Block: You were stabbed, do you remember anything?
Cavendish: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital…
Savannah: What? I drove you!
Cavendish: But I remember a siren?
Block: That was Dakota screaming.
Dakota: I’m sorry! I got nervous!
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Cavendish: What time is it?
Dakota: Dunno. Pass me that trombone and I'll find out.
Cavendish: [hands him trombone]
Dakota: [blows trombone loudly]
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Milo: [narrating] And that's when they became horribly lost.
Dakota: Are you lost?
Cavendish: No.
Milo: [narrating still] He lied.
Cavendish: Stop it.
Orton: [giggles]
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Dakota: I don't know why we aren't getting any trick-or-treaters.
Cavendish: Maybe it's because YOU ATE ALL THE CANDY!
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Dakota: How bad is it?
Cavendish: Well, fortunately, the knife missed your femoral artery.
Dakota: That’s good.
Bob: No, sweetie, you had a knife inside of you. That’s the opposite of good.
Dakota: Call me “sweetie” one more time and there will be a knife inside of you.
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Block: So, how’d you convince all of them to betray me? What’d you offer them?
Leopold: I asked them if they wanted to embarrass you, and they instantly said yes.
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Cavendish: This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice!
Dakota: Cavendish, that’s what ALL tea is.
Cavendish: How could my closest friend say something so horrible?!
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Savannah: I got five pieces of candy!
Dakota: I got a chocolate bar!
Cavendish: I got a quarter!
Brick: I got a rock...
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Cavendish: Oh, there's an empty place in my bones that calls out for something unknown. The fame and praise come year after year does nothing for these empty tears.
Dakota: ...Cav... I know how you feel...
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Block: Alright, does everyone have a weapon?
Cavendish: Savannah doesn’t have one.
Savannah: I /am/ my weapon, you fools.
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Cavendish: You kidnapped Orton Mahlson?! That’s illegal!
Dakota: What’s more illegal, Cavendish: briefly inconveniencing Orton Mahlson, or destroying the future?
Cavendish: Kidnapping Orton Mahlson, Dakota!
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Circles: [You can't stay angry forever, Daniel.]
Block: WANNA BET?!
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Dakota: Is everything okay?
Cavendish: If by okay, you mean that my life is a meaningless, black cauldron of swirling failure, then yes, everything is groovy.
Dakota: That's not at all what I meant by 'okay.'
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Dakota: Please. Picking locks is my specialty.
Dakota: [throws brick through window]
Dakota: Okay, let’s go!
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Cavendish: Dakota, we need to think. How do we usually get out of these messes?
Dakota: We don’t. We just make a bigger one that cancels the first one out.
40 notes · View notes
Block: Since I’m gonna be out for a while, I’ve left you all a complementary bowl of advice.
Block, picking one paper out of the bowl: For instance, “Dakota and Cavendish, stop doing that” just applies to everything.
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Cavendish: All I ever wanted was to be your friend and you treat me like a big joke! You think I don't notice? Why don't you like me?!
Block: Cavendish-
Cavendish: No, tell me.
Block: Because... I'm jealous...
13 notes · View notes