idontdohappyendingz · 4 months
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Making Fight Scenes Sound Nicer
Euphonics is all about how the words "feel". By incorporating certain sounds, you can influence the mood of the passage.
Mood: Foreboding
use words with 'ow', 'oh', 'ou', 'oo' sonds. These are good for building tension before the fight.
moor, growl, slow, wound, soon, show, show, grow, tow, loom, howl, cower, mound.
Mood: Spooky
use words with 's' sounds, combined with an 'i' sound.
hiss, sizzle, crisp, sister, whisper, sinister, glisten, stick.
Mood: Acute Fear
use word with 'ee/ea' sounds, with a few 's' sounds.
squeal, scream, squeeze, creak, steal, fear, clear, sheer, stream
Mood: Fighting Action
use short words iwth 't', 'p' and 'k' sounds.
cut, block, top, shoot, tackle, trick, kick, grip, grab, grope, punch, drop, pound, poke, cop, chop.
Mood: Speed
use short words with 'r' sounds
run, race, riot, rage, red, roll, rip, hurry, thrust, scurry, ring, crack
Mood: Trouble
use words with 'tr' sounds to signal trouble
trouble, trap, trip, trough, treat, trick, treasure, atroscious, attract, petrol, trance, try, traitor
Mood: Macho Power
If you wan to emphasize the fighters' masculinity, use 'p' sounds.
pole, power, police, cop, pry, pile, post, prong, push, pass, punch, crop, crap, trap, pack, point, part
Mood: Punishment
If your fight involves an element of punishment use 'str' sounds
strict, astride, strike, stripe, stray, strident, stroke, strip, instruct, castrate strive
Mood: Defeat
use 'd' sonds
despari, depressed, dump, dig, dank, damp, darkness, drag, ditch, drop, dead, deep, dark, dull
Mood: Victory
use 'j' and 'ch' sounds
joy, cheer, jubilant, jeer, chuck, chariot, choose, chip, jest, jamboree, jig, jazz, jive, rejoice, rejoin
In print, the effectiveness of such euphonics will be very subtle, and it can only serve as an embellishment to what you already have.
Don't use or replace words for the sake of achieving euphonic effects, but this can be something to keep in mind when you are editing your draft!
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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idontdohappyendingz · 6 months
Character Sheets and character creation →
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When creating a character, there’s a lot of questions you ask yourself. Whether it’s an original character or one you’ve been playing for a long time, using a character sheet to get to know your character better can always be a nice idea. With it’s help, you’ll be able to think about things you didn’t necesarily thought about, and ask some important questions to yourself that might activate your character’s voice, or help you to get your muse back with them. Everyone has their favorite character sheets, some people prefer to have a lot of questions, some others like it a bit more vague, so here’s a masterlist of the character sheets I found on various websites and found quite interesting, plus some other things that could be used to help you see, for example, how other character view yours. 
Blank Character Sheet (+370 Questions)
Abridged Character Sheet (100 Questions)
Big-Ass Character Sheet
Character Creation Form
Character Sheet by Jody Hedlund
Creating a character Bio Sheet
Character Analysis Worksheet
100 Character Development questions for writers
Create a Character Profile
Character Development Worksheet
Original Character Bio-Sheet
Character Chart for Fiction Writers
A Character Chart By Charlotte Dillon
Fiction Writer’s Character Chart
Detailed Character Sheet
Character Sheet Template
Character Twenty-Question Worksheet
In-Depth Character Sheet
Character Worksheet
Character Interview Sheet (First Person)
Background Questionnaire (First Person)
Characters Perceptions (How do other people perceive your character?)
With these sheets, you could also try to find your character’s Jung and Enneagram Type or use the Moral Alignment tool. All of these things can be really useful to get a better grip on a character.
Then, if you’re trying to create a character, and do not have many ideas, or get stuck, I’d suggest for you to roam around TVTropes, which gives you a lot of tropes used for character creation. Maybe you could try to mix a few of these and create an original character?
Or, if you’re a skillful writer and know how to make your character different from another, make a list of characters in fiction you happen to find interesting and why. Try to keep it short. Then, maybe, try to mix and match things from two or three characters, take a character and change their backstory, to see what would change. Play with them to inspire yourself and create something new, original and truly yours.
Oh, and here’s a little guide to Mary-Sues and OCs, just in case you want to make sure your character isn’t going to become a Mary-Sue or a Gary-Stu
And last but not least, this article about building fictional character definitely seemed interesting to me, and is full of many other links that could guide you during the creating of your character and help you file one of these sheets.
