iamluke · 4 years
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We are always running the other way.
Those who fear uncertainty will fight to always be certain. Others the reverse.
Those who fear tears will fight to always be friendly. Others the reverse.
For some the battle is raged for or against dreaming / security, others battle for or against isolation / connection.
No matter how good we get at identifying with one side, we always feel the presence of the other.
We keep pushing it out of sight but as soon as our guards down it's there again.
When drunk on alcohol
When drunk on love
When drunk on grief
The hero becomes helpless
The clever becomes dumb
The scrooge becomes happy
What if we choose to stop resisting?
To drop going forward
and instead leaned back
into ourselves.
We're in the Taurus Full Moon conjunct Uranus build up - that which has been suppressed is surfacing through the body. Allow it to work itself through you.
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iamluke · 4 years
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We are always running the other way.Those who fear uncertainty will fight to always be certain. Others the reverse.Those who fear tears will fight to always be friendly. Others the reverse.For some the battle is raged for or against dreaming / security, others battle for or against isolation / connection.No matter how good we get at identifying with one side, we always feel the presence of the other.We keep pushing it out of sight but as soon as our guards down it's there again.When drunk on alcoholWhen drunk on loveWhen drunk on griefThe hero becomes helplessThe clever becomes dumbThe scrooge becomes happyWhat if we choose to stop resisting?To drop going forwardand instead leaned backinto ourselves.--------------------------------------------------We're in the Taurus Full Moon conjunct Uranus build up - that which has been suppressed is surfacing through the body. Allow it to work itself through you.
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iamluke · 4 years
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It's rough at the moment.
Three weeks ago we had the Aries full moon (sense of self) conjunct retrograde Chiron (wound).
We're talking childhood trauma. The root of how we fear we are inherently bad and will be rejected by everyone if found out.
Leading up to it was the month long Mars Saturn retrograde square - All that anger, frustration and obstruction has something to do with our fear, which the full moon revealed.
Last week we had a new moon in Libra (Oct 16th). With Mercury retrograding in Scorpio just a few days before (13th), this is an underscoring of how we fear rejection, loss or disharmony with our loved ones.
With next Saturday's Full Moon being in Taurus and conjoining Uranus, this is ignored pain erupting through the body, either through you or through a loved one.
As heated and painful as it is to have the lid come off, know it is all a deep call for forgiveness.
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