idkwhattonameyhis · 2 years
Please this is great continue it 😭🙏🏻(not forcing you though!) 
Pray it away(i swear, ill never be a saint, no way)- Jeff the Killer x reader - P1
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The last of us! inspired fic-based off the infection in the last of us/using that infection cuz i can/its the only one i understand like-at all.
Warning; blood, zombies*, cursing, guns, violence, death.
(y/n) and Jeff are both 17 at the start of the infection. both 27 after the time skip, though i do try to not mention ages so you can place (y/n) at any age, Jeff is 27 tho.
May 13th, 2014. The day the world went to hell.
The day started off normal-you were getting ready for school, making a quick breakfast for you and your siblings as your dad nearly slept through his alarm. You heard your brother slam on his door twice, waking your old man up. “Alarm!” Colin yelled out, chuckling as your dad just let out a loud confused groan.
He quickly jogged down the stairs, stealing your glass of orange juice as he squeeze past you to take his egg burrito. “hey!” you yelped, reaching around and attempting to steal it back, huffing as he just gulped it down. “Jerk, I was drinking that.” He burped, setting the glass in the dishwasher and grabbing one of your chocolate milks, opening it and setting it beside you. “Thanks,” you muttered, he was an asshole-but hey at least he wasn’t a total butthead.
Colin just nodded, downing his burrito and shoving a rice crispy treat in his mouth. “Gotta get to work-see ya (y/n)! don’t drink my soda!” you waved him off and he was out the door, quickly heading to the bus stop that would take him to work.
“wakey wakey eggs and bakey!” you yelled out as your oldest brother, Justin, came slumping out of his room, sniffing as he took his plate of eggs and bacon from you. “No waffles?” he asked with a tired grin, and you shook your head, starting to make your batch of eggs. “no, dad used the last of it on Sunday, and we’re not going grocery shopping till Saturday.” Justin nodded with a hum, sitting down at the breakfast table and pouring syrup on his eggs.
You took your dad's egg sandwich out of the maker and set it aside, starting up his coffee as he came down the stairs, fixing his button-up. “Thanks sweetie,” he muttered, kissing the top of your head as he took his sandwich and finished making his coffee, nodding as you mentioned he would need more English muffins as you broke into the ones from the freezer. “okay, Justin eat up, im taking you to work-(y/n) drive safe, okay?”
You nodded, sliding your eggs onto a plate and buttering your toast, tossing the empty bag of bread into the trash-you had narrowly missed the expiration date so you were happy to have finished it off. “yeah, have a good day!” you called out, locking up as they left and rinsed off all the dishes, collecting your backpack and heading outside to your car-it was a 2001 Oldsmobile-the paint old and the ceiling crumbling; but it got you to school and around town-so you couldn’t complain.
“Hey (y/n)!” you turned, seeing Leon-your neighbor and friend-waving out to you as he started to head out to his school. “you wanna play some Mario kart after school? My place?” you nodded, giving him a thumbs up; laughing as he fist pumped. “wicked-see ya!” and with that-you were off.
School was normal, droning teachers, nosey teenagers, stupidly funny friends, lunch from home; the only thing that concerned you-when you looked back on it-was how your history teacher kept looking at his phone. Looking paler and paler each time he glanced at the screen.
You noticed Jessica was more twitchy than usual, and Kevin-the kid who never got sick-was coughing, a small rash crawling up his neck. He went camping a lot with this dad-so you thought maybe he got into a patch of poison ivy.
When you got out, you heard the roar of jets above you; seeing fighter jets soaring across the sky. You frowned, wondering if there was some sort of show going on, but your brother definitely would’ve tried to have gotten the day off if there was one. You licked your lips, feeling a pit in your gut-telling you something was wrong. You brushed it off, heading towards your car and back to your neighborhood, pulling your car into your driveway and heading over to Leons.
“Hey, Leon’s mom!” you called out as you entered the house-taking off your shoes and resting your bag in the cubby in the hall. She gave you a small smile and bow of her head, turning and going back to what she was doing. You walked into Leon’s room, smacking him harshly on the back as you came up behind him. “(y/n)!” he coughed out, smacking his chest to free his lungs of sudden water, “Dude I was drinking!”