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idontdohappyendingz · 8 months
When the World Caved In {S.B.}
[Part Two: Fools and Their Woes]
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A/N: Another part?!? Two days in a row?!?
Warnings: Graphic injuries, depression, angst, mental distress.
Word Count: 1814
“You just need to tell him,” laughed Lily from across the table. The library was practically empty except for the two girls working on Slughorn’s brutal potions essay. Anathema shot a glare in the red head’s general direction.
“Easy for you to say, James has been all over you since he first saw you on the train!” Anathema huffed, slouching over her sparsely done essay, “don’t start copying my paper!”
“Oh no, what ever shall I do without your,” Lily glanced down at her friend’s paper, “seven words.”
“Just shoot me,” Anathema groaned as she realized that the only words there were her name and the title.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Lily winked. A loud crash snatched her focus away. Sirius was sitting on the floor, having apparently fallen over, under a massive tome. He noticed Anathema’s lingering gaze and waved as innocently as he could, with his head tilted to the side and everything.
“For fuck’s sake, Sirius. Are you trying to give me an aneurysm?” Anathema scolded. Lily snorted as he painstakingly lifted the book and walked toward the two of them.
“Why darling, I’m offended that you would think such things of me,” Sirius teased. About 0.5 seconds later, the tome slipped out of his hands and slammed down on the table. Anathema nearly jumped out of her skin.
“Sirius. Black. I swear-”
“Sorry dear!” he cringed. Anathema looked away, hoping that he didn’t notice the blush spreading across her face. But it failed to escape Lily’s hawk-like vision.
“Y’know, Ana, Sirius is way better than I am at potions,” Lily said, her intentions poorly hidden.
“Do you need help with the essay for Slughorn?” Sirius piped up with a zealous grin. Anathema playfully kicked Lily’s shin with a straight face.
“Y-Yeah, actually. Lily is no help, to be completely honest,” Anathema stuttered.
“It’s the one on Amortentia, right?”
“Well, good thing this monster of a book is about…” Sirius scanned the spine, “complex charms…” he bit his lip and slid it toward Lily.
“Ah, yes. Exactly the thing I need for my potions essay,” Anathema joked sarcastically. Sirius barked out a laugh as Lily gathered her supplies.
“I’ll see you two [lovebirds] later,” she winked. Anathema felt her face heat up as Sirius slipped into the seat next to her. When Lily had left, Anathema swallowed a lump in her throat. You could cut the tension with a knife.
“So, uh… what have you written down already?” Sirius asked, shifting awkwardly in his chair. Anathema glanced at her barren parchment before cringing internally.
“Well… do you want the bad news or the worse news?” Ana said meekly.
“Merlin’s beard, Nightshade, are you trying to give me a heart attack as revenge?” he teased. Anathema scrunched her nose at the nickname he had given her. Her animagus was a raven, a form she had apparently inherited from a particular ancestor of hers.
“I’m telling you, Padfoot, ‘Nightshade’ isn’t going to catch on. Not while I’m around,” Anathema said, sticking her tongue out at him.
“How about ‘Inkwing’? Hm, or ‘Darkwing’?” Sirius proposed with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Sirius!” she blurted suddenly.
“Yeah?” he asked, slightly furrowing his brow and letting the smile slip from his face.
“I want to tell you some-”
“PADFOOOOOOOOOOOT!” bellowed James as he ran past the library door closely followed by none other than Peeves the Poltergeist.
“Prongs…” Sirius groaned. He peered back at Anathema, who was trying her hardest to hide the disappointment on her face.
“Go, Sirius,” she reassured him, “I’ll be here when you get back.” He smiled softly and stumbled over a chair.
“Oh! Before I forget or lose the courage,” he mumbled as he came closer. He swiftly lifted Anathema's chin with his left hand and gently pressed his lips to her forehead. Her eyes fluttered shut automatically.
“Oh le Faaaaaaaaay,” Bellatrix’s shrill voice shredded through Anathema’s peace of mind. She peeled her eyes open and saw Rosier unroll a canvas. Whatever it was, its individual pieces clinked against each other. Anathema tried to summon a witty response, but her mind was too clouded and her mouth refused to move.
“Come on, Annie! No clever words to utter today?” Bellatrix said, jabbing at Anathema’s will. Her body was already battered with old cuts and bruises from the many days that had passed, and she just hoped she would pass out sooner this time.
