ibelong2u · 1 year
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ibelong2u · 2 years
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ibelong2u · 3 years
Concepts for Understanding the World
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ibelong2u · 3 years
Dark Patterns in 2021
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ibelong2u · 3 years
A self-help guide for information addiction.
"Addiction is a brain disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences."A self-help guide for information addiction.
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ibelong2u · 3 years
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ibelong2u · 3 years
Thorough overview of the traditional Indian Cuisine
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ibelong2u · 4 years
Story of Life
The Life begins: a soul is born into this world for a life long Soon begins his formal education Struggles through primary, secondary and graduation Only ambition is success in aim In this world, to earn name and fame And so the hunt for job mounts Struggle to grow the bank account Exerting himself and toiling with sweat Such that future is not in any fret Then comes the family responsibility: very intent Care for wife and kids, with total commitment The children grow up - the story is repeated Find their mate and depart, parents are unheeded The old age sets, with a nostalgic cover Before you realise; The life is over. Just think about this life, your nature All through life, you worried about the future Ever since beginning you ignored the presence You wasted the song, without realising its essence
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ibelong2u · 4 years
Umbrella of Grace
Flow, flow to indu... blossomed one there is no choice but for joy to spread oh indra, how can you sway me I have govardhan over my head Was lost in misery but found the secret: fire catches fire, breath catches breath oh indra, how can you sway me I have govardhan over my head I only sit at his lotus feet vedas, upanishads I haven't read oh indra, how can you sway me I have govardhan over my head no more desire for what I see or hear what ignorant says oh indra, how can you sway me I have govardhan over my head so precious it is to be in grace pearls of wisdom on a delicate thread oh indra, how can you sway me I have govardhan over my head come join me with Giridhari experience the bliss of being blessed oh indra, how can you sway me I have govardhan over my head
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ibelong2u · 4 years
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ibelong2u · 4 years
Do not trust the natural instincts of the mind. It is driven by conditioning of not just your own memories but genetic disposition since the dawn of era.
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ibelong2u · 4 years
A Sign of Enlightenment
Their faces reflect the freedom.
Look at everyone else in the world, so passively being pushed around and waiting to die without any momentum. They ones with some awareness to push for what they want are guided by memory based desires and chasing the dragon conditioned by the society and so completely caught up in the world.
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ibelong2u · 4 years
Remember the Exit
Regardless of how you live your life: the best base scenario is that it ends in a nicer senior living facility, or a house with a caretaker who will clean your shit because even that you'll not be capable of doing by yourself
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ibelong2u · 4 years
People who have accomplished and achieved something, after having strenously worked for it, are not lazy. They put in the work instead of sitting around and watching YouTube or browsing Reddit.
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ibelong2u · 4 years
My thoughts on the Oscars
Award ceremonies seem pointless to me. Why not just acknowledge all the good work, instead of selecting one winner out of 5 that year?
There could be 2 or 3 great works of art that year.
Don't make acknowledging genuine art a competition.
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ibelong2u · 4 years
I think this is very contradictory to women's empowerment and blatantly sexist.
But why children? Because they are cute? Would it be a bigger loss to the society to lose an adult which the society has deeply invested in? Population is not a problem in today's world. Loss of children will not affect our society adversely. Save the important people first. (This point is obviously a joke. Or is it?)
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ibelong2u · 4 years
Why do you struggle to wake up every morning?
Why not just sleep early enough to wake up fresh?
It is understandable if you had to sleep late once in a while, or wake up earlier and usual once in while because of a flight, event, etc.
But how does it make sense that so many people are struggling to wake up on time every day? For months and years?!
How stupid do you have to be able to attune your body to fixed waking up time? It is not some rocket science to simply adjust your sleeping cycle and get to bed at a time so that you wake up comfortably!
What is even more ridiculous is the idea of sleeping-in on the weekends? You are messing up the sleep cycle your body might be starting to get used to during the week by sleeping-in on the weekend. Now you again have to start from scratch on Monday!
I offer a common sense solution: Just get to bed at a fixed time to wake up when you have to. Waking up should feel effortless and not be a daily struggle. If you have multiple alarms and snoozes you have you're doing something very wrong with your life.
Alternatively, if your school/job/etc. allows it, then respect your natural sleep cycle, and start your day when you wake up naturally.
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