, bitch, just come play Uno already, I’m already awake
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Also; the whole scene where he’s like ‘THIS is the SKIN of a KILLER’ is so weird. Calm down, eat a raw steak or something, and stop acting like a teenage boy. It doesn’t become you
Watching Twilight for shits and giggles and frankly I would not let Edward slide if I caught myself dreaming about him standing in the corner of my room watching me sleep, I’m pretty sure Bella deserved to deck him for that. Like, bitch, just come play Uno already, I’m already awake
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Watching Twilight for shits and giggles and frankly I would not let Edward slide if I caught myself dreaming about him standing in the corner of my room watching me sleep, I’m pretty sure Bella deserved to deck him for that. Like, bitch, just come play Uno already, I’m already awake
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Arvens’s parents be like,
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Me: Ah, I’m sad about how big my thighs are 
Some rando: You know what they say, girls with thick thighs save lives
Me, a paramedic: You don’t say
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SxF scenario you partially inspired, so behold whether you like it or not
Yuri is about to visit at a very inopportune time so they have to dissuade him from coming in by the time he gets to the door. Their Yor's solution? Loid answers the door in a stupor and his face covered in Yor's lipstick marks. The implication causes Yuri to run away as if his life depended on it.
Thank you Anon,
I had fun with this one 🤣💗💗
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