“How embarrassing,” Bellatrix boasted, as if Anathema had already given in, “Rosier, would you be a dear and hand me the size 11?” He rolled his eyes and grabbed the sharpened scalpel. The pointed steel reflected the bright light hovering above the three of them. Bellatrix had relished the idea that if witches and wizards loved muggles so much, then they definitely wouldn’t mind if they used muggle methods to get their captives to talk. That day seemed to be scalpel day. Rosier sat down in the corner and leaned forward eagerly.
“Wait, wait, Rosier. We must always ask her before we begin,” Bellatrix's wild eyes flashed violently, “Who is the Potters’ secret keeper, Annie?” As much as she would hate to admit it, Anathema hesitated. Bellatrix’s smile became impossibly wide.
“Is she finally ready to talk?” Rosier asked, not even trying to hide his amazement. Bellatrix gently laid the blade on the small nightstand next to her.
“Go on, le Fay. Spit it out,” Rosier chuckled darkly. Bellatrix waved him off.
“S-S-S-” she coughed.
“Get her some water, Rosier!” Bellatrix shouted. He ran out of the room and shouted down the hall. Footsteps shuffled behind her until Rosier reappeared with a glass of water. He begrudgingly raised it to her cracked lips once Bellatrix backed up. Anathema gulped down the water, savoring the refreshing feeling in her throat.
“That’s enough,” Bellatrix clicked her tongue. Anathema almost cried when he pulled the glass back.
“Annie. Who is it?”
“S-” Anathema retched. Bellatrix leered over her, desperate to catch every utterance. Anathema’s eyes hardened with fury.
“See you in Hell,” she managed to whisper with a faint smirk. Anathema heard the slap before she felt the fire burning across her skin.
“You good-for-nothing BLOOD TRAITOR!” Bellatrix hollered. The unhinged witch grabbed the scalpel and thrust it into Anathema’s abdomen. Her screams would have made Voldemort weep. Bellatrix cackled maniacally as she twisted the blade and shoved it deeper.
“Bellatrix!” Rosier shouted, “you can’t just kill her!”
“Shut up, Rosier!” Bellatrix countered, her eyes never leaving Anathema’s, “I’ll let her cling to the edge of death and bring her back over and over again until she begs me to kill her.” Anathema barely registered Bellatrix’s words, her agony all-encompassing. It wasn't long until she lost her grip on consciousness, the only sign of life left was her dull heartbeat.
When he finally awoke, Sirius struggled to see clearly, for his bleary eyes were still crusted with sleep. His forlorn gaze swept across the wrinkled covers, Anathema’s empty side was glaringly apparent in the afternoon sun. Sirius sighed and slowly forced himself out of bed, his only true motivation being the hope that her name wouldn’t be listed among the mounting list of casualties in the Daily Prophet.
Perhaps that wouldn’t be such a bad thing, Sirius thought reluctantly, at least she won’t be in pain… Sirius cursed aloud. How dare he even entertain such an idea. The solitude must have been getting to him.
By the time his kettle had whistled the anticipation of that wiry owl’s daily delivery had eaten him alive. Sirius took a generous sip from Anathema’s favorite mug and swirled the sweetened tea over his tongue before swallowing, the liquid burning his dry throat. He imagined James sitting down on his sagging gray couch, head in his hands. Lily would most likely be tucked into his side, drifting off to sleep while baby Harry caught some Z’s like tiny golden snitches. Sirius thought about how James had fought Dumbledore when he suggested using the Fidelius Charm and sending them into hiding. James was a fiery spirit, he wanted to fight but he had to protect his growing family. The only thing he could do was wait.
Impatient taps on the kitchen window brought Sirius back to reality. A scrawny barn owl perched upon Anathema’s ledge planter, the soil had been dry and devoid of life since she had disappeared.
“You ruddy owl!” Sirius exclaimed as he swung open the glass pane, “you’re going to shatter the bloody window at that rate!” The owl glared at him, its piercing yellow eyes were only mildly unsettling. Sirius huffed and untied the Daily Prophet from its leg. The owl squawked angrily once Sirius set the paper down on the tile countertop.
“I swear on Merlin’s beard! I’m going to pluck every one of your dodgy feathers and stuff me a pillow,” Sirius threatened.
“Are you yelling at… an owl, Padfoot?” a familiar voice called from behind him. Sirius nearly died at the sound of his old friend.
