infusionmusings · 5 years
Shane Dawson’s Theory Shreds Chuck E. Cheese For Pizza Irregularities — Sliced by STATES… Here (PHOTOS /FULL Video)
Shane Dawson’s Theory Shreds Chuck E. Cheese For Pizza Irregularities — Sliced by STATES… Here (PHOTOS /FULL Video)
(Screen captures credit YouTube)… which is not suitable for any device. Not by my design, no apologies, but sorry that I can’t apologize for the work of another.
Life at home comes before this. Which leads me to my Korean mother first, of course! The plan was to publish this yesterday morning, but readers deserve a reason as to why this site has been cancelled.
Hopefully, by now most are aware…
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infusionmusings · 5 years
GStreetJewels Is Closing Soon.... Because...
GStreetJewels Is Closing Soon…. Because…
See Meghan’s face below?
No more Meghan Markle for you.
This site exists solely by your donations, and time is winding down.
As much as everyone loves reading about Meghan Markle’s “Royal Blunders“, such as the one behind this split photo below:
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Unless you donate now, the subscription HAS BEEN CANCELLED, hence you will NEVER know about the story behind Meghan’s split image.
Because there IS…
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infusionmusings · 5 years
Best Illusions - What Is It?
Best Illusions – What Is It?
Photos are of the same “whatever”, and untouched via filters – only watermarked.
These photographs of this “whatever” belong to GStreetJewels, and only she knows “whatever” it is.
Time for YOU to tell GStreetJewels, okay?
So let’s take a closer look, and by all means ask family and friends! Even your neighbors, delivery people, waiter, flight attendant, etc. Let’s all have FUN!
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Giving ZEROh…
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infusionmusings · 5 years
Meghan Markle’s Royal Banana Blunder Reportedly — OFFENDS Struggling SEX WORKER — in Bristol… (WARNING: 18+)
Meghan Markle’s Royal Banana Blunder Reportedly — OFFENDS Struggling SEX WORKER — in Bristol… (WARNING: 18+)
(Photo credit Daily Mail UK)
Meghan Markle is a magnet for controversy. After the last piece, the reason all writing briefly ceased, had to do with the following blunder.
The humiliation she put upon these women struggling to survive the streets is too much. After one woman reportedly spoke to The Sunabout being offended by Meghan’s latest thoughtless gesture, there was one more piece left out…
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Meghan Markle in New Zealand from Head to Toes, OR FEET? Now it Makes Sense! READ
Meghan Markle in New Zealand from Head to Toes, OR FEET? Now it Makes Sense! READ
(Photo credit Daily Mail UK)
It was reported to the public that Meghan wears her shoes a size bigger.
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Supposedly in case her feet “swelled”.
Do you freely consume and accept what you read, or hear from the press/media as true? If so, then shame on you.
Have you ever done picture associations, to where the practice is nearly reactionary?
For example:
When you see this,
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank’s Royal Wedding - Cute Kids, Highlights & Blunders (PHOTOS)
Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank’s Royal Wedding – Cute Kids, Highlights & Blunders (PHOTOS)
(Poor quality screenshots credit YouTube — it’s worth it!) This will spontaneously combust!
The Royal Family Does NOT want you see THIS! They were certain to cut — what you about view — OUT.
The quality is poor, but ©GStreetJewels is contemplating the longevity of this entire publication anyway.
Time is valuable, yet we all need to laugh more.
The stately cars pulled up with…
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Prince Harry and Meghan Greet the Crowd at Chichester -- Being Royal is RUFF!
Prince Harry and Meghan Greet the Crowd at Chichester — Being Royal is RUFF!
(Photo credit YouTube)
This was TOO FUNNY!
It appears as though neither Harry, or Meghan are taking to their respective roles very well.
Royal blunders are too RUFF to hide from these eyes.
There are more… waiting.
Harry did this twice, but only one set of screenshots are decent, so we’ll go these.
  This child anointed him Royal Dog Lover with a rose.
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He wasn’t cozy enough with…
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Build It and They Shall Come -- Redefining "Giving Life" in Malawi via Orant Charities [with My Korean Mother] --(PHOTOS)
Build It and They Shall Come — Redefining “Giving Life” in Malawi via Orant Charities [with My Korean Mother] –(PHOTOS)
WARNING: This is, and/or may be too personal for some.
