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#vacation #mexico #playadelcarmen #hats #palmtrees #cozumel #cancun #warmweather
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The time I told my bf I'd do Jenna Marbles
Watching the new J Marbs vid like I do every Wednesday/sometimes Thursday and my boyfriend asks what I'm watching. He sits and watches some of it with me and at the end I just sort of nonchalantly say, "Wow I love her video's. I'd totally do her." I don't think he blinked or closed his mouth for the next 3 minutes. 
Then starts the discussion. Can girls think girls are attractive without being lesbians, but guys can't think guys are attractive without being gay? In my opinion, it's most likely that guys are just far more embarrassed, or "proud," to divulge that information. Case in point: new TLC show: "My Husband's Not Gay" (these men, apparently not too "proud" to open up about their feelings). This may be a little bit extreme of an example, but I know I'm not the only one who feels this way! 
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All the #cousins at grandma & grandpas on #Christmas #christmaseve ..in age order!!
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Oh hey, girl!! Already gots my tickets for September!! :) #imateenageratheart #taylorswift @taylorswift #stolencardboardcutout
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Which one's the bird and which is the painting?! #bird #art #petbird #birdart #zeke #tawnyart @tawnynwat #talent
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Creatively Uncorked with Lynnie! :) @creativelyuncorked #creativelyuncorked #wine #painting #paintingclass @corksandcanvas #creative #paint #drinkandpaint #wine
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Modern Entertainment
Finally! After over a month in my new apartment with no cable or internet... it's here! Cable, internet and I even got fancy and added DVR (something I myself have never had)!
Only problem.. I have a feeling this whole cable and internet thing is going to cut into my sleeping time... :/
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Newly elected #mayor of #Cormorant! #smalltown #minnesota #midwest #mnlakes #lakelife #lake #dog #summer #dogmayor
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Follow me, biatches… Twitter: JJ_the_JP Instagram: shoelover22
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Some things you may not know about me
-I hate serif fonts -I tend to lose interest in things quickly -I'm a terrible speller -I've ridden a horse 4 times... and have fallen/been bucked off violently 3 of those times -I love to vacuum -I have epilepsy -It drives me crazy when people don't know the difference between two, to and too, there, their and they're, were and we're, possible and probable, etc. -I think fireworks are a waste of money -More than anything, I wish I would have stayed in ballet -My first pet was a shhih tzu named Twinkles -I broke my first bone when I was 21. My hand. It ended my cheer career -My favorite animals are giraffes  -I could live on cereal -I am still 100% Team Aniston  -My first job was at Burger King when I was 15 -I tell people my favorite color is pink, but I think it's actually green -I'm watching Modern Family right now
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Junk Food Confessions
Potato chips, Cheetos, Ice cream, cookie dough, s'mores, wine, pretzels, ranch, wine, sandwiches, pizza, cereal.. BOXES of cereal, chocolate, egg rolls, peanut brittle, Applebee's boneless wings for DAYS, Cherry Berry, cheesecake, bread sticks, wine... ahhhh!! :( 
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Derek Jeter > Michael Strahn
Michael Strahn... don't ever compare your career with Derek Jeter's again. There's a reason only 1 of u has a sweet ass Nike ad. 
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Gavin Degraw and Matt Nathanson concert! They were a~maz~ing! 
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4thof July in good 'ol ND! #firework #fireworks #poopypuppy #classy #classyfirework #mnlakes #4thofjuly
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Making Your Own Decisions
"Worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum." While it's true that worrying really doesn't solve any of our problems, we can't help but succumb to its power. Some of us more so than others. For some of us, worrying is an easy step to skip in solving any problems or making any decisions. For others, worrying is something that engulfs us. Our emotions, our mind, our day, our life. Most of us know that worrying really won't solve the problem or help us in any way, but it's something we can't help but do. I'm sure that everyone worries, just in different ways, for different reasons, for different amounts of time. For some, it helps to talk it out, others makes lists of pros and cons, some just go to others and ask advice. I'm a person who sort of does all of it. I tell myself and everyone else that I know it's my decision and my choice... but really, I want to know what everyone else thinks about this or that. I hate to upset people. I hate to make a decision and realize after I'm too deep in that it was the wrong decision. I guess, who likes doing any of those things? I guess you could say, I'm a chronic 'people pleaser.' Though I do think I'm getting better at making decisions for myself and that will make me happy, it's definitely not 'all about me' yet, and I don't think it really ever should be. There's a fine line between being a people pleaser, and being selfish. It really depends on the decision and who it's going to affect. Everything Happens for a reason. Start each day looking up.
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"Or, you could..." #friends #phoebebuffay #friendshumor #friendsquote
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Hello there
Let me start off by saying, this blog may not always be the most politically correct or have perfect grammar or spelling. It's a blog... not a college essay. 
Also, this blog is going to be quite random... much like I am! Random, positive, the occasional vent session, etc. Hope it's entertaining, informative and hopefully even a little relatable and uplifting at times. 
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