rd334 · 4 years
not the ray bans
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rd334 · 5 years
What is the Black and White?
In my opinion the biggest thing we gained from Black Friday was the knowledge of The Black and White. Is it a place? a force? both? I think there are others in Starkid shows that have connected in some way to the Black and White, starting with:
1. Jack Bauer
You heard me, when Jack Bauer gets bitten by the snake I believe he enters the Black and White. This is where he sees The Watchers. It’s much like what McNamara was saying, he sees through the veil of reality and knows that there are beings greater than him, such as Wiggly. Now, Titty Mitty has also claimed to see The Watchers so it’s possible he has a connection to The Black and White as well.
2. Everyone who uses the force in Ani
Ok this is a longshot but here me out. In BF, Lex uses the power of the Black and White to summon a gun out of thin air. So, this means that the Black and White is not only a place, but it can be controlled, it is a force. I believe it is Ani’s version of “The Force”. I believe Ani has a connection to The Black and White, while he may not know what it’s called, he can still manipulate it. Since the Black and White stretches across the universe, it would make sense that wherever, whenever Ani takes place, The Black and White is present.
3. Beings whose existence can be explained by the Black and White
Since Wiggly is a being from the Black and White, it isn’t a stretch to assume there could be others. Some candidates are: Chorn, Cornwallis, The Genie, and I’m sure more.
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rd334 · 5 years
starkid theories have taken over all of my mind i have so many questions and i will never get answers
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rd334 · 5 years
The Starkid Timeline(s?)
I think it’s a fool’s errand to try and cram all of the Starkid shows together into ONE timeline, but i’m gonna try. Cuz it’s america, and i’m american.
Also this will be a two part post because i believe it is meant to be seen as multiple timelines, i’m just doing this as food for thought.
Trail To Oregon
A Very Potter Musical/A Very Potter Sequel (time travel)
A Very Potter Senior Year
Me and My Dick
Holy Musical B@man
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
Black Friday
Before y’all clown me let me explain:
Ani definitely takes place before anything in the timeline because I have to assume the rules of Star Wars apply. “Long ago in a galaxy far, far away”
Ani could even be an explanation for Chorn, who appears as a knowledge baring alien in Firebringer. They could’ve come to earth and disguised themself as a human.
I think it’s also safe to assume Twisted would come before anything else due to where and when Alladin is based.
I’ve tried to figure out this whole time travel, does avps technically come before avpm even though they’re time traveling the whole time, or does avpm still happen as we see it in the new timeline, i just decided to group them together. cuz that’s just what it came to.
Me and my Dick and B@man are interchangeable imo. The only time hints we’re given is that B@man takes place under the Obama administration, but there’s not evidence to prove MAMD doesn’t so, yeah.
These two.. TGWDLM and BF... they don’t take place in the same universe. The only reason i our BF after is because it certainly is plausible to say that the entirety of BF is just the Apotheosis. It’s the lamest answer possible but you could say none of BF is real and it’s just the Apotheosis fuckin around and singing and dancing with the newly taken over humans.
Lastly, Starship. If we’re going the route that these are all in the same timeline, one could say that some humans escaped apotheosis. in an attempt to try and stop apotheosis, humans created AI so advanced it ended up taking over, ending the apotheosis but then waging war against humans. Thus, the robot wars begin and the events of Starship take place.
Now this list isn’t perfect but it’s not meant to be, as I said, it’s unlikely these are all in the same timeline.
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rd334 · 5 years
The Starkid Multiverse
So I’ve thought about it, and what if there is a multiverse but the one constant is they all have a Hatchetfield.
What i’m proposing is that there is a universe 1, 2, 3, etc and that each have a different assortment of the different shows and in different context.
We’ll say Universe 1 is the Very Potter Universe. In this, the events of AVPM, AVPS, and AVPSY take place, with little involvement in the human world it would make sense for either the events of The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals it Black Friday to take place, but not both.