You just laughed, sitting on his bed and grabbing the controller he had set out, leaning back as he turned on the Wii and sat on the floor in front of you. “Notice anything weird at school today?” you asked quietly after a few matches of Mario kart. Leon paused the race and looked up at you, his brows furrowed. “no…why?” he turned, resting his elbows on his knees.
You swallowed, looking down at the controller; fiddling with the buttons. “I dunno…just-I’ve got a bad feeling….it’s probably nothing” you chuckled, gesturing for Leon to resume the game. He slowly nodded and turned back to the tv, resuming the race. To which you won-again~.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, bye!” you yelled to Leon as you left the house, bidding his mother goodbye as well, closing the door behind you and heading back to your house. You looked up at the clock, seeing Justin and dad would be home soon-Colin wasn’t due for another hour or so. You got busy doing homework and some chores, taking a glance at your dads dinner calendar for the week to see what was for dinner that night.
“Lasagna, cool” you muttered, knowing it would take a while to make and everyone would be home and hungry by the time it was ready. You grabbed the box from the freezer and started up the oven, cleaning up your snack dishes and getting on Justin’s ps4 till he got home, messing around in your completed save file of infamous ss.
When 6 rolled around, you got worried-your dad was either home by now-or at had least called to tell you he was on his way home. And Colin hadn’t asked you to come pick him up yet, nor had he texted you he had gotten a ride. That pit in your gut got stronger, your leg started to bounce as you tried to distract yourself with the game.
7 came around. No calls. Something was wrong. The Lasagna had long been done-slowly growing cold in the oven that you had turned off nearly a half hour ago. You licked the inside of your lip, switching from the ps4 to the cable, drawing your legs up as you switched to the news channel.
‘no word from the police about a rise of violent incidents across the city, some speculate it could be a new street drug-more at 9 after we return from break.’
You jumped as your phone went off, and you quickly picked it up, swallowing as Colin’s voice came through the receiver. “(y/n)! are you home?!" you nodded, then realized he couldn’t see that and told him you were. “Good, go into my room-get my gun-“ you froze, what? get his gun?
“Colin what the fuck?” you nearly screeched, gasping as something exploded outside. “What the fuck!?” Colin called your name and told you to lock everything up and get his gun. “Stay inside! Somethings wrong, like-zombie wrong.”
Oh god you felt sick, what the hell was happening?! “(y/n)! make sure everything is locked and get my gun! Now! We’re locked down over here, dad and Justin haven't responded to me at all. Stay safe-don’t get bit.” you dropped your phone as he hung up, stumbling towards his room and grabbing his pistol from his bottom drawer, tears in your eyes as you quickly went around the house-locking all the windows and double-checking the doors.
“What the fuck what the fuck” you whispered repeatedly to yourself, terror piercing your core as jets flew overhead-shaking the house as you heard screams echo from outside. You jumped at the sound of something slamming against your front door, and then it started…whimpering?
You knew that whimper-Krusher! You carefully unlocked the front door, letting the year-old rottweiler-shepherd in, quickly looking around for anyone before closing and locking the door. “hey bud, are you okay?” you asked gently, getting to his level and letting him press into your side,  the young pup shaking and crying-though his protective instincts didn’t leave your back un-guarded. “what's going on buddy?” you asked quietly, flinching as your phone and the tv sounded with a loud alarm. You quickly went back into the den-swallowing harshly as you looked at the message on the tv.
‘nationwide emergency-do not leave your homes. Stay inside. Do not let anyone in. Law enforcement and emergency services are in the area-and will be in contact with further instructions. Repeat; nationwide emergency-‘
“Oh my god,” you whispered, feeling your hands shake as you carefully held Colin’s gun, you double checked to make sure the safety was on and picked up your phone, desperately calling your mom, dad, and brother-none of them answered. “oh-oh please, oh please oh please,” you sobbed, feeling tears trail down your cheeks as Krusher stayed close to you, the hairs on his back raised.
