I was about to say, finally, a normal person following me. Then I realized, NO THEY ARE NOT NORMAL
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So for all of y’all, I’m writing a new homebrew world for a new set of players, and because I’m impatient and want to share some stuff, I will share the not too much spoilery things.
Today we’ll be talking about…
The Raven Queen
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(For the sake of clarification, my world/universe is called Locus, which is Latin for space.)
So. The Raven Queen is not the only death god in this world, nor was she the original. But she is by far one of the most powerful gods in all of Locus due to her manipulation of life, death, fate and memories. As much as the other gods don’t like it, she has a hand in a lot of domains and such has a lot of influence over the goings on in Locus’ Material Plane even if she doesn’t quite exert it. Her main domain is in death, though and she generally oversees death across the planes, seeing each soul to their righteous place.
Not much is known about the Raven Queen except that she was once a mortal who rose to godhood with the blessings of other gods, helped by a highly difficult ritual that enhanced her power to make her ascend. It was said that this ritual stripped the mortal realm of almost all evidence that showed that she was ever mortal, including names, memories and records. Only some highly vengeful entities whisper about her name, and even then, those are few and far between. The gods, with her permission, have only left one crumb of information about her with their followers, and that was what I just shared with you. Even then, it’s not exactly common knowledge.
Her titles range from The Matron of Ravens, the Goddess of Death, the Ascended One (though obviously this title would be later coveted by Vecna), the Fateweaver, the Queen of Memories, the Melancholic One, the Silent Death etc.
Her Champion is a half-elf reborn revenant named Ozymandias Esterrex. He is also known by many as the Fateseeker, the Reaper, the Guide, the Voice of Death, Death’s Advocate, He Who Speaks for Ravens etc. Far more is known about him, as he used to be a prolific High Cleric to the temple of the Raven Queen. Why he was chosen to be her Champion, nobody really knows, and anybody who usually gets too close to him dies.
When he was established as the Champion of the Raven Queen, he was sentenced to be executed and was beheaded for engaging in dark magic. It was said that the Raven Queen herself appeared, stitched his body back together with golden glowing thread, and allowed him to pass judgement on those who killed him. Ever since then, any attempts to kill him would only kill him temporarily, before he regenerates completely whole the next few hours or the next day, depending on how severe the death. He also does not seem to age, considering he had been around near the start of the War of the World till present day.
He has achieved almost a godlike status due to his immense power and his appearances in place of the Raven Queen, and many have wondered what the Matron of Ravens had seen in him for her to entrust an otherworldly amount of power onto a mortal (because at the end of the day, he was still blessedly alive). Many have speculated that he might have sold his soul to the Raven Queen for this. Either way, in present-day Locus, you can still find the Fateseeker living as an adventurer nomad or as ghostly visions as you brush against death. Despite his ‘mortal’ status, most paintings and depictions of the Matron of Ravens always have him by her side now. There are very few works pre-dating her Championship of Ozymandias that have survived to this day.
(Gonna stop talking about him here because he honestly deserves his own post to be talked about, and his relationship with the Raven Queen is another post in of itself. However the latter deals into some heavy spoilers.)
Of all the Celestial beings, the magic she grants to her followers is not considered pure divine magic despite being a god herself. Her magic is distinctive in the fact that it is a mix of eldritch, arcanic and divine energy, coming back to her roots of being mortal and rising to godhood via her own hard work, dark magic and gods’ blessings. It’s also partly due to the fact that her home plane is in Shadowfell, in a small pocket named the Loom inside an ice castle with golden glowing strings of fate trailing out from it and disappearing into the ether beyond.
Mostly souls of her followers reside in the Loom, though there have been some mortals who have braved the cold and darkness of Shadowfell and the Loom to seek favour from the Matron of Ravens. They have only ever been greeted by Ozymandias outside of the Ice Castle, and nobody, save for Ozymandias himself, knows what is inside the castle.
Her ravens, however, can be found flying to and fro from the spires of the castle, vanishing out of existence to teleport to other planes, to keep an eye where she or Ozymandias cannot. Her most loyal and trusted followers can turn into ravens, and they may return to the Material Plane with other ravens. However, all they can do is simply watch.
It is said that if you were not willing to give your soul to her, you must give something of equal value: your memories. Specifically, memories of happiness and/or love, be it from the people around you or you yourself. Be warned though, for when you choose to give your memories of love away, you also end up giving away your ability to love others.
To those who lived a long, long time, the Raven Queen is considered their boogeyman or friend, depending on how they lived their lives. For she is neither benevolent nor malevolent. She simply follows where the strings of Fate lead her despite her ability to manipulate the strings. The Raven Queen is probably one of the most hands-on gods in the world of Locus due to Ozymandias’ presence, but is also the most neutral, only interfering when the world is at stake by sending Ozymandias.
(Some people may claim that the Raven Queen does have a bias, and that bias is named Ozymandias. But most of Ozymandias’ individual pursuits have also been neutral and have aligned with the Raven Queen’s goals, therefore making this claim worthless.)
