icandobackflips 8 days
I'm unbelievably sorry for what's happening to you. And the fact that I'm the reason someone is feeling like this really hurts me.
It's not because you have ADHD. It's not because you have any other things. And no it's not because you dislike a ship we like... The reason we are doing this is because the ship youre doing is wrong. Don't make yourself think that you're a "pedo shipping teenager" you just need to think a...little deeper about your ship. As you can see it made many people uncomfortable. And I'm sure you don't want that. I don't want that. No one wants that.
I'm not bullying you. That's not my intent. It was never my intent. I tried to warn you. At first I was angry but then I realized I shouldn't react like this and be nice. But when some "other people" started lying to you that what you're doing is okay, I got upset. They're only two-three people telling you that pr0shipping is ok.(let me tell you, it's not.)But there's millions of people telling you to stop. And those million people know better.
Again, I'm genuinely sorry for making you feel like this. I hope you find the right way and get better.
How's its been so far...
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I'm tired...
Everyday, I go to bed thinking this... Now, I'm unsure if I'll ever get left alone... or... If I'll ever live, laugh, love again... But I just want those to understand that even though it hurts... I'm still strong... Even if I look done with it. I'm not giving up yet. Because if this is what it's like to be an adult... Then I'm ready for what life has to throw at me just because I'm Special...
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icandobackflips 11 days
Can I just express my thoughts for a moment? Recently I've been learning about problematic behaviors in the BBU Fandom as of late. I've been feeling uncomfortable when it came to someone shipping a aroace character with another character (if you know what I'm talking about) and then next thing I know was that someone is SHIPPING A YOUNG TEEN WITH AN ADULT. Aka Barnaby (my dad).
It's just so disgusting with writers doing fanfictions about characters who don't represent their canon sexualities. Yet I didn't even realize it got this bad with Billie x Barnaby, which is so many levels of wrong. That is my dad... you can't ship a minor with my dad :(
Lemme tell you this: fiction or not, aged up or not, it's promoting p*dophilia. And we do not welcome anyone who supports stuff like that in a community. I do not care what you say, it's still wrong. And I have the right to say it is. Heck, people have the right to say it is. Not just me.
So please, I don't want any trouble. I just want to have fun in a community who shares the same interest as me. I want to be in a place where there's no proshipping. Writers, take my word and I hope you understand that I'm not here to harass or bully anyone but state the obvious.
Let me be one of the many to say that I do not support proshipping nor any ships involving minors. And let me express myself.
Thanks you for having the time to read this.
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icandobackflips 16 days
I understood, I understood.. You're basically saying this is an old art, yes? If it really is, why didn't you care to delete it? You know well it's the creepiest art you ever did.I think you still like it.. Looking at the way it's still floating around.
You may matured but unfortunately, i don't think that maturing is enough.
What a waste of creativity ;(
Okay update on the MigMiy situation... I guess....馃槥
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icandobackflips 16 days
Okay update on the MigMiy situation... I guess....馃槥
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icandobackflips 23 days
You're uncomfortable with a normal and non-problematic ship yet youre comfortable with shipping an adult and a child.
Keep ruining yourself ig.
And stop bringing up that you're minor to guilt trip us. It's really not working.
You're blocking anyone who tries to correct you.You can maybe listen to them and actually be a normal person. But you choose to be by the other proshippers sides and let them make you believe that this is a normal thing.
Hello, MigMiy.
I'm sorry to interrupt your day, but it is important: I'm asking you to not ship Billie with Barnaby.
I'm sure you mean well, so I'm telling you this with informative means.
Shipping a 15 year old AroAce character with a homoromantic and genderfluid 100+ old ghost is considered problematic.
For one thing it's a minor being shipped with a dead adult, which is many kinds of uncomfortable, to put it mildly.
And the other is, you're working with characters that reflect the personal lives of the devs, and they have expressed discomfort when it came to change their characters' identities for shipping purposes, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Billie, who reflects the main writer's childhood.
Some people in the fandom have pointed this out to another one in the fandom who did the same thing, some time ago, and they've recieved harassment from them. For your own safety, I'm asking you to not follow them, because they've been known to have caused drama for their deliberate pr0shipping.
I'm telling you this as a heads up, as it is important to keep the BBU fandom a safe place for everyone, yourself included. I hope this letter of mine has been informative: I don't want you to be involved in any kind of drama.
Please stay safe, ok? I wish you a good day.
I'm sorry but I will not be doing as you say.
I don't want to sound like a bitch for saying this but it's how I want to live as a person. Don't include me on the fandom if you want because I'm literally a quarter away from leaving because of this, and I don't want to ship other ships that you guys keep telling me to ship because I'm not that kind of person and I'm not a commoner.