Readers at ©GStreetJewels.com are worldwide, and come from all types of backgrounds.
Do NOT ever assume because you have a device, that everyone else has money, and is able to meet their own needs — please!
Poverty and homeless can strike ANYBODY! Trials come to test many.
Libraries have computers, people borrow phones, writers receive…
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex Pens Forward of Charity Cookbook -- "Together", in Support for Hubb Community Kitchen on Behalf of Those Affected by Grenfell Fire
Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex Pens Forward of Charity Cookbook — “Together”, in Support for Hubb Community Kitchen on Behalf of Those Affected by Grenfell Fire
Hubb is Arabic for “love“, while in Hindi it is “prem प्रेम“, Spanish it is “amor“, French is “Amour“, Turkish is “Aşk“, and Slovenian is “ljubezen“, etc.
Everyone wants to be loved, right? Who are “we” as individuals to take that “right” away via hate — from any other human being on earth?
How would you feel if it were done to you — ever?
Have you ever lost everything?
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Meghan's Wonky Wavy Blue Dress by Jason Wu, with Harry at a Concert to Mark End of WWII, Called "100 Days to Peace"
Meghan’s Wonky Wavy Blue Dress by Jason Wu, with Harry at a Concert to Mark End of WWII, Called “100 Days to Peace”
(Photo credit by dailymail.com)
This was going nowhere… until the media began spinning this dress, and more — to literally bury it!
The glare of the flash, and the angles made a mess of her dress. The press is scrambling to make her appear more curvaceous, and add more chaos — to add distraction.
It all appears to go wrong photographically from the time she exits the car.
Let’s GAWK. Shall we?
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Meghan Markle Appears to Embarrass Harry Backstage at Hamilton - See HOW She Did it
Meghan Markle Appears to Embarrass Harry Backstage at Hamilton – See HOW She Did it
(Photo credit YouTube captured by ©GStreetJewels)
It happened in flash, but of course someone had to tell, right?
We have to get it up close, because details are what we enjoy most about photos, snaps, photographs, screenshots, etc.
Let’s “react” lightly together. Shall we?
Here’s the video. See if you can spot it, or use it as a reference.
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Meghan Markle Oblivious to Wardrobe Malfunction at Daisy Jenks and Charlie van Straubenzee’s Wedding
Meghan Markle Oblivious to Wardrobe Malfunction at Daisy Jenks and Charlie van Straubenzee’s Wedding
(Photo credit dailymail.com.uk)
Not to upstage the marriage of Daisy Jenks and Charlie van Straubenzee, here’s a snap of the lovely newlyweds on their wedding trike. Complete with a horn, headlight, rearview mirror, and cans tied in the rear dragging the street — declaring their marriage.
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Then of course there was the groom’s friend Harry, and his wife Meghan. It appears odd her choice of colours…
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Brian Fraser (@bfraser747) Epic Failure with Photoshop - Part Two on Twitter SCAM
Brian Fraser (@bfraser747) Epic Failure with Photoshop – Part Two on Twitter SCAM
(Photos/screen selections credit GoFundMe and Twitter, Inc.)
Proverbs are recognised for being short, pithy, truthful, thought provoking, or providing advice. This is befitting:
“How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?”
-Proverbs 1:22
You are NOT reading this on Twitter. “You”, being the sagacious reader can see the…
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Celebrate Life! Have Your Cake and Eat it Too! … "Whomever"
Celebrate Life! Have Your Cake and Eat it Too! … “Whomever”
(Photo credit sugarruffles.com)
Life is a journey. Years of studying to obtain a Master’s Degree must have prepared me to see life subconsciously as foresight, or in phases as it changes; and the effects on life patterns, or changes in/on family dynamics.
That one element is a merely a dot of ink, on a sheet of words – written on pages, closed together in books – stacked high, and now — long…
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infusionmusings · 6 years
(사진 신용 rondong. 담당자)
It’s already June 14, 2018 in North Korea. So we need to back track a couple of days.
