yellowjackets cinematography appreciation edit
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just noticed that adult Van recommends Watermelon Woman (one of my favourite films of all time) to a customer at her store
Watermelon Woman came out in 1996 (97 in the US), the same time the Yellowjackets were stranded
not sure if it’s meant to have any meaning but it’s such a sad thought that one of van’s favourite films (and such an important lesbian film) came out while she was stuck in the wilderness
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apparently i’m now a Warrior Nun blog so enjoy some new writing (also send some prompts to my inbox)
As it's canon that Ava and Beatrice shared a bed in the Alps, it's only right that we get a domestic morning Avatrice scene.
Basically Beatrice trying to get up and Ava being a needy shit.
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Wtf I swear some people don’t even try to understand the concept of audience positioning. Literally all the things anon listed are presented as bad in the show. We, as an audience, are supposed to disagree with them!
That’s like saying “jaws is a film about shark attacks, therefore it endorses sharks eating people”.
The issue with adults writing smut about minors is that it’s sexualising teenagers and that’s portrayed as a good thing. Also it’s just fucking weird
Things which are acceptable in The Wilds fandom since they are okay with a S2 and in no particular order: a character with self-admitted anger issues “throwing piss at a girl because of repetitive fouling”; social experiment done by an adult on non-consenting teens, resulting in at least one death; a character bullying another character with a stated history of mental illness to the point of (alleged?) suicide; a character being so driven they almost drown another; stigma of mental illness; blatant ethical violations during an interrogation; euthanized parents; drinking; drugs. Things which are unacceptable in The Wilds fandom: a tagged explicit fic about fictional characters. Revealing that the show got such a pass and a work of fiction which stated exactly what it was is deemed too morally corrupt for the youth of today. Either the show has a whole should be deemed too triggered for a 17-year-old or, I mean this in the nicest way possible, some of you have very obviously never had sex or gotten drunk at a party. Good lord. If you can’t comprehend works of fiction as being exactly that, you probably shouldn’t be reading fan fiction in the first place.
what the fuck are you even talking about dude? don’t go talking about comprehension of fiction when you missed the whole point of the show in the first place. who tf ever said what gretchen did was acceptable or morally okay? go learn how to analyze media and find character flaws before you come crying in my asks because some people online said they don’t like your favorite fic.
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Would you consider writing a Wilds football au? With like the Unsinkable 8 (+some other obviously) as a team and not getting on at first but then bonding over time 🥺🥺 I think it could be really cute!!
This sounds cute and a great idea but
1) I’m British and have absolutely no idea how American football works (I’ve been told it’s not the same as in Glee soo...)
2) I think all sports were created by Satan and should be banned worldwild
If anyone else wants to write it though, send me the link :))
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Okay so Toni’s jacket...
I get that it’s summer and I get that they thought they were going to Hawaii but I still think Toni would have brought the jacket with her.
Like she’s never had a secure home so I doubt she’d be trusting enough to leave it at the Blackburn’s but I also don’t think she’d leave it in her suitcase. partially because it would take up most of the room but also because it’s seems to be a comfort thing for her.
I think if Toni still had the jacket, she would keep in on her when she went on the plane.
So maybe she doesn’t have the jacket anymore?
Presumably there’s at least a few months between the flashbacks of Toni that we saw and the island, maybe something happened then.
Maybe she got into an argument with her mum and gave it back/threw it away, maybe it was stollen, maybe it got destroyed somehow.
Idk this is a pretty half-formed idea, I just get the feeling that something happened to that jacket.
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Should I,
A) Finally write some of the oneshot prompts that have been in my inbox for ages
B) Start a series of drawing what the unsinkable 8 would have ended up wearing if one of the others’ suitcase had washed up instead of Fatin’s ?
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incorrect the wilds quotes
fatin, to toni: i dare you-
shelby: toni’s not allowed to accept dares
fatin: … why not
toni, in a mocking southern accent: “i have no regard for my own personal safety”
shelby, eyes narrowing: i don’t talk like that
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The thing that really pisses me off about Fatin's dad is that he was playing the "cool dad" in opposition to the "stern mother" but the moment it became clear that Fatin had lost all respect for him for being a cheating creep he just dropped that image and turned on her.
