inspiralynotes · 3 years
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My final coursework deadline is in a month. Then that’s it, my degree in creative and professional writing is done. It hasn’t quite sunk in yet.
🎶 tolerate it - taylor swift
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inspiralynotes · 3 years
"What holds the world together?"
my brain could NOT take this question seriously
in order, my immediate answers were:
1. jesus
2. love
3. gravity
4. whatever it is that holds quarks together
you can see how more rational i tried to be with each succeeding answer
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inspiralynotes · 3 years
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march 23rd, 2021
everyone meet peaches!! i found her outside of my apartment complex and after noticing she was not feral at all was able to snatch her and bring her inside. she is not on any lost pet pages, nor does she have a microchip, so we think some asshole just tossed her out which is sadly super common. on another note, i am doing decent in my classes i think! only biochem am i really struggling with, and all the others i believe i will be able to achieve my final grade goals. i can’t believe it’s almost midterms, it’s crazy.
listening to: skip skip - purple kiss 
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inspiralynotes · 3 years
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wow i turned 20 today. life is wack. i’m no longer a teenager but i still feel like a 16 year old lmao
currently listening to:
enchanted - taylor swift
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inspiralynotes · 3 years
aaaa thank you so much for 1.7k+ followers! i'm not the most consistent when it comes to posting but i appreciate it!
i'll try to be more active now- i want to see and share more content, especially from small studyblrs. if u happen to be one of 'em, like this post and let's be friends :DD
(reblogs r appreciated)
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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09.18.20 // fri
thank you so much for over 1.1k followers despite my inactivity! ;-; <333  i ’ve been working on a lot of stuff lately, like preparing to open commissions (pls help a broke student out lmao)
some amazing mutuals !!: @janestudies @problematicprocrastinator @divinity-study @byologee @myhoneststudyblr @law-and-lattess @chazza-studies-alevels @studypurple @satie-studies @sosiaalitieteet @study-van @studyburst @captainofstudies
have you managed to complete your main task and goal for this summer?
yes and no? i wasn’t able to study as much as i woulld have liked but i did get to create new hobbies !!
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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08.31.20 // mon
when you hear the word summer, what is the first thing that you think of?
the sun and hotter than hot weather ☀️😅
my rendition of amandarachlee's sep bujo 💜
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
i know i'm reaallly late but i'm finally gonna start this challenge!!
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Hi everyone! I’ve so enjoyed doing my 2020 quarantine challenge and getting to know so many of you (and discovering your amazing blogs) that i’ve decided to create this new SUMMER STUDYING CHALLENGE! i did consider continuing my other challenge but my school year has now ended and the way i study in the summer and my priorities is very different compared to during school time - which i’m sure is the same for may of you! I’ve created this challenge to try and keep myself motivated during the summer (because i am ridiculously busy XD) but i also want to use this time to get to know many more of you and stay motivated together  💕 
(also i know that many people struggle for ideas of what to post during the summer so hopefully these will give you some ideas. 
✨ Info ✨
This challenge will run from Monday 13th July 2020 to Sunday 6th September 2020, which is two months.  However, please feel free to join in and start any time if you come across this challenge after the 13th July because i want this challenge to be accessible for everyone! 
I have daily prompts for each of this entire time. You don’t have to post every day (you could, for example, cover all the prompts in one post at the end of the week) and you also don’t have to post for the entirety of the challenge (for example if your summer break ends before the 6th September). But i will be posting every day for the whole time and want to interact with as many of you as possible!!!
I want to see what you are posting so please use the tag #summer studying challenge and I’ll track this tag and reblog as much as possible!
On this note, I will reblog basically everything even if you don’t think it is ‘aesthetic’ cause I love seeing how everyone does their notes and stuff so please get involved 💕
✨ Prompts ✨
13th July -  What are your plans for this summer?
14th July - Have your plans changed at all because of the pandemic?
15th July - Do you have a specific goal for this summer?
16th July - Do you have a lot of work to do for school or university or your job this summer?
17th July - What is the most important task that you need to complete this summer?
18th July - What do you usually do during the summer?
19th July - What did you do during the summer when you were a young child?
20th July - Do you usually go on vacation during the summer?
21st July - What is the best vacation you have ever been on? (note: does not have to have been during summer)
22nd July -  What is your dream vacation?
23rd July - What is the worst vacation you have ever been on?
24th July - What is your favourite vacation memory?
25th July - What was is your favourite event or day in the summer?   Are you a ‘summer person’ or do you prefer it when it is colder?
26th July - What is your typical daily routine in the summer?
27th July -  Do you stay indoors or outdoors more in the summer?
28th July - How do you stay motivated to study during the summer? 
29th July - Have you done or are you planning to do any activities (such as work experience, summer schools or watching lectures) other than normal work during the summer? 
30th July - Beach or Swimming pool?
31st July - What do you like most about the beach?
1st August - What is your least favourite thing about the beach?
2nd August - What is your song of the summer this year?
3rd August - What is your ultimate summertime song?
4th August - What is your favourite summertime movie?
5th August - Do you read a lot in the summer?
6th August - What book are you currently reading?
7th August - What is your favourite summer ‘beach read’ book? 
8th August - What TV show are you currently watching?
9th August - What was the last movie you watched?
10th August - What is your favourite summertime snack?