This bombshell was dropped on them last evening, to best of ©GStreetJewels’ knowledge. For many of us watching it was June 13, 2018, and either morning, afternoon, or around the same time.
(Remember there is NO television, so the ability to think more clearly, based upon history, culture, her mother’s personal experience, and research, etc. — heightens — not lessens.)
North Korea was exposed to the normal “Juche” theme when Kim Jong Un went to China before going to Singapore. ©GStreetJewels inherently called it “Air China“, and it was a joke. Apparently that’s the airline he took, and people fell for it — AGAIN.
His personal plane “Jet Juche” dubbed here. Go read it there.
On with “Appointed Supreme Leader’s” TOUR!
North Korea saw the same finger pointing, and they got little to nothing for the show.
There were a slew of photos, snaps — too! Same thing, different day in North Korea.
Then he toured Singapore’s shipping facilities.
Business as usual. It’s officially over for North Korea, on June 12, 2018. Back to the dark ages.
©GStreetJewels is known to be wrong, and willingly admits it.
One publication tends to stand out above the rest with breaking news, and it came out very early in the morning of June 13, 2018, that North Koreans got the news about Kim Jong Un meeting President Trump from the USA, in Singapore.
It gets old reading about shallow nonsense others make up. ©GStreetJewels goes to the source.
Because her mother explained to her what lies beneath propaganda, so it becomes transparent here. Ergo, truth rises.
So many are utterly astounded by appears to be a “miracle”, or magical.
You came here to THINK, right?
Why did it take so long for the news to break in North Korea? HINT:  Click HERE!
He loves his photo ops! There were a lot too!
Some not so great, but North Korea was probably shocked.
The order was mixed up. This is a regrouping, and NOT all of them either.
Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo appears to be one of the most relaxed around Kim Jong Un.
Facial expressions are great.
We are NOT mind readers here. Okay?
Beautiful photos.
Then the random long shot.
The official signed document, but what does it mean to North Koreans?
It easy for everyone to speculate, but until you hear the heartbreaking stories first hand of poverty — in a Third World country… like ©GStreetJewels’ mother…
… rationing a bowl of rice as a child. Not knowing what she ate was only making her more hungry. She waited hours — for more rice… to fill her little tummy. Only to want!
To EAT MORE food, but there was NONE.
She stills wants to EAT a little MORE, because it NEVER goes AWAY!
©GStreetJewels’ Korean mother’s memory, and current behavioral patterns.
Do NOT speculate about things, in which you know — NOTHING!
This is not about North Korea.
Do you see RED?
“If I determine the enemy’s disposition of forces while I have no perceptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented. The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formless: if it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it nor the wise make plans against it.”
-©Sun Tzu
“He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk.”
-©John Maxwell
Please support this independent women who brings a unique exposé to you — the reader.
… or more, whatever you can afford.
©GStreetJewels uses sources outside the conventional. All proof is in the original documentation, and is not always published for easily perceived reasons.
North Korea Literally Sees Possible Change, but What Does that Mean? (사진 신용 rondong. 담당자) It's already June 14, 2018 in North Korea. So we need to back track a couple of days.
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Jet Juche to China! Kim Jong Un Allowed off the Propaganda Chump Train (PHOTOS)
Jet Juche to China! Kim Jong Un Allowed off the Propaganda Chump Train (PHOTOS)
On Kim Jong Un’s first visit to China, to ©GStreetJewels’ best recollection this is how the media portrayed his traveling to China.
Traveling like the Leader of a “Depressed Regime”, on the North Korean train, appearing to reach — where?
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(Photo credit thestar.com)
Do you REALLY believe what any MEDIA tells you about North Korea, and Kim Jong Un’s “surprise and/or secret” visits…
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infusionmusings · 6 years
Royal Horse Gone WILD — “PHOTOS”
Royal Horse Gone WILD — “PHOTOS”
Not everyone is “into” weddings, romance, the UK, the Royal Family, or pomp and circumstance.
It’s the world, and everyone has different opinions and taste. It’s OK.
With no TV, and a host of reasons — let’s just say this wedding was not a priority, and was totally missed via live stream. That’s even better because there was no feeling of being confined to watching every iota of something…
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