You nearly screamed as your phone rang, seeing it was Cindy-Krushers owner. You quickly picked it up, eyes on the mud-room door that led out to the driveway. “Cindy? What’s going on?” you cried out quietly, crouching down as something echoed from outside-sounding like a gunshot. “I dunno kid-are you home? Is Krusher with you? He jumped the fence and ran off.”
You told her he was, setting the gun down and rubbing his side, his eyes glued to the mud-room door, growling. “He’s-he’s on edge though” you whispered, slowly standing and grabbing the gun again, seeing Cindy walking up your driveway, only living two doors down. “What the hell is happening?”
“Doomsday kid, everything is going to shit-before the alert went off, news was going off about people starting riots, physical attacks with biting n’ all. Zombies it sounds like” you sobbed, getting up to meet Cindy as she stepped up to your front door, knocking on the mud-room door to let her know you were there.
She hung up and quickly jogged over, stepping inside and locking the door behind her, Krusher leaping up to practically hug her as she set her rifle down and rubbed his head. “any word from your dad?” she asked, quickly checking through the house and turning off all the lights, drawing curtains and raiding your dad's supply closet.
You shook your head. “no, nothing from him, or mom, or Justin. Colins the one who called me first-told me to get his gun and stay inside.” Cindy nodded, tossing your dads rain jacket at you, and pointing down the hall towards your room after she finished raiding the main hall closet. “go get dressed, pants, closed-toed shoes, good t-shirt, pack what you can in a good backpack, we have to get out of here.” you stood still for a long moment, flinching as she yelled at you. “go! (y/n)!”
You quickly did as told, Krusher following you into your room. you quickly texted your parents and your brothers that Cindy was packing you up and leaving with you, that you would be safe, and hoped they would be too.
Colin was the only one to text you back. “okay, leave a house key somewhere I’ll be able to find it-don’t pick the place empty. Stay safe, I love you (y/n).” you froze at the end of his message, he had never said that before….fuck this was serious. You quickly texted him back, telling him you loved him too, texting the same to your parents and Justin before shrugging your backpack onto your back and following Cindy outside, leaving the house key in the hanging plant in front of the kitchen window.
Pam, Cindy’s partner, was loading stuff into their truck and a large motor home connected to it, making eye contact with you for a moment and nodding, seeing Krusher at your heels. Cindy went to check on Pam and you slowly followed, eyes on your neighbor's house. They were an old couple, very sweet, and had practically been grandparents, you wondered if they were okay.
Krusher suddenly started growling, and you felt him push against your legs-moving you towards Cindy and Pam. “Krusher?” you asked quietly, turning the safety off on the gun and looking around-seeing nothing Krusher would be guarding you from. “what do you see?”
The hairs on your neck raised and you whirled around-eyes widening as you saw Leon, his eyes hollow and white veins crawling up his face, a bloody bite mark on his upper neck. “Leon?” you whispered, your hands shaking as he groaned and huffed, his head snapping around at the smallest sounds.
Then he saw you, and he started to hobble towards you, snarling growls erupting from his chest. Krusher started to bark, warning him to back off, pushing you back towards Cindy and Pam. “Leon, stop-don’t make me do this-please!” you cried out, lifting the gun and pointing it at your childhood friend, he just broke out in a sprint.
“I’m so sorry!” you sobbed, pulling the trigger and Leon dropped to the ground, his blood beginning to pool in your front yard. “im so sorry,” you whispered out, turning and running to the car as Cindy yelled out for you, ducking as a transformer exploded from the other side of the street. You ducked into the car, panting as you slammed it closed-Pam drove off as people began to flood the streets-all screaming, some covered in blood.
“What the hell happened?” you whispered, curling into your seat as Krusher curled up in your lap, his head on your shoulder as you held him tightly, tears burning your throat. What had happened to your dad? Justin? Mom? Why weren’t they answering their phones?
“Take the surface streets-freeways going to be blocked off by the time we get there, we need to get to somewhere less populated.” Cindy told Pam, turning back to look at you. “buckle up kid, this is going to be a long ride.” you nodded, curling up in your seat and taking off your backpack-stashing away Colin’s gun and holding Krusher close.