11th August - What is your favourite meal to have on the beach?
12th August - What is an unpopular opinion that you have about summer?
13th August - What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
14th August - What is your favourite summer clothing?
15th August - What’s your favourite summer drink?
16th August - Daytime or night time – what’s your favourite time during summer?
17th August - What is your favourite seasonal fruit to eat during the summer?
18th August - Would you prefer your summer to be shorter or longer?
19th August - How does summer feel in your region?
20th August -  If you could make up a new ice cream flavour, what ingredients would you use? What would you call it?
21st August - If there was a tropical island made just for you, what would you find on it?
22nd August -  Imagine that you could fill a swimming pool with anything except water and swim in it. What would your pool be filled with?
23rd August - Do you miss school/university/work during the summer?
24th August - Do you like wearing sunglasses?
25th August - Do you wear sunscreen?
26th August - Have you ever been really badly sunburnt? 
27th August - Do your sleeping habits change during summer?
28th August - Do your eating habits change during summer?
29th August - What is the thing that annoys you the most during summer?
30th August - What colour do you associate with summer?
31st August - When you hear the word ‘summer’, what is the first thing that you think of?
1st September  - Have you managed to complete you main task and goal for the summer?
2nd September - Are you looking forward to returning to school/university?
3rd September - How have you prepared to return to school/university?
4th September - When you remember this summer, what three adjectives will you think of that define your summer?
5th September - What did you learn over the summer? (note: this doesn’t have to be academic-related)
6th September - What was your favourite memory from this summer?
✨ So this is the challenge! I hope that you will join it and enjoy doing it during the summer! please message me or send me asks if you have any questions about it or just want to have a chat <3 ✨
[i am tagging mutuals and others who took part in the 2020 quarantine challenge beneath the cut]
Keep reading
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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aaaa i'm back! i took a break from studyblr to organize the physical and digital aspects of my life. it feels great to have a semblance of structure again. this is a looong overdue post, i promise to start the summer challenge next week!
2020 quarantine challenge by @myhoneststudyblr
would you rather be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind?
i'd rather be able to control electronics with my mind for convenience. controlling animals wt my mind would be unethical ~.~
would you rather have unlimited international first-class tickets or never have to pay for food at restaurants?
unlimited int'l first class tickets bc they're hella expensive and smth i prolly won't ever be able to afford lmaoo
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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07.15.20 // wed
2020 quarantine challenge by @myhonestchinesegirlfriend | week 16
would you rather know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?
sometimes it's best not to know lol. also talking to animals imo sounds more fun and useful.
would you rather have all traffic lights you approach be green or never have to stand in line again?
as a student and a teen, never have to stand in line again.
would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?
i'd rather be the inventor bc not only would it be a scientific breakthrough but also smth that would save lives and help people.
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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07.10.20 // fri
2020 quarantine challenge by @myhoneststudyblr | week 15
what's the best way to start the day?
not looking at your phone the moment you wake up!
what are some things you've had to unlearn?
calling teachers "-cher" or "teacher" bc when i transferred in 7th grade i had to start calling teachers "sir" or "ma'am"
what's your favorite genre of book or movie?
mystery cuz i like trying to figure the mystery out
when was the last time you climbed a tree?
um.. never ;-;
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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07.14.20 // tue
2020 quarantine challenge by @myhoneststudyblr : week 16
would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?
i'd rather lose the ability to speak and then just learn sign language tbh bc i read more than i speak 😆
would you rather be in jail for a year or lose a year off your life?
um lose a year off my life i guess to save myself from the inconvenience lol
/i don't feel bad anymore for not strictly following schedule bc damn social media can be draining/
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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07.09.20 // thu
2020 quarantine challenge by @myhoneststudyblr | week 15
what website do you visit most often?
twitter. my most active personal and art accs are honestly on twt :'>
what takes up too much of your time?
art and obviously, social media. art bc i'm a turtle ;-;
what do you wish you knew more about?
music and art bc their curriculums in my country r a joke
aaaa i forgot to post yesterday so i'll be posting two days in a row. every week my school's been hosting webinars and this week it was about psychological first aid! first time i've heard of it :O
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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🗓 july 5, 2020
i haven’t studied for like almost a week now because my room got repainted from pink to white, and our house is currently under maintenance so it’s really distracting here. i’ve also been going school to file for my application for graduation and clearances, and i still can’t believe i made it 😭
anyway, i love my new white walls so much. the lighting got better and i love my new study area. i have a lot of review modules to catch up on so i better start now, stay safe guys!! wear masks!!! ✨
side note: how in the world do i have 1k+ followers??? thanks everyone omg 🥰
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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2020.07.10 // Day 5
Conference Day! Good luck to my juniors as they present their study!
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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july 2020 purchases 🛒 | ig: acadstuds
bought these online a few days ago and they just arrived today! can’t wait to use them~ also, i think it’s pretty obvious i have a thing for green c:
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inspiralynotes · 4 years
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07.06.20 // mon
2020 quarantine challenge by @myhoneststudyblr | week 14
facebook or twitter?
twitter bc less people i dislike and more content i like :'>
amusement park or day at the beach?
it was a tough choice but amusement park bc more variety
pen or pencil?
mostly pencil especially for prelim notes, random reminders, math solutions. for final notes and to-do's on my bujo, pen.
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