Barnaby x Fantoccio makes me uncomfortable.
Elaine and some other fucking character when I'm not going to be doing for a bit because Elaine is one I'm still trying to get used to since I still fucking hate her
Arthur x Aristotle, I already shipped this one as seen in my story.
Any other ship I'm not going to hate, because it's a little bit understandable, but Barnaby and Fantoccio? No thank you. If I had the mind of a person that ships those two, I would still be uncomfortable with the thought of everything and "tree sap" up an owl's ass.
I'll try to explain this in a way with an example of real life people that are in the lgbtq+ community.
Imagine you are a parent who is not non-binary or any of that, and it's just normal. You have a kid and they come up to you and they say that they are non-binary. How would you react to that? Would you support them or would you rid them from your life? This is almost the exact situation that we're in right now. I keep trying to tell people like you that I'm not like you and nothing you can do can get me out.
Even if my mindset is not in the one that you wanted to be in, all you have to know is that I'll never be like you.
Another thing is I like to try out new things, cuz sometimes the regular ones don't seem right to me. Sometimes with new things I stick to them as of it was something I never done before and it will never get old for me.
Just so you know I don't fear people like you and I won't hear anything you want me to do. I don't fear whatever the future holds for me. I get just imagine how many people lose their lives everyday just because of people like you. Making them feel bad about who they came out to be as a person.
And I bet people like you don't even know what the words headcanon and AU means. Targeting a minor just for doing what they love is wrong on many levels. And just so you know my day is not going to get any better because of you. My day is getting worse every day and but I would like to keep it great so I can go back to school and just be normal for the year.
and if you bring this up to me again, then No More Mr "Nice Girl". And I'm done being a people pleaser, cuz sometimes I'll HAVE, not need, HAVE to please people over things that I fucking love and that's the last time I'm going to be doing that since I had to learn very hard that sometimes trying to fit in with people is not going to work if you want to figure out who you are as a person, so I'm not going to be a follower I'm going to be a leader. And don't try to feel sorry for me, because I already do for you.
Let me just try and be the leader/follower for a ship that needs more attention than that fucking Barntoccio bullshit.
Thanks to people like you, I get uncomfortable every time I hear "tree sap".
Sorry not sorry.
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icandobackflips 26 days
Oy, you! Yeah, you with the face! Barnaby Jumpscare!
Did I catch your attention? Yes? good because that means I did something right. There's important information down here and my own views. Scroll down. You won't regret it.
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To keep it simple, writing fanfiction is harmless in itself. Just do some research on the characters AND the fandom first before publishing a fanfiction. Because if the character is tied to real life people (like the characters from Billie Bust Up), then you might want to tread carefully.
I love writing fanfiction. I really do. But what is important is being mindful of who is shipping who. Because different fandoms have different unspoken rules. The universal one is always research first. Another universal one is that pro shipping can be seen as a sort of pedophilia.
Billie Bust Up has a hidden rule: do not change sexualities of a character to fit your narrative. Why?
Let me explain.
You all know Sonadow/Destiel. Or some ship like that. These are written by fans for fans and they are treated differently than the Billie Bust Up fanfics because they follow a criteria. Each criteria depends on the fan.
Billie Bust Up is a little "stricter" because those characters actually have direct ties to the devs of Billie Bust Up. The devs don't pick the characters sexualities for lols. They tie to real world people.
By shipping Barnaby and Billie together, you are (unintentionally or intentionally, depending on how you plan on changing)... you are essentially calling the devs MAPs and also saying that they don't matter despite the fact that without them Billie Bust Up would not even EXIST.
And by shipping Billie with anyone, you are indirectly slapping an aroace dev in the face and being rude. Because Billie is aroace. Hate breaking it to you. I think it was Katie who is aroace... And this is where YOU DO RESEARCH. Same rule applies to Barnaby (since he is ace, homoromantic and gender fluid).
Research the aroace experience. Research queer platonic relationships. Research Billie Bust Up. Research the LGBTQ community and how to write them. If you are in an unsafe household for that discussion, I got an ace up the sleeve (pun intended): Incognito mode (or private mode).
I think you needed to hear this from me. Because if you're a teenager, then I personally don't think you should be yelled at, but you could use a nudge and guidance. So, those of us who are adults in the Billie Bust Up fandom, let's educate the young ones. GENTLY, though. Their brains are developing!
Feel free to tag any minors who shipped Billie with anyone.
So have fun, but be courteous. I'm going to have to edit Chapter 21 of Death and Autism (and I plan on making quality of life edits in the very near future).