-10 years later-
You walked through the abandoned streets of some Georgia city, a rifle in your hands with a heavy pack on your back, Krusher’s son trotting by your side, panting as you made your way around abandoned cars, downed power lines, collapsed building walls, and long-dead infected. Your eyes were trained on the convenience store at the end of the street-its windows unbroken and lights flickering.
“Think there be anything good Cerbs?” you asked your loyal pup, who just huffed, glancing up at you while you spoke. He hadn’t reacted to anything just yet-so you guessed the surrounding area was clear…for now. You never stayed in one place for long anyways. “c’mon, let’s check it out.”
You jumped over a fallen gas station support beam and pulled at the door, nodding to yourself as both doors were locked. “that’s a good sign” you muttered, taking a walk around the back and pulling at the staff only door-that was locked as well. Maybe you would have some luck for once. You went back to the main doors and broke the glass with your rifle, turning on the flashlight clipped to the top and scanning the room as you stepped inside.  “Sniff it out” you whispered down to Cerberus, who immediately went to work, going all the way to the back room and not giving any signs of danger till he hit the door to the basement-which was covered in debris. “Don’t think I’ll be going down there, but thanks bud” you muttered as you scratched his ear, looking around the store.
It wasn’t fully stocked-and most of it had been picked out-but there were things of value left-like some beef jerky that was still within its expiration date. “Score~!” you sang, snagging the bag and taking your bag off to put it inside, leaving it on the floor as you explore the store, finding some dehydrated marshmallows (like the kind in lucky charms), mini cereal cups, a half pack of pads, pretzels, more jerky, and two bags of cookies. The last of which you tossed out since they were waaaaay outta date.
 “oh hell yeah” you muttered as you found a bag of dog treats, ripping it open and tossing one to Cerb, grinning as he happily snatched it out of the air. “good boy,” you got busy packing it away, grinning as you spotted a few rolls of toilet paper that had rolled under one of the racks. “fuck yes.” You snatched them up and packed them away, furrowing your brows as Cerb’s hackles raised and he started to growl at something behind you. You slowly grabbed your bowie knife from your belt, not daring to glance over your shoulder as you saw a shadow begin to stalk up behind you.
But it was too quiet to be an infected, not a clicker either-it was walking too smoothly, no groaning, their breathing almost non-existent. You quickly stood and spun around-screaming at what you saw-it was a dude; tall and pale with a long healed carved smile across his face, his eyes wide and maniac.
You punched him in the face.
He hit the floor, completely crumbling on himself, a small wheezing hiss escaping him before he went limp.
“Whaaaat the fuck,” you muttered, crouching down and pushing the dude's hood out of his face, seeing long raven hair that almost looked brown-his eyes nearly shut and bright blue. Your thumb scratched against his upper cheek, it was both deceptively smooth and rough like leather.
Looked to be around your age too, wearing a filthy white hoodie and a dark denim jacket over it. You slowly looked up as something growled, loud-and big. It was a husky. A big fuck off husky-it’s fur blood red and black, his eyes almost glowing. You swallowed, raising your hands and standing, grabbing your bag and sliding it on, “I’m not gonna kill him, just didn’t expect him.” You whispered to the husky, who just showed his teeth, Cerberus at your side; doing the same.
They were both telling each other/you; leave my human alone, or I will kill you.
You stepped away from the knocked-out dude, and the husky began to relax, stepping closer to his human and soon standing over him as you stepped away, making your way around the aisles and going out the door, not looking back as the husky stared after you and Cerb-sneezing as he looked back down at his human, nosing him in the neck.
The dude woke up with a jerk, pushing away the huskies nose with a groan. “Smile-get-off” He snapped, sitting up and rubbing his face, feeling heat beginning to build up in his eye. “Bitch punched me in the face!”