Fatin deserves better.
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if you think toni is a smol angry bean 🥰, but rachel is an annoying, dramatic, dangerous teen... you might wanna think about why
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Angsty Shoni prompt with 1&8: where Toni comes in heavenly knocking on Shelbys door turns out she got into an accident on her way for their date and collapses right into Shelby. Girls come running in (maybe theyre all at same college) once they hear Shelby distraught
[I’ve just finished exams, so I actually have time to write now:) Here, have some angst to celebrate]
It was set to be a good night. Fatin and Dot had spent about two hours helping Shelby get ready; picking out a chic, navy dress, applying some killer eye-shadow and curling her blonde bob. She’d checked and double-checked the restaurant booking- she didn’t want a repeat of last time when they’d got the wrong date and lost their table. Everything was going well and she felt… happy. Genuinely happy.
Away from the island, away from her “family” and the suffocating life she’d left in Texas. She was free and ready to go on a magically ordinary date with her incredible girlfriend.
Perfect- it was all perfect.
And not the fake perfect that she’d pretended to be for so many years. Or the toxic, unrealistic levels of perfection her parents had expected of her. Real perfect.
Messy and ugly and completely terrifying. But still just perfect.
Once her friends had finally left, retreating to Nora and Rachel’s dorm, Shelby checked the time- 7.50. Toni would be there in ten minutes.
She couldn’t help but wonder what the other girl would be wearing. Of course, Toni looked stunning in everything and she loved her girlfriend no matter what outfit she wore. But, at the same time, Shelby really hoped Martha had forced her into wearing something vaguely fancy for once. Preferably, that black and white button-down shirt that she’d bought the other day, perhaps with the leather jacket that never failed to make Shelby’s heart flutter.
When it got to 8.15, Shelby just rolled her eyes. Trust Toni to be late. She was always late. Hence why Shelby had booked the table for thirty minutes later than she’d told her girlfriend- she wasn’t about to let Toni’s terrible time keeping ruin their night.
At 8.30, Shelby was getting worried. Toni was never this late. Something was off.
8.45. She’d called Toni’s phone three times- no answer.
Then it was 9 o’clock and Shelby was panicking. She was grabbing her keys to leave the house and dialling Martha’s number. Maybe she was being overdramatic, maybe it was too early to freak out. But Shelby knew something wasn’t right.
Read on AO3
And then, there was knocking; quiet but frantic taps, getting weaker and weaker.
Shelby opened the door and there was Toni.
Eyes crystalized in pain, a hand clutched against the doorframe, in a feeble effort to keep herself up. As soon as she saw Shelby, she collapsed forward, stumbling clumsily into her arms.
Toni was falling down and bringing Shelby, still warped with shock, along with her. As they both crashed to the ground, Shelby’s whole world tumbled with them. Her vision was in fragments, the scene before her blurring hazily across her eyes. In the back of her mind she knew she was crying- wailing, screaming even, but she heard nothing.
All she could process was Toni’s defeated body, crumpled against hers, and the red.
Red streaks trailing through the hallway, red soaking through the black and white shirt, red smudged across her own hands and dripping down her arms.
In the corners of her eyes, she saw the other girls rush over- presumably alerted by her sobs. Dot was calling 911, Martha was crouched on Toni’s other side, Leah had a hand on Shelby’s shoulder. But Toni- Toni’s heartbeat was getting slower.
Tears slapped down Shelby’s face, her hands were shuddering so badly it hurt. Against her sore limbs, she could feel Toni’s skin getting colder. The girl’s eyes were now shut, her face damp and pale; Shelby whimpered a gasp, realising how similar she looked to the other time. Four years ago now, on that horrific island that she wanted nothing more than to forget, but, at the same time, wanted to cherish the bitter-sweet nostalgia of its memories.