“Moony, you tosser! Nearly gave me a heart attack,” Sirius grumbled. He absentmindedly assessed Remus as he slipped a sickle into the owl’s leather pouch. Remus was sporting a new collection of newly healed scars across his pale face, though he seemed determined to hide them with his scraggly hair. He leaned against the door frame, heavily favoring his left leg, and strangely opted to keep his rather cumbersome overcoat on despite the obvious perspiration prickling his browline.
“You look like you’ve just seen a ghost, Pads,” Remus commented, his voice quavering. His face betrayed him, Sirius instantly knew that something was wrong.
“What’s happened?” Sirius interrogated as he swallowed a lump in his throat. The mutual distrust was bad enough, but the one thing Sirius would never tolerate was lies by omission, emotions be damned.
“Did Dumbledore not-. Uh, you should really read the paper before-”
“What?” Sirius interrupted, “what’s the paper got to do with…” he trailed off. His blood ran cold as the pieces slowly clicked together. Sirius’ hands trembled as Remus approached him.
“Pads…” he whispered.
“No. NO. It’s not possible,” Sirius argued, biting back a sob. Remus gently lifted the slightly wrinkled newspaper from the counter and flipped through the various stories until he came to the section dreaded reading every day.
“October 17th, 1981-” Remus started.
“The Ministry of Magic has confirmed 17 deaths-”
“Abigail Presley (40), Jonathan Meynard (64)-”
“Please…” Sirius cried softly.
“And… Anathema le Fay (21),” Remus mouthed, the air stolen from his lungs.
“Annie…” Sirius sobbed, “tell me it’s not true, Remus! She-she can’t be gone.” Sirius crumpled against the cupboards, sobs wracking his body. Remus lowered his head in shame, unable to watch his friend suffer as Sirius’ wails of agony echoed through the cold, empty flat
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idontdohappyendingz · 8 months
When the World Caved In [Masterlist]
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Summary: Anathema le Fay, a Half-Blood child in a Pureblood/Elitist family, fiercely loyal Ravenclaw, and unofficial fifth Marauder. She was Sirius Black's close friend turned fiance. After the Potters go into hiding, Sirius and Anathema take on more than they can handle. But when Anathema doesn't return from her last mission, Sirius expects the worst. Follow her journey from her early days at Hogwarts to the First Wizarding War (and beyond?).
Part One: Jesters in Their Own Right
Part Two: Fools and Their Woes
Part Three: TBD
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idontdohappyendingz · 8 months
When the World Caved In {S.B.}
[Part One: Jesters in Their Own Right]
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A/N: Hi, y'all! It's been a minute, I know. This is a new series with Sirius Black x OC! Anathema le Fay (face claim is Liv Tyler). Enjoy!
Warnings: Injuries, Mental distress, depression, not beta-read.
Word Count: 1095
“Anathema le Fay!” bellowed Professor McGonagall from down the hall, her straight black hair fraying from her usually tame bun. Anathema, always the quick thinker, dove behind the statue on her left and held her breath. She sincerely felt awful for placing that stink bomb under the professor’s table but their reactions were priceless. Anathema had bolted as soon as Professor McGonagall made eye contact with her. She just hoped the boys had escaped unscathed. The dauntless Ravenclaw peeked out from her hiding place and rested her hands gently on the rough stone pedestal.
“Miss me, princess?” a low voice teased. Anathema tensed and whipped around, almost punching the notorious troublemaker in the nose. She somehow was able to pull back a mere centimeters from his face.
“Sirius!” Anathema screeched in surprise.
“Merlin, Annie! Keep your voice down, you’re going to give us away!” Sirius whispered with a smirk. Anathema crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes.
“Oh fuck off,” she chided. Sirius chuckled softly and pulled her in close. Anathema hid a smile in his robes as she squeezed back. She loved the feeling of his arms around her. It felt like home.
“Siri?” Anathema asked softly, her violet irises meeting his gray eyes, as courage surged through her veins.
“Yes, Annie?” he said quizzically.
“Wait, quiet. We have to get out of here before Minnie comes back,” he winked, an award winning smile across his cheeks as he led her into the darkness.
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Anathema let out a shuddering breath, her teeth clenching.
“Come on, le Fay. We both know that you won’t last very much longer,” the looming Death Eater taunted. He leaned in next to her ear and whispered, “they’re not coming to save you. It’s only a matter of time,” his raspy voice echoed in her head. She grit her teeth and repeated her mantra aloud.