We’ll say in Universe 2, the events of Trail To Oregon, Me and My Dick, and TGWDLM take place.
What i’m getting at is that there is no Universe where there isn’t a hatchetfield, not every Universe has a Dikrats family or The Superfriends, but Hatchetfield, because of its importance in the multiverse will always exist. In every reality. In the end, the biggest factor in the fate of any of the multiverses is what happens to Hatchetfield. Does the meteor crash into the starlight theatre or does Lex Foster defeat wiggly and is able to overcome the Black And White.
Then we have to think about the aftermath of either of the two Hatchetfield Shows. In TGWDLM, i believe it’s safe to assume humanity is fucked and the aliens take over, wiping out free will and exterminating the human race.
Now with Black Friday, we have a war torn world set off by the nuking of moscow. I believe humanity recovers from this, but not without set backs. I believe the catalyst for the robot uprising in Starship is the end of World War 3, which is after Black Friday. Which would then result in humanity surviving, but having to evacuate earth. If TGWDLM was the “Bad Ending” then this would probably be the “Neutral Ending”
It would therefore not be out of the ordinary to expect the next Hatchetfield installment to be the “Good Ending” for humanity. Where they win and defeat whatever evil demon or space god thing they decide to make the antagonist.
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rd334 · 5 years
First thoughts and theories on Black Friday
This is sort of an amalgamation of all my thoughts about Black Friday and how it fits in with not only The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, but also every other Starkid show. Spoiler Warning, of course.
1. The Idea of inter dimensional beings
In the show, general mcnamera says he sees beyond the “veil” of reality. He knows of the existence of multiple universes and that Wiggly is an interdimensional being. Call me crazy but I believe that this isn’t the first of these inter dimensional beings we’ve seen. I believe “The Watchers” from Trail to Oregon are also an inter dimensional being, or they could be a previous form of Wiggly. Perhaps before Joey Richter’s character took the form of a toy, he took the form of a disease: Dysentery. I think there is more to this theory (maybe even Cornwallis is one of these beings, there’s also Chorn, The Apotheosis, The Genie, and even possibly the Superfriends) but i want to keep these short for now.
2. The Starkid Multiverse
I know what you’re probably thinking and I agree: the explanation of the multiverse is a cop out idea. But I think it is inarguable to say that the purpose of Black Friday, lore wise, was to introduce the idea of multiple universes. This then creates the question, what shows are connected to which within their universe(s?), and that deserves its own post. Point is I believe it’s fair to say the multiverse is a good possibility.
3. The Ending
The ending of Black Friday caught me way off guard. I will say the first thing i thought of when i heard that whistle was the meteor from TGWDLM. This may be wrong but that’s the thing I first thought of.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to respond to any of these and introduce your own theories.
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rd334 · 5 years
this made me go 🥺
everyone do yourself a favor and watch the original japanese 1990′s moomin intro
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rd334 · 5 years
Pokémon 2000 is the BEST Pokémon movie, sorry i don’t make the rules
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rd334 · 5 years
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rd334 · 5 years
sorry for posting cringe guys i was really proud of how fast i learned it 🥺
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rd334 · 5 years
if you’re taking content and reposting on instagram- ask the oc and tag them! stealing posts isn’t fun kids
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rd334 · 5 years
damn i’m really out here being the jar jar binks of my friend group
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rd334 · 5 years
flopsy is a one dick gal
I can't believe that Flopsy's whole thing in every scene of the show is that she hates penises and suddenly just for the ending she's been in love with Rick's dick the whole time and can't wait to get back with him? what is this about, why can't she hate penises in peace
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rd334 · 5 years
my heart literally grows wings and starts a self sustaining ecosystem where everyone gets along with the rest of my organs everytime Beauty from Starship comes on
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rd334 · 5 years
Ah yes, mother nature or as I like to call her
The ultimate milf
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rd334 · 5 years
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rd334 · 5 years
i gave my tweety figurine a joey richter headband and i think it’s pretty cute
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