She looked at Toni’s icy features and she saw the seventeen-year-old, broken foster kid, who’d just washed up on a deserted island and who’d had the terrible luck of eating bad oysters. The girl who’d been too stubborn to surrender her pride, even to save her own life. The girl who, only a few hours later, had screamed and yelled at her.
“I don’t matter”.
Even then, Shelby had known it wasn’t true. Maybe her feelings for Toni had been complicated at the time but she’d known- in the dark, aching parts of her chest- that Toni was going to be her everything. Her someone. She mattered, even if to no one else, to her.
And now…
As she looked down at the dying girl, she could feel herself slipping away too. Her heart was a searing ball of pain, she couldn’t face the thought of her being gone.
“Toni”, her voice came out as a crumbling whisper, “Toni, I need you to hold on”. Amongst the storm of movement and sound around them, her words sounded pitifully small; but she knew Toni heard them. “You matter much to me, so much. Please don’t let go”.
Maybe she was just being hopeful, but Shelby could have sworn Toni’s heart rate got steadier, even if it was only very slightly. She had to be hopeful.
Without warning, Shelby’s mind was flashing back to another girl. Another girl she’d loved. Another girl she’d lost.
Becca had been her first love, even if not her final. Sometimes Shelby would see parts of her in Toni; a dumb joke, a smile, a reflection in her sparkling, brown eyes. They were so similar but so different all at once.
It had taken Shelby years to adjust to the fact Becca was gone, she still wasn’t quite there. Years later, and she still couldn’t fully process the fact she’d never hear that infectious laugh again, there would be no more chances to hug her tightly and tell her what an amazing friend she was, Becca would never be at her wedding, she’d never have her own; Shelby had been given this whole life that was thriving and beautiful, and Becca was still a lost sixteen-year-old in Texas.
As she’d slowly started to come to terms with her grief, her one saviour had been Toni- her tether to the mortal world. Toni hugged her tightly after her worst nightmares, she’d listened patiently on the few occasions Shelby had actually had the strength to talk about it, she’d held her hand when she’d finally been able to visit Becca’s grave. She wasn’t anywhere near over it, but with Toni next to her, she was getting there.
Worse than the grief, was the guilt. That was still very much there. Like a cruel knife, that had found its way into Shelby’s stomach and wouldn’t move, no matter how much time past; it was cold, it was sickening, it was what stained her sleep and lurked in the back of her mind, even when she was at her happiest.
She had let Becca die.
If it wasn’t for her, perhaps it would be Becca who got to have the perfect life.
No matter how many people told her it wasn’t her fault, it always would be to her.
Becoming heavier in her arms, Toni’s coarse breaths were getting weaker. She couldn’t let her die. This girl that she’d loved from the moment they’d met (even if she hadn’t realised it at first), and that she’d only grown to love more and more as the years past. The girl who was passionate about everything and willing to risk her life to defend the people she cared about. She was brave, even if recklessly so, and stubbornly determined but also the softest, kindest person Shelby had ever known.
Through tear slashed eyes, she saw not only Toni but the young girl from the island, and she saw Becca- an echo in Toni’s lifeless face.
She leant closer and put her mouth to Toni’s ear,
“stay alive, please”.
In the distance, screaming sirens approached.
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toni was on her tippy toes for the kiss under the lychee tree
that is adorable shelby would definitely tease the fuck out of her for it
short stack
toni on her tippy toes is so adorable and shelby would tease her so much about it.
like when toni tries to kiss her she would raise her chin just enough so toni can’t reach her lips and call her short and toni would get angry or she would put thing out of reach to mess with her and ofc in all scenarios toni would just pull her down cause she is too impatient for these games
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dot + fatin are the parents of the wilds group, no i will not elaborate 
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Helena Howard: *does that*
Us: Alright, I guess the shark can take her
All of us, watching The Wilds: Protect Nora at all costs
The show: Nora is the confederate and has been lying the whole time
Us: ...
Us: Protect Nora at all costs
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I won’t be able to write anything for the next few days because I have exams that I probably should revise for :/
But keep dropping prompts in my inbox and I’ll get to them eventually
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