iamcalypso · 3 years
I hate the way you make me feel, but I’m addicted to it.
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iamcalypso · 3 years
You didn’t wait for me.
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iamcalypso · 3 years
It’s back again
I felt it seeping back up to the surface, like the ground flooding after too much rain. I hate this ever-present tightness in my chest, my shoulders, my core. I feel it all over and all at once. Yet, sometimes, I feel nothing at all.
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iamcalypso · 3 years
A list of summer aesthetics
Dancing to an old record.
New hair cuts, because change is always good.
The smell of sunscreen
Classic movies marathon.
Pressed flowers hidden in your favorite books.
Slow mornings when all you could hear is the sound of the birds singing enchanting lullabies.
Starting a new wardrobe color palette and daring to be more creative while matching your clothes
Spending quality time with quality people.
The mixed  smell of tea and a well backed cake you made.
Doing a handwritten list of books you’ve been craving to read, and hanging it on the wall, so you can see it everyday.
Taking time to learn a new skill.
Going back to hobbies that used to make you happy back in the days.
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iamcalypso · 3 years
Yesterday and tomorrow are just thoughts.
Go experience today. Go live.
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iamcalypso · 3 years
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your doubt only motivates me. i will use it selfishly, hungrily. i will work in secret, so you only doubt me more.
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iamcalypso · 5 years
Things to do to help save the fuckin’ planet
1. Hang clothes out to dry inside or outside your home
2. Use cloth napkins that are washable/reusable
3. Make sure your home is properly insulated - this’ll be cheaper in the long run too
4. Buy rechargeable batteries
5. Always reuse plastic bags, don’t buy new ones, invest in cloth bags/tote bags/reusable bags
6. Reduce the physical mail you get - ask for emails instead
7. Use matches rather than plastic lighters
8. Buy cotton swabs with paper rather than plastic
9. Buy plants for your house or garden
10. Go to the library or buy second-hand books from charity shops, online etc.
11. Donate things on Facebook, freecycle etc - someone else might need your junk
12. Buy biodegradable dog poo bags
13. Avoid beef and lamb for yourself and your pets - it’s the worst meat for the environment
14. Buy biodegradable baby wipes
15. Try meat-free days, try good vegan alternatives or even go vegetarian (hit me up for tips and recommendations)
16. Decline plastic straws in restaurants or bring your own reusable ones
17. Buy a reusable travel mug - places like Costa and Starbucks give you money off if you bring your own mug!
18. Donate old towels, blankets, bedding etc to dog/cat shelters
19. Buy local produce when available
20. Buy coffee and chocolate that says it protects the rainforests e.g. Fairtrade
21. Switch the plugs off at the wall before you leave the house/while you’re asleep
22. Take your phone to a recycling centre when you get a new one
23. When at ATMs or self-checkouts, don’t print your receipts or ask for them to be emailed instead
24. Turn off your car while waiting to pick someone up
25. Use sites like FreeRice.com and Ecosia to plant trees and donate rice to the hungry
26. Grow your own food - it’s cheaper
27. Eat less meat and dairy!
28. Take shorter showers
29. Use leftover water to water your plants - like the strained water from cooking vegetables
30. Turn off the lights when you’re not in the room
31. Buy energy-efficient bulbs
32. Turn off the tap while you’re brushing your teeth
33. Take public transportation, car share, walk or cycle
34. Recycle - can’t believe I have to say that one
35. Try composting
36. Go to charity-shops, second-hand stores, thrift stores or whatever they’re called - use Depop, Ebay etc. and buy second-hand
37. Donate and sell on rather than throwing away
38. Freeze food before it goes bad - fruit, veg, bread etc. and leftovers
39. Get a reusable water bottle - stop buying plastic bottles
40. Get out and vote, go to protests, sign petitions online, email local businesses
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iamcalypso · 5 years
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iamcalypso · 5 years
You told me once of a story, a young boy’s broken soul He adored a girl for the first time, french braid ends tucked behind her newly pierced ears In the whirl of slamming lockers and ice cream sandwiches He couldn’t help but let his courage fly, finding joy when hers did too
But that night he got a message that sunk his mind to the floor A sleepover unfolded truths of a joke with his name on it It’s been 8 years, yet he still sees her small face in the mirror Teeth grinning with braces, shaking her head with disbelief
How could you do this to me, he asks But she never responds And he will never understand
Now you are 21, and you find a girl ringing through your bones You look at her and see more than yourself for the very first time So you let your courage fly again, escaping calmly through a chiseled jaw And the moment she let hers fly too? All your heart’s bets were lost
But that night your mind plays tricks in your sleep, reminding you of a young girl Is this the same one, you ask, that I’ve seen reflected each morning? You don’t know the answer, so a solemn call is made Announcing through gritted teeth that being with her could be nothing but a joke
How could you do this to me, she asks And he never responds And she will never understand
-(a.e.) // you both deserved better
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iamcalypso · 5 years
No one else cares for your success, so you have to care. You have to force yourself to get up early, you have to force yourself to turn your phone off and revise, you have to force yourself to workout, you have to care for the whole world because no one else cares until they start seeing results. And they won’t ever see your results if you don’t care enough first. It’s your life, they are your goals, your dreams, it will be your success but it has to be your effort and your work first and foremost x
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iamcalypso · 5 years
It’s actually sad that people aren’t allowed to grow past and learn from their mistakes anymore. You’re not allowed to be a changed person. You’re just constantly shackled to and define by your past mistakes.
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iamcalypso · 6 years
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The things I make in graphics class
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