insomniacstrawberry · 8 months
When you're feeling the exciting tension for new episodes to release combined with the anxiety of knowing that you have to wake up early in the morning to be an adult.
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insomniacstrawberry · 10 months
I will never not be thinking about Dimension 20's ACOFAF.
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insomniacstrawberry · 10 months
When I fall in love, I fall hard and may I say the pavement really hurts.
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Sticks and stones break my bones while words break the soul within me.
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Help. I’m running out of generic murder mystery crime shows to watch. Suggestions please.
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insomniacstrawberry · 4 years
Ok. Someone needs to ‘fess up.
Who did it?
Who flipping challenged the universe to do its worst?
You need to say you’re sorry and like fast.
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insomniacstrawberry · 4 years
Hold it right there you!
You are doing the best you can right now and that is enough, you hear me?
You do not need to do any more than what you are doing right now because you are enough. Sometimes all we can do is our best and as long as you are doing your best it is enough.
So stop it. Stop pushing yourself further and further down into that hole of despair. Stop blaming yourself for not completing the goal. Stop thinking that you’re worthless. Stop it.
You are enough.
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insomniacstrawberry · 4 years
Give me a bottle of sprite, a slice of pizza, and a promise for an anxiety free life
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insomniacstrawberry · 4 years
A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
This summer, I was having a very lively discussion with my cousins (all girls and younger than me by a considerable number) when my youngest sister farted. Everyone except my cousin, Ria and I, were pulling faces and chorused the usual Eees and Ews. After a while when it was just me and Ria, I asked her why she didn't react like the others and her reply was simple...
When a girl's got gas, they gotta fart.
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insomniacstrawberry · 4 years
Don’t you just love it when two characters are in some kind of mind war and one of them calls the other’s bluff?
Isn't that just so... delicious?
It's like saying, "Hey! I know you, you would never do that."
Because they do.
In fighting each other, they've devoted themselves to learning as much as they can about their opponent. Knowledge of their opponent’s identity and self has become sacred to both parties. They would move mountains in order to learn one important fact about the other.
They've built a relationship.
One that will destroy both sides.
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insomniacstrawberry · 4 years
Person A: "You're killing me."
Person B: *Holding knife* "Yeah. That's kinda the point."
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insomniacstrawberry · 4 years
I have the public speaking skills of a toddler, sometimes it's cute and funny but most of the time I'm yelling about nonsense.
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insomniacstrawberry · 4 years
You know you're a writer when you feel sad and your first thought is, I should work on that one piece that needs that one depressing scene.
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insomniacstrawberry · 4 years
I can't crush because I'm too short to fight and I'm too geeky for romance.
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insomniacstrawberry · 5 years
You know how when you make yourself a Nutella sandwich and instead of putting the knife away like a civilised human being, you lick all of the Nutella off?
Well, I decided to do that but it was just me walking around licking a knife. I just moved here. What will the neighbours think....
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insomniacstrawberry · 5 years
What day is the only day named after a number?
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insomniacstrawberry · 5 years
Watson wearing deer antlers, standing in a room full of children: "Sherlock... What's with all these children?"
Sherlock: "It's elementary, my deer Watson."
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