“My name is Anathema le Fay. I was sorted into Ravenclaw in 1971. I finished Hogwarts in 1978 and I have nothing to say. My name is Anathema le Fay. I was sorted into Ravenclaw in 1971. I finished Hogwarts in 1978 and I have nothing to-”
“Oh, bite your tongue!” he yelled, “Just tell us who the Potters’ secret keeper is, and this will all end,” he promised. Anathema suppressed a sob as thousands of scenarios ran through her head.
“No,” she shuddered, her throat dry and scratchy from how much she had screamed already. How long had she been there? A few days? A week? Where were they?
“Oh dear, it seems that you’ve forced my hand. Again,” the man said, the unmistakable zeal laced in his voice didn’t escape her.
“Do your worst,” Anathema challenged as she spit on his shoe. He grabbed her neck and forced her to look at him, a mangled grin sat crookedly on his shabby face. Anathema struggled against the ropes tethering her to the old dining room chair.
“Oh, Rosier,” a sickeningly sweet feminine voice from behind Anathema, “that’s no way to treat our guest.” Rosier’s eyes flicked up and a muddled expression spread across his features. She couldn’t tell if he was disappointed or excited. He backed away, his eyes still transfixed on the woman who had entered. The sound of a long robe slithering across the floor grew near as the clicks of some frighteningly distinct heeled boots struck the cracked tile.
“Bellatrix Lestrange,” Anathema spat as soon as the vile woman came into view.
“The one and only,” Bellatrix cackled. She raised her arm to touch Anathema’s face and, much to Bellatrix’s delight, her captive instinctively flinched. Something cold and metallic nipped her cheek, followed by a trail of blood. Bellatrix tsked disapprovingly as she pulled the ornate dagger away.
“Jumpy, now. Aren’t we?” she jeered delightfully, “undo her restraints, Rosier.” The other Death Eater eyed Anathema uneasily, but waved his wand with a flick of his wrist. The ropes receded, leaving raw and painful burns behind. Anathema seethed silently as her skin bled. As much as she wanted to strangle the woman before her, Anathema found herself unable to move, as if her limbs were filled with lead.
“Now,” Bellatrix continued, “the real fun begins.”
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Sirius Black thought he knew what it was like to feel paranoid. But nothing compared to those past few days. Remus was acting strange, Peter kept disappearing, James and Lily were in hiding, and Anathema had yet to return from her last mission. Sirius had hounded Dumbledore for answers only for the headmaster to brush him off, insisting that he give Anathema more time. Aside from himself and Dumbledore, nobody outside of the Potter’s knew that Peter was the secret keeper. Sirius would worry himself sick, knowing that if they got her… she wouldn’t get out alive. Anathema was strong-willed and he knew that nothing would break her.
It had been four days. Four days of no contact, no answers, no Anathema. Sirius wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold on before he snapped.
The living room was dimly lit leaving an eerie sense of gloom in its wake. Sirius sat on the sofa Anathema had enthusiastically brought back to the flat the day after they moved in. She could not believe that someone had been so eager to rid themselves of a perfectly good piece of furniture. Sirius cracked a smile and tried to ignore the spring digging into his arse.
“Annie… where are you?” he whispered to himself. He waited in silence as the sun sank behind the nearby buildings. Sirius knew it was absurd to expect something to happen. But deep down, he pleaded that she would apparate in front of him and call him an imbecile for being so worried. He wanted her to be okay, to run her fingers through his hair and kiss away his fears. Sirius let out a shuddering breath and dragged himself to the master bedroom. He twisted the silver ring Anathema had gifted him for his sixteenth birthday. She had gotten it especially made for him from one of her father’s muggle friends. Sirius ran his finger over the Latin engraving, Vivamus, moriendum est.
“‘Let us live, since we must die,’” she had explained. Anathema was never one to shy away from the dark and morbid. But Sirius thought it was beautiful. He slipped it off his left ring finger and set it onto the nightstand. Sirius let his gaze blur with involuntary tears as he stared at the ceiling.
He drifted off into a dreamless sleep that night.
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idontdohappyendingz · 8 months
I'm Back (?)
So. It's been a while.
I've recently been working on a new Sirius Black X Reader series and have a few parts queued. At this point, I'm unsure if I will continue the "Little Miss Veela" series, as I kind of forgot where I would go with it. Let me know if you want more of that series! I guess you could say I will be semi-active going forward, posting when I have something lol.