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Here's a Billie gif just in case you are having a rough day.
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icandobackflips 1 month
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Dude what the fuck..
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icandobackflips 2 months
Looks like the BBU team deleted the video with the snippet of Dutch's song, BUT I managed to save it before it disappeared!
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icandobackflips 3 months
This blog has now deleted every reblog related to Ludo's fic.
As much as this blog is all about celebrating everyone's creativity in the BBU community, it's also true that when a work makes people uncomfortable, the devs included, because a character has their sexual identity changed to "fit the story", it needs to be addressed.
And I haven't done that as I should've. I reblogged those fics without really reading them or thinking, without fully focusing on the content behind it, and how much it actually affected people. I should've been more aware.
And for that I deeply apologize.
You can have fun with characters, but they are written with specific characteristics and identites that mirror the team behind them and their stories and identities, and cannot be changed on a dime just because.
Billie is AroAce, and that is an important part of their character.
Just as every other character's is.
If you change a character's LGBT+ identity, it comes with the risk that you're talking and walking over real life people who share those identities, it comes off as disrespectful.
From now on, I shall be more careful.
And if I do, say or reblog anything that feels wrong, please, come here and tell me: the last thing I want is to make anyone upset.
BBU is about finding people who love and cherish you and celebrate who you are, that what you feel or love is real and doesn't deserve to be ridiculed or being disrespected.
It should be a safe and comforting place for everyone.
And that's the same feeling I want this blog to have. So please, don't ever be afraid to reach out to me and point out if there's something wrong.
Having said that, I hope you all have had a wonderful Pride Month, that you celebrated around the town or on your own with your friends, and I hope you will all keep spreading the love.
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icandobackflips 3 months
Billie Bust Up Love Languages
Elaine/Scrimshaw/Percy: For cat lovers, it's easy to flirt. Slow blink. Unsure if servals love head scratches. But I think it's a universal rule that cats knead who they love.
Barnaby: Since he is attracted to males, he will trying to win a dude over by preening. And since owls are monogamous, if Barnaby takes a liking to you and you're a dude... Buckle the fuck up since you're in for a very loyal or very yandere partner. He will do anything to get your trust. Then probably try to kill you when least expecting it so that he remains your partner for eternity. How sweet!
Basile/Pom/Dutch/Guard Dogs: Keep food in your pockets. Saying from experience.
Billie: Sorry, but not gonna happen. Billie is aroace.
Aristotle: Uh... I know he is an axolotl, and rad Magic Dad. But I don't know if axolotls even have a love language. If you are a guy, bring worms.
Fantoccio: ... I'm refraining from saying anything. I don't think the fandom is ready for that sort of thing. Maybe start by talking about sharks.
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icandobackflips 3 months
(I'll just say this, about the recent drama. If Katie and Ash knew they had an awful person in their team, they'd kick them out right away: they always do their research before hiring someone, and what has been spread around is based on false allegations. Please do some research before jumping the gun. And whoever is fabricating these awful lies to purposely ruin somebody else's work and life, going so far to even harass the team over something that's not even remotely true... go and rethink your life, if you think doing something so heinous is even remotely justified. It's becoming easier and easier to spread lies on the Internet about people and artists: apply some empathy and common sense. And that's all this blog will say on the matter. Please stay safe and informed).
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icandobackflips 3 months
Just like I said,I'm not trying to spread this and so you don't. I made this post just to warn people to not to believe these lies.
So there's this stupid rumor going around that apparently BlackGryph0n "did bad things."
Some bored dude just stepped out and said things that are not true. And there is not a single proof about this.
People are starting to believe it and it's getting worse.
So if you see anything related to that please don't believe it.
Of course,I'm not trying to spread stuff but it's the most stupid thing.i made some deep research and believe me, not a single proof.
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icandobackflips 3 months
So there's this stupid rumor going around that apparently BlackGryph0n "did bad things."
Some bored dude just stepped out and said things that are not true. And there is not a single proof about this.
People are starting to believe it and it's getting worse.
So if you see anything related to that please don't believe it.
Of course,I'm not trying to spread stuff but it's the most stupid thing.i made some deep research and believe me, not a single proof.
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icandobackflips 3 months
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icandobackflips 5 months
So the bbu devs said it has something to do with Barnaby but also doesn't...
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What if...
Billie finnaly takes the reality gem, the gem turns alive and becomes that orange blob...
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icandobackflips 6 months
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hey bbu fans how r we feeling
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icandobackflips 7 months
Surprisingly, I don't think Barnaby would be a yandere
Since he thinks dying is a good thing,he wouldn't kill his rivals.I mean why would you want your rival/enemy experience something good?
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