immapandarawr · 5 years
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The Legend of Pokemon by David Pilatowsky
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immapandarawr · 5 years
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Colored! Not sure I like the colors. Trying to shade with colored pencils and it was a fail. But I’m going to keep learning and trying!
Drawing is based on a tutorial done by Mark Crilley on youtube on how to draw manga characters.
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immapandarawr · 5 years
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Followed a Mark Crilley tutorial on how to draw manga. Still trying to learn the basics. I’m so happy with this! It was insanely easy to follow. I hardly had to correct any lines and was able to change some things to fit my own preferences easily. I like it so much I’m afraid to add shading or color. Think I may just keep it inked! If you’re interested in learning to draw manga or characters in general I highly suggest checking out Mark’s YouTube videos!
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immapandarawr · 5 years
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Late night motivation to keep drawing and keep practicing! I was feeling discouraged until I came across this quote and felt inspired to draw again. It reminded me it’s okay to suck. It’s just one step closer to getting better. Recently decided to start drawing more. But not just draw, actually learn real techniques. I still cannot translate my ideas onto paper.
I used a reference for this but didn’t trace which I never do. I can draw by looking at something. But if it comes out of my head it looks like potato mush... You can find the reference at the end of this post.
Took me 2 and a half hours to pencil and line this. Crazy! First lesson learned, art takes time. I had to redo and erase and adjust and erase some more to get it looking just right. Every time I drew a new part I realized it didn’t match to what I drew earlier. So I’d have to go back and fix everything. Finn was especially hard. His body always seemed to end up too squat or long or fat. Ugh. I used to be good at this. And I still messed up in multiple areas lol. Second lesson learned, sometimes it’s best to just go with the imperfections. The reference is based on a sticker you can purchase. I kept the outline because I thought it looked cool. Added the quote which came from the show. The lettering is my own. One thing I’m decent (lol) at. The quote really resonates with me as I struggle to get back into art.
Next step I tried the burnishing technique using colored pencils for the first time. I think there was some success and some failures. I realized real quick, as my third lesson, sharpie liners and colored pencils don’t always mix. So there were some blending issues. And I messed up on the color of the backpack Oh well! Fourth take away was the importance of layering colored pencils. Now that I know this technique I can’t help but look at all my old drawings with disdain lol. I hope to keep improving. I’ve always loved drawing but I could never draw what I had in my head. Wonder if anyone else is stuck like that. I have so many ideas but the complete inability to translate them into paper.
Well it won’t let me add the reference. Just go to amazon and search Finn and Jake. You’ll see the car decal sticker lol that’s what I used.
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immapandarawr · 8 years
flesh, blood & bone
James: *proudly* Our boy is about to become the youngest wizard to win the Triwizard Tournament
Lily: Thank heavens this stupid thing finally ends.
*Surprise! the cup is a portkey*
James: What the fuck?
Lily: Are they at a graveyard?
James: This is not good, oh this is so not good.
Lily: Someone’s coming.
James: *sneering* Is that Wormtail? What the hell is he holding?
Lily: Something bad, Harry’s holding his scar. He looks like he’s in so much pain.
*Kill the spare*
James: Wormtail NO
*Cedric hits the floor and he wakes up to Lily and James staring at him*
Cedric: You- But- Harry?
James: No Cedric I am Harry’s father, we are so-
Lily: We are sorry Cedric
Cedric: I- it’s- there’s nothing to do,*smiling slightly* it was my time I guess.
James: No, it wasn’t! That rat will come here and I will make him pay for all the things he did
Cedric: By the way it’s an honour sir, ma’am.
Lily: Please call us by our names this is my husband Jam-
Cedric: *smiling* I know who you are ma’am.
Lily: Okay, no, you beautiful boy. I’m gonna haunt Peter for doing this to you. *tears in her eyes* I am very genuinely sorry that you had to come here so early Cedric.
Cedric: You really don’t have to. Sir, I was wondering if you know what that man is carrying? Harry had a fit when he saw it.
James: I– I am guessing it’s what remains of Voldemort.
*Cedric shivers*
James: No need to be afraid of him in the afterlife buddy.
Lily: What is the rat going to do? Boil him?
James: I haven’t got the faintest idea
*Wormtail puts Voldemort in the cauldron*
Cedric: It looks disgusting but I think he’s gonna do a potion to make him better, I- ugh.
“Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son!” 
Lily: No! NO! Peter please!
Cedric: *shocked* You know him?!
James: He was my best friend, the one who betrayed us.
“Flesh — of the servant — w-willingly given — you will — revive — your master.” 
James: Fuck you and you bloody master, Wormtail!
Lily: Please let him bleed to death, please
“B-blood of the enemy … forcibly taken … you will … resurrect your foe.” 
James: Don’t you daRE TOUCH HIM
Cedric: *whispering* Voldemort is coming again, isn’t he?