(also changed my username from spooktheeditor)
Check out my updated Masterlist
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idontdohappyendingz · 10 months
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22K notes · View notes
Golden Poppies
The poppies breathe like fire on the hillside
Untouched with pristine petals
Golden buds and sunset meadows
Bloom thy beauty
And burn thy shadows
Until the poppies die like fire on the hillside.
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idontdohappyendingz · 2 years
The Insatiable Thirst For Knowledge
The insatiable thirst for knowledge plagues my very being.
I crave the sweet dopamine of discovery
The intoxicating serotonin of science
The hazy details of history
The clarifying digs of Cairo
The grand temples of Greece
The tattered ruins of Rome
The enigmatic poets of England
The anthropological sites of America
I wish to know everything. 
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idontdohappyendingz · 3 years
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the witcher + text posts (1/?)
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idontdohappyendingz · 3 years
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halloween screensaver/lockscreen ♡ like or reblog if you take it.
@bureaudart prettysongbird on instagram
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idontdohappyendingz · 3 years
Little Miss Veela Masterlist
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Part One
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idontdohappyendingz · 3 years
Little Miss Veela - Part One
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Sirius Black x OC! Violet Mori
warnings- language, typos, not beta read (I think that’s it)
a/n: Hey guys! Welcome to my first fan fiction EVER. I’m so excited to show y’all some of the things I can do! Enjoy ;-)
She woke up in a cold sweat, her nightmare lingering in the back of her mind. Heart racing and blood pounding, she struggled to calm her breathing. 
“Fuckin’ hell,” Violet Mori cursed as she wiped the moisture from her brow. 
“Are you okay?” She heard Lily Evans whisper from the next bed over. 
“Fine, just another nightmare,” she responded, throwing back her covers and swinging her legs to the side of her cot. 
“Vi, that’s the third one this week,” Lily reminded her. She rose from her bed to walk over, the wooden planks cold under her bare feet. Lily sat beside her best friend and wrapped an arm around Violet’s shoulder. 
“Was it the same as the others?” Lily asked. 
“Not quite, I survived this time.”
“Then what happened?”
“They tortured me…”
“Oh, Violet,” Lily enveloped her in a hug as Violet sputtered out a sob, “you’re safe with me. I’m right here,” Lily rubbed her back. Violet’s body shuddered as she broke down in Lily’s arms. 
“Lily? Vi?” They heard Marlene McKinnon say, her voice low and raspy. 
“Are you guys okay?” Mary MacDonald asked from across the room.
“I’m fine,” Violet reassured her friends. 
“Are you good on your potion? ‘Cause you are looking a little weird,” Dorcas Meadows added as she rustled through her nightstand, looking for any traces of the suppressive potion. Violet took it to hide from the fact that she was… different. So noticeably so that the doctors at St. Mungo’s prescribed her this certain concoction to keep her safe from the reactions of her fellow peers. 
“I hate being a Veela,” Violet groaned while getting dressed later that same day, running a hand through her dyed black hair. Marlene looked over sympathetically at her in the mirror as she ran the brush through her sandy blonde hair. Her blue eyes met the purple orbs of Violet, who froze in place. Marlene smiled, which relaxed the other girl significantly. 
“Has it kicked in yet?” Violet asked her dorm mates as she finished buttoning up her shirt. 
“Yes,” Dorcas said, “are we ready, ladies?” With a nod from each girl, the Gryffindors exited their room at made their way to the Common Room. 
“Morning Lily,” James Potter greeted as they entered the room. Lily’s cheeks flushed instantly and she quickly turned away and hurried out of the tower. 
“James,” Violet began, catching his attention, “is Remus up yet?” James nodded as he stared longingly in the direction of where Lily was headed. 
“Meet you in the Great Hall?” Marlene asked Violet. She gave the other girls a thumbs up as she explained why she had to wait. 
“Remus missed class yesterday and he asked if I could take his notes.”
“I really don’t get why he asked you,” James huffed, “I’m perfectly capable.” 
“Except nobody can read you chicken scratch, Prongs!” Sirius Black yelled from the top of the boy’s staircase. He was stumbling around, struggling to pull his tie tight as he went down the steps. 
“Let me,” Violet grabbed him by the tie, their faces dangerously close. Vi tried her best to avoid eye contact, her fingers fumbling with the fabric in her hands. If his eyes were lasers, Sirius would reckon that Violet would have two very large holes in her head from his shameless stare. After Violet finished fixing his tie, she took a few steps back, pretending to admire her work. 