The Raven Queen neither looks down on mortals nor believes herself to be equal to them. She does not scoff at the ideals that mortals have of things such as love and hope. She does not speak, only communicating in sign language, and even then, mostly sends Ozymandias to speak and appear for her and he is not her.
All in all, most people do not have the foggiest clue about who or what the Raven Queen really is and if they know, her motivations and desires are unknown. She is one of the biggest mysteries in Locus’ history.
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Oooo totally new people following me! So glad you are here to learn about Dungeons and Dragons, how I run my games and shit.
Or maybe you’re here for my Glee rewrite?
Orrrr maybe you’re here because of my magnetic personality? I mean sure, I don’t know how a bunch of hot ladies had a change of heart about nerds but I dig it.
LMAO, i’m just messing with you.
Get out of here, bots.
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did… did wotc just imply… that us dms are REPLACEABLE with AI DMs????
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Me: time to build a new campaign with a lot of system tweaks because there is no magic in the backrooms!
DnD wotc ogl exists:
Me: you are a bunch of chucklefucks and i hate you and just became the reason why i would never show my full campaigns to the general public EVER.
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also, i enjoy a world built by a shitty person. it doesn’t mean that i support said shitty person. you may be shitty, but you have talent, i cannot deny that. i like what you created. i do not like you. there is a difference.
also honestly, if what you create is from the better parts of you, then i like those parts of you only.
it’s what you created. shitty person or not, you should be acknowledged that what you created was beautiful, now let us, the community built around said creation, expand upon that.
because once a community is built, it no longer becomes just yours anymore. it belongs to them too. because while you may have created it, they have expanded and made it better.
so sincerely, fuck you jk rowling, but also fuck the people actively trying to boycott what is expanded and made by other people. you all deserve a place in hell together.
it’s not just her creation. it’s ours now. we have made it better. that’s what fanfics, headcanons, fanarts are for. and that new game coming out? it’s based off of her world, but created by other people trying to make it better. sure there are things that slip through the cracks, but they don’t actively mean harm. in fact, they’re trying to be inclusive.
so shut the fuck up.
and jk rowling? go to hell. i was never defending you. i was defending the people who create for this community, who took what you created and made it fucking better.
i don’t want to assume what you believe in, but what you have said and done has been shitty enough even if you didn’t mean it. kindly leave everything to us now. goodbye.
also don’t even bother apologising. you and i both know you won’t mean it. just shut up.
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i must resist the urge to roll my eyes at family members who mean too well and mean nothing at the same time
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my options are talk to a pretty lady or walk away and i have successfully done both, neither and one of each at the same time
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insert-pun-here-now · 2 years
cause of lack of responses and my whole attitude of, “if you can’t find a story, do it yourself” so stay tuned for jester angst because i entered sadge mode and i would like to spin a wheel where i can project my abandonment issues on fictional characters, including my own
does anybody have any hurt/sad jester stories? i just think it’d be neat.
bonus if it’s m9 family oriented.
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insert-pun-here-now · 2 years
does anybody have any hurt/sad jester stories? i just think it’d be neat.
bonus if it’s m9 family oriented.
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insert-pun-here-now · 2 years
there is a SCRIPT in my HEAD and I cannot SAY IT. rate and haged.
there is an IMAGE in my HEAD and i cannot DRAW IT. hatred and rage.
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insert-pun-here-now · 2 years
The funny thing is: the Strixhaven campaign I was planning to run was actually gonna be unbelievably wholesome and angsty at the same time.
On the other hand: the Baldur’s Gate campaign… my players have indirectly challenged me to make the most traumatizing, horrifying, most fucked up campaign ever with no mercy.
One has 5 players. The other has 2.
Guess which campaign is fucked???
The Baldur’s Gate campaign has a lot of homebrewed monstrosities created by yours truly, inspired by many things such as:
Goliath Birdeaters
Goblin Sharks
Star-Nosed Moles
Also, did you know that some of these ideas have merged to create some of the most unnatural and horrifying things I have ever seen in my life?
(I don’t have enough.)
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insert-pun-here-now · 2 years
strixhaven and baldur’s gate for me. end me.
i am: pure of heart and dumb of ass
i accidentally became the DM of 2 separate dnd campaigns
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insert-pun-here-now · 2 years
what the fuck are dm notes
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insert-pun-here-now · 2 years
why is it every time i try to watch critical role live, twitch or my internet decides to take a shit?
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insert-pun-here-now · 2 years
i honestly think that, ‘i’ll be there for you and i’m not going anywhere even in your darkest moments.’ is way more intimate than a simple ‘i love you’. i don’t know. just a thought
honestly, it says so much more about how deep your relationship is with that person regardless of it being a platonic or familial or romantic one.
i’m a sucker for ‘i’m here’ tropes man.
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insert-pun-here-now · 2 years
In case anybody was still wondering, I am still writing that Glee rewrite.
it’s just 11 seasons long, man.
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