imbluedabadeedabadi · 5 months
The Sandman + The Good Place quotes
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Meme masterpost
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 6 months
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martin’s dialogue is from MAG 138: The Architecture of Fear
this is definitely 100% what happened prove me wrong jonny
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 6 months
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Hello, I cannot stop thinking about how Jon's face must have looked when Martin said, "I really loved you, you know?"
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 8 months
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 9 months
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her pronouns are HE/HIM
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 10 months
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Adam Driver/Kylo Ren Tumblr will you take these sketches as my application to be a Fanartist for you all now?
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 10 months
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Ahsoka Tano 💫
Finally finished this piece, I love drawing this character so much
Reminder that you can request art in my asks!
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 10 months
The meaning of Aziraphale’s name
Angel names in Judeo-Christian angelology all mean something in Hebrew. Gabriel means “God is my might”; Michael means “who is like God?”; Uriel means “God is my light”; Raphael could mean either “God healed” or (as an imperative) “God, heal!” I’m not completely sure that Gaiman and Pratchett intended for the name Aziraphale to mean anything in particular in Hebrew, but because I’m obsessive, I wanted to figure something out. People who know more Hebrew than I do are welcome to make corrections or suggestions.
I think Neil Gaiman said in an interview at some point that the original spelling was Aziraphael, in keeping with the typical -el ending of angel names. If that’s the correct spelling, then the name might be a strange way of saying “God, my strength, healed” or “God, my strength, heal!” Or it might contain the name Raphael as a part, meaning “Raphael is my strength.” I don’t really buy the recent fanon proposal that Crowley was Raphael before his fall, because all the angel lore, including the Book of Tobit, has Raphael as an angel long after Lucifer’s rebellion would have taken place (in Paradise Lost, Raphael is the one who tells the story to Adam). But if we do go in for that bit of fanon, then we can imagine a scenario like the one at the beginning of this fic, in which our two heroes were in love in Heaven before the Fall and Aziraphael (who we assume ranked lower) had a different name to start with but took the name “Raphael is my strength.”
But there are other interesting translation possibilities if we take the current spelling to indicate that the name has 4 syllables rather than 5 (i.e., there’s no extra aleph between the pheh and the lamed). I’m not aware of a Hebrew root rap[h]al, so that means we’d need to break the name up into Azir - aphel or Azir(a) - phel. As noted in this wonderful post, in which someone wrote a letter from “Crawly” to Azirapil in Akkadian cuneiform (!!), the “Azir” part can be derived from a Hebrew root and mean “helper, one who helps.” That speculative translation continues:
The second element appears to be āpilu, literally “the one who answers,” but also used to mean “the one who dissents, the one who talks back.”  Thus, together, the name would mean “the one who helps the dissenter.”
Which is very cool, but I wasn’t sure whether there was any Hebrew equivalent, so I went looking for the meaning of a Hebrew root ‘ap[h]al. The first thing I found was this article called “The Sin and Danger of Presumption,” which I immediately knew was a Christian thing because Christians get way more worked up about presumption than Jews do. Anyway, here’s the relevant bit:
apal - presume. (So ASV, RSV; NASB, “to be heedless.”) - This root, to which we may compare Arabic gafala “to be heedless, neglectful, inadvertent,” is found in only one OT passage, Num 14:44 (Hiphil), of Israel’s rash and reckless attack on the Amalekites and Canaanites, following her lack of faith and great rebellion. There are some authorities who suggest that the Pual of apal in Hab 2:4 may be from the same root, “to presume, be proud.”
Whoa this is getting super long. The rest is under a cut.
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 10 months
Why Catra Makes Me Cry
When Adora first left the Horde she told Catra she was leaving because the Horde was evil, did monstrous things to innocent people, and had been lying to them the whole time. And Catra responded, “what, you didn’t know?”.
And there’s so much to unpack there, but what really killed me was when I thought about why that was. Why was Catra so cynical when Adora bought the propaganda?
It’s because of how they were raised. Shadowweaver raised both of them abusively, but they got different flavors of abuse. Adora was the Golden Child and Catra was the Scapegoat. They were both abused, but Catra caught the brunt of the most violent abuse. She knew the Horde hurt innocent people because she was one of them.
And that puts a whole new twist on how angry Catra was when Adora wanted to leave. When Adora said “what the Horde is doing is wrong and we should leave because of it”, Catra’s response wasn’t really “you’re just learning the Horde hurts innocent people now?” it was, “it wasn’t enough to make you leave when they hurt me?”.
That’s why she’s so angry. From her perspective, Adora was willing to leave the Horde because of what they did to these random people they’d never met before. But she’d never offered to do the same for her.
Catra refused to go with Adora because, just by asking, she broke her heart.
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 10 months
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Neil Gaiman regularly re-casts actors he likes working with between Sandman and Good Omens.
Neil likes Ferdie! As you can see from how often they like each other's tweets and as he said in this interview about casting Hob Gadling.
Ferdie looks like Jesus in standard iconography! Like I know some people want an unexpected person to play Jesus BUT, for my money, the laugh moment is when Jesus steps out of the silver plane surrounded by Secret Service - so he has to be INSTANTLY recognizable as Jesus iconographically, ie, it's going to be a guy with brown hair and a beard.
Ferdie has played Jesus. This is just the sort of thing you can easily imagine in a cast interview, "Actually, this is my second time playing Jesus!"
Ferdie has been in Doctor Who. An absolute boat-load of actors who were in Doctor Who were also in Good Omens, there's a very Doctor Who sensibility in S2 to the point where it was almost distracting, because clearly they're drawing from the same talent pool and sensibility. Honestly, predicting Good Omens S2 would be structured with a Doctor Who sensibility (hapless mortals jaunting through historical adventures at the whim of quirky immortals) would have probably gotten you closer to the reality of what the season would be than any other prediction.
All I'm saying is, y'all can fan-cast A-List mega star Hollywood actors all you want in your S3 predictions, but Ferdie is the one I'd put my money on even as it is a major long-shot this far out, because he matches all the cross-sections of the sort of people who do end up getting cast in works based on Neil Gaiman's IP.
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 10 months
My brother needs rent money, he’ll draw most non nsfw things, if you’re looking for an artist to commission maybe give him a look?
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Link to his Twitter/X Page: https://twitter.com/r4mdisk/status/1682564178505080832?s=46&t=b3BJrW5_ulmEEYdIi1oyxA
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His Instagram:
It would really help him out if you could reblog or share his posts on either website! He also has a tumblr, although he doesn’t really use it @r4mdisk !!
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 10 months
Someone: Hey
Me: Do Hob’s teeth reset to how they were back in 1389? Does he get his gnarly medieval teeth whitened? If they get knocked out do they just grow back? How many does he even have left, if he was in his 30s when he stopped aging he could have lost so many already?! How much dental surgery has this poor man EXPERIENCED
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 10 months
i don't know if tumblr has seen this yet but this is honest to god my favorite video
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 10 months
We’re still out here!
Can we all get back in tma again? I miss Jon and Martin….
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 11 months
👀👀👀👀maybe on to somethkngbfr
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 11 months
every time ballister is on screen he looks like this
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imbluedabadeedabadi · 11 months
I probably should have started doing this forever ago but I wasn’t sure how long I was gonna stick with drawing these comics. But I guess we’re in it now! This will be continually updated~ EVERYTHING UNDER THE CUT
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