“Not bad, Black,” she winked and handed Sirius the extra set of notes, “do you mind giving these to Remus?” Sirius nodded as she walked off toward the exit. The painting closed with a moderately loud thud after which James started laughing. 
“What’s so funny?” Sirius asked as he felt the color in his cheeks subside. He shot James a glare as Remus Lupin joined them, with a questioning look on his face. 
“Moony! Moony, Pads nearly fainted ‘cause Violet fixed his tie! You shoulda seen it! His knees were about to buckle! If only he knew-.” James wheezed between laughs, choking on his own giggles. Remus smiled at Sirius and tsked in James’ general direction. 
“Sirius, you really should just ask her on a date, what’s the worst that could happen? She says no?”
“Quite the opposite. She could say yes…” Sirius trailed off, instinctively loosening his tie, “fuck, she’s going to kill me.” Sirius groaned as he facepalmed. 
Violet was sitting in her Potions class when Sirius next saw her. Professor Slughorn was shuffling around the classroom, searching for the final ingredient to the potion he was brewing at the time. 
“Hey, Vi,” he said as he slid into the seat next to her. 
“Sirius,” she responded as she concentrated harder on the potion they were to begin that day. She gasped audibly, causing Sirius to inspect the recipe in front of her. 
“It doesn’t look that complicated, it just needs to brew for 24 hours under constant supervision. What’s the big deal?” He asked, ignoring the obvious horror plastered across her face. 
“Children! Please take your seats, we will beginning a new potion group project that will last until tomorrow. Your partners are your table buddies, the instructions are on the parchment in front of you and the ingredients are up here. Good luck!” Slughorn said as he sat down at his desk. Sirius memorized the items they needed and leaned over to Violet. 
“Guess we’re partners,” he said with a smile. Violet’s eyes had not left the parchment, even as he nudged her. 
“O-oh, sorry. Guess it was a bit intimidating, my bad. I’ll grab the measurement instruments.”
“‘Kay, I’ve got the ingredients,” Sirius said as he walked away, keeping an eye on her clammy appearance. After gathering the ingredients, Sirius glanced at the recipe once again. They were continuing with their lesson on suppressive brews, this week was that of Veelas. He shrugged it off and began laying out the items. Violet took in a deep breath and reassured herself that this was a coincidence, not some vile prank being pulled on her. She ran a hand through her long black locks and shuffled back towards Sirius. 
The potion was looking and smelling off. Many other groups around them noticed and Lily, worried for her friend, alerted Professor Slughorn. 
“My goodness, what have we here? It seems like Mr. Black and Ms. Mori have created the exact opposite of the assignment, which reveals a Veela,” Slughorn scratched his chin, “how curious, your instructions seem to have been altered…” before he could finish, their cauldron glowed a bright, electric blue. A puff of smoke rose from the silver liquid. Violet’s eyes went wide as she tried to distance herself. However, she tripped over her bag and was caught by Sirius. She watched in horror as he saw her hair change from black to bleach-blonde and her skin was drained of all color, leaving her paler than normal. 
“Violet?” Sirius breathed, he had become completely encompassed in her inadvertent spell that he forgot that he was holding her. She wriggled in his grasp, but his grip was firm. 
“Sirius,” she cried, “Sirius, you’re hurting me!” Sirius finally snapped out of it and retracted his arms from her body. Her eyes were a crystal blue, each pigment mesmerizing in its own right. Tears interrupted his train of thought as they gathered in the corner of her eyes. 
“Vi-.” He began. She brushed past him and ran out of the room as the stares of her classmates followed her. 
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idontdohappyendingz · 3 years
First Fan Fiction on its Way!
I’m writing my first ever fan fic! It is a Sirius Black x OC! Violet Mori. Here’s a mini summary. 
Violet Mori had a secret. It wasn’t life threatening, but it would change the way everyone at Hogwarts views her. When a mix-up occurs in their Potions class, Violet is revealed and Sirius struggles to accept her for who she is and causes a rift between the two friends. Sirius finds it difficult to decipher his true feelings from those forced upon him, only to realize that they are one in the same. But it’s too late...
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idontdohappyendingz · 4 years
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idontdohappyendingz · 4 years
What’s a video that lives rent free in your head?
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idontdohappyendingz · 4 years
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