idadragonheart · 4 days
Epitaph to Summer
(Epitaph to Love /I see you in ...)
Salt-spiked hair, sun-kissed skin
Weather-bleached driftwood, pebbles underfoot
Laughter on the breeze
I wish your heart yearned for me as much as mine did for you ... And that mine gave up the last ray of hope already.
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idadragonheart · 1 month
Life provides coincidences.
You provide the thread to spin them into a story.
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idadragonheart · 3 months
What's your taste in men?
- JoJo characters.
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idadragonheart · 3 months
They will come your way. Coincidences will bring the opportunities that are right for you into your life - you just need to capitalize on them as they arise. Relax, don't overthink, fate will align the necessary gears - all you have to do is spin them.
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idadragonheart · 3 months
You know when in every 2000s series marketed towards teenagers there was that one popular super hot guy that every girl wanted, and the protagonist has a mad crush on? She feels like she could never even stand a chance and only observes from afar, but in the end, somehow, he comes to her. Well let me tell you, being in this situation irl and having thought I conceivably have a shot, it is much worse than just dismissing the whole thing as fantasy. Because I am terrified.
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idadragonheart · 3 months
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idadragonheart · 3 months
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Viktorija Adova Khlistousta (Виктория Адова Хлистоуста), my tiefling bard character - after a night of impromptu battle against a stone golem after being rudely awakened by her to-be party's gnome druid. Needless to say, the lack of coffee at the inn did nothing to raise her spirits.
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idadragonheart · 3 months
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Lakeside haiku
Pine tops outlined stark
With approaching of the dark
Sun sets bark ablaze
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idadragonheart · 3 months
Your eyes are the colour of ice
Yet you're a flame burning bright and warm.
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idadragonheart · 3 months
I dreamed of you tonight.
You finally came back
And brought me hugs and memories.
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idadragonheart · 4 months
Just saw a plane take off. Winged sausages should by all sense of righteousness not be able to get airborne.
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idadragonheart · 4 months
Heart-wrenching Snow Way Out flashbacks ... Thank you yamujiburo.
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in alola
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idadragonheart · 5 months
Humans are capable of powered flight.
In sensu lato. It is widely known that human physiology does not allow for muscle-powered flight. Our mass is just too great to be countered by any sort of lift we could generate through flapping of artificial wings or any other inventive contraption. However, if we define powered flight of vertebrate animals (among which we count ourselves as well as birds and bats), as moving through a fluid (which air is) using synchronized strokes of forelimbs for propulsion, then anyone who has swum in the butterfly/dolphin technique has flown just like a bird :D
Now technically we could define powered vertebrate flight as any muscle-powered motion of a vertebrate through a fluid and thus any vertebrates that can swim can fly. If we define powered flight in general as a voluntary and controlled motion of a creature through a fluid, then everything that moves through through liquids and air is flying. On the other hand, if we define powered flight as the volitionary motion of a creature through a fluid that is significantly less dense than itself, us swimmers are, after all, denied the consolation that although labouring and breathless, we are flying like mighty dragons from ancient sagas.
I conclude this nonsensical rambling with the thought that thinking definitions through is important and that a little thinking can provide substantial amusement. This post started as a walk-thought as I was observing the motion of a kestrel in flight and was reminded of the motion of a swimmer performing the dolphin/butterfly technique. It was fitting, as in my opinion, dolphin is the most labour-intensive and difficult to master of all swimming techniques. I also made use of my knowledge of physics, that fluids encompass both liquids and gases, to amuse myself with the above thinking.
If one swimmer reads this and is lighter on their 'wings' swimming like a dragon in flight, I have done good:)
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idadragonheart · 5 months
Yessss more Ahriman :3
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Pondering the universe
Just a quick meme redraw with our best nerd boy. xD
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idadragonheart · 5 months
"Dad, I need to show you what I found. You won't believe it" c':
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In the forest, one day.
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idadragonheart · 5 months
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In Sweden, fika (a coffe or tea break with cake or pastries) is a fundamental right of the people. Not fully related, here's a Fikachu.
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idadragonheart · 5 months
Rock climbers must be very good at eating pistachios.
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