-end of p1-
....lowkey proud of this-dunno where exactly its gonna go-i have ideas. i never plan shit out-i just write. CHAOS!!!!
uhhhhhhhhh idk who wants to be on taglist other than these two-so
@thetrueghostqueen @sephiralorange
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idkwhattonameyhis · 2 years
Not it being like out since 2021 or something, knowing it’s probably forgotten, yet I’ll still wait😂😭😭
Credits to:
For the fic
Scars That Heal || Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader Series
• Ch. 13: Hells Bells •
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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Attempted domestic r*pe, paragraphs will be marked accordingly for skipping. Safe reading loves 💞 SELF HELP RESOURCES/HOTLINES ARE LOCATED AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER
A/N: now. In a weak attempt at getting you guys to laugh since there’s so much heavy content lately, I wanna give a shout-out to the time me and my family went to see IT for the first time and I was prepared for the bathroom jumpscare scene coming up cause I studied the trailer so that watching my first horror movie in a theater was a little easier. But then my mom yelled “JIMINY CRICKETS!!” in the middle of the crowded theater and everyone laughed and I was next to her having a mini heart attack cause she jumped and grabbed me at the exact same moment pennybitch grabbed Beverly and also she was super loud in my ear ✌
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idkwhattonameyhis · 2 years
Please i need more ppl to write fanfics like this one- i just see HCs😭 I was SO HAPPY when i found this one lmao and i can’t find other fanfics like this- imma scream qjdbwj
Catch Me If You Can
Patrick Hockstetter x Reader
Summary: Y/N finds Patrick running from Pennywise. She notices he is badly hurt and decides to help him out despite the fact that he has always been an asshole to her.
Warnings: Language, fluff, mention of death
Word Count: 1,678
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You made your way to your favorite spot down by the creek. Lighting up a cigarette and cracking open the beer you stole from your step-mothers stash. You had made this place your own. Nobody else ever wanted to come down here, as it was too close to the sewers, but you didn’t mind.
You had built the perfect place to sit, on the left side of the sewage exit so that the water was not contaminated. Your seat sat slightly in the water as you leaned back against a flat rock. The cool water running across the bottom of your legs felt so refreshing in the hot sun. You leaned back and let the sunlight beam down on your face, hoping to gain some color to your pale skin.
School was finally out for the summer and you couldn’t be happier. You were free for three whole months. Though, you didn’t have a lot of friends to spend your time with. You didn’t mind. You liked to spend your days reading and drawing and exploring the town.
Your relaxing moment was quickly disturbed when you heard a scream echo through the the sewage tunnel. “What the fuck…” You whispered to yourself, sliding your sunglasses on top of your head. You put out your cigarette in the dirt and put your beer down beside your bag. Standing up out of the water, you slowly made your way to the tunnel.
“Help!” You heard a voice yell from deep inside the tunnel, but you couldn’t see a thing. You held up your lighter as you took a few steps inside, though it didn’t help much.
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idkwhattonameyhis · 2 years
Well, if i get ideas on Camp Camp fanfics, i will happily make em, and when I’m not too busy with school- So just gotta find myself some ideas for Preston or sum others-
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idkwhattonameyhis · 2 years
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idkwhattonameyhis · 2 years
Does ANYONE know anything about Ray from metal lords?😶
That guy:
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idkwhattonameyhis · 3 years
Rivals | John Laurens
Chapter 1: Captured
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idkwhattonameyhis · 3 years
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idkwhattonameyhis · 3 years
Okay so, my friend’s 11, AND WENT WATCH THE SUICIDE SQUAD WITH ME AT THE CINEMA- HOW SHE GOT IN ACTUALLY IF ITS 13+ 😂😂 but now we can’t go back since she legally cannot get the vaccines and need them to get in the cinema 🥲 she will be 12 soon though lol AND 𝗪𝗜𝗟𝗟 have the vaccines 😂
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idkwhattonameyhis · 3 years
Ayo if i ever have time to(bc school) i’ll may make some The Suicide Squad and maybe Suicide squad fics! And take requests!:) reminder its if i can y’all!
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idkwhattonameyhis · 3 years
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idkwhattonameyhis · 3 years
The fact i just noticed there wasn’t any, and i agree.
the fact that there is no funko pop figure for blackguard is a crime
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idkwhattonameyhis · 3 years
The fact theres not a lot of Blackguard fanfics is disappointing 😒
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idkwhattonameyhis · 3 years
Hello ig lmao?? Well um idk welcome if you see this?? idk what i will do here unless reading but i’ll try to write some stuff to, mostly about ss2 of course lol
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