introvertedbanshee · 2 years
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Moodboard: pictures that will make my parents mad and yell ,"my child is completely fine" at the therapist
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
I’m scared of everything. And I’m crazy. Like maybe you think I’m a little crazy, but I only ever let people see the tip of my crazy iceberg. Underneath this veneer of slightly crazy and socially inept, I’m a complete disaster.
Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl (via quotasia)
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
"You can make friends! It's easy!"
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
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My life.
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
Other than having the death glare all INTJs seem to have I realised today that I may be extremely difficult to approach...not sure if our entire type is or if that's just specific to me...
Regardless, while I was at College today this guy, rather handsome I must add tried to get my attention while I was passing their table. I saw him make a fast movement then extend his hand with a candy in it...now I'm not sure why a 20 something year old would be offering me candy...I mean this isn't elementary school...-- My reaction, however, was perhaps a bit too harsh I put my hand up dismissing him and the candy. As I continued to walk away I heard his mates laughing a bit and I must say for once I feel somewhat bad, I was in a rush and didn't feel like being sociable. TBH I have a bestie, I don't usually feel the need to continue to socialise with other human beings. Though it should be noted that most of my socialisation is done through some form of virtual forum, whether it be via text, fb or other social networking sites. 
PS It would have been great to have read an article sooner which indicated that our type is more prone to depression than other types...puts a ton in perspective.
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
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Seems like you already have.
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
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• TW - depression blog •
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
I was going to write a really deep and long tumblr post about social anxiety and how I never want to get out of bed again...then I realised I'm going to work tomorrow...& I'm far too lazy to write it. 
Life, what a troll. 
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
Today was a rather quiet day, must say I did enjoy it. I'm extremely nervous, obviously I'm not going to be seeing a psychotherapist tomorrow but I'm going to the doctor to be referred...I know that it's necessary and something I must do yet  I feel like running away from it. I'm glad I came clean to my parents and told them parts of how I feel and that I want to see someone, otherwise I wouldn't even go tomorrow. I keep talking myself out of it...not sure if that's a normal reaction. I'm trying really hard not to think about it and to have a positive outlook yet I find both goals rather hard to achieve. Maybe once I get this sorted I'll think less about what may be wrong with me and more on getting my life together and my coursework done. 
Gonna try to cool down by dying my hair should be fun. 
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
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introvertedbanshee · 10 years
Please someone explain.
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