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Wolves going for a dip
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Art by Essi Välimäki
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imnotevencatholic · 7 days
Farming/Life Sim Survey!
I've started working on making making a game and I want help from you!
If you've ever played a farming/life sim game (like Stardew Valley, Sun Haven, Littlewood, Garden Story, etc.) please take some time to fill out this survey so I can get some insight into what the community thinks about these types of games.
Even if you don't play farming/life sim games I would be incredibly grateful if you could reblog this so it can get to as many relevant people as possible.
>>>Survey Link!!<<<
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imnotevencatholic · 8 days
when i say "i want to be treated like a dog" i mean it literally. the petplay stuff is nice! but like i want you to hang out with me as if i were just some dog bumbling about the house. i want to be able to idly lay my head in a friend's lap and not have it be a weird or a sexual thing. i want the majority of social interactions to barely involve me, for me to be an extension of my handler/owner, to be given a visual indicator to wear that lets people know that i do not want to be pet or bothered in any way. i want to be able to freely wander in and out of rooms and for that to be normal and not weird. dont get me wrong, i love attention!! i love getting pets and being talked to in that voice and stuff, but sometimes all i really want is to be seen as a domesticated animal whos just. hanging about.
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imnotevencatholic · 8 days
Snippet 4, 1, 2, 3
She traversed the long hallway with grim determination, feeling like a soldier marching into a doomed battle.  Ser Criston walked at her back, silent and frowning, his dark eyes full of terrible pity.  
It was a pity mirrored in Ser Harrold’s face.  As they approached the double doors of the King’s chambers, she could see it even at a distance.  She hated it, wanted to scream and rage at them for it, but didn’t.  Her circumstances were not their fault.  They were at least sympathetic to her, unlike most, having stood witness to her plight for the past five years.  She couldn’t meet their eyes, however, requesting entry while fixed on the wood grain in front of her.
Viserys was inside, bent over his model as he could be found most nights.  He greeted her but didn’t immediately look up, leaving her to stand at one end of the table while he fiddled with a small ivory building.  In the corner, a fire crackled and danced in the hearth, raising the room’s temperature to a heinous degree.  Targaryens, she scoffed, sweating irately through her dress.  They’d live in the Dragonmont if they could, in the same caves as their stinking beasts.
“Are you well, my dear?”  Viserys asked absently.
“Yes, my love.  I simply wished to see how you fared after the long hours in court today.”  An act.  She didn’t have to ask to know how drained the King was by the time he left the throne room.  The Maesters insisted he was on the mend, that his wounds were finally closing and free of infection, but even the work of healing was exhausting to the body, and her husband had begged off all his afternoon appointments to rest.
“Oh, I am fine,” he said, finally glancing at her.  “Though it did drag on rather long today, didn’t it?  All these reports of drought and crop failure.  What were there?  10, 12?  I’m embarrassed to say they started to blend together.  They rather wear a man out after a certain point.”
Already growing tired of the charade, Alicent took a breath, put on her sweetest, most adoring expression, and approached her husband’s side.  “Can I do anything to ease your tiredness, my love?”  She stared at him meaningfully, stretching her mouth into a simpering smile.
“No, my dear, I will be well,” he said, turning back to the model and flatly ignoring her.  “Your attentions do me much good, but tonight I think I will retire early.”
She cast her gaze to the floor and clasped her hands together to prevent them from balling into fists.  She could not let him see her eyes burn at his thoughtless dismissal.  “Are you certain?  It brings me joy to assist you.  And I do not wish to be remiss in my duties.”  Please!  I ask you for nothing and give you all.  Just grant me this!
She didn’t even want to be here.  She wanted nothing from him but was forced to beg for it all the same.  “Thank you kindly, my sweet, but no.  I will release you to enjoy a night free of me.”
Mortification wasn’t a strong enough word for what she felt, staring at the polished stone floor.  Neither was rage.  “Well.  Good night then, Viserys.”  
“Good night, my dear.”  She could hear the door opening behind her, and wondered how long Criston and Harrold were listening in on her humiliation.  Wondered further if she could have them whipped for it.    
“Your Grace?”  She turned without acknowledging Criston’s question and marched out of the room.  Her face burned.  She refused to look at either knight as she retreated back into the hallway, only hearing armored feet fall in step behind her.  She didn’t stop until she stood alone in the center of her room.
“I will retire now, Ser Criston,” she said, each word clipped and barbed.
“As you say, my Queen.”  The door closed slowly behind her.
Her chambers were completely silent.  Not even the nighttime bustle of the city below seemed to penetrate the walls.  
She didn’t know how long she stood there before she lost the battle for composure, but lose it, she most certainly did.
All her septas’ lessons about respecting and honoring her husband flew out the window in an instant, followed by the fine porcelain vase that once sat on her side table.
How dare he!  That useless, good-for-nothing bastard.  Not satisfied with just the vase, she tore the blankets off her sofa and flung them across the room, before marching over to her heavy copper bathtub and shaking it by the rim like a feral beast, biting down on a shriek that would surely wake the whole Keep if she let it free.
She was the queen!  His queen, Gods damn him!  Apparently she was fine enough for him to marry, fine enough to use at his convenience, but when it was something she needed, he couldn’t be bothered with the one duty he owed her!
“Your Grace, are you alright?”  Criston's concerned voice sounded through the door.
“I am fine,” she bit out, white-knuckled fingers trembling.
“...Are you certain, Your Grace? I heard a commotion.”  He sounded uncertain, and like his hand was already on the latch.  By the Gods, was no man in this castle capable of listening when she said something?
“I am fine,” she repeated sternly.  “You need not come in, Ser.”  You can't give me what I need.  So leave me be.
Her savage mania passed at this interruption, however, sapping away that furious burst of energy.  Weakened, she collapsed to her knees in a heap, and leaned her forehead heavily against the tub.
She was truly alone, she realized.  She couldn’t rely on anyone.  Not her husband, not her father, not her loyal sworn shield.  Not even the Gods would intervene for her.
And if they were so resolute in their silence, then she would take the final option left to her.  The only person who would help her now was herself.
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imnotevencatholic · 8 days
guys oh my god they invented a thing called friends. and they love you and want to talk to you and be around you. has anyone heard of this
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imnotevencatholic · 8 days
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thanks guys
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imnotevencatholic · 17 days
don't care + running + jumping + skipping + hopping + having fun + playing
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imnotevencatholic · 17 days
happy eat rocks friday
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imnotevencatholic · 24 days
"I wouldn't want to bother anyone," I say as the thing inside of me eats me alive.
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imnotevencatholic · 24 days
kissing you on the forehead
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imnotevencatholic · 26 days
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imnotevencatholic · 1 month
kill 'character did nothing wrong'. nurture 'character did everything wrong and i was whooping and cheering the whole time'
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imnotevencatholic · 1 month
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They can’t beat us, Bea. Not together. AVA & BEATRICE | WARRIOR NUN
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imnotevencatholic · 1 month
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stay still, i'm copying you to my pc
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imnotevencatholic · 2 months
Chapter 2: Galar's Sword and Shield
Camila has a question, and Ava learns some... pertinent information.
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imnotevencatholic · 2 months
it's not a red string of fate those two are bound by dog collars and a steel chain
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