Lily: *crying* Yes dear, he’s coming back to finish the job
*Lord Voldemort is back*
James: He’s even scarier than the last time I saw him
Lily: He’s gonna kill him, this can’t be happening.
James: I have a feeling about this Lils, let’s just wait for a while before we panic.
Lily: *shouting* He killed Cedric without a second’s thought!
James: *scolding* Evans!
Lily: *turns to Cedric* I- I’m sorry.
*Voldemort talks to the Death Eaters, tortures them for not returning. Finally he demands Wormtail to untie Harry and give him his wand back*
Lily: He wants to duel Harry?
James: Completely out of his mind, I tell you. Not that I’m complaining.
Cedric: Summon the cup Harry come on.
James: His leg is injured, he is barely standing he wouldn’t risk it.
Cedric: Oh, yeah you’re right sir
James: For the love of Merlin, stop calling me sir. Please?
Lily: He doesn’t know enough magic to duel a regular wizard let alone this asshat
*Voldemort tortures Harry both Lily and James look away*
Cedric: Si- er- James, it’s finished you can look.
James: Those cowards, laughing watching a boy the same age their son get tortured. Malfoy one day your son is gonna suffer and I won’t feel sad one bit.
Lily: *crying* We probably will Jamie, because we are not like them.
*Voldemort does the Imperio curse to get an answer from Harry, he resists*
James: That’s my boy
Lily: He’s going to torture Harry again
*Harry jumps to the side to avoid the curse*
Cedric: Nice!
*Avada Kedavra x Expelliarmus*
James: It’s not that wise to counter a killing curse with a disarming spell Harry!
Lily: He know nothing e- James? Do you feel what I’m feeling?
Cedric: I’m feeling it too. What’s going on?
James: Don’t break the connection Harry. 
*Cedric comes out of the wand*
Cedric: Hold on, Harry
*Frank Bryce comes out of the wand*
Frank Bryce: He was a real wizard, then? Killed me, that one did. You fight him, boy.
*Bertha Jorkins comes out of the wand*
Bertha Jorkins: Don’t let go, now! Don’t let him get you, Harry — don’t let go!
*Lily comes out of the wand, straightens herself up and stares at his boy, for the first time in 13 years she’s this close*
Lily: Your father’s coming. Hold on for your father… it will be all right, hold on.
*James comes out of the wand and the moment he sees Harry, his eyes widen. He wants to stay, talk to him forever but he knows there’s only one thing to do, to save his boy once more, to put his needs first once more*
James: When the connection is broken, we will linger for only moments but we will give you time. You must get to the Portkey, it will return you to Hogwarts.. do you understand, Harry?
Harry: *trembling* Yes
Cedric: Harry, take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my parents
Harry: I will
James: *whispering* Do it now, be ready to run. Do it now! 
Harry: NOW!
*They surround Voldemort as Harry starts running towards Cedric’s body, he grabs a hold of Cedric and summons the cup to return to Hogwarts*
Cedric: We did it!
Lily: James, did- did you see him? He’s even more beautiful up close
James: *hugging Lily* I did love I did, he’s safe.
*Harry returns to Hogwarts with Cedric and everyone starts noticing Cedric’s dead and his father is about to see him. Moody takes Harry away*
James: Cedric, um, are you sure you want to see this?
Cedric: I can handle it but can one of you stay with me while the other watches over Harry?
Lily: *placing a hand on Cedric’s shoulder* I- I will stay with you darling.
Cedric: *smiling slightly* Thanks Lily.
*Some conversations are taken from Goblet of Fire
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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Magical Newborn Photo Shoot Inspires a Love of Harry Potter for the Next Generation
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immapandarawr · 8 years
My New Favourite Gif
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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Made my own Harry Potter wand using a chopstick, hot glue and paint.
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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Made my own monster book of monsters from the Harry Potter universe. It'll be decor in my Harry Potter themed wedding! Used an old book, fur fabric and clay to make it. Eyes and mouth made from clay, then painted. Title of the book I just printed out on card stock. So happy with the result!!
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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Quaffle, bludger+bat, snitch and broomstick clay models I made. Just looked at photos to make them. Painting them once they dry!
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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My progress on my Harry Potter decorations for my wedding. The candles will hang from the ceiling using clear wire so it appears like it’s floating! They are being made from toilet paper rolls, painted white, with hot glue being used for the dripping effect and I’m using LED tea lights. The green foam ball will be my bouquet. I’m creating paper flowers from Harry Potter book pages!
More to come soon :)
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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My progress on my Harry Potter decorations for my wedding. The candles will hang from the ceiling using clear wire so it appears like it's floating! They are being made from toilet paper rolls, painted white, with hot glue being used for the dripping effect and I'm using LED tea lights. The green foam ball will be my bouquet. I'm creating paper flowers from Harry Potter book pages! More to come soon :)
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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heck you dad
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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just an excuse to draw Hanzo’s boob
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immapandarawr · 8 years
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when the enemy doesn’t go off the payload
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