inthesetimesmag · 11 years
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Are 'femivores' who embrace a 'new domesticity' offering a compelling critique of modern capitalism? Or is the slow food movement offering solutions too impracticable for those who lack the luxury of spare time? Here's one take from this lively discussion: "We need a food justice movement that attacks patriarchy, class inequality and corporate control of the food system."
Food Fight: Feminists and Femivores
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inthesetimesmag · 11 years
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The Chicago Sun-Times laid off its entire photography department, and now wants to replace it with reporters trained in 'iPhone photography basics.' But the photogs are fighting back—and are being joined by reporters.
Photojournalists Fight Replacement by iPhones
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inthesetimesmag · 11 years
We’re about to face the most rapid changes that our society has ever seen, and that makes activism more important than ever, because it matters hugely who is in control as we go through that process. Collapse in a world of engaged citizens who feel like they can direct the course of society looks radically different than collapse in a world where citizens are afraid of their own government and feel like they have to be obedient to corporate control. --Tim DeChristopher, less than two months out of federal prison where he served 2 years for his climate activism.
Out of the Pen and Unrepentant 
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inthesetimesmag · 11 years
The U.S. government has spent countless hours and millions of tax dollars in the monitoring of Occupy Wall Street and other activist groups—through Facebook and other social media, facial recognition technology, infiltration and police informants.  "The notion that we the people should tolerate the deployment of police, ostensibly hired to protect us, to spy on us without any criminal predicate is an outrage."
How The Government Targeted Occupy 
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inthesetimesmag · 11 years
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The fight against school closings in Chicago that started in the streets is now being taken to the courts. Stopping every school closing in the city is a formidable challenge when taking on the forces of Rahm Emanuel, CPS and the Board of Education.  But then, remember last year's teachers strike?
Chicago Parents Take 'Racist' School Closings to Court
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inthesetimesmag · 11 years
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You might think that in America—one of the richest country on earth—workers would not have to struggle to gain the right to paid sick days.  Well they do, but they're winning:
The Right to Call In Sick 
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inthesetimesmag · 11 years
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Out of the tragedy of the massive garment factory collapse in Bangladesh, workers have now won two major reforms:  1) A panel to raise the minimum wage in the garment industry and  2) The right to form trade unions without prior permission from factory owners. Still, more pressure—and responsibility—need to be placed upon America’s big-brand companies to win further protections.
Two Wins for Bangladesh Garment Workers, But the Fight Isn't Over
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inthesetimesmag · 11 years
Want to learn how to fight for, and win, an eco-friendly manufacturing cooperative with no managers or bosses?
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A whole lot can be learned by a dedicated group of workers in Chicago that just opened The New Era Windows Cooperative—the worker owned, democratically run co-op and symbol of resistance in the face of corporate corruption and economic crisis:
How Chicago Workers Went From Occupation